J for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chan. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for ever 30 yean. Allow no one to deceive you in thin. Counterfeits, Imitations and ".Just-as -food " are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the TMC CfNTIUR COMMM Jf MUWM In Use For Over 30 rr11IIf?2?l'ffHISIIIflfIHI-5Tll 3 REAL GRAPHOPHONEt oo r :c as umUkYJ ALL STAN JARD ft.l TALKING MACHINES. ' 'AffE rOCH OirViV RECORDS 4 i'he pleasure of a Graphophona i largely increased by making and reproducing ml k vour own tccoiil.. We furnish this machine with recorder for 17.(0, M Ursph.pb.oae. of e,.rj lrrlplloa. Cell or write. A ll COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. 30 i??!:22S2I2 14.'! I lo A I l.V.-l l.V.URroiiduav.X. Y. Citv tlHHill $500 REWARD We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita, The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes contain !G0 Pills, JOc boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c boxes contain J 5 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations, Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Ncrvita Medical Co., Cornet Clinton and Jackson Str,., Chicago, Illinois. Sold by Sold by MIDDLEBURQH DRUG CO., niDDLEBUROH, Pa. pepsia? TP I 1 :j "nu.Tiedite -1 luri.l ml In i 'M linn LillliffU" IIV run NEtS.MRn AIK Lifts; Kl W.WIY. "Florida nnd Weal Innin Mhon i.iue III TlIK II iiin-r Resorts in the inuli. ; He omy Lire Uperatino D.niy r nuns , to Flonda, Vi tii i- Jan. Mid. tin- s..i ,,;,hI .' I.i , Kiiilwity, tliaoul) line opera i Hi itniiy limited t I'n ins in Km a, aii, ui nil lti iiHitriilllot'iil new triiin, V i ii Mill . Metropolitan Limited,'' fuli.l 1 1 . ii i Y-w ,rk v i I'liilndel- i in li tlii re, Washington to Kiuh- n ml, Ititlcitfh, Columbia, SaVrilinuhu i ckNoiiville and Si. Augustine, fJou m i' ions nt Jacksidiville fur Tauipti ;u .1 all Florid i points, and at M . u .:i -1 u I r tin- Kind Coast. Tills train also can ies Drawm Room Sleeping in r New York In Ai.iiI;i. Leaves I Ortou 12:08 H In., NeM Vi.i k I'.' -Vi p, in. . (from Silid Street Station Penu- slrauin Itiiilroud), Philadelphia 8-28 l, in . Ilaitiiuere 5:43 p. in.. Washing ton 11:83 p. in., arriving at Bnotilern , 1'iin", N. C, 5:3(1 a. in,, Columbia, s. 1U.0U a. m., Savannah, tin., p:28 a, in . Jut" kson ville t);50 p. in,, Si Au. 4ut4iis 5:00 :i. m, Tampa 1:80 a.m., f'harlottr l):6l a. m , Atlanta 4iJi). in Connect into, are made both at I minimi Oil tilt) Kast Coast and Port Tampa 011 the West Coast for Key kVesi and Havana. The "Florida and! hi id Metropolitan Limited" is luxuii ously equipped in every respeet, with J'liinaii Drawing Room Car, Couipart "iiein , in "no i, rawing uihuiih anil Mate Room, Observation Car, thro' Day Couches and unexcelled Pullman Dining Car service Tor further information, call on or write to nil 1'ennnslvHiiia Railroad of lieer, or repaPKenlativea of the Sea hoard Air Line Railway at 30(1 Watih itiKton mtitI, Ronton, UaaK.;1300 and :til Broadway. New York; 30 South Third Street. Philadelphia; 207 Kat i rtuan Street, Baltimore; 1434 New York Ave., Waaliiuirron, or to K. E. L. Bunch. General I'asaeuger Agent ' irlMiiouth. Va. 117-3t Signature of Years. Ttt,T. WtW VOWB CITT. :: A strongly constructed Graph- D ' ophene, with simple mcchan- u ism, made to meet the de- JjJJ H mand for a first-class tali.ing 5! machine, at a low price. II !:xx:xsxxxxxxxxxxxnxx2Xxxxxzxxxxx:i lis. H TRY The Ideal French Took FOR BODY AND BRAIN Etoc-e 1863. Endorsed by Medical Faculty Ijstinq efficacious agreeable lion Mi Cure the 41 rip, Remain i netly at home ., d take Chatuberlain'a Cough Remedy bp lirected and a quick recovery in sure ii full' w, mi' leiuedv eom te act II V let ill' icv of Hie grip ION s;,lt Mi oi on in i. bich is renllv the oult uai'iniia ,1 ., i . . ' ' , ai'ioi k uih irim in tl and i w i i have ued it m g n T ot one.e i han ever heti ri p r ei1 Utal did i oov P ir h do Ht the .!i nil, bursr Dine Sore. Buchanan, Mich., May 22. (T "ii"-"-ici Pure Food Co. r,,.' R N. Y. i tKNTLKMEN:-Mv inn . m i ,s ' lieeti ,i greai ooifee drinkur and has; fouud it v. 'iv ii, in rinu.s. rlavugi n s ,. ,, HBverai panKairHH ol vonr 0, the drink that takea tin place of coffee, she found t much better for herself and fur ua children lodrink. She 1ms given p coffee drinking entirely, V up a pattk age ever.v weok, I am tan vetr old Reapeet fully voura, Fannik Williams i.n Srlppe Qalekly rnred, "In the winter of 18)8 and 1 899 I waa taken down with anypre attach of whai i culled Lit Grippe" nay F. L. Hewitt, a prominent druggist of Winfield, 111. "The. only medicine I uaedwaatwo bottles of Chamber lam's Cough Ratnedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the oougbiug like magio, and 1 have nev t aioce been troubled with Gripps " Chaiu- lieihun s Cough Remedy can alwavs be depended upon tc break up a se vere cold ami ward off any i hi ealen ecj attack of nneuiuonia. It, is nl I'll s ant to take, too, which makes it the uioBi aesiralile and one of the most popular prenarationa in use for theae nlinenta. For sale ;at Middleburg Di ug Store. , . ... - PARKER3 HAIR BALSAM PlMl in sad besothas the b PlDDuass a hunrlaDt assssa. Jaalr toS mtMCer? Cars, scalp dlomi ahslr islllr 3 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Ltnoi In the Iatrraatloaal Serin for March :i, INI-Jcaaa Urtraed. irrepnred by H. C. Lenlngton.) THE LESSON TEXT. John 18:1-14.) U Jesu had spoktn theie words Hr went forth with His disciples over th. brook Ci'dron, where was a icarden, Init the which He entered, and His disciples. 2 And Judoa alt, which betrayed Him knew the place: for Jeeus ofttlnws reaorUi thllher wfth His disciples. 3. Judas then. havin received a band o: men and offlcera from the chief priests am PhsriseH, cometh thither with lantemi ami torches and weapons. 4. Ji.-uk iherefore, knowing all thlnit: that iihould come upon Him, went forth and said unto them: Whom seek ye? 5. They answered Him: Jesus of Naia Kth. J. ' it said unto tin in. I am He And Judas also, which betrayed Him rtood with th.m. 8. As soon as He had said ur.to thorn I am lie, they went baekward, and tell l( the (round, 7. Then asked He tl:,m agraln: Whom seek yet And they said: Jeus of Naza reth. b. Jesus answered: I have told youthnt ) am He; If. therefore, e seek me, let tiles, go tlielr way: i. That the sayiiiK mlKht be fulfilled Which He spake: Of ihmi which thot gaveat me have 1 lest none. 10. Tin 11 Simon Peter, having a (Word, drew It, ar.il smote the hiish priest's serv ant, ami cul off till right ear. The servant1! name was Makhus. 11. Thi n said Jesus unto Peter: Put U thy sword into the sheath: theiupwhlil my Father hath given me, shall 1 not drink It? 12. Then the band and the captain and oltlcers ol the Jews took Jesus, and bounJ Him, lo. And led Him away to Annas first; foi he was father-in-law to I'alaphas. which was the hlith priest thai same year. II Now t'aiaphas was he. which gaVI counsel lo the Jews, that It was BXpedlenl that one man should die for the people, GOLDEN TEXT. The Son of innii L ketrayed Into the bauds of sinners. Mull. IIU4S. NOTE8 AND COMMENTS, The present lesson is a study of tin story of the betrayal unl arrest ol Jesus, This is contained in ull foul of the Gospels), as follows: John IV ; -1 4. Matt, -11:17-56. Mark 14:43-62. I. tike 22:47-54. from these four accounts pet tin fol! lug incidents: Jiifi.is Nads band of men to the garden. J'-sus betrayed with a kiss. Officers ln-1tate to make arrest. Peter cms off servant's ear. Ji sUl hound and led away. Ji sus forsaken by His disciples, Peter follows "aiar off." Judas I. rails Band of .Men Into the Harden. It is a striking contrast thai is presented in the first three versei of the lesson, Jesus comes into tin garden of Gethsemane after having spoken the words of comfort and of fering that notable prayer, all ol which is recorded in the immediate ly preceding chapters of John. .In das "cometh thither with lanternt and torches mill Weapons," Jesus had just said: "My peace I leave with you." Judas came into the aacred presence with the implements ol strife. W may not e, In pus ttfcg that John has entirely omitted any ac count of the a(;ony of Christ in the garden. He was the disciple nearest I to Jesus, and was with him at that trying hour. Perhaps the Incident wag too sacred n one in his memory for him to venture its narration, ami the end was fulfilled by allowing Matthew. Mark and Luke each lo tell il. Jesus Betrayed with a Kiss.- This is another of those striking contrasts that makes this story stand out above all others. It is the profanation of v Nearest token of friendship and iTm fn the basest net of treachery in nil the history of the world: it is the contrast of Christ the God-man ex emplifying Divine love and Judas tin traitor exemplifying and making lonthsome Ihe vice of human hatred, Peter Cols Off Servant's Ear. Tin scene presented is thai of Jesus and His disciples on one side, Judas, the officers nnd representatives of the priests on the other. It was a mo ment onl a cool man could face. Jcsns Himself was in perfect control of the situation, Iut the impetuous Peter thought the first blow wouid decide the contest. In a moment he had whipped out his sword, nnd. tnk in": ns Ii i s opponent the man nearest him, he struck al the servant of thr high priest. Jesus knew this was rt contest that could not he decided with the sword. Twelve legions of angels were His nt n word, but the only way to win this event was to face the whole matter through, to drink the cup even to its hitter (free. The Christ way is beautifully tTInstrated iv the fact that Jeaus fnecordfng rn T.ukel touched the sprvarf's ear nnd healed it. .1 1 s n s Hound nnd Led Away.- Jesus' Divine power was fully evident. Tint the fears nf the hand of men were a curious blending of awe nnd fear of some unrealized physical force, which the Master might have eren if He had not exhibited it before. Po they bound Him. the one who had been daily with them in the temple, openly on the rond.s in and out of Jerusalem, and who had just deelared Himself as the one they sought. Jesus Forsaken. The story is com plete with the two touches, the first furnished by John, the other hv Mark. On the nrrest. of Jesus the disciples fled precipitately and forsook Jesus. T'eler, too. fled, but, ns Mark tells us, followed "afar off." Blasts from the Hani's Horn. Too much service steals our time for serious thought. No weapon will slay the enemy like The ndder on a jeweled tray is as dangerous as its fellow in the dirt. There is much rlifTerenee between being washed white and being white washed. The roots of a stroBg tree do not make much rustle but they do the hanging on in time of storm. i There is a good deal of difference between seeking to have the truth on your aide and aeeking to be on the aide of truth. TifecJ It Is easy to tali when your nerve-force and vital power are slipping away from you. When your day's work leaves you weary and exhausted; when you are so nervous, irritable and sleepless that your nights are passed in restless tossing; when yon get up in the morning with no appe tite for breakfast, and go around all day with a headache; you may be sure your nervous strength is being used up faster than it is being renewed. Dr. Miles' Nervine Gives the tortured nerves a rest, helps them regain their tone and steadiness, and is a speedy remedy for nervous troubles of every kind. Soli by all druggists on a guarantee, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Lad. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Let tern of Administration in the state of Wm. lean. In e of , tiapman Iwp, I inyder ooimiy, I'a rlev'd, having been granted o the endcrsien e-l. all persons knnwlnu tliene elves Utile- ted to said estate are reiiuesiod n ns ke I n i ii ii-'l lan- payment, "hi Ihose bavins alms will present lliem Mi tlx- Biitlssinleated he iindersliriied, I. 1. POTI Kit, Or.OHUK ! RAi 11. Attorney administrator, Mlddleburgh, Pa., .Ian. '.'-'. 1001. I ,'tllt SAI.K flr.t elil'.'.r. I.titrr roller mill willi good water nowef at a liarenln. For rrtleiilarK imiuir enf H, ll KvU ll ' . I elly rum IIimiiIh I'a. I Kt-81 Uhal lill We Have lor DeaerIT Tun queatiou Hiiaea iii i in mntly I'vei v rtaV, Iiet liaatiawt'i ! In rl y Try Jell-o, a delicious ilennert Pre iialtsu in Iwu iini ini-s. Mil loiko k Villi ll"' Wnl. i at il s(. It, enol, Fhi ton' Leuon. oiange, ratbeu ml .lit. wt.pt TV, "g'lurlda last Null." BY I HE S KA IIO it II A I it i.i m: Htll.V. vv. "Fliirltfa oiio. teai imio, si..,, i Mmi III TlIK vt Inter Iteaaria ol ih, Somli. r .' Only Line Ooerdtiiiy; Daily Trai to Florida. The "Florida Fast Mail, " another 'tile Seaboard Air Lille Hallway's 'pletididly equipped trains, haves New Yolk dally at 12:30 a. III.. S8rd street Station, Pennsylvania Rail road, with Pullman Druwlug Room Sleeping Car and Day Cinches to italeigh, Southern 1'iiies, Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, where COH- i lections are ninde lor SI. Augustine, ' 'aiupa and all Florida points. i'llls train connects at New York with I train Bust an 7:1X1 p ill. Leaves Phlla- lelphia 3;0u a, in., Utitiiuor oaa a, HI, Washington IfltSft'a. III., lti'-b-uood 8 40 p. in., arriving Southeru fines 9:85 p. in , Columbia 1:48 a. in . SaVaDliah SHJO a, III.. Jacksonville 9.10 a. III., St. Augustine 11. in a. in.. Tain pa ft 80 p, hi. Tlirouuh Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper New- Y'ork to Jacksonville. Through Vestibuled PasseUger Conches and perfect ser vice. For information call mi or wiltetc Ii Pennsylvania Hnllt-ond olfluea, oi aboard Air Line Itiilway represen lives, at 80d Waslilngton Street, oston. Mass.; 1'Jlii and HT1 Hn ml av, New York: HO South Tiiird Si . niladelphia; "-i T Fast Qerumn St.. altiuiore; 1484 New York Avenue, ' shingtoti, nr to it. K I. Bunuh, eueral Paaseiiger Agent, I' oris lutli, Vi 1 i 7-:tt I nrinmr jlu nri iokil 4ij. rs Jtsr J I SHALI V t AFTCn THi pr.EVEgmsl TRY I AS O. CROU8E, 4TTOKNK1 AT LAW, MlDDLKBtlRft, PA. til l.tisin. -s iitn sie.l ti iis cure II receive i roim t ntlenlioti. a. f. Pottiesei. Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSCROVE. PA. All professional business BDtrUSted te my earc il receive prrnnpi mid careful attention. H-M II l III HI II II I 1 1 M-Kg MIFFLI1NBURG MARBLE WORKS. -o-:- -:o-:- R. H. LANCE, Healer In Marble sail Scotch Uranite . . . MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES k CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. J Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Satisfaction Guaranteed. T A ?iajTW9 Aief 0- A. Waa,Mi 0X L Crossccrovo, Fa. i h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 OUHfl and Nervous "I was so run-down from neuralgia and LaGrippe that I was tired all the time and hardly had strength to walk across the room. Of course I could not do my work and I became greatly discouraged. A lady told me of Dr. Miles' Nervine and I sent for a bottle on trial. It helped me and I kept on using it and when I had taken two bottles I was able to attend to my house hold duties." Mrs. Pearii Bush, Ho land, Mich. POPULAR PUBLICATiONS-POPULAR PRICES has for nearly sixty j.ars been recognized a the People's N tloaal Family Newspaper, f"r farnmrs ami vltlsgeri l's spli-miitl Agricultural Depsrt aaent, ii reliable market re ports, reoognlsed authority throughout the country! Uh fashion notes, its Bcienca anil THE WEEKLY Mechanics Department, I i :i fasclpstlng short torlee, ei--.. le.. render ll ind son.-.t: !i- ... TDIDIlUr every family. Heitnliir .uli I nlDUrlt "eriplion pi I. e. .-1...II per ear. In connrrtiun with The Tribune we nff.-r illustrated weeklies and agfleuliural Journals, F-ruhr With Weekly Trl Weekly tniee Tribune. TrHiune, on Y.ar. fiat Tear. One Year, Korth Amerlrnn Review, Xev (fork City ......oo l.-,.tM IS.-,..-,i lllirper'a MiikiisIii,-. .Nwiv on. lily I mi I. no 4JHI llurper'a linnr, .New Toi l. I in l on I. no 4.1(0 Harper's Weekly. New lm-l. it: uki i.oo I Ml t'eniury Mngiuinr, Move tori. City 1 ml l. l..',u SI. Meholas Miianslur. Nevt tori. it SLM " H.IM Mel lure's Mnaaslue. New tori. City I .IN) l.:tO l.llfl Trunk Leslies Monthly. Nco kark lily I mi tM I.N9 itnisey's MiiKi'sine. New toik kit; I.ihs 1.85 ii.Otl aucceaa, .New lurk u I ,ih l.in IT.". I.edaer kloollily. .New lark l ily i n" 1.211 I T.". i'uek. New Vork t:Hy r.ia B.4JO r..r,o .liolne. .New- lurk CU r..im .'i.tNl B.IMI Leslie' Weekly, New Wirk City i.OO 4.VO 4.IW llri lew of ItetiewM. New lurk I'll) ItMu -..Ml ."..1., SeriUaer'a MiiKiisine. .New tori, lily 3.08 :t.-M R.IHI Ainerlenn AKrlenlturlnl, New tori. Lit) I no I .'jr. IJtfl Horn i New Yorker. New Vork City -oo l.'M I.TS t'oMinopoiitHn Haaaalne, Irvlnaatan, N. .... i.oo i.-". i.ua t'ountry Qaatleman. Albany, N v u.on j.o:i is,5ti l'nriu Joariifil, I'll i In, I elpli In . I'eiin .Ml 1 .oo l.fgi Llpplncott's Navnslne. HhllaJelphln, I'eun . S.OU 8.041 ft.iio tiiuih'i C'oinpiinion. IIOMtOP. Mnaa I.7S '...'J., -din I .1 rm mil Home. Sprlnafielll. Mil. .Ml 1.IMI I ..Ml New KbeIiiihI tiomeatearl, Sprlnortteld, llnsa., i mi I i s.-, O I HouMekeeploi-, SnrlnflTflellT. Mas. i no I. iio I .OS I it nit. I'lel.l it n tl I iresi.le, I'h! en a-vt, HI I .imi 1.00 1,0.1 Oranue Jiitic l-'iirmi'r. Cllleaa0, III I.iNI I .J.". I.s,", KpllomlMt, InillnniiiMiirs, Imi - ..Ml I.INI 1..MI Ohio Fnrmee, i leveinsil. Ohio mi i.ini i.i:.-. Mlehlirnn farmer, Iletrolt. Mleh JM I .imi i.i;,-, I itrii. ii ii tl r'lresiile. s,..uii,-i:i. Ohio .Ml I.INI 1.60 I .-inn News. Siiriliuflelll. Ohio .VI I.oo l .Mi iioine ami Farm, Loaiavflle, K ..mi i.ini JH The l-nrmer. St. I'nnl. Minn .Ml I.oo l.rf Trltlllllv- V I in ii ii it e , KMI1 l.lO I.i Please arml cash with order. Thine wWhinK tn subsattbo f-r more i! an one (f tho ab-e piSll'tratlons In connect.'nr. Willi The Trillium may iiim it auhlllhftra' tegular prices, AJ.Uu.v3 't'HK TKXBVHB, Xew-York City. The New-York Tribune The LEADING NATIONAL AEPUBI0AN NEWSPAPER, thoroughly until date, nnd always a Btaoob advocate una siipporter oi nepuouoan prin cipled, willoootain tho moat reliable THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. including, diaruaainna, correspondence and Rpeechea of (be a' lest poittica lenders, hrilltaiil editoriala, roports from all soetious oi Ihe laud Hhowine progiess tif tli" wnrk, etc., etc., mifl w ill comueend itself to the caielul perusal oi every ibouitbtlul, inteiligent voter a ho ba tne true iiitei estn ui Ins country at heart. New Yi.it h-M! Triimttij I'tililish 'tl Miniihiv. Wi'.nos- ilavaml Frsinv la In resists line, trash, evel yotlier tiny Lally, jtlvraatliB latest neass-on days.nl isse. ami ooverlnR new. of the other Hires It contains nil iniliortnnt fur. inn vviir mill nther oabea news which appasrsln iiik utn.t TR1HUNE of ssraa date, also llnmewtwand I'oteiKii L'orreap lenee Short Stories, Bsssanl Unit tone lllaslmtlona, Humorous iten.s. In dustrial biforroatlon, Kaahlon Notes Jirricul iiinii Matters sndComprehensIvs and Bailable Piaanoial and Market reports Keaalar subscription priee. 81. SO iier yi-ar. We furnish it with the. IWl for 111 18 iner year. Send all orders to the Liberal Adjustments. REMEBEFl HRRVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL iNSfcrANGE AGENCY the Oldest, Ptrongesi Caih Companies, Fire. Life. Aecident and Tornado. Only No Assessments The Aetna Founded A, it it Home 4 ,Nj;i,i" American " k' " 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Cc. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patrocaa-e Solicited. You Get the Profits Under onr plan of sailing carriages, but gles, and harness, you get the proflu. The l h.r and retailer are cut oak By dealing d No. 3IB4- har and retailer are cut Pries'.sasJO. wtth the manufacturer, making with a moderate profit added; and you take your eholos from the biggest it0" nd with Isatbsr qaartartop. fuUest assortment, Selling , ..,i.i .. 7 j ,. Dianseis Uona of THE published on Monday, Wednes day and Friday, la a CompUt. up to date daily newspaper, three dayi In the weeU, win, 1.11 imp rtant news of the other fuur das. Profusely illus trated, unJ filled wait Interetl NEW YORK TBI- !"rCj(l V mg reading fur all who wish to t. y "Vnal Ucep in close touch with news TQIDIIUC0' lh nsllon nd world . Litif'I C Hen ii lur nabMerlpl price, ifl .'il per enr. to those who eeef rv to I'-eure the t-t msgaslm the follow in g spK-udi'l Indueenu-nts: With news of ;;iN,wYc$i Published on Thursday and kiwiwn for nearly ty years in every part "t the t'nlte l state. Nstiniiai Pamlly Ni wsi m't-r of tlw hiuliest eluss for liniiei ami TilhiKers. It contains .ill IK.. ....., iii,t,rlitnl L" MtTill WeiKly Tri-niie nates oBTIIX DA1LT TMBUNE up lo hour ol Knlng lo pie.s, baa satartolnlnB roadlna lor every member of the family, old una 'C Market lleporlswarleh are accepted aaautlin'I.J' by faesasss ami country marcl 1 ,w 1 efaan, up ni tlate. latai sating una Regular aubaortptton priee, lt,0i, , r. u luiiiish it with tin Poertor ll.3pui ''-,r "Post", Middleburgli- Pa. Prompt Payraen NpPrmmmNtes. .. 1ST!) Asr-eiH ftl 1,055,5 , -. i bug- on- oak Ilxeet Ho. VO- you a cost of Btofl S'r'P eotsr HsrDSss. eric, gt.av uurpianoi Carriages Direct - .iAn - .Nir mmn hack If tou are dlssat- nr h .1, mfl. v.nieiM utnn.. hi - -, a- ii..i rln ana nonpi sauipsuww, w ssss. each, mauao rree. COLUMBUS CARRIAQC M0 HARME8S CO.. Ui 771. Csasaass, Oala. ' Ft" saaaMafssKI