nXvPRBPARBO BXPRESSLY FOR THE POST vSSJHy SV ITS COH,a OF OORRBSPONDKNTS j M KKEAMKK. W. W. Roush, of Paxinos, was in town Thursday. Mr. Nace, of Aline, visited John Bickhart's last week. Mrs Jackson Miller and children of Paxinos are visiting relatives in this place. Wm. Freymanud Mrs. Tobias I Hindis are confined with an attack of sickness. Miss Cora Row visited her sister, Mrs. Jackson Miller, recently. Mis Izora Smitli spent last week visiting frtedds in Middleburg. Quite a number of cur citizens attended the horse sale at Freeburg Wednesday. Miss Mable Gutelius, who has been sick, is slowly convalescing. There are quite a number of sales in this vicinity this spring, and there will be a lot of flittiiigs. Isaac Sauer purchased a dandy trotter from Frank Thomas last week. A. D. Kramer bought a horse at the sale at Freeburg Wednesday. 1 Geo. Roush, of Middleburg, vi.Mt ed Paul Hummcl's over Sunday. ADAM8BURU. Chas. Shirey and family of'LewisH town visited his parents at this place. . l Foster Smith died of typhoid fever aged 18 years. Funeral was heldjslager's Friday, Rev. I. P. Zimmerman of ficiating. MW. Elmer Snyder of Sel!nsgrovffcfcller of Shamokin over Sunday spent Friday, with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Klov. lister Smith U seriously ill with typhoid fever. ' Some of our citizens are speaking of having a bank at this place. 31r& Banks- Dreeae is sueudinic 'sMe time fth ktr Wfite'r'' Mrs. An drew Llsh in Middleburg. H. I. ltomig spent a day in Sun-J bury hurt week. We had several flitting? last week. Kurtz and Eberly of Reading afe being entertained by friends. The funeral of Mrs. Polly Romig, aged 84 years, was held on Sunday Rev. Spnbn officiating. Paul Bingaman and family and Sarah Romig of White Deer were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Polly Romig. - I It is rather cold to go in swimm ing this time of the year. Miss Emma Mitchell of K reamer visited relatives in this section Sun day. State or Ohio, City of To ) LIDO, LOOAB CODNTT, ) 88, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be 1b senior partner of the firm of F. J. Gbeney A Co,., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ERANK F. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and suhscrib ed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 188 , , A. W. GLEASON, I skai, I . Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the aysttem. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. UNION TOWNSHIP. C. E. Aucker moved to River side, Pa. A. 3. Sechrist spent part of last week in Phila., buying spring goods. Our poor directors intend to es tablish a poor house. F. E. Aucker and C. H. Sechrist have secured board at Pallas for the time being or as long as the job lasts. Auctioneer I. W. Longacre held five sales last week. About one year ago one of our neighbors swallowed a tack. He has at present a nail growing out of his big toe. W. M. Spangler has accepted a position as advance agent for Willet Boyer, who is in the memorial busi- bKLINSGUOVE. Jordan Wentrel of Rcnovo was hi town last week circulating among friends. He was formerly associat ed with his father-in-law, Samuel Faust, in the merchant tailoring business. Ira and" Harvey Sehoch iwith their wives spent several days in the City of Brotherly Love. Mrs. Elmer Snyder was a visitor at Adamsburg Thursday. Mrs. Loehner a ad Mrs. Kremer Bpent several days at Espy. We learn that Newton Gaugler of Elizabethvilleis sick and is in a critical condition. J. J. Miichell of K reamer was in town Thursday. Mrs. Ella Wagner, who spent six weeks visiting relatives in Clinton and Lycoming Co., returned home. Mrs. Miles Wetzel of Stcelton is circulating among friends in town and vicinity. Senator Hummel and wife spent several days iu Philadelphia. Prof, and Mrs. Noetling spent Sunday at Sunbury. Rev. J. C. Faaold has accepted a call to a church at Rockwood, Pa. Dr. B. F. Wagenseller attended rltne meeting of. the Lycoming Co., Mewcal Society at Williamsport last week. rr I.- , , Jir. and Mrs. Foye of, Virginia spept several days at John louden- Miss Mary Schnure entertained Misses Harriet and Sarah Y ag- 1 John Parks of Williamsport vis ited his mother over Sunday. Rev. E. H. Leisenriug pf Cham bersbunr was a visitor in town' one laYflast week. ' ,1 . fsPAA. Keiser and wife: of Pitts burg are spending several 'days with his parents Perc. looks quite natur- it"ft kWTJ Well 4 - The Dress Ruliwrsal in the op era house by the young ladies of the l)niversity was nicely rendered to a well filled house. It is exited that we will have a new shoe factory in operation in a few months. Mr. Seifert, who was injured at the. Market street crossing, whs re moved to his home last Friday, still very sore but improved. JOLT IBETtBfOK A. W. Aueker's smiling face was seen iu our midst Sunday. Mrs. Jacob Herrold of I ndcpetid- ence visited her aunt, Mrs. Geo. I. Flanders last week. C. W. Stroh and H. M. Neitz es corted the Trout man sisters to llern don one night last week. Operator Spcece of Johnstown was welcomed by his friend Miss Sue Bogar, Saturday. Quite a number of our towns people attended the funeral of John Glace which was he'd at Witmer's U. Evan, church Saturday. Rev. Martin of New Columbia and Rev. Fortner of Selinsgrove re lieved Rev. Francis by preaching tor him in the U.B. church Wednes day and Thursday evening r spect ively. Rev. Boyer pastor of the Evan, church was removed to Sugar Val ley and Rev. Haney of Bucks Co., will take charge of this circuit Rev. Brilhart is attending annual conference at Red Lyon this week. William Reidlc held a unique party at his home Friday evening in honor of his cousin, Miss Vankirk of, Northumberland. Chas. Keller of Selinsgrove visit ed his parents Sunday. Several weeks ago Philip Arnold and wife of Shamokin took the tat ter's brother's child to raise as its mother was called from time into eternity, and last week they brought the child over cold in death to be interred at Zion cemetery. Although the child was only a month old when it died, yet they had learned to dearly love it and their many friends sympathize with them in their bereavement. PAXTONVILLE Miss Bessie Erb is spending a few days iu Beavertown visiting friends. Miss Marks spent a few days in town visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. McAfee. Edward Dreese and Miss Jennie Klose of Adamsburg visited Miss ivlose's parents last week. J. Dillman of Sunbury visited Austin Gift's last week. Mrs. Frank Reigle of Lcwi.stown accompanied by Helen Ertlley of Burnham, visited Mrs. Keigle's grand mother here a few days Inst week. John Yeagcr, the miller, moved his household goods to Port Royal last week, where he intends to make his home for some time. Mrs. David Harner is on the sick list. R. E. Gift made a trip to Wilkes Barre last week. Allen Bowersox of New York City visited Grant Yoder's last week. Christian ( iray lull of Richfield is spending a few days with his daugh ter, Mrs. Irwin Grayhill. BWINEFORD, J . F. Bingaman and wife of Free burg were visitors at Joe Muster's Mrs. Keeler, who had Iteen stay ing in Philadelphia for some time, returned home. 1 . Dr. Amig of Lewistown spent several days with his parents here Mrs. Newberry, who had bean visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L Marks, returned to her home in Philadelphia , Lewis Amig and wife of Selius grove spent a few days here among friends. Henry Ramer and wife ofKnu mer visited M. L. Shannon and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Orner, William Shelly and Miss Leuig, of Suuhu$ were here to attend the funeral 01 R! C. Spitler. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears the Signature of U17NDOBE. . ad (Jet the oats in early. A clear conscience is a good pil low. II. L. Neitz of Sunbury was iu, town im I i-illed on his many friends; He is iu the employ of the P. li. It. and haw considerably property ac cumulated by thrift and economy. 1 The ice on the Susquehanna has taken its departure. H. C Hoover and wife passed through town on their way to Port Trevorton. Ira Hoover of Hall's Island was in town. Aliel Metzger of Eclipse was seen on our streets. Ed. Shaffer of Sunbury was in town offering goods in his line and stayeil with his parents at Port Trevorton over night. D. J. Keen was in town selling straw hats on the coldest morning we had this winter. Ereed Bros, were in town selling shoes. Sadie Itambo went to Sunbury to wait on Geo. Neitz's wife who is on the sick list. J. E. Wagner is getting ready to make brooms. Simon I. Snyder was in town. Our debating club is attracting some attention on account of their masterpieces of American eloquence. Mary Campbell called on Maria W. Dundore. Eli Campbell made a business trip to Selinsgrove for our merchant. John Krebs of Verdilla was in town and had a talk with the Over seer oi the Poer. J. H. Kehrer and wife were in town and called on their daughter and family. C. ltinehart of Chapman passed through town on his way to Selins grove. . George Glase was laid to rest last Saturday at the United Evan gelical cemetery. HUMMEL' S WHARF. Andrew Trutt and wife are on the sick list. Brian Teats, who has Urn on the sick list, was able to teach school again last week. It is reported that there will he a wedding in this place iu the near future. John Sehoch and wife made a trip to Sunbury Thursday. Mrs. Amanda Null, of Sunbury, spent Sunday with her boh, Arthur j Noll and wife. Miss Ella Bower, of Selinsgrove, pent a week with her (larents in this place. Wm. Mover is working on a saw ! mill for Jacob Tharp near Fisher's ! school house. John L. Bower attended the in auguration at Washington, D. C, ' on the 4th inst. and returned home well pleased with the trip. Levi Dressier. Henry Bower and: Edward Fisher of this place and David Nearot (i ranger s Hollow at tended the horse sale at Freeburg Thunday. A child of Levi Dressier is very ill with pueuiuoiiia. '1 he heavy thundershower Sumluy night caused the ice to leave Peon's creek Monday morning, which did some damage to the bridge. Saturday between four and seven o'clock p. in. a burglar entered the residence of Peter, Bailey, and suc ceeded iu getting alsiiil one hundred and ten dollars and u hank book. It is Supposed the burglar entered the house while Mr. and Mrs. Bailev A tier ranHackjugl he carried a small desk containing ! irs into the iar- lor. Wliile eating suplier, Mr. and Mi-m iimL,, u.,,i i;,.k im.i isiT. luutt acMiui umm lienru It noise, 1 11 it th"iiy lit it was a neighbor Pfltrnd paid BU alteiititin to it. At 1 ' about seven u chick n neighbor lady Iteiug tliere, uttd .Mrs. Bailey wish ing to go into the parlor, found the jwrlor door propped shut with the sewing much ue, and a window bolt ed. I ;pon investigation it was found that the latch at lite desk, w hich was locked, was unscrewed, and the, money and Ixxik were gone. The Some of our fanners are busy ex burglar made his escape through the changing places of living for the window. TKOXELV1LLE. Wm. Snyder put a new raiige stove up tiir 1. C. Swartz Tuesday. Edward Shindel was a visitor at It. E. Smith's one night last week. Jno Middleswarth left for the Buckeye state one day lust week where lie intends to spend the s - were called to Mifflin county to at- mer. J tend to the wants of the sick. Mr. K. F. Smith says it costs a good Peters dumped the doctor out in a deM more since he has a little girl1 big snow drift. Our friend, the two weeks old to support. doctor, is a big man of 200 pounds J. Shawvcr ami family, who had avoirdupois. He left a fine impres been visiting here, returned to their si"" tne beautiful snow. Southern home in West Virginia. William Peter moved to the prop Saturday evening, Sunday fore- 1 4' Al,na Sn,M,k' 1 last week noon, afternoon ami evening the Mrs. Sarah Steely and family Mission Band of 8. U. will hold ser-! were the guests of your scribe Sun vices in the St. Luke's church at day. Troxelville. This band is non-sect- j L. B. Treaster's ice liousw was the arian and comes highly recommend- j last one to lie tilled at this end, and ed. Everybody is invited to come j it was tilled Friday, and hear what they have to say on I Nora Kahley was buried nt Me dic subject, "Foreign Missions." CI urc Saturday. Quite a lot of her sB-naBs many friends attended the funeral in ZION HILL. a liody to pay their respects to the deceased. Wm. Wenrich is still numbered j 0ur slrecls are aimostdaily visit among the sick. ! ed by a new tramp in all colors. Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. J.l Mrs. L B. Treaster spent Sunday Courtney, a son. j with of her L()We, tyi(1)(s. Jasper Hackenburg from near 1 Middleswarth was visiting at Kos- ; B0HNB well Meyer's Sunday. ' jr8 Allen Valentine is still on Henry Stahl was to Mifflinburg t,ie si).k jBj one day last week. V V1 . , AI1 h.liau Ttnir hi. lit t M ft nliiinr to visit his son There was singing school at Zion church which some of our youug people joined. Charles Moyer got a position to travel for a cigar company of Phila delphia. Mr. Moyer is a very enter prising young business man and we wish him good success. W. F. Bilger the traveling ' sales man of Milton was visiting Jesse Hackenbcrg's over Sunday. Fir HOLIDAY PRESENTS fr.EVERY DAY USE I The Lamp of Steady Habits 1 The lamp llmt doesn't flam to iw had Unipiairr ; Um lamp that Ux.ka pixl Mm toii jft II niiil May Knt ; the lamp that you never will. Imctvart mill, Rata you have it ; thai i cbc JNkw Rochester. Otarr lamp may he offered you as juat a (rood " Mf may I, In wmiui rwwu, hut f.ir ll around nodi 5 tJiMv'a only one. Tht Htm Hrrtrr. To make Jun-the lamp oflfrrrj you iarenuine. look for the name OB it ; errry lamp has it. iSOu Varieties.) Ol.l LnmpN Made New. necsn fill evrrv lati n wnnl N. inntt.-r i ij...r vnn want a new lamp iir ttoiv, an .fio, tm mounieoor othi T TH1 literature on ih awi lwl. Wear5Pi:CIAUST5 In the treatment of t Lamps. Consultation Flfl.li. new Kooneiter. " do Lt THE H0CHE8TER LAMP 1 1 I ! I 1 I 1 1 1 H I M H BUILDERS' HARDWARE Is an absolutely necessity if you intend to build. Ton will need many things on which I can save you money. My Stock IH ALWAYS LABGK AXD.OOMPLSTE IN CLUDING A COMPLETE LINE of Reading Hardware Companies' CELEBRATED LOCKS and INSIDE TRIMM INGS. Send me your tpeoifioaHorvi, and I will yhully quote you the price. fcr ALL GOODS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED.' J KftTABI.INIIKD In IH70 W. H. I $-m$1-KH-W Tri-ennial Valuation of Snyder County for 1901. TABU LA K STATEMENT (bowini asrrmfd vlucof Real and Ptr moii Property taxable for county purposes an returned by the s.i-s.irs on (be 24th day of beptember 1900, mid partly etjualized by the county C'nimissionprK, Value of Vuiuo of tiws Names of I VUueuf HortesaDd and Nat .Value of Tradm Mulet oror Cattle orer oeeepat ions and Dlnlrlcts. Ki'al'Kitatf. I fouryears four years I I'rofeBslons I of atf. nld. dsnu I iith(W!i on iHST Oii $isnuuu twiT'suu Beaver i wvmdi iw 4&isuo 'Jmsoo kvtsoo BeaVHr West i limsoo oust oo 4Mtou isi.vioo Viilre IMU10I oH.t no n ou i;;- uo Chapman imihsiuo u.imou 2. as on wviaon Pranklln I skmisuo stmno ;inou ir.T;o oo Jackson ztwii'mi Win to itfttoo TWO 00 Middleburg 1801(00 Mil 00 TajiiO lyv-Viii) Mlddlecreek lOWItOO NIAOO :wiHr. oo vrnooo Mnnroe 37Ti4 00 t.712oo SS.6 00 7tK3 Ou psiin 47KJT4 0U m.vjoo trfflOO iy;70ii I'errv taw; OH 78SUO0 ' 444 0ii IttiiOO prry Weal i7iu'.oo mis 00 N'Aoo iis(4) Si'linsirruTe viuroo MSI 00 4ixuo 44;oo xprlnj' (7700100 H'.'l7nu MiS im lTiiS'O I uloli IS7.M7HO Mill 00 l 14) ISU7IMIC WMblDRtOB 4H(1'00 7S1 00 4:ilw iki ttOTsn) T'l'ul 1 I4M44I.1 00 1 1 mm 14 no ','.ii'."i in Hkjftu7oo TOf?W7?yff?V w w wmm-imaMumpmn wm itiena waaltaft ! i0iri of KevlHlon of valuations InourofTiee for the vartpus dUtrlcta oo he within named days ' 'e" many days ns are nerrssary for the purpose of finally determining whether any of M 1 4 '"V'' ,"I,,IU0"" '"'' '"'','',r "r corrections 1 11 limt rnf '11 ri.rilin - 1 n tin- llitrnf 11 tiii fntart(iiv tia eqoiUw Hie Mine iceonMpj toinw. The 0) mmi(a;loner;wlU ntiend nd bear thedlstricteot Adem,Beat er, Hearer West, centre s!iriiik'..iin'i(Kon. Monday, March I8ib. Monroe.Peon, eelltiigrove, Union, Miadteoreek ana chap man, Tuesday, March Ktb, ferry, "erry West, Washington, Middleburg and Prenklln, Wed. neaaa) , narco eotn. Attesi : .1 . N, Hkiish'h, Clerk. WEST UKAVKK. next year. J. 15. Shelleubergcr had been Buf fering with a sore throat for the past week. The friends and neighbors of Ed. Rothrock have set him up in house keeping again with a new house and all necessary household goods equal to the one destroyed by lire. Howard Peter and the doctor rai.i. mm , in i.uiWB,., Pa., fs visiting parents and friends at this place. Mrs. Frank Spotts, who was visit ing friends at Allentown for several montlis, came home last TuesJay. Wil'iam P. Seifret, of this place, who was driving across the track and was run into by a tram at Be - hnsgrove, was brought home rn day evening. P. A. 8tuck was to SevenjPoints to attend the sale of Lentz. no or mioki or tamo, v.m old one r.-irtl or reAn- C - r maJie or lamp trauioonil- 1 CB., ' Barclay St., lew Vsrk. l I ! M 14 l l iM-i-f--fK Helm, SUNBURY, PEINNA. Value of all proparty tx- anio ror County purposon. f IMOIl M 2WS7 00 S392SD OS MUillOO Oil SWUIi'li (XI KWTVHN i ' (sj 'iiiu n 40'M'l.l i 5I4IM iw MUM oa no txmxi im Mosul ou ?m::? tiy the con mlssloners Jtiave b .en im do helow nf (),.. net if lulu o. I. tbin 1 OKI. V. Ml I.I IK, .IdllN P, WK17BI., C, W. Kmiiiiim, Next Saturday evening, Mar. It, the school of this place will hold their entertainment Saturday or Sunday evening burg lars gained admittance into the town school house and took for their plunder fountain pens and pencils. etc. Siiue bovs had Ritaniitiiin uti the intruder and it found out, will cause their arrest Henry Mengle is going t( ( hin soon. Iteuoen Freed, of Philadelphia, visited friends in this vicinity last week. I. W, Longacre, our auctioneer, sH-iit last Monday evening at this jdaee. The lied Bank school will hold their entertainment Friday evening, March 22. W. H. Wendt and R. Weaver were to Richfield to bury a tract oi timber land last Wednesday. SHADKL. Irvin Botteiger moved his saw mill on W. W. Wittenmyer's timber tract which he purchased from Bott eiger Brothers and will commence sawing lumber this week. Rev. Davis intends to build anew barn this .summer. The sale of J, 1. Naugle Tuesday W0J well attended and the articles sold orough fair prices. Clemmens and Aurand purchase' timber tracts from Augustus Stroup and Wm. Arliogast, It seems lum ber is in demand, but if the people continue to buy timber and sell luro ber like they have done these two years, timber will get scarce in our vicinity. Chas. Reichenbach and Samuel Hafkeoberg and sistT, Vergie, were the guests of T. F. lteichenback Sunday. HIueRdchenbaoh, who was work- j ing at Ijcwis Fisher's in Freeburg 1 came home to stay a few weeks. PAT FOLKS YS-'W Donna Mr ssaatb. flAKMI.sUUi csperlesce. BOOK. TBaUL Adttnas iifTDMB. A. V Broadway. Mm Xaatu ll"J