Rev.C. M.Seldoi) Irifceresbir Sbory, &Hi? Brother's Keeper" Rui)S ii) bl;i? lssi;;, A L V IrV A 9 a' Geo. W. U'ageniteller, Hilar and Proprietor. VOL. XXXV III LUCID LOCAL LACONICS fe The hIkh; factory la running this week. Court adjourned Tuesday morning. Proceedings will Ik- published neat week. The Ptsjr and the Farm ifewi, both ,,neyeur tor only One Dollar in ad vance. W A NTKI . ( h m k1 Veal CiivCS, also hides and ullow. J. I.. Winkman, 2-28-Ot. IewiBhurK, Pa. Foil Hai.K, 2t acres of good fariiiiii; laud. For particular Inquire of .Mia. 11. E. Arnold, 106 Kensington BtToet, tf. Cleveland, O. Wanted. Girl for general bouse work, ijimkI wages, three in family. Mrs. Bbayton, 2-7-4t. Lewistown, Pa. Found A Miir of insse enclosed in u well worn ease was found in Mid dlebttlg. Owner can have the same by oalllngat this office and proving prop erty. The job print inn we turn out brings back every customer and adds Dew ones to our growing list. New material ami competent workmen enable us to turn out superior work. SHOES FOB Sam-: At the shoe fac tory, wholesale and ret4iil at a sacrifice. They consist of Infants' Slues slightly damaged, and Misses' and children's McKay Shoes, odd lot.-, at manufactur er! prices. tf. roRhAi.K J. li. Spanker at Attains- I.,,... ..!.- I.: . . miu unci ins suick or general mer- hundisc for sale. Stock can be reduced toabout8,000by March 16th if desired by purchaser. Possession given ny time. 2-21-41 The most artistic job printing in Cen tral Pennsylvania turned out at this of fice. We have just put in $400 worth of new material and hence we are bet ter prepared to get out the neatest work. Go to A. Em Soles for a smooth easy ihaveor up-to-date hair cut and head cleansed with a refreshing shampoo or dandruff removed with his tonic, a clean towel to each patron. Parlor in hank building, one door cast of Post office, Satisfaction guaranteed, tf. Barqainb, Bargains for two weeks. All goods, such us Capes, Coats, Collar ettes, Wrappers, Skirts, Notions, Hats, Laces, Embroidery, Underwear, Hose, Gents' Furnishing Goods. Please call and learn of the great bargains. --t- K. C. AURAND. Jacob W. Benfer and wife are the happiest pair in Flint Stone Valley, "hey arc the proud parents of a briirht young hoy. They have one son almost Old enough to vote and while the second was a long time coming, the pleasure "Horded makes up for the lapse of Qany years. The undersigned lirm of Runkle and Walter have dissolved partnership this wth day of Feb. 1901. All persons ow 'Ugaaldflrm are kindly requested to make prompt settlement by note with out interest positively, no interest ehurg M. Ana persons having claims against Usaaidfinq will present them duly authenticated for payment at the store i-a-21 Runkle & Walter, Photourapher Enle Leaving. Persons desiring to have their plo tarw taken should call at once as 1 will oalUvely leave Mlddlebnrg the latter Pwt of March. V. NEVIN Kxrii.K. Military Entertainmeat. The t'l.ttTtJiitlllient In tlm I' Ill IIIV, V "U 1 ( House. Feb. 21st and 22nd, g ven under e Auspices of the G. A. It. Post, was fan interesting character. She six u young lady cadets who had been arefully trained by Lt. D. T. Rhoads, executed the military commands with Perfection. BtsMaant 11 A',, u-itlt n j, ,,,,,, 1 uioueo tbeHiMniish-Amertcan War. manual of Arms and SerKt O. C. Gutel- PA with 61-5 veterans exhibit-,! th "oi una, wnne Lii. j. r. etmitn ---...wuueu Doto me uerman recruits jj wru squsa. the enturtut.... ...... li-li- i n ti, - j, ".-.uiiuoui nan Olglllj ureu- Kble to the mrt.lnlno.nta hnf wll patronized as the character of entertainment meritrd . Select Your Date. Persons who propose to make sale this coming spring should select their date as early as possible and have it in sert-d in the Post's sale register. The notice will be inserted free in our sale register If the bills are printed at this offlo The POST a welcome visitor. Ho.vper, Neb. Feb. Is, 1001. Editor Post, Enclosed please Bud remittance for POST another year. The Post is a w i 1 nine visitor every week, because we still love to hear the news of our old Snyder Co. friends. Welike Ne braska very well so far, and 1 believe It is just the place for a family to go if they want to make an easy living anil in addition lay aside a small fortune to use when they get old. Yours Truly, N. ). Row. tare t Horses. Horses' shoulders get sore more fre quently from ill-tilting collars than from tenderness. Nineteen men out of twenty have the collars one size too big and there is a shuffiing of the col lar on the neck, which makes a gall. Fit the collar first. A used shoulder becomes toughened, an unused one re mains tender, and no medicine will make It tough. Strong oak lea or de coction used warm will in a measure toughen them. Keeping the collars clean and bathing the shoulders with as hot water as the band will bear after a day's work will d much toward pre venting sore shoulder. I'.n when cal luses are on them nothing but cutting them out will ever remove them. Stockmas. BANK STATEMENT, Report or tho I'linilltlim of Him First National Hank or Mtddleburgb, si Mlddleuurgh. in the state of Pennsylvania, at Uie cluseol bualneat Pel). 5. 1001 : RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Mao.taB.u 38,000.00 If. S. norms to swore circular Inn I". N. ItornlH on limid Premiums on r. s. Bonds 'nnnr.v Bonds Slocks, BecuflUeft, etc Bttnl'.lnir-nOUSe, furniture, ami fixtures Oilier real estate and UtOrgHges 0WMH Duefrnin Narinnal Banks (not Ueservi Agents) Due from Slate Hanks ami bankers .... Due from approved reserve agents Cbecks and other cash Items Notes of other National Hanks Fractional paper eurreuiy.nlekles, ami cents Lawful monkv kksrkvk in hank viz: Specie lft,lA5.J Legsl-teuder notes ,830.uo Itedcinptlon rund with I', s. Treasurer (5 per cent, of OlroUlBtlODJ ; .hhuk , ,0110.00 I.WX BUD N ,V) B46.M 34. TS i.ssO.IIO .'lit. s.i 0,485.H 1,510,00 TOTAL tats 019.0! LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus Fund Undivided prollts, less expenses anil raxes paid National Hank miles oulstamlliik Due to other Nat tonal banks Due to Slate Hunks and Hankers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check 212 573.24) Demand eertlllcales of de posit SiSWUM I Not us and Hills redtscuunled 4V.O0U.00 17 000.04 5.IS0.SS .'4ti.iKi 137,101 so TOTAL. tUS.OI9.0o STATU OF PENNSYLVANIA, i BNTDER COUNTY, SS: ( I, J. N. Thompson. Jr.. Cosblerof l he above named bank, do siilemntv swear Hint rim above abatement is true to the tx-si of my knowledge and belief. J. N. THOMPSON, Jr., Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me ibis td day or Fell. 1901, J.(). WKISKK, Notary Public OOBBBOT Attest : W.W.WlTTKN.MVICIt, A. KRRROBR, (i. ALFRED BCIIOCH, Dlreetors, Library and Art Works Burned. Fire Thursday afternoon wrecked the J residence of Dr. Lincoln Hulley, Pro fessor of History, at Bnckncll LTuiver-l sity, iewisburg. His line library, fur niture and many valuable pictures and art works collected in Europe were de stroyed. The tire was discovered in the doctor's study by a servant, and is supposed to have originated from the furnace. At the time Dr. Hulley was conducting a elass at the college and Mrs. Hulley and their four children were asleep. They escaped in scanty clothing. The building was owned by the Reading Railroad Company. There was no insurance on the furniture, and Dr. H alley's loss is heavy. W H. Rlpka left Monday, for New ton Hamilton, Pa , where he is em ployed as mill wright, by the Silica Sand Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Londo Tobias left Tuesday for Hall fax, Pa., where he is employed in a shoe factory. Miss Mabel Urimm of Sunbury was at home Monday. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Sckace. MIDDLEBUKOIl SN VDEIM'OUXTY PEXXA. V KURT A 3 HON. H. M. McCLURE. Wl-.o carried Snyder County Saturday fcr President Jud'e with 750 Majority. Rcturna Republican Prlmar) Election, Feb, 1901. President State Districts, .IihIk,. Delegate a i 101) I is 68 187 ."il 151 Adams Heaver, Beaver, 68 100 130 lL'l l.sJ 00 ol 117 47 HS 10 56 II 41 88 60 71 hi 0 104 W, ( 'cut re, ( Ihnpmnn, Franklin, Jackson, M Iddleburg 17.- II 5 70 H4 41 l&i 908 KM 216 17--. til) Mi, I, II, reek. '8 Monroe 101 130 HI U 40 144 116 110 Petin, Perry, Ferry West, Hellnsgrovc, Spring, Union, Washington, Totals. iii7,'l 1)23 pjKi o7 Majorities, 7."0 60 For county surveyor, O. A. Batdorf received 307 votes, V.. ), 11, Walter, 144; b o. II. Benfer, 73; ('. L. Wetzel, ill; John Boyer80;and for State Dele gate, W. L. Hassle r received 883 voles. I. T. Ithnads had withdrawn us s. can didate and his name appeared on tin tickets in lour ilisi rlcts. IliK Gifts to Hie llasons. W lllam Howard, a wealthy lumhei niiiii of Wliliamsport, has announced his intention to present a cathedral to the Scottish Rite Masons of the Valley of Wliliamsport, and a home to the Temple Club, a Masonic social organ ization. The mansion which now adorns the property will be given to the Temple club. The plans for the cathedral are almost complete, and its construction will be started within six weeks. The estimated cost of the cathedral is $60,000. Upon the completion of the contem plated buildings the Masonic property in this city will be the most costly In the stale outside of Philadelphia. THE TELEPHONE, Great PossibilitM f this Ven Hatful In vcntlon. Capital interested In the development of the telephoi realises that under pat ents granted to Dr. Puptn telephony is very likely to make a wonderful ad vance nit nt in the early yearsofthe pres ent century, T e public is even prom ised that as a result of Dr. Pupiu'l dis coveries it will he possible to carry on a conversation over a transatlantic cable. If all the claims are supported, it is evident that there will come a gen eral Improvement in bug distance land lines. It is just such possibilities as these that will give great interest to the telephone exhibit to be made at the Pan-American Exjrosition. At some time or other, in their homes or in connection with business affairs, al most everybody comes in touch with tne telephone service, and for this rea son they will be instructed as well as end rtained by what the Pan-American Exposition will present for their en lightenment. Jell, the New nwrt. E leases all the family. Four Flavors iemon,orange,rasDberry and straw berry At yonr grocer's. 10 cents. Try it to-day. . ... .. Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. 3m SB a I PERTINENT PERSONAlKW J. J. Mitchell of K reamer was in town Friday. William 1 Keller of Philadelphia was in town over Sunday. David Retch ley of l-nnserfck took trt in the Veteran's drill Friday night. Mrs. F. F. Munch of Wllliainsport is visiting her parents, James Ayers and wife. Mrs. A. M. Bowbnox ,f Beavertown has licen spending several weeks in town. Mrs. James Beaver of Mlflllnburg visited Gabriel Beaver and family over Sunday. Miss Minnie Adams of Shatnokin vis ited relatives In this place during the week. II. II. Grimm and family attended the funeral of Mrs, Jonathan Grimm at Freeborn Tuesday. Mrs. Bebeccn Wageuseller is paying it visit to her son, the editor of the Post, and her new granddaughter. Win. Snyder of ( 'lev eland, Ohio, was in town this week, having been called Fast to attend his brother's funeral. Mr. Bowersox, of New York, foreign purchasing agent for a Chicago house, visited S. (i. Mover and family tin past Week. Mauks Voder and his brother, Rev. John Voder intend to leave on Friday on a trip to Cuba. They think all the allow drifts are gone there by this time. . John W Kline, Troxelville, John S. Melser, Globe Mills, P. A. Hrosins, Fremont anil Anion Womer, Richfield were business callers Monday. J. V. Rlsenhauer, Kisslmmee, Jere miah Hummel, Shatnokin Dam, J (). Smith, Beavertown and A. I. K rea mer of Krcuuicr dropped in to boo us Tuesday, Mrs. W, II. Itipka of this place, wl 0 was visiting at Richfield, has takin sick at that plan-. Her daughter, llertha, of Sunbury, is at home keeping bouse lor her father and brothels. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Deeda Entered lor Record. John Saner and wife to Samuel Lelt Iter, one ai re in Jackson twp. for $1000, Jacobs, anil Kmanuol Wetzel, exe cutors of Joseph Wetzel, deceased, to Samuel il. licituer, 04 acres in Jacksou twp. for -son. Isaac Itotnlg, et al to Samuel Leitncr 1 li; l acre- in Jackson twp. for $2700, H. E. Walter and wife to Florence s. Beaver, house ami lot in Mlddlebnrg for 100. Jacob Mosscr t,, .1. D. Bogar, Jr., house and lot in Port Trevorton for N60. Geo. s. Schafferand wife t Kittle Ann Heintzelman, :il acres in Perry twp. for-")t in. Jonas P. Coryell, et al, to Geo, M. Coryell, two tracts in Monroe twp , for $1.00 etc. Henry Jarrctt ami wife to Daniel Jar rett 70 acres In Monroe twp. for $2400. Letters Granted. Letters of administration in the es tate of Daniel M. Herrold, late of Chap man twp., weic granted to the widow Mrs. Millie A. Herrold. Letters of administration in the es tate of Annie M. Stahl late of Wash ington twp., wen- granted to Ellas Stahl. In estate of Levi Kline, late of West Ueavei to Edward 11. Kline. In estate of John Walter, late of Franklin twp., to E. I). H. Walter. Wills Probated. The last will and testament of Hen ry Garman, late .of Perry twp., was probated Tuesday. The widow, Eliza beth Garman and W. I. (rammn are the executors. The children and wid ow are the heirs. The last will and testament of Uriah Weirich was probated Tuesday. Elios Brunner hi the executor. The widow and his daughter, Mrs. Ellas Brunner are the heirs. Marriage License, f Wm. F. Bickhart, Freeburg. Laura E. Snyder, ( Kelson Bbaner, Carrie B. Noll, I Ira Luck, Nora E. Straub, Port Trcverton. Salem. KV 28 1901 OBITUARY COLUMN, anwARn I'omci Edwatd Forty, ofFreeuurg, theoldesl son of John ami Esthev(Zerbe) Foirer, was born in Berks County, Pa., AujrtM 28, 1888, was baptized by Rev. Fred Herman, Sponsors, George and Magda lena Forrer, and dledlal Freeburg, Sun day, Feb. 17, 1001, aged 08 years, 5 inos. and 28 days John Fiirrer, the father of the deceased, was born in Berks comi ty, March 25, ISOAdled In Penn town ship, Jan. ', lsii,". aged 88 years, s mo-., and 7 days. Kewas nmrried, October 28, 1830 by Rev. Thomas Leiubach, to Esther Zcrbe. born Nov. 2D, 1814, and lied in Perm township, this uoUllty, August 27, VsTI. John Forrer, sitb his family, uiovetl Irom Iterks county, about ls:lo, to Perry, (now NW-si Peiry) towushlpSnyderCouiity, near Rich Held, He was a fill er and conducted a woolen mill there for several years. He also conducted a woolen mill near Knutx ainl Paxtott vlllc, and later, as the progress of invention displaced the old process, be ahaminni il Ills occupa tion and wcni to farming which be followed until his death which occurr ed in Penn township, Moth be and hi wife arc buried In the Union cemetery at Selinsgiove. John and Esther Fort er were the parents of 10 chlldreu as ' follows : 1, Edward, the deceased, 2, John, born in Berks county, Sept. 28, 1884, has a large family and resides at Elkhart, I ml. .!. Levi, born May 20, 1880, died young, 4. Amanda born in Berks county, Sept. 20, 1887, married, to Win. il. Gemberlihg who died at Sellnsgrove about one year ago. They had eight children, six of whom are 1 1 V I n Mrs. Harry M. Noli, Myer town; ('. Augustus, MlflHinburg; Mrs. Perry L Romlg, Sellnsgrove; Mrs. Fleiu See sholt, Lewistown; Mrs N. A. Bowes, of this place, and Mrs. James I-'. Moyer of Sellnsgrove. 5, Jonathan, born in lierks county, Nov. 22, 1888, married, in 1801, Deborah GrltSillgcr, and they now reside at Mil ton. They have a family of It'll chil dren, one of w hom is dead, ii. Rebecca, born near Rlchiield, with in the limits of Snyder then Union) county Nov. 20, 1840, married, Nov. ', 1801, to William J. Wugeiissller. They bad a family of teli children, " of whom are dead and live are living. 7. William, burn July HO, 1843, never married, and died Auk. II), 1870, lined Mil years and 211 days. 0, Elmlra, born Oct. 20, 1M4, mar ried first, July 0, 187 1, to M. 1'. App, now di use. I, ami second to David Meed, Feb, 25, 1800, and now reside at Adtuusvtlle, Cuss county, Michigan. In. Lydia, born in Washington twp., Snyder county, Sept. 10, 1840, married to Norman Fisher, and leside on the Isle of t Jlle. 11. Mary Ann, born ill Washington twp., Oct. 21, lss, married, March 0, 1H7.", to Jacob Martin, iiad a family of live children, two dead and three inn, and now reside al Goshen, I ml. 12. Elizabeth, born in Washington twp., Sept. 20, I860, married Nov. 3, lsi;7 to W. New ton Fisher, and have 0 children, (one now dead . They reside south of Sellnsgrove, 13. Samuel M., born Ann. l'",, I8"2, resides on the Isle of QUO. II. A son born Jan. 12, 1854, died in Infancy. 15. Calvin, born Feb. lis, 1855, mar ried Oct. 20, Is71, to Alice Daubert. They have two children and reside near Kant.. 10. Catherine, bom Nov. 25, lN-"7, married Frank Duck, have one son and reside near Kant.. Edward, the deceased, was the oldest ol this large family of children. He was a carpet weaver of the best reputa tion for good work. He was murriisl December IX, 1h.'i!i, by Rev. A. IS. Cas per, to Sarah Ann Jordon, who was born May 10, 1886. The widow survives and also four children us follows : 1. B. Franklin, lurrn April 14, lKtiO, married Sept. 6, ISHOto Amanda Elisa beth Moyer. Residence, Sellnsgrove. Five children : Edward, Mabel, Charles, Howard and Hoy. 11. Simon Peter, born Auk. 1802. III. John Thomas, bom June u, Ism;. IV. Mary Ertie, born Oct. 18, Wl, married to Joseph Itoush. The funeral took place last Wednes day and all the. brothers and sisters in the state were in attendance. Rev. ('. C. Miller officiated and J. Howard Ar bogast had charge of the obsequies. Kales: One Dollar I'cr Annum, in Advance NUMBER ! MILH. JONATHAN ttRINM. Mrs. Maria C. Grinuu, wife of Jonath an Urimm, of Freeburg, died on Satur day forenoon, of dMwy of the heart. She was in her 7th year, and had passed through a very severe spell of pneumonia last spring, but seemed to have reeovered Rally until dropsy set in iii from which she sutlcred for th last two months. Mis. Grimm was a daughter of Hsnrj ami Elizabeth (Walbourn) Herrold. She was bora in Chapnuui (now ITn ion) township. Her parents, two i- ters, Mrs. Elizabeth Hummel and Sus- I ft HerroM and one brother, Ella W. Herrold precetled her to the spirit w orld. The latter named dii-d at Lew Istowik three weeks ago. She leaves to survive her four brothers and one sister viz: Henry W. who, resides in Union, township, Rev. Samuel W., residing in Chapman township; Israel, residing at Areola, Ind.; Perry Harrksui, residing at Hegewish, HI.; Catharine Grimm, residing in Washlugttui township; also her husband and four sous and two daughters, wie daughter, Susuu, hav ing died In knutuey. Those living re side as follows ; her husband, two -oris, William H. and Jonathan A. in Free burg; Mary A., intermarried to Nathan Man beck, m Washington township; H. IL, at Middleburg; S, Edwin, al CeutralLt, Lewlscouuty, Washington, ami Sarah S., at MilUinhurg, l'a. sin also leaves to survive her fourteen grandthildren. Shew. is btirierl in Evergreen ceme tery at Freeburg Tuesday, Rev. Miller pastor of the Lutheran elmrch of w hich she was a member, ofticiuted. She be came a member of the church under catechetical Instructions of Rev. C. i. Erh'iimycr. J. Howard Arbogttsl was funeral director. a USIIE KI.OHE. Lizzie Klose, daughter of John and Irene Klose, died Tuesday morning, She was born In Mlddleoreek township July 22, 1806 and baptised by II 11 Sch liable, She died of croup, uged "i years, ti months and 20duyu. She was laid to rr-st In the iSvlber cemetery, ii i iii: i i i r. i.v in nni i . Hattle Luclla Hummel was bom May 2, 1807, and died Friday, Feb, 1 'i, 1001, hence ngetl 3 years, I monts and Is days, Her disease was convulsions, She was laid to rest in the Keiber ceme tery. JAM KM a, M.MITII i f near Beavertown died last Friday of dropsy, aged 88 years, 10 inns, and 10 days. His wife preceded him to the spirit world eight years ago, Ho leaves four daughters ami on,- son, Burial Monday, Rev. Spuhu officiated. The .'mil Annivcrsarj Celebrated, On Feb. 15th being the 20th anniver sary ot the marriage of Rev. s. Sidney Kobler and wife. The members of the Reformed church of New Merlin im proved the occasion by visiting the par sonage in a b,ly bearing testimonials of love in their hands, and greeted their beloved pastor and wife, Mr. L. W Mciehley, supt. of the Sunday Scl I acted as spokesman, after each one of the 48 members present bad personally greeted the pastor ami his wife, con gratulating the honored couple on the happy occasion of their life, he addres sed them a follows: "Rev. and Mrs. Kohlcr, we under stand that this day Is the 20th anniver sary ot your marriage. We tin- mem bers of your congregation have there foregathered here on this occasion l,i greet you and further to w ish you u blight ami happy future full of Christ ian service. We will now present to you this envelope containing money, as a token of rememberance and christian fellowship, a free-will offering of your church members for the able service rendered this congregation and the hiir.h esteem in which you are held as their pastor. May Cod specially look iilKin you with favor, KrantiiiK unto you our honored couple to-night a long anil prosperous life." The pastor responded to this cliwpient. address by briefly expressing his and Mrs. Holder's gratefulness and ap preciation for the Unexpected surprise and the many gifts received expressing the love and giteem of the congrega tion for their pastor. The occasion was a pleasant one and will long be remembered by pastor and people.