((w PREPAR,D BXPRBS8LY FOR THE POST JOB i'i'i''iv&'i'''iii;vtt'ttii't'i'iiii't'i'i'L'i'"i''.t...M - MIDDLESWARTH. J. F. Zeehmnn and wife, were the (TiRsts of C F. Bingaman. John Ing ol Centre Co. stoped at Isaac Nickel's lust week. Mrs. Henry Kulins and Mrs. Cal vin Hare are among the sick. The Bible forbids marriage of blood relation. How about courting? Miss Florence K. Kline of Knntz wa visiting relatives and acquaint jini's over Sunday. Nearly all of our Republican! went to nomination Saturday. Mises Gertie and Annie Thomas who are employed in Lewistownari at home for a few days recreation. The old saving is, Strike while (he iron is hot. We have done it. The exercises rendered by the Port Ann school, on the evening of Washington's birthday, were a grand success. The room was crowded to its utmost capacity. The contribu tion amounted to $2. PAXTONVILLB Mrs. Graybill who had loen spending several (lavs with relatives at Richfield returned home last week. P. E. Hackenberg, wife and son of Mifllinburi?, visited Mr. Hacken berp's jwirents, Thursday. Wm. Harner of Shamokin spent a few days at home visiting his father who is sick. Chas. Derr of Lewisburg is spend ing a few days at home. Miss Jessie Attig is visiting her sister at Lewistown. Miss Mollie Mitchell of Beaver ton is spending a few days at home. Mrs. James Deitrich and daugh ter, Marie, of Swiueford were visit ore in town last week for a few dava Mrs. Samuel Weidenmver and .son of McClure visited Mrs. NVei- nmyer's grandmother several days last week. Mrs. Mary Howell spent Wednes day in Swineford the guest of Mrs. Deitrich. O. P. and Wm. McAfee, who are employed at (ireenwood Furnace spent a few davs at home with their tarn i lies. Mrs. Flattie Dillman of Sunburv, visited David Hamer's Tuesday. Miss Kate Derr of Beavertown is ipendinga few days with her parents. David Citv. 'Moh Anrit 1 10nn Genesee Pure Food Co, Le lioy. Gentli IIifn T niMflf Qn f in fo.vnrrl (toGKAINO that there is nothing ueuer or Healthier W hau imo.l it for years. Mv hrnthnr urna great coffee drinker. He was tuken hick and tue doctor said coffee was of it, and told us to use UnAIN O. Wo ,t,.( o ......i,,.,... I,,,. nu not like it at lirst, but now would not be without it. My broth er has been well ever since he start ed to use it. Yours r.rnlv Li M.IK SOCHOR. fSELINSGUOVE. The corpse of Mrs. Daniel Mussel- DMO (from Tioga County) was bro' w WWU on friday and buried. She was a step-sister of Mary K.Snyder, "leceasen, and was a resident of this place fur many years. Wilfred Fochtofthe University faPenna.. 'hi ii ; Mnnfffn Focht Sl)flllt. Simil'iv Willi liid , " parents. C. ('. Seebold, of Sunbury, was n on our streets Saturday. Mrs. F. J. Bchooh. who snent everal weeks with her daughter, rs. Rev. Follmer at Huntingdon, Wurnd home Saturday. Jennie Eeklemnn. nf ITnr. jsburir. OJ ' inline UCJ U1IIIL. lUIh. h Miller. W. Taylor and wife, who have living in Philadelphia since wg nere, returned Tuesday. It '7 be i)088ible that they will move again. Jlisse.s Lund h! miuu u lit 1 tJKZl WIS) Ktl bury, are miMta nt tUn lnr.u nf uemberlina?. rerc. Cemberling, of Jersey City, Ring a visit to her sister, Mrs. " Laudenslager. three Bolig Boys, who have mm ume been working at or uwourir. returned home Sat- POUT Tit KV Ell PON Rev. Francis began revival ser vices in the U. B. church Sunday evening. H. S. Bogar ofBucknell Unix-era- ity Lewisburg, spent pait of last week with his parents. Miss Clara Biogaman of Lewis burg visited her parents and main friends last week. C. H. Keller, who is emotovei at Stdinsgrove was home Sunday. Miss Jennie Charles spent last week with triends at Selinsgrove am Sunburv. Milton spent Harvey Lenig Sunday at home. Mrs. (i. C. Faust and son after spending a week with her parents have returned to their home in Sun bury. S. P. Steflen transacted business at Sunburv last week. Miss Minnie Mover of Indepen dence was in town Saturday. Miss Carrie Geist of I ferndon was seen on our streets last week. Adam Steften of Sunbnry passed through town Sunday. Mrs. Jacob Fisher accompanied by some friends of Katitz, called oil friends Sunday. Some of our leading townsmen at tended court this week. G. I. Flanders and wife paid the former's brother, iVesley and family of Chapman a visit Sunday. Ed. Mitterling of Freeburg made a business trip to town one day last week. Mrs. (). (J. Rice made a trip toShamokin Friday. Henry Arnold of Pallas Sunday with relatives. fl ing spent Mrs. Sue Bristle of Milton is vis iting her sick sister, Mrs. Gensamere. The Republican primary which was Field Saturday, caused quite an excitement in town but nevertheless we came out victorious. Henry Shrawder and Edw. Klock ("ailed on their sick father-in-law, Mr. Weaver at Verdi 11a, Sunday. Hfj. ., . arvev Stroup of was in town on business Friday. vim. j.i(mi niMii prciersiiiuciierin to clerking and therefore has again taken up the former trade. We arc mre he will do a prosperous business with the aid of his assistant, H. M. Neitz. ULOBE MILLS J. E. Hiinimcl, who is employed in the steel works at Burnham spent Sunday with his family. II. V. Yoder and Mrs. Anna Hottenstien and daughter were seen on our streets Sunday. Rev. H. G. Suable held com munion services in fiber's church Sunday. W. S. Schroyer of Chillisquaqua, spent a few days with his family. Miss Annie Ranch of Selinsgrove and Mabel Ranch of Wllliamsport spent Sunday with their parents, Qea Ranch and family. Mrs. Frank Row fell on the ice Friday. Our school celebrated Washing ton's birthday. Mrs. Joseph Lltdwig cf Selins grove spent Wednesday with Mrs. S. O. Ulrich. Mrs. Henry Hottenstien spent a few days in Selinsgrove last week. Mrs. John Smith of Middleburg attended the Jarrett funeral Mon day. SALKM. Ezra Meiscrand wife, J. (J. Row and .sister, Li 1 lie, attended the fun eral of their cousin, Mrs. Jacoh Jar rett at Meiser Monday morning. Mrs. J. I. Woodruff and children of Selinsgrove visited the former's mother Saturday and Sunday. G. M. Witmer's coal shed at Clif ford burned down Sunday night. C. L. Gemlxfrling was to Middle burg Monday. Quite a number of people of this place attended the entertainment at Schocli's school ou Washington's Birthday. SV P !lLIDAYPRbSENTS-ftf EVERY DAY USE I I'l'-iTti''avi'fK'f.-.'cu....,.,.,,,.,.,.,,,....-. '.far I Vci- The sick are all improving in and igmMk It lLv' Jasr around our town. -ieJmmjtmtmamk W mmjA Charles WWiH-r in. .vol . &aS EM W I VS fiiy -i ,i,.,i.i B i, ,von, 1HSU Hi 8 1 Mines. tl,,ir ,,, ... McClure. : SHmWBi KM 4 (Mo Jwtlge byt town). I here was great reioictnghy some at the Urossgruve store lul Satur Jay evening when the returns were in favor uf McClure, but the result from &'linsgrovc .-t.ipp-1 .Jimmie with his ha, ha. John H. Herlwter J.mies Steely were home from Blair tvitiuty to cast their vote fur A. V. Patter. 1 . at 11 Ioss' "r lf ' the old cittSMtia, to know why tliat I I II A. I " unuiHen rouer, as iis nppQn s called him, was always employed where it took knowl ilgv and hiains to get to the fine points of law, and they claim that a drunken man mid never succeed in the points t' law as our worthy Hon. A. V. P.tH.er lias done. Jacob Erb's sale last Saturday was well attended. Jacob has b n sick for some time. His wish was to bo taken to Crossgrove so he could cast his vote for Potter, and his wish was complied with, and h ballot cast for his favorite. Emanuel Peter and wife sMMit Sunday with the latter'- fuher, Henry P-atimgardner. John H. Ilcrlister's coach works at Crossgrove have been moved to Canister, Blair county, to be used as a pugilistic hall. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as thev cannot reach let diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure denl ness, and that, is by constitutional remedies. I), adieus in caused by an inflamed condition of the ratlOOU lin Ins of the EiiBtachiHii Tube. When this tutie is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is eutirelv closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the in natninatinn can be ti.krn out nd this tube rt.tored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed for ever, nine cases out of ten are cans ed pv Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous suriuc;s. We will Kiv One Hundred DoU . t.... i. . , . 11 uij oiH oi Lfumness teaua ! ed by catarrh ) that cannot be cnr..,l oy Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send cir P. J. CHENEY CO. Tolerln i) Sold by DruKgists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of HUM MEL'S WHARF. Our schoolteacher Brian Teat has an attack of La Grippe, ami was tinable to teach Thursday and Fri day. His father, P. M. Teats taught the school Thursday. John Walter of near Fishers' school house is seriously ill. Dau'l Saasaman Jr. is on the sick list. Peter Bailey and wile attended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Rentier at Selinsgrove last Wednesday. Miss Mae SVhoch returned home after scnding a week at Liverpool and McKees Half Falls. Miss Carrie Schooh is visiting friends at MifHinburg and I-wis-burg. Miss Katie Seesholtz and Mrs. Win. Seesholtz and son, Ralph, of Sunbury, were the welcome visitors of Mrs. Seesholtz mi this place Sun day. Harvey Moyer moved into Con stable Ed. A. lleiser's tenant house near Fisher's school house Thurs day. Our citizens are sorry to lose him as a neighbor. Among those who attended the entertainment at Fisher's school house Friday evening were Mrs. T. P. Hummel and daughter, Miss Martha, John Bower, Win. Young, Chas. and Wm. Sassaman and Geof and Harry Bower. 'Hits picture is (be trade math o J0TT8 KMri.SION. ami is oi cry bottle of SCOTT'S KMFI. ON in the World, which uoi UOttlltS to many millions yeath his great business has giown t h vast proportions, rrsL'-Hecniisc the proprietor ave always been most careful ii electing the various: ingredients ised in its composition, namely; lie finest Cod Liver Oil, and the direst Hypophosphites. Swonrf.'-Recatise they have so killftllly combined the various tigredients that the best possible esults arc obtained by its use. Thrdr-Recausc it lias made so uany sickly, delicate children trong and healthy, given health consumption. If you have not tried it. enu for free unp'.e. .ts agreeable tame will nurmine vru. SCOTT & I'.OWNK. Chemiett. , 400-4. 1 Pearl Street. Sew Vork. IK. a mo $i.oc; alUlnigsMU. 13 Weeks For 25 Cts. For tba brifhttJl. nawilait and tnot I'-ipilar Itfittmata rflkly sportinc rPr Dubliihad. H"-'f nii-d fof tfglitatD ytftri at niithoritv OD ini".T isrtannt t t s HM Ball, Trap Hh -tii.it. Btlltsrds and.mrircuspirtj. Tha kit j a - r r Its Kind published. Forthe purpose nf tntmaucliK It la new localities, we will eead It thirleeo weeksfor'J.So. (sUnp;. Mample oopyfrae. Addreii, Sport lutf .., 4IA iMtmio in. Ik. rinii RrnHRim c rnrnicr run dcvoih "fn i ' i 1 1 ' ' i i ii., it- f i.7. nen nuhiierniioM .... Dtncn'fi RtittttcF liiMm , , , , UlilM'i Uuhbai s,iie. .... LEATIIRH Man Shoe 30t' up rj "Jllf upf H9c up g Bae up a IWc up ft B Run' S, ! I.M.e' Slim. KOONOMi HI. StlOR KMC. im' XX0OOOO0O0O0000O0O000 State Normal School. Mloomsim ho, Pa., Fkb.23, 1001. Drar Editob: I have beeri ssked to name a lit n' Blonmsbur trrn'liin t" who ricHire i. I......I. ;.. It. . 1. I r .i lit ill . teach in the schools of the Philippine Wands. The Conditions Are There: Sulnry f7" to 100 per month for twelve month. r ii... -i . ." r 4ML I ln.rter timeissiieclfted. Contract for I gested in the amendment. This propo three years. Transportation to Manila sltlon is declared to be a solution of free. i the problem, satisfactory to all par- Only thoseenn be recommended who 'VeV''0 S("ate l Ul pre8,dent are physically sound and able to with- "Ve amendments aKreed upon pro stand n tropical climate, no worse and vide that Cuba shall make a permanent no better than the average tropical ell-1 trt,nly with the United states, in sub mate; tlnwe who "po-sess linire ork'-i 8ta"(:p M foll0W1,: In. .lit.- l.nvo oH,i..(..i.;iit.. t i ' 1 he Koveriimeiit of Cuba shall nullity, have nriaptahility, have koI ; never enter into any treaty or oilier presence and personality, are whole- compart with any foreign power or some in habits, and upright in charac-l Pwrs which win impair or tend to ter;" nnil are capable of earning tliei lmIlillr Independence of Cuba. salary offered. "They should bvcon- L." K,J(VPrnm'niti,s,1!'"l not a8Slin"; .. , . , I or contract any public debt for which duet anil life represent the highest and the ordinary revenues of the Islands, best of our national life," ami should after defraying the current expenses desire "to inculcate those (dements that ot Knv'rnment, shall be Inadequate. make for a higher civilization and the Lh'Jhn ''"T1 ?f 0uba t0,lti,n,s . .. . ... .... tnat the united States mav exercise ..etierment oi me world.- The public school system of the Phil- lipine Islands is in process of construe-1 tion, ami those who assist In workimr : u ""r,I1 military occupancy it out have Krent opportunity for ori.l- Ta'wful 'r nal work. Advancement is apt to fol- ' shall be maintained and protected, low efficient service. j "The government of Cuba will exe- Wouldyou Ilka to be included in the Cute' und U8 fur 98 ne( essary extend. list? If so, wriU-atonce. Tne list will nHnsbr moMemv'1? ', ?! 0tT i i j ..... . . plans to be mutually agreed upon, for he completed and mailed March the the sanitation of the cities of the isl lifth. Yours very truly, and. J. P. Welsh, Principal, i "The Isle of fines shall be omitted from the proposed constitutional boun The Japaneae Mlnlater Angry. New York, Feb. 12. At the banquet given by the silk manufacturers last night Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese min ister, and Kogoro Takahlra, the Jap anese minister, were among the speak ers. The Chinaman commanded at- . . . .... tAnttnn tlV hu fllnnii.n.. ... . V. T n rnr hi. .in.i.n. fc..t .U- T. ! , ' uul luc drifted into a sing s9ng tone that was nterrupted by loud laughing and talk- ing. Finally the minister threw his paper angrily on the Uble and refused 10 nnun- Lamp of , "i; m i nan. up or aniniiH, or erni von t - i -t kacuag; UmIuw that look! good wTmw yii ert II ami Mav ; t. am,, that ,ou ucvt.r w,il fjjpart vtth, met Jm liav it j that Zbc )Ncw Rocbestcra Oth.-r Inmra wmj lx onVn-il m an "Jurt a Mod " mm. thm s oi,iv , m, hi .v,,r SDca(rr. T-. maS fc.ir. ilu- tampoOMv4 you Ik -muIm, look for the muue on it ; v, ry lamp has it. (3Uu VarirtiM.) OM Lamps Mnde New. w Mm SB rv,.ry lar p want. No malt.T W bather vnu ggPl ";'w 'mP or '"'. " ll n repaired or re On. 1a V : r. "" i" oinT mam' or lump traiiKfurm. m imo a New Rochester. " era do it. Let tw nid ran merature on tlie innjeei iic.i m im.s m mc trratmrnt of diaeaaes f Lamp. ConiulUtlon Fm.l-. int. nUliWtSILH LAMP BUILDERS' HARDWARE" j Is an absolutely necessity if you intend to build. You will need many things on f which I can save you money. ii.. r. A n DTOCK is A I WAVs I. Alii; i: AND COMPLETE IN CLt'DlNG A COMPLETE LINK (if Reading HnrdMnrefCompnnles' CELEBIiA TEDLOi INGS. Stndtmc'your qiceificationaand J will gladlyquote you tin price. " 0ALLGOOD5 GUARANTEED A5 KEPKHSKNTHI). I NTA It USUI It W. H. In INTO. - j - J - j - ! - j - M - I - ! - l - H - ? - ! - ? - JW - J - I - H - Tri-cnnial Valuation of Snyder County for 1901. TABTJLaB STATEMENT Bhowica asseased value of Real and pcr soiiii I'roi erty taxabh' lor CO inty purposes as returned by the Assess., rn on (be 24th day of beptt n.bjr 1900, ami partly equalized by the count Ccniniinsii nrp, 1 1. lit til i i.i oi i una KSTinfn oi Value of 1 Hon-mand niidKral I j Millie over i all If over District. KrsliKtlate. iourveara lour reara I g ! nf ay. oll. I aaLja HNnm ou inA7' iuunu I Beaver iMUSiiw Misco I salOu I Beaver Weil lit. mm oo tMTwi lentra wm-. no (14S00 , :.in . Iiit j'li i. li 1611 1 (HI 443UIHI Sfitt on Frank tin IMW HO am oo HMOO I JiickHon iw i4i m i 4' in. ' MlrtrtletmrY IS88P 00 '.lill ( I i (Kl MlSdlecrcek iw oo Wl oo st no Monroe i'TV' in. t.7ln.i 1 gat' iki ; P"nn 47S7T no B4H MS Pcny jl-.lfl mi 7000 On IK44 0' Perry Weat IT'41 on ASIB Oil no BellnsgTove si oo 4i wi sprlnu ' Oo n. rfvr. 00 ! I ultm if:' ii. ii i :M0 14) Waablnirioti lopararu o. i . Tu.al I4VM44III0 1108914 00 IfiUu.yiO I NoTIi K .la berou) itlv mi tnal W' i tl.e HnoentlifDWl CiiuiOUNtUDem WIN Htleml anil M as a POard nf Kevittnu ol valtiaUnna Ino'tr offl. e for VM various dlatrrrta on .be tvni.in named li'yn o a" many daa its .ir.' uepaja try f 1. 1 bo DUTp ( f anally iM. rmlnl ig whether aiiy oftli hnv valuatOM4 bf Hie aws.itrs ( r rjoMStioOH by fin Cnmm'aatonara h in- b 'on maile helnw a lust mi.' neevrdlns t" the Inteni .mil meaning n( tin' act "f July nib, lau, and t redtii rauaj anil eqii ii ibe aalno woriintj tti law, The i 'ummlMaloiiera m atiriid mid hear ibatltalrlrtaof A lama, Baat it. in aver Woat, centra SprtnirjackHon, MoiiJaj Match m h. Momik ,Pet n, Heit'irnrove, i'i Ion, Mlddiecreek aim ch in man. Tui'sday, March ittb, Parry, 'vrrj West, Waahlngion, Middleburg and Fi inklin, M'ed tday, M .n;b (0 Ii, AtteHl : i n, BxoaiFa, i ' , denato uoirnnttee rronosos a Flan to Avert an Extra Session. TO MAKE PERMANENT AGREEMENT t Will Preaerre die Per ma neat ln dependeno or Ihe laland n...i Pre eni l-'.iri'iii QoYarnaaant From t.illniU ( I'imimI h olil I In- re. Washington, Feb. 26. To avoid an rxiiii session of conRrcsa the senate committee on relation with Cuba yea- i I ouui LCU .in jl nil'.. .. ill I'll l lo i f Ly apr.,,Mintion hill, authorising the president to leave the coviTiimi'i.t of Cuba to its people provided the con- Kt It tit ion of the Island defines the fn lu"- wuona oeiween us government , nnrf ihn I Tn I f aH c:,-... .... !! tne rlgllt , ,ntemne for le presem. tion of Cuban Independence. "All acts of the United states in I daries of Cuba, the title thereto being left to future adjustment by treaty. "To enable the United States to maintain independence of Cuba, and to protect the people thereof, as well as I iui nn owu aeiense. tne aovernmenl i or wiiua will sell or lease to the Unl toil sa, ih. ... V. T "".un r coaling ........ ....,',.. ub, ,-nnui . i.i ... J or naval stations at certain specified points, to be agreed upon wi h the president of the United States." - Anthracite strike rn.pr.habi.. Pittsburg. Feb, 25.-Th.e Commercial 111! Steady Habits mi CB., 3 Park l-lar. A 83 Barclay St.. 7erk KSkandlE8WE TRIMM Helm. the Hal. I.. II. On Nlanri, SUNBURY, PE1NNA. 'I' M" H".l-;M-'-!-W! I Vllll.i. of nil I mm' oi 111 i'i i lo. n ut .... .'ii 1 1 .i i iron .11,1. able for I It'll Sll IIS oountj purpose. innvi ac 2ST6SI no (CM us 246IS3 00 irtisaa fioooso oo 1UN41V0 . 1 l-.l l 40BISB OS 5I4H iw Mmm no 10024 f '.';s77 on :U'H'.r. er, msoasa 44UNV4 On Mtisnroo ifcoia mi 1 1878 on IBI80 00 ItSTS 141 I4HB9 141 IB770 i ll illM ' iv.no in mo ti 171 .'. on i' : no l: f'4(4i in ro t 141 1 7'.' H .!) Il7fl IK, jrinrri i n tSglMfil iki I'I" l' Mil I Kit. .lulls I' WMJKt., f. W. K N.'.l. I. inmlaa Oazotte says: While the Industrial east, with its railway nnd other Inter ests largely dovetailed win. the an- : thraeite collieries, is looking forwnrrl with dread anticipation for the advent of APr,i 1 as the day mi which another great miners Btrlke may In- .nib .1 the body of the United Mini' Workers '!' America is standing on a const rvative platform, which is reasonably certain to obviate anything of the Kind. Bven if the anthracite operators refu ie tc meet the miners in joint wane nuner enie. It Is barely possible Hint a f iUr can be avoided, Consent in any fi n. even if only tin-it. to allow the pre m snthraclti agreement to continue, thus opening the way fur the miners to or rert various local conditions, promisee to dose the matter, with all its compli cations, Behoul Teacher Killed i.y Negro. Terre Haute, In.. Feb, 2C rda Flnklesteln, aged 20 years, a school teacher, while waikiiiR through a lone ly Strip of woods yesterday on the way from the school house to the inter Urban Electric line, three mil. - en of Terre Haute, was assaulted by an nti known negro, who shut her In tht back of the head and cut her throat severing the windpipe. After t; as tardly assault Miss Flnklesteln "nn foi a half mile to ;i farm house with th blood streaming from her wounds and fell unconscious on the door Btcps. Sin dinl last night. Officers and men an scouring me country with revolvers and Bhotguns, anil a lynching mav re sult. Prleati Oppoae PedernlUta, Manila, Feb. 2K. Rev. Father Mc Klnnon, who was formerly prlval see retary to Mgr. Chappelle and who is now pastor of the ICrmlta Cntholli chinch. Informed a press represents tlve yesterday that there were n; jrdi of S00 native priests In the Philippines opposed to the Federal party, and thai these would refuse tn administer Ml' sacrament to Federalists, because the believed the Federal party to be mere- -ly n cloak for Protestant attempts to weaken the power of the church of I Rome. Hlllvllle'i Saloon Branahcr. Mlllvllle, N. .?., Feb. -t;. Mrs, Kmrne Hughes, of this city, created great ex cltement In South Mlllvllle Sunday night by emulating Mrs. Nation In , smashliiK a saloon Which her husband frequented. Armed with :i ha1 ' -h, . entered the place and smashed . -ry bottle of beer, after which she look her husband by the arm and hustled him . home. The temperance people beartilj endorse the action of Mrs a reiorm move men w lie uti.rtnrf PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM : ClMnw-f and Naull.af Um Mtr. I rii.iiotM a laturiaM ffrnvm. Ni-trer FalU to Kratore Oray llnlr to Ita Ycuthftil Color, ljui. . i ;' ilLfamft hair taliu I Ir. aiJOttM, H i