iHMMMMMMHHi ,a In tl i lictl Every Thursday Morning GEO W WAOENSELLKR A M EDITOR AND OWNKR. SUBSCBTfTKMI katks. 6I.no p raaj if ai'l in advance. MeM pW year i( not il l"MriMI Single copies, live I elitn. Aii ertlalM Km ti.eiii tor nrsi 'ii-ernoi. aiel id . i i- per line for ea iiient in-.cn ion . r- or r n r. -- i-ar the county i onrt HOUM betwaen the Klw National Hunk ami the County fail. Piers Gaveston. win m be kept near him inn iloubteiliv they would be clearer to him If til WEPAY FREIGHT D'tf k II Tl another Warwick, calltii by the favorite in his were written in Diitrh a ratal .-. , h , . toi, KITf R A MllAAndPlf ,--., ,,.; PI I Ii 4 l 111- ii i . l aaythiD yet publMlicl. than to II colon H ,., w 11 nerrj wtt, toe jsmck nog ot Araeu, ended his u the aeuuad piaee, the Pot never utterei m.rv"i!"!",Syjt,rmn'- FttS ,,NTINI K" must pam useless life in that terrible dungeon lo the Avon, a tingle sentence in regard to re-organizing tin PA sn, cnts f-w. Famish wjm urn n King Edward was the first I imeeot VY alt-8. 1 Republican party. What the Post did sav was P" .." . i. -r.. aou..-ood. lite first Hi hi an hua hewn I in- I ir il.. ,,. ..,. . y. i"..l aoaM a aanoay aaaaoot at aej fa. of e, .... en nun sioeK tor i ,,. ,,.., . i in i inn, i.ii ii, e mii in connection with the M a i oi i intt rv ew coiici rn c4" ; to' ' "" ' "-i "p a T l, n. i . Pnt. in . . ... ,, " mi me .Mnimii inn i it w loinirn p,,tj ,rfc . ,Mmpi, , ,iw.i thcoui. -hit, T.ie black eye given to the town i. ,i illmtnous ot tlie name He was a StroUir man. inu tin. Uinm un vi. i ... -i oit..n-th unjt to. unpin am u dented w v u u7 UM ' ,nK uw Ktppef Dill, lhe 1 ivr sanl eipiicernii ' o.j .nis tacgered this tOTebtti buii, ii .. . . . ... wtm m raw uu . . t w v ii cnt. H-r line, nun iiarri i ineaxin- an nun-j;i-iu i u i, a toteriui hiiiir. 1 1 as ne me iiiierview that "it represents tile hasis U I oi. mi'l HI ii'iitp per lim- fur eicli ul.-i- i , . . ... I wno mane ujp nrst material encroachments upon which the Kepablicao party should !h re-edab-the territory of Wales, anil ii was he who liar- j lih rf," Tl is utterance was uwil in connection, Ncbkb 12 1 assed Scotland bo fearfully and a'most reduced not with the indioUl ountMrfL l.ni in rfi.. .. t I that hardy nation to subjection. He was an i. the passage of the sad legislation. The whole THE EDWARDS OF ENGLAND. veterate a -il.. hnihUr ,,,! il,. ..i ...i ljjLo.ii s i i. i .1 . , ., , (,,, ( ,, -,,niii uMiives u.-eii uuwn in wilal i r,li ' goctXt U lor .1, & ..1 . n. mtam mm nwntCIOIW BMunU UM the I'oisT he was WtUtng to pay ali i. lu-niji iii nir - larmrv :u., ., ... v ..I lair i Vol.. SXXVIU Mai:. 21, 1901. I n o Hoi r..i.in..l f r.l iU or ji. Uoioo ru4 roi 1 A DWARDVII. comes to the throne al the I fortresses in the kingdom, Carnarvon and Con- J -J age of fifty-nine. His predecessor oi wy m W.es, stand unruined after six hundred thesamcname, the boy king of 1547, was only 3reRr8, lasting monuments to the mighty will i ... , . ,. , ,. the master that built them. It i plea-ant to nine years old when lie became kine, anH Ins .. , , connect tins stern ami rugged soul with a little reign is an unimportant interval between tlie that is irentle and hnniH.,. whlnh . lo if we credit the juries of his hive fur Klcan- reigns ol Henry ill. ami bloody 4ueen Mary. The fifth Kdward was also a child, and one of piteous memory, since his name is irretrievably linked with that of tiichard III. The reign lasted niily from the )th of April to the 2oth of ! wan tin or, his queen, ami of their happy life at beauti ful 'arnarvon ( 'asl le. Last and earliest of all i- the Confessor. Ed- owe he old Danish devotee to whom wi June, and was disturbed in its earlier davs ,v the continuani la church which is now the party intrigues to gain possession of the little mo9t glr'HU8 ' Kngland the church to which king, ami later by the barefaced scheming of overy English fool turns - ler or later in pride Richard III. to secure the throne, Ami in the j iiM'' reverend Westminster Abbey, cud tin child, unable to protect hinisell and w ith , Conqueror, warrior and defrauded child and no friends powerful enough to defend him, met 1 '"tie, precocious king it i- a strange, pathetic an obscurH death in the Tower with iiis little fascinating line these men of the name brother Clarence. which Englai d's present king is to carry on. Still further hack came Kdward I Y. ami His assumption of it brings them from the shad Wnrwick the king Maker, whose power made 0WH where tiny have kept so long to he thought Kdward"-lot uncertain and even availed to re- 01 ant' pitied and wonde. ed at a little longer by store lo the throne, lor a time, the banished Hen- hurrying people of the world. MlI.DRED 1. ry VI. McNeal in March Ledger Monthly. Ami bo the romantic story goes back, tale l tale and century by century. In 1327 came the As USUAL INCONSISTENT, soldierly Kdward III., always to be remembered 1 The Neies of last week says: "there would he . i i . i i I'.l . . 1 .1 08 lie lilllKT I l niic ul mc inn-! t'niii.'i I it Ii hnm-i Mo ' iMal nrotnictcH Rnnpfi of one of the must romantic Rtr.ir.nM n( nectl of that nrotracti in i.iigiami s ntstory, cki ward the liluck Prince. miu ti mortal columns of last week' thai comes J '( IS'I And with him and his brilliant Eon we con over the reorganization of the Republican party" the name- of Crecy ami Poictiers, Sluys and an(l tries to make it appear in addition thereto Calais names that to this day make part of the ! that the PoST editorial refers to the judicial fight, glory of England. I t. ftn place the Post has had its say on Edward's Hither was a weakling aiiri a triller the judicial question and all the readers of the between a warlike sire aud a warlike son. t Post except the Editor of the New understand was he who lost Bannockburn ami all his father's good English. It mav be well for him to get conquests in Scotland; and it was ne vho held as some o c to read the Post editorials to him and his friend mid comrade the perfumed and curled 1 tratwlate them Into good Penna. Dutch TTn nearly alwavs has been Ufore w here the Netct was i oerned, that the office either has no die tionarv or they are too lazy to Btudy it. T i i h a t claiming that "re-establish" is Bynonj m ouswlfl "organize'' is simply preposterous and worse yet is the culpable attempt made lo con fuse an editorial written in unequivocal term directly upon the judicial question and anothe that in no way even implies the slightest allusioi to the judicial contest The New hasthtjudici al nightmare and next we expect to ham thai the result of this contest will change the resul ol the next Republican nomination for President. In (he third place, even if there was a o . s ion for such criticism, the Aew sliouhl he the last newspaper on earth to assume dictatorship tor the reason that it was generally stated during the fall campaign that the Aeuw was trying to "pull" Brown for something, hut the Brown managers here would not bite, so Sootty was nol in it. Up to the issue of the iVeu of Oct. 18, 1900, there was nets word said in that paix for the Republican Demlnee for State Senator, Hon. B. K. Foeht Out. 15, 1900, the Aetcs carried a letter from the Post Office, containing a check for $25.00 and as the result the News of Oct. 18, 3 days later, was filled witfi Fooht matter, lirown could have had the edi torial support of the JVetM for a very small sum. We also read in the Tribune the following : "We might also do like Ritter did, when he was elected Delegate to the State Convention without incurring one single penny of expense to himself, write to Judge Dean to remunerate him for 'considerable expense' incurred at the election. It is scarcely necessary to add, how ever, that Judge was not in the re-numerative business just then." 1 Coaftoiaklo , ftoa. man anil he isiiowhesitntiiiirwiii.il er town that permlta such iiiitr;.L.N attacks upon its industries, j deerv. intt of consideration, it' the stockholdi ersfnil to realize anvthillu on i.jr stock, they enn juit a large jmrt f th(. blame on om wtao is Inimical to the In. terests of the town." It" they do p anything and we hope and believe they will, they will have gotten it in ,,,. of the ihitter venom hurled bv o,.. Tra lc Malk EtfktMiA "'ivv" it ..v-,.r- i.i.i,, .....1 Wemtkf tula.nd orr..m to or.l,r. ind ritMw tollf , ' WUIIIUII h0 you. jh. pnen tfta v . wtyoyonMMH. pubHik encourased aud suonorted the in. in hlh in inericiulntue ,ih Utf , loll. mSim itttthcd. 11 ni'lll- Oui drmroo.rati)Kiiel:i umpln .tuchel. tnd prim ll'V. nr.K.ir ii. I j t i ,., v.i I The book I. tree. Wo prtMf lr.n., ., ,rll crrrythliiK to Ert, WM, l. mil Tl ,, . I . -nf, I , JS , , car mannuiiih 4Mi.e tulv tclli ,c.u about r.err"ilnr nM BO tlelellse to lllllkt 1n JSJSSSSSS rst'lf nd in answer to the charge nfhav. SffLjSa ,11 rencomagedandsupported the Indue wJ o(100 WMdl Uok du yuu rnt AJJreu raS ... - IU.. lo .a., .. timi: i wuiii 11 was possible for our iko. 3VLIVS BINES k 80S. Btlttatrt, OtftVOf pie to seelll t it , c pit Htl guilty to the charge and above all are proud of our position ami in the same breath we challenge the "News" to do only r.n- Ik. p.r ,t. Tko Boot larrlra. luulor r.rp.t. I l .O-l p.r ,4. Ian cirttioo. p.r pair, froai IkotofM I.M to f MM t TT I - i i Hi iii iVHii ; WU1! U UUIL'llUUU i t as much for Middleburg. a , i here are some 60 or 70 persons who J I so nobly ami aenerouslv sunnorti ,i h,.. w he ii o ii Post in Itseflbrt to get thesl faetorj read that we here. A liat of them was published in arc selling this paper May 1890, and to single nut Gulden ttny Individual now might seem like Oak I l';ir,ialit-v' bul the amount of atten- BBDROOD 9 tlongiven gratuitously ami the liberal oMi use of his ow n funds t weather thi StlllS t gtorrn (.,titi(.s th(. president of the Z board of managers to some conitldera- tion. Mr. Bchoch, when the building had been erected, the engine ami buih a er bought and the machinery placed, f finding that the funds were all used j up, agreed to treble his subscription, Z I if tbose.who were able would do the f same thing. The proposition met with no response. Here At $15.75 FOR $7.50 was the iliMi- lf we told you I low we i, tution without any working capital . ' i anil nol licmg alile to get it its capital boh in no niis it would not stock the managers were forcei be so surprising, bill let it I row. The managers made thi A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Wi'ilnriln; . 1iirrh 13, Antlrew Carnegie sailed from Now York for Europe today on the Bteamer St. Louis. .1 seph Currier, 16 yrars old. shot ami killed 18-year-old Harry Pranks, In Philadelphia, He says It was acci dental. Four saloon smashers were convicted of murder in the Brst degree for kill ing Mrs. Hudson. Wife of a bartender, at Lea vi nwort h, Kan. A mob of 1,000 witnessed the hurn inr; at the stake, at CorsicaBB, Trx., of John Henderson, who assaulted ami niurdered Mrs. Conway Younger, rii n radn y . tttirch i I, Missouri's legislature appropriated $1,000,01 ' i for the Louisiana purchase mi i tltlon. The estate of the late Senator Magee, of Pittsburg, is estimated at JI.DUU.UOO to (5,000,000 Col, William C Saucer, of New York, succe tls Mr, Meiklejohn as assistant secretary of war. The Massachusetts legislature de feated woman suffrage by the largest opposition vote in years. Henry Howe, aged 19, and Weston Kelper, 20, held up the Halifax (Pa.) bant., and were escaping with Jli.OOO when Cashier Ryan Interfered und was killed. Both In jail. Luring a lire in Hrooklyn last night Mrs. QeorgS Matkin jumped from a third story window and was killed. Mrs. M iry Hums and an unidentified chiltl were suffocated. Frltlfia-, Mnrt'li IB, Lotteries, which have been flourish ing in Canada, have been entirely sup pressed. Prisoners released by Oen. De Wet, the Boer leader, declare that he is a mailman. Alarmist reports regarding the health of President Diaz, of Mexico, and conspiracies there are absolutely baseless. Hoxey Barber, 22, and Bartley French, 16, were smothered to death by a floor collapse at Norwood, N. Y., burying them In corn. Mrs. Cordelia Hotkln, sentenced to life Imprisonment in California for sending poisoned candy through the mails, which killed Mrs. J. 1'. Dunning at Hover, Del., has been granted a new trial. Batardar, March in. Thomas J. Alcott has been appointed United States marshal for the district of New Jersey. All American troops In China, ex Tor former employes superannuated and $1,000,000 to St. Louis' public li brary. Hnndari Harsh is. Consul General Hay arrived In New York from Pretoria and proceeded to Washington. Rev. Elijah Kellogg, well known as a writer of bonks for boys, died at Harpswell, Me., aged 88. During a Are In Pittsburg Fireman William Miller was killed antl three others Injured by a live wire. A Pekin dispatch says the health of Li Hung Chang is again causing grave anxiety, and his death is feared, While the steamer New York was en route from Europe an ammonia tank exploded, and two deaths fol lowed. California's governor signed a bill appropriating J'.TiO.btiu to preserve the giant redwood trees of Santa Cruz county. Tnradar, March 19, It is estimated that the Mexican cot ton crop Will be 2.UU0 tons larger this year than last. City council of Springfield, Ills., ac cepted Andrew Carnegie's offer of $75, 000 for a public library. Joseph Rider, inventor of the famous Remington rifle, is dead nt his home In Newark. O., aged S4 years. Yesterday was the filth birthday of ex-President Cleveland, and congratu latory telegrams poured into his Prince ton home. A new telephone company, composed of American capitalists, will shortly be granted a charter for operation in the City of Mexico. W. H. Richardson, colored valet of C. L. E. Lardy, secretary of the Swiss legation in Washington, is under ar rest for forging his employer's name to checks aggregating $470. APeVfoa Ever T .jbbbbbbV. rfofV W Ucpresscd t And is it not due to nervous exhaustion? Things always look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage when suffer ing with headache, nervous prostration and great physical weakness? Would you not like to be rid of this depression of spirits? How? By removing the cause. By taking tobor- emselves oe sumoieul that we are XopTesjmnslble for $6000, but this was in Belling tliciii tit adequate to meet the demands, The , bills came came due and the diecounts THIS PRICE were 1!t' Inorder to establish the credit of the concern Mr. School) sd Hon t worry about how we vanced of his own money, without in d it. $ j terest, sufficient t make $1121, In di- Cflll anil aaa r J COUlltS. I'll v day canie antl t here w i Fine Displayof Pfllkf or !', .1,.. J vu.,iv;r! I Mr. Scboch that when the execution M T? Q TATIr-no-p 9 n 4 was issued against the plant he had j. kj. UU CllLlOL QJjKJV, Z over $4000 in the concern and had noth a Furniture Dealers and i ing to show for it. The sum of $1500 Funeral Directors passed through his hands prior to the 4th St., SUNBURY, PA. J crash, received on account of g Is 'hich he could have retained to ie-inm.ourse n s temporary loan, in stead of using it to pay his own claim, A .... 1 i count, ray nay came antl there were 4 I no funds to pay the wages. Mr. Bchoch 1 1 provided the funds to keep the plant T i working. Ho earnest anil devoted was THE .STATE CAPITAL f bAYINGS am. L0;X m4HWWw soid,whic vv-'XAxi ie-inmbur. ASSOCIATION '"""""""iiiiniiiiH ; -OK t HARRISBURG, PA. Desires an Agent ami Attorney in t Midd'cburg. I Ids is a domestic association operat ing through Central Pennsyl vania. It is a little more than three years old with assists of nearly 1500,000.00. Its dividends have been six per cent on non-participating and ten per cent, on full participating stock. It lias had no losses an I has an ac tive demand for loans. It is strong, clean, vigorousand suc- it was tiseti to pay oilier inn- oi un- JJrvpcp f"A I ARC X plant. He gave his personal attention nUIOL UULLArVO 'j. the supervision of fhe plant and the , , , , X loss dare not be attributed to mi-. i nave reouceu prices as follows : Scott's Collars from Sli.'J.'i to $2.00 and anothei grade from .! to S.i cents. J. M. Man re r, l-a-8m. KREAHEU, PA T management, because there has been 4 no shoe factory started where green X help was employed that the loss has T been as small as it has been here. Thi bands are now educated ami the fac tory in a position to make shoe at a profit. Mr. Bchoch deserves the thanks un- try in behalf of the shoe factory ami we only t of the entire community for Iii bi 1 X tiring devotion, zeal, ami industry X "id urtall tint Liu ii li.nl amrottn 1 iI.cmh iimri' l..M"i-I"l"riI"i"H""H'i'I"H"H"Hi I'l- ,., ,, . i " persons like him. The town would I certainly boom if we bad. COSSACKS ATTACK STUDENTS. There are others whodeserve honor- Ka-- Cat ii the W'lilpa of the Onar- able mention in connection with the uinim of Bt. Peterabnr'. erection antl operation of thi- plant, St. Petersburg, March 19. The stu- but the article on this subject is dents organized yesterday what was In- ..i- i., i..., i ...i i.. , T ... , . , ... , . . oaaawaaaaj iwaiaaoj iiiiiu we e A it t 1 1 1 1 n i'- OeSSIUl. lxon-partici Dating stock ; tended to be an Imposing demonstra- . .,, . , ,.' . f . . 1 . h .. tlon In front t.f the ( 'n t i.,t n. I r,t n, 1,1 Wt' started. Hut before we IS sold at flOO.00 per share, di- Lady 0f Kazan, the occasion being the conclude this defense of the men and faEKHKAf, M 1RKBTS. Philadelphia, March 18. Flour steady; winter auperane, t2.2tr2.60; Pennsylvania roller, clear, t3.10&3.2S; city mills, extra. t2.60Ji2.80. Rye llmir .lull at C.90 per bar rel fur eliult i' rriinsylvanl.i. Wheat ilrm; Ne. '1 red, spnt. 78Hft79c, t'urn steady; No. 1 mixed, spnt. 45Ufr45Vbc.; No. 2 yelluw. for local trade, 46048KC. Oats qnlet; No. 2 white, clipped, 43c.; lower grades, 2:01 ?.2c Hay steady; choice timothy, 116.60 IT for large hales. lleef Bteatlv; beef liaiiis, tl9O19.50. I'nrk Ilrm: family. Iltln 16.60. Lard steady; western steamed tn.121-. Live poultry quoted at UOUHc. fur hens. Sr. for old roosters. lOViwllVic. for yntinK chiekena, 13c. for dueks. 910c. for turkeys and 11013c. for Reese, DrtMed poultry at lOHOUc. for choice fowls, 7Vjc. for old roosters, SOfJWc. for nearby hroM ers. ISOMc. for large western rapoim, ll'ulJe. for fancy young western tur key In ns. 11612c. for choice to fanev west ern , 1 in KS am 7CSe. for western kvaeaa Ilultir Ilrm: fresh ereamerv. 160tSc. : fac- rept a legation guard of 100, have been ! "ry. lOUMHc.i June creamery, MOUUfcc.; lrileii d tn le ive China iniliauoii i reainery, WU)C ivew York ruern to nave t,nina. (,alry m2h. fancy Pennaylvanla prints Judge Art hbald, at Seranton. Pa., de- ; Jobbing at 24fi27e.; do. wholesale, 2;if. cl.ireil the Ptttahlirtr "rlnner" liill con- ('hese stronit; fancy larRi- colored and Ciareil tne niUDUrg ripper inn (on wll mnic.; fancy small colored. BUtntlonal. Appealetl to supreme court. 12'jc; fancy small while. 12'u I2';e. Kggg Fire In the office of the Boston "" ; New York and Pennsylvania, at Daily Advertiser last night did $150.- 000 damage, and three proof readers were suffocated. The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York started from Portsmouth, England, this morning on their trip to the British colonies. Andrew Carnegie this week gave away upwards of $12,000,000. His latest gifts are $5,200,000 to New York for nubile libraries, $4,000,000 as a fund mark. 134ffl3Hc: western, at mark, 13c: OUthern, at mark, 12iil2v4c. Potatoes teady; Jerseys. $LS1.50; New York. 11.40 5T1.B2W; I.oiik Island. tl.60fil.TS, Arsey sweets. $1..riiV'B2.25. Cabbages steaSr, ifcW York. tlCti IS pr ton. Bast Liberty, Pa.. March IS Cattle Strong! extra. feSOOMS; prime. tri.2iKno.40; common, i .. il Hogs active; heavy Yorkers and line mediums. $tM.0Si light Y'orkers. to OMifi; heavy hogs. S5 !-.'i''i6; pigs $5.TOfj5.80; roughs. t44i5.40. Sheep higher: choice wethers. 8ff6.15; common. 12.50 3.60; choice lambs. t6.75fi5.K0; unmon to good, 45.t; veal curves, $6fa6.T& It elves activity to all osrts lht carry away useless and poisonous materials from your body. It removes the cause of your suffering, because it re moves all Impurities from your blood. Send fcr our book on Nervousness. To keep in good health you must have perfect action of the bowels. Ayer's Pills cure con stipation and biliousness. Wrttrn tm our Ooctorm. l'orhr yon would ilk to eeniiait onto mlnrnt pbjrtlclim tboat your oonrlltlon. Then write in freely all the particular! In your cue. Tou will re ceive a prompt reply, without coit. Addreai, ur. j. c. aTER, Lowull. Mat. IArN Tnf'fJPnPHV ,or "I'nad and li l o r' ' l'..,f -.!a' ei. vice. Typewriting Course Kree. Paying Posi tions (itiaranteod. Catalovue Free. Plali Trie grnth Nrhowl, Lebanon. Pa. 8-7-2m. Dr. Fanner's KIDNEY and Backache Cure. For all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Trouble!, Lame Bark.Ilrart PiaeaMMla Plm aiie, llheumatlam, Bed Wetting, etc nliijjiTiTPemaJeWe'a Sy dealer. &.elte by nai BcrredonlaJIY. vidends, six per cento, tux free. Full Participating stock, with live per cent, cash dividends, if desir ed, at payments of 25 cents to $2 per mouth. tor-Loans nrc made on a simple mid deflntti plan : ymeiits er tlmo.Oii range from 110 0 per niontli to (27. Ml , time from 44 to UM nine Correspondence is draired from borrower , Investors, attoincys and persons desiring un agauoy, Literature on request. 3-21-4t. anniversary of the death of Vetrora, I women by whose devotion the shoe tne gin wno committed suicide some factory was established, we niii-l al- JJJftSS lude t,""t,"' but "t,t ,h" ot "" St. Paul in order to escape Infamous hirgets burled by the "News" Into the persecutions. ( shin? factory, the wrongs heaped upon There was fierce fighting between the it by the gossipers. The latter class, of demonstrators and the Cossacks. The ...i.; ,i. .i. ..x- ,, , ,, latter eh.r.ad rh. mh .1 o ",i!" ! W,1U ll the "News" is the most danger- ..... o.aat M Hi n f,UUUp, till VI the people replied with volleys' of "s ePn't, have worked the hard stones. A Cossack officer, who was est to secure the downfall of this in. struck on the head by an iron bolt, dustrv and it is most remarkable that was unhorsed. The Cossacks, on see- ' , , , , . ing their leader fall, dismounted and l,lant was not '"'"''I.V Shattered by engagetl In a hand to hand fight, using their venomous darts, their whips freely on the people. Faces , We trust the executions will not be were cut open by the whips of the !,,,, . ,, . , , . ,. Cossacks. Old women wore ,ri,.h0H Di pushed at once so that loyal minds Butter 18 I Wheat 70 most to death, a child was killed loyal hearts may touch the strings Etrgs 12 Onions 00 Lard 10 Tallow 4 Chickens 8 Turkeys Shoulder 10 Ham 12. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Kve dr-Jand 11 is reported that there were of loval pocket books and all debts .y I other fatalities. I .n u- ,.'..., . Corn 45 Oats 32 Potatoes 50 Bran per 100. 90 Middlings" 1.00 Chop 1.10 Flour per bbl 4 00 WANTKD. -Capable, reliable person In every county to represent lurge company of solid II nanclal reputation; tHSB salary per year, pay able weekly; B3 per day absolutelv sure and all a-jurnacr atraigni. n. ma rule, definite salary 'in commission; salary paid each Saturday und ,-ipensp money aclvaneeil eaeli week. STANK Altl) HOUSli. 834 Dearborn St.. Chicago. S-7-lt yXXXXKXX)OOOOOQOOOOX?OOOC 9 BtTBBEHS C Farmer'! Felt Boots 370S Men's It ubb-r Boots $1.78 V mull i nuniiei snoffl 26etip3 Women's Rubber Shoes ..its an! Child'. Rubber thoea SOoud Indies' Mbnes Kl ONOMCIAL 8UOS BMP , s ' Several hundred students were arrested. will be honestly paid and leave about (hM), for the stockholders, or at any rate what property belongs to them I ru I n ur a Meeting; of Prealtlenta. after paying the debts ailti tl fair reill- Mexlco City, March 19. Hon. ization on the assets of the concern. Charles Hamlin, of Boston, formerly rr n , , i assistant secretary of the United States T" yoars the 1 )ST '"lv,,"1 treasury, has arrived here, accompa- the shoe factory and again this joinniil nied by his -vife. He advocates as a Boats to the breese its loyal banner and matter of prime Importance to the gen- to-day defies the inaiduouw snares of tl"' eral welfare and good fellowship of . 7 Mexico and the United Htafa. tw t,,w s worst emy. Presidents Diaz and McKlnley meet at the border when President McKlnley shall go to California. SUM $900 Yearly Wen and romen of good address to represent Four Drnnnrd In the Greenbrier. Cumberland, Md., March 19. Arthur Watson and George Gibson, lumber- man worn drmeioid lw 1 1, ' 1. i ' , ' , " ", , " " "iCTjuurier ,,. .ome to travel appointing agents, others for river, below Elklns, Sunday. They local work lookingVfter our interests. o were thrown from a rudely constructed salary guaranteed yearly; extra commissions raft nrSUch Jammed into a bridge nier f,"S !" JfJS Jvnnent, old csiab- 4)10 anmo i,.0iu iT iff iT Habed house. Grand chance for earnest man the same locality two Italians, or woman to secure pleaaant. permanent post- named Ross and Raffl, attempted to 'Ion. liberal Income aud future. Mew, brilliant ernan tha Hvar in hn.1 ,-n lines. Write at once. oaaau .510 Uivsuni, 8S Church Bt., I 8-Jl-18t. Haw Haien. Oooa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers