The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 28, 1901, Image 1

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Co. Commissioners. I 1 9;
1 .
Geo. W. WafleaaelkT, Fditer aid Prourtttor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science. An, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Katea: One Dollar. Per Annum, ia Advance
Ah, March ' we know thou art
Hod hearted, in aplta ol uailjf lookaand throate,
n.), cut of itiijht, rt Drains April violet-.
limns Hint JACKaoS.
Next Monday it April Kim)I 's Day,
Mrs. E. C. Aurand is In Philadelphia
buying a supply of spring and rammer
Next week we will publish the roll of
honor. Bend In your remittance If you
are in arrears.
Wanted. Good Veal Calves, also
bldeti and tallow. J. L. Winkman,
2.28-flt. Lewtsburg, Pa.
The person who borrowed James M.
YanZandt's crutches will please re
turned them. Mi' desires them for o
(.'. H, Btelninger was doing some cut
tlug at a plum tree Monday morning,
the ax slipping off, cut au ugly gash
ill Ilis foot.
Dr. Sholl, of Baltimore, preached an
iuteresting Bermoniu the Interests of
Missions Sunday evening in the Lu
theran church,
Get your Easter hat at Miss Wagen
teller's millinery store, Sellnsgrove.
She is in the city gathering Ideas and
and materials to please everybody.
Bweel April! nmnv a thought
la wedded unto tbee, hi hesrta art; wed;
r thall they fall, till to im autumn brought,
Life - golden fruit la shud.
Loaopi iaow.
We heard of a man lighting bis cigar
with a two-dollar bill the other day;
but then be can afford it. It wasa bill
we tent hint for subscription to this
The Post is In receipt of a very band
tome calendar from tba Seaboard Air
Liue Itailway. You can get one by
addressing H. E. L. Munch, Ports
mouth, Va.
The Republican Standing Committee
met in the court house Saturday antl
organized by electing Peter Young,
Chairman; Elmer E. Weteel, Secretary
and J. F. EteltC, Treasurer.
Bark Wanted. -Hock Oak bark
Hunted, for which highest prices will
be paid, For particulars call on or ad
dress, W. B. WlNBY,
3-21-41 Middleburg, Pa.
Geo. K. Fagcly. Globe Mills, will sell
I a ear load of seed and cooking potatoes
begining Tuesday Mar. 20, and con tin
I ue until sold. The varieties are Early
Rose, I'.arly Hebron, Sir Walter Ita-
lelgh,nnd Rural New Yorker. 21
Go to A. E. Moles for a smooth easy
tuave or up-to-date hair cut and head
tleansed with a refreshing shampoo or
dandruff removed with his tonic. A
-in towel to each patron. Parlor in
lUuik building, one door cast of Post-
illice. Satisfaction guaranteed, tf.
jim tintiK or it! 1 wenty years agoan
Ketch! motor was the raresl of curios!
It, and today the Pan-American Ex-
B'i-iiion is preparing to use 5 000 e ec-
Mil horse power transmitted from
Shgara Palls.
1 robAs made their appearance
ll'Te U U llllil .'MM I low 1 1. heard
Piy tnormHchlrnins: their morning
MB. Thtiwaiiii weather lias also
IflL-'il the t 1 1 1 1 I squirrel out of Ilis
tie of the great features of the South
l Pacific Exhibit at the Pan-Ameri
' Exposition will be the handsome
pde, which will be 25 feel front, and
II be composed of 'allfornla redwood
'litl'Tent species, highly polished.
1 the ornaments of this trout will lie
pBelinsgrove Tribune say: We are
d to he aide to slate that Mr. F.
U'i Ii has just perfected the arrnnge-
n whereby he lias been able to se-
I the title to the old brick foundry,
Will at once proceed to transform it
ft building suitable for a shoe he-
Mr. Dreher lias also been enabled
&kc the necessary arrangements to
ply equip and stock the new plant
Engle, the photographer w ho
in tills place for the past three
ft waves this week for Lansfonl,
o County. Pa. We regret to lose
(Engle as he is a Dhntou-mnhcr of
flrat class and puts out all bis work
PtOdid shape. He keens abreast
! times with the latest devices for
modern work and always uses
M fashionable card mounts. He
tetter himself and what is Mid.
"V' loss is Lnnsford's gain. Suc-
pbimlnhis new field.
I tliillk of the Knr.leu ,t n thtt niin ;
Ami hope to my heart Oomei -inline.
"At morn the cherry bloaaonta will he white,
1 And the Knot it? bella he rlnlng."
Knsa Dsas Pboctosj.
Mrs. Hotteustulu moved into J, W.
Ruiikle's house,
I Dr. A. J, Hermann visitetl Sunbury
1 last Friitay morning,
j D. 1'. Kilter, of Sbamokln Dam,
I spent Sunday with Editor Hitter and
I family.
Editor J. A. I. milliard of the Trihunt
made a fraternal call at this office Sat
urday. (i. YV. Burns, of Sellnsgrove, and
ramiiy visited relatives In town over
'Squire .lames Middleswarth of Trox
elville wus ut the county seal last Fri
day inoi uiug.
Mrs, c. c. ScvlNild, of Sunbury, w ho
had been visiting here, returned home
! lasi Friday.
Win. Hassinger of Franklin town
ship was a pit asant caller it this oHlce
last Tliursday.
.1. E. Haldeuinu, Issikk eper at the
bank, spent Sunday a) hi-, home in
Banks W. Voder, who had lieen down
in Cuba taking in the sights returned
home last Thursday.
Haymond Ivatz, the clothing dealer
spent last week in the eastern cities
Inlying new goods,
Win. H. Shlndel of Lm a vet to College,
Easton, osme home last I'ri laytospend
liis Faster vacation.
W, H. Itipka, who was employed at
the Silica sand works in MUHill Coun
ty, lias returned home.
W. F. Dagle. manager of the Heaver
town shirt factory, was at the county
seat last Wednesday.
Mrs. H. H. Harter and son, Bryoe,
sjK'iit several days with lier parents,
Dr. J. W. Orwlg and w Ife.
Frank Rachmau, a descendant of one
ofthe early settlers, handed the scribe
11 dollar tor the Post last Thursday.
IraC Schoeb, Treasurer of Susque
hanna University, Selinsirrove, while
in town last Thursday, madenpleaManl
call at this office.
Editor A. M. Aurand ami Charles
Klose, one of tlic committeemen of
Spring township, made a pleasant call
at this office Saturday.
Jacob Row of Kreanier dropped in to
see us last week preparatory to leaving
for Hooper, Nebraska, and had the
Post ordered to his new home.
A. H. Bowersox, Secretary of the
Beavertown Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, was at the county seat Sat-1
urday morning between trains.
Jonathan Knouseand Fred. Shetter-1
ly of Aline were at the county seat Sa-1
turday and ordered bills for the service
of their Spanish Jack for the season.
Win. II. Heaver went to Philadelphia!
Monday to buy spring and summer
goods. He was to mpanied by bis
daughter, Manic, and '. W. Mover.
Mr-. Luther Mertz moved from Chas
Meiser a house to (J. E. Hassinger'sand
Register and Recorder J. H. Willis
, . , , ,
nioveii into the hou-c recently pur-
chased from Mrs. Adam Snam-lor.
J, F. Wagner of Dundore came to the
county seat last Wednesday to bring
an old soldier neighbor up to be exam
ined fora pension. Frank is a good
farmer and a diligent workman.
(ieorge J. Yeager of ( Jlolic Mills was
at the County scat last Thursday ami
ordered sale hills for the sale of his ner
sonal pjoperty, which takes place to n MINING Co., which are now being
day March 28th. He will move to offered at one cent a share, full paid,
Sunbury. I non-nsHcsHablc and without person-
Amos C. Gemberllng, one of the 1 liability,
prosperous farmers of Penn township, I Inteuest DrvtDBNDa at ths rate of
Was at the county seat last Friday. Mr. j 10 percent per annum, payable half
U. also runs a steam thresher and dis-s ' yearly for two years, arc ouakantk
a large amount of threshing in his
It. A, Heiser, son of ex-commissioner,
H. J. Heiser of Snadel, was in town
wveral dayi last week and Saturday I
left for Knox ville, rennesee, to engage
in architectural work. The Post wish
es him success.
William Itomig, of tills place, lias
written a story entitled "From the
Cradle to the Grave," which has been
accepted by the "Abbey Press," New
York. We congratulate Mr. Roinlg;
upon his remarkable success in his liter
ary venture.
Miss Krma Magee, of Lcwlshurgi
visited her uncle and aunt, Dr. and
Mrs. J. W. Orwig.
Rev J. M. Rearich, of Centre Hall,
was seen In Middleburg Monday.
Adam J. Fisher and son. Jacob, of
Penn township, were at the county
seat Monday.
L. w. Goldy, wife and daughter of
Camden, N. J. attened the funeral of
Mrs. Wittenmyer,
Rev. W. 11. Hover, pastorof the I'.
B, chinch, attended a Sunday school
convention at the Sunbury the past
Elmer E. Wetzi
f the iiiciulicrs
ofthe Republican StandingCommittee
of Heaver tow nship, called at this office
Rev. Dr.Shoul of Baltimore, Beretary
ofthe Lutheran board of Foreign mis
sions preached in the Lutheran church
on Suday evening.
A. K. (Jlft, i:- , of Lincoln, Xeb.
sends us a remittance and an interest
ing letter He reports Mrs. Gift and
himself both well.
The moving of Frank F. Walter came
from Fremont Tuesday ufternooii in u
shower of rain.
Neutl in your new address
you move tills spring, I iivt
' tin
d i
Well as til
new address
The latesi st vie tl
in ladies'
and children's hats at Mi
lei's millinery, Sellnsgrove,
Reno H. Walter, dealer in farming
implements of this place, and A. It.
Trexler, of Sunntiry, have new adver
tisements in the Post,
The Sunday School Convention held
at Sunbury in the r. B. church wasa
grand success. Miss Lillian Spade, H.
R. Reigel and H. 8. Mertz were the
delegates from this place. Rev. W. II.
Boyer wife and son also attended. The
Rev. preached to a large audience on
Sunday evening.
Funeral of Constable Slain by Man He Tried
to Kill.
The funeral of Frank Bchlicf, who
Abo was shot and killed by William
H.Wagner, In the grocoy store ofthe
hitter's father, Curell Wagner, last Fri
day night, occuretl Monday alien
from the deceased's late resilience on
Third and Pine street, Shuiokin, Rev.
C. B. Schnederof the Reform'tl Church
officiated. Interment was made in
Sbamokln cemetery. A large number
of people attended the funeral among
them delegations of Odd Fellows,
Knight- of Pythias and Hons of Ameri
ca, of which Schlief was it member,
The five motherless children of I lie dead
constable wept bitterly over the corpse
snorny nciore me undertaker fastene
the lid ofthe coffin over the body fn
the last time.
Miss Bella Schlief the oldest tlaulhtc
showed the greatest grief antl was tli
object of special cmmlscratioti by th
neighbors on account of lu r being th
innocent ease of the tragedy.
Notices of aaln will lie Inserted fr nder
tnli heatlliiR when the iiiil- are printed t tin.
OlllCU. When the I. Ill- not I in Ml.-.l ;.l ll.ia
?mcf t"' anred. Persona i
Ilia to hare sale Nhould aeloct a date and have
itlnaeraed inthiaeoiumn.
satorday, March so, t TroxcivPie. Harriet
nerhootl will nell houwhold and hutel
Al .' 111 ' M";m " t .ni,iia. lr. w. u
l.'innrru :onl I r II
M, Krebba. attorneya
M. Hon-.iT, will ell
nlng Iniplomenta.
fin Hi utte of I Ion
borae cowh ami far
lUUUllU UUljOlfl
There is no better iuvcHtnitiit for
people of Htnall or large menns;tbau
the shares of the Union OoNbOLIDAT-
ed, in additiou to the regularly earn
ed dividends.
We also cull attention to the
"Smeltkk Shares" of the "Kkttlk-
CublKW." "Boundary Camp" and
Qukkn Bkk" companies; now sell
ing at three cents, with same inter
est dividend guarantee
All shares acid on the installment
plan, or all cash.
Send for illustrated circulars,
maps, terms, prices, etc.
Nation! Mining- Promotion 1'ompanj ,
Fourth Floor, AndruB Bldg.,
3 23 2ft. Minneapolis. Minn.
Change of Post Office Audresa.
Subscribers to the Post who expect
tnmove this spring, should give timely I
notice. Give the office to which your'
paper is scut and the one to which you
1 w ish it mailed.
Life of Col. DB. Kict'.
Long Branch, New Jersey
ut Post,
I Isjg to announce that the IIP
of Col.
a. i,. ... l l , i
wan. nice, me worm launnis
clown and showman has at last reach-
ed completion. In making this an
nounccmeni the biographer feels that
he is about to place before the public a
i volume, replete with such a startling
and varied series of personal adventures
and incidents of a historical as well as
'histrionic character, as to furnish ad
ditional evidence that "lrutii ts strang
er than fiction."
It isa remarkable record of a sensation
al career, in t he development of which
which tile subject essayed roles on the
stage of life destined to be enacted by
hut few men of his Keucrntiou, and
never para
led by the followers of
I ; will indeed
well of w it am
remiulscenci s,
rove a vert iable artesian
wisdom, rich and racy
personal, professional.
The biography will contain upward
ofsix hundred pages, ami will lie hand
somely bound and profu-ely lllustracil.
As the edition ol one tin tisand vol
umes, at $5.00 per copy, issuetl Jamiiiry
I st., 1001, ha- bet'it exhaustetl, the n g
ular edition will be ready March l t,
price Jki.00.
Sincerely 'olv,
Biographer and Publsher
Devils Entered for Record.
Sarah lemberling to Oliver
berllng, lot in Sellnsgrove, for (200.
(on. W. Rauch and wife to John it.
Romig, 43 acres in Mlddlecreek twp.,
for 91850,
Elizabeth Itlchter to F, J, Schoch.
lot iii tin borough of Sellnsgrove, for
J, W. laugler to F. J. Schoch, lot in
Sellnsgrove, for f3T0,
Kphrnlm Breluiuger, el al. to Aimer
Hackeuburg, In acres In Franklin twp.
for $500.
I'.state of Lew is Miller to Kale A.
Matiheck, sl acres In Franklin twp,
anil j interest in Lime-lone lot. for
Instate of Lew i- Miller to .1 mile V
Moyer, -I acres in Franklin i p., and
I interest in Limestone lot, for $3300,
Wills I'rnbnted.
The la-1 w ill ami testament of Aaron
Fisher, late of Washington township,
name the widow, Sarah Ann Fisher,
as sole In ir and administratrix.
Mai i i.tgc Licenses,
i Edward Wilt. Holler,
l Liana M. Selireiber,
i i urt ( Inrdon, Mt. Pleasnnl Mills,
i Katie D. SteHtm, "
I ( barles H. Sechrlst, Verdilla,
t Annie .1. 1 leiutehuaii, I 'alia-.
tl VKRIED. March HI, iiy I
Kohler, ( 'alvln A. Kratster i
E. Saurers, bnthrof Liuiesi
lev. s. s.
llltl Mary
one twp.,
I nn n ( 'o , I'a.
March 10, in New Berlin, by Rev, s
Sidney Kohler, John H. Rtslgers, o
Dauphin, Pa., ami Annie Miller, o
Swincfnrd, Pa.
March 10. at Salem by Lev. II. G
Suable, James ( I. Waller and Rosa A
Hummel isith of Globe Mills, Pa.
DIED.- -March lTih, al Smlthgrove,
Minnie Ellen, daughter of Samuel and
Mary Herman, aged 22 years, 1 month
and 17 days.
March Ifltll Charles Calvin son of
(Itii. C. and Sarah Bcnfer aged 10 nios.
and " days. Interment al Erdley's
church, Rev. H. c. Snaldc officiated.
Mrs. Allen Valentine,
Sehnee ( 'nrrcftpomletit.
Death has again visited our midst
aud called from our side, Mrs. Lillian
Ylcntine, wife of Allen Valentine, w ho
died last Wednesday afternoon at five
o'clock, she wjis a member of the st.
John's Lutheran congregation, and she
was not detained from going to her
Sunday School and church as long as
she could go. For the last 12 weeks she
was not out of the house. She was
married Ave years ago, having two
children, a boy and a girl The (my is
still living, Mrs. Valentine was aged
22 years, 2 months, 21 days and was
buried in the St. John's cemetery Sat
urday at 10 o'clock. Rev. C. C. Miller
Rewe and Kelpei Found Guilt; of Murder in
the Pirat Degree.
Henry Howe and Weston Keiper
were called before Judge Simonton in
com t room No. I, at Harrtaburg Thurs
day morning, for the attempted robbery
Thursday, March 14, of the Halifax
bank and the killim: of Cashier Ityan.
The dtawing of a jury and the opening
, ... ,1,,, nu :,..i n ,,, ,
timi h , i n t
before the first witnesses were called.
In all sixty-five names w i re draw n
before the jury w as secured. Some of
the men were set aside by the defense,
others by the prosecution and a large
number had cither formed an opinio
or did not approve of capital punish
ment. The jury dually secured consists of
the lollowing men: John W. Hoffhiau,
tinner, Gratz borough; J.Wallace El
der, grocer, (Itli ward, Harrisburg; li
ver t '. Bender, baggageman, 1Kb ward,
Harrisburg; Hiram N'ewbaker, lalmrer
Isl ward, Steel ton; '. E. Buser, steel
worker, Steclton; Frank Slack, cigar
maker, Mhltlletown; Samuel Miller,
farmer, Lower Paxtim township; John
A . (1 1, rail l oader, SustUehtlUUn twp;
. . .. ....... . ..... ,
Samuel Peter, farmer, Dcrry township:
H. F. Natigley, fanner, Fpper Pitxton
township; Isimt 'i'schuddy, saddler,
Couewago township; Thomas Snow,
lalhirer, 1-t ward, Steel ton.
The ease fur the prosecution Is ht'lii"
coniluctcd by DNtricI Attorney Millar,
while Mcadc 1 . I lei weili r and i 'g'
Kuukle are defending the prisoner-,
who sat between their attorneys.
Hotli showtsl considerable interest in
the doings of the day. They diffei
materially from any i if t he many men
who have been tried for murder In tin
Harrisburg courts during the past few
Howe is of rather slight build, abbul
five feet, six inches in height, He has
hrow u hair blue eyesand a smooth face
of rather effeminate mould. His bah
he wears pasted tightly and carefully
combetl. He was neatly dressed Thurs
day. Howe looks to he a young man
of less than averag am try school ed
ucation, and lacking in intelligence,
He bn- nothing of the appearance of n
wild wesl desperado and if the truth
be told Wears the look of a man uiio
would rather u void n light than pick u
Keiper i- a large, raw-lsmcd typical
country hoy, weariugajaw tluttls'tok-
ens a fomlness for listic encounters, li
less carelullv ttresstsl tliaii 1 1 1 -
companion and was more alerl to tin
prtH'eedlmrs. Theworsl that might l"
ex)ectcdfroni Keiper,from nppearnneei
miL'ht he a rough and tumble ti'-'h! on
-liht provocation.
The star witnesses for the Woseetitlnn
were Fx-Hcprcsc iitntlvc Swart, ol
Duucnnuou, and Abraham Forten
baugh, president and director of the
Halifax bank.
Mr. Swart, testified of having been
in the Halifax hank on the (lay of the
attempted robbery, iilsiul 11 o'clock,
and inei Mr. Fortcubatigh, president;
Mr Cyan, cashier, and Mr. Lyter, ! I
ier. Mr. Swartr. went at once into the
rear apart on irf with the pit-id nit.
After he had hi eii in lie' hank alstlll
ten minutes he was alarmed by the crj
of "hand- up, d li you. and thai
very quick, too."
He looked up and stiw Lowe and
Keiper each with two revolvers. Hi
and Fortenbaugh were eovcreti and (old
to hold up their hands, which they did.
Keiper held them at hay while Rowi
brought the teller and cashier around
to the rear at the point ol' hi- w eapon,
he having escaped across the counter
ami iron grating.
Lowe then said: "Hands up and be
d u ipiiek. We want possession of
this hank and we want it quickly. W
will give you five minutes to yield by
the time of your own watch, and the
first who moves is a dead man."
Howe then asked for the cashier ami
then compelled him to open the vault
and hring from it all ofthe money there.
This, at the command of Rowe, was
placed In a telescope opened by the rob
bers, Rowe said: "Do you want to
die at once'.'"
Mr. Ryan replied; "No, 1 do not,"
Thereupon Rowe said: "Then get the
money and the bonds into that satchel
ami bed n ijulck."
He was told that there were no bonds
and believed the statement only after
some persuasion on the part of Mr-
When all had been de osited in the
tclcMitiH Rowe laid one, perhaps Isitb,
the witness was not sure, of his revol
vers on the counter to close the satchel.
Instantly Ityan made a dash for the
weapon and before witness could wi II
see w hat w as going on three shuts had
been fired and Ryan lay on the (loot:
mortally wounded.
Witness said that Mr. Ryan bad
scarcely taken a step before Rowa
jumped for him ami fired as he jumped.
Ryan secured the gun on the counter
aud at once begun a scuttle with the
Mean while Keiper held up Mr. For
tenbaugh and the witness. When
the scuttle began Keiper turned his at
tention to helping hiscompnuion. Then
the witness ran from the bank and
called to pedcatraina to come to the as
sistance of the bank officers, lb saw
Mr. Lytcr with a shoi gun and saw
him shoot at Keiper, who had coniei
out of the hank ami was trying to es
rape down the street. Some of the
shot struck the robber in the Imck of
the bead, wounding him -lightly, and
he stirretldi red in nil alley at the point,
of Lytcr's gun. which was a double
barreled weapon,
Witness irot KcijM'r's revolver and es
corted him, a mpanied by Mr. Lytel
mil others, to a place of safety. He
I hen went back to t he haul, ami found
Lowe on the Moor and with three men
on top of him, He assisted in disarm
ing the daring young roldsT ami saw a
large amount of money taken from the
prisoner's (MH-kets He was then tied
hand and font.
When Keiper was beyond the means
nfe cape Mr. Swart returned to the
hank ami helped gather up the m -alter,
ed money and w itb It mi the tl In-
round another revolver, every chamber
ol w hich had been emptied, and a lull
iiox of cartridges, Helper's revolver,
which alsu fell into the hands of Swarts
had but one empty chamber.
While Rowe was Islng secure 1, Mr.
Ryan was bob" attended in the rear
of the bank hyslclan ami several
ofhis fr!c...i. lien taken from the)
hank Mr. Ityan was unconscious.
Mr. Fortenbaugh corroborated In
every detail the testimony ol Mr.
Swart. He also testified to the finding
on the effects of the prisoners of dyna
mite cartridges and fuses. He also told
ofthe wounds of Mr. Ryan, one In the
breast and one In the groin, and was
positive that Howe fired the first shot.
Cross examined he wlthsttsal cver, ut
tetnpl at contradiction,
.Mis lirubaker stated that she was
on the srcli of a hoti piKisitc the
hank on the morning of the murder.
distinctly saw flic robbers enter tie
bauk ami saw through the window
one of the men point a revolver at the
cashier. She could not see w ho held
the weapon nor who lired the fatal
shot, although she heard quite a nuin
lier of reports, she -aw the capture of
the robbers and alleged murderers after
a lively chase.
The prosecution has in all 28 w itnesscs.
Friday iifteruiNiii Imth llowe and
Keiper were found uuilly of murder m
the first degree. This isa remarkable
record of meet lug justice vj it bin s day -
of the murder, t In
two men w ere found
iscd thev w ill L-i t an
It i- -up
ly day to pay the penally of th
Stock to the amount of $2n,000 has
been subscribed for the organization of
the Firsl National Rank at Adams
burg. Following Is the board of directors,
.lame- Matt. rn. Troxelville: '. I).
Hreenhoe and Wm, II. Dreese, Adams-
burg; P. S. Robb, lkav( rtown; ,
dm II.
Dreese, Met hue; K. ( '. alter,
burg, and A. A. ITsh, Midd
The officers elected arc: Presii
o. Green hoc; Vice President,
lent, c.
A. A.
ITsh: Secretary; James Mat tern; i-h-
ier, K. C. Walter. It is expected i
hank will lie ready for business by May
Caa'l Do itboul ti.
Lebanon, Pa., March 20, n 01.
Emtoh Post,
The Post is always a welcome
visitor in our home and do not know
how we could do w ithout it, as it keeps
us Informed concerning .our Snyder
County friends. I read w ith regret the
sad news of the death of Mrs. W. W.
Wittenmyer. Please change my ad
dress after April 1st, from Lebanon, Pa.
to Junction, P. O. Lancaster Co., Pa.
Kate A. Wagenseller, the SelinSgTOVd
milliner, is in Philadelphia this week
Inlying a fresh supply of spring and
summer goods and gleaning ideas of the
latest styles in trimming. Store in tho
Glover nxmt.