The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 21, 1901, Image 2

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Lesson In the International Sri lea foi ;
February 2 1, 11MI1 Jraus
In i.ctli nuinc.
for Infants and Children.
OMtorla is r harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops anil Sootliiujr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
WHltiWlm neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverllincss.
It cures l)iarrlii ;i and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth
ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panueeu The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmf rrwuu, cqmp.nt. tt muhhii strut, ni
KM sfsifi TffflllliiHIIHIIHHHIiSZsl
; : .
. . ; 0 M F.
. , ; va -m own re&ords
6 pli asure of .i Gr.-i
phone is largely
'' own i d Wo futnUh thu machine with recorder for 17.5a M
Orapbophoaes of ever) description. Call er write, aW, JJ
25la3 1 13, 1 15 A ll55-115uBroadway,N. Y. City tSHIHM
I if ill riLLS
(i? 'cy, v:,.'ht Em'ssiMj loss of Memory, al. lasting dis
ea is, ai . no is o .-.! . 3uua or excess and n discretion.
A 'lerve tome , J builder, li rlnn the nink
I trt r..., T 1 . Tt.lnra.
ui?n 8w. jici .1 , t Doxen ior 312.50, w:m our Dank
able euarUiitee t -ur- or refund the monev nnirl.
Send for c:rcular and co; y of our
(YELLOW LABEIi) lllllieuiaiu IIK3UI10
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Tower, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken
Organs, i'aresis. Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity,
Paralysis and the Kcsults of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail
in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guarantee bond to
cure in jo days or refund money paid. Address
'"ton and Jackson Streets CHICAGO. ILLINOIS
BLmvjr ... A .
V k(. . i'ti,i w
Bine. IS63, Baitorsed by lied leal Faculty
immediate lasting
"Florida, ami netroMilltan LlmlleU"
NR.tllOAItll A 1 It I I I: It I . I.WAV,
"Florida mill wvm liiitln HI101I l.lin"
V4 Inter llranrta 01 I lie Moitlh,
1 lie oniy Line Oierating Daily Trams
to Florida.
1 "livH Jnu, 1 It Ij. Ihe Seaboard
Aii Line Hiiihvity. tin j Hue opera-
in..; 1I111I3 I i tu 1 ted 1 r.i 1 1 in to Florida,
1 "i uii 11- iimiiilleuut new train,
"F101 iila and Metrnpi litaii Miuited,''
ol l i" New Vork via Pliiladel
p1 iiv, 1! iliiiiiore, Vuxbiii(rtoti to liluh
iiiond, II il uli, ' olimiblit, Savnunaha
JuelvB ni il 1 tint St. AiiKUstiue, ('011
liei'liotiti t JaekHoliville for Talllpn
and all Floridil (loilltx, II ud lit M. All
en-ins for the East Uoact. Thin train
ulro earrief hiuwiim liooni Sleeping
car N. w Vork to Atlanta. Leaves
Lofton 18:03 11 111., New Vork liitOO p,
111. , (from SUru Street Station Peuu
Nylvaiiln II nlroutl , I'liilnclelphia U 29
p. 111 , Baitiiuere 5:45 p. in.. NVashluff
ton 0:55 p. in., uri'iviiiK at Southern
line-, N. (J., 5:50 a. 111,, Columbia, S.
C, 10.00 a. iu Savannah, Qa., 12:25
a, in . Jacksonville :!:."ii p, m.. St Au
gustus 5:00 p. Iu, Tampa ".:: a.m.,
Charlotte 0:51 a. tu . Atlanta 4::i. p.
tu Uonneetioiih are made both t
Miami on the East Coasl and Port
Tampa on the Wesl Coast for Key
Wrst aud Havana. The "Florida and
anil Metropolitan Limited" Is liixini
niily equipped in every respeot, with
Pllman Draw inn KoomCar, Compart
nieiit Car with Drawing Rooms and
Male Rooms, Observation Car, thro'
Daj Coaches and unexcelled Pullman
Dining t.'nr service,
For lurtlier information, call on or
write to all Pennailvmnia Hailroudof
Boei, or repaesenlatiyei of the Sea
board Air l.ine Railway at :ini Wash
inicton Street, ilostou, Mass.; 1200 and
;i7i Broadway. New York; ;io South
Third street," Philadelphia; 207 East
German Street, Baltimore; h;m New
York Ave.. Washington, or to R. E.
L. Km. eh. Ueneral 1'asseuger Airent
'ortstuouth, Va. 1178t'
Signature of
i s
if 1 I
. ,.. i r
ij Astrongly constructed Graph- "i
i ophonc, with simple mechan- Ptj
j ism, made to meet tlie dc- "jj
jj mend for a first-class talking '
;: machine, at a low price, t
!::::t::::-:::-::::::i:i:iii::i::i:: 4
increased by making and rerjroducins B
Restore Vita
Lost Vigor
and Manhood
,t, fir.. . um.V 11..
bankable guarantee bond.
ImmnrlinlA DaomHa
Ihe Ideal French Took
a 1
efficacious agreeable
Hum in Cure I lie UrTu!
Remain quietly at bom m d
1 immberlaiirs Cottfrb llemedv
tin ecu 11 unit a quick recovery n
I ' 1 mill 1 w. 1 li.'lt ramuHu 1 .
Willi I I'l III I
any tendency of the grip to result 111
i neuinonia. wuich is reallv the onh
11. ins danger. Amoi g the tons of
tuousi who have used it for giip
not one case has ever 1 n reported
that did recover. Forsale at the,
Miudh 1 11 .,' Drug Store,
Buchanan, Mich , May
N. x.
Ubstlemes:-M.v mamma has
haeu agreai coffee drinker and bus
louna it, very injurious, Having
u se ,1 several packages of your
WBAIN O, (be driuktbal takes the
place of coffee, she found it much
better for herself aud for us children
l o drink. She has given up coffee
drinking entirely. We use a pack
age every week, I am ten veirs old.
Respectfully yours,
Fannie Williams.
i.a HelpiMi Ojnlekly Cnred.
"In tlni winter of 1898 and 1899 1
was taken down with a severe attack
of what is culled La Urippe" sayi F
mi 2W, l 11 Pr0minent druagist of
Winfield, III. "The only medicine 1
used was two bottles of Chamber
lain s Cough Remedy. It broke up
the cold and stopped the oousbins
ike magic, and 1 have never sioce
been troubled with Grippe" Cham
berlain s Cough Remedy can uIwbvh
he i email ..,1 m,,,,, l. L . '
r-----fuii n iicaa up a se
vere cold and ward off any I hreateu
'd attack of pneumonia. It is pleas
mt to take, too, which makes it the
most desirable and one of the most
popular preparations in use for these
-Iraents. For sale at Middleburg
Dug Store.
PlfSniM sod bmurthaa the hi
Somowi s mzuTltn, rrowtn.
over Valla to Bastara Ot
Hlr to its youthful Color?
Curst soup diaruts a hslr laiiii.
in. .wlllin.1
Prepared by H. C. Lenlngton.
(Matthew L'ti loG-lb. )
3. Then cometh Jesu. with them untr
u place called QethaemaiM, ami saith untc
the dlaclplaa, Sit ye here, while 1 go and
pray yonder.
SI. And lie took with Him Peter and th.
two Hons of Eebadae, and began to b.
sorrowful and very heavy.
36. Then salth H unto them. My ou'
Is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death,
tarry ye hire, and watch with me.
3S. And He went a little farther, and fell
on his fine. Mid prayed, .-aying, O m
EaUr, If It be passible, let this cup i
piuis Crom me; nevtrtheless not as 1 will,
but as thou will.
W. Ami He comelb unto the disciple?.!
and tlndeth them asleep, and saith unto
Peter, What, could ye not watch with
me one hour?
41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not
into temptation: the p.iit indeed is will
.my. but the Besh Is weak.
42. He went away aaaln the second I
time, and prayed, saying, 0 my Father,
If this cup may not pass awaj from me,
except 1 drink it, thy will be done.
13. Am- He came end louml them asleep
aKiiin: for their eyes were heavy.
II. And lie left them, and went awaj
asaln, and prayed the third time, say
ins the .iint word.1-.
45 Then cometh He to his disciples, and
saith unto them. Sleep on now, and
take your rest: behold, the hour Is at
hand. "and the Han of man Is
into the hands ul sinners.
16. Rise, let us be going: behold he is
at hand that doth betray me.
UOLUISM TEXT. Sol m villi, bal
thine In- done. I. uUe ihli
The scripture to be studied includes
chiefly the account of Christ's suffering
in the garden of Gethsemane. This
was mi the lower slope of the Mount
of Olives, just opposite and II littl"
ways from Jerusalem.' There is. how
ever, one incident that is as appropri
ate to this lesson as to the last. That
is Jesus foretelling the fall of Petei
and Peter'semphatiodenial. This warn
ing was given in the upper room at the
close of the supper which Jesus had
just established ns a memorial of Hinv
stjf. On the waj out from Jerusalem
on the way to the Miami of Olives
Jesus gave II is disciples a fan well -;'.k.
All this should le studied lo get u
proper appreciation of the lessons
w bich Jesus' suiVi i in-:s and death were
meant to teach the world. Tnkfbgthe
lesson in this manner, the following
Scripture selections should be read:
Peter's fall foretold Luke 22:31-38 1
Peter's tall foretold John 13:36-M
Jesus' farewell discourse. John chaps, il-i
Intercessory prayer loim I7:l-!M
Peter's confidence Matt. 26:30-31
Peter's confidence Mark 14:26-31
The agony in the garden .Man. :ii.:i;-4i
The agony in the garden Marls 14:32-4!
The agony In the garden Luke 22:40-4(
Peter's Fall Foretold. There an
limitations to every character, Jesuit
Knew those of His disciples and ol
other men and women with whom he
came in contact. Peter was one of the
most Belf-confldent of the disciples
Herein lay both his great strength and
chief weakness, Jesus saw dangei
ahead and did not hesitate to wai n him
of it, although such warning was sure
not to be heeded. "Simon." said Jesns.
"Satan hath desired you that he maj
sift you us wheat." There is a great
deal of Chaff to most of us, and very
little of the nutritious grain of the
wheat. "But," added the Master. "I
have prayed for thee, that thou fail
not." J tu t the self-sufficient IVtei
thought he was ready for tiny teiupta
tion, no matter how severe, even prison
or death. Jesus had counted the cost.
Peter had not, and He knew the charac
ter of Peter through and through
w hen lie said : "The cock shall not crow
this day. before that thou shalt Ihrici
deny that thou knowest me."
Jesus' Farewell Discourse. Then fol
lows a lalk with Mis disciples that was
both comforting and saddening. Sad
dening, because it showed the great
change that was about to come upon
t hcin, Comforting, because of the ns
surance of Divine care In till the In
evitable vicissitudes that must over
take us in this life. This farewell talk
is contained in chapters 14, 15 and 16 ol
John's Gospel, perhaps the most fa
miliar portion of Scripture to untold
number! of people. Here it is that Wl
are encouraged in the hope for a bet
ter life than this beyond death, that
Jesus declares Himself the Way, tilt
Truth unci the Life. We are assured
that prayers in His name will in heard
aud answered.
The Agony In the Garden. Among
the causes of Christ's agday tin
thought of death probably figured not
tit all. liven among those less tirtul
organized than was Jesus, mental suf
fering hits become so great that death
in any form would be welcome. But we
know the emphasis Jesus always laid
on the fact of human sin, and the fresh
illustration of it in the character ol
Judas was in itself overwhelming, He
felt with the greatest intensity the sin
of the world. Death means more than
physical suffering. Il is t he penalty ol
sin, and so in some sort, however, we
explain it, Jesus suffered for the sin of
the world, and in part at least became
ils propitiation. The sublime part ol
it is that JeSUS was not merely going
through a form, but her was a suffer
ing He shrank from, but in this su
preme hour He showed absolute sub
mission. "Not my will, but thine, be
done." Was Christ's prayer answered ?
None can doubt it who will note the
fortitude with which He bore Himself
from this moment on. During all this
agony the disciples slept. It was not
through indifference. Luke, the phy
sician, says it was sorrow.
FIbo and TbUlles.
Sin is our only enemy.
His heart of s input li is behind His
hand of strength.
(Jiving love by the wuy is the way to
getting love.
If you do not flee from the devil you
will be fleeced.
He who makes light of the Bible will
get no light from it.
Only he can secure success who is
willing to face failure.
There is a tremendous chasm be
tween the poetry wa applaud and tlie
To toe engineer who has the powerful
forces of nature under his control, the pos
session of a clear head is an absolute neces
sity. He must have a head that is quick
and ready, wide awake and ever on the
lookout to meet emergencies. A clear
head must be free from aches and pains,
because they weaken the nervous force
and divert the attention. It must not know
dizsiness, dullness, melancholy, depres
sion of spirits, nor nervousness.
Dr. Miles' Neviime
Relieves every form of head trouble and gives to tho entire system that vigor, energy ar.d
snap that make clear-headedness. Try a bottle for yourself.
Sold by all druggists ca a guarantee. Dr. RLIes Medical Co., EHbart, Ini,
has for nearly sixty .
r.,-wKnt7.i-,l as th. PSopl
I tu 1
r Na
tloaal Family Newepat
t inie-in u n.1 !l
plendld Am iculiui -i Depart
meat, its relial l market i
imrtii. recognised authorli:
throughout th "r : II
fiuducn notes, iti gci ace atii
alecliuiili-p Oepartinf m, I i
ranclrstlna sh i eie
etc., render ;t In I mi
TDIDiiiir verj family.
lll-i .'.IT s ,l
I , i io.. ri
pit ear.
in connection with TI i Ti
Uluitratcii v ee kites i.n-1 aural
nesular With Weekly Trl Weekly
i" Tribunal Trsbune,
one Year. fine Year. One year,
north American RevloTr, I i. ' iM i.oo Bft.llO
III i per Mau.iii.e. ei. orU 1 I I.1K 4.IMI I. all
Harper'a llnanr. Setv Voi'K I'll ion 4.011 4alO
Harnrr'a iVeckly, . kurU in no I. on 4.80
Centiir .iiiuMiiie, i-ii tiirii 1'ilj I. no i.NI 40
St. nlcuolns Mawnsiue, ii . : ' .t ; on Si.00 Jf.r.o
li- Inri' Mnurasliie, 'ni . -r i,h l.:to 1.115
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aneceaa, Ni ,i I'orh ii.i l.otl t.T8
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i I. ei nrii City fi.oo ." B.50
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Leslie a u n-Kly, etv i i no 4.IHI 4.50
Itevlevi of Ite-vlcWK, .eiv -. i il SI.5II ..r,ii B.lll
kcrlbn4ra Musruslne, Mi-vr turli i K i.ihi ItJlO It.lHI
Auierltii irriiiilturl t, k.' -. lorl, t no I.Sfitl l.s.-.
It n nil New Viiekor, a csv Vork t :i ; l.'M 1.75
Coamopsiilliiu c i - . .,. .. . 'i ... . i ,un I .no
Country lietittcniim, lllimis, ... 1 U.OII KJItl
I n rin Jouriuil, I'h. I i elplu-. 1'i-nn .'O l.nn i ,BU
l.lppineoll'n Iii(tnr.liie, l'li!l.uilelplilii, I'eu.. . loo a.OO R.nO
IuiiiIi'h t'uniinnlon. ItoNtim, Uluaa 1.75 2.35 2.IHI
Farm nnil Home, Sprli ill. M i--- .no i.oo 1.00
Kevi It K la ml ll.inienli-ail, Siirlnnlielil, .... t.iHI 1.25 1.85
;ooil HoiiNi-kcri'liiK', Siviiirlleiil, Mn! I.OO I.oo l.Ur,
Farm, Field nml r'lrralile, I'liicuirii, III i.on f.oo 1,05
Ornitste .liiiM runner, i : ',-:.... I" i.oo l..- 1JKI
BnltontlNi. I ndla nn in I In, lint r.o i.oo 1.50
Ohio Farmer, tieveliinil, iio i nn i.iuj
Mlchlpjun Fisrmor, Detroit. Illeli nil i.oo 1,0,1
Farm nml FlrcNlile, -i.-ie llclil, lililu nil i.oo 1.511
Farm IS'css-a, Pirluu;fl (il, Ohio ro 1.110 1.50
llpme anil Farm, l.tiuiavllle, Ks no 1.00 i.ri
The Farmer, M. I'anl. Minn... 50 I.oo 1 .-
Tribune tlmanac, IIMI1 1.10 i.,f
Please send cash with order
Those wishing to subscribe for more than one of the above publications in connection with
The Trhjaae may ream it publishers' rc-iculi : prtei
Addresj TUB TRIOt-'MB, New-York City.
The New-York Tribune
pto dstp, ami alwaya a rtanoh advooata lodsupportsrof RepuUioao prin
iplea, will contain tlm moal reliable news of
ol inline; diHcosftiona, coi respondet coatid speechi s of tlie t' lest political
e lets, brilliaut eilitm nils, report" from all cttoits of 1 In-1 n il Bhowitm
togreHHol the work, etc., elc, unci will eointncnil itself in the careful
erusul ot every t uoukLuuI, in telliKeiil voln s wlio La the tine interests
1 In h country at beurt.
i to V .11V PuWWil Mondftf, Wnlnen
n diay and VruU ! In rtality
Ui i Vl ,lu''- ' r h v. ry-otlirr-imj
If uCJUl I iviy. uiv.iijf tin- latOHl news mi
tut v s 01 1--UF. inu vuvoriiiK rw
of tht- otlVr tim e It tain
all iiiinnrtiiiit fon-iizti war unit
ther i'nidt; ? wlii' h KppeAri m Til B DAILY
I'UIHlTNKof Mima date, alo lnmeiitio ami
orei(n L'orwMipoiidtiiw RhortHtoriw Klegnni
nUtonfl IlluM rations, Hunioroua I tenia In
in-trial Information. HWdilon Nitr. ARrlctil
iral Matiem anttComprohtnilv and Reliable
Inanelal ami Market rvportit.
Kegular aubacrlptlon price, ?!."o ct-r year
e rnrnlifa it wHh the Posi fir $1.73 per year.
Send all orders to the
liberal Adjustments.
iir;i .:
Only the Oldest, Ptrongesl Ca.sli Oorapanies,
Fire, Life, Accideitt and Tornado.
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The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819. Assets 11,055,513.88
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M American " " " 1810 " 2.409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
I 11
:m Lamp of
t The lamp tliut doesn't flam
to use b-,d huiguugu ; the
Von net it and staya good ;
Ingle part with, PnOS you nan
TLbt fScw
Other lamps msy be orTered
nesa, there's only one. The
sure the lamp offered you Is
iiii-r il in i-. ill nuiim im .
on it ; every lamp has it. (SOU Varieties.)
Old Lampa MjmIo New.
We can fill every lamp want. No matter whether yoa
want a new lamp or (love, an old one repaired or rcilu
lihcil, a vase mnuntedtor other make of lamp transform
ed into a New Rochester, we can do it. Let us
send vou literature nn the suhlect.
We are SPECIALISTS In the treatment of diseases )t
Lamps. Consultation
published on Uonday, Wednes
day and frlday, Is a complete
ia I to Jte daily newspaper,
llitec days In Hi week, villi
..;i imp. mint tu ws of tlie other
four days. Profusely Illus
ten a
trate., an.l lali'il wil.i IntiT.n
all who Wish lo
' alias I BL,.,, (.to,, t0
p in close t'Wii with news
T''llllST "f ' nulon and wrl.l.
.1 VSICRrKulur aabucriptloii
l.rii-e, yi,50 ec jriir.
i who desire t.. secure the best niagazlu.'s
: ukiwlng splendid indueeiiuats:
iHcw fork
Publishetl -n Tpauraday and
known fur nearly txty yearn in
evevy ,-ari ( the United Miiti-
iih National l-'aintly Nt'iVM-unr
of tin- highest claHs for farinem
Mini villaversi I contains all
t h i' moot important Lrrnrral
aewa of THE DAILY TKIBUNEnp to hoar of
going to presi, hn entertaining reading for
erery member f tho family, old nml young.
Market Keporti waich are accepted aaAttfhorlly
ty farmers ami country mtiihiirtt4. ami is
kit'un, up to date interesting aim Isnatructlve
Kegular MubHcriptUm price, il.W per year
We fui nlsh it with th I Po T for $1.33 per i yeur
"Post", Middleburgk Pa.
Prompt Payments
Steady Habit
up or smokii, or enesfl yoa
lump that looks good when
the lamp that you never wffl
- it ; mat s
I you us ' just iii c-notl
i.ia tnr all uroieul itimki-
Jfew Uurlu i,li r. To make
.-en nine, limlr for the norao
CB., as p. rue. a tt Erei.y
"I am an old railroader, and a few years
ago I became so run-down in health that I
thought I would have to resign my posi
tion. I was tired all the time, was rest
less, and had no ambition to do anything.
I had a queer feeling in my head and was
so nervous and unstrung that the least
noise would startle me. 1 could get no
relief until I began taking Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine, and three bottles cured me.:'
John IIkss, DeGraff, Ohio.
Court Prnclair ation
y n KRAS the Hon. Karold M, I
I'resi it Judge the Judloisl 1
ootNi 1 ni the counties ol s ..
I' nml Pater I-'. Iti.-le nml .. T
herlinft, K assuuInis JwUes la smt 1
dor coanty, have Issued their uieeapt 1
.t ile ihe inn, ,1a v 11 Dea A. l., 19(11.
It reeled !.,r Ihe IhiIiIIihi man 1 irpbaiis' 1
court ol Oiiiiimon Pleas, eourt oil yet
1 miner .m i Oenersl Court ut laartei 8e
hePeiice. t Miildleburah, lor th.- n
Snyder, n the fourth ituiidsy, (belnit 1
Any ol Fell. and to ciiatluue 11.11
Mullet thoteforc heretiy gh ee to he
er, Justices ol the Pesce and Unustali
lor the eoanty ol Snyder, tu spiie n 11
iiroper person with their rolls, reri.r.1.-. I
in. 11-. essailuatlons nun other rii.e-.m
ti sin til tblSK wlnrh nt tlnllr uHlo
thsir behnll parts In in he done aial -t
and penuins prusruutlnit In hcball id
M ini wi-ii ti h salnst mn iiRmnn,,i mhb
liiirvu i" 1 b 111011 -in. lucre attei ilin.
purtlnu without leave nt theli peil
are req te.i t.. he puootual In llieli mi
it the iimlnted time uifree blj to not
lilvei under m.l hand sua SChIhI the
nHI i- 11. Mlddlel ureh, the 2Rth din
A. P.... n- 1 ne
(i. w ROW,
m 1
! --10 -n ll,.il the rollowln - U I I
prulseiiient.s tinder tho ISflO law, have 1. .
With the Clerk ol the or inn"' I'mn-i ol
couutj i..i confirmation Feb. U8tb, loot.
1. Apprniscmentof Sarah K Hteelj
" -i. ei.i . line ,.i eat Boiivei tun n-liig
Snyder County, In., deceased, elected 1..
taken 11 iii r the ISuO exemption law.
Appraisement .l liioiiaia I. lieni-iF,
.1 -inii 1 11-1 1. uenKier. lute or 1 'iiiintiiu
township, Bnyder Co I'a . elected to u ; ikti
under tin- f-ai. exemption law.
Prathanatar) ' Aeeonnla,
Tire following net nts will lie pre ntidta
cotifirmutloii, Monday, Pebrunry -. 1 1
1 first nml final account ..f tin- Smiliiin
Trust nml ufe Deposit Company of -nnhnrj,
iu guttrd-un and trustee of Catherim tilt
widow ni Henry ti deceased.
l-'ir-t mid dual acoouni ul 9, I. I'lickw,
one of the trustees of James K Davis, .tr
li. M. HUlNDI.I. r,. ik
Mtddleburg, Pa,Jaa,lid, IVU1
OEtllSTEU'SNOTICBa, -Notice IsherehvglT
" en Unit, the following named persons Una
: Hied their Administrators', Qursdinn und E
euuiyra acuouuia in ine u-.risici uulci ul sop
der coiiuty, and the same win he press nn i i"t
oooOrmatfon and allowance at the Conn iihim
in .uiii'iieuiii iii, nouoay, ren. vein, r.i.i.
l. The final account of .1. H. and it. c Ho
er. executors nf Chas. Hoover, late . ! Pei.a
c iwnahip, dnrnisrri.
'2. First mid Until account of Ambrose !f.
Peter, administrator ol Uenry J Peter, luts i l
West Ueavei towaeblp, deceased,
:t, lrir-t mul Hum neoouni of Charles Fry
executor nf tin- last will ami testament l Ifin
nail Dlnius, bta of Jackson township, den I
I. Pinal account nf .1. ti. Ilornh i
eeutor of tho estates of Susan and Mieluu Ucji
aart, late of ti est Perry township, id
-"i. l- ir-tan.l i.irliiil accuiiut nf .nne- M
Pureman, administrator of Kllaa Purei .i . sti
nf Adams township, deceased
ii. Account of W in. K Howell, (iuarilimi ol
Minnie, William 0 , Orie A. ami Suilie i r.nv
lord, minor children of Uewii Cruwfon! Isli
nf West Beaver township, deceased, l,
I, Uowell, adm'i of Wm. P. Howell
7. Account of Wm. v. Howell, trustee ol IVm
II. Kaumgiirdner, died by l.issle L, Hon .i
minlstrattix of the said Win. P, Uowell, tw
s. Plrst and final account of Llesia I. Hot1
ll.adm'x ofWm. P. Howell, lute nf IVcst Hi
vai towuahip, deceased,
9. First und final account of Wm. A. l-"iaber,
uardisB nf Carrie A. Boyer, lute Carrie i
a . hi. Ini.i, one of the children .m.l heirs ol
Henry vVoouruff, late of Penn township, iluc'd.
.1. II. WILLIS, i: gister
Jsn js, 1(01,
Notice of Apphcaiion forChartei
Notice is hereby ulvon thai an ami li
i iiiinn
; w in u- made to tin- lion, it, tt. ill dure,
dent Judge of the Court ol Common I'l
Hnyder county, on the 20th .ay nt i'.
I9UI lor a ehiirter of a corporation lo hi'
tin- Reformed Uhureh, Mlddieburgh, I'n .
Lfnlted States nf tin- (lencral j sod I
er and object of whloh are tlie worshl
1 mighty Qod nccordlng to the faith and
line ol the Qeaeral oyaod In the ITniti I
nf America. " JACOd UII.Bi I i
1 (S, IMH. 111. Soli' I'
ii ii irv
et it-
ttra of Aduiiulstratiun in ill
i'.,l.itr nf Wm. Leach. l,i.. nl Pl,nnliinll till.
Bnyder oounty, Pa., deo'd, having hi engrsiiiei
to tlie uuderaigmed, nil persons kn.nv Ins i'"'m
selvei, inilcl li-il It, naitl cntute lire reipi. "
mske Immediate payment, while those havim
c ilium will present Lbsuu duly utbenlicated a
tlie undersigned.
Attorney. Administrates'.
Mlddieburgh, !., Jan, 33, Ml,
Admio.atrator'a Sale of Valuable
Itv virtue ,.f an mIh ,.r Mb Ih I mil nf US
Orphans' Couri of Snyder County, the "''""
Biicneii, uilnnnistiator of the ertule nl wui
l.ciieh. lute ol Chapman Township. SnyderWi
Pa., deceased, will, on
Monday, February 18, 1901
at about one mils east of Under on tin'"
leading from llofTer to 1 ort Trevertou. IsajJ
township of ( hapmnn, orTi r the folloWinl
tori bed real estate at public sale :
TRACT Nil. 1. A tract of acres "! P?
chen situate in suin township of CllspMB s
Joining lands of Levi A- SbofTer, 1 f
shiifTer, l'eter Knighte,
lienjuniiii Hoyei
TRACT Nl). 2. A tract of 3acres nml IMP?
ches situate In said township of Chapman. S
Joining lands of Philip Moyer's estate. WW?
1. Arnold. Kenjamln Mover, Catharine Amui"
lvi A. chaffer and others.
Both these tracts are In a good state of cul
tivation and are desirably located.
Me to begin at 10 o'clock A, M. of ssl
when terms and conditions will l
known by UKOKOK LBACBi
I. 8. LONOACRK, Admlnistn"'
Auctioneer. -
1?OR SALE A flrst-claas35 barrel roller is"
-- with good water power, at a barnsm- r
particulars liiqnlr oof P. II. KAUC1I .v "
Kelly Croat Koads Pa.