I leas you bad left the body of your friend here, and you don't look like the kind of man to do that. But we ought to move ou. Vt e need to get him to the doctor iix soon us possible. My app"ar- ani-e nere is very w !, nun i ou icu that afterward. Sim 11 we move on": Stuart eagerly assented, and they stumbled on up the tunnel. Their prog ress was very slow, for Eric was en tirely a dead weight, and neither Stu art nor his companion was a powerful man physically. They had gone but a short dlstauce, however, when lights appeared farther up the shaft, and soon they were surrounded by a group of miners, accompanied by Dr. Saxon. There was no time for more than the r1efest explanations. The party took Brie from Stuart and the minister, and soon they were standing out on the side of the hill in the Btarllght. The cool night air blew about Stuart, and he thanked God for his life. Farther up on the hill a heap of blazing ruins marked the place where the engine house had stood, while at a distance the ladder hole smoked and limned like a small volcano, showing that the tim bers were blazing fiercely below. "Take Brie to my house. We are not far from It," said Stuart. "Yea, and hurry up. men," added the doctor, "I'M go on ahead with them, Stuart. Brie needs attention as soon as possible." The doctor and the miners with Eric hurried down the bill, while Stuart followed with the minister ns fast as he could. But now that the strain was over he felt weak and faint. "Vnii must eniiio it, iitul afnn with ma . """ tonight. .Mr. mirKe. i want to know the story of your appearance In the mine. And, besides, 1 have not had time to thank you." "1 shall be iilm! to accept your Invita tion. In fact, 1 feel the need of wash ing Up before I no hack to the town. I am Stopping at tlie hotel," replied Burke. As the two walked along, picking their way slowly down the narrow path, a peculiar noise came wafted up to them from the town, Stuart paused ami listened. "What's that?" he asked. "Troops. They arrived this after noon. That must he the drumbeat to quarters." "I supposed the troops would not start until the last of the week. 1 had Information to that effect from Cleve land." "They came this afternoon, and that is one reason for your friend's Injury. I Imagine. We will talk It over and see." There was a pause, and the Rev, Andrew Burke suddenly exclaimed In a tone of relief, ns If he had been searching for something: "Ah, here they ore! 1 thought perhaps I had lost them." "What's that?" asked Stuart, peering through the darkness toward some- L thing ills companion was boldiug out Jn bis hand. "Black ore crystals. Very rare speci mens. If you have a match about you. 1 will show you." Stuart could not help laughing. Aft er all, was he not nllve and safe aftei that experience of terror? "I am afraid," he said, "that any matches 1 might have about me would hardly go off after the soaking I bad, You see, I was In the water up to my neck a part of the time." "I beg your pardon." replied Andrew Burke. He seemed ashamed, and then as they were going up the avenue to the house he said gently: "You see. I "(in 1,, hluhttvtl tirtd stiutri took tl. '"'t on a little irwnlnirleltiff wnlU this to . afteiiioou, and that is how I cauit ire the old Henry tunnel. I found lllese erVHtlllfl mill vvnu litct mif. tlleui Into my pocket when I heard cry for help. 1 was kneeling on u hour of the tunnel mid had m u near the side of the wall at tin e se 1 ,i,,i,. it l i..,. i i .i - ,t i iiuu ileum jruili 'Peruana von win nt Mnt i ..i , v ..... iiiina i urn ,n- ogctiier a t.rnnk 0I) ipecimen, f ln P Instance the hunt for them led tc JWfetblng better." " Was n fi.rtn.n.t,. n.,.i - .wiimmic null iui UN, It'" BtOait 'Eric and I Hindi nlu-nw DO i, .. : lor your search. 1 inn mix - --uiii mm. Come right in, and 1 -"i- iiiii. or Tno uurviiT, l- ...... - - - ' iiiii.. nuiMi J I 1, TOOIll where vnn ,. I, ,,, h . rfwM vuii m: hi uumi: iui "'gill." hurried In only a little after tin 'r and the minora n,.,i ,,.,. orw tit)g one of the servants to see Mr- "urke. went to Erin Th ,int c 1. . . . Hi r, "Br. h ir? dressing the wound. ryng his stick, which in most cases ap t has limt n i,.,.i i.i x.-.t..- . . . ... . K " ui pun mm through. You I'niis . . . Ollt fun la .v. uurseu. xnanK uou, tu- 1 Mil ii,.,, I ,. ..... c uuvei inia is the begin rot troubles here. I'm afYn.f) Thorn en crooked work today up on the or I'm mistaken. That rock nevei "own the ladder hole by accident, "e engine house didn't burn with-1 "Offle one's hnln rt lanknA OlAl.i.klfi.1 IT. I I- mmijuum, ne WHS n 'He miner's dress Bflrl If tYlA nn. i n h. . . - ""o not Deen ur nm dm iinni,.. 1 1, . IK'on PTCHPOll fnr milling n UDB blend's anoenranc Ha . eovered with the arrasy red Iron ore mud. great streaks of It were over his face and hands, but the gravity of events that were evidently polling for a crisis left little room for anything but solier feeling. Stuart stood over Krlc. "Poor fellow: This comes at a bad time for him." "Yes, and for us, too!" said the doctor sharply. There's no telling what die men will do without Kile's Influence to keep them quiet And It will be a ques tion of weeks before he gets up from this." "I hadn't thought of that!" Stuart put his hand ou Eric's forehead. At that moment Eric opened his eyes. He was conscious SjM spoke feebly. "Stuart, you saved my life. You have paid up old debts. You are quits with me now." "Eric, we understand each other now, ion't we':" Stuart spoke almost like n lover. "Hut we owe our lives to anoth er man." "How's that?" Eric was too faint to sny more. "I'll tell you when you are able to bear It. Rest now." Eric closed bis eyes, and Stuart went away to change bis clothes, and all the while he felt conscious of the convic tion that he stood close to the crisis of events which the evening's strange ad venture had begun. Louise bad gone out somewhere to spend the evening with her friends, the Vasplainea, so Stuart and the doctor and the new minister sat down to a late dinner by themselves, and it was i wlille eating that Stuart learned the .... ... uetillls or lus rescue. There was little more for Mr. Burke to tell. He was a stranger to the place, but In the two days of his residence In Champion be had evidently made the most of bis time. He had Inquired of a passing miner about the Heury tun nel Just before entering It on his search for crystals. The miner had volun teered the statement about the con nection with the Davll lower level. Burke had not thought of that again until be heard Stuart's cry for help. "Io you always carry a rope with you on your afternoon walksV" asked Stuart. "No, I ha-e not been In the habit of doing so, but I think it might be a very useful custom In this mining country," replied Burke. "The rope was lying on the platform at the head of the last row of ladders, and I nat urally carried It down with me, not knowing what might be needed nt the bottom. I suppose the men left It there when the strike was declared. 1 noticed their tools lying around in va rious places as 1 came through the drift." The doctor looked at the new minis ter with gruff approval. A man who could note details like that was worth knowing. The Itev. Andrew Burke was evidently on the way to the doc tor's friendship. "But how did you happen to come after us':" asked Stuart, turning to the doctor. "I was up at Rollins', the pump man who was hurt, you remember, when the boy, the same one who came to the Office the other day. came In and said the engine bouse was on tire, and after What seemed like a year's time we managed to pry out of him that be had seen you and Krlc go down the ladders a little while before. 1 rushed over to the shaft, and here Is the mystery of it to me. Not a soul was In sight. The engineer, Bremen and pump men wore all gone. The ladders were blasting, so that there was no hope of descent l. them. Some of the other men ran up from down town. Then we thought nl the Beury tunnel and made n run foi thut. You know. Stuart, it's ivei n quarter of a mile from the slmlt. hut we made It In a few minutes I fell over on a rock and smashed a lol ol valuable bottles In my case. You've cost me a good sum. Stuart, counting all the days since you were born von and Brie. I don't know that I believe In stubbing my toe very much for that hot headed young socialist and Bgltfl tor. He will make a pock of trouble In the world, and I don't know but In the Interest of humanity I ought to give him a little dose of something to finish him up." Just then Eric, In the room across the hall, stirred and groaned. The doctor heard him. and. dropping his napkin nbsentmlndedly Into his soup, he hur ried In to see his socialist patient. Before he came bock Stuart and llurke discussed the fact of the engine! k m... . l I niMise i.iL. inert- whs Moiiicuuiiir io oi cleared up nliout that. It seemed also to Stuart that the mass of Iron ore which fell upon Krle was somcthinj; more than a loosened froRment of the mine. The doctor was rljtlit about It. The absence of the men from the spot when the tire broke out also needed explanation. The doctor find come back, and the meal was progressing while the three men were trying to solve the facts of the burning nnd the Injury to Krlc when a tramp of marching men was beard coming up the avenue. The three men rose from the table to gether. There was a menace In the sound that wns not easily mistaken. Stuart went directly Into the hall and opened the great front door. By the light of the porch lamp could be seen a crowd, nt lent t 200 men, each one car- i ivii ii, ii . i nt i .mi mm ii. m n ' 1 1 1 iui proached more nearly the dimensions of a club. They were a formidable ap pearing mob of men, their sullen, heavy faces brought Into distinct relief In the light of the electric lamp. "Well, men," called out Stuart clear ly, "what Is this?" The men meanwhile crowded up close about the veranda. One of them, act ing as spokesman, came up on the steps and sold In a loud voice, "We want to see Eric." (to be continced next week.) eport ;otReceipts and Expenditures of Snyder County tut? year enuing uec. ai, lyuu. ABULAH STATEMENT showing amount of county and striti taxes sensed, collected, returned, commission)), exoneration and abate ments allowed and outstanding, for the year WOO. Asms fed. HMTBIOTB. .'Hll.tllN Heir er Beaver West centre cluipnmn Krimkllii Jackson Miilillehurgh Midalecreek Monroe Psnn Perry Perry West Beunsgrore spring I II I nil Washington roIXtXTTOKg. I Wenrge Kttlg Isaac Huiisli Jacob Kilter Jiweph Kerr W. it. sjwartt A '1st In tittt li. K Hmuse Win. Komlg At. K. Krdley Tiomaa Hess Harvey A. tiood Nelson Mengle J, z. Htrawser A. J. I irons J. II. Knepp Isaac Zimmerman J, A. (irlmm li- HI 1018 US: rs so H.IS IS 3 II 11SS M km m 7 n "J3 I.H.18 41 119 7H1 HIT SO, mb us HIS 72! 1083 III), i as! ItiSO IS! Totals.. flli.HI ( "ABJ LAB STATEMENT showing mm uu.Bu.uuing taxes tor IBVU nun I Hits! noil n I .Ian. 1.1900. S5' 80 04 S 10 I 74 lo SS 42 '5 IS 7S 143 41 ai ih 4. 77 14461 148 7 0 224 21 3108 9A 32 121 OS 222 02 157 A3 7117 : 49 31 24s 97 99 05 45109 niSTKlCTS, Attains Obapman rranUln Mlilitii'i'iiruli Middlrcretk Colon Washington Atlumn Beaver Beaver West Oenlru i 'liniman franklin Mlddleburgn m iddlccraek Monroe Penn Perry perry Wsl ntl.I.KtTOKS. .Ihh Mliiillmw tli W II Shell.) M .1 Courtney li SI Mont z J SOOt) Itow Jacob (i Staid W in V Kouali ins Middlesw'tn Is. lilt' tlOUHll i H Hsasinger Jo senn Kerr W t Shelley M .1 Courtney i 51 Moats .1 acob How Thomas Hess c l OnsjnerllBg Nelson Menstle Jacob Point A .1 ( Irons Robert smith Jacob u Sudd ' W m v Rousb I Yi'iir IS9S . 189S IM : iH9s ; 18h ; '.V ': i sua j ln'.iO : IM l IM IM I 1899 j 1H09 : 1899 ! 1899 i 18WI ! 1H99 IM i 1899 I 1899 : 18119 IM I DHIIIINUPJl O '- S I'M. ill Washington 12574 I ABULAB STATEMENT showing Collections made, Ex onerations ami Commissions allowed and Outstand ing Dog Taxes for the year lsnn and previous years. DISTRICTS. ' COLLECTORS. Adams .1 MldiileswiVriii" cbanman w h Bbelley Midalecreek Jacob How Colon .i i stahi Wiislilnuton Wn K Itonsh Adnms .1 Mlddleswarth llenver Isiuic lloush Heaver West I 11 llassliiK'er Centre Joseph Kerr Cbanman 1 w H Hholley Kraiiklln M J Courtney Mlddlehiirgh i 51 Moatz Mlddlecreek Jacob Row Monroe rinm Hess Penn OLombsrUng Perry Nelson Mengle I'errj West 'Jacoli Kolti Heilnsgrove j A J dross spring .Robert sjnllb union 14 a staiii Washington w in K. Ronsh V'r IS9H Totals, EXPENDITURES. Protlionotary'e Office, Win y Murphy a dnekata, Hpriiis: Talepbona rent, Penn Teleplions rent. Or,, M Hhlndsl eertlyfjrtng Juda- llienta. tic, IS99. tiro 51 si.iii.i. i, Irn for 1899, $311.07 I edueen fee" eoMfrtrd by ieo m hhlndel, belonas i i n lo the County, via : No SH Peby Trrin IS98 4 no No 1 bee genslonfl 'OS 5 4S No 0 Oil teutons '$ s.ts No 2 Oot teaalniit 'OH 5 75 No S Dvg MMloni ''.'8 5 l0 No 4 Pebjf h '9!( line I Jl No 0 .llllie n '99 II lie S OU No 2 I n U0 linn 1 I'll v o ll June 8 '00 Dm 5.00 No 7 .1 one s '00 tine '." 00 No i i icl M o due rn no J , Penn Teleboni rent, i s'.s 11,25 1 Su i relephont n ut, IM 1.50 120.70 82.50 ls.im 18.00 Haluni Register i $3Vu7-890 J7 51 Recortler's ( Office. .1 II Willis, certlf'g mortiraRPs 90, 14.41 W li JoIiikIiim X I d, dockets, 15.MI- ( lOniniiRRioners' ( )ffiot Isaac Smtts ami it. I lomni, nttenilini; H.50 1.50 Win lri-i Hlllllt. , ei-i 'omni, attending Phares llermani ex-Comm, at tendlna audit, 3 N BroaiUS, offlcS elinir, etc, U K Mi.--: ii . I. IiotltllUU H.W1 4.90 NtatniiN anil eards. W in K Murphy .v Hons, dooket, 4.50 lH.IK) i i-iiii l i-ii'jilitine rent, II Heaver. Mdaa 81 Min.no 2.2S 100.00 .1 N Bros! iui, salary elerk, l ItrtiKMin. tr u exiis ( ban Hon -er, Attysainry, ( lias llower, rttt'y travel loir exiienen. 105-101.05 ueo f Millt-r, 79' . j day cer- iip" as i oiniii, ata..'o, 1 K Miller, trnvel'u exiin. 27H25 44.25-322.50 John p w .iz.. wi days ear. vli-ea nn innin nt 3.50. 318.50 J I' W ettel, trnvel's exits, 25.6.3-il4l.l3 n nintiii. :n uayn er- vl.e, n Comm, at 3 50, 829.00 C W KniKhls, travel'n ei, 110 04-3H9.04- 1743.1 Slieriff's Office. A M Aurntid. blank ale lolls. 4.00 1. 10 8.00 1H.O0 ii (' (iutelliiH. blank book Win K Murlibv A' Snns. doeki-ts 1 P,.iiii Tal.ni.nna , Q W Bow, feee comm 5lairdnleuu Shirk 4.75 (I W How, r-berlfl Keen. Com'tli vn J W HleKel 1.25 t'mn'tll vil K K Sclllegel 1 2!! Com'th vn It Shamhaeh 3 30 fom'tli vi J W Kieiter, 1,26 Com'th vi Henry lloyer 1 25 Com'th vi Harry W alter 1.25 Com'th vp Amnion Kline 1.75 Com'th vh II N Harner 1-23 (i W How, ndv eii, I elee 80.00 (1 W How. 2 report to board of Public Charity 20.00 ii W How, lerviiitf Jury no tice for 1900 84.40 (i W How, tilling jury wheel nmi drawina 4 furiss tt.oo i W How, eourt proelama tiom for I9H9 6.00 t W How. dellverinir prion en to and from court 6.25 1S1.9& beloilKlng Deduct feci, etc, to the county Jurv I it- for 1899. No 47 KehyTerm 4 00 No 2: .1 une Term 4 00 No 90 Oct Terra 4 00 Nn 40 Oct Term 4.00 No 6 Oct Term 4.S0 Coal uied in range '00 A. SO I'cnn 'I lu in- rent 'O09,00-35n 146.05-114.95 178.0(1 District Attorney's Office. J M Baker. Esq.. Fees. Com'tb vs Magdalene Shirk, 8.00 Com'th v K Deck. 8.00 Com'th va J W Riegel, 3.00 Com'th v E K Scblegel, 3 00 Com'th vs K Hhambach, 13.00 Com'th vs J W Kieiter. 5.00 Com'th vs Simon Rouah, 6.00 Com'th vs Henry Boyer, 5.00 Com'th va Harry Walter. 8.00 Com'th vi Amnion Kline, 10.00 Com'th vs H. W. Barner, 3 00- 81.00 Courts. February Term. Orand Jurors, I'etlt Jurors, Constables returns 08.28 S8S.V2 80.0 Alan I lll.DU Heiurn .I. Kxoti- Voiu'ii oratn's iluni. i if SOS sis hi fiW u (KM S3 4RS 4A II -I iw 716 Ml MS HI 474 M UI.i 119 1K8S 70; 463 14 M4 sji SITS 0 S67 i 4Ni Sll ISrSI OU a s7 M IS '.li ..' au IS AS 71 6 4 Hi 3 4S 87 15 81 owl ms; SSgnl SSlU .7 21 M; S71 1 W 4M 41 M Z 14 54 0 HIM Oli KSl8ift4 06 4I32S KM Oetleo. ti'.i Uutitinid. lur SO KM 3 S3 17 2S 12S.VS lb lA if: vt as 4S i on IS S.I 219 KS SI IS 17 49 125 Ml It OS IS 44 210 li in or, 25 2 55 97 IS SS 21 SI I 12 52 ' A 95 14 99 90s Tli IS SO 39 KS 42 04 US 2 70 1 292 Tti 25 o 2-1 40 10.1 IA 14 AS 18 10 31 54 2s On 32 AS 65 04 in S.S 28 (12 12s W 11 ft 14 72 121 A7 10 411 S3 41 299 HI BBSS collections made, exonerations allowed I previous years. GtUaot hlxonura- tlDDH. 3 52 V 441 Uutntand lint. d. " sa 33 I 20 54 : 82 lu SOHH 84 37 j 9HS 119 SI 9.1 All 40 09 142 10 : 113 57 219 33 20 SO 48 IM in 7 : 2IH 59 : 153 49 & 81 j Ml HI 45 .'Hi i 442 IM : t22M o j 7 93 ; 4 45 ISO i en 4 55 4 ss 3 9 ; 941 3 4.1 4 14 1 2t 7 16 9 0S ; SK7 04 23 M 35 13 7 12 48 32 1 Oil 4" 31 S3 49 $221 21 7S I outs' g, con- Bxooerat'n outsuv 'Jan 1 00 Jeeted A CommlS'l ndtSg, ii 67 l"ss "2 45 20 S DO 5 90 10 60 10 00 11 IK 9 87 1 05 M 2 75 2 19 45 U 10 25 13 32 3 HO 5 59 ft 06 4Sl 09 5 55 4 80 1 25. 00 5 70 30 6 55 4 83 2 00 1 22 ) TO 15 tl 30 7 5 20 4 73 2J 24 12 20 ( I) IS 28 12 90 1 70 lit III 25 8 98 SO 47 11 It 10 25 90 9 31 8 71 15 43 9 9 9 9.5 V7 49 14 29 3 311 7 1" I 40 13 38 11 88 1 40 40 UN 35 I2S 34 $14 20 $4 72l $50OU Oyer and Tlpntnven, HlenoKrapbrr, June Term, (trand ilurore, I'ellt .lurom, I'oliMtnlileH' retiirnH, Oyer and 1 iptavei, Hlenngrapher, 0i4derTerni. Orand Juroni, Petit Jurors, Conetablee' rrturna, t 'ryer nud TiinUavm, Hlvinigrnilier, Ueoiaibeff Term Crand Jtirnrn, I'etil .lurom. Constables' returns, Cryer ami Tipslave, Btanographar, M)l)0 151.44 479.41 lfl.00 1SSM ..7ii 87.50 50.00 4.36.74 123.33 197 .27 35.28 37 50 36.10 428.47 118 59 .183.14 38 70 57.50 107.93 roa.ss 2348,48 loal Damages. Good, Mlddlecreek, IBJM It i kiss, Monroe, 7.oo Idle Ketale, 95.r0 Jaoub better, " OS.00 l.i win Walter, Centre, 4.i o LeWla Kilter. " 12.IHI Hi nj. Ulrlcb, Sellnagroye, 40,00 io.io L i ' Smith, io on c K Hlnjmuiani Adams, 19.00 Charles Hou r. Pranlclln, 125.00 I'lias stidninger, " 87.00 rrison. Btelninger Bros coal, IS6.03 A liuwerooi, labor, pigpen, $80 w tJariiuin lurnoer, pla pen, 3.'h Harduer niiis urate for beater, IO.iki N Bowei removliiB aihei, I m lirA.l Herman, medical services, 0.00 .1 CSJchovh labor, 75 AMMiambach. flxlnalock, 2 ihi M I. Walter pointing, walii, 25.oo .1 H Metier, I land hauling, so DA Kern I loll Wenrioh, beater 40S 00 tllell n enrich, remor'gold beater 800 Harry pecht. removing brick, 1.60 HHHieuie mason work, 1.00 W w Wlttenmyer, mdse, 5.91 A J t'rongrove work 4t materials 1 11 l A Kern work ami materials H.r.7 l W lluininger, tin nud itovc repnin, 6.ti0 II W How, boiiriliii(;Strffen. Del- llman, Midilleiwnrth, shirk, Miainbncli Houili, Kicxter. Miller nud Walter. 18150 li W How, comiuittinK and ilis- Charglng piiaonara, 7,50 1 W How, jnnitor lervlcei, 40 00 u w How, ooaveylng shirk and Bhambaeb Io Asylum, 17. uo 5Irn li W How, wnnbiliK nnd ncwinit, 1.1,00 Court House. B71.fl N A BowtM work al tank 4 25 Innilor 1900 90011 W H Wlney Coal 115.73 A J CroiKrnve repairi 42. WV .1 c Ncboch stove 6.44 1 H Bowersoa oil 20 .Ian Howemii carpenter work 3.00 Alfred Clcland " " 3.00 N J4 I in Inn. 111 " 2.01 lieo Smith lumber 77 H H Tolilui rctinirinir iMivenu-nt l.uo Wll lirevetuyur linoleum for I Court room 1 84,52 I Anron Wtetler'i eit lumber 13.52 I Jninei llonenox work Ko I H K Tobian cubinet Com'r office 3.25 N A Hmvii layltiK linoleum 3,50 1 W F Murphy Ions window ibadci H O) W 5V Wittc nmyer luilne 12 03 Kunkle A Waller " 15.11 II A Kern work & muterluli 17.50 I) II uitcr indie 2.79 II n llamlngcr tin and stove rcp'ri 4.07 II K Toblai work 1.5U .Asylum Support of King, Herbiter, Yer ger, Mhotzberge, Shirk and bhambach PeniteDtiarv. 3N2.50 3S2.50 Support of lawless, Napp, Shell, Jones and K liter 207.24 207.24 lload and Bridge Viewers Fees. Ceo F Broil ui et al road and bridge viewers 208.02 Bridges. Melaervllle 4089.84 1121.01 4 50 126.51 80.18 22.60 141.80 1.60 7138 67 18 1-25 8.83 84.75 152.48 1.50 Klclifleld Joint Sellnagrove wood Iron Boyar's Kreamer Mlddlebuag Iron " wood Olobe Mills Kants Aline Baasler's Oood's Long's Bowersoz for TMhniiir Mataawai ho niw i i oaa ',; Lai asm it eott . u o saMMfaiea commissi uned h ml ourstaijiltiii; tor mxi AUIt. IVlli . Asu'll 04 Hi Com. Illls'S t)..l.- 'dJhg 14 OS b SI 9 SS 4S 5 19 H 411 42 1 1 Is II ISJ All S 7 5 SO 30 ll9h( IS US I 7 15 RS 1 V,i '4 ha ai itu S 55 42 9 H.i ita 44 until A 15 Sll H KS 5 3n 211 9 ,19 14.41 71 12 SS ' 10 5 to u n in a, I 40 27 I -. 71 25 a: 1 1 S2H 30 ISI T 1 1697.181 4&I Lowell Smith 1 1 IV! 11.00 8.00 7-crt 43 SB 1,00 IM0 83.80 s no 11- 11 149 '.'I 2 OS I Nil Pastoavllle Rwlna Scboi li Boycr'i Winter's Bams' Intermit on bonds and orders tit nmi oil Freight " Justice, Constable A. Witness Commonwealth vs Magdalene 8blrk 1 1 - " .1 lilegle 25 1.4 KKSchlegel 71.'- H Slutmbaeh 15.1! .1 N Kieitei 31..' '. Simon Itoush 4 17 Henry U) er li 97 Hun y Walter K.12 Aimuon K Hue 17, 12 H W limner 1.S8 I'riatint A M Aurand Hub county itatenieut Pub court proc I'liti election " Blank fur 1 our otili c Hlimk fur Proth'j sofflci PH Hi let Puh county statement Pllb court p'oc I'uli election proc Itlatiks fur com'n ofHce HlmikH fur protlly " Hlnuk'. for herifl " Fob'y election ballots I A Lumbnrd I'nti county statement Hub court proc Hub election proc HlnnkM for corn's office Appeal notices A iioitne NllV Cll-llllll IlitlllltH .1 0 Lasher Hub county statement Hub eourl proc Puo eiectii 'ii proc lllnnki forcom'ioniee II B Mover Huh county statement Hub court proc Hub election proc vi W WageiiHcl ler Hub co inly itnteinellt Hub court proc Pubclection proc Hub OOUrt enlenilnri lllnuki fur corn's ullii-o HlaukN for Proth'y oHlre liinnki fur sheriff office Hinnks for register office 25.00 18.82 25,00 4,00 7 00 26.00 1332 'Jl.Oil 88.78 18 ml irpim 35.00 25.00 13.32 2J 1 Hi 5.00 20.04 55.95 2.V0O 18 32 50,00 7.00 25.(10 13 32 S.'i.OO 25.00 13.32 25.00 24,50 12.50 7.75 6.51 25.70 Assessors, Spring assessment 582,40 lny registration A dentil C birtlil 855.20 THennUal maenimcut 408.25 Dec regintrutloii, de itln A birtlil 371 '. 5 Electious Feb'y election Keirr constables attend ing and udv- Nov election Computing same 5lt iloiiv I'rluting i o election supplies .1 11 1 in lit i'o election supplle 517.46 68.74 5:15.111 11 50 10;'.'ll 51,50 Deceased Soldiers' Burial Tomlistones, J ; Crnnsc burial and tumbstono for Henry Trcanter 25 01 M H 8 in u , r burial of Ellas Noll US IM1 W M lloyei burial uf M II Shaffer 85,00 Samuel Ilolliiuei burial of Henry Itcnnlnger Win Moyer tnmtmtotie fur Henri Itcnnlnger John iiilinri 1. ui. .,1 of Jonathan 35.(10 16.00 85,00 15.00 15.00 Hill. . 1 vi in Uoyer ti Snaffer Will Mom 1 t. Noll inbstone fur M H mlis'ono for Ellas Seal is. nl -iiilp certiflcntes miuests. 812.00 .1 I I C .. Wetel i t nl Rimer I roxell .In 1 F Keller 1 Milllimn n bouy of 10.87 11.82 idy ..( I- 51 . st, 11 er on bod of lim vi luiliiintoii Chas A i rU 011 nouy of s I Wells (i IJoiuica 011 bod) I. M I -i.ii. I 1 1" 12 11.12 Engl it 12.18 HI 12 Thoi Paige on boily ol Molll Shirk Miscellaneous Jacob (on 1. nil t. erl auditing illlltV 00 Irvin Oraybill com'ri clerk I.. jury 18 'Ml 10.80 58'ln 1m 54 18.86 IV.Oo 25' 00 .) H Hendricks jury com'r II i Romberg r II A Kllngler 1 o auditor J c Bowersos ' D N App Metier . lei k to Co auditors and 1 reparlng itatement W 11 Spanglei lead pencils .1 M Wagner uuseatetl land tix Went Beaver acob li- ii- 1 iiimi-nti-il 1. mil tin 4 ) 83 60.88 .1 West H nver II .1 Peters unseated Imul tnx W Beaver 21 !"-' N.I Price it n eniM land tax Spring m.-.ii M 10 w ray do Frankiin r..:, 1 Henry Mnurey dn Mprlug 27.R5 r lon Si k ' do AiIuiiim 10,52 WOBtetlei do Beaver 121.10 i' I Meyer do Washington 2.12 Irvin Boyer do Perry 1 li o c Qutellus ezprersage 18.80 v o Johnston statiouery 6 85 W II Orevemyer " 12 77 W Murphy Sum " SS.80 .1 II W rinlii o " IS.00 Mnry .) Hunt " 6.o2 J A Lurabard Tribune for IO00 1 .60 .1 o Lesher Times " 1 ."n. W H Shelley error In Mtnle tlx acciuiit 1893 14,68 Raeder Printing Co ass't books Kegt'r lists, tin duplicates etc 84.38 W II Kleirle Uix pnid Mtnte on County debt l.oo II I) Mme-vnl clerk to Jury com'rst 1 .80 . K II --1 k - 1 Miit,tire ace t inoo 3 oh H J Sebnetder bicycle umi'i U tax books 6.4o 0 A Bolendst borrowed money returned looo.oo 0 A llolcudcr llltcreit 13.33 P II Will Koreel Mrci W !lc"ver 107.82 I II KwillK Spring lo50 JnckMin 8.48 l"crry 39 12 WmbiiiKton 21 o9 Krnnklin 02-85 w Perry 11 h 0 C Spnnger ' I' A Itroiiui " lievliiiiH Keclcr Wm Matter Anion Woomer P J HerliMtcr llenver 4.00 HA Itroiiui. lire detective 4.00 4.00 2.00 7.21 H J !lerbtcr, do Levinun Keelcr. do 0 II stein Inner, freight. Fint Nat Hank, borrowed money returned 3oo.oo W II Heaver, mJie, lo.U. Carbon Heobold bnard'g Jnrlei, t.5o C F Spaid, auc iale old lumber. 5o Peter Daily, witneas Nortb'd bridge H24 Augustui Sprlngman, do l.fio Peter Kllngler, do 1.24 Frank Jarrett, do l.So John S Hchocb, do 1.18 Thoe Stetler, do 1.18 T P Hummel, do 1.18 D N App, audit annrovl'g treaSu'r 1 .111111111011, 4 ., .1 c Uowet 01. .1., ;i - II A HHaglsr oo s, in A H eok oinfresiiuunt return JU-le f,(n J w Orwlg, SeilStol la I return iudavj (ii.. K C llower. ix InStitUtS CgpSS 12. '.8. I II Howerox, oil S.OO II Sbelley. error lax m98 ti; A .1 Ureas, bicycle tax returned hollas role is oo 0 M doats, bleyele taa returned Mlddleburg 1 6. 00 Nelnmi Ucngto, bleyele tnx re turnedperry 2.i ''...fy. Total, t.'..;i.4B. From tin- nbu v.- mnuuiii of order lent! ,li,-. Ing the year Ittou it would ai ar that .low srenteil by the nteaent lnuinl iluriiu tlie wi i'i"ii. wi rfuiii.i Irmli v 11' u-i limit 111..-. ..I former bnards nmi in order tli.,1 jmin-t .v bo ion, -,, ' .in-,-, I,,-, I ,. i.iiIiIihIi Hi lot,,W. in,; ii,i, nt -I1..W 1 iiir tin- .ittiini liualueMa Iranaai t-. during lb.- year I . nn 1 belonaina n VI.. i t.iul ,,.,i in.Ti-iM.-ii In tl,.- board nt and for 1a.m. 115.84ft m. riy ' - 85. lor. 57 wn for lull- nud eontra' ta dun ami n, .1 paid, iiiul fin contrai i mu tuiiliii .t i.H Inn inl In tin- I1.1.11.I uf I MM. Hur- uinttolaw. wc, tii. undersigned Coav teisol Siivder County. I'i.. ikiuuiii ilu. foregoing statement uf lU-ceipt and I.ximmkU turea of said county for the yeni 1 " aivtalara prem-ni iierewllli aitatainent ..( He- awetaand 11.1111 nn--. ui -.u.i ennui, ,,,, (I, Deeeiuber .1. Ii I sou. Wltneil mo IiuihIh a,.,! Hie ,. .1 ,J . tin- j-iii ilai ui Januari ISoi. i. I Ml LSa, iiiii H n 1 1 si , C. W. K mi. hi-. County 1 otnraisskMiessk. 1.242 I Keif Seuenil Stutcnii (('Ol VI Y I I Nli.) ASSI I - : Outataudliig tax uf ISBVand pre- Vlolls yeur- 221 61 Outstandins lax of IOihi 224m i i Kseenidog tax ilueci untv -.r..,ri Italance 111 luiuds ol rreaeureri Vll I 1 vnn. 11 Iks : Bonded debt looo.oo Orders outstanding, 1:1,' inueresl acerueu tojgtiy 1, I80I, cm assets 111 csoussoi liabilities, -, ii (DOQ KI ND.) A -mk i h r Outnluiidlng tax uf 1899 mid pre- viuu- vearn. 5., lid Outstanding tax uf IHOo Balance In iiandi uf Truaiurer, I.I l III LI I IK- . Kxctmi ilue 1 'ouuty. Assets In excci ui linblltici 18142 4i'.m.,. 208,0-1 1.11.71 Ik'uncville Smith, Treasurer, in ac count with Snyder County tor tlie year 1900. DU. To mnt reel from Win Kiegel,, Treasurer, 3,001.0s 1654)7 144.81 io excess Uog tax ol 1888, To i OUnty nmi Slate Im aaana. ."ill ed for 1900, 10,417.8 To County ami staU' tax of ISM and previous yrs oatstand'g 2.1 To mnt reed from vnriuui, m-r- 85.83 4.74 sons, tin on unseated lands 261.3:1 i u nun rct-u iroui II Mitlitlii nrili. com Delilah Herbiter To mnt rceil from A Wetiel, coin i in Verger, Toamt reed from s krdley, de- llmiueni nn. To ami reed from Juniata Co ' t bai mason work joint bridge 63,3! 91 .25 81.36 tt 33 24 81C i o niiii rem rroin iiiiiieita Co 1 . of lumber told j t limine To mnt reed fuuu stationery Moid to Various persons, To mnt recti from lumlier sold nt 140,25 UM4.61 1 OBI luuieburg a l!oer bridges, To mm reed from a m Sham- bach window sold, Toaintrecd from M l Potter, of. 18.95. 2.25 ui-e lent uuti eonl. I'" To ami reed from J w Klestcr. Coils 'efunded, '".mi reed from Mntc 1 . fnHUt 20.OI 81.88 76-791 tire expenses LS8V, I ii mnt i SOU Iroui state par SOItal tux returned I9INI, l.fllli.t Toaintrecd from hotel licenses 82 twp and e boru. 2.550.tfc To mot reed from c a Bolender, borrowed money, 1,0 oiio To mnt reed fruiu Kirt Nat, Hank, bomtwed money, 800.00 2H,SI541 Cr. Hy mnt f prclcrM "f 1000 reii'il I9..17U.91 Hy 1 per ui on com on mum' 4W,A.I By h i -miai p ujHrly tax imld lotlifl tiit-, 21M Vi My i Hst rit hii on imnie it 1, 77 f, 17 1. Ol lly 4- hotel In fiii. pnitl imro nnd twpi i,'t:i" ihi ty HT vi colli Oil HUIIIO V1 Hi I.II00C Uy ivr iit com on f&iu hotel llceiiKC p.ii't t uiitity, 'J"'."it By Uixei of IHW aihI prcvimiai y-iiiM outvlmtdinji, -.'ji Hy t.t i- of ItNK) "it i -ninth in, 8,244. 1 1 By comtiiitticii allowed oollec lorn 4U.8H My ulmlemcntg Allowed collec tors. M.tM My exonemtionn ftllnweil i oil c Inn J 4.; My tux on iinnento)) tntidi rct'il, tt4 in Uttlmice in h tml fiV.l 2", lri. t8 Ik'nnevillt' Smith. Treasurer, in at con nl with Snvder ( 'utility fur theyear IU00. DugTax. DR. Fontnt rfcil fritn Win Mn-lr, TreAnurer, IH99, 175.59 J o unit of nix or I8W it 1 1 1 1 pre. Iouh J ctttfl outntnilllliTi IU9.3!. 1 184.80 U II (1 05.97 I'o amt of tax KftveiUHMl for Ifl'ii 38H.3J CK. Hy exeeiti of I8U9 ffirwunl to oiintv f umt. My i otn Allowed collectors, My exonerations Allowed collet trs. 1 1 M 10.90 My outfltandlnR taxes of iw.nt snd provlouti years. My outMtnndlnK inxesof ijno Balance on hunl RA.09 We the underoiKned Auditors In nmi dr iht .untv of Mnydcr, ttv t MennMVtvauim. w hcreb curt If y tli.it m the dUcharitc i-f ih- lutles devolving upon us by law, we met At th 'ourt House of the County Aforenalrl nm thm fir-t Motiluv of 'nn. t tl 1 1 . i Isnltatf tha neventh dAy "f the month) toniiiit M'tftle umi id)usl the in cauiits of tin- several ofllees f aht niinty whose accounte it i our iluiy to audit, Mttleand adjust, And thut wc nmi I hi forewolnjK itatement to hi- correct, except us stated m th following note. ,Nr note below ). !. N All-, I C Mow RRSOX, 11. a. KumiLKa. County Allditt.rH, ItoTK -ItADpcan thut the Rlim of one tin f . dred nnd fifty dollars had been sol ad Ids hy tim County ('ommlssloners for tiir public itkMi of the (4enerAl Election Proc I Am Alio n -t 1900 ftt belug t be saidc Amount formerly AppropriAtod) (i. V. How. ShirtlT. in contracting for huh! publication exceeded the amount :t, '...int by twenty-five dol'srs (tn). The HhrnfT Ater liAVlng been Informed of nli error by ti e iMril ii Auditors, personally refunded the said mi into tin- County treASUry In "nh-r No. 41S Issued t It. 0, Piss, hrhtirrirt spactr in Perry townshlpi wr found thm nn excess in mileage had bean allowed of $-, thvt Invi also been refunded I). N. Arc. J. C. IhlVt 1 - II. A. Kl.IMil kK. County .M-dt-Sorm. I'nrnmonla I nn n l'r ienic.1. This disease always rfsultH friui" cold 01 an attuck of grip ami DSMj bo preventeil by the timelv us' of Chan: berlaiu'sCouRli Heine-1 v i'hai remedy wan extensively uneil tturinft the epidemics of La Grippe ol th East few Tears, and not a single easts as ever been reported that diil not recover or that resulted in pnemsioa in, which shows it to be certain previ'iitii sof that dangerous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy haa gained a world wide reputation for its cures of colds and grip. For safe at the Middlebur? Drugstore. 1UU iii ut lU-e a,:2 ! OJ.7C 1 1WJ