The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 21, 1901, Image 7

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    Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ana cneertulness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out cf order
' or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so nrevalfnt
D that it is not uncommon
' for a child to be woi
HBSB? afflicted with weak kit
111 I NMM ! . .UAi ... .
a.wjo. v,,"-v UI .L-
e'es 'er, if the '
urine scalds th. fies i hen the child
rea:!ies an "..tail -a.ould be able to
ccn'-oi ihe p -;jr:,. it Is yet afflicted with
i , ratting, oepcnd upon it. the cause of
th jifficulty Is l.idr.ty trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effest of
Swamp-Root is soon realised. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty- J
cent ana one uunar HJIUI'ap -tiH
:. . Y u mav have a U -
sample bottle by mail a5Si
tree. r.lso pamphlet tell- jiomo of swanrrvlioot.
ing all about it. including many of the
thousands cf testimonial letters received
(rem sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
EN sy IMI v M t.
guubury A Lewtatowti Division.
In effeol N v. !
ssstwasd. iTATioas.
m a M
a 1 1
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I Oil
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10 7 Bellnagrove Junction
in i esiltisarove
1011 I'awilns1
id si Kresuier
l 27 M .In r
I0W MiiliUeburg
low Benfer
hi i' Deaverfiiwu
in .'.I Adatnsburs
I .17 Krtilli-. titlls
11 ia McClura
1113 Wagner
II II mil.
ll j it Patntvrvilli
li s Mnitland
I ,v Lewtstown
II :r? fjesrlstown (Mln t
ll in Lewtstown Junction.
A M !' H
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Grave, earnest, dignified, unspoiled, sincere.
Hi 'Ived nonve th ntid ntm isphere
Of puny selfishness and shriveled pride.
In unspanned space sublimely wise and wide.
Content to love our ltvrtd as patriots should
And serve his country for that country's good.
No sycophant nor oilv fl-xttcrer he.
Dut from all petty shams and shallows free
He Stood erect In greatness and in yrace.
Look ever) evil squarely in ine,
I en. hi ii .i .All tricks! -i ,. coli tiers, shulflers. knavca.
Scorning e.liho t!e tyrant and his sLvvey;
Foresaw vii dangers, lar-oii miures scanned,
For peril others saw not keenly planned.
Beheld i;rnn battles ? mint) up ahead,
Yel viewed them .. . . coolly, without dread
A man equip; od in word r.nj ready deed
God's hosts of Freedom in strong love to load
Through bcxttle smoke, tiic-nigh baptisms of flame,
Willi steadfast courage nought could turn nor tamet
A hero girded Freedom's fight lo Win
Anil triumph over tyranny and sin.
rhat good sword sheathed, Ins eaglo vision saw
A land in peace, subordinate to law.
Into thai lasting sunlit atmosphere
And guided it with instinct . and clear
Which blos.ed its people With contentment's calms
'INealn northern pines and plumy southern palms.
5hper of destinies, he challenged fata,
Made his loved country prosperous and f.reat.
Till ris;ii(j clear from clouded fields ol Ti vrs
Flashed forth resplendent all its bannered stars.
Not since the world through its murse has run.
Since glory dawned and mighty deeds were done.
Has man excelled our peerless Washington.
Contagious Blood Poison ia the most degrading and destructive of all diseases, as it vitiates and corrupts the entire system
I "PI i. . ' t .11 I llul I .... -
ine iirai mire or inter is luuuww ay imit reil pimples on tlie IkhIv, inoutll and throat heroine sou-, the
glands enlarge and Inflame, copper colored splotches appear, and bail and eyebrows fall out. These are
some of the milder symptoms ; thev increase in seventy, filially attacking the vital organs ; the body is
tortured with rheumatic pains ami covered with offensive eating sores.
It is a peculiar poison, and so highly contagions that an innocent person handling the same articles
used by one infected with this loathsome disease, may lie luoculated with the virus. It can he transmitted
from parent to child, appearing as the same disease or in ;. modified form like Kcema or Scrofula
Many an old sore or stubborn skin trouble appearing in middle life, is due and traceable to Mood
poison contracted in early life. You may have taken potash and mercury faithfully for two or three rears
and thought you were cured, but you wi re not, for these poisonous minerals never cure this disease ; they
drive it from the outside, but it is doing its work on the inside, and will show up again sooner or later.
You may not recognise it as the same old taint, hut it is. S. S. 8. has cured thousands of cases of
Contagious Blood l'oison, and it will cure you. It is the only purely vegetable Mood purifier known,
and the only antidote for this poison. S. S S. cleauses the blood thoroughly of every particle of the
Kiison there is never any leturn of the disease.
Mrs.T.W Lee. Mom
gamery, Alt. . writes:
Several year ogo I
waa Inoculated wilb
poison by ft diaeited
nunc, who infected
lay baby, and for si
long years I suffered
untold misery. My
body was coveied with
sore nnd ulcers Sev
ers! I'hysiciiinstreated
tne, full nil In no uur
lo.e. The mercury aod
potash they gave me
seemed to s Id furl to
the BW 'ul flame which
was devour ing me.
Fr iends advised tile to
try S S I I Ik-hhii lak
ing it ami improved
from the stai I and a
complete and perfect
cure the result."
close study of Mood poison ami actual experience in treat
ing it. You cun cure yourself perfectly and permanently
Ht home, and your secret is your own Should you need
any infonnation or medical advice .it any time, write to
our physicians. They have mile a life study of blood
diseases, and will give your letter promt)! .1 1 1 . 1 careful
attention. Consult them as often as Mm please; we make
no charge whatever for this service. All cone-.pou.h-Mn is
conducted iu the strictest couUdence.
Send for our Home
which gives a history of
stages, and is the
the disesse
ol manv M
in all
rruin leaves Suubury 5 80 n in, ur
rives ut Snlitistrrnvn " l"i p m
Leaves HelinBtirnvoftiOOp, m , urrivi s
hi Sunbury ' i in.
renins Itwve Lew Into wn J miction i
I vj i mi. Ul l.l n in. I in p iii.Iii ip in Hp iii. : I7p
in, l'i M i m for Allium, i, PHUhuni ind the Ww.1
ror HaltlniorH anil wnshinston HMaiu '.'.
in i 4M.S I0"n m ForPhliadeipntii mil
ork "i "-, sir,, ii :i i in, l m i m I ,ii .oi.l 11 in
m Km riartifharH s id p in
Philadelphia & Ene R R Divisidn
TMln I nve s-ll IgrOTd JUOOllOD d&l
BsaQ uy unit W "ii.
u-.'-ain, rj.iH p in, ;i) p m.s unlay y
141 p in.
Trilns leave Sunbury dally eX0Ot Sunday:
I it am torn Italo, Rrle and (anandalsun
Oil! 1 111 H'l HOMO V l. I" .. ll'l 'illlllllllltiai't
112a in or Lueii Haven. Tyrone andtbd Weai,
1 10 p in torHallernnt Kaie Tyrone and tiaimn
ilaluua "i 4fi p ii) lor hnnovii unit ISInIrS
! In p lor t
Ssnday t '21 a m for Bttff'ilo via Bmporlum, r io
i in tor Krie and OseaDshsikTaa
mi. i in for Lock Haven ana S M p iu lor VI
)i 50 a m, 9 It u in 2 Ol and 5 48 p SI lor Wllko-
ii irre uud Ksselton
10 a in. lo in a iu. 1 (is p in. s 4"i p in lor Shatno
kln ami Mourn Osmol
Sunday a 98 a m lor Wllkssharre
B istw.i BD.
rrain.' ioav SeUsiiirort Junotlnn
10 03 a in, arrlviru at I'llll dallblH
SlTpm New York 5 m p in Ualtliauru 3 a p in
v, Hililnirtoa 4 In p in
5U4 p in .l.uly i rr v I nsr in Phlltulolpbl
,n sopm Now VursSlHtsiu, Baliiuiure B IS urn
Waslilnglnti I M p in.
i4jpru. ually artivlnv at Phlltvlalphls
J Now nrk mi a in, Baltimore 230 m
sshington l le a m
;'.-a lis ii o Isavs Sitnbury :
til? a iii dully airlvlnx ii Phlladeldhla o 51 a in
Haluninre fl 33 in Waihl stoo 746 am New
lurk WS3a in Weekdsyi, in - h a m Sundava,
tM Ptn week Ihts arnvliiK i Pblladelphia
ii4Ham,NKw VorKHU p m, Baltlmira 1 1 s
a in. Washington 1 (Ml p in.
1M pin, waek dayi arrlvlna at Phitadelphli
! ill. New Yors" V Ml p Ul. USltlmON rt 0 i p m
Washington " tip m
Trains alio leave Banbury at 0&O am sn.i is 21
and I at pp;, r Han isiiurK, Pbilsdelpbls and
, ,. .n I vTOOli, Qon'l Hass AroiH
J B. HtTTCBTNSON itau'l Manaaar
We give below some clubbing
oombinattoua with the Post. The
Wtes limited arc very low.
'Hie -New York Tri-Weekly Tri
bmieantl tin- Middleburg Pust, one
year, paid in advance, only 1.75.
I n.. Tri Weekly is p.l,liHli.-d Monday,
Wednesday and rriday, rmebae s larire
""' rn r ubacriReri on data ol
sue, and eauh edition is a tboroughly
ip-to-ilate daily family newspaper for
DUiy people.
I lie New York Weekly Tribu
Mini tl... M :.i 1 1 i ii .
we uxiuuieourg hist, one
pwa in aavunae, only f 1.25
riu-Weekly Tribune ! published on
tnuradey, ami gives ail Importsni news
oi niilion and world, the hio1 reliablu
market reports, uueneelled airrieultursl
'lepartineni, reliable K r.,i informs-
loiiaud l imit,. U intertslnlns niis-
tll.Ty.; "'"'he'-people's paper" for
ie entire I mted States. national fam
ily DSMt for farmers and villaaers.
The New York Tri-Weekly World
the Middleburg Tost, one year,
in auvanee, only 1.65.
Tbs'M.WaaSla w.i.i ..
iSS aek. ' "lied with Ihe. latest
he country mil Is well worth
tne price asked for it.
Ihe Practical Farmer, one year,
-nd the Middleburg Post, one 'year,
jjMd in advance, $1.50. Both of
the above pajiers and the Practical
Vmm Year Book and Agricul
W Almanac for 1900, paid in
wlvance, only $1.G5.
A tilor; f..r ffssiilsitse'l Rllikssy,
: Ni ver 1 1 1 ire
As iu
seemed recrown
ars ,i brighter
(treat WVrh ngtoi
had ii looked su i
ie and ii.. in the I
il with in w luate
hiti in si und tin
"And Mexicans, if they are gentlenMB,
will nut ine It on pulling down the rni
li en of a lister repubiic."
A loud, derisive laugh grtti-u these
Word I and told Maliel llint the bid w
hi i i ffoi t on dell eai.
"Ilring it down, icnorits, am! w- srill tie
it at our bortes' hevls and"
"You srill ilo nothing of the kind," Inter
rupted the girl. "That Bag flosts to-daj in
iioiior of the Kivat nun whu t.iv- il j lua
ii gscy to thil country."
"IIohii! down I down!" scresmed Ihe
half-drunken mob a they urged theii boraai
nearer to the doorstep.
Suddenly Mabel disappeared, hut for a
moment only.
In another instant her graceful figure re
appeared in tin- doorway and the Mexican!
raw that her white hand gripped iheii
of a Winchester.
i in n- wai .i brighter, almost lierce, light
in the young girl's eyes as ihe itood de
fiantly in the doorway, looking calmly at
tin- croup Iii fore her,
"Senorita no ahoott" laughed the be
lavflhi il leadi r of the greaser mob.
"A hand laid on the flag-rope will an
iwer that question!" wai the initant re
joinder. "I thought better of you, Capt.
Uustenn nte."
Tin- Mexican, whom Mabel knew bj - .
grinned under hii sombrero, ami ihi
A. i j. 1 '()lCHCr,
Veterinary sOrcoN.
I at In-
i umux-i
' lookr ii
in our
let ani
J.uJ; ( onn v. i..
at the fair girl who I; ul ii
downstairs uit'u a loiileil America i
her .,rm ami a lustrous light m hel deep
lin.wn eyes.
"Don't you know, Jack! To-morros is
the twenty-second, and I am nothing il not
rsnaw: i.wayt Keeping i n
nivers.iiiis. 1 iii ion luii'i
tin m -'ii by
"Why ihould we? Thil is s glorious coun
try, and"
"The Isnd of the free am! the home of tlu
brsve," hmke in the handsome fellow in
his brown riding suit uml In- d-briinmvd
hat, patterned a little after cowboy style.
"I mppose yon are going tu hni'h the old
thing up and hang it out to-morrow, am!
bring some of the greater!, who are not
patriot ic, down upon j ou?"
"I shall certainly lei the breesei of thi
Urasoi hi-w the fold I of '('id Glory,' ami I
don't think 'the greasers,' as you call lliem,
will molest it."
"We'll see," 1.iiik)ii i1 Conroyj "but, leri
ons'y, Mabel, I'd aiivis.? you to take il
down if you see them coming from town to
morrow a little hilarious, That's a greal
Bag, of course, the fairest am! dearest ban
ner in the world, to our way of thinking."
"Qiad I am, on behalf of the flag, for your
compliment! the tir.-l 1 have In .ii.! vi, ii pass
this .war, 1 believe," and Mabel Brewster,
known to many as tin- Rose oi the Brazos,
unfolded the beautiful banner, hanging II
gracetuuy over tne bacg ol
a i ri.iii in ii
i ear,
m o: t in
I r
II .ving
H orn us .-: i tpei gi-
usten in white,
hoisted the flag, whi
Iii. m her ut
, pi r
her ni t !u i
W . I . '
the fair girl reentered the house and .
about her dutii i.
"Is Jack coining back?" n sk 1 the
lady, itching Mabel's quick movements
"I think not! at least he said hefeai
we would have to keep the day slov
; glailfi
I wonder if
I r ow him,
I Ail hi mi
i the saddle
1 pole,
The vile
' his hi I,
I as the i i ii
I "Halt!"
Win. h
companions, who sei mi
would let aii American
e I '.ii.i Itusti mi i te snrane fi
ind took a sit toward tin- Hag
ithing a I
tuld have
i-k thinks a good
iinu- a rule
d( at of v ..ii.
si. Il
Srer n the best
't"? PPrs published, Issued weekly,
SftMf The year book eonlaini
lormatlon that Is useful lo the farmer
ana the Year Book for on ly $1.6.1.
manlier tliat disclosX
: their held ol soil azure.
"Thanks," was the reply; "but, really, I
must he going. Am sorry 1 can't Iv with
you to-morrow to help juu celebrate the
"You won't he here, then?"
"I think not. 1 shall have to pass the
day on the range; but, it 1 can, Why, 1 II
come down toward evening. I0UU have
to celebrate alone unless )ou can induce
sonic of the greasers to assist you."
A few moments later Jack wax riding
toward the west, watched by the young
girl, who stood in the doorway of the home
near ihe river, and who now and then re
plied to the wave of his hand with a similar
use of the flag.
".lack's patriotic, of course," she said,
half aloud to herself; "but he doesn't take
to anniversaries like some other people. He
thinks them a little stale. Hut let some
one insult this Hag in his presence, und
I there will have to be an inslaul apology or
1 or a light!"
Karly the following morning Mabel, who
was alone, with the exception of her wid
owed mother, who, being an invalid, was
seated in an armchair at the window, car
ried the flag outdoors and hoisted it at
the tip of the slender poie which had been
planted in front of the Texas home for
that purpose.
It Was Washington'! birthday, snd ss
she Stepped back and saw the winds shake
out the starry folds of our nation' banner,
Mabel thought of her ancestor, who had
followed thst same flag on famous fields
answered Mabel, 1
know, mother
from tile l a lie
"Vci, hut .1
ill Id, and
"0, we'll see enough of each otli
fore long," interrupted Mabel, as the
grew dei per on her health) cheeks.
"Ami I shall he happier than v. r, thi i ,"
and the ipeaker turned away, and, look
ing from tin- houss out over the beautilul
Stretch of country in sight, recalled th,
days of lur young maidenhood when sin wooed snd won by one who had given
hii life for the Ha;; of our common coun-
t t-y .
The day passed almost uneventfully foi
the two women in the Brasoi home. Now
and then Mabel saw a horseman passing
aloiitf the road which, running mar ihe
house, led to the little town a few miles
sway, Every once in awhile mine of thi
rideri would tip their hats to tin-Hag, but,
lor tin- in., st pari, the men passed without
"Afejcicans, some of Jack's 'greiscri,1 "the
girl would murmur when sin- saw the lat
ter. Towards evening -the young girl was
startle. I iiy a series of wild shouts that i!ri w i
her instantly to the window ami theme
to tin- door, iu which she stood ,.,.!.. ng
and listening.
A paiiv of horsemen had tumid from
the road and were coining toward tin
iney rode the sturdy Mexican pony, and
it did mt take .Main ! long t Identify them
"We are going to have Mime callers," she
aiil, calmly, turning hack into the house.
"The ii vclcrs are coniinu hack from Qulcfa
fit v and have turned from the road."
"Mexicans, child:"
"Some of Jack's 'greasers,' "smiled Mabel
Brewster, "Don't jou hear their outland
ish oriel!"
"They may have designs against the
Instantly the face of the young girl red
dened. She knew what the half-drunken
greaser is capable ol doing when he has
pent mad day in a frontier town, and he
fore, going again to the door she looked
tSWSrd a ( in ner of the room where she taw
something that seemed to please her.
Then she opened the door.
Ity this tune the hilarious horde had
pior nf the frontier had tired
am! In- was more than hall fiend
s of bii set urged him on. oul clear am! sharp as the
r struck Mabel Rrewater'i shoul
der .tin! instantly covered the Mr-Mean chief.
" The Ii .i, Is that raised the Has' oi Wash
ington will defend it to the bitter end I"
Cspt. Bustemente bit his hps, but did
not stop; he seemed bent on his own de
struction. Suddenly, like a lion, he sprang
at the flagpole, and, as his hand went up,
the Weapon spoke. Shot through the shoul
der ior Maliel, an adept with the Winches
ter, did not want the worthless gresser'i
life In- ii 'ted and staggered hack to his
men, who at once set up cries of vengeance,
"lake your leader away and leave the
flag where it is!" sternly commanded Ma
bel, " Tin- m xt man w ho Ipproai lies it a ill
forfeit Ins life!"
The Very mien of the beautiful young
i t" ked the mob. Tiny looked from
her at one another, and strong arms drew
( apt. Busteuiente up into his saddle,
For a moment, while Male! faced them,
the) looked into lur face, then with a half
i In 1 1 foi her coin age, they gave their sir-, .is
tin- cruel -pur and she yaw them Vanish.
" inly a little of Benito Button nte'i bldfcd,
mother, but the Hag of Washington still
k:w the breeses!" said .Mabel, as she
turned back into the limine. "I his has
been the most exciting Twenty second c
have evi r had "
"And .lack will ls prouder of you than
evi r!" was the answer, am! Mrs. Brewster,
folding her daughter to her heart, thanked
Uod thai the hloud of her ancestors bad not
run out.
- i dyir -i . .l - WXB ...-I
bruNM kiwi, h irii-iuwL. . if ui:n,i !
All professional liusim k-eni rusti etl to my can T y
will rm-lvi l.rnlnpl Mai i-nrefiil nllentlnii, X "- ' T
j k. 1 1. xt. i ., :j:
its t'StEer ol II i irv. luit fiicri . not X It.-ni.-r in Hnrble itml V
town an) s;zi which dots not have a If s'"""' 1
: u "' ' LOT EKCLC-eiiRJS.
Names ni hi. lies Counties. Towns. 4 Old hmis Cleaned and Ri paired y
now liaViTiVhtr':::::::::::::::::: . i pcesasLowastieLowest. i
Vermonl 1 I v Satncfarfinn ( , . .. ,t. . (
Ic Coiiiiccilcul ! v
, , ii J A. JENKINS, Aft., t
N. vork ii.. i ii ' Crc88crcve, .
Now Jl I ) L I l i
Mai . and I ; , '
vii-Biniu i - t.r r " it " r y
Went Virgin , I L
North i ai niiim . i i i
South C'urollitu . .. Ufliulilt' man fur !...,: .-. r .,1
I , , I I .1 1
Alubuma' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l j j IiniJU'l.OHli't1 NVl' tvi.-ll U) iijicil iii
Ti , ' : ' ( . K.
K ii t ii k j I , .
nlil,, I 11 .1 IV I. MM I . 1 1 1 . ( 1 1 I I ' 1 1 1 1 ' :i . !,
'1 I In.l ma .... I
girl mill"! i S uit .iii rtlinici1 wl.ii wriiiiiir,
Mi, 1 1,. .
... i',;;,"..:': i Ihe A T ..s-i.u... li;r..c,
I uWII 1 C i . C N N A T I OhiC
Missouri i ' iii... . i i
Arkiinsux i i llltiMiiili.l ' i ... ".ut' I t-ls i (tin lis.
Louisiana .' , , ,
Texas I I! I I-1 -12t,
Nehriii Ii.i 1 il 1
he South I )a knt n 1 1 1 s , . . i , , i ,.
Monia nn 2 1-1
Idaho I I "
I'liih J tTTOHK i v .-.-i i v
Colorado I I i
i .inioi ma . ,.. , ,, ...
Nevada ....... -,r . r,
District o'fCoYumblniii.'iii.'.'iii .. I All Lush ntiirti.1 i( 'ig ckit
' ill Pfl -, C i 1 1 i l.i I Hill Mil I,.
M l 1389 lilt I'lll l It TIOV
I J.,- ?'. I i JtP "s-
"Why have yon I seed up j ur their) hv
!r'..':."''-"':' ' ' ''! NBAHOAIlll lilt
itccause int uoj m i nnj h.m in- negun
,.. . , - I'h.riila i.u.i
nil t ft K I ii Ii .
It I I .il Uli li.
ti nw vmi" w li- n i
Hundreds of Towns and Counties Named After
George Washington.
orue V. II
He was Hi.- truthfu
And vet lull oil I
lie said. "I'm glad 1
He really was not,
Washington Star.
'L'VNr.Uli','-- ' ..iCji.f
TRY T! ......fiN1' ".V
" ,111 .11 111 Tl" .C
isi n
l.l N I
Wcsi liMl.i, SI., in Lille"
Wittier Rt'MtrlH ol I In Nottili
The Only Line Operating Daily Trairi3
to y londa
0 M AN was ever honored so nun h in
mug states, cities, counties, towns,
lands, anil various other things
i, an. i d alter him as Wsthlngton h.m been.
Counties in 89 eiati are known an "Wash
ington," and llrti places to which mail is
addressed are named in his honor. There
is generally at least one "Washington" in
every state, and there are Washington ville,
Washington I'.an.s, Washington Courthouse
and Various other derivatives of ihe same
name. Ststistlua are ohlanu-d not easily iii
---,. i t.. iI.m number of atrsfrti named ai lei'
i Benson's Plaster U Pain's Master.)
Frmii I ho natural impulso to "put some
thing nn" a, painful uput all spplioal niiia
for tlie relief of pain have urisen.
The nniMt successful liuvn ever been poul
tices or plasters, und tho best of these is
Benson's Porous Plantar.
No other has anything like the sumo
power as a curative agent, it is highly ami
scientifically medicated, uml its itandard
is advanced year by year.
L's Benson's Piaster for coughs, oolds,
chest diseases, rhetunatiam, grip, neuralgia,
kidney trouble, lame back, uud other ail
incuts thai ni.iko Winter it season of suffer
ing ami danger. It relieves and cures
(juicker than uuy other remedy.
Do not in cept Capsicum, Btrongthening
or planters in place of lienson's,
us they ioshoss none of ita curative power.
lusiNt nu having tho genuine.
The people of every civilized laud have
Mr. W
school, Oi
ini; to kI
Peltrtuirs '-
ishington Whj t
Who ev. r heard
mo! on mv birth
bourd Air
iru i i
Tin' "PI
ol the K'-ii
New York il.ulv
Street Htntion, V
rout, with I'ullinii
Sleeping Car und
lluleigll, Soul In i n
l'.i-t M
l in 1 1 1 -
13:30 n.
nii- Iv an
i Dl'itwili)
Day C in
I'lll-s. I '
Another Tumor
Removed by
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegeta
ble Compound
frrTTTR TO VH I NO 31)
'TWO years ng-.i I vvas a rr.-r,t
nfferer I corn womb trouble and pro
fuse flowing each month, ami tumors
. would foi in
in the woml
1 liinl foui
t u in 1. 1-s in
t WO years. I
went through
treat in e n t
with doctors,
1 but they lhl
me no good, and 1 thought 1 would
have to resort to morphine.
' The doctor Bald that all thai could
help nn- was to have an operation and
have tho womb removed, but 1 had
heard of Mrs. Pinkham'a medicine ami
decided to try it, and wrote for her
advice, ami after taking her Vcgctablo
Compound the tumors were expelled
nml I began to get stronger rigdit
along, am as well us ever before.
Can truly say that 1 would never bail
gotten well had it not been for f.yilia K.
i'lni, ham s Compound." Mahv A.
Etaul, Watsontown, Pa.
Siivniiiiuli. Jack
iieci ion s itre in ni.- for
i'.t in ut itlnl all IV. ll. 1. 1
train connects ul N
l rain Uostnli .' IK I ii in,
ilelphiu 3;50 u, in .
in , Washington
nioml - lo p. in..
I'Iiicm ll:!M i . in . . '
Savannah 5:00 it.
11.10 a. in . St. An'i
i not her
: I. ..hii
dies to
m con-
.T riiiil
vv Itll
.1 IS
III:'..' i a. li
i r r I v i ii j S
liiiiibie I W u in
in.. .1 inksonvllle
Ktitiei 11,10 H. in.
drawn rein in front of the house, and the ! testified for years to tho superlative merit
foremost was throwing jibes at the bunnel
that iloated grandly in the winds.
Mabel faced the band with a smile on
her face.
In an instant arose the demand, accom
panied by harsh words, for the lowering ol
the Hag.
Is that your mission? answered Mabel.
of lienson's Plasters; and 5,1)00 physicians
and druggists of this country have declared
them worthy of punuu confidence.
Iu official comparisons with others, Ben
son's Plasters have been honored with
flfty-fivt highest awards.
For sain by all druggists, or we will pre
pay postage on any n .ruber nlereil in the
"Do you think for a moment thst a Brew- J United States on the receipt of 25c. each.
sier win nam aown ine nag oi warning- mmy mt imwum m uiui.
ion: i noisiea u wun inese ninas, ana
they will never lower it to anyone.
The senorits must not insult Mexicans,"
esme the flashing response.
Keubury & Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y.
What Mrs. rinkhaut's Letter Did.
" Hi'.AK Mits. Pinkham After follow
ing the directions given in your kind
letterfor the trentnientof lcucorrlinea,
I can say that I have been entirely
cured by the use of Lydia K. Pinkham's
remedies, and will gladly recommend
them to my friends.
" Thanking you for your kindness, I
am gratefully yours, A. B. Davids,
'I . 1 1 1 1 n '. 80 i. in. I nr. null I'lilltnaii
Drawing Kooiu Sleeper New Vork t.
JaeltHoiivillf. Through Votibtited
Paaseuger Conches an. I perfei I ser
Por loforiuutioti call on or write lit
all PeuiiKvlvauia Kallroud ofllcos, or
Seaboard Air Line Itnilwny represen
tuttves, at OOtl Washington street,
Boeton, Mass.; 1300 and 1171 Broad
wiiv, New Vork;tt0 Snnili Third St.,
Philadelphia; 307 Bast Oeruiaq si.,
Baltimore; 1484 New York Avenue,
Washington, or to H. K L. Utinoh,
Qeoeral Passenger Agent, 1 o r t s.
inout li, Vn 1 i T "It
Another Dellnlllua,
"What is chagrin, ina?"
"Chagrin? Well, Tommy, it Is the
I feeling you had yesterday when you
I brought those three kittens homo
1 from the Joneses and I made you
take them buck." Indianapolis Journal.
N1ETTRALOIA eurad b Dr. Miles' Pad,
Pills. "Omoms adoae. At all drusaisu
Her llrnnlllon.
"Ifes," said Miss Cayenne, "lie I
undoubtedly a cynic."
"What is your idea of a cynic?"
"Be is a person who keeps you con
tinually in doubt whether he is tin
usually clever or unusually disagree
weakness easily cured hy ble." Washington Star.
Dr. Miles' Nerva Plasters,