The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 28, 1901, Image 6

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    The Cure that Cures
Whooping Cough. Asthma.
Bronchitis and Incipient
Consumption, Is
va . e.s Nt taO. Vutut V.tac.
tAiaW Ari. 25650rAs
No OM ration OF injpotinn. nit pain or tlW-
com fori in Hoy wsy, no steel aptf nn or Iron I
friuiiet, no Wooden, ivy or hard ruhot'r ball", j
cup, pun diss or piux. mod Not the ihi
dlntri-Mior muio.vmir.
Our outfit for the flirt of rnplarr or hrr- ,
nii la made of fine aoft matartala, aicb an frit,
velvet, chamois skins Mid elaetio webe. itiit
Mkn a glove ami an harm you no morn. It
lili. your Inteatlnea bi-k in heir natural po-
aJtlon and the wound will heal lik nny other
wound whrn it has a chance). The only way
toe Mr ia to hold tlm inti'HtinrN in or hack iill
of the time until the wound become grown t
gether. Your rupttire rna not be cured in
any other u ay. We have bad 'i-' yearn coiifltnnt
and hard experience in treating rnptnrea and
thin outfit it the mull Men, women and
childnn made romlortwble by lining thin
1'riceN reaaonaols and in accordance with the
ease. II (mrrraMMi, please w rite for purli
eulars; which we wilt mull yuu free. smA as
Cheapest and Bent.
Cures ( at. in li iii from .'1 to 10 day.
Cure Coltl in the llcnil, M to IS minuter.
B Hi.- llemlactie. 1 to3 minuted.
Becurelv lurked witli full instruction! .by
mai lONTiAII, 'JSC.
fry It and you will lie more than pleased with
the investment Your money hack if you are
dissiitiHticd. .Stamps taken )
Rome. H. Y.
Ink harness I the ' -
ur?t kind if a com- f?"
L-ureka Wv
Harness Oil
ri"t only maki'tloharw and the I R
horse for Ix'ttfi lnl makes the n
leather ort and pliable, put It l
..... , t, dltloa to last twice as long M
, ' tt ordinarily would. (V
1 1 '( io ft',1 J)Sk
tforsca XfW
A TRULY UNIQUE And original conceit gives to til lovers of Song and Music
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tions by the world's most famous authors. Music
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64 Pages of Piano Mualc
Half Vocal, Half Instrumental,
One a Month, for 10 Cants,
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which giver, nearly 800 pages of choice com
positions and constitutes a perfect
fighth and Locust Sts. Philadelphia.
When you want a physic that is
mild ami gentle, easy to take and
pleasant in affect use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Trice,
25 cents. Samples free. Kvery box
guaranteed, For sale at Middleburg
Druu Store.
P0.B0X 594
Niwlt FornisheD New Management
The Middleburs Drug Co. will re
fund your mouey if you are not sat
lafied after using Cbamberlaiu's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
cure disorders of the stomach, bil
iousnesH constipation and headache
Price, 26 eenta. Sample free.
ff m m. m tigisct
Just Bedooad from Ten Cents
Your choice of 817 twenty.flre cen
books seat free, for ntch three wrappers
icia -
and s ceota for postage.
His Brother's
Keeper ;
Christian S e ward ship
I Author of ' ia I is bWP ill Cue
tix "ii f fhulp birmu. ' " i.onerl
liaidVs be en Days," "Mal-
mil Kirk." tic
Cof TRlullT, 1899, ST COSOREOiTIOSlI,
Eric stood up nnd waved his hul
Thore was n grnduul Settling down of
the confusion, ami as he stood there,
evidently waiting to be heard, the men
soon became quiet ngulti Stuart ad
mired his control of the crowd. Eric
had great Influence with It.
"Brothers." he said slowly, "I be
lieve we have reached a critical point
In this movement Here is one of the
owners who has expressed his willing
ness to grant our demands. The ques
tion now Is, Shall the Champion men go
hack to their mines while the rest con
tinue to deal with the other owners?
This Is a questlou for the union to set
tle." "Eric," spoke Stuart In a low tone
as he stood close by him. "let me say
a word or two more, will you? I be
lieve the decision of the men today
will be a serious one, and I want to do
all I can to make It right."
Eric at once raised his voice. "Men.
Mr. Iiuncon wants to say a word
again. 1 am sure you will give blm a
careful bearing."
"Aye, thai'we will:"
"He's no bad for a millionaire!"
"Give him a chance. He doesn't often
have It!" shouted a voice with a touch
of Irony In it
Stuart took advantage of the lull that
followed these and other shouts to
speak as he had never thought of dolug
when be came to the park. He believ
ed that the result of the men's nctlon
would be exceedingly Important for
themselves and himself. IK had never
had such a great desire to explain his
own attitude to'V"1 the wh,-Trob-lera
of labor and capital as it affected
It Is not possible to describe his
speech. Eric thought at the time that
It was the best speech he had ever
heard from a moneyed man. At times
It was Impassioned, then quiet and con
versational. It Is doubtful If very
many of the miners understood It as
Stuart meant He was In reality voic
ing a policy for the men of money
which he afterward followed out with
some changes.
This much he made clear to the men:
He sympathized with their demands
for larger wages, while he could not
agree with their methods, and be would
do all in bis power to give them their
Gram On Mci
Some men seem to
defy old age. They
walk erect. Their
eyes are bright. Their
laugh is hearty. They
are men of to day
not men of yesterday.
They are also men
who have kept
themselves in good
physical condition in
the past. As we grow
older waste matter
accumulates in the
system. The body
cannot throw it off without assistance. So,
little by little the machinery of the body is
clogged, vitality is lowered, and enjoyment
of life ceases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, cannot make old men young,
but it does make them strong and healthy.
By removing the waste accumulations, by
increasing the blood supply, by strength
ening the stomach and organs of diges
tion sad nutrition, and thus increasing the
assimilative and nutritive powers, "Golden
Medical Discovery" makes grand old men.
" I suffered for six years with constipation and
indigeition, during which time 1 employed sev
eral physicians, hut they could not reach my
esse," writes Mr. G. Popplewell, of Eureka
Springs, Carroll Co., Ark. "I felt that there was
no help for me, could not retain food on my
stomach; had vertigo and would fall helpless to
the floor. 1 commenced taking Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery and little 1 Pellets.' I
am now in good health for one of my age 6o
years. I owe it all to Dr. Pierce's medicines."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets greatly benefit old
men by keeping the bowels in activity.
fr-Uf.. KCVIVU
Made a
Well Man
of Me.
x Tinvt juxj y
produces the above, reaults in' SO days. It acta
Sawerf ully and quickly. Cans whan all others tall
onng men will regain their lost manhood, and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by ualnt
BETIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nsrrou
Bess, Lost Vitality, to potency. Nightly sTntaslons,
tost Power, Failing Memory, Wait imr Diseases, and
lU effects of self-abase or excess and Indiscretion,
which unflte one for study, business or marriage. II
not only cures by start i as at the seat of disss, bra)
Is a great nerve tonic and blood bnUder, bring
ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re
storing the flrw of youth. It wards et Insanity
sad Consumption. Insist on baring BE VIVO, ns
other. It can be carried In vast pocket. Br mall
l.OOperpscksae, or all for SS.OO, with a, poal
live written ana ran tee to ens car ranud
thm money. Circular tree. Address
Royal Medicine Co., tXolS:
bor ale in Middleburqh, I'd., 6
Grip bring! weakness, exhaustion, nervous
prostration- Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them.
BBS aaa asa asaw
Just demands as far as be was at liber
ty to act Independently. He told tbem
he was going to Cleveland the next day
to confer with the other mine owners
and would use all Ua Influence to get
the others to agree to the rise in wages.
He repeated bis offer tu treat with the
thuusaud or more men employed In the
Champion mines at any time they
those, to return. Aa be closed be made
an appeal to the men to use reason and
poke of the religious Influence that so
far' had prevailed for the good of the
There ran through the whole of Stu
art's speech this second time a passion
ate desire to be understood as a man
before men. He had never before had
such a longing to be understood; neither
had he ever felt thegap between himself
and the men to be ao wide and deep.
As baa beeu su Id, It la doubtful If parts
of his speech were understood at ull by
the men.
As soon as he finished there was a
great uproar of applause and shouts.
Krlc himself could not restore quiet
The committee politely asked Stuart
to leave the park while the union went
into a conference over his proposals.
Stuart was glad to get away. He felt
exhausted with his unusual effort.
It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon
when Krlc enme to the house with the
news of the decision reached by the
miners' union. Stuart at once suw by
his face that the situation was serious.
"The men voted by a large majority
not to go back to work till all could go
back on the same terms that is, they
demanded that all the mine owners rec
ognize the union and make terms with
It for all the men."
"Do you mean that the men who
work In the Champion mines refuse to
accept my offer of the wages they de
mand'" "Yes that Is, the Champion miners
will not go back until the other owners
make the same terms you make ami
make them to the union."
"Which means limply that this strike
Is a deadlock," replied Stuart decided
ly, "for I know the men nt Cleveland,
and they will never agree to any such
'The miners will not agree to any oth
er." Brio spoke quietly, but sadly.
"Eric." said Stuart suddenly after a
pause, "tell me frankly, us brother to
brother. Is this a reasonable step for
the men to take? Do you believe the
union will make anything by such ac
tion? Is It Just or fair?"
Eric's face worked under a passion
ate feeling. Then he said: "The men
have a right to combine for mutual
support. In this Instance they feel
driven to It by their condition. Why
should not labor seek to defend Itself
aa capital does? You that Is, I mean
the mine owners generally get togeth
er in a combine and fix wages. Why
should not the miners get together nnd
have a say about It? We have been
working for years at the price set by
men at a distance who never saw a
mine or a miner, far less went down
Into the ground to see what the labor
is. These men sit In nice upholstered
offices In elegant buildings and make
It their business to get just as much
out of the iron ore as they can. The
wagea of the men are cut every time
ore falls In price. Instead of taking it
out of their own large dividends In the
years when they have made enormous
profits every time there Is a depression
In the market they cut this end instead
of theirs. You know this Is the case,
"Three years ago a dozen men in the
Iron industry grew to be millionaires
from the profit! of this metal which
God put In the ground for the common
use of man. I tilling that year the min
ers received only fair wages. SIik e
then financial depression and a drop In
the price of ore have followed. What
do those men do who have in prosper
ous years made their fortunes? Do
they say, 'We will draw on this re
serve, and In order that the miners
may not suffer we will declare smaller
dividends nnd lose something?' No:
they say at once, 'Cut down wages, be
cause ore Is cheaper, and we cannot uf
ford to lose.' And who suffers? Not
I M Ml
-Is soon us he Intuited there wat a great
the mine owner. He eats just as good
food, goea to Europe in bla steam pal
ace, drives bis elegant carriage, keeps
up his amusements. But the poor man,
to whom every cent means something,
goes without the common necessaries
of life, and his wife and children suffer
because the millionaire who made bis
fortune on bis business Is not willing to
share a part of It during bard times
with the men who made possible bis
wealth with their labor. 1 tell you,
Stuart, my heart Is on fire with these
conditions, and no man knows bow the
worklngmen In this country feel unless
be has been one himself. As to the
onion. It Is an organization that has
sprung up out of wrongs that are sim
ply devilish In their human selflsb
. rt sat with bis bead bowed dur
s speech. Then he said gently:
If the union develops the same
selfishness In the worklngmen!
"Then tne won
That Is inevitable."
' hat if the mine
put new men into the nil
"lben there will be trouble."
"Do you mean that you will Incite
the meu to violence?"
"Good God, Stuart, you know I will
not! I shall use my utmost power to
prevent anything of the kind."
"But what If it cuuuul be prevented?"
Eric said nothing. His face cbunged
with a torrent of feeling and passion.
"If it comes to that, let Goil be Judge
If the owners and uot the meu are real
ly the oues most to blame. 1 shall use
all my Influence to prevent violence or
lawlessness. The union has a right to
combine for such wages as it thinks
are Just. It has no right, to prevent
other meu from working at any wages
they choose to take. Sluce I Joined the
Salvation Army I have become ou
Vlnced that the only permanent basis
for any true settlement of labor and
capital differences must be a religious
basis that Is. Christian."
Stuart listened with an Interest he
felt to be genuine. "How did you hap
pen lo join the Sulvatlou Army. Eric?"
"It's a long story. I'll tell you some
time, not now."
"I've heard part of It, but I wuut you
to tell me all of it."
"I can't now. I must go. I have
hardly had a minute's time to myself
since this movement came on. I must
be going now. You leave for Cleve
land" "Tonight. I want to be there to
morrow. I can tell beforehand what
the companies will say. Is there no
other way out of It?"
"I don't see any," replied Krlc.
The two men shook hands silently,
and Eric went out.
Stuart went down on the night ex
press and next day nt Cleveland was
In conference with the other owners.
The result of the conference was what
he had anticipated. The terms of the
union were rejected. It was decided
by the other owners that a force of
men should be at once placed at work
with steam shovels on the stock piles
so as to move the ore, and In case
there was trouble the troops would be
called out. Stuart refused to take ac
tion on his own mines. He would not
yet precipitate matters by gettiug new
men either for the stock piles or the
mines. He camu back home the next
day with the feeling that he was at
present in a condition of ludeclslon and
waiting. He could not sympathize
with the strike, he did not believe the
union was wise In refusing to let the
Champion miners go to work, and he
could not help feeling that a great ca
lamity gf some kind was Impending.
It was two days after bla return that
the event occurred which really shaped
and molded bis whole after life. The
mines were still manned by pump men.
They had not been called out by the
union, for the reason that if once the
water In the mines rose above the dif
ferent levels and flowed In among the
timbers the mines would become ruin
ed, and the loss would be ns heavy for
the miners ns the owners In case the
strike ended and work was ngaln re
sumed. From six to eight men remain
ed at each mine. There were an engi
neer, an assistant engineer, two tire
men and three or four pump men, ac
cording to the size ami number oi
pumps. These were kept going day
and night, as the water rose very rap
idly if left to How.
Stuart had gone up to the Davis
mine, one of the newer ventures of his
father and recently developed. Its
greatest depth was 000 feet. It had a
manhole with ladders and a shaft at
some distance from it for the "skip" or
Iron carriage used for hauling ore to
the surface. There were six meu at
this mine in charge at this time.
Stuart had come to the engine house
ami was talking with the engineer
w hen Eric came In.
Stuart called him over to the dry
room, where the miners changed their
clothing for miner's dress.
"Krlc, 1 want to go down Into the
mine. Won't you go with me? 1 want
to see again for myself what the work
Is, nnd besides there Is n new pump al
the bottom that I want to look at."
Krlc consented, and the two soon had
on the miner's dress and were going
down the ladders. It was getting late in
the afternoon, and they left orders with
the engineer that when they gave the
signal from the bottom he might let
down the skip, and they would come
up In thnt
For an hour they explored different
levels. Stuart was restless and seetued
intent on realizing as fully as possible
Just how the miners worked. He climb
ed up Into difficult places and even
fired off a blast In one chamber, using
one of the powder sticks left by the
men when they came out
At last he and Eric stood nt the bot
tom of the initio. This was an excava
tion about 14 feet across, and the wa
ter ran In very much as If It had been
a cistern. By leaning back against the
ladders the light from 000 feet above
could be seen. Eric was sitting thus
wltb his back to the ladder rounds nnd
his feet In the water which ran over
the floor of the mine about four inches
deep and Stuart was examining the
pump at the other side of the shaft
when a terrible thing happened. A
noise like the roar of a torrent grew
about these two men, and before Eric
could get out from his position against
the ladders a mass of Iron ore came
rushing down the manhole, breaking
out rounds of the ladders as It fell. and.
bounding from aide to side, struck Eric
en the shoulders with terrific force and
threw him face downward In the wa
ter. Stuart was at his side In a moment.
He raised him and by the light of the
candle In his bat saw the nature of the
accident. He could not think whether
the mass bad fallen or been thrown
purposely Into the shaft. He dragged
Eric away from the foot of the ladder.
He was seriously Injured. With the
one thought of getting blm to the top
as soon as possible Stuart seized the
lever at the bottom of the ore shaft
and pulled it back as a sigual to the
engineer to let down the skip. There
was no answering signal, and Stuart
pulled the wire rope again. Still no an
swer. He looked up through the main
shaft. What was that? The pump had
i nddellly stopped below. But what was
that great light at the top? It must be
nearly sundown now. Something was
on fire! The truth flashed upon him
that the engine bouse over the main
shaft was on fire. The ladders afford
ed escape for a man possibly, but not
incumbered with a body, and a dead
body perhaps at that. Stuart dashed
water in Eric's face, and he groaned.
He was not dead, but unconscious. And
then the whole situation forced itself
- ct
lit supported Eric i best he could.
Into Stuart's mind. He was a prisoner
with a helpless wounded man at the
bottom of a mine !HM) feet deep, the en
gine house was on fire or some accident
had happened to prevent the lowering
of the skip, the pumps had stopped, and
the water In the mine was rising rapid
ly. It was half way to his knees now.
He pulled the lever again nnd again
and iu hh; excitement shouted like n
madman. There was no answer from
above. The manhole ladders were still
clear. Even as they were, with the
broken places, he was strong and vig
orous and could climb out. But not
with the burden of Eric. At that mo
ment a charred fragment of wood float
ed down the ore shaft and dropped
hissing in the water. He realized that
he stood In the presence of death. He
offered a prayer for help. He sup
ported Eric as best he could. The wa
ter was now above his knees and rap
Idly rising.
As the facts of his position forced
themselves more clearly upon blm, the
first excitement over, Stuart grew
calmer. The candle in bis hat was
nearly burned out, but he had another
one thnt, after the fashion of the min
ers, he had thrust Into his boot when
he changed his dress In the dryroom.
He pulled this out and lighted It, put
ting It In the candle holder In place of
the piece so nearly gone.
Then he looked at the ladders care
fully. The mass of broken ore which
had fallen down the manhole had bro
ken out a dozen rounds at the very
foot of the ladder. By stretching up
to his full height Stuart could Just
reach an unbroken round.
But what could he do with the dead
weight of Erie? He could never lift
him up that distance. For once nnd
only one swift second Stuart consider
ed the thought of leaving Krie. It was
Imply the love of life asserting Itself.
Why should both men die? His death
would not save Kric. It was only a
second, nnd then he felt the shock of a
statement he made to himself thnt llf'.
was not worth having if certain mem
ories had always to be carried with
one. He could never abandon the man
who had once risked his life to save
him. when the danger was fully ns
great as now.
"But. O God." Stuart cried out. "to
die drowned like a rat In a hole!" The
love of life was strong in hltn. He felt
the water rising more and more rapid
ly. It was nearly to his waist now. He
felt the blood from the wound In bis
shoulder warming bis own side as hv
held up the unconscious body. Once
In awhile Krlc stirred. Once he opened
his eyes, and Stuart thought he was re
covering. If only he could regain
enough strength to help himself even a
little! Stuart's mind went Into a whirl
as he thought of all possible ways to
pull himself and Eric up even a short
distance. Hut the bottom of the mine
was of such a shape that there were
no projections or slopes which afforded
even a foothold.
The tire at the top was evidently
blazing fiercely. Fragments of charred
wood dropped down the ore shaft.
Leaning over and looking up, Stunrt
could see a great flaming mass of
twisted beams nnd Iron rods curling
over the mouth of the shaft He moved
over under the manhole, dragging Eric
with him. nnd looked up that The
flames nnd smoke were sweeping over
It like mist over a ridge. He thought
that even at that distance he could see
thnt the ladders at the top had caught
and were blazing fantastically.
He gave up all hope. Still, with the
Instinct of life strong In blm, be drag
ged Eric over to the pump, whlcb stood
Just out of the water now, and by the
exercise of all bis strength be managed
to place the body upon It In such a
way that It was two or three feet
above himself as be stood on the bot
torn of the floor of the mine. The wa
ter had risen now to his armpits and
was whirling around him In a great red
pool. He shuddered. It looked so like
blood In the light of the candle. The
movement be bad made with Eric, to
gether with the contact wltb tbe cold
water, bad roused blm. He stirred and
even spoke feebly.
"Where are we?" he muttered.
"You have been hurt Eric."
k-Mi r-' . - . a i -it
T". ! -find Olnaiul Li
Then he opened t hem again, and tin
sight of Stuarts pi' face Reerued
tell him a part of the truth. The watPr
was running over the u"u or uis rir
arm. which hung dovfn helpless fr0Bl
nis wounueu snouiaer. vr roneeq bjad
self, evidently with the greatei -tin.
iou win urowu. iA-uve rm . tail
aying anyway.
V ,, T.',.i., t 111 ,
.i.. no, aaesi nm uui leave T0l
nere aione: stuart spoKe calmlv ii.
most cheerfully. Eric's face was dro.l
Ing over close to Stuart's shouldJ
Stuart kissed his cheek and nt tbl
very moment he heard a man's volcl
the sweetest sound he ever hearJ
echoing down the ladder shaft.
He shouted back In reply nnd
ed. Again the cry enme In responsi
Some one was coming down the hull
ders to the rescue. Whoever he was Ut,
was evidently coming as fnst as thv
nature of the passage would allow, fou
the next time the cry was uttered Si n
art could hear words of eucourngemci
and then a voice speaking from the
point where the last rouud of the lad
der remained, saying very distinct I j
and in even precise English, "Who is
"It Is I, Stunrt Duncan. I am be
with Kric. and he Is hurt and helplei
I can't lift him up alone."
"I always believed In being on tlnn
replied the voice. "If you can move 01
under the foot of the shaft I will tbrot
you this rope."
Stuart lifted Eric from his positii
and pranged over toward the lailiNI
hole. The water was above his (m
ders. A rope was thrown, and lietf-l
cured It under Krlc. who had nmj
fainted from tbe pit I n and shock, Tin
with an exercise of strength nnd
such as men possess in times of fiuijfl
death, the two men, one above !iiulia
below, succeeded In drawing Krlc ujj
and the man above secured hltn HmSJ
how, while Stuart, using the Bidet Q
the ladder for support, pulled liluistlfl
out of that watery grave.
He was uot n mlnt.Me ton - wn, dr
the water was flowing Id mori rupidiy
now, and the large envlt.; at i'ie bot
tom being almost filled the ion. nt be-J
gnn to rise In the shafts ei -. fa
had no time to ask any qui si ,
rescuer. All three were In gr
The ladders were blazing .
and the water rising below- I
superhuman exertlous they .
up. When they came to plac
em I
d Kric-1
the ladders were badly broken, they
were obliged to use their utmost skill
to move the body In safety. Once they
were so long about starting up again
that the water caught up with them.
I and Stuart, who was the Inst one, felt
: the torrent swirling around his feet.
At last, after a struggle thnt I left
them completely exhausted, they
reached the first drift from the bot
! torn. There was a wooden plntfon
! here, and the drift ran out Into U
: sides of the hill serernl lyaudrcd fi
I Stuart and his unknowiv Vescuer If
ed a moment panting lagalnst the aid
of the wall, while Erie lay on the pla
i form to all appearances lifeless.
"We can't stay here long," gatpe
Stunrt. "See the water coming up!"
He pointed dowu the black well 6
which they had climbed So painfull.
The rushing water and the tllinn Inst
ore banks made a terrify ug up
about them.
"We can get out on this ,'i ol,"
plied his companion.
"What! How's thnt? We
feet below ground here."
"The old Beury shaft op
drift I walked In here tin
myself. Here Is where I
shout for Irelp. There! Don
that breeze blowing through li
ire 891
i ml
Diiutri lumeu nis lace aim ii-ii i"j
passing of n cool wave of air. Vaj
then It flashed across his memory ttuit
several years before, when a hoy, lit
had himself climbed down Into the old
Beury shnft. which opened up on tbe
side of the hill, nnd made hit way to
the level of the Davis mine where be
j now stood. The mines were some
times connected in this way, though
the abandoned passage would efteii be
come choked and blocked up bj fulling
masses of ore.
But there wns no time to lose evt'B
with this unexpected avenue of escape.
The two men cnught up Eric and hur
ried as fast as their burdeu would al
low up tbe passage connecting the
' ninln with the deserted shaft. After
I wnlklng with their burden about !2O0
feet the drift turned abruptly to the
I right and began to nscend sharply. It
. grew more difficult to carry Krlc, hut
; the danger from the water was now
over. The old passage was really a
tunnel let Into the side of the bill at
sherp incline Instend of n shaft sunk
down vertically from above. When
they had reached a point above the Im
mediate reach of tbe water, they sank
down exhausted again, and by the
flickering light Stuart first noticed who
bis rescuer was.
"1 haven't nny enrds with nie, but I'll
Introduce myself," he snld in n tone
thnt mnde Stuart smile, and yet there
was nothing flippant or lacking In seri
ousness about the man. "1 am the new
minister nt tbe church wltb the clock
m the tower-8t. John's. 1 arrived In
Champion two days ago. My name Is
Andrew Burke. You are Mr. Duncan,
tbe mine owner? I am glad to meet
He reached out his hand, nnd Stuart
took It clasping It over the body of
Eric. He felt a strange thrill as he did
so. Somehow the peculiar formality of
the man's speech struck him as a token
of a special kind of strength, no
seemed to feel that here was a man
who, whatever bis oddities, was pos
sessed of qualities that were really
very rare and valuable.
"I owe you my life and that of my
friend here," he said. "It all seems
very strange to me. vour appearance.
I had given myself up for lost I
should certainly have drowned If you
bad not appeared."
"Yes; I think you would-tbat Is, un-
i a' .a, e '
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