The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 21, 1901, Image 1

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erestir) Story, "Hi Brother's Kper" Rups ii) hti Issup.
1 1 '.
Ccu. U. Waniiixlltr, I Jiwr and Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science. Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Next week is court. There are three
.i 114
rim's on me i i ii i lav,
one dollar pay for the Post and
'arm News both one year.
Friday being Washington's birthday,
lie hank will lie oluaed,
Bome reading matter appropriate to
naamngunra uirmoay appears in mis
W. II. ltipka, a mill Wfighl is em-
itoyed by the Billon Sand Co. of Liver-
I iml, ()., at Newton Hamilton, Pa.
Don't vote for Union county Satur
ay. Vou live in Buyder county, so
tand by your home man, A. V. Potter,
FOR SALE, 20 acres of good farming
Hid, For particulars inquire of Mix
I. V.. Arnold, 106 Kensington Street,
f. Cleveland, 0.
Prof. Paul Hillhardt executed an ex
lent drawing of the unseated lands
nf Snyder County, for the County torn-
wanted. Girl for general house work,
pod wages, three in family.
Mns. Brayton,
t-7-4t. Lewiatown, Pa.
The friends of the late Mrs. John P,
Ninth wish us to return thanks to the
kind friends and neighbor foi kindness
known during the illness and funeral
nf the departed.
Shoes Fob sale At the shoe fac
tory, wholesale and retail at a sacrifice.
fhey consist of Infants' Shoes slightly
nainagcil, and Misses' and children's
McKay Shoes, odd lot at manufactur-
ir s pricis tf.
For 8 alb J. K Spanglerat Adams-
burgonerahls stock of general mer-
thatldlM for sale. Stock can 1h? reduced
iilM.ut 12,000 by March 15th if rtesired
by purchaser. Possession given nny
lime, 9Mut
Now ia a good time to examine the
pmniun tan 01 your paper. It you
tl.. . - . & . . M
lave paid up, this notice is not for vou.
If you have not paid up, you may huvt
Hi opportunity to bring or send it in
next week during court.
I ...IT.'... -
mi .. p.. ejoies 'or a smooth easy
Mmvc or up-to-date hair cut and head
(learned with a refreshing Bhani mo or
uuiorun removed with his tonic. A
ileal) towel to each patron. Parlor in
uik building e doOr east of Post-
ifflce. Satisfaction guaranteed, tf.
Baroainb. BABOAiKSfortwoweekp.
lUlgOOdB, such as Canes. Coats. Collnr-
Ittea. W runners XL-irt., v,.ti....u i:..i
II , W , .".l.wil. , 1 11,1.-,
wet, Embroidery. Underwear. Hose.
l'iu furnishing (binds. Please call
ml learn of thtt nul I,........;...
:"-1--1' E. C. AUBAND.
Rev. I). E. MoLain, pastor of the
-utheian ohuroh, took Into church
fMmberahip the following: L. E. Wet
land wife, Misses Elisabeth Dunkle-
Fger, Jennie Tobias, Lillian Amleb,
Wbel Moyer, Carrie Dtehl, Mrs. s. B.
Norton and Herbert Smith.
T le Republican Standing Committee
pet Saturday and completed the ar-
fngementa for the primary election
Ml Saturday. A. V. Potter, EM ,
"'HI. M. .....
' ",l "Kisiei-
'wPrrsldeni Judge; Dr. J.o. Wa.
"fund I.t. D.T Rhnufaa t.,r si,,,...
- - v V i I. Il
Wonderful Organization Which Everj body
t-an Join without Cost.
"Hie Current Tonics Club" is haw
para which has just been Introduced
f 'he great "Phlladalnhlm Pr. a
Pp body of experts and specialists in
rJ waisorilAhMbem engaged to
pa to the readers of "The Press."
araogQ a t.urrent topi(J8 ,k.,,artlCIlti
ft articles of an interest im ,! In.
piatory character. These will envpp
P field of activity, will be attract!, e
P w Me old and young and in their
Fjy will form the foundation for a
education. Then, will I- .
P'Sllnv rank .. .
. ween, so mat every
td lmportant 8ulJecta will be
fhe Pi-ess" consider rho
Of the "Current T,,,,i,.u ri..ut
- ,iuu no
"8 the most important of its
vemento. It is certain to
t attention. The
embership is that you shall be a
ol me "Phlladelnhi. I) i i I v
II m
JURY LIST. Feb. Term 1901.
List of Grand and Petit Jurors for
the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and
Terminer, General Jail Delivery and
Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace
of Snyder county held as December
Term, commencing Feb, 36, 1901.
QBAND .iriuiiis.
Name. Residence.
Armstrong, J. II., Perry West i
Bingaman, '. 1-'., Adams
Heaver, Levi, Jackson
Deltl, Frederick, Perry
Decker, V. s., Beaver Wist I
(inws, '. C, Spring
(iraybill.T. K., Perry West
Hackenberg, Daniel, Adams
Hendricks, (i. ., Selinsgrove
Hoover, John, Penn
Hetrick, Thomas, Monroe
Landls, John, Mlddlecreek
Mitchell, J. J., Mlddlecreek
Mohn, W. A., cut re
Maltern, Wilson. Spring
Belch ly, Frederick, Monroe
Keif, Adam Union
Beiobly, John, Jackson
Stetler, ( leo. P., Franklin
Bohrelber, I i. VY, 'hapman
Smith, Jacob, ()., Heaver
Herrold, W. A., Chapman
l lrich, Newton, Selinsgrove
Voung, Win., Monroe
lBTCT Jl Hoiis.
Name. Besidenoe.
App, Samuel, A., Monroe
Boltg, Amos, Penn
Bfogaman, Joshua, Centre
Bidkle, Norman, chapman
Boweraox, Pharea, Centre
Benfer, Samuel, Jaekaon
Boweraox, Zaohariaa, Franklin
Charles, Edwin, Middleburg
Erdley, Charles, Selinsgrove
Freed, J. A., Beaver
Fisher, Win., Union
( iaugler, C. O., Sdingnve
Gelnet, L. S., West Perry
Gets, Geo. M., Adama
Hetrick, Amnion, Beaver
Hummel, Benjamin, Sr., Monroe
Helntzeltnan, Harvey. Chapman
Herman, Henry, Penn
Helmbach, John, Beaver
Reiser, Jacob, Monroe
Haruer, Belin, Penn
Herbater, Thomas, Beaver West
Hottenstein, W. J., Monroe
Jordan, Nathaniel, Centre
Knepp, Augustus, Beaver West
Koch, Benjamin, Mlddlecreek
Kaufl'nian, (i. A., Monroe
Knepp, John II, Spring
Klose, Jacob, Heaver
Kelter, Philip, perry
Kern, Robert, Heaver
Kerstetter, Wm., Chapman
Metzger, Abel, rjnon
Moyer, James, K., Selinsgrove
Mltterllng, Phillip, Perry West
Newman, Edward, Perry
Hitter, Franklin, Centre
Btlne, L. A., Centre
Sanders W. F. Centre
Snyder, W. (i., Heaver
Bhadel, J. A. Perry
Btlmely, Franklin, Centre
Shaffbr, B. W., Washington
Btroub, Willis, Centre
Walter, H. H. Centre
Witmer, Abraham, Selinsgrove
Witmer, Geo M., Penn
Weader, Wm., Adams
Select Vour Date.
Penoni who propose to make sale
this coining spring should select their
date its early as possible and have it in
aerted in the POST! sale register. The
notice will lie inserted bee in our sale
register if the bills are printed al this
Jollo, ehe 'i'w l, , ri
nlpaaes all the family. Four Flavoro
LemoD,orana:e,raBDberr.v aud straw -brry
A., your Krocer's. 10 cents.
Try it to-day.
I . B. Conference.
Theseiiond cpuartcrly oonferenoe of
Freeburg circuit U. B. church will be
held at Richfield, Pa, Feb. 23 and 24,
1901. Business meeting will be held
Saturday, 23, ot 2.00 P. M. All the of
ficial members are requested to be
present to transact the important busi
ness before the conference.
Preaching services Saturday evening
and Sunday morning. Communion
services Sunday forenoon, Presiding
Elder, Rev. H. S. Gable expects to be
present to conduct these services.
A cordial invitation to all.
H. M. Troltman, Pastor.
Dttda Enu'icd for Kccord.
Oliver M. Klose, et al, to Wm. I.
Woodllng, lot in Adamaburg, forflOOO,
Heirs of Magdalene Lenlg to George
Btroub, two tracts in Mlddlecreek twp.
for l"iu.
AdaOldl and husband to Milton and
Anna Daubermau, interest in H.'t
acres in Mlddlecreek twp., for $1000.
Ambrote B. Peter, adm'r of Henry
J. Peter, to Sophia E. Peter, 74 acres
in West Heaver Twp., for f 1810.
BennevllleB. Hottenstein to Anna
C. Smith, Snores In Jackson twp., for
for 9400.
Heirs of Frederick Walter, deceased,
to George VY. Wagcnaeller, two houses
ami lot No. 63 in Middieburg borough,
lor $s:so.
Willi Probated.
The last will and testament of Hubert
N. Krdley, late of Penn twp., was pro
bated Feb. 6th. Goo. N. Krdley and
Mrs. W. M. Mease are the executors.
The widow and children are the heirs.
Marriage Licenses.
I James M. Arndt, West Perry
i Mauil lordou, " "
MARRIED. Feb. in. by Rev. A. D.
Gmmley, Wm F. Blee, of Toexelvilte,
to Tamath Norman, of Adams twp.
Feb. ii, by J. H. Dimm, Arthur W.
Drown, of Bhamokin Dam, to Dais,
M Wetel, ofBunbury.
Feb. ii, by Dev. W. A. Haas, Henry
1'). Waller, of Krnt.erville, to Maggie
E. Fox, of Sunbury.
DIED. Feb. 14, at Selinsgrove, N.J.
Livingston, aged 70 years,
Feb. 10, in Centre township, Allen
Jacob, infant son of J. W. Crossgrove
and w ife, aged 3 mouths and 1!) days.
Feb. 17, in West Perry twp., the wife
of J. K. Horrberger, agd alsmt '0yrs.
Feb. 18, in Perry twp. Henry (iar
man, aged oil yean.
Fel), lb. in Swineford, Mrs. James
Hotteiger, aged alsutt lii years.
Feb. is, at Kisalmmee, John Walter,
aged about 7' years.
.iiii Market Street, Suabury, I'ennn.
Low prices on Muslins, Ginghams,
Shirtings, Tickings, Prints, Dress
(foods, Blankets, Comforts.
r Hales Unbleached Muslins, 1, 5, BJc.
8 Cases 4-4 Unbleached Muslin, 6c, Oc,
7c, Me.
2 Cases Lancaster Gingham, 5c pel yd,
oOiH) Yards Men's Stripped Shirtings,
He, l()e per yd.
;"i(H) Yards Dress Ginghams, 5c per yd.
2,"o Pairs Grey Blankets, -lite pair
50 I'ii s Outing Flannel Shirtings, ."
per yd.
jo fiecea indigo nine Prints, 6c vd.
125 Comforts, 7oc, (1.00, 11.25.
oU fairs Horse Hlaiikets, 00c. 7'ie, 11,00
1 Ton Carpet Chain. 10c, 18c, 22c.
lo Box Cotton Batts, 5c, He' 10c root.
Spool Cotton, 2c spool,
:i"i Pieces Wool Dress, I8c yd.
"() Pieces New Spring Dress Ginghams',
6c, 8c, 10c.
50 Pieces Brussels Carpet, 46c, 50c, 00c,
25 Pieces Velvet Brussels Carpet, 76, OOc
)ti Pleeea Hoy Carpet, 25c, .'foe, 40c, 50c,
"ill Pleeea China Matting, lie, lOc, 12c up
III Pieces Floor Oil Cloth, 25c, :c, 50c.
100 Pieces Table Oil Cloth, Hie, 18c, 20c
Arbucklegnd Lion Coffee, 12jc.
Gmnulated Sugar, Me,
Pure Sugar Syrup, He, 10c.
Indies' Suits, fi2.7o, $8.60, 15.00 up.
Ladies' Furs, jiriee.
Ladies' Coats niarkeil down .
Watch this bulletin for low prices.
1 -:tl -4t- Sunbury, Pa.
To the Republicans ot Snyder County.
Owing to the bad weather, drifted
rouds and tin attack of tl e "grippe"
myself, I have been unable to get
around to see many Bepublican friends
in the county. I Iioj)e, however, that
should I fall to visit you, you will re
member to vote for me at the Primary
election next Saturday. Why should
Snyder County not have a President
Judge once? Must Union county have
all the offices, all the time ? If the Re
publicans will stand up for the rights
of Snyder county at this time, Snyder
may have the President Judge. If not,
it will never.
Any kindness you may show me will
be highly appreciated.
A. W. Potter.
Miss Ruth H owell of Sunburv is vis
iting her parents at this place.
Mrs. plnius of New Berlin paid a
visit to Attorney ('rouse's family Sat
Mrs. Dr. J. W. Orwig is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. 11. H. Hurler at Bui
George Mensch ofMlnlinburg visited
Hon. (. Alfred Schoch and w ife last
Jay (1. Wcisr, Ksip. spent several
days at Harrisburg and Philadelphia
last week.
M. K. Gassinger, one of Franklin
township's most intelligent fanners,
made a business call tit this office Mon
Seyder Count) Population.
The official census returns for the
Various districts of Snyder County have
Ihhmi received from Washington as fol
lows :
1!MK) 1800
707 1 ii::ii
K"i2 I H5H
1.030 1,0(10
P078 1,210
1,280 1,144
7l!i I 730
518 420
734 I 750
1,215 I 1,270
1,203 1 1,201
1,150 1 1,287
1,828 I 1,315
1,128. I.2IW
1,189 l,2:t:t
1,412 1,500
1,088 linn
700 T62
17,:tl)4 I 17,0.")1
Al mis township
Heaver township
Centre township
Chapman township....
Franklin townshij
Jackson township
Middleburg borough..
Mlddlecreek township
Monroe township
Penn township
Perry township
Selinsgrove borough..,
Soring township
Union townshij
Washington township
West Beaver township
West Perry township..
Some of the friends of Judge Mc
Clure hnvebeen trying to army the al
gerenes against Mr. A. W. Potter, be
cause be was the attorney of the
Lumber Exchange. We would remind
our friends thai MeClurc did Just as
much against them, and even more
than Potter, he took the case out of
the jury's bands, and compelled them
to render a verdict In favor of the Ex
change, The following i copied from
the record in (he ease :
"By the popbt. We will have to
direct a verdict for the plaintiff' for
nominal damages,
Gentlemen of the Jury The ruling
we have just made on the testimony,
has precluded the defendants (the ill
ger s) from entering their defense,
thai is, the defense is practically bu i,Kf I
outokcoubt on a question of law,
and we therefore instruct you to render
a verdict In ftivor of the Plaintiff, lor
the sum of one dollar.
H. M. McCIubb, P. J."
In the fare of the above, who will
say that if the algerenes have a griev
ance against the Judge or attorney,
that Die case is not the strongest u
gainsl McClure, Who took the case out
of the hands of the jury,
What Else Does Union County U ntil '
Voters, of Snyder County, here is n
list of offices and salaries you have al
ready given to Union County, and
what Union county has given to Sny
der. Union County, Congress, Hon.
(ico. F. Miller, I years, . 20,000
Union County, J udgeah i p,
Union County, Benatorshlp, A.
H. Dill, 1H71-'7H, 7 years, 0,000
Union County, Senators ip, S.
D. Butes, IK) '03, 4 years, .'I, (too
Union County, Benatorshlp, B.
K. Focht, lUOl-'OTi, 4 years, 8,000
Snyder County, Senatorship,
E. At. Hummel, '!(7-'01, 4 yrs f 3,000
UNION COUNTY over Snyder
Couuty, a total of $152,000
SNYDER COUNTY, you have paid
ONE HALF of that BILL. Union
County wants you to help them get
$40,000 MORE !
Comrade A. W. Potter, a member of
Co. C, 46th P. V. M., Col. J. J. Law
rence, solicits your support Saturday
for President Judge. Comrade Potter
enlisted before be was 17 years of age,
donned hit uniform and shouldered his
musket and started for the seat of war.
He is a member of ('apt. C. 8. Davis
Post No. 148 at Selinsgrove. He waa a
brave soldier, is an able lawyer and a
Snyder County man.
Sn)dei Count) Loses Man) iiiis Week.
Mr. Hornbergtr,
The report conies from West Perry
township that the wife of 'Squire J, K.
Hornberger has died.
Infant daughter of It. Frank Sechrlst
died Wednesday mnrnlnural S.80, aired
:t months and 13 days. Funeral Frl
day at 10 o'clock.
loiiii Walter.
John Walter of Kisslniinec i- num
bered 111 the li-t til the silent dead. He
died Monday at the age of 72 years.
Funeral Wednesday morning. He
had a family ot iplltea number of sons.
He was highly esteemed ami resected.
Mis. Howell.
Mrs. Aaron Howell ill
I'm -d iv
Feb. 12, al Fremont,
and was interred Satlir
d pneumonia,
ay in the St.
! years. Hev.
John's cemetery, aged 63
Brillbarl officiated, sin
band, two sous ami thrxx
mourn her lo .
leave- a liu--
t liters to
Mr. Hotteiger,
Mrs. James Hotteiger died
deilly Monday morning lit
band's home In Sw Inefoiil.
born Dec. pi, S34, hence .-
sill -litis-0
J mouths and 2 day- old.
She will be Luiied Thursday iifternisni
at Freiuonl at 2 o'clock al the church
Henrj Gorman Dead.
Ibniy Carman, on of the oldest
citizens of Perry township, died at his
home, Monday looming Feb, IS, at 2
o'clock ill his olltli year. He was born
on the farm adjoining the one where he
died and his entire lite was spelll in
thai neighborhood. His death came
as a quiet peaceful sleep without a pain
or Jiang, w hich was ehiractcristic of
his last illness. He sieiiied to know
the end was coining ami was ready for
the summons.
He was married to Elizabeth Freed,
with whom he bail flve children two
of whom pre led him to the Spirit
world. The offspring were as follows:
1 W. irvill, a boot and shoe dealer
Ol" Middleburg.
2. Henry Austin, who died at the age
of two years.
8, Abraham M , toucher of
Perry township.
J. lUwin I ., resides in I
5. Alice Elizabeth, only
rry twp.
died at the age of six years
The funeral will take place on
Thursday morning,
Death f Uriah Welrlck,
Uriah Weiriek dlwl al his 1 ie in
Ccntreville, Snyder CMnty, Pa., .Sun
day night, Feb. 10, IU0I, aged oo years,
1 month and 27 days.
He was the son of David and I, cab
Weiriek. David's father, grandfather
of Uriah, was the founder of Weirieks
town or Centreville as now called.
Uriah was a good citiz esteemed and
respected by all who knew bin,, f,- ,H
liberality and kindness to the poor.
He was Irorn December 14, 1831 in Cen-
tre township. Union mow Snyder)
county, Ph., where he died, ami was
the 2nd ion of a family of 12 children,
0 boys and 0 girls, Only 2 of the fam
ily are living Jemima, wife of ex
Sheriff David Reichly, and Famima,
wife of J. K. Spangler, both living in
Centreville, being the 2 youngest of Hie
Uriah was married June 10, 1858, to
(o Susanna Walter, daughter of John
D. Walter of Centre township. To this
union was born one daughter, Flmlra,
now married to Ellas Bruuerof Centre-
vine, wiui named the executor of the
The funeral look place last Thursday
in the Salem United Evangelical
church in Centre township, to which
he had contributed liberally and was
one of the the lirst citizens who sub
scribed largely for thai purpose.
He was buried in the cemetery ad
joining the church. He leaves a wife
and a daughter to mourn his departure.
The services were conducted by Hev.
Josiah Shambaeh of Middleburg and
Rev. Simon Aurand of Centreville.
The undersigned linn of Kunkle and
Walter have dissolved partnership this
18th day of Feb. 1001. All persona ow
ing said firm are kindly requested to
make prompt settlement by note with
out interest positively, nointcrest charg
ed. And persons having claims against
the said Arm will present them duly
authenticated for payment at the store
2-21t Runkle A Walter.
Kates: Oue Dollar Per Annum, In Advance.
Letters (nun the People.
Bcavertown, Pa., Feb. in, HKll.
E. Post : Enclosed please llnd a
a list of new subscriber- t,, tbe Post.
We want a paper that Is edited by a man
who has backlione enough to turn down
i is.Min propositions when Snyder ( 'ounty
interest-me at -take. If Snyder Coun
ty does not get a judge now, w hen will
our time come V No wonder people from
outside of tin unty call us "Dutch
Snyder County" w hen our own people
are willing to say by their votes that
we have no lawyer lit to be judge.
Troxelville, Pa., Feb. I, HKB,
Euitoh W M.i s-i i.i.i i; : The Mc
I Clurc wags thought that Adam- town-
"'"1' VV:1 '""'.v i,r Union coun-
ty. We -till belong to Snyder County
and we will vote for the abler of the
two candidates, A. W. Potter. A Pres
ident Judge should never forget t In
dignity of his toga. Classics.
McClure, Pa., Feb. Is, 1001.
KiUToli Post : 1 would sav ill renlv
to the article in last w eek's , rM, ad
dressed at Crossgrove, entitled "Jug- of
Whiskey not in it this time," thai it
looks as (hough jugs of whiskey have
I been in it at Crossgrove heretofore,
n by ii. 'l now ? X.
Shaniokili Dam, Feb, 1(1, I 101.
Kill roll PoKI : ll seems as (bough
Ktlipty-llcmlcil Hitter really meant
what tie sail i t 'ii he -aid he carried
Montoe-fownsh'i in his vest pockel.
He w as in Mon i i township dlc-tattng
whom the people ,'i Monroe township
should elect on Tuesday al unr election.
Monroe township stood by biin as a
home man, hut he folia lo appreciate
our loyalty, else he would not he elec
tioneering for Union County, lie can't
pull Monroe as be pleases,
A H6me Man.
Kreainer, Pa., Feb. ttt, D01
Mil, j -Accept com
gratulntioua of a grateful people of Mid
dlecreek tow uship and of Snyder coun
ty for showing to us how much mole
expensive Judge McClure wn (hup
Buchcr, Wc will never believe (Utter
anymore. Ho paradul those llgures
without adding them up ami averag
lug the cost :w case. The Post has
alway- been right on public uuestloillr.
Potter is a our man. HAMioi.pit,
Kratcl ville, Pa . Feb. Is. pm .
A McClure shouter from Middleburg
was in (his place Sunday. He lievef,
comes here except 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 vr it campaign
and invar ably on Sunday. Tile calist1
of a judicial candidate should be above
Sunday eieel loiiccriug.
Cm in it Memiieh.
Taking the Hull by the Horns.
Swineford, Pit., Feb. 1H, IDOL
it Is currently reported here that two
of the Republican voters of this town
ship have promised to deliver Franklin
township for McClure. Can it be pos
sible that two mctl shall conttol Frank'
lin township .' Tin i. p.i. i r.
Sonic of tin' Snyder county paper
are publishing complimentary nrtic es
on Judge McClure as far back as iwhi.
It might lies good thing for them t,,
publish the up-to-date coinnicnl taken
from the Philadelphia Press of the 12th
inst :
There Is a nio-t interesting contest
in progress for the nomination for
Judge in the Unlon-Suyder District,
Judge McClure, who was elected ten
years ago, but h as not met all the i-
pectation of those who supported him
then, is a candidate for re nomination.
He has opposition in both counties, and
it looks as if he would be beaten in Sny
der county, where A. W. Poller is a
candidate. Tlic Snyder County Bepub-
lican Committee Qxed the primaries for
February 2:t a month earlier than whs
asked for in Judge McClure's interest,
and the friends of Judge McClure com
plain that this does not give him time
to make a canvass among the people.
There are sonic districts in the State
where a Judge who undertook to make
such a canvass would be regarded as
unfit for the bench.
Bargains at Garman'i
Peter Garman, Mt. Pleasant
Mills is offering a new line of ladies
hats and millinery goods. Men's
hats 25 cents and Quecnswarc at 3
rents a piece. 1 l-22-3m