aaltJ ladl is M i th st, mcnt i the i lad nelly bo Is lie re plesi Inn .' bra sltloi iddd If M- I a in la S Tl.i li :l id I Ic njl BOIDf I 1(1 illicit I n. (if e tot- It to- With I 1 Erirl . they it skill e they nsaln them. le, felt feet. Btl left ne bot-i intfortg nto t,1 er Ira be sldd be plal up:- l-U fit iiitM Ing In i u pn el," l .ire Ml Iriftrl I.M thll Ir. .uffl ,,ry ttjll boy, h j the OH p on the I I way to vbere be e lonK . though often bt iy fulling use, even if escape ami hur Brould si lting tiw was no Iffegoaafls Hare Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. Bow To Find Out. Fnl a bottle or common glass with year and Ml II nana iwemy-iour nours. a sediment or set tling Indicates an . unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if It stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back is also rincing proof that the kidneys and blad treoutof order. What to Do. ere is comton in tne snowieace so expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- , the great Kidney remedy lunula every l in curing rneumausm, pain in mo I kidneys, liver, bladder and every part I urinary passage. It corrects Inability va-.er and scalding pain in passing bad effects following use of liquor. or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant sity of being compelled to go often I,; the day, and to get up many times ? the nieht. The mild and the extra- fury effect of Swamp-Root Is soon :ed. It stands the highest for Its won- lll cures of the most distressing cases. ou need a medicine you should have the Sold by druggist in 50c. and$l. sizes. roil may have a sample oottie ol tnis riderful discovery a book that tells Ire about it, both sent olutely free by mail, dress Ur. Mimer ct rtomo of Swamp-it, t. . Binchamton. N. Y When writing men- q reading this generous offer in this paper. ISunbury & Lewtstowu Division, In effeol N v. :", 1900. ward, I statioks. I ratwabo a m ah em 9J7 Bunbury BIO 8'H in ,7 Bellnsicfove Junction BOB i ii. in i -j llnnarove ttiu t tv inl Pawling s VI 4 :ia in,M Krt'tuni'r B IK -I at 0 J7 M'.lm-r 4 l I I0BI .Milillrburjj Hn 4 2D io:is Benfer BM i line Beavertuwn xi 4 7 inM Adnmiburc B0 lv I 11 daubs Mills s i.) :i r UK! .Mi lure iC 8 I" 11 II Wagrar T V7 :i IS lllri Slnn.ll. 7.H a II ji I'aintervtlla ' 19 ;i :u ii 27 Maitland 7 w 3 34 1 1 Lawiatown 7-Vi Bll IT Lawlatawn ( Bain 8trMt 7 .Si 3 Ifi uio Lawiatown Junction TBI HW 1 ml tin leavHB Sunbury 6 80 n in, ai nvix at BHlinsijrnvH ; 4- p in isvepSeliiiBitrovHKiOOp, m.. arrivee at sunbury lr p tn. iius leave uewmwwu Jiinonoij : In ni. pi Pi ii m I to p m.lanp m S 'An m, 7n,n i;i in inr Mlonna, PltUlmra I the w -i. Ir Hall imi, t' Rnd Wiinl-.iiitftiiu h 03 am 9 80 t i:i 1 10 n in for l'lillilihli urni . tSKBIH, n i ni. l ui l ;ia 4 3) and lilt i In Harriiburu 8 10 p in luladclpliia & Ene R R Division AM) IOKTHBKN l-BNTKAI. RAILWAY they WESTWARD, lare' s li iirrova Junotlon di.iiy for iy sod W HI, Ira, l Sti ; in, " :i) p in s inday 9 si ,i iii. III. lleave Banbury dally exoiipt Raaday; w'f it till, Krlc sad Mansndaltfus I tor lli-ll-i .: KilttHrid I lifcQS intauort tor Look Hsvan, Tyrone and the we I tor HcllcAinU ' a IB Tyrone and Danac. IdSlKQI linr knnvn and Klmlrii gasped I lur WtllwrABPorl It it n "i tur llurr do via Bmrjorlum. r, to I Krln hiiiI 0 maiiiliilgua lur UMI HSTaa o . H H p 111 Inr V I ort I at insmlOOand B4Bdbi lor wiiki's- land I f v , , , 10 10 mn, 'i ifl n iu. .1 4.i li in lor Hhnran Id Hounl Oarmttl Id)' 9 U I in inr Wllltenharre BASTWARD. Pnlai ltH Slloii(iiirg Junction in, o a , i arrtviou ut rini delphln ii Ng York SB u ui it ,,n,,i,,r,. 1 1 , till IIUKtiOl 4 1" II III li ladiulj irrivlniai Pblladelithta I n ngw Yum iMio u ,i, n u Ilnntuii 1061 p in. fall BP in, i, ally urrWInir hi PhMadHlDhl , Iffl, New Y nrk 71 m. m. n.H on lliiRton I OH a in ra'UH al-i- IMTII Sntilxirr am dailf arrlvniK at I'hllaitafilhla fl H a m mire :r, , Walhl ,,. r a: n M.. nn a mi Weekday!, to & a ui 8undny, . . " oyi srnvins at Pblbtdelpbia ' V'W 1 nrk d 1 n , It .l,.. - ii.. IVMhinaton i mi 1, 1 1 ' p tn, Week iUr arrlvlnu hi Phlliulatnhi. Illl. New V.irK , an i, in u.., .1 , ., agton : lip in 1 ,il-, I'' I'.-,- Siinlmrv at Ktl n ta. ... Ill im, lur Hurrlabnnr. Phlladalnhu ..! liTrmvLv Oan'l Ha Agent Combination aith the posi. (jive below some clubbins nations with the Post. The Piloted are very low. -New York Ti-i-',...l,lv T,.; J the Middlebura Pust. one t Aft ibout 800 ly to the arp'y- " Krlc, hut pid in advance, only Sl.7.") ES, Vf lapiWIahed Monday, l'f-'la Hllil I rl.ti.v .. I-' S'l'l it 1 M Hi.,.. ! . . Uta.iilV , . ii' 1 roiifniy really u ? hill nt a haft sunk j. When ve the Itn they sank d by the itieed who York Weekly Tribune Miuuieburg Post, one vear, advunt. onlv .i 11m t;i " , l '"ui,- i puniiened mi r . ... .. ail IlllpntUll' liew and w,,rl,l, the iot relial 1 , leent. -iiIm. " neuiiuri . .......,- K,-,.ri,i inzorme noioe nod etit,.rti.,i.... i. L. nlS ' PPee i..-r" r.,r W T f,iritii.i-u -o.,l ..in.. ne, DM 1 " In a tone yet there ng In serl m the ueW the clock arrived In y name Is r. Duncan, l(l to meet and Stuart ,e body of U as he did jrmallty of as a token ngtb. no ras a man i, was pos yere really 'fork M-Weekly World Bddlehurn Piw ...... . , , mi Pnce, ouly $1.66. ,kl 0NW,orl'1 """ three In... . . , "" 0" loootry ani la well wrtli K ill Farmer, nna nleburo' Pnor ,n auce, $1.50. Both of 'H-nsuii( the I fact ! Hook and A !. 1. I nae for 1901), ai,l ju i tr 4i am J VI. uu. al IF. publlahau, laaue.t wkly. uatJul to the farm.. l"yrloneiaBO cent. F"ook foroalr fl.es. that of my all seems ippearance. or lost I med If yon that Ib, no- THE ADVANCE IN CHINA. Allied rraMBdrn Prrp.rln- For the Bis Expedition. Pekln. Feb. 19. Great preparations are being made by the varloua com manders preparatory to the big expedi tion, especially In the matter of trans portation. Apparently the only com manders Who have enough of anything for a long campaign are the American. British and Japanese. The others are deficient, especially the German, al though Count von Waldersee believes that in few days be will have all the supplies really necessary. He takes the position that It will be better to secure the greater part of the provis ions from the country itself, but most of the generals think It unwise to take so great a risk. The British will reply almost entire ly upon pack trains. Any other method of transportation through the moun tain passes would probably be impos sible, as, according to the information received here, the Chinese have pre pared for just this contingency am1 have blocked every possible pass wit big boulders In order to render th passage Oi artillery next to Impossihlr Many people in rekin Ray that Coun' Ton Waldersee Is "working a bluff" li co-operation with the foreign envoy; hoping to compel the Chine le plen potentinries to comply with the di manda of the powers. The military Rt thorlties say this may be the rase, 1 -that China would never belleTe in foreigners again If they fnlh '. tu bi . an expedition. Prince Chlng and LI Hung CI ns, it greatly worried, They e u will blame them, Th y v ,...;. ,,i they print rut. With Ihc t ' ,. tag, the foty!gt ers, and m . ni campaign Is ImtHrii '. the consider that th ir r. 1st! i rlfy i iilier 1 will failed. To Imnearh Mnrtb i ii- Rnlelph, N, C h, 10 The I war houce of thi rcreral BBsentbly of North Carolina yestetdiy y ii ;-. rcinlutlon calling for the Impe-rhraent before the liar of the Benatc of Chief Justice DaTld M, Purches and Associate Justice ltnli ert M. Douglaa, of the supreme court of North Carolina. The resolution charges them with high crimes and misdemeanors In office, in that they issued eertaln processes in a ease of a politieal nature, which, it is charged, are in violation of the constitution of North Carolina, and the statute law of the Btate. The vote was tlj to 33 for Impeachment. Of the 33 nays is wero Republicans and two were Populists. All those voting for the resolution were Democrats. Convicted r Stealing; Water. Chicago, Feb. 19. Harry Boo re, su perintendent of tin- Continental Pack ing and Provision company, was found guilty yesterday of Stealing 1ST. 000 gallons of water from the city mains In the stock yards for the use of the packing company with which he is con nected. The value of the water was fixed at $14.!C, and Boo: c '- 111 he Riven a sentence for petit Ian ny, the pun ishment for which Is a One not to ex ceed $1,000 and imprisonment not to exceed one year. Boore's trial and conviction was the first resulting from a recent examination of the city water mains In the stock yards district. In which It was discovered that the mains have been Illicitly tap" d In many places and millions of gallons of water stolen. The Baldwin Pnlac Rxpedltlon. New York, Feb. 19. Kvelyn It. Bald win, the organizer of the Baldwin Zeigler Polar expedition, will leave here o" his search for the North Pole about ,ne middle of next June. Mr. Baldwin returned yesterday from Washington atul Philadelphia, and im mediately plunged into business con nected with his forthcoming expedi tion. His first move was to order the making of too muzzles of an original design for the dogs he recently pur chased in Siberia and Russian, and which will form an Important detail of his elaborate equipment. Regarding the route to be taken by this expedition Mr. Baldwin could only say that it would be one that has never been traversed before. now in tin- City of Mexico. Mexico City, Feb. IS.- Early yester day morning snow fell in this city and In the valley of Mexico. The ground being covered with snow in the higher suburbs, where trees and tropical plants were beautiful with B white mantle, greatly aroused the curiosity of the people and created much excite ment. Snow had not fallen in this city before for nearly half a century. In this city, however, it melted as fast as it fell. St. i.ouia Exposition Assured. Washington. Feb. 19. The bill to au thorize the holding of the international exposition in celebration of the cen tennial anniversary of the Louisiana purchase at St. Louis in 1903, and ap propriating $5,000,000 therefor, passed the house yesterday by a vote of 191 to 41. The opposition was hopelessly in the minority atul t ho struggle over the bill wus brief. The question of closing the exposition on Sunday wus not mentioned during the debate. Riiaalun Retaliation, St. Petersburg. Feb. 18. In retalia tion for the act of the United States' treasury department in holding that the countervailing duty against boun ty fed sugar applies to the Russian ar- I tide, the Russian government on Sat urday, In a decree Issued by M. de Wltte, minister of finance, ordered the j i in piiMi ii in in a maximum larnr on im ports Into Knssi.i of American manu factured goods. A Mordrrona Honolulu Kdltor. Honolulu. Feb. IB. Edwin S mil editor of The Republican, shot and BBrlous'y wounaea Mortimer in. ste vens. a member of the staff of The Ad vertlser, In the office of The Republi can on the evening of the 6th. The shooting followed a controversy about an article Gill had published concern ing some ladles who were stopping at the Hawaiian hotel. Dividend Por Wealth Prodaeera. Kingston, N. Y., Feb. 19. The Sau gertles Manufacturing company haa di vided the profits with Its employes. The total amount distributed was $40, 00. Each employe received 6 per cent of his rear's wages. The dividend was a surprise to the men and was paid only after the stockholders' divi dend was paid. Scene of Royal Splendor in the Decaying Spanish. Capital. C0UBT BALL AT THE PALACE. Tae Peatare of the Bis Show Wn the Cordial UrretlaB-a Extrndrd to Mr. Hrllamr Storrr, the Anarrlcaa Mlalatrr, ait Hie Wife. Madrid. Feb. 12. Yesterday, a day awaited with some anxiety in official circles because the anniversary of the establishment of the republic was ac centuated by the recent manifestations, passed oft more quietly than several days of late. Just after nightfall an Idle crowd, chiefly composed of street gamins, gathered on the l'uerta Del Sol, but when shouts arose the civil guards charged and cleared the space, ufter which there wus no disturbance The rain began to fall and dampened the ardor of the manlfestants. Meanwhile the aristocracy of Spain gathered at the palace to attend a court ball in honor of the wedding of the Princess of the Annus and Princa Charles of Bourbon. The magnificent structure, which was ablaze with elec tric lights, could scarcely accommodate the invited guests, whose carriages were wending their way thither as early as 9 o'clock. All entered by the royal staircase of white marble, at the top of which Na poleon stoppul at the time of Ills en try into Madrid and uttered the famous expression, as he rested bis hands on the tnarbla lions: "At last, Spain. 1 mid thee whom I have so long de sired!" and, turning to his brother, 'You are better installed than 1." The line ol guests traversed the for mer ballroom called the Mall of Col umns and passed through apartment after apartment gorgeously hung with gobelin tapestry of magnificent de sijnis. The members of the diplomatic Corps awaited the royal party, which entered promptly at 111 o'clock, The queen regent was escorted by the Count nt Cascrta. Then followed the Count ess of Caserta. with Archduke Eugene ;if Austria, the Princess of the As turias, with Prime Charles; the in fanta Isabella, with the Duke of Calai bra; the Infanta Bulalla, with Prime Oennaro, younger brother of Prince Charles, and then three of the daugh ters of the Count of Caserta. The regent welcomed the members of the diplomatic corps. Mr, Bellamy Storer, thi United states minister, was .ii i mpanied by Mrs. Storer, Her ma jesty advanced and gave Mr. Storer a cordial personal greeting. The royal party then entered the state dining room, which Is one of tin must splendid salmis in Europe, The queen and her partner opened thi dancing within a reserved space, each having as partner the one already men tioned as escort. The guests followed so closely that the room became dense ly packed, and circulation, as well as dancing, wus virtually impossible for two hours. The people were literally jammed In and it was not until the queen regent, on the arm of her broth er, and followed by her mother and the royal party, left the ballroom that any one could move about in the dense throng. After midnight the younger princes and princesses, with the mem t ers of the diplomatic corps, found a littlp freedom In dancing. The whole scene was a bewildering spectacle of court grandeur, in which brilliant uniforms were really less no ticeable than evening dress. Count Dubsky, the Austrian ambassador, who is the Doyen of the diplomatic corps in Madrid, on whose arm Mrs. Storer entered the palace, was especially dis tinguished by his resplendent uniform Particularly noticeable, on account of the war between the United States and Spain, was the cordiality everywhere extended to Mr. and Mrs. Storer. Owing to the repeated disorders mar tial law has been declared In Valencia and In Saragoasa. During the anti clerical demonstration at Saragoasa the students stoned several monks They were dispersed by police and gendarmes, Demonstrators carrying a republican flag fired on the gendarmes and a sergeant and several people iu the crowd were wounded. THE PEOPLE KNEW HIM. Benson's Plaster is Pain's Master.) Ooiiree Washington nuula nn.l enld dnnr and every barrel of flour in the market branded "O. Washington, Mount Vernon," Bold without delay. No queation wus ever raised us to quality or weight. Benson's Porous Piaster sella on its repu tation everywhere. All the buyer wants t, be curtain of is that the plaster offered him realty it Benson's, and not a worthless imi tation of it or substitute for it. A plaster is the best lorm of external rem. edy, and Benson's is the beat plaster; f,CHX physicians and druggists, and a multitude f people no man can number, have settled that, "You can trust it," they say. Coughs, col Is, lame back, luuiliago, mus cular atiffneaa and rheumatism, troublea ot the liver uud kidneys, influenza or grin, pneumonia, uud all oilier diseases open to external treatment, are at vure relieved and cured by Benson's Plaster. Do no' assume thai Belladonna, Capsi cum or 8 lengthening plasters are "just as good us" Benton's. They aru vastly in ferior. A'y other plaster is us good U6 Benson's. In competition with the best-known plasters of Europe and America, Benson'i For sale by nil droggiata or we w ill pre pav poatag on any number ordered iu the Unite,! States, on reoeit of 25c. eueh. oeauurv ,iomison, ang. uueuiuts, N.l. WANTED! Reliable man lor Manager of BranchOffioG vw wish to open lo tliirt vicinity. II" your record is (). K. liere is an opportunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. The A- T- Morris Wholesale House, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts stamps. l-17-12t The plague of 'oo La Grippe. Tke deSrojrerof IjKirippe-Mile.' Nervine. Skin Diseases When the excretorv organs fail to carry off the waste material from the system, there ie an abnor mal a cumulation of effete matter which poisons and clogl the blood, and it becomes sour and acid. Tnis poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body, and upon reaching the skin surface there ta a reduces and eruption, and by certain peculiarities we recognize Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Pioriasis, Erysipelas and many other skin troubles, more or less severe. While the akin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions aud powders may allay the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully cunuuucu, ana me conuuion is otien aggravated anil akin permanently injurea by their use. The disease is more man shin deep; the entire circulation is poisoned. The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, jKjtash, etc., not onlv do not cure skin diaeuaes, but eoon ruin the digestion and break down the constitution. 8. S. 8., nature's own remedy, made of roots, herbs aud barks, of great purifying and tonical properties, quickly ami effectually cure blood and skin troubles, tiecause it goes direct to the root of the disease ami btiniulates and restores normal, healthy actioutotht different organs, cleanses and enrichea the blood, aud thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions. 6. S. 8. cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to referment in the blood and cause h fresh attack. sss Skin Diseases will be sent free upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA. Remote Poaalbllllr, "You huve never had a wife, I pre sume," mi it! the generous matron who bad taken pity on hiiu to the extent of supplying him wiih some cast-off clothing ami a plate of victuals, "No, ma'am," answered Cioodman Gonrong, "an' 1 don't reckon I ever will have, unless 1 run nerost some woman who wants to make the ex peerimenl of mnrryln' a man to re form him. An' that ain't likely to happen," with bis mouth full of baked beans, "'cause she'd hev to bi young an' harnsome." Chicago Trib une. Cool l in. Hnn, "So imi want in murr, my dntigh ter'.' Well, what are your prospects, JOU li ma ii ?" "1 expect to come into possession of 1 00.000 In a short time." "Why, that is just I lie amount of my daughter's fortune." "Y,s; that's the hundred thousand I meant." Ilrookh n Life. Belrntllle llearareli. Jester- oh! Knueezii ha- ngrerd the: after bis death his IhhIi sltallb turned over to the university, iii the interests of science. Jimson Interest of science? Jester Ye. all Squee.lt's relatives have Insisted that lie ha,! no heurt; the doctors are going to timl out, Ohio state Journal, ilia Bonoroaa Conaeleneo. Mrs. Boon It seems in me that com! old Deacon Sobersides never deviates iu the slightest cc'.'-ec from the strait and narrow way. Mr. Hoon- -No; I sometimes fancy be has the approval of his own conscience to Mich an extent that the still, small voice within must be as audible to him i as u brass band.--J mice. Not Quite Free, i .New Arrival Oi wnz tow Id tlii- wait a free ounl ry. Friend Weil, isn't It? New Arrival Indnde, it is not. 01 had lo sthny at Sandv Hook Mve days 1 an' then be fumy gated befar 1)1 c'u'il j get on th' police foorce. N. V The Snuer nnchelnr, "What deduction can von f!r.iw I from Ihe fact that single men are j more dissipated than married men'.'" asked the sweet miiiiic thing, j "It shows that the greater part of humanity Is governed by terror only," answered Ihe savage bachelor. In- dlunnpolis Press, Willing to Help. Pastor's Wife lias anyone offered to ! rcplaster I he church j el ? j Struggling Pastor X-o, nol exactly; but Dr. Stickem has offered to cover j the walls with porous plasters, If we don't mind seeing bis name on them. I X. V. Weekly. I lull V ill illl I I., it e. She--Hurry, tell me, do vou love me for myself alone? lie of course, darling, nnd I'm to piad to know that you are to come alone. 1 was a little afraid that your j mother might be thrown in as ,-t sort ' of handicap, you know. Tit-Ilits, vv omaa of II, Husband (at the opera) Why didn't you bring your opera-glasses? Wife I iiil. but I ean'l use them. I Husband What's wrong with them? Wife Nothing; but I forgot to wear my rings. Chicago Daily News. II ii I ii k Tlilnua. engagements never should be long, Ve swains who ko to court Take heed! Tin- long engagement's keeps a fellow short. Philadelphia Press. TOBY COMB ii vmiy. "Johnny, ma i calling you." "Aw get outl How kin she expect me to hear wit dese car muffs on." X. Y. Journal. Healthy blood is necessory to preserve that clear, smooth skin and beautiful com plexion so much desired by all. S. S. S. can be relied ujon with Certainty to keep the blood in perfect order. It lias lieen curing blood and skiu diseases for halt a ct-u-tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. S. S. S. contains no poisonous minerals is purely vegetable nnd harmless. Cur medical department is in charge of physicians of Targe experience in treating blocl and skin diseases, who will take pleasure in siding by their advice ami direction all Whi i desire it. Write fully nnd freely about your case ; vour letters are lirl.l in itrictest confidence. We make no charm whatever for this service Our honk nn in. , ..1 ami Km Karlj Call. Mrs. Von Winner Dear! deal ! 1 dropped my diamond ring off mv tin prr this morning and can't II ml ii any where. Von Blumer It's all right, I came across it in one of my trousers pock ets. Harper's Itn.ur. Foiled, "1 often wonder what's the best thing to do for the grip." remarked the stingy man. who was trying lo get some advice gratis, "Oo out without your overcout," re plied the doctor, Philadelphia Press. in Plld. Dolly That young iiiinist, r seems rather guileless. Madge Ves, He appears to know nine of the next world, than he dm of this. Puck. ertnlnl)', "There's a fellow cuts some Ice in Ihe world t hese duj s." "Politician ?" "No iceman."- Ohio State Journal. I.lleriilh . The man looked up and SIIW "Nxit" on I he door. "Well." he mused, "thai lets mc out." Syracuse Herald. How He Dill II. "Doblej has ni invt painted a picture that will keep the wolf from the ,!,, r." "That mi'.' Painted it no the dour, Jid he?" Town Topics v er On- Rail, First Passenger Aren'l you anxious !o reach I he ol her Bide? Second Passenger Ves. Indeed! I lan scarcely coutnin myself I'uck. The Poollah Bheplienlesa, Little Bo-Peep, she losl her sheep And failed in advertise; The result, of course, was much remorss Ami terribly reddened eyes, - Puck, x,i Venl ii re bow I II. "Is this vour Hrsl venture in matri mony?" the preacher asked, the groom was oui In the vestibule giving certain instructions to the best niai. who u as. also, hi- In ad pin k. "Mv dear Mr. (iumiii igh," she repltied, almost blushing, "ti is isn't a i i lure at all. He has n mi deeds to inon than $00,000 worth of properlj o.n udy,'' Chicago Ti uies Hera Id, Looking for Trniihlc. "They sav that riches do not bring happiness." "l'es. And the reason is quite evi dent. As soon as a mail gels a few mil lions saved up be begins to think about going into politics." Washington Star. BACKACHE is a symptom. Something makes the backache nnd that somctliinfj requires attention "r the backache can never be perma nently stopped. I suffered for yens with a long list of troubles," writes Mrs, C. Ki.knk, of Wells, Minn. (Box 151), to Mrs, Pinkham, "anil I want to thank you for my complete re covery. LydiaE, Pinkham's Vege table Compound is a wonderful medicine for women. " I had severe female complaints causing; terrible backache anil ner vous prostration ; was dizzy most of ' the time, had headache anil such a tired fex-ling. I now have taken seven buttles of your Compound and have also used the Sanative Wash and feel like a new woman. 1 must say I nevet had anything help tne so much. 1 have better health than I ever had in my life. I sleep well at night, anil can work all day without feeling tired. 1 give Lydia E, Pinkham's Vege- 1 v t frightened and sent for the doctor; and he said that it was for tunate for me that it came away. I got quite well after that and have your Compound alone to thank for my recovery. " Multitudes of women suffer constantly with backache. Other grateful multitudes have been relieved of it by Mrs. Pinkham's advice and medicine. A Itnrn V , la. Mr. Twoyear Kidillett was Baying: "I have alwuys been very much inter ested in the Buying of children. Now, my lit t le bov The general exodus was checked by his next words: " 's Ihe only child I pver -aw whose remarks were not worth re p,a t itiL'." of the 11 men who fought for op portunities to take Mr, Klddlett's bund, one was hurt seriously. Town Topics, Pnrdnnaltle iirloalty. Little Willie- lion tall are j on, Mr,. Flushing? Mr. Flushing- M t 5 feet ;i it ches. Wi'.lie. Little Willie Vui: l ow toll were you lusl summer'' Mr. h'lushlnp, Why, just alHmt tin ntn' height, Wht i!o you ask, Willie? Little Willie (puzr.icd)- Why, b cause I heard papa sav vou were a e reat deal shorter this Inter than VTil were last summer.- Ilrooklyn ICug!e, tin ei.: llnal II ml. I I 11 Willi. ait a stagger, In a manner lhat was swagger, How to finance a nation, while spcaklnit mi the stump; But when it came to glv'nR Ills wile .imi i hi III a living, It became a loenl Issue, and you bet J. i hud i" hump Chicago Dally News bug was too t'oi'Sii t::km, Miss lie Me-Why is it.c tint, that you never married . Count The trouble w ti nt when I w as of a marriageable ngi you were a wee, tiny bnbt . lb ii' i Welt, WEARINESS OF BACKACHE table Compound all the credit, for I know it has cured mc of all my troubles. I would not do without your reme dies for anything." Mrs. E. Furtok, of Meade, Mich., writes: "Two years ago 1 was troubled with constant backache and headache and was very nerv ous. I resolved to try your medi cine and took two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and on taking the third a tumor was expelled. I was a little