y 1'iii'lishcd rtry Thursday Morning GEO W WAOENSKLI.ER. A M EDITOR AND OWNBR BoaaonrTRM rath. Hl.ttO pl year If i i In iterance. at. .Mi per year If not paid in ltd vn lice . Single coplea. I iw I'rntl. A IrertteletB Kalro. ,--n- per liaie. nonpareil limillli nicnt for flrat InaerMnl. and lllrcnta per Una for earn aiibae qoent insertion. loKKH'K Near tne t'ountv Court llouar, be n Iha Kimt National Hank and theOuiiityJail. Vol. xx.wiii. Kkb. 28, li)U Number ! The next ordeal coniee iu Union county Mai 23ni, ami if McClure carries that he becomes tl nominee of the party for the district LITEEVKY NOTES. NORTH AMKKICAN REVIEW. fHK February number of the Korth ylnwiwn Renem contains a very charming essay ou "Victoria tod Her Reign," by Lid Jtne, a we' I known loader of London society, who en joyed the favor and friendship of the late Queen. Lady Jeune rapidly sketches the life of Victoria from the moment when she was notified of her accession t tl-tli rone, and describes her as she -pHE primary election is over and Hon. H. ! "PPeared x" who wer brou8ht lnto cl,se i- M. McClure nominated with the sweeping PenonB with lu'r' Vktoritt had iWUM majority of "A) votes over A. W. Potter of this j opinions her owu,and strong likes and dislikes. county. The victory for McChMwia bo complete I thk outiook. and divisive that the friends rf Mr. Potter have A strangely fascinating study of pyschological tut heart aches aooonnt of a little thing or two ! religious emotion is contributed to The (httlonk that might have been done and theeesult changed, j by Mr. George Kennan, deacribing his esperi It was evident even to the most obtuse individual encee in visiting, about twenty-five years ago, from the very start that the dlf v . re aganst the old Jerry McAuley Water Mission and Pray Mi. Potter and this was used to perfection even er Meeting. ($3 a year. The Outlook Com- Townahip Elections. The returns f the spring election not HIOHBO&FB BETIREMEHT. J llii-hi. . In i - ruiwrl u ... ma I WiOWBi Washington. Feb. 25. The mht ( DmiTWPi Bent of Rear Admiral Philip Hi. lusii .ftlie iH'ace. J. K. Hhenkel: born, for eight years past chief cob. Judge of ejection, E. H. Hartman; In- ftructor of the American navy mark, r a ii tM passing from public life of oaeoll BD, w I , 1. ..11,1111 mm .1 y 'I 111 I 1 1.11 1 Bingaman; Bupervtsora, laniel Kulins McCLURE NOMINATED. to the very last and all those who wanted to get on the winning side had plenty of opportunity to do si, Htnl tluise who wanted ti get nil the win ning hand wagon were legion. This left Mr. Potter with hut a handful of supporters, compar ed with thoseon tlie atlier side, but those who stuck tit Mr. Potter did with almost the as R lira nee that they had a hrsing card and the cred it to them is all the greater, because they had sufficient stamina to ntaml by their honest con victions while defeat was staring in their faces. All the more honoris due them on this account. Tin: PtlfiT has no fault to find with any man who voted for McClure. We concede to them whal we demand for ourselves, the right to Im- on either side as conscience dictates, and while the P'rST has no differences with Judge McClure, the honor and credit of Snyder County was a more effective consideration than McClure'a claims for re-election, more especially since the nomination of McClure in Snyder county shuts Snyder county out of all chances to get a judge for ten years more. We, have do apologies to make for the position we have taken, hut the people have spoken and they have spoken decisively and nothing now re mains for US to do, but to yield to the decision of the primary held on Saturday. PANV,287 Fourth Avenue, New York.) CVXRYWHEBE. Will Carleton's Magazine announces this month that it is tube enlarged; and contain twice tho number of pages it now does, while the size of the page is reduced only about two-fifths. This throws it into the larger-sized-eover. class of mairazines so far as form is concerned. In matter and style, it is absolutely in a class by itself as unique as are the writings of its famous editor. Fifty cents a year; Every Where Pub lishing Company, Brooklyn, N. Y. REVIEW OF REVIEWS. Those who have supposed that tea-grow ing is impracticable in the United States will Ik- sur prised by the title of an article contributed by Leonora lleck Ellis to the Review of Reviewt for March "American Tea-gardens, Actual and Possible." The facts set forth by Mis. Kllis fully justify the title of thearliele, for it is shown that tea is successfully grown and prepared for the market in the Carol! OSS, and there a Kars to Ik- no gxxl reason why the industry should not lie conducted in other parts of the South. Science proves that it is feasible. W M A N'k HOM E M PA N lOX. "THE New Queen, Alexandra, of fcheat Kri- tan" will be the subject of an interesting article i i the April HWmi's Hoine Cmnjxinitm. Ed vard Page Gaston will not only portray Queen Vlexandra's life-story, but will also draw an ac curate picture of the new sovereign's personality, her likes, dislikes, tastes and the hundred and one little peculiarities thai make of this ' First S 1 a a I W a .... ... ... - . ijauy ol tlie rtnstish isles a very interesting aim isnmh w alter; School Directors, lu-i-cmmr.. Tiw. I.. ..;iiiw. i...o.i....-.i.. ;i Ammm 8. Walter and Phares Sham- , A j - . i..i.i"i Dftoh: AfMuMTi H. A. Bowerwx; Over- lustratexl from photographs furnished by the wvr (.a,vln T flMgw, and J.-ph author. Berger; Auditor. Wax Hunt. I.AI)IK' HOICK .1()11!V I. t'HAI'MAN TWI. Justice of tin-Peace, J. K. Peek and Cl.ARA Mokrw, the famous actress, has .level- Thmaa Mge; Judge of election, J. D. 0H-l into a story writer wdiose cleverness is con- Wendt; Inapectora, John If. (lurinan coded by every magazine editor. Consequently j i:i""irN'W.iiai.;SiiIKTvi8ors, Join. . . i ' . ,. ,. ,'' Kerstetteraiul Jonathan A. Herrold; Lhere is a place in readtneas for everything that I mnoU)I John & Bum and ximes from her Ben. She has just finishela story Wellington Herrold; AsHenor, Btnton Called "The Little Arcobat Girl." It is a oath- H- Moyer; ()v..rsr, P. t'. Kreitzer; . . . Auditor, Wm. B. Rlne. etic romance of the Stage, and will tie given early Jackson Twi t a . t titr v m puoiicanon in we uacuet nam journal. Judge of election, Oeorge H. Benfer; I nsnectors. Martin H. Mover and Jm-e the ablest naval men in our histon Cornelius; Buperviaors, Noah Brouw rom a shipwright apprentice at ul The DmnflMnf nraihernand Path TIkhkohIi- . ami Scno Oldt: ScIkmiI Directors. S. ('. v .v. j ''I - y . - I luruiiu me vnriuua pjiwiva ui ine con! iinti' I fla. ADMIRAL niCRIiORX. 1MVKRSAT. liltOTHKKIHMil) I'AIII. ical Pub. Co., Point Loma, Calif.) is a magazine that appears not only to students of Theosophv, but also to the general reader and lover of nature. In the February issue is the first installment of ii charming story, "At Even-tide There Shall He Holli iiliHi h and Lewis Miller; Assessor, strurtlon branch of the Mrvlce in July, IK).',, he was appointed . or the bureau of construction and r- pair, the highest position In the coad struction corps. FATAL WBEOK ON THE PENN3T, Hairy Maurcr; Overseer, John Bteese; Auditor, (ieorge Kline. Monkok Twi. Justice of the Peace, . E. Boost; Judgeof Election, Wm. Trezler; In- u......... ii..,.. ......I ii.,i..,,oi..;., .....i i I i ,, i.i i I I lie i , ... . ... !-'- uiaaneaienrpi nnat'ii I iiiricfn II, nihi Light, a sketch of hospital life, by "Sister Mil- p, itl.r; Supervisors, BenJ. Hummel .i ijrir. to Thirty, dred." The seene is laid in Norway, and the and N. E. Hartman; School Directors, Trenton, Feb. 23. One of tho worn i . r.i . ti Geo. A. KaufTrnan and Peter Kltnaler: collisions in the history of the Ambot decsonptioDS of the scenery are exquisite. There VrlSZ d,viB,on of ,he PVlTiis raiM i. .1 : . i e s .i . i assessor, .iinus isr, wMrsetr, nllrpoj arw,, k m nVlnu ti...jJ is a picas,,,-wiuc.i oi romance.., me s.ory, an i Franklin .larn-t; Auditor. .Ioiiiih Trex- one cannot fiiil to be charmed by its truthfulness ler; Constable, Edward A. Heiaer. to human nature. I PKNN Twp. ' Supervisors, H. Ii. Smith am? Calvin Porry; Judgeof Election, S. ('. Ressler; mo the close analyst of Scripture, it is evident that Insieetors, ('has. K. Beaver and O. I). J. the Aiik-Im of Oib anflteaaa aMawat to thi- OOOIlll fnrcr anil M..,,,.!.,' aVthnnl ltlnu.li.ru I In. iii hlslier, and F. P. Kuster; Assexsor, W. H. Luck; ipirit philoaophy of mmlrrn nrientintM. "Ho ffooil mid to colli - tiiiinirali : forirct not. iiimI rntrrtain utrunirprH for hv no Jmn, Kline have entertained Anuria unawnroH," ayn Paul, in hia J' Jarret; Overseer, Will mldnignt aalllnci, tompaal toed nun nor atara appaaring for Auditor,.!. ('. Fisher; Treasurer, New btanydayai to oheor tin1 1 1 vrreokad raarinara, lie nay i ton M. Stetler. " Sim. I esho'l you to lie of Kcoil eheer, for thrro iitooil by me ! DnHnil rri, .. , . .. . . , . I hKK Inr, 111 II iiiun. no Anpi oi ,.ii, w Huaa aui no .voom i nerve, "ay- occurred about 6:30 o'clock Thurston evening at Risling's siding, nrar BorJ dentown, and about eight milrssouthcfl Trenton. 1 he "Nellie Bly exprea,! from New York for Atlantic City, llded with passenger train No. running from Camden to Trenton. Thil total number of dead is 13, while aboil 30 were injured. Of the injured I Trenton eight are Italians and at Caav den all the five are Italians. The known dead are: Walter Earli I engineer of the express train, whodieil with his hand on the throttle, thougH he might have escaped by jnmpini , James Birmingham, baggagemaster I lag: -Fear not. Caul, there shall b no I.. of life only Ibaahlp. , Juai'ce oi me reace, jacoo Li. jaeiaerj ocai train; Edward J. Stokes, of B -rn t.ii. ..y or Pennsylvania yes- ft WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED rday conferred the degree of doctor or laws on msnop rotter, or New York, ami 1 helievr it nliall be even an lie toln me," Judge of I'.leetion, I r win ISotteieer; III' I.Ike the wrn ked ablp, no thin outward, phynieal ho ly per- ' S)eet4irs, Henry I.CHsnillU and H. Z. Jnhen. buttb. Ufe-pirit. the real inward ...a,, doe, not die, but ' je,m Slrervisors, PblUp MellKel, in renewed anl ntrenirthened day by day. 1 lie Soul, necure in 1 , ,. ' , ' ematlnued evintenee. amile, at the drawn d.KRer and delle. it, ManUld HothrK-k, (tie) W. I. Yerger, point aurvlven " the wreek of matter and the criuh of worlds." t tie) ; Assessor, I. A. Kehllie; Overseer, The nettled belief in the continuity of human life lee tially de- Christian KllolIHe; Auditor, Jntlies W. ntroy. the ennervatlng effect, of fear. Kcferei.ee I. made to tho. Arbogasti Constable, M. A. Menfle. wlio through fear of death arc all their life liinenuhjcct to bond- i ' . ... . SKI.IVSIIKIIVK llllUll aire." The real man, motor ami eoniroier or mm nenhly ma- chiue, now ar.d ever is apirlt, and there la pcraonal renMnnlbil- Justice of the I'eace, A. B. Keck, ty fin- all Individual thought and action. Thin faith in a new in- Judge of Flection, Josiah Keller; III- apmtlon of aaMtal emancipation, bringlajaj Heaven from itn far i umwlnrs Chun K RVtnrv nml Wm A awy crecdal dlatance to within the llmltn of dally life. Itlifta;, . , ., ,, , , ,,, , hum.ni.youtofthe.lepth.to..,Kler,H..lbilitle.,aDdrli.t,-.1Hlll'(,i 1 ''( o.llleil, (JeO. P. Usher from the Centre of Truth Influencen f uht owtodgo, od alio JOnD v . 1 I10lll801i; .ScIumiI Dini neaa, of Happineaa, ofttlmea ineipreaaible. It change Faith to I tOta, Will. Noetllllff and John W. vMadom. and crown, death witn chap et of vie v Inuka. H,aiiwtine; Assessor, Val. lh.lin; Over- seer, A. N. Geniberllng; Auditor, John Wr.lnr.dar, 1. 9. M. Paul Armand Sllvestre. Frenrh poet and critic, died in Toulouse, Franco, nged 64. A contribution of $250,000 by John D. Rockefeller to Brown university was announced last night In New York. Hon. Tom L. Johnson, the well Known capitalist, was nonunion lor i Blackwell'l Island, N. Y. mayor of Cleveland at the Democratic j An ps(.i wllRon'carrvlng a party of primaries. ; 13 (lt WllliamstOWn, Mass., killed a An unusually small vote was cast in i,ov and r(d ten other occunanta. and the degree of doctor of science on Rear Admiral Melville. Montlny, Feb. 2ft. Attorney Oeneral (Iriggs will open a law office in New York after leaving office. The secretary of war has approved plans for a bridge across Bast river at the elections In Pennsylvania cities yesterday. Republicans were generally successful. Two thousand Polish citizens of To ledo have signed a petition asking for a federal appropriation for the erection nf a monument to the memory of Pu laskl, the Polish patriot. Tburailny, Feb. 21. A system of electric canals, the im provements to cost $55,331,020. Is pro posed for New York state. The county council of Indon has virtually adopted a proposal to spend 1,500,000 on a scheme for the better housing of the poor. A widow's pension of $30 per month has been granted Mrs. Elizabeth F. Xicard, of Westernville, N. Y.. widow Of Hear Admiral Montgomery Sicard. Arthur Ryer, 22-year-old farmer, en tered a bank at Fisher, Ills., secured $1,620 by holding up the cashier, and escaped. He was subsequently cap tured, with the money. At Mena, Ark., Peter Berryman, col ored, was taken from the rity Jail yes terday and hanged by a mob. He was charged with assaulting and fatally wounding a 12-year-old white girl. Friday. Feb. 22. King Edward's visit to the Dowager Empress Frederick and Emperor Will lam at Homburg will extend, It is un--derstood, ten days. It is reported that a general Arab rising has occurred in Yemen. Arabia, ngainst Turkish authority, and that the situation is serious. James Callahan is under arrest at Ohama, Neb., on suspicion of com The report that Archbishop Martin elll. apostolic delegate to the United States, will be created a cardinal Is confirmed in Home. Minister Conger will leave Pekin Im mediately on a HO deays' leave of ab sence. Commissioner Rockbill will act during his absence. The British steamer Kaisari, from Rungoon, went to pieces off the coast of Reunion island Jan. 12, and 25 of her crew were drowned. Taradny. Feb. 2lth. The first orchard census ever taken In Prussia shows 90.222.375 fruit trees. New Jersey's supreme court decided that both capital stock and surplus of corporations can be taxed. Since the closing of saloons In To peka, Kan., men go about at night sell ing liquor from bottles carried in their pockets. At Wlnton, Pa., ROO miners are on strike because the company refused to pay the 10 per cent increase to some of the men. Gen. Petroff has again tendered the resignation of the Bulgarian cabinet, saying he will not. under any consid eration, remain in office. Arrangements have been made for a cycling race in Paris during the com ing season between "Major" Taylor and Jacquelin, the French champion. OBNBHAli MAHKF.TS. Philadelphia, Feb, K, -Flour steady; winter superfine. t2.2SOt.S0; Pennsylvania roller, clear. $3.1003.25; city mills, extra. t2.KO1i2.H0. Hye Hour quiet anil steady at $1.9002.96 per barrel for choice Pennayl- wontn Vh,.:,t Btaaitv' K'n I red hiu.i pllcity in the Cudahy kidnaping. There i WMTSe. Torn strong: No. I mixed, spot! js damaging evidence against him. 4.Vii45'4c. ; No. 2 yellow, for local trade. t .u , , , , . 0 , t ' 46c, OatS steady; No. 2 white; clipped. In the second trial of Dr. Samuel J. g. l0W(,r Kril(j,.!i 2!K;i2(, Hllv Kennedy, charged with killing Dollle choice timothy. !l..ri01i 17 for larse bales. Iteynolds, in New York, the jury dis- Beet trona; beef hams. n&Mtm For agreed. On his first trial he was sen tenced to death. Sir Alfred Mllner's salary as gov ernor of the Transvaal has been raised to 11,000 yearly. This exceeds the salaries of the governors general of Canada and Australia. Saturday. Feb. 2.1. Arm; family. tlt.tS816.75i mess. 114014.75. I.ard firm; western steamed. t7.S5. Live poultry quoted at IMilOVtc for hens, 7c. for old roosters. lOlilOjc. for young chick ens, 121i 13c. for spring ducks. 9c. for tur keys and 10011c. for Korse. Dressed poul try ut 10c. for choice western fowls, 71i 7'kc. for old roosters, 121il,'ic. for choice and fancy nearby chickens. 13 ltltC. for Inrjre western capons. 13014c. for fancy Selected nearby turkeys, 12ifl3c. The first snow in Mississippi In two fc, for wr8.rn K,.PS(.. Butter nrm; fresh years fell yesterday at Jackson Vice President-elect Theodore Roose Telt reached New York last night from Ills western hunting trip. Brig. (Jen. Robert MacFeeiy, retired, if the army, died at Washington on 'Thursday, at an advanced age. The city of Berne, Switzerland, has placed a large order for electric sur face cars in the United States. Joseph Motorto was brutally beaten to death at Averdale, N. J., last night as the sequel to a row in a saloon. tAngelo and Michael Coflno were arrested. creamery, 17ffI4e.; factory, lliiKu-. ; June creamery, ltOtOViC.; Imitation creamery, 14H01tc.i New York dairy. 1322c. ; fancy Pennsylvania prints jobbing at 2K1i29c. ; do. wholesale. 25c. Cheese firm; fancy larsc. colored and white, lOVfctnUic; fancy, colored, ltVic; fancy, white, 12c. Kkrs firm: New York and Pennsylvania, Bt mark, 19Hc. ; western, at mark, 18li 19c.; southern, at mark, ISBltMp. Pota toes steady; Lonft Island. tl.504fl.88H. Kast Liberty. Pa., Feb. 2R. Cattle mar ket steady; extra. $5.351f5.50: prime. 00 5.25; common. $101.76, Mors higher: prime mediums and best Yorkers, t5.M0S.8E; heavy hogs, $5.7006.75; roughs. $405.50. Sheep higher; choice wethers, $4.7504.50; common, 24i3; choice lambs, t.'.n.'.l, ',.80: romm-m to good, I J u ... :.o . veal calvcii, $70 7.75. i "$r toughing Every cough makes your throat more raw and' irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Ceasetearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in Ager's Cherry Pectoral From the first dose the Suiet and rest begin: the ckling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak ens; the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral Plaster should be over the lunffs of every per son troubled with a cough. Write to the Doctor. alTtr fraal Tall ratlr all tha aartleulari In ri " M I ail ut wnii yaur azpananca naa with oar Cherrr Fectoral. Tun will racalva a praaapt raply, without A4Mraaa.PB. 1. tjATER REDUCED RATES TO WASHINGTON M. Boyer. tol, Pa., passenger on the lural train! Walter Nale, of Trenton, passenger i the local train; John Gates, of Trnl ton, passenger on the local train; ul Italian, whose first name was Jos, bsl last name not known; Mulas Sparti an Italian, who died at the Cooper hot pltal, Camden; Frank Bolden, a pa senger, who died today. Three terriblj mutilated bodies are believed to bi William McNinney, John Farrell ul Thomas McGee, passengers, of Tren-I ton. Three others may die. Both General Superintendent ShfpJ pard and Division Superlntnail Abercrombie admitted that the crei! of the accommodation train disobeys)! the train orders. SALE KEGISTER Via Pnnylv)ni. Rnllrond. Arronnl Innuirnrntion of Hrnlitrnl MrKlnlry. I ! Notice of aajts will he inaertrd free und ()n account of the iiunijriirntion tf Ibja hsadlng when the bills are priatad at thin PmaiHanl f,.i."i.,i... u i .i office, Whan tha bills ara not printed at tha 1 reHKlt'llt McKllilcN mi March 4, lilt' ( nic.. M. Cent-will ! carded. Heraona eipect- Pennsylvanla Railroad UoniDanv will !?f tlvaaiahoaiii aeiecta date and liae . . , 1 it inmTlcil in t it if. colunin. wu excursion uoaeuiroin ail poinu on Thursday, Fab, 21 2 miiea .th us unea 10 ubington at rate of on Lm. IU. AL. 1 l.l. . . IMIC nil I III- II III I Ml I 11 II II I Mi 11 rnii, i.....i....,..,.i. 60 cents. 1 Tickets will he sold 011 MoNKNY, Fb. 55, one mil nor'h-enat of llof- u., .1, i .1 . . i , i . - . i far, Mra, Pianna it. Brown will aell l mare, Marcil 1, , nml .1, good to return until Jeraey eow and tormina Implamonte, March S, inclusive. Tickets w ill also WEDNESDAY, Feb i", one-fourth mile eaut of i... ,i I f , ii i a M eiarrvll e, K. A. I'urtline will ncll two lie sold from Harrisburg nml Interme- mulea, 4 cows and farming Implements, diale stations, and from I'hiladi Inhia P3BRUAKY2S and MARCH lond. atO.W. 51 eaka atore at Bellnagfovoi Frank II Rlne of Lewlehurg aell t pfivate nW n oar load nf Northern-Orown Med i'otatoca at rt'ftniiniiblc price, PRIOAY, March I. 1900. one-half mile weat of Three Ho Killed In PlaPi Biwablk, Minn., Feb. 26 A terrfl accident, resulting In the loss of the lives, occurred on Sunday aftenio at the Elba mine, six miles from wabik. Five boys were riding a which is used in the shaft. One of tkl boys turned the switch the wrong wm and the car descended rapidly from tk ton of the shaft house towards tk pun, ri-ii, i . iniica noriu-weai oi BKnr nnnninn n .. u ihm mi ui..i...i.i i . . a i.. ii. i.i ...ii, ii I aual uiiciiiut. wuc ui inc uvi. i hum.-, t cows, yountc cattle and farmiiiK f'etl tne ''anger and pulled his broth on tne car in time to save mm. i car crashed down the shaft openloi hurling the three young boys to t bottom of the shaft and killins tb and intermediate stations on March 4 These tickets will ! g(Kid to stop offal Baltimore nml Philadelphia within limit of March 8. sihk TRIPS. Special side-trip tickets, limited to Marcli S, will lie sold from Washington ill connection with uliove-nicutioncd tickets as follows : old Point Comfort and return, via all-rail line, $(i.(K);'" Hichlnolld and re- t'ltl DAY( March H. I mllea weat of Mt. Plcaaant ' ' iiuiuuuu una rt , Mllla, John Kepler will aell 5 hnraai.toowa, turn, 94.00. torm'ng Implements and bouaahold roimIm. Instantly. The boys were two sonil Joseph Felt, aged 10 and 12. repeal Ively, and Andrew Srlakdlchs aged 8 years. will aell horaca. iowh und fanning iinpleinenta. WEDNESDAY, March 13, three mllea aouth- Vta Norfolk and Washlnirton Steam- M''DAV, March II. David Blckbart will aell a , ...7i...... boraea, B CoWa and farmlug imiili'inruia, '4 boat ( ompnny : Old Point Comfort or milenorth-weatotPaltaa Norfolk and return Sil an- 'ir..i..i., MONDAY. March 11, one-fourth mile weat ' ''--"i ','", of .Miilillelmrs. Kcno W niter neacn ana return Hutting transfer through Norfolk, 14.60. From Baltimore, via Hay Line or Chesapeake Steamship Company : Nor folk or Old Point Comfort and return, 13.60; Virginia Beach and return. In cluding transfer through Norfolk, fi..r0. Four War Veaarla Knocked not. Washington, Feb. 26. The housl Halem church in centre townhtn. Annie yesterday jettisoned the authorizations MarM will -ciio boraea. 3 cows and fariuing for two battleships and two crtiiiMtp which wpre in the naval appropriate bill as It nassed that bodv. The i ate had rejected the proposition, l against the appeals of the house col-l ferrees the house voted by a big majors lty to aeree to the senate amenlrn'1! striking out the authorization. Chalt-1 man Cannon, of the appropriation con-i mlttee, contributed largely to this suit by a vigorous speech In favor the senate amendment implcmenta. BATURDAVi March 3. one and one half milea north of Mlddlehura ,iaitica Daokars will -ell 'J lloraea( 2 COWS, .1 bcml of yomiK iit tic and tormina Implements. TUESDAY, March - at Aline. .1. l Ranf'a wil -ell horses. CUWS. hcifcra anil fnimiiiK im plementSi i inplclncnta KK1DAY. March 15, In Hwlneford, 1). F. Kerat etter will aell fanninjc iniilementa and household furniture. FRIDAY, Varch IS. one and One-half mllea writ of Alinr, F. J. Trutt will aell horaea, cow. and furniinic iinplemenla. TUESDAY. March 19. one mile aotitb-eaat of .Mnl.llcl.nrif. A. B, Smith will aell '' horeea, SCOWS cuttle and fanning implement. Btehenburgsr Snd Wolf re. Auckerand Knlghta TIU HSDAY. March 21, one and one. fourth Mil. b. II Klerted Senator. Salem. Ore.. Feb. 25. John H. MitcH ell was elected United States senatofl west of Middleawarth, John W, Kline will! at 12:30 o'clock vesterdav morninf! 'M aallS bora,.,, 2 mulea. cattle and farming ,uccee(1 jobn W McBrlde, whose lefll will expire March 4 next. His eis-e Trial List, Feb. Courti Washington, D. C Gencssee r'ure Food Co., Leroy. N. Y.: "Gentlemen: Our family realize so much from the use of GRAIN-0 that I feel I must say a word to in duce others to use it. If people are interested in their health and the welfare of their children they will use no other beverage. I have used them all, but GRAIN OI have found superior to any, for the reason that it is gelid f. tic Toi'ic fcr Health, F. C. Mteks, John I). Marka VS. Henry F Bl'dslng, V aimer a 4 o, va. N. J. Livlngaton. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in t lit civilizpii world. Your mothers' and cranilmothers' never thousrht, of na. H,Tl;a. iwineu 2 ' U f en8aKP(1 Gen- ne Wet Saturday near J , K 2J JS! 4 WT D'sse'fon'e'n. on the south bank of the and they seldom heard of Appendic- orange river, capturing a gun ahd a itit, Nervous Prostration or Heart pompom and taking 50 prisoners. The failure, etc. Ihey used VUirust Boers were scattered, and are being i :nwv iu vipbu uui suv sysiem aua i pursued by Col. Plumer. It is report- ici uieuiBHWi ui iinuigpsteu iooa, reguiate tne action of the liver, milcH aouth-cnatof Mt. I'lraaant Mllla. F. F. Walter will aell 4 l.oraea, 10 head of cattle and farming Implenieiita. FRIDAY, March IS!, two milea north-west of of Miilillcbiirg. Amhroee ling will aell 4 horeea, 7 hi ad cattle and fanning implenieiita. ticnernl lie v . , mum Btcapri, Capo Town, Feb. 25. Col. Plumer tion was accomplished by a rombiorl tlon of 35 Republicans with 11 DeBtj crats, making 46 votes, a majority" the legislature. The result was readi ed on the 25th ballot of the day and t 63d of the session. Mr. Mitchell W already served three terms in the M ate, being first elected in 1873. ed that Gen. De Wet escaped to the opposite bank In a boat, and Is now stimulate the nervous and ortranio fleelne with a handful of follow it action of the system, and that is all i is reported from a Boer source at they took wheu feeling dull and bad i Zeerust that Gen. Delary has been cap with headaches and other aches. ! tured. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to aMwaHl and William at Ooaberg. make you satisfied there is nothinc ' Cronberg, Feb. 26. King Edward serious the matter with you. Get ! and Emperor William visited the stricken uowager Empress Frederick yesterday. Neither Cronberg nor Ham burg showed any decorations what- ever to mark the presence of King Ed ward, and not even flags were dis played. A large number of detectives from Frankfort -on-the-Maln and Ber lin were present. Green's Prize Almanac. Dr. FsiMf't KIDNEY Backache Cure. For all Kidney, Bladder and Urln arr Troubles, Lame flack, Heart IHaeaiie.Hkln lineae, UlieiiiuatiHm, Bed Wetting, etc. Unfailing In Female Weakness. ay dealer.. Jwr.eiLfbjriua; UcFradoala,NY. Hradach and JTemrmlgtm cured by Dr. MJuKo' PAIN P'LXtt. "On5caiadOBe." Allcj-cd Hrlbery In Ilclawarr Dover. Del. Fob. 2.1 The alieflW that a Union Republican attrmpted" bribe Representative Walter M. H Democrat, of Sussex county, by oa" ing him J2.000 if he would absent bite aplf from tho inlnt aenainn anil ence two other Democrats to do jJJ nuuif, i u liic luicicai Ul nui hrnnthl hofnro th hrnme vcsterdij.l and a committee was appointed to 'Jj vnnl ml. I... nffnl. .....1 -.1,1. .fl IU icDiigaic in, una 1 1 alio I i house on Mondav. The senatoris deadlock Is unchanged. Brltlah .Vnvnl Onieera I)lamiaae5- Capetown, Feb. 26 The court mirl Hal which hna hpen alttlne to Hi "l ABnnn.lKIHlv In. U Aa. of the f'-'l IUDIUIIDIII1IIJ IUI IUC IUDO . lsh second class cruiser Syville, M was wrecked last month near bert's Bay, has sentenced First Im tenant Holland and Lieutenant CM ley to be dismissed and to forfeit PI years' seniority. The other ofllM" Were reprimanded. - ....aral. rono aicaai r or inr jm San .Tnan Vph 26 The VtoM States transport Rawlins left for V United States yesterday with the Pon' Rlcan battalion ordered to attend wi inauguration. An enormous gathered at the wharf, to wi departure of the steamer, who number 260, seemed the opportunity to go. aaaaa