The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 14, 1901, Image 1

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Rev.C. M.SeUoi) Interesting Story, "Hi? Brothers Keeper' lx6ii;s ii; fcl)i5 I-
Gm, . WagtBStiltr, I.litorand Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Coinoun anil Current Literature.
Hatea: One Dollar I V i Aniuim, In Advance.
3 s? W
L ) IB P I ,1
. . I : .
prwYjjr s"w, -ci( i", .
JURY LIST. Feb. Term 1901. TUEXl.EK's sTOKB
List of Grand and Petit Jurors forj .u Market street, Suiiiury, Ptniia.
the Court of Common Pleas, t h er ami Low pii, a-- mi Muslins, Cinshatus.
Terminer, General Jiiil Delivery ami Shirtings, Tickings, Prints, Jtress
Rood Court of Quarter Sessions ofthe Peace Goals, Blankets, Comforts;
Mrs K. M. Greene, l Lewistown,
ieut Sunday with her parents.
strong, J. II.
Mrs. M, u. tvreeger ol Sellnsgrove' i
... 1.... ,.-ol. l ;l.l.:.. 11....1.1..1
" """ ' " """'-. BlngHitaan, C. I
1 Beaver, Levi,
They say that all the Democrats are I)(.ilz Predericl
r Potter. How about black-headed , ..
Decker, . S.,
nl liiiiieiul Joe Leaner. .... ....
1 i Gross, u. c,
Misses May and Emly Miller of Mil- (iravliillT. I!.,
at unlay and Sunday nt Hackctihcrg
of Snyder county held a December
Term, commencing Feb. 25, I'.aii.
Perry Weat
Icrsburg -petit
the home of Win. V. Feese,
Foh s.m.k, 28 acrett of good farming
land. For particulars Inquire of Mrs.
It. E. Arnold, 105 Kensington StrvetJ
If. Cleveland, t . ,
The Mission Band oj Susquehanna
rniversity held four Interesting meet
ings in Middleburg Saturday night and
W inted. Girl for general house work,
1 wages, three in family.
Mils. Bkavton,
:-it. Lewlstown, Pa.
A round ONE or a paper ONE will
dothe work. Send us one dollar for the
Ik's! paper In Snyder County for one
year and the Farm Nevst one year
thrown hi.
The revival meetings in the r. B.
cliureh were opened Sunday evening)
The pastor and people extend a hearty
invitation to all. Services begin at 7
o'clock P.M.
Siiora Fob Balk At the shoe fae
tory, wholesale and retail at a sacrifice.
They consiat of Infants' shoes slightly
tlaiuaged, and Misses' and children's
McKay Shoes, odd lots at manufactur
er's prices tt
Here i- a trick. Take a dollar bill,
new or well worn. Fold it nicely and
enclose if in an envelope with your
Maine anil address. Send it to the Post
and you will receive all the news of
Snyder County for a whole year and it
.'tO-cenl card entitling yon to the Farm
News one year. Try it, it will make
you happy all year.
no to A. IS. Soles for a smooth easy
dtaveor up-to-date hair out and head
'Icansed with a refreshing shampoo or
iland ruff removed with his ionic. A
clean towel to each patron. Parlor In
bank building, one door cast of Post
illlce, Satisfaction guaranteed, tf.
Several days ago Alex I looser, of
Pari rroveaton, received an unsigned
letter containing 80 cents in stamp
from n person who says that about ten
yearsagp, be stole an article of that
from Mr. 1 louserand now wishes
tontake restitution and asks forgive
1 - Mr. rloucerhas no idea where
the letter is from, s he wishes the
Post to tell him that he is forgiven.
The second Quarterly Conference of
tii" Middleburg Mission LI. B. !huroh,
will he held at Middleburg, Feb. L'o,
I. Rev. H. s. Gable, !'. E., of Leb
"noii. will be present t officiate, lie
also preach on theeventng of the
'vedate. The official business ses
n will be held directly after the ser
in. All are welcome.
WM. H. BoYHB, Pastor.
iil alt
Hendricks, I :. R.,
Hoover, John,
Hetrick, Thomas,
Landis, John,
Mitchell, J. J.,
i Mohn, W. A.,
Matteru, Wilson,
' Reichly, Frederick,
j Keif, Adam
Reichly, John,
Stetler, leo. P..
Schreiber, i. W.,
Smith, Jacob, .,
Herrold, W. A.,
Ulrich, Newton,
Vouug, Win.,
App, Samuel, A.,
Bollg, Autos,
Blngaman, Joshua,
Bickle, Norman,
Bowersox, Pliares,
Benfer, Samuel,
Bowersox, Zaeharias,
Charles, I'M win,
Erdley, ( lharies,
Freed, J. A.,
Fisher, Win.,
Gaugler, C. .,
Gelnet, L. S.,
Gets, Geo. M..
Hetrick, Amnion,
Hummel, Benjamin, Sr.,
I eintzelman, Harvey.
Herman, Henry,
Heimbach, John.
I eiser, Jacob,
, Harner. Selin,
I Herbster, Thomas,
! Hottenstein, W. J.,
Jordan, Nathaniel,
Knepp, AugUstU8,
Kneh, Benjamin,
KanH'inan, ( i. A.,
Knepp, John 1 1,
K loe, Jacol i,
Keiter, Philip,
Kern, Robert,
Kerstetter, Wm.,
Metsger, Abel,
Mover. James, K.,
I Mitteriing, Phillip,
Newman, Edward,
Ritter, Franklin,
Stine, L. A.,
Sanders W. F,
Snyder, W. G.,
Sh'adel, J. A.
Stimely, Franklin,
Shaffer, B. W.,
Stroub, Willis,
Waller, II. II.
Winner, Abraham,
Witmer, leo M.,
Weadef, Will.,
Beaver Wist
Perry We-t
dice reck
dlecret k
( en l re
Report About Dr. Etncrick Not True.
BSmdon star
1 1 was reported I isl week, and many
of the daily paper- of Philadelphia and
other place- had it so announced, that
a small box. eontiiiiiin mirli rlvn.i.
- t::,!.- I " nl .! e!,, ! du-lius, 4,.jje. mile lohk.u i 1 1 I,,,,..',,, WttH
:i;1-"- ' Ci.h!ea"heil Muslin, 5(,,(ic, ,,tt,.,.( iU, M, ,,, M L
"' S('- Emerick. ai hi- I :ii lliekoiv for
Cases I. me -i -ler ( .ine.leim, "( per yd. 1 ncrs, .;, ;M u eek
.-,im,i Yunls Me,,', stripped SI.Nng, j order '. i si,, ev.ct, f the
Sl'' l0c iwyd. ( matter the ,..,.. ,.t tl f ,.,
.S.n" ards D.,-,.ni rh d.l, .Vr perS. the ,cor ..,.) ,: ,, ...... , , i,,ieieu
. o I airst.rey ItlanUets, 4!c pIr with him. Is a-all a fat :,.;. i. 'i i : ... :
... . iii ii.iii; i Lionel -Mill nigM, OC there .level w ;, .,,
"" Pieces Indigo Blue I'rillls, .",c YB,
( 'omforts, 7
The Figures of the HcClure Organs Show that
It Cost $82.10 more to Try a Case under
HcClure than under Bucher.
I lea vet
Illi.e Prims
1.00, 11,25,
'ill Pail's Hoi's,, lil.inkels, ill', 7.",e, si. 00
I Ton Carpel Chain. Hie, ISe, L'V. 9
in Box Cotton I tali-, ., Sc' Hie rooll
Spool ( 'otton, 2c spool.
ll s Wool lii-,. i ' k, , ,i I
i week w
60 Pieces New ' e. 1 I . - I . , e.; halusi As io
5C, Sc, Illc. u
ill Pieces in, Carpet, !'.e, :,iie, lifHr,
2o Pieces civet I ll UsseK ( ';, i iel . 7"i, !M)0
"ill Pit s liov Cafliet. Sir. .'S .e. Illc. .'ifl,!.
( haiiman I -.. . .. . ., '. . . ...
.ill ins 1 1 1 1 1 a linfllmr e 111.. mi
Ol ' I , U
111 I i m I. I, l lil I 'I. ,i I, -'... r.o.
Chapman i .,,WM Tau, OI. nint 1H' , '. ,n,
Arbuckle and Lion 'ofTee, Uic
i Iranulated Sugar, 61c,
Pure Sugar Syrup, Be, 10c.
Ladies' Suits, $2.75, $3.50, .IX) up.
Ladies' l-'urs, A price.
Ladies' Coats marked down J. 9'
Wateh this bulletin for low prices, i
TrexjiKr's Stokk,
l-1-4f Rtmlmrv, Pit
Monroe Penn
West Perry
( 'Imp
Monn ic
Beaver West ITnion,
Monroe Snyder,
i Nnrl Inmilie'
i cm i e
si line
a hoi He x
w aim. in! the
iiold attempt in last we -k's
t harmony u ith II s denial
iiuu of the
uminer while iiuiiiiiie
medicine lor his patients
fetoded, pieces of u In, i, ii
the iiioin, hitting one of the patients!
lit the head, lulliethig a slighl Wound,
while other pieces made marks ;,i ,
Celling. This was lalkeil about lasl
Week which started lite false rumor
Ihe many nuliellts he has ilitilv
true. When we were there In HhmiI-
ternoon i here v. ,.. , ,y pal ieiits
there ail iiu: lien nun ., ,(. ,,,e
$or, and liou I,, , t . i .: thai day
W do I n it know .
sue of the A'i irs to deceive
uueerning its markel reii
heel can deny ils own markel reports w hen I ho evidence of ii
it can attempt to deceive where there is
the hands of it
of detection.
The y, iks publlsbe
the Protliouotury's oil!
its readers
hi-. II thai,
falsity is in
ess llvellh I
i list of cases and expenses taken from the
i. We give below an exact conv of tht .V.
.ortis in
figures ;
IsV, eases
Iss,; eases
1887 eases
1888 eases
Iss'., e:1s,.s
uses on list,
uses on iist,
uses on list,
a si's on js,(
Uses on list,
a-es on list,
HI list,
III list,
Propositi Congressional Apportionment
Accordnlgto Senator Grady's Con-
irressionai appon lonaie inn mi roiiiiceil
in the Senate last Tuesday our Con
gressional district will hereafter he near
ly a square Instead of n shoe string,
The hill makes the following counties :
"The seventeenth district shall con
sist of the counties of I'nlon, Snyder,
man 1 Nortliuiuherlaiid, Montour, 'llnton
1 ...
ami ameron.
The districl as per kisi Presidential
elect ion would I ic ;i- follows :
Uairlagt Licenses.
Beaver West
I leaver
( 'hapman
Terry West
( 'eutre
( en I re
( lentre
I 'erry
( 'entre
( lent re
( iinton,
( 'ameron,
Hep. I I torn.
2'.7:t I 110:1
J "nil I 28fl
8020 I 7159
1381 1604
::isii 805
iiiil I .jttii
U549 14329
. MaJ. 1720 In 1
counties of
ngdou, Fran I
he annexed
distr et Including
he distritct.
Juniata, Mifflin,
Jin a 11 d Pulton
iii the eighteenth
tlford and perry
I'erHOiinlly-rniKlnfilral lour tin fene.
kj 1 in Railroad.
The second Jacksonville tour of the
season via the Pennsylvania Railroad,
allowing two weeks in Plorida, leaves
New Vork, Philadelphia, and Wash
ington by special train Kehrunry 10.
Excursion tickets, including railway
transportation, Pullman accommda-
Centre Hons (one berth), und meals en mute,
Sellnsgrove in both directions w hile traveling on
Penn ' the -. lal train, will be sold at the fol-
Adams lowing rates : New Vork, $60; Hochcs-
1 "' ter, $54; Klnilra, $51.45; Erie, $64.85;
"Wile last issue , i' M r. Miner's paper,
the A ... tVaiiie ,y , ., ;.,,, ,,
let the , pi,,, . W. Poller's
record in Hie h, -1 . , conn-, a- we hae
failed to linil in u l,i, !, I,.. ...
figlifc" Tl. is was supposed to be a
t-linnlier " I'l... , I
i . . .1.0 ' 1 a -
Ion of hi- 1 ,, 1 1 1 1. 1 1 . .. 1 1
OWfon-ihle 111:. Mi r of nie-entiiiir Ihe is tjW So til.- court, ho feller-
ally wins hiH eases in the lower court,
and therefore he does nol need appeal
them to a higher court. In nine eases
nit often in which he has been con-
oer I, and w hich have gone to the
higher courts, ,g Kstltion taken in ihe
court below has been held in he correct
ny ine Higher , n. n..,, n,,
t .. . 1. 1
10 in e lower limit ret used
Potter's view of the law
Would have had the ,lu
During all ol hi- -jn years ,,f experience
Mr. Potter's position I ins been reversed
in the Supreme ( 'ourl m bill one ease,
via.; Smith v- ishel, Itl4 Pa., 181. In
........ A I IU. . .
iiinie IUUII Ui cases
heeii Affirmed by I he
mong others w e nam
Sholly vs. Stall), l' W. X, ( '. 118; llank
vs. hehocb A Spriiigman, no) report
ed 1; Relcheulmch's Appeal, 1 no) roporl
ed); Erh vs Coiiinionwealth, sis Pa.,
H"; Commonwealth vs Ettiuger, tv
Pa., 33s; C0111111011 wealth vs, Moyer, 98
Pu., 34!i; Duudore vs. Ilollmaii, 2
Pciinypaeker, Isl; llnllman - Appeal.
106 l'u., 502; Eekerl vs. Hehoeb, 155
I'll., 530; Risbel s. ( rouse. In.' I',,., 8;
Krebs vs. Strouli, I pi Pa., 105, and
others. Judge Met hue. a-an attorney,
never had a ease in IheSupielue ( 'ourl
Mr. Poller has w on over so p, 1 cent, of
the CBSes he w as concerned in the Su
preme ( ours .
Vote for A. W. Poller, a Snyder
county man, and an able lawyer.
I sin, cases on list,
102; cases tried,
'.is; eases rfetl,
K7; eases tried,
(13; cases tried,
51; eases 1 pled,
77; cases t plod,
O's; eases fled,
78; eases 1 rled,
80; cases tried,
10; court expenses, $2903.57
I I; court expenses, ;i,;s fl
II); court expenses, fh'1501.75
12; court expense-, $24)15.67
0j COUrl expenses, SL'77 28
10; court ex nouses, $2835.00
13; court expenses, $2921.57
I: court expenses, $2528.1(1
11; court expenses, $8058.00
In lake Mr.
. Mr. Poller
Ige reers i.
his posiiion hM.
higher courts, A
1 he following :
1802 cases 01, Iwt,
1803 eases 01, list,
1804 cases oil list,
1809 cases oil list,
1800 eases Ugh
1807 eases on list,
1808 eases 011 list,
18011 eases on list,
liHH) nses on list,
t ;
court expenses, $8 I Is
court expenses, 2160.20
COUrt expt uses,
court ex j icnses,
court expeuses,
court I'Xpe.l.-i -
court expenses,
court expense-,
court expenses, -
Met 'lure org ,n- ,
eases t ban to t rv :
see further,
at a cos. oi
520,1 2ii.:
I in- thai it Costs
large number of
tried 7:: cases at
0. NOW -Oppose
not gel very far u ith hi-
Smith Dead,
Smith was born
W111 F, Blee
faiuath Norman
Bartsias at Gannan'i
I't'ter Qarmao, Mt. Pleasant
Thnreday nnd Friday, Pebmnry 21 ami -j.
An Interesting military entertain
ment will he given under the auspices
ofCapLG. W. Ryan Post, (i. a. R.
No. olil, lor I lie lielieht ol the POSl
Mills is oft
ring a new line of ladies I Charity Fund. Some of the interesting
lials .,,,.1 Jin 1. ., features ure:
oniiiiiery gaMHis. MVU B I a. .
limts '") cents ami QoetmBware at 8
centa a piece. ll-22-3m
Select Vour Date.
Persons who nrODOne to make sale
l'llis dng spring Should select their
'ue ;is early us possible and have it in
lrtl i 1,, ,1,., p, u, ,,.: riii,,.
I--' et s(ll, iiiatvi. J 111
''' Will Ih. ili.rt.l Pnu. I. m ola
" ...m. 1 1 . ' , 1 . V V. Ill ''to -.11,
jbter if the bills are printed at this
F"he KepuMican Voters of Snyder County.
, "wing to the very eurlv date fixed
P the primary election, aud for other
FWM that will be given later on, I
" not be a candidate at the nomina
"U 011 the .'til Inut fni- II. nfflon ,.f
-, . v., in,, vri
Meat Judtre.
I Feeling grateful to all who were
Ulng to lend a helping haud,
Jakes O. Chouse.
Prof. V. c. Bowersox,
on usiiingioti.
Three-Interesting Drills hy the Lady
Cadets of Middleburg.
A Drill by the Veterans of the Civil
A Drill by the Soldiers of the Spanish
Drill by German Recruits by j. p.
Banjo Farce by 2 Cork-L'olored Gentle
men of Middlehurg.
Entertainment will be intemperaed
with instrumental and vocal music
under the suiurvisioir of Prof. Bill
hardt. Admission, reserved seats, 3.5 eents.
General admission, 25 cents;' Children
under 12 years, 10 cents.
Doors open, 7 P. M.
Performance, 7:30.
G. C. Gutkuits,
J. C. Schoch,
J. N. Bowes,
Wilkesharte, $50.36;and at proportion-
1 ate rates from oilier points.
Por tickets, itineraries, and full Iri-
fomation apply to ticket agents; B. P.
Eraser, Passenger Agent Buflalo Dis
trict, 307 Main Street, Kllieott Square,
BuflUlo, N. V.; V. Palniateer, City
i Ticket Agent, JO State Street, Roches
ter, N. 1 .; or address George W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philaddphla.
The recon's show t hat forty per cent
of Judge McClure's cases taken to the
higher courts have tiecn decided wrong
by him. Just think of it ! Two out of
five! No Judge in Pennsylvania ever
had such a record. If your doctor
would kill forty per cent, of your fum
ily two out of live, would you not
change dK-tors at once?
When some of the ofHce seekers of
Snyder county, who are now opposing
Snyder county's candidate for Judge,
come to ask Snyder county Republicans
for votes for themselves, they will, ne
doubt, be reminded that they would
better go to Union county for their
votes. Vote for A. W. Potter for
Judge, a Snyder oountxjsjaaugrad H
able lawyer.
.Mrs. John I'
Elizabeth Troxi
Jan. 28tb, IS22, at Tro.xelvill
ter of John and Susan 1 Mover 1 Troxe
WHS married bv Rev. Cnsoer. Dee 7.
1K40, to John p. Smith and died Sun
day morning, Fell. In. liHil,ai r, o'clock,
aged 70 years and I:; days. Her hrolli
ers, Samuel and John Troxel, and is
ters, Christiana, neiriied to Isaac LJIsh
of Adamsbiirg, ami Cat heriiie, niarritti
to Absalom Snyder, preceded her lo
the spirit world. She i survived hy
her devoted hllshaiiil, a brother, Isaac
Troxel, who resides in Philadelphia,
two sisters, Jane, married to William
Baiim, and Delilah, who resides at
Her descendants arc as follow s :
1. Caleb, boni April 17, Is47, murritd
Jan. 1H7." to 1 1 ut t i- Peifer of Avoca,
Iowa. They have two children, Lester
and Laura, the former havingn daugh
tera great graddaughter of the de
ceased. Residence, Avoca, Iowa.
2. Anna, horn Aug. 21, 1840, was
married by Rev. Lazarus, 1S70, to Win.
Snyder, deceased. They had one son,
3. Clara, born April 21, 18'7, wis
married Dec. 20, 1H70 by Rev. Yearii k
to John A. Moat, of this place. Two
children: Luther and Elizabeth.
Mrs. Smith was a faithful Christian
woman who read her bible every day.
Sne was a kind and loving mother and
a member of the Reformed church at
this place.
Burial Thursday, Feb. 14, at 10:30 A.
Ices In the Reformed church.
cases tried,
cases 1 rled,
cases 1 rled.
58; cases tried,
32; cases tried,
88j eases tried,
19; eases tried,
17; eases tried,
It); eases tried,
The nioxi conclusive evidence that the jfaw Intended to deceive lies it)
the fact that it fails tondd up the figures that will tell the (ruth. In that 1
it would show that McClure was not an economical judge, so our oonioinpoT-
ary failed to add up the Cost and average it for each case tried.
The above figures show that the 78 cases tried during MoClure's si years
eosl almost as nine 1 1 as the 108 eases tried during the corresponding 0 years of
Bucher's irt. If the reader w ill take his pcm ii and add up the columns,
he w ill Hud thai 108 ease- tried ler Bucher cost $20, 120.20 and thai 71) ease,
tried under McClure cost 23,001.32.
Average coal per ease under McClure $324.18
Average cost per ease under Bucher 241,04
A emge cost of each of Met lure's eases over average eosl of each
of Bucher's cases
The lifs 1 whoop going up from til
more jK-r case to try a small numlK'rn
cases, We will grant that. But lei u
11 eosl of $23,001.32 und Bucher, 108 case
Me' .'lure had the chance to t ry 86 eases more so us to he on 11 level w 11 h Buch
er, '.mid he try 1 hose 36 cases for $2666, which is all he has lefl to do it ith
in comparison with Bucher's record. Kor the purpose of closing up this de
ceptive howl, w e will grant thai McClure be given the chance to tiy 36 more
eases alld lei Us see t he eis :
.'."leases at Bucher's average, ($241.04) t 8457.30
s'.'i ijases at Mi l lure's average ($324.13)
The reader w ill readily see thai Mc( 'lure would
$2505. If Mei lure hud to try ''1 more eases, even at Bucher's average, it
would cost the county more than Buclicr's, and if it were figured al Mc
Cl 11 re's own average eosl per case, is w ould make McClurc's pis eases cos;
$8770.56 more than 108 cases of Bucher's. We will drop the latter ligures,
however, so the McClure organs will have no occasion to say the statement is
unfair; but even taking the 35 eases al Bucher's average, McClure's expense
to try the same number of cases i- $5903.00 ra than Bucher's. I foes thai
prove that McClure was an ECONOMICAL J EDGE ?
n addition the McClure organs claim that McCluri saves DOcach term
of court, or a total of $3840 in ten years, by 110I calling 1 he pel it jury until Tin s
day. How can this be? Why docs he not have a better showing'.' lleniusl
have saved at the spigot ami left it leak nl the bung.
Tlicse calculations Imvc been made fttuu the ligures submitted by the
A'eir. We wish to thank our contemporary for snbuiitting data so favorable
to Mr. Poiter.
tiiVE A sioNti : -A few days a i h r the election of Judge Met hii v. in the fall of
I s i 1 , a committee of Snvder county citizens, among whom wore .1 . P. Kchocb,
Dr. B. V. Wugenseller, Dr. P A. Buyer, . W. Potter, Estj., Dr. V. J Wagen
seiier, c P. Elrich, Estj., G R. Hendricks, Ed. M. Hummel, and ol . rs is
iled him nl the "Nell"' Hotel, Sunbury, and warmly Invited and urgeil him
to take up his home nl Selinsgrovc. They told him I hey had a very comfort"
able residence for him, (that of H. Alleman, Esq., mi University Avenue;
that Sellnsgrove was in the middle of the District, and thai the committee
and the citizens of the ( louuty generally would do all in their power to make
him comfortable. He said lie would consider it and Inform the committee in
a few days. He gave no further attention to this kind invitation, hut it was
Boon learned that he was moving to Lewisburg, and there ho went. Snyder
County people were not tony enough for him to reside among. He loves
them very much, however, when he wants their votes for ten years more of
Offloe al about $6000 a year.
A. w. Potter has grown up among the people ofSnyder County, and is
one of our foremost citizens. There is no better lawyer in the DlsrtrioL
NOMINATE A. w. POTTER, aSnyderoounty man.
Although Judge McClure has resided in this Judicial District nearly ten
years, yet he has not become Identified with any of the interests of our people.
Although he has drawn 150,000 of salary, and is a rich man, he has never
bought any real estate, or paid any tnxes on real estate, in the District. He
has shown no disposition or intention to hecome a permanent citizen of
the District. He lives in a rented house. He can easily pick up his accumula
tions and go away. He is here and among us only to hold offine. He has
recently declared to a prominent Selinsgrovc gentleman that When he would
come out of office, he would not practice law in the District, but ho would
locate in Scrauton.
On the other hand, A. W. Potter has resided among us for 20 years. All
he has in the world is located within our own county. He is a heavy tax
payer, and bears his share of the burden of ail puoiic expenses along with tho
rest of us. He is Identiaed with all our interests. Nominate A. W. Potter.