HARRISBUKG LETTER. Measures That Occupy the Atten tion of the Lawmakers. DELATIONS OF MINE OFFICIALS. lm ii.i ( Salta TbT Shall Ilr Con- Mr4i Iftmttlittm of tur Companl! llnlhrr Thaa lo-Work-rrt of rrrRi Iajarrd. Harrlsburg, Fob. 26. In the senate last night lion. William H. Keyser, Was sworn In as senator from the Third Philadelphia district to succeed the late Francis A. Osbourn. Judge Weiss, of Dauphin county, administer ed the oath. Among the bills introduced were: By Mr. Stiles, Ixhigh, providing for the construction and maintenance of sidepnths in the townships for the use of bicycles and pedestrians, and au thoring county commissioners to levy an annual tax of SI on each wheel; by Mr. Quail, Schuylkill, to provide for the burial of indigent soldiers so as to extend the provisions to soldiers wbo served in the Spanish and Philip pine wars; by Mr. Vaughan, Lacka wanna, defining the relationship be tween mine bos.-es, superintendents and foremen of coal mines and the persons, firms or corporations owning or operating the same, ami providing that In damage suits for injuries these persons shall be considc red as repre sentatives of the company, and not co- employKs of persons injured. 'I hi- governor sent to the Benate the nomlnntions of :. Chalmers Port to be coroner of Huntingdon county, v V. u. Sebum, resigned, and Henry Harland to be justice of the peace L. of B nsali in. Bucks county, vici J, (i Vandegrift, dc ceased. Joseph Call, of the Nineteenth Phila delphia district, and Richard Curry, Sixteenth Philadelphia district, who wire elected at the late election to till vacancies, were sw orn in at last night's session of the house by Judge Weiss. Among the bills read In place were: By Mr. Palm, of Crawford, to enforce article 1" of the constitution to pre vent discrimination by railroads and The Issue of free passes; by Mr. Ulrich, Dauphin, limiting the amount of loans to officers and directors of banks, trust companies and savings institutions; by Mr. McAnlie, Lawrence, making it unlawful for first cousins to be Joined in marriage and declaring void all marriages hereafter contracted in vio lation of this act; by Mr. Wadswortu, Philadelphia, providing that the wages of laborers or the salary of any person in public or private employment shall uo' be liable to attachment In the bands of the employer, but this pro viso shall not apply to the wages or mlary of persons not residing in this t ate. In the senate Thursday of last week Senator Focht, of I'nion, chairman pf the committee on elections, In troduced the ballot reform bill which has the indorsement of the state administration. The bill provides that ill nominations made by political par ties shall be known as party nomina tions, and that such nominations for public offices can only be made by a delegate or mass convention, primary election or caucus of voters having a national or state organisation. Blank forms of certificates or nomination shall be furnished by the Btcretary of the commonwealth and no other form than those so furnished shall be used. All nominations other than party nom- . nations shall be known and deslgnat- pd bs Independent nominations. Inde pendent t. mlinttions Of candidates for ', c office niuy be made by nomina tion papers Bigned by qualified electors of the Btate or of the election dlatrict or division thereof lor which the nomi nation is made. Blank forms shall be furnished as In the case of regular party nominations, No person shall accept more than one nomination for the same office, and whenever any per son shall receive two or more nomina tions for the same office he shall be deemed to have accepted the first one made, unless be designate within a given time which one he prefers. The bill adopts the Australian group sj.-.-tuui ballot. The senate amendment to the bill relative to the acquisition of state for- est i ver fi' r nervations, providing that ail ments shall be inserted In tli" papers nearest the land to be pur i, was concurred In. , .11 providing for the removal of on account of mental or phys- dlsablllty was introduced by Mr. leal Harrison, of Philadelphia, last Fri day. If a judge becomes un abl to perform his official du ties for a year the governor shall appoint a commission of three physl-i plans to examine him. If they report Lbal he is permanently disabled thel . rernor shall notify him, and if he shall resign within P.o days of such no-: lice he shall receive for the balance nf the term for which he was elected the salary which he would have re-1 celved if he had not resigned, and the governor shall appoint his successor.' Mr, Scott, of Allegheny, introduced, a bill amending the marriage license act by Increasing the fee to be paid for such license from .1" cents to $1. Mr. earner, of Schuylkill, offered a resolution calling upon Governor Stone to remove James K. Roderick, chief of the bureau of mines, for making the remark in the presence of several mem uers of the house that "it docs in. -natter what the miners want nowa days: their hands are raised against every n:,n am' every man's hand Is raised against them." The resolutlo,. was referred to the committee on mines and mining. The state authorities are paving the way for their proposed bill to make up the $1,000,000 deficiency in the school appropriation caused by Governor Stone's veto by paying off the districts earlier than usual. The bill has been prepared by At torney General Klkln and will prob ably be Introduced in the house by ex State Treasurer Beacom. Governor Stone says he will not ap point the judges of the Philadelphia fifth common pleas court until he hns beard the friends of the applicants who have asked for a hearing. There are numerous applicants, in spite of the fact that the governor is almost cer tain to appoint Col. Robert Ralston, J. Willis Martin and Maxwell Stsvansop GOLI)E GATE WRECK. I Steamer R:o de Janeiro Went Down With 127 Souls. C0KSDL WILDMAN A VICTIM. lie anil III l ainl I r W ent Down With the lll-l :vt. a Vraarl. a Uld Cap tain Ward, llrr Commander Only Se ent -four HrarurU. San ' ranclseo. Pah. 23. The Pacific Mail strainer Rio de Jnnelro ran on a bidden DCk while entering the Golden (iate tarly yesterday morning in a dense foe. She sank a few minutes after striking. The latest figures place the loss at 127 persons, most of whom were Chinese and Japanese. The most prominent passenger on the steamer was Rounscvllle Wildman, I'nlted States consul at Hong Kong, who was accompanied by his wife and two children. The ship wns in com mand of Pilot Frederick Jordan when she struck. He was rescued. Capt. William Ward went down with his ves sel. As near as can be learned there were '.'01 people on board the Rio de Jan eiro, as follows: Cabin passengers. 21); steerage (Asiatic), 58; second cabin, 7; white officers, 30; Asiatic crew, 77. The saved number 74, classified as follows: Cabin passengers. 12; white officers, 12: steerage (Asiatic), 13; crew (Chinese), 37. The lost number 127. classified as follows: Passengers, 24; officers, 18; crew (Chinese), J9; steerage (Asiatic), 46, The following cabin passengers are lost: Rounsevllle Wildman. wife two children and nurse; Mrs. K. West, J. F. Seymour. H. C. Mattheson, Mrs. and Miss Wakefield, Miss Rewena Jehu, Zong Chong, Dr. Okawhara, Dr. Dodd, t). H. Henshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wood worth. C, Dowdell. 'I he Rio de Janeiro was threa days overdue from Hong Kong via Honolulu when she arrived off the Heads Thurs- CONSCL GENERAL WILDMAN. day night, and the dense fog prevailing at the time Induced Pilot Jordan to bring her to anchor until he could see his way clear through the gateway. She laid to until about 4:30 o'clock yester day morning, when the atmosphere cleared, and she was started under a slow bell toward Point Bonita. All went well until 5:40 o'clock, when she struck. Most of the passengers were below at the time, and it is believed that many of them were drowned in their berths. The first news of the disaster reach ed here at 7:30 o'clock, and sooon af terward a boat load of rescued passen gers and petty officers arrived at the mail dock. Tugs were immediately dispatched to render any service that might lie needed, but no living persons were afloat when they reached the wrec. A number of drowning people were rescued by Italian fishermen, and the bodies of two white women, three Chi nese and a Japanese were brought in by the tugs. From all accounts it appears that the officers were cool and gave the neces sary orders with the least possible ex citement. Capt. Ward, who was on deck when the vessel struck, at once gave orders to the crew on watch to hurry the pas sengers to the forward deck. At the same time the quartermaster on duty sounded the signal for fire drill, and within five minutes all the men were at their stations. There was not much confusion until. 16 infinites after striking, the bow of the vessel sudden ly plunged under water, was a wild rush for the Then there boats. The Chinese crew, to the number of more than a hundred, was terrorized. Some1 of them huddled in little groups, chat-1 tering In fear. Others crouched close to the deck, moaning pitifully. Many Jumped into the sea. Capt. Ward remained on deck until the vessel had settled to such an ex tent that the water was engulfing him. Then he went up on the bridge and from there confined to issue his j directions, although by this time the confusion was bo great that few paid any attention to his commands. That the steamer sank almost lm mediately after striking Is the report Of a majority of those rescued. Some of the passengers say that she In stantly listed forward and that in five minutes she went down, while others declare that she stayed afloat for half an hour after she struck. The con fusion occasioned by such an Incident is intense, and It is not s uprising to find that there is a lack of unanimity. I The wreck lies about three-fourths of a mile south of Fort Point and about a thousand yards off the rocky shore. The smokestack ana a portion of the upper works of the ill fated ' steamer are visible. I There are several conflicting stories concerning the fate of Capt. Ward. The steward of the Rio says that he stood ! beside the captain when the vessel went down. Two other survivors say that they also saw the captain to the last, but Frederick Llndstrom, the quartermaster of the Rio, emph declared that Capt. Ward Admiral Tyron, of her jetty's ship Victoria, in his cabin, where he m hind a locked dopr. ML CONSOLIDATION Ihe Monster Combine Files Arti cles of Incorporation. FOBEIGN HANKERS MAT INVE8T. It la Maid That Ihe er Corporation. Nonilnnll) Capitalise at $3,000. Will Hlive f 1.100,000.000 of Capital StorU Morgan Predict. Bin; Savin. New York, Feb. 26. Official an- COUncemenl of the Morgan steel com bine will pr bably be made this after noon. Up to a late hour yesterday af ternoon it was expected that the state ment would be made public In time for this morning's newspapers, but after a protracted conference at the office of J. P. Morgan ft Co. Robert Bacon, a member of that Arm, declared that the official news would have to be withheld for another day. Articles of Incorporation of the Uni ted States Steel corporation were filed yesterday at Trenton, the Incorporators being Charles C. Cluff, William J Curtlss and Charles MacVeagh, all of Hoboken, N. J. The nominal capitalization of $3,000 Is understood to mean that the incor porator had simply taken the pre caution to file papers before anyone else might have a chance to use the name. The incorporators Include ex Judge Curtiaa, who Is a partner of William Nelson Cromwell, of the law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell. Mr. Cromwell, President Gary, of the Federal Steel company; Max Pam representing the American Steel and Wire company, and Francis Lynde Stetson, who Is one of Mr. Morgan's confidential legal advisers, were In con ference the greater part of the day. With these gentlemen from time to time were representatives of the vari ous concerns which are to form the great eomblne. There were uncon firmed statements that committees representing these companies had pre pared circular letters to be sent to their stockholders; that these letters gave exact terms and nil details, and that the shareholders would bs urged to accept the terms set forth. A di rector of the American Steel and Win company said of this: "I don't know what tin1 directors of the other companies Interested may have done, but I can say that as yet we have prepared no letter for our share holders." Another bit of gossip was to the ef fect that both the American Bridge company and the National Tube com pany would be left out nf the combina tion. These concerns are credited with being dominated by Morgan Interests, so that the rumor that they wore not to go In was accepted with much reser vation. None of the principals or af flcers of the companies would discuss the matter at all. Morgan & Co. are declared to have made all arrangements for financing the combination. Thev have also, ac cording to reports, rY upleted the de tails necessary to the exchanging of old securities for new. As to the flota tion of the company, a prominent bank officer was quoted as saying that not more than $15,000,000 of actual cash would be necessary, and that this sum had already been put aside by the un derwriting syndicate. Speedy appli cation will be made, it Is said, to list the shares of the company here and on the Ixmdon Stork Exchange. The un derwriting syndicate is said to have of fers for the shares of the new com pany aggregating about $100,000,000. It is reported that London Paris, Ber lin and Frankfort bankers have taken kindly to the advances of the under v. titers. From a well Informed source comes the statement that the I'nlted States Steel corporation will have$l, 100,000,000 of capital stock. Of this $300,000,00(1 will be 5 per cent general mortgage bonds. $400,000,000 of 7 per cent pre ferred stock and $400,000,000 of com mon stock. The corporation will take over the Carnegie. Federal Steel, Steel and Wire and other companies by an exchange of stock. The value of the subsidiary concerns has been arrived at by a close examination of their assets, as well as of their earning power. Mr. Morgan Is said to have declared that without a combination the companies to be ab sorbed In one would have spent for betterments at least $50,000,000 a year for the next five years. With the ele ment of competition eliminated it Is figured that all or nearly ali of this will be saved. The objects of the corporation are to manufacture steel, Iron, copper and other materials, and to own, operate I and develop mines, and to own lines of transporation. The provision is made that the corporation shall not own a railroad In the state of New Jersey. llnylliiiiN iiml Dominican FIjclitlnK. Cape Haytlen, Haytl, Feb. 26. A skirmish has taken place between Hay tlans and Dominicans at Phltobert, on the northern frontier. A party of Haytians waB suddenly attacked by a number of Dominicans. The Haytian consul at Dajabon sought refuge at Ouanamlnthe. Haytl, about five miles from the frontier. The Dominican con sul at Cape Haytian has received or ders from his government to repair Immediately to the scene of the dis turbance and endeavor to put an end to the fighting and cause the Haytian consulate at Dajabon to be respected. Rahlre Ate I'olaon For Candy. Pittsburg, Feb. 26. Martha and Florence Spangler, aged 3 and 2 years, respectively, died last night from the effects of an overdose of morphia. The children, who were the daughters of Arthur Spangler, airbrake Inspector, of the Fort Wayne railroad, during a short absence of their mother from the room secured a box of morphine pills from the dresser, and thinking they were candy ate Ave of the quarter grain pills. Oaytinre Mnat Be Tried In (ieomln. New York, Peb. 26. United States Commissioner Shields yesterday de tided that Benjamin D. Green and John F., Edward H. and William T. Oaynor, Indicted for conspiracy to de fraud the United States government, should be removed to the Jurisdiction of the United States court in Georgia. 'wBanT ' Bepnblio&n Standing Committee. dnnw-C. t. Flngaman, J. D. Sip, aapar Charlas Draeer, Elmer Wrlscl. eaar W. -Thoa. HarbaUt. Jackaon Baker. Oantre-W. a. Nana, F H Sara. nhaaiaiB-PaUr Shaffer . C. H. Cpdearore fra iklia John Haektaburg, Oca f. Stellar. Jnekaeo J. Han ay Moyer. u. A.Breuee. MMleburr-r. . (Wot. frank Balls, tttaalecreea-a K. Row, Geo. 0 Slues.. Manna-W. L. Young, D P. Killer. Pann-IUrrrL. Kngle, Oca. M. Wltmer. Pnrrjr-K. K. Boyer, AJIrn Valentine Pane W Joelab Wli.iy, C 8. Sprlanle. SellnagroTe J A. I.umbard. J. K. Keller. Spring-Chae. R. Kloee, D. U. Snook. Union-Jacob Slahl. A. J Stroh. tanbiDKtoa-Myrou aorer, W. F. BJown. A LunNeStt, Itairuian. Lpvii I iiAKi k Mrvretnry. .1 Vbauk Rfitc. Traaaur frfifijfi TraanJpaajkul pra. He supported Eric as best he could. Rev. Charles M. Sheldon's Latest Story is His Brother's Keeper It treats of the ever-present struggle between capital and la bor and shows clearly the situa tion from the point of 1 lew of both the workerand the employer. It is a strong story fascinatingly told. We have purchased the serial rights and It Will Be Printed in This Paper ...Watch for the First hapten l YouTl , surprised when you rem that wo are Helling Golden Oak BEDROOH Suits $15.75 FOR II we told you lovv we art. able to do this it would not he so surprising, hut let it ic sufficient that we selling them al are THIS PRICE Don't worry about how we do it. I Call and see our Fine Dlsplayof Fancy Rockers E. S.Weimer&Co. Furniture Dealers and r a atata runcrai u tree tors 4th 8.. CIIMRiiuv ii . , - .... i , mn 4 MliHiltttt. j-H-H-H-l-M 1 I 1 1 MH-:--H IftORSE COLLARS i 1 M. I have reduced prices as tollows: Scott's Collars from $2.25 to $2.00 and another grade from $1 to 85 cents. J. M. Mail re r. J. 1-3 lm, HBEAMEB. PA. i-H M I II 111 M I III III It H4 MlDBLEBURGH MARKET. Butter 18 Eggs 18 Onions 00 Lard 8 Tallow 4 Chickens 6 Turkeys 8 Shoulder...... 8 Wheat 70 Rye 45 Corn 45 Oats.... 32 Potatoes 50 Bran per 100. 90 Middlings" 1.00 Chop 1.10 Flour per bbl 4 00 Ham 12. riTFomais1. MRSreSf. aWOK raHMU 1 it lrV Hmmense" 8 .stand), market Street Prices as follows: $20 Overcoats for $15.50 14 Overcoats for !.."() 10 Overcoats for 5.50 5 Overcoats for 2.00 Men's Svf.it m $18 Suit for $12 14 Suit for 10 ! Suit for 7.50 Men's Overalls reduced to 25 Boys' Svilts 10 Suit for $7.50 2 Suit for 1. 10 2.60 Suit for .75 Boys' Overcoat lo Ovtrcoats for $( 6 Overcoats for 4.50 3.50 Overcoats for 1.50 2 Overcoats for .99 Plusli Caps ouo iijs tor ooo 55c Caps for 151c ana we are Douua to make room for the summer stock. Our! COminenoed Jan. 7. Come to see B Quality tells prices sell. Frank S. Regie, LEAL EE IN AND- Sewing Machines itliddleburg, - Pa. Inquire for . . FUNDS ORGANS Terms and Pric oooooooocmoooooooooooooo Read This! Read Thii Is larcer than ever before : m v PKIC S LOWER than EKS for ti e SAME GOODS. Mv nricea on 46 rolls of cH wish to close out will suit tho pocket book of many and! others mouey. Do not think of buying your fall carpets you give my stock of carpets your atteutiou and gel the of some of mv baaitaing I am offering. l HAM t OS I and some tor the price of the glass in the Don't miss this sale. LdWer will surprise you in Styles and Prices. In this branch of mv business I am nreoared to public the best serbioe that can be secured by money, tit personal attention. My equippage in this branch of bust one of the finest in the state. HEARSES, CARRIAGE UNDEHTAKifitt f AKLdrw 1X0 up to -date. On wnrrt ahont a renort that ibt attention haa ha aallad to lately ID my prices. I OUABANTBk to furnlSh the Same goods St LESS MONEY house in the county. 1 UUARANTEK to give you easier PAYMENT two i First-Class Livery Connected with Undertaking Dej Telephone Connection. LEWISTO ROCKER SAI - - AT - 13HIPMAM r 439 Market t, SUNBURY, PA. Began Sept.15,190 WIT IE STO Call to see tliem. aa4aaaaaAAtAnnttftH(ttMMMtU) Great, Great Sacrifices 9 15,000 of Stock of Gents' and BovsV Olothi will l)e verified at Wolff Freedman'i (Loeb's 1 U ndorwoar $:5 Suit for $2 2 Suit for 1.25 Children's Underwear fiir l( Men's Pautj O rants lor $ 5.5(1 3.50 Pants for 2. In 2.50 Pauta for .50 Men's Shoci 96 Shoes for 2.2". 2.50 Shoes for 1.50 1.75 Shoes for .99 a iovc $2 Gloves for $T. 1.50 Gloves for 1 i u loves lor ,;ij ,ou uioves lor .iji 50e- and 75c Neckties fur ol 39e Neckties for 19c. he reason why we hhci ifke is on uccount of the mild cliia Wolff Freedman, sunburn MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS 'i Prices just right on these goods. One Word About Pictures. I nm offering my present stock of pictures at cost, I have some prettr things to offer in Furniture, al UNDERTAKING! UNDERTAKEN, W. H. FELIX, " auut au m saan,e , J. 1