3E WE3 - -- am. ----- - - - -JUtaaV" - J-1 JU faTW at - - -w M r'p ffn m rt m m rmrarpnnnfMi nin mi n r " ,viiWtB Mil f T m r "n n ?.- r? (' ' 7 PREFARKD EXPRESSLY FOR THB F3Tg3jVJ JajWy mKLIiN&oUOVE. Oliver Gemberling and wife, of Williamsport, ure visiting hisgrand ftther and firlend. Newton Gauglcr was buried last neek at Elisabethville. Rev. J. B. Focht, 1. 1-, assisted in the burial services- Thus. Baker, Esq., and family of Lewisburg spent last Friday among friends. They were accompanied by a Mm. Baker, of New York. Mrs. Prdf. Geo. E. Fisher enter taind Mrs. H. E. Monroe, of Pbila., la-t Friday and Saturday. Gertrude Dunkelberger and 8ue Beaver, of your place, were enter taited by Mrs. M. L.Kreeger. Mrs. Rev. Bannen of Burlingame with children are visiting lier par ents, .Ino. L. Cooper and wife. Harry Hummel and family spent Sunday with Grandma Eby. T inity Lutheran Congregation worshipped in the audience room tor the l ist last Sunday, although it is not entirely finished, but will be shortly. Jdo. Rhymestine and wile, who spcui Fevearl weeks in the western part of the state, returned home last week. J. II. Hock returned home last week w ith a severe attack of rheu matism. We bope he will soon re oover his usual health. Dr. B. F. Wagenseller and wife spent Sunday with friends in Blooms burg. The Glee and Guitar Clubs are out on u trip of alout two weeks. We learn that they are pleasing all their audiences. Mrs. lr. Sheet, and her sister, Bell, of Harrisburg, were in town one day last week. Sttp o Ohio. (JiTvnr To ) Ltco, LcoaB County, 88, Frank J. (Jheney makes oath tlmt beigfenior partner ni the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cm.., doing lu -tinoss in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, nnd that said fim will p iv the Mini of ON K HL'N- DRED DOLLARS for each and cv erv case of Catarrh that cannot 1 cured by the use of Hail's Catarrh Cure. ERANK P. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 188R. A. W. QLEASON 2 Notary I'ublie. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood aud mucous surfaces of the Bysttem. Send for testimonials, free. P.J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Sulii by In ovists, 7'n;. Haifa Family lMls aic the best. H DM MEL'S WHARF. Jacob Bulic visited friends at rottsgrove over Sunday. Thomas Hettrick and wife made a trip to Selinsgrove Tuesday. Miss Katie Trutt spent Sunday in Sunbury. Mrs. Harry Young of Northum berland spent a week at James i oung's. Miss Annie Reaver of Pottsgrove was entertained last week by the Misses Bulic Rev. .(. G. Martin and wife of -New Columbia, were visitors at 8a el Stroub's Saturday. Harvey Reichenbaeh of Shreiner visited friends in this place over Sunday, Mrs. Hattie Stewart of Sunbury Jpent a week with her grand-parents i this place. Mrs. Secshol t z and Mrs. Nathaniel Mover were guests at Harvey Mov ers near Fisher's School house Sun day. Robbers succeeded in carrying away a quantity of meat from Geo. Schooh'8 smoke-house one night last week. J. P. and Kobt. Hummel are buying farming implements at the Ml, as they intend to do the farm ing themselves this summer. Samuel Bulic, wife and Master &y Bulic visited Samuel Trutt's Sunday. An infant of Ievi Dressier died last Tuesday. The funeral took place Saturday at 9. a. m. at the louse. Rev. Brilhart officiated, the infant was buried at WitmeFs cem etery. Flovd. another child of Mr. dressier is very ill with pneumonia. t 7 m inu .n 'n TffaTM'inin ri n t JJITNDOKK. Ed. Shrawder of Shamokin, was in town Belling Notions ot' which he isalwaysfulL Harvey Bowersox moved to Nor thumU'rland county last Friday and ten teams were employed to convey his goods and farming implements across the river at Fort Trevorton and on account of the high water it look two days to cross and never was it clearer that a bridge is need ed. Rev. Boyer has moved to his new field of labor. Rev. W. E. Brillhart will move to York county in the near future. The Overseers of the Poor have rented a house for those that arc a charge on I 'nion township. Nathan Hackenberg has moved some of his farming implements to Dundore's place. Fast week our readers of the Post were disappointed in not getting the paper but this week they ure mak ing up for it by reading Boonastiel twice. Dr. Kreba had "J." patients on one day last week. William Swenk, on a wager, ate 24 bananas in 30 minutes. Mis stomach is up to the times. Dundore's store is headquarters for bananas for the boys, candies for the girls and the necessaries of life for those of inatnrer years. George Neitt is practicing in the art of auctioneering and has some of the tricks of an old hand at the business. Maria W. Dundore called on Sar ah Shambach at Port Trevorton. Rev. H. T. Searle will preach for the United Evangelical Church and Rev. E. E. Ilaney for the Evangeli cal Association for the present year. D. W. Stabl of Verdilla was in town on business and is a successful farmer and mechanic. Recollection is the only paradise from which we cannot be turned out. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I OKI IKKVhRlON A. S. Herrold, who is eninhiyed at Shamokin, visited his family Sun day. Communion services were held in the I'nitcd Rivthrcn church Tues day evening. Jno. 1. Charles made a business trip to Millersburg Saturday, ami while there, secured a position in the coal yards. ''has. Lenig, who is learning the baker trade at Selinsgrove, spent Sunday with bis parents. Mrs. Stewart Hall as to Mahon tongu last Week to clean the house which she will occupy in the near future. Mrs. H. F. Charles Bpent several days of last week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Win. Brubaker, at Sun bury. Pierce! Bingaman is transacting business at Tyrone. Rev. Francis and wife attended the funeral of the former's mother at Lewisburg last week. Win. and Geo. Lenig have gone to Nanticokc to work. Win. Schrawder is employed at the Keystone at Selinsgrove this week. Miss Martha Snyder accompanied by her mother paid her brother, Jerre, a visit over Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Herrold and grand daughter, Miss Attinger of Chap man, were the welcome guests of the former's brother, L. F. Charles, and brother Sunday. L. F. Charles, EL E. Knights and F. EL Rogar have gone to seek their fortunes in the west. Albert Gemberling, of Selins grove, was noticed on our streets early Monday morning. Rev. Haney delivered an eloquent sermon in the United Brethren church Saturday evening. 3 MIT BY ITS CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ULOBE ILUJ Ye editor of the Post v place in search of a "devil' ited this tbr hi?- office. Milton Shatler and family ttf Mif- flinburg Bpent a few days with J. L. Smith. Miss Carrie Mover of Frceburg spent Sunday with the Misses Rea ver. Charles Smith and family of Mo Veytown visited friends and rela tives at this place last week. Benjamin Longacre has moved his family from Carlisle to this place. He purchased the Globe Creamery and has been doing busi ness here tor some time. The people find him ta be an honest straight forward man. Benjamin Iliimincl moved to Vicksblltg Thursday, where he will farm for John Everts. Prank Row visited Beavertown Saturday. His daughter, Mabel, ac companied him home. .1. F. Hummel will move his family to Lewistown where he is employed in the stc 1 works. Katie Hottenstein of Selinsgrove and Jennie Hottenseein of Middle burg visited their parents at this place. Samuel Hummel will move to Beavertown. Oliver Gemberling and wife of Williamsport visited the latter's parents, Geo. Ranch's. Mrs. Charles Stuck held a party Monday in honor of her father, An tes Ulrioh, it being his 77th birth day. Quite ti number were present. Anion Yerger and wife spent Sunday with John Landis and wife at K reamer Rev. Suable delivered a most ex cellent sermon in the Zeibir'.- church Sunday. The way a few young ladies of this place conducted themselves at the teachers' meeting held at this place Friday evening was a disgrace to themselves and their parents. They were so disorderly that it was necessary for the teacher to dismiss the audience. W illiam Sehroyer of Chillisqua- uiia came home rMlurilav ami is on 'I the list. Wetting Thin is all right, if you arc too far ind all wrong, if too thin alreadv Fat, enough for your habit, i healthy; a little more, or less, i no great harm. Too fat, consu a doctor; too thin, pcrsistentl hin, no matter what cause, tal icon's Emulsion of Cod Livi )il. Thercarc many causes of ge ng too thin; they all con tider these two heads: ovc ork and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you ca nt, whether you can or nc ike Scott's Emulsion of C .ivcr Oil, to balance yoursi ith your work. You can't lr n it true but, by it, y an. There's a limit, however, ou'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Livi )il is the readiest cure fo 'can't cat," unless it comes o our doing no workyou can'; ong be well and strong, withou; ome sort of activity. The genuine has his picture on it, ake no other. If you have not tried It, send for , I if a -i e rreeable taste will tsT .surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists. 409 Pearl Street, New Yfrk. mi 60o. and $1.00; all druggists. LVPM :'j''.;i'8'rill8ifl'gin''BiKHi'iiig'itaiQniiuvJ SHAMOKIN DAM. Mrs. E. E Bow es is oil tll( sick list. J. O. Bilger of Salem was seen on our streets Sunday. The whistle of the steam boat can bo heard again. Miss Liaaie Kunkle of Lewisburg Was a visitor among her relatives and friends Sunday. Mrs. Mi Kinney and Mrs. Clair ufSunbury were visitors to Mrs. VV. Snyder Wednesday. Foster Slear has received employ ment in the store of A. R. Trexler at Sunbury. Peter Bailey and wife of Hum mers Wharf were visitors in the M. E. Sunday School Sunday afternoon. Misses Mary and Jennie Stall 1 of Lewisburg and Annie Rover of Se linsgrove were visitors to R. C. Fiss and family Sunday. BWilS EFOKD. Miss Libbie Dunkelberger spent Sunday among friends at Selinsgrove. 1 Mrs. Frank Specht of Reaver town Spent Thursday among friends here. Mrs. J. L. Marks spent a few days with her daughter at Lewis- town. Mrs. Irvin Auckcr and daughter of Verdilla are spending a few days with her parents C. H. Dunkleber- geFs. J. L. Marks spent a few days visiting his aunt at Milroy who is very ill, T in A.:.. ,!,. iJiiii.lll Jllllli; I i DCTC1UI with her uncle tit Paxtoiivilh Mrs. Krdley of New Berlin spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. James Dietrich. PAXrONVlLLB John Reigle spent a few days in Lewistown last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Minnie Sheats. Emanuel Shambach and wife of Middleburg were visiting Harvey Shambacb's over Sunday. Irvin Qraybill was iii Elarrisburg several days last week attending to his duties at the Capitol. P. F. Heimbach and wife of New Berlin were isitors iu town hist week. Miss Lillian Amig of Swineford ...... i in i visited narvey miicneii s one nay last week. Prof. F. ( '. BoWersox isitetl his mother iu tow n Saturday evening. '. V . Swengle made a trip t" Adamsburg Saturday night visiting some of the attractive sex in that town. Weslcv Nerhood will have public sale Saturday to dispose of his per sonal property. Finery Finest visited friends in Sunbury over Sunday. Roswell Gift is leaving to-da for Sunbury where he intends to be employed in the silk mill. Mrs. Annie Attig of McCture is vi.-iting Harry Attig's. W in. Heimbaoh ai d wife of Ben vertown visited Au.-tin (Jilt's Sun day. KltEAMkrt. W. A. Gordon and family attend cd the funeral of Elias Rich I o Lewisburg last week. Prof. F. C. Fisherof Susquehanna University took supper with J. r. Waller's Sunday. Lewis Magee, wife and daughter, Erma, visited J. K. Magee over Sunday. M. E. Erdlev and John Fields drove to Beavertown Monday. The mle of the personal property of Jacob Bow Monday was well at- , . tendi d. Sunday evening at 9:45 o'clock ... ., ... i i. - Miss Minnie Herman, daughter of Samuel He! man and wife, died Of pneiin onia. She was the second of . fy 1 ntwt: their children (1) Charles (2) Minnie (3) Frank. She was liorn Jan. 81, 1879, was bii'iid at tilobe Mills Widncfday morning at 10 o'clock. Miss Herman was an accomplished and christian young lady. The writer joins with her many friends in extending his heart felt sympathy to the bereaved family. For HOLIDAY PRESENTS For EVERY DAY USE The Lamo of a i ii minp ii. n .UMsn l ?lnn up ir 1:111 !;, or r:i . -i- vm to iw lud laiiKiUKi. ; III.- l imp that .'ki p-n mlmm Tun gi it nii.l M.n oond: tlw lama Unit iuu aaiar via. hi HIUI, ' l,i' TiMl 1U1 jtV. i ' ''ij biy''''' ' v'" niuiiteVr ether 111, I'' Zbc JVcw Rochester. OtlnT lanipn in iv 1 ciffurtd jm ni "just an good " Ibry majr be, teauuwreaiwvta. but ( r ill aroand coad. Ma Uwn'a ooljr ona, I' S'rw Uuckrtter. To maka JUiallw Wnpolrand yn- anu , Innk fur Uh'Iuuiio on it ; ttvijr lamp bat It, iau Tariatlw ) Lnmp ACndo IV-v. W. can an ., i y i,,- p arant. Somattr waeihec vm want a n.- iiunii i.r .f. i . an el l mw n Haired ,.r rafln. a jj,i " new Kocnoster. we can ao it. UM V- ifaW K. I I .11 . ilnr. lli iu. 'iiTtijia' iaa W" "rc CI l lsl in tin- tr iitm.nt nl Jlsiaae.ii ol' lfef-"'i!l' Lamps. CotMnlUtlon I Kl.li. THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO., BUILDERS' Is an absolutely necessity if you intend to build. Vmi will need many things on which I can save you money My Stock is alwayhlakck andcomi'i.ktk i- CLUDUs'O A COMPLKTK LINK of Reading Hardware Companies' CELEBRATED LOCKS and INSIDE T1UMM INQ8. .S in me your tptcifioatiotu, and I will gladly quuU you tin' price, IQTALL QOODS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. i i' ! I I I I I i I 1 t l:STA III. IMII.lt lii IM70. Wig . H. WEST BEAVEU. After the ground hog's six week:- were up, he came out to tell thecold weather was over. J. P. Fisher caught him before he had time to tell it, so we can expect more cold snaps. S. II. Phillips -old his old home- stead to Emanuel Wagner last week and purchased Saturday the Adam Baumgardner property excepting trad No. 2 and that was sold to James Peter. Mrs. Martha 1 lanes moved to Mc ( 'lure Monday to the house of Mrs. Solomon W agner. Mrs. C. W. Fisher, Mr-. 8. II. Phillips and Mrs. .lame- Peter are able to be around again from their late sickness. Milton Wagner purchased a piano from S. 1 1. Phillip- and will give music lessons for the first year live of charge. St. Patrick's day was the time to sow cabbage seed. I 'id you sow yours before 'ing to church or after you came In line ".' John Weiund moved from II. J. Peter's farm to Mr-. Young's larni last week. Joseph Knepp and wife ot old Lancaster, paid Lowell a vi-it Sat urday. Fmanucl Wagner and family ex pert to move to the propi rtv he pur chased from S. II. Phillips. Jacob Krh expeels to move to ( 'rossgrove on the proiiertv he form erly owned. Sorry to hear of the death of John lioss, engineer, last week. Me win well known and liked by all. lb was also a gallant soldier in tin 4Uth Pa. Vol. thikks tiikiik will de STRIKK TWO "I! i IxmtI Ihiil (I.. Hen Inalal on ftepoifnltlon. Bhamokin, Pa., March 19. Secretary Qeorge Hartleln, of District No. ! of the t'nitnl Mii!" Workers, and who will vote at the forthcoming caucus of the national and executive boards to de cide on a course to pursue if tie' oper ators do not meet the miners' repre sentatives, returned from Hatleton yesterday, and said he thinks there will he a strike Secretary Hartlein said: "Although the sentiment of the con ference was against a .strike, the men demand recognition of their union. The operators' suggestion to incorpor- a'0 the union would render the or sanitation ineffective. It could then he controlled by the operators, sued for conspiracy and rendered a dead or ganisation. No labor union is incor porated." Miles Dougherty, district organiser, said that If the operators refuse to meet the men they will cause one of the greatest strikes that has ever taken place among miners, "it will be a fight to the hitler end," he declared. and every colliery In the region will b" d0?e,d The mi n are a unit on the MlllJCCl. - oMnea Philippine Judemp. Washington, March 19. Lamar C. yew oilcans, has advised the war department that on account of I illness In bis family It will be impos- sible for him to accept one of the su- prpme ( 0urt ju,K(.ships of the i'hilip- pines. TrrniuriT of Cuba. Washington, March 19. In accord ance with President McKlnley's order that the treasurer of Cuba should be a citizen of that island, Governor Oen eral Wood yesterday cabled to the war department that he had appointed Car los Rolos as treasurer of Cuba. Secre tary Root confirmed the appointment Steady Habits , I , una make oflainp transform. rru tUm U rt.rri.y st.. Um 7art. HARDWARE J r II Ho- 'I.ii I., llilm Ilcim, SUNBURY, PEN IN A. TROXELVILLE. Flitting season i here again. Sadie Auniiller caiiii' In me tV. tn 1 1 artlcton to Btay. Prudie Middleswartb was of I me from Buffalo Loads vir-itiiiL; her parents and friends. John Middleswarth w ho had gone to Ohio to spend the summer return ed Saturday evening. The summer kitchen on Philip ( taker's farm east of town burned down Monday evening. Ira Lep ley, the tenant, was boiling maple sap down for molasses and while he was taking his suppei the building caught tire and went beyond control, flic main house which is about 20 feet away was saved by the bucket brigade which had gathered there on short orders. 1 Vatli ha- again visited our mills) and called from our side, old mother Hendricks, wife of John Hendricks but we have every reason to In li v that she i- now reaping the fruit.- ol the Beed which she bos sown on good ground. She was a nun. lit of' the St. Luke Evangelical congre gation. I have every reason to be in ve that she was a devoted christ ian, the summer's hot nun did not detain her from going to her Si i tidtiy S hoo! and church, neither a winter's chilling breeze. She fell asleep on fuesduy night at eleven o'clock, so calmly did she pass away thai her daughter, Mrs, Stumiib, really thought she wa- sleeping until she got hold of her arm w hen lio was lead. She wa- laid to resl "ti Fri day forei i. Rev. )n ufliciate 1 The exercises rendeted hv th( Mission Hand of Susiiuehamia I 'ni versitv were very highly apprecintiHl by all people so far a- I huve learn ed. They have indeed given a 'dear conception i doubt our heathen life and no iieoiile have learned many m w things which now ought to be polldeled well. These vollliy men are w it limit d ubt devoted to t he work and they deserve much credit. They have Lraine. the good will of all w ho heard them. Such men are a blessing to u country and I am sure that they would be welcome b come int i our niidt again. SALEM. ( )-ear 1 . Roniig was to Middli burg Tuesday. Cbas. Diuius and family yis'ted Mrs. Elizabeth Woodrufl Sunday. Koberl Coleman and Henry Laudenslagcr were to Harrisburg last week and each uurchased aii en gine, the former for the purpose of running a saw-mill and the latter for a cider press. John Musser and wife of Shamo kin visited at the home Ezra Meiser over Sunday. Merrill Snyder, who was severely scalded some time ago, is recovering nicely. Miss Susie Fisher was entertained by Catherine Witmer Sunday. Jacob Kuster and family moved into the house vacated by Wiiuier Gill and family who hove moved to Heading. m 7 l : i v v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers