Report of Receipts and Expenditures of Snyder County me year enaing uec.di, iyuu. T4BULAB statement tbowlog amount of ooanty and stnt tnxex ns eessfd, collected, returned, oi.iimiissioiis, exonerations mid uluite iuints allowed Hiul outstanding, for the year I'.MHt. I I Assua I Cullec I Abate Return Kxnn- runi'ls-1 Outstand- AM'Vctiial lois's DISTRICTS. i;i)M,BTllS. I soil. t.,- in.nti ml. . .mill's rtoaij Inn .....'. ...... AdaoiH Ueorge Kwtai iiNi i sua as m st j 4 i K no his e:t st.Vi 140.1 a) lteuver Isaac Boush 1 'i.'i ) sum :w r. :i r. -jr-js nans 1 & gal 44 Demur iron Jcob Bitter T a i.t.i 4-.' jt 1:. uss is 43 soou 4n 4s Centre .iiwpii Kerr tus 4)9 swss is 44 iesa nsss 11 is 11 en I'hiiptiiiin W. II. Hnnru US IS MS 41 lti"i 17 4 USN II U 180 80 Krankiin Austin Out iikim mum v.;i mh 44 Hon IS 06 Jackson IB. K. BrouiM Kit St 718 St HIM an U 97 gs9 17 IS s, Mlririlchunrh wm. Komli; Rt Tl MM :tl 31 gg '. ISS an Mlddiecrtt'k M. E. Krilley 7i;i : 474 r.i 4 vrt 1191 . 7ii Is so ii Monris.' mourns Mess IW SI Itll OS SK.1i (404 t in .ssi h Penn Harvey a. Good lum 7 ltis 7; bbsi swrii mi ii no Perry Nelson Mengle m" an ma 11 . sj im II wm! im m Perry West .1. . Mtrswser MM 514 80 It SI .til in 10 SIM 'is no 14 :u 71 Sellnsirrou' A.. I. dross ills fj ITS 00 4Sa 32 a.')! S3 04 I11S6 Sprint? J. II. Ktii'pp IBM SO sii; as n .v igikj ww MS SB il 7 1086 tsl i ninti Isaac Zimmerman sis OS (as si iis; 147a in 67 i s.411 1:7 Washington 4. A. QrUnin lii.Mii:. 1MB OH Mill g) 11 MM MM Totals USUI KK. MM M MSlMjfMM M1SM MM 14 WM 131 7 jswl TABULAR STATEMENT showing 0 and outstanding faxes for 1899 and I I Outstand's I Oollect. I Exonora- I Ouutsnd-1 IMgTKlcrra. COLLECTORS. Year Jan. I. loon, ad. tloo. liur. Ailillns Jaa Mladl.MW'Mi Is'. . ni s: 14)38 :i'.vj Obapmaa WU Shelley im i 8004 80S4 am Franklin M .1 Courtney is:is : 8S 10 I lu Mlddieliumli (J M Montr. isns : -.'71 J 74 Ulddleoreek Jacob Row IM :iosm :mss I'nlon Jacob Q Stahl IM I i 2" 1481 7 :. WashlostDD WmKRoiish isi ; is 7fl gas i is A.liiln I Jal MlddlBSW'tb IM 14:iil 11081 '.'3 fl.l Heaver Isaac Bomb IM m.4s ggsi ISO Heaver West l H llassintter lttw : 1177 40 01 ins Centre JoeepbKerr iM ' 144 88 141 10 1 85 Chapman WHBbetley : ihu : llstn 11157 S3 18 Franklin M .1 Courtney lHiig i -jut yi 21081 1 ss sUddlebnrfrh ( Q M Moats l99 81 08 jo.Vi III : i): Mlilrilivreek .laeoli Row linn : MM 4s im. s;ij Monroe Thomas HSM iwi i 111 M 10087 I'll 1 no Peso 0 i. Qembsrlins i im : MiOii '.Ms :.'.. a ia Perry Nelson Mengle imw j istm lis 49 414 Perry West JaeobKoIti IM 7n7 f.s; lis BellnSgtOVS A .1 dross 109 ' 4131 0SI gprlng Robert Smith : lno ; M87 Ml 81 71c Colon JaoobU8tahl in iw m ts : v, 19 Washington WmPRotlSb : IM ; 43100 14104: mil j MT178 JSS5 B0 ! 137 04 1 Ml M TABULAR STATKMKNT showing Collections made, E. onerattons and Commissions allowed and Outstand ing Dog Taxes tor the year 1809 and previous years. DISTRICTS, ' COLLECTORS, ,Y'r Adams chapman Mtddlecreek Cnlon WashiUKton Adams Beaver Heaver West tntre (Miapman Franklin Wddleburgh Mlddleereuk Monroe Penn Perry I"erry West sellnsKrovo spring I'nlon Wasbbigton .1 NlddlMwartb W II Shelley Jacob How .1 ti stab) Win F RoilSb .1 Mlddleswarib Isaac iioush I) U IliiHslntfer 1890 joaepo k.'it W II Shelley M .1 Courtney (. M Moau Jacob Row Thos Hess V I. (iemherllng Nelson Mengle Jacob Fob. A J QKISS Robert Smith J O Stahl Wm K. Itoush Totals. EXPENDITURES. Protlionotary's Offic Wm f Murphy Co, dockets, 82.50 Sprint Telephone rent, 13.00 Penn Telephone rent, 1S.IO Geo M Shlndel ccrtiyfylng judg ments, etc, 1N9H. 72.00 deo M SUIndel, feea for 1899, MJI $511.07 Eedueea fees collected by Ueo M Shlndel, belong Ing to the County, viz : No 38 Feby Term 18W 4.110 No 1 Dec sessions 'US 8 43 No S Oct sessions '98 5.73 No 2 Oct session! '98 B. 73 No 8 Dec sessions '8 3.00 No 4 Feby s '99 fine IflO No 3 Junes '99 tine 5.011 No 2 Dec '99 fine 1.UU No 9 June s '99 flue 3 (st No 7 Junes '99 line 20.00 No 7 Oct ') fine 50.00 '.j Penn Telehone rent. IH99 11.25 .Sprhiic Telephone rent, 1899 1.50-120.70 llalanco t39J.3r-890 :I7 557,87 Register and Recorder's Office. J II Willis, certify mortgages 99. 14.43 W G Johnston .V t lo, dockets, 15 .'() 19.95 Commissioners' ( )ffice. Isaac Bpotta, ez-Comm, attending 8..V)- Wm Dreese.ex-C'onim, attend. nK 0011, Phares llrrman, ex-Comm, at- tendinK audit, J N Brosius. olllce chair, etc, II K llasslneer, postAKe stamps and cards, Win I M uruhy Ai Sons, docket, Penn Telephone rent, A II Kenvpr MHut 1.50 8.50 1.96 3n ro 4.30 1S.00 HI 500.00 2.2S J N Broslm.'salary clerk, .1 N Itrnslns Ir.'l'i. . ..... Chns Bower, Att y salary. 100.09 nas i.ower, Atl'y travel ing extienses, deo F Miller. 79',dav ser 14)5-101.03 vices as Comm. at 8.50, 278.23 0 F Miller, travel' dps, 44.25-832.30 Jonn r w eticl, 91 davs ser vices as Comm at 3.50, 318.50 J I Wetsel, travel g cxps, C W Klilehts U4 (l..v. 141.18 vtcrr as ( omm, at I 50. 829.00 O W KnlKhts, travcl'geips, S0 04-:i89.04-17l1. Sheriff's Office. A M Aurand, blank sale bills, d U Gtltellus. blank hook Wm f Murphy A Sons, dockets Penn Telephone rent 1,00 1.10 8.0) u w now, teea n vs Itagdalena shirk 1.75 d W How, sheriff Fees. Com'th vs J W Kiegel 1.2.5 Uom'th vs h k Seblegel 1 as Oont'th vs It Bbambaeh S.80 Com'th vs ,1 W Klesti r, 1,25 Com'th vs Henry Boyrr 1.18 Com'th vs Harry Walter 1.93 nom'tb vi Atnnuin Kline 1,78 Com'th vs II N Horner P25 H W How, ad V gen, I clec 89.00 U W How, ! reports to boird of Futile Charity 20.'0 d W Row, servinij Jury no tices for 190.1 86.40 d W How. niliiiKjury wheel and drawing 4 Juries 11.00 d W How, court proclama tions for l'S.9 6.00 Q W Row. ilelivcrinK lrson era to and from court 8.25 r , . . 1S146 Deduct fees, etc, belonK'ng to the coindy Jury Fees for 1899. No 67 Keby Term 4 00 No 21 June Term I () No 90 Oct Term 4 on No 89 Oct Term 4.00 "o 5 Oct Term 4.00 oal mod In rantre '91) 6.00 Penn 'Phone rent '00 9,00-38 80 146.98-144.95 Di4trict Attorney's Office. J M Baker. Kaq.. Fees. Com'th vs Magdalene Shirk, 8.00 Com'th vs R Deck. 8.00 tom'th vi J W Hiegel, 8.00 Lom th vi K K Schlegel, 8 00 Com'th vi R Sbambaoh, 18JM tom'th va J W Kiester. 5.00 Com'th vi Simon Roush, 5.00 Mira'th vi Henry Hoyer, 5.00 Com'th va Harry Walter. 8.00 j-'om'th VI Amnion Kline, 10.00 Com'th vi H. W. Harner, 84)0- Courts. February Term. Pd.JuK,re, M.M n li! 888. 98 CoMtebkw1 retnrni 89.98 178.05 61.00 illeotions made, exonorutions allowed previous years. j Outs' gi coll' Exonorat'n outsta juii 1 00 ected At Cotnmls's ndisg. I I M .'.7 8 VI M 45 ao 5 M 5 IHI 10 M in 80 11 is n S7 I lift w I 7:i 1! Ill 4J II 10 6 IS 31 3 so .' 59 5 051 45 1.9 5 85 4 30 1 a.". 8 on fl 70! 30 0 3 t is a on aa 11 TO 18 (II 30 79 5 M 4 73 M I 11 M II .11 13 aH II pit 1 70 118 10 a.5 s 9S Sll 17 11 lb 10 IB M 9 31 8 71 IS 45 1 M 0 98 17 6 it aa 1 30 1 411 7 40 13 3S 11 38 1 40 60 119 I 33 US 34 1 aO 14 7a 85.1 09 fryer and Tipstaves, r(0 Stenographer, 151.41 .1 one Term, drand Jurors, 121.90 Petit Jurors, ISs.tvl Constables1 returns, :18.7it fryer and Tipstavea, 67.30 Stenographer, 50.00 Oetobet Term, drand Jurors, 123.33 Petit Jurors, 197.27 Constables' returns, 33.23 fryer and Tipstaves, 87 30 Stenographer, 33.10 December Term drand Jurors, 116 39 Petit Jurors, 383.14 Constables returns, 31.70 Cryer and Tipstaves, 57.M Stenographer, 107.93 679.61 4S8.17 703.80 2248, Road Damages. A (ioo.l, Middlecreek, It 0 Fiss, Monroe, lllle Male, " Jacob Helser, " 1 l-wis Walter, Centre, LeWll Hitter, " Benj. Clrich, Belinagrove, LC Smith, ( ' F Btiiiminani Adams, I Charles Itoyer, Franklin, ciias s dnlnger, " 15.10 7.00 88.00 4.M 40.10 111.' 0 111 IS. II, .HI 28 00 17,00 Prison. Btolnlnger Bros coal, A rt Howersox, lubor, piir pen. W I tlarman lumber, piu pen, Uarduor sous, grate for neater, N A Howes rcllloviior ashes. 12592 a so S.7H ln.iKi 1.4(1 1 llr A J Herman medical services, 0..S1 J ( Boboob lalior, I A M Shambach, iliinit lock, M L Walter, pointing walls, , J s Metier. Iiiocand haolimr. 75 a n( HO DA K. rn .V Clell enrich, healer 4004X1 I cicii i enrich, remoVgold beater 8.M Harry specht removing brick, I, CO ' 11 H RIegle, mason work, W W Wlttenmyer. mdse. 1,00 5.U1 A .1 Crosgrovo, work material! I4M DA Kern work ami materials 9.87 I d W llassiugcr, tin and stovo repairs, U M How, iKiardiiiKHteffen. Del- 6.59 liman, Middlcswarth, Shirk, Sliamliach. Hoiish, Kieslor, Miller and Walter, 181.50 (l W How, committing and .lis Charging prisoners, 74) (I W How, janitor service!, 40 (HI d w How, conveying Shir and Bbambaeh to Asylum, 1; no Mrs (I W How, washing and sewing, 18,00 871.'. 8 Court J louse. N A Howes work at tank 4.25 ' Janitor 19011 90 no WBWineyCoal iis.7;i A J Crosgrove repairs 42. so .1 0 Bohoeh stove 6,44 1 11 Bowersos oil s ao ,las Howersox carpenter work 3,(HI Al fred ( Island " " 3.0.1 N s Baehman " " a.ot Geo Smith lumber 77 1 1. H Tobuts repairing pavement 1.00 W 11 (irevemyur linoleum for Court mom I3'.52 Aaron Stetler's est lumber 13.32 James BoWersoS work sij II K Tobias cahinul Com'r nfllco 3.25 N A Howes laying linoleum 3,50 W F Murphy Sous window shades 8.0U w w Wlttenmyer miiso ia.i'3 Runkle Waller " 15.11 D A Kern work .1 materials 17.50 H II lister ((else 2.79 O W HaMlngartin and stove rep'rs fl.07 11 H Toljias work 1.50 195.49 Asyl 11111 Support of King, Ilerbster, Ver ger, Shotherge, Sliirk and Miambach 332.50 3sa,30 Penitentiary. Support of Ijiwless, Napp, Shell, Jones and Kciater 207.21 207 24 Riatl and Bridge Viewers Fees. Ueo F Brosius et al road and bridge viewers Bridges. Motserville Klchfleld Joint Sclinsgrovo wo( d T Iron Koycr's Kn amer Mlddlebuag Iron wood Globe Mills Hants Aline BaSslar's Oood'i Dreese Long's Howersox 8C6.02 4000.SI 1121.01 4.50 126.51 80.02 141.80 lS 718,1 67.18 1-23 8.83 84.75 152.M 1.59 for TMraltf statement ho ing .iiimiuui m dob a IMAM d, rollei'teu. exonerated cocuntaaV oned in. i Mratstndlng H HI 5 IK 11 Is n s 11 '.16 lit I 1 .' 'in II s., l:l - ISM in H 10 fi; IS 73 '.. SS I si SI Lowell 13.08 Smith 11.90 1 i-ii 3.1m I'axtoavllle 7 06 Swing 42.rct I.IK) Beyer's J.50 Winter's 13.80 Interest on and orders 118. II Paint and oil linni Fr.-ighl " 2-(W Justice, ( lonstable & Witness Cuoi 10011 wenll M 11242.53 Fees. Mai.lalciia Shirk J W RIegle F. K Sebfegot h' Sliamliach J W Kiester Sinn, 11 Hoiish Henry Hover Harry Walter Amnion K line II W Battier Printing. A M tttrand Pub county statement u Pol. l ourl priHi j Pub election " Blanks for 'nm's office lllank- for 1'i oth 's olllce PS HI Iter Pub county statement Pol. court p' oc Pub elei lion pro.: blanks forcom'rs otii. e Blanks for proth'y " Blanks for sheriff " Feb'y election ballot! I A Lutnbnrd Pull county statement Pub court proe . , Pubcle. Hon proa r Blanki for corn's office g Appeal notices a postage Nov elctlon hallots .1(11 .esher Pnb county statement 1'uli court priH- I'uh election priK Blanks for coin's office II II Mover Pub county statement Pub court proe Pun election proe i V Wagenseller Pub county statement Poll court proe Poo election proe Pull court calendars Blanks for corn's oflleo Blanks for Proth'y office Blanks for iheriff office Blanks for register office 44' IS 25, 64 71.118 11,11 81.57 4.!7 (1.97 S.12 17.42 lXi '10.18 25.IH) I 13.82 25.00 Cud 7.90 26.00 13.32 25.00 38.75 is no l"l 35.00 asm) 13 32 ii IHI 5.90 211.114 55.M 25.00 n 32 Ml. 00 7.00 25.00 IS 32 '..'..IHI 2S.IH) 13.52 4,50 12.30 7.73 6 50 25.70 1654)7 144.31 111.27 684.61 Assessors. Spring assessment 5.12. to May registration 4 death 4 births 855.80 Trlennual assessment 4113.2.3 Dec registration, deaths 4 births 371.95 Elections Feh'y election 317.46 Feb'f " constables attend ing and adv 68.74 Nov eleetlon 535.40 1 !omnuting asms 11-50 Ml iloiiy I'rlnllngCo election supplies ljn .1 11 Wright Co election lupplles Deceased Soldiers' Burial Tombstones. J (i ( ions, burial and tombstone for Henry Treastor 23 00 M S Schruyer burial of Rllae Noll 85.00 W M Ho vel burial ,,f M 11 Shaffer 35.00 Samuel Bollinger burial . r Henry Hennlnger 85. 0Q U ... ... it tombstone for Henry Rennlnger 16.01 Join. Illlbert burial of JoltBtl ail Hilberl 85(0 i m Moyer tombstone for M H Si. after IS.O0 Win Mover totnbitone for Kllaa Noll 15.0) Scalps. J F Keller ct al scalp cert flcatcs 141.25 Inquests. (' Wetxel el al on bouy of Klmer roxell 10,17 .la. in a H" Keller on tedy of Isaac Snltsiitan 11.02 M steininger on body of Harvey Itllllingtoil lo.ej Cbaa A F.rbon liodyofSlI Engls 11.11 Wells l) Holmes on body of I. M landls 12 12 Thos Paige on body of Mollle Shirk 101-J .Miscellaneous. MM 80 1194.80 a 11 d St Jaeol .111. berl auditing county 13 00 13 Oo l9.6o S2'lo 18 31 18.36 Irvin ((ravioli clerk to jury com i s J H llendrteks Jury com'r II (i Hornberg r il a Kllngler Coaudltor .1 ( How ersox DNApp 1 ' stctlcr lerk to ( o auditors and IMo 1 repnrlng statement M'oo W II .-sp angler lead pencils .So .1 M u agner uuseated land tsx West llc.ivcr Jacob Heater unseated land tax West II. aver 11 .1 Petori unseated land tax 4183 6o22 W Heaver 21 92 NJ Price UnSeat'd land tax Spring 8.91 Win ray d. Franklin 6.31 Henry Maurey de l ion Si look do W O Stctlcr do v P Moyer do Irvin Hoyer do Spring 27.K.5 Adams 19.32 Heaver 121.19 Washington 2.42 W Perry I 11 I, C dtilelios extiressage 12.53 61.63 12H 3s.2o I8.00 W( Johnston stiitiouury w II Grevemyer 11 W Murphy sons " J II w rigiil Co " Mary 1 Hunt " J A I. milliard Tribune for 19o0 .1 ( ; Lesher Times " W II Shelley error in state tax ace .unt ls9J Haedcr Printing Co ass't books S.o2 I.60 l.So 14.39 hegt'r lists, tax duplicates etc 94.20 W It Hiegle tax paid Htate on County deht l oo G l Maneeal clerk to jury com'rsi l.So d K 11 isstoger postage aoo't IH99 8 68 11 J Schue.iiur bicycle ass't 4c tax books 6,4o C A Bolender borrowed money returned looo.oo C A Bolender Interest 13.88 P II Will Forecl fires W Heaver 107.62 J U Ewing Spring lo vi I' 0 Spang er " Jackson 8.4S P A Brosius " Perry 89.12 Is-avinus Kecler " Washlnr4un 21. o9 Win Matter " Franklin 92-85 Anion Woollier " W Perry I8.80 P .1 Herhster " Beaver 4.o5 P A Brosius, Are detective, 4.oo P J Ilerbster, do 4. 00 Levlnus Keeler, do a.00 C II sicininger, freight, 7.81 First Nat Hank, borrowed money returned 800.00 W H Beaver, mdse, lo lo Carbon Seoboldboard'g Jnrles, S.So f F Spald, auc sale old lumber. So Peter Many, witness iHortna bridge I 14 l.So 124 I.80 1.18 1.18 1.18 Augustus Springman, Peter Kllngler, Frank larrett, John 8 Schocb, ft,,. lUU. do do do do do HUB T P Hummel, do D N App, audit approvl'g treaSu'r Commissi on, 3.S0 J v Bower sox, d 1 s is II A Klingier. do 3.3,, A BKeek.i tetilin Judge 1'J.K, J 11 drwig. Senatorial return Judge 13.4o F v uoweraoXi Institute espas lls.Oo 1 II Howersox, oil s.o.i it H Shelley, error tax IHM 6, A .1 dross, bicycle tax n turned Ballnssrove : 0.00 G M Moata, bicycle tat returned Middlcburg I6.00 Nelson Mengle, bleyi Ic lax re- turned Perry a.00 '.' ,683,81 Total. $2i,,5J.t9 From tile above amount of orders Isslla I Km. lug the year IV00 it w ould appear that STeated by the present board uurltis the IWU, WITf .IIII.MUTJ.lliy IllgllCI .ll.tll 1110. ,i former boards and 10 order that justice 111 ly be linn, to Mil MBMnuvl O.llslt il. r........ . lug statement showing the acluai bttaitlvas inusiooi inning me j ei.r l.'o 11 i too., to the same, VI.. actual Oebts mere kseil by ilie board of ami for Iw.i., IIS iM ... Co., 11....... SS.IoO.Si was for lolls and eoiilni'Os oue not p. ii. I an. I for contrails mil lulllneil ull 0O(. trailed by tne board of I sua. Pursuant (o law, we, lb. Undersigned Coin ssisstonersof enyder tJouuty, Pa., putiltah th foregoing stnte nt of Receiptsand I xpeudl lures of said county for the year i oj ami also present herewith a statement of the asM-ts and liabilities of said county oo the llln day ,.f Dace in bcr a, ii. 1900, Witness our hands, and the seal of ..lid officii this 2Mb day of January l9oi, (i. F Mi.i.i ii. JollN P. Il l.lKI.. 0. W. Km. .uis, v-tj County ( oniiiilssioners. General 8tateinent. d'dl NTV b'UND.) Asskts : Outstanding tax of 1899 and pre vious years 221 .'.I Outstaoilnii.- tax of 19oo a.'ts.i i hxcessdog ia duecounty' M-s.o5 llalanee in of l ie.isurrr, 585,88 3.S22.S1 l.lAllll.llll.s I Orders outstanding. isl :.o Inuerest aceruet, to .lanv I. I'.lol, OS. Jo As.lets III cxeessof Inn, iiiti. , 891.11 3.892.SI (l)()(i FUND.) Aanrrsi lliiislauding tax of 1899 and pre vious ycui-i, 3o o9 OutsUnidllig tav of 199o s 82 Halauce in lianils of I'reaaurer, 4o8.oj 6M.7G 76.32 Iftsaftj i iks : Kxccss due Coilntv, 2S8.o3 AvSsets in excess oi liablltlei 481.71 6'.c.(.7i. Benneville,8mitli, Treasurer, in eou ut with Snyder County for theycar 1900. To anil rt'i'tt from Win Klflgul,, To fXIMM dUg lAl Ol ttHW, J',....Mi lo County Mini Muh- 1 is, x wltCM for IMUU. 16.517.89 To.Aunty anil Httttfl tin of 1 81111 ami provioutt yrti outmi.t u s!,.vi.7A 9V32 Toitint rt-ttt from varloui per- ftuilH, tnx linm utftt luinlst MlsSU To MM raud from . n MtUtllrgv Mrih. com '(- ltitii Ilerbster Vt.!5 To unit rtM tt from . a etscl, com iitn Verger, 91.80 ro Alllt Nod from Krtlley, ! Unquent tav, zi To mill Mid from .luniutH Co 1 j tmi mHtJoii wink juiiit bridge zi-2i To unit rood from J Ullltita Co 1 j of lumber old joint brtdna 3-10 81.32 To mnt reed fim HtittitHK-ry sold t" Vtsriout I'l'i-Hiit, in Tuiunt rooil from lumber sohl at Miaulvuurg tv Kttyer bridges, To mnt ri't'tl from A M Mmni- bat-h. window soldj 'i.J5 To aim reed from M I Potter, of (lee rem ami oottl. llm. 'M.0U Toeint reed from J V Klentrr, v0hU lefutulcd, yl. :i 1 Jml rood from Slate Vt forent iireiMiiHeH ihmv, TO'TH To ami ret ti from vmm V infr- fMmal Ui ri-turiiiMi t, Toall'treeil from Imtel lu-eiirum i2 tvTi ami ti mint. ...valw To anit Nod from 0 a Bolender, borrowed money, IiOQOiOO To ami reed from Flrti Nat. liank, borrowed money, 31NVH) 98,616.41 Cr, By nit of orders of two red'd If.STO.H Uy ' j per ct on com on astUS IMH.V) It". pertwnll property tan pal 1 totlie rtati, sllSO Ity 1 per et eom en name 21.77 tf(l?TQQ By tj hotel license peid borol ana iwpe l,9W u My ft per ct colli on SAIHO 1 14) 11,010,00 By per rent com on IA10 botol ileonee pttld ounty, 25JW By luxes of iH'.f'.i raid previous yeai i outetondingt 8ili2 By texeof iVuouiitMiidlng, 1,848,11 By oowralMiCll si owed col loo lurM 416.96 By abatemcnt-4 Allowed colleo t urs. 681.60 By exoMrglloni Allowed i olleo lore w By lux on uusented Imtds rvl'd, W.U6 btStMiice in hainl ftHtV- B,616.41 BeDDevillti Smith, Treasurer, in ac oount with Soyder County for the year IWi). Dog Tax. 1K. air 01 I4I..5 To unit reed from Win Circle, Treasurer, ihw, 176.66 Fo ami of tax of 18W an I pro vitittH yettrs outstnmliugt 166.85 B5.H7 To mnt of tax sssesscil f.r Itfto ;fiH.:iD 1063.411 cit. fly excess of I899 forward lo County fund. 17588 By corn allowed collectors, n mi Hy exonerations allowed collector-. 18.10 Hy outstanding taxes of 1HV9 and previous years, -n ii B outstaiidtng taxes of 1K0 181.08 Balance on iismt 4tHH5 -1,008,81 tVe the nnderslcned auditors in iii .1 for the County of Snyder, state of Pennsylvania, licrebv eertlly lliat lu Ilie dlsclia.jru of duties devolviiiK upon us by law, we met at the Court House of the County aforeai.i. rn the first Monday of lununry A. ll 19m (ii bellithe sevenlh day of the month) (,, audit, settle and adjust the eccaunti of the s iveral o Hces of said County, whose aooounts it is our duty to audit, settle and adjust, and that wetlnd Ilie for -icoing statement to be correct, except as stale 1 in following note. (See note below). 1). N. A I P, ,1 O. Tow KltsoY, II. A. Kl.INOI.KR, County Auditors. ItoTK It appears that the sum (if one hun dred and fifty dollars hud been set aside by the County Coniinissiaiiers for ilie publication of the General Kleetion Proclamation of 190) ill beiug the same amount formerly appropriated, j (). W. How, Sheriff, in contrncti nir for publication ex ceded the amo nit appropriated by twenty five dollars (823). The sheriff, after havlnir issen informed or his error nv tile ol auditors, personally refunded the sal I into the County treasury. In order No. 418 issued to It. C. Piss, brl lire spectr In perry townsulp. We founil th it excess in mileage had been allowed of j, has also tie n refunded. D. N. Arc, J, Of HoVt II.M'l, If. A. K I.I Mil. Kit, County Auditors. A Matter of HaaBity. i Tapa, why do they call actresaea by their firat names when they marrieti?" "That, my son, la the only way to preserve thalr Identity." Detroit Free Preea. Rot t'nnanal. "I saw a goblet to-day made of bone." "Pahaw! I saw a tumbler made of lesb and blood last night." "Where?" for Infants debts .at Castorla is 11 Itariulcss gtlbHtituto lor t'astur Oil, Par' Bjorie, Drops ami Soothing Syrups, li la IMcusant. it t'oiitttitis neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance it dontroya Vorma ami nllnys Feverlithnetw. It cures Diarrhtea and Wind folic, li relieves Teeth inp; Troultles anil curvfl Constipation, It regulates the Sioinaelt anil Itowels, (rivins health) ami natural sleep. Tli Cliiliireii's I'anacea The Mother's friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought and Bears Use For t m r r t nt i rOMN, f Tiff f?f f 1 SI In A REAL GRAPHOPHOnZ- ki SV JSS'l m.t-'- v ,s& I-. . .. . ac - i REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS j' ALL STANDARD US I H LSI IS V . EiALrvirei. ii Ti 'ii y machine, at a low price. 1.8 MACHINES. SBSSsJ " Ftr;i;inrr;iiirtimrxtumin llij l MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS 66 lift m The pleuura of a Graphophone is largely itn reused hy making and rcprodut inn im Htoui own rcctuts. We furnish this machine with recorder f"t 57-50. n' l.rtiphophonee of nrrj tlc( rlptlnn. t nil or writ. A Wlt Z COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. .10 w J; IMltUIII 143, 146 k 1165-1 15i;Broad way JS. Y. City tltlfliSl HI-PAN-S T4B0IES Doctors find i A Good Prescription For maniiiid Ts lor lv. ati..t rrnirjr1sti Croc.ra, Raitanruls, SalMoa, Nesra-Standl, CcDiril Sluraa and barhars Shops, Thf, haol.h pais, induce alcrp, and prolon Ufa. Obi (fees rshsl I Ns matter whal'a the attSf. oaa will d. yea food. Tra aaniplca and ona thonaaad sasS SMaiala Ml by anail lo any arldrraa o. res-el pt f SrteS, by lbs JUpaai Clie-sical Co., lo Spruce St., New York City! NERVi a do tin- -i "pnoto ?cy, Nipht Emlssiors. eas-'s, al! ctlpcts or jeli-aliiise or excess and 'n .iscretion, A pierve tonic And i$4 builder. Brings the pink glo w to pale c x . ;.Ma reftores the fire A youth. Hy m?il 50c. per v-cx, 4 twres for $2.50, with our bank able guarantee tc cun. or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. tl.c NERVITA TABLETS ffRfTH itillow labbii) Immediate Results Positively truaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Pits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Kesults of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mall in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guarantee bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paid. Address said board ain't In- an NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY and Jackson Streets CHlCftCO. nxiNOIS this old by MIDDLEBLRGH dyspepsia's are immediate and Children. the Signature of Over 30 Years. TT I ii WW f ?IfTI???IlI5IIITI. ITIHI ISt ,W irsph i A s( onclv . oph nc. wi:!i ilmpli mechan-1.1 I! Ism. io i.. t.u et Hi.- ilc Is A tnarul fori llrst-clasi taltllnj !jt SILLS I 'IK Restore Kitiil Lost Vigor and Manhoods: I-oss of Memory, all tristingdis- DRUG CO., niDDLEBUROH, PA. J TRY 60 PILLS SO CYS. ISM a mm, ssj u 1 ,1 .i mm The Meal French Twite FOR BODY AND BRAIN Bino IMS. Endorsed by M.dlcsJ Faculty lasting efficacious agreeable f ew nt as 88 illl "At ths circus." W. Y. World. i