The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 31, 1901, Image 7

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far Determined Kansas Women
Wreck Two Saloons.
Trn Mlaatra The? Canard Dani
t.ilirmleJ at fl.SOO to it.MMr Mn.
Ilaai the Lratlrr, Aeaatilt the
krrlff Three Helilnd Jail Cells.
Lm-VIAa Van fan 99 Vfa PnvU
Willi Jill, 11111., wuu. UU. 1HI D. V HI I I'-
jdtion came back to Wichita yester
Jiy after her recent incarceration un
a smallpox quarantine, and the
Mt result of tep minutes of work by
tr yesterday afternoon are two
jrcfki'd saloons, the pieces of which
ire being sold for souvenirs. Mrs. Na
tion was assisted by Mrs. Julia Evans,
Mrs. Lucy Wilholt and Mrs. Lydia
Muritz. all of the local W. C. T. U. or
nnizatlon. With hatchets concealed
Mdcr their cloaks they entered the
Hloon of James Burns, on Douglai
lienue, and did not leave a complete
pieces of glass or a working slot ma
thine In the place. All show coses,
both fur liquors and cigars, as well us
the plate glass windows and doors,
ten' broken into Biuitherei ns.
Next they ran to John Herrlg'i sa
loon and had everything in the front
Of the room, including the plate glass
windows, broken when he appeari d
wnli a revolver, placed it at Mis. Na
tions head and said that he would
blow out her brains if she did not de
list. She yielded before the pointed
revolver, and with her companions ran
to tlii' Carey hotel bar, where she made
her first attack on the saloons of
Wichita three weeks ago. There three
polii i iii' a met her and she struck at
Detective Sutton with a poker, lie
ihoved her aside and a youth struck
him in the face. A policeman struck
the youth anil knocked hint down. The
police then overpowered Mrs. Nation
Md her friends and took them to the
city prison, followed by people.
Chief of Police Ctldbon disc harged
th' prisoners after they readied the
Jill, and is heartily condemned by the
(jtlxens. The women made him a
promise not to wreck any more saloons
wore noon today.
.Mrs. Evans' hand was badly cut by
hroiiiii gl:is.s, and her husband, who
b a physician, sewed it up,
After leaving the city building Mrs.
Nation, in the coolest manner, began
ill lecture to the immediate crowd
that had surrounded the city building,
sa; . thai she expected to begin sa
loon wrecking again at noon today,
when lu r truce with the chief of police
Bplres. Shaking her fist at the crowd
the .".ml:
"Men of Wichita, this is the right
irtnnf (loll, and I am destined to wreck
every saloon in your city."
Mrs. Nation caused a new sensation
last night by assaulting Sheriff Sim
mons. Mrs. Nation was at the I'uion
ri:i nplrrhhrtrlnei rnwti win n tlm hoi.ltr
m en I nr u n ivi unvimr- "ii.ii -ii-.i
' l L-ll II' . II 1 1 I III
Mrs. Nation turned around at once
ml ir'ii'n Clt..t.;fl Plmmw ..
V lit ',!,.,. ..11 ..I' ............
ho began screaming, and tremendous
... ii. in. in niiiimt-ii ilH llie sneriii, wild
very small man. struggled with
S nilU'Kt'lll nil . ... i i ......... .
nn ii,. : .. .. i. ...i.i.i.
riVfn t!ll.ifllt, i, r. ..... ,..11
OSisteil nn halns nlanul in lha
.... ,, ,,, ..II,....
ui I in mr ',.ii..i i.ii, u mn n
".Ill, 11, nut ..nil ui . . i I I I ' 1 . '
ii-i in .i een in uie sieei roiarv,
L .
lie e s i Illll. -in In t..".tr no.l
uuu uvt,.ll I w Jll 1 Jill BUlfj
It is said that a complaint for in
anity will he lodged against Mrs. Na
na, llllll thai 11' folia tl,
, ...... ii i. nn i i.iiio lie nn u
nl.ll. i . . .
r. ...... ii n,n.iT nil lur jii.iie UISM
oors and windows will prosecute her.
Later Mrs. Wilholt and Mrs. Evans
micBuni iiuil lilht'Il lo lai . .Mrs.
vuuiU UUt Ui.' 1UIIJ1I1.
for it is known that the Prince of I
Wales will probably never make Os
boras house a place of residence.
There is an entire absence of local
excitement. The town has settled down
tl patience and Badness to await the
inevitable. Never has lCmperor Will-1
lam arrived , at any place in England
with so little eclat. No salutes were
fired, no cheers were given. The men
of the guardship Australia silently
manned her sides. The crowd was
equally undemonstrative, the people
contenting themselves with baring
their heads. It was a greeting given to
the grandson of a dying woman rather
than to the ruler of a great ally.
iim to Osborne Honor.
London, Jan. 22. The following
statement as to the condition of Dow
ager Kmpress Frederick appears In
The Dally Chronicle: "It is with sin
cere regret that we announce that the
Empress Frederick's condition has be
come materially worse. There has
been a serious development in the dis
ease from which she is suffering and
her physical pain is intense. All, idea
of any Journey In pursuit of health
has been definitely abandoned, and it is
in the highest degree Improbable that
she will ever leave Cronberg."
This Is somewhat at variance with
dispatches from Merlin to the oilier
morning papers, which report that the
condition of the dowager empress is .1
trifle more favorable, but the news that
Queen Victoria was dying bad a very
serious effect upon her oldest daugh
ter. The dowager empress was very
anxious to go to Osborne and did not
abandon the hope of going until it was
represented to her that it would be
utterly Impossible for her to undertake
the journey.
The Princess of Wales, who will be
the next queen of Cleat Britain, was
66 years old in December last. She is
a splendid type of woman, and was
Princess Alexandria of Denmark prior
to her marriage to the Prince of Wales,
38 years ago. She has always been a
favorite companion "f the queen, and
very popular. She is the best loved of
all the royal leaders alter the queen.'
Her character is at nine strong and
sweet, and she shows a kindly consid
eration for all who approach her. As
a mother she is Ideal. Her children
were reared and educated as befits
their station and their discipline is a
matter of comment in Engl ml. She
is a thoroughly practical woman, fond
of the best literature, and an accom
plished musician. She Is said to be on"
of tlie handsome: t women In ail Qrcut
RtOtOrtnMtl'M Dl'MIHritf. Nil .".'e l-'et
I. if.- Willi 11 Mimkril ".. .o.
Woodbury, N. J., .Ian. Tl. A bold at
tempt at murder and highway robbery
was made at an early i our yesterday
on a car near tin- lac The motor
man In charge of t he I a nil.'-
row escape from deaf. lluon aft"!'1
midnight the ear was stopped by a
masked highwayman, who fired a re
volver nt the motorman's head. Tie1
nioiornian. named Borton, "as nlonel
In the car. The ball passed through
llin MfilASMBN1, ...... 1 1.1.1 m .1 .1 .. i ml I
to get his own revolver from bis no'i
coat pocket and return' I . ' lire. The
shot passed through the ri lei's coat.
A fierce fight in the car followed. It
was a desperate struggle for life, dur
ing which Borton was savagely beaten
about the face with the butt end of
the highwayman's revolver. Borton
also showered blows on the robber's
head and face, and the highwayman's
lace was covered with blood. Alter
struggling desperately for several min
utes the motorman made nn effort to
get hold of the controller handle, and
as he did so the robber broke away
and Jumping from the ear e aped. Be
fore he leaped from the ear Borton tore
th mask from the man's face and saw
that he was a negro.
1 1 nwuH
Neely's ltt m 111 Havana.
Washington, Jan. 22. The state do-
in m, . 11 a 1
J ' awi UCM IBDUVU u ill rail I
iu t . 11 1 ut 1 1 itUMMMI-
IM of ('. k. W. Neely, charged with
oexzlement. This warrant will be
MM in (he hands of United S'.ales
. ii' iuiei, ui me Konwicru 111s-
"? ?' New York, who is now the
11, , ,. ..e it . ....
eeiy. 1 ne marsnai also
as boon designated by Governor Gen
'Wood to act as the representative
FS Ctlban military government, and
1 no .... 1 . . ...
r vu.iHtuy ne will receive Neely
na see till.! tin in nt'oli, ilnii,.,,..,,,! ,:.
0 1,1.1..: 1 -
, ' "o "iiinormes at Havana. The
nSOner Will lie removed to a LMVnni-
enl 1. ... "
"yun anoui next Thursday.
Suit t Kit I Hal Vllegeil I xori-iilr.
Lyons, N. Y.. .Ian. Tl. The trial of
the case of Howard Sidney Benham, an
infant, by Mary A. Fai nt, his guardian,
against Howard G, Benham will he
commenced here Feb. 4. Benham was
convicted of murdering his wife at Ba
tavia by a Qenese county jury and sen
tenced to be electrocuted. He got a
new trial and was acquitted, Under the
will of his wife Howard ('. Benham Is
the sole devisee. This action Is to re
cover the estate for his son. upon the
ground that Benham killed his wife.
St"riii l, 1..
Khigston. Jam., Jan. 22. Terrible
WOT has prevailed on the north
"MI the island. Since Friday night
vio ent norther has been causing de
letion of banana nlantatlons on
mi " In some ot ,no parishes
Weds of acres of fruit have haan
moil tl ..
I - - ... 1 1 1 - i,, 1, mi, jjiii inei
oeen dlvavtaH nn.i o,n u,n
rf,am has already carried aw.-iv two
m now tnreatening to wreck
'"fKe, thriving fruit district. The
8 are running verv hiirh nnrl hnve
-..on,,, lnP wnarves There hnvo
r vaauaiuee among small craft.
Clavalnnd Gats the Bncampinotit
St. Louis, Jan. 22. A vote was taken
yesterday afternoon at the meeting of
the (. A. K. executive committee and
Cleveland was selected as the plai 1 1:1
which to hold the next annual encamp
ment. The vote siood: Cleveland, 5;
Denver, 2; Pittsburg, 1. Denver con!. I
not meet all the requirements, and
Cleveland was selected because satis
factory guarantees of that city's abil
ity to care for Hie encampment v
furnished to the committee. The date
set for the encampment is Sept. 0.
litsaoa la the International Sr rl-s for
Kruruary 3, lSOl Parable of
Ike Tea Vlralaa.
His Wife insisted
And he thought he'd humor her, no
doubt. The result shows that a man
rarely loses by following his wife's ad
vice. Those who sufTcr from obstinate
cough, bronchitis, weak lungs and ail
ments in general which tend to con
sumption, will find speedy relief and
perfect cure in the use of Dr. Tierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It cures
ninety-eight per cent, of those who give
it a fair and faithful trial, il purifies
the blood, heals the lungs and builds up
the body with firm flesh instead ol flabby
fat. The " Discovery " contains no alco
hol, neither opium, cocaine, nor other
"only fur Dr. Piefce'ii Golden Medics) Discov
ery i think 1 would lie in mv yr;ivr todny,N
writes Mr. Mmn Mih-. ol Hillisrd, I'inta Co.,
Wyoming, "l bad siithms io bsd I could net
sleep at uiht and f- compelled to nor mi
work. It sfTected my lunini so ihst I coughed
nil the lour. IhiIIi dsy :onl night My friends
alt thought 1 had consumption My win- nnd
taken lr ptcrce'a Psvorile Prencriplion, and it
hail helped te r mi much -he iiiHiAteil nil my ny
Ing his Golden Medical l)icover) ' which I
did. I have taken foul hottlex null .on new a
will man. Weighing potindM thank-. In Dr.
Plerce'i Golden Medical Duicovery I would
like ynil In piinl Ihli tcfttimon) .is t may lulp
someothev pool lufleri i "
Dr. Pierce's Adviser, in paper
binding, fret on receipt of 21 one cent
stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
Address Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Ill Prefer,-, i,',..
n old negress, Indiana Lake Rrle
1.' e by natiie, had been a house serv-
ani with a southern family for years.
ine dny she npproiielied the master
of the and said: "Marse Tawni,
we'se (fwlne to hab communion down
In otinh ctltlhch ne' Sunday, an' h
WHiitcil to ask yo' if yo'd please to be
-o kin' as to gib us a bottle ob wine
lull ile sen ice."
"MurSe Tnwm" expressed his will
inenes tn do anything in bis power
io make the service a success, 11 T 1 1
asked what kind of wine "as re
quired, Aunl Indiana, et cetera, replied:
" li den' riiightly know, Marse Tnwm,
bill lie p.ih on. he iu'ful fun' ob
gill." Hl'ookh 11 Life.
Henri- lehy,
"Vour husband is not looking well
to-night, Mrs. Rhj r."
"lie i.-n't; and I'm nut surprised at
"Nn'.' Una he been overworking
"it isn't that so much; it's his orig
inality, Why, that man is stjuck by
so many original idea-, that his mind
iinisl be one mass of bruises."- N. V.
A ( holer ,,f Terms,
"Mere's another man who got away
wiib some money that didn't belong
to 1 i 111." said the young woman who
was reading the paper.
"Mow much?" inquired Miss Cay
enne. "Il doesn't state."
"That's too bad! 1 wanted to de
termine whether be is a plain thief,
n misguided embezzler or a bold finan
cier." Washington Star.
Suspicions Slvn,
Wife I feel so ashamed this morn
ing', I'm afraid 1 took too much wine
at the lliton's dinner last night.
Husband Nonsense! You didn't
show any signs of il.
Wife -Oh. yes, 1 did. Didn't veil
notice how heartily I laughed at those
old jokes of yours? Philadelphia
Severe Test,
"I see," said Sprsngle, "thai a Mos
ton Woman sas the voice can be ideal
only when there is an ideal character
behind it."
"Well, what of It?" inquired Mangle.
"Nothing," said Sprangle, "only I
Vfilh she could bear mj wife call me to
breakfast some morning. " Cleveland
Plain Dealer,
Jnri.... . .
l ' -. ! sarrrmur.
"arrlsburg, Jan. 22. O overnor Stonp
--..ui Bent to the senate the nom-
I iAims m. Atkinson, of Mlf-
'.. lu lie 1111 in. hi 1 in 1 , 1 . 1 f 1 t. i
uwii-K-i, wnien comprises Ju-
th rKrT' counties, to serve un
.ln? flrst Monday In January. 1902
- " ' I r IT! 1 H n I vin. , i XI.
v. 11 ,n nersonn rr cm nf lh
ma servpn with n m n ,.,,.
lk. ri , .
Jan. a. ine l.zou
IHlnln.j -a & ...
n . ,ou l lne L-ammer coiiier-
Ul Calvin Psrdna Cn arrolr ...
- u( ,ne uiieeen unwnr-
tk "' iw arm runners
US company's rafuanl tn ralnatata
m. ""aiai oy a committee or
"Me Workers. Tha mlnaa hnvo
woatu down.
I'nriloii Cnme Too Late,
St. Paul, Jan. Tl James H. South
all, who was convicted a couple of
years ago of fraudulent dealings in
government time checks, by which he
secured nearly $760,000, yesterday had
his sentence commuted by the state
board of pardons on account of the
critical condition of his wife's health.
It Is feared that the action of the board
was taken too late. The woman is now
unconscious part of the time, ami
hardly recognizes her friends.
Writ Point Haslngj Abolished.
West Point, Jan. 21. The congres
sional committee left here yesterday
for Washington, after having conclud
ed the mission of investigation at the
United States Military acudeniy. Be
fore their departure, however, through
a voluntary agreement of the cadets,
hazing was abolished. This voluntary
agreement was the result of a meet
ing of the entire corps of cadets held
In Grant Hall Saturday night.
Too 1. 11 le.
Stuttering Employer (writing n let
ter) U-b-b-boy, hand me u b-b-b-b-bl-bl
Office Boy A blotter, sir, do you
wish ?
Stuttering Employer Never mind
n-n-now; the ink has d-d-d-drled.
Harper's Daznr.
A Cyaleal Explanation,
I "Why don't you publish your com
positions?" asked the udmirer.
"Because," answered the musician,
"there is no possible chance for them.
Tlo v are not good enough to be great
'nor had enough to be popular."
Washington Star.
A t'-oimervnll ve.
Aunt Hetty You must have had
them slippers all of ten years. Don't
you think it's time to get another pair?
Lncle Josh Oh I they re comfort
able. I hate to be alius mukin' change-:
Princeton Student Drowned.
Princeton, N. J., Jan. 22. Walter E.
Bayles, aged IT, of the Princeton pre-
Saratory school, while crossing the
tlllstone creek near Kingston, yester
day afternoon broke through the ice
and was drowned. The body was re
covered. He was the son of H. B.
Bayles, a prominent merchant ot this
Tha Wajbark Martyr.
"Henry, the ancient ltomuns had
sofa pillows."
"H'm; I wonder If the Roman wives
let tha Romans put their heads on
them." Indianapolis Journal.
Ten ssuat do what roa're able to; not what
yea would.
An' the glory conilsts In a-doln' It good.
It withes was (sets, we'd be all kingi an'
An' there wouldn't be no one te rata bread
an' bean.
Washington Star.
(Matthew X:l-13.)
Then shall the kingdom ot Heaven be
llkrnt-d unto trn Virgins, Which took theft
lamps and went forth to meet the bride
groom. 2. And five of them were wtse. nnd Ave
wt re foolish.
3. They that Were foolish took their
lamps, and took no oil with them.
I. Hut the wise took oil In their vessels
With their lamps.
5. While the brld, Kroom tarried, they all
slumbered and slept.
6. And at mtdnisht there whs n cry madSi
Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out
to meet 111m.
T. Then all those virgins arose, and
trimmed their lamps.
8. And the foolish said unto the wise, (live
Us of your oil; for our lumps are gone out.
9. Hut the wise answered, saying. Not so.
lest there be not enough for us and you;
but go ye rather to thim thut sell, und buy
lor yourselves.
1. Anil while they went to buy. the bride
groom came; and they that were ready
Went In with him to the marriage, and the
door was shut.
II. AH. rward came also Die other virgins,
ssylng, Lord. Lord, open to us.
1. lint He answered and said, Verily, 1
say unto you. 1 know you not.
1J. Watch, therefore, for ye know nelthei
the day nor the hour wherein the Sun ot conn tin
(.01.111 TBXT. Watch, therefore
lur ye know neither tin iln nor the
hour 11 here III I lie Bon of Mint COUtC I h
kMatt. '': 1.1.
'I bis iessiin immediately follows tin
last lesson in point of time, being Tuea
day afternoon. April 4, the third da. be
fore the crucifixion. Jesus is on llif
ay from t be temple to Met hany. mi the
Mount of olives, overlooking Jerusa
lem. Through the parable of the ir
gins lie utters prophecies and warn
Ings to His disciple-. The lesson anal)
sis covers the fol low ill"; three points:
1. The Preparation for the Bridegroom.-'
Ver. 1-4.
2. 'I'll. Try ai Midnight. Ver. 5-9.
8. The oi the Bridegroom. Ver.
After silencing Hi- enfcmles, t he gen
tie. lender Jesus pronounced the most
terrible wii- upon them because ol
their falseness and misleading of tin
people, closing with a touching lament
over Jerusalem because if the evils
that would befall it on account of its
rejection of Him. He -aw a poor widow
cashing iiiln the treasury her little of
fering, and praised her, for -he loo
given a'l -he had. Ills public ministry
was closed. As JesUS went "ill of the
temple wiib 11 is disciples. He prophe
sied that the immense stones in the
temple foundations should all lie
thrown down. On their way t" llelh
any they sa t down 011 the western slope
of the Mount of Olives, where the)
could look down upon the city. There
Jesus foretold the dreadful troubles
that were shortly to come.
As they were still sitting on the
mountain side, Jesus described His
own coming a'nin in "-real glory. No
one, He said, would know the day "f
His coming, but all ought to be doing
their duty faithfully and watching for
it. Mr told a number of parables to
warn them that they must be ready,
or the hour of their salvation might
pass. You will notice the difference
between this parable ami those in the
preceding chapter. Those warned the
.servant to lie awake and watching, Hut
the one we study to-day look- rather
to a preparation that should be made
Inn"; before. It was the custom tocele
brnte a marriage by a procession from
the house of the bride to thai of the
bridegroom, It was generally at night,
and everybody had to carry a lighted
lamp. Kach of the "iris should have
brought enough oil to last, and hate
had it with her. This was something
they knew they would need, and could
have attended to it many days before,
While waiiinur f"r the wedding proces
sion there was no reason why tiny
should keep awake. The
w nil! come w ii h noise and music. Had
they been all ready they could have
been getting refreshing sleep so as ti
be bright for the feast. Hm the prepa
ration had been neglected, It is nut
mere watching we must learn from thi
parable. It is to make sure of the prep
aration. The claim for a -bare in the feast is
not sustained. De-ire for Heaven i
not a passport to Heaven. Wish fur
bliss is not proof uf fitness fi r the com
panionship of the holy; and only those
can be admitted to the company of the
blest who are tit to have fellowship
with them. JesUI demands that hia
disciples lie alert, vigilant, watchful.
"Ye knew not the day nor the hour:"
As true now as when Jesus spoke these
words. It is dangerous, as well as im
pious, to say: "The Lord delayeth llin
coming." Therefore the impressive ex
hortation! "Watch."
Hoi to lie (.'rent.
If WO want to be at the tup, we
must be willing to be at the bottom.
If we want to obtain much, we must
be ready to give much. Christian laws
are paradoxes. It is the one who is
content to have nothing who alone
can pOSSeSS all thilifrs. He who was
greatest of all, and yet who was the
servant of all. said plainly: "Who
soever would become great among
you, shall be your servant; and who
soever would be Brat among you, shall
be bondservant of all." Do you want
to be great? Then you must be will
ing to serve faithfully until you ure
great. S. S. Times.
Truths Terarly Told.
Courage is the cure for discourage
ment. Money makes the mare go, but It
cannot keep happiness in the saddle.
The judgments of God are as lov
ing as His mercies.
Saints' crowns are not awnrded on
the merits of their frowns.
The feet will go where the heart is
The wages of sin are always paid
right on time.
The fall of the sinner Is like that
of a meteor, the farther he falls the
faster he la consumed. Barn's Horn.
for Infants and Children.
Thci Kind You lluvo Always Bought 1ms borne the nigtia
ture of Clius. II. Fletcher, and has been innde under liis
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no MM
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitation and
Must -as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Childreu Experience against Experiment.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Txf rtntsuN coMsiii. tt muhsu jisin, m
au n ani am asnk annn. aSSs nYfgsna. an am gggga n s fw ani .
jl" im , W. .1
s&2s? Aft ,-.:H.r.:
tn . ' - Si.- , A.' . ,, i , -Iv
.Jyl l i an, i te ir, -i .':.'
in ;'. nwnd f r a lit t-el:' tai:.;;j
.. I: machine, at il w or.-. t
: : : ' '
RECORDS AS ..'5 U V , .
m i ne pleasure oi a urapnopnonc i largely increase iv ma u 1 t
(jjj youi own records. We furnish this mat bine with n ... i i -.5 .
QraphopliMet ol every Scwrlpttuit. ( nil or urttr.
liIIfSI2t H;t 14.-, & l .Vi-HSU Broudwny.X. Y. City
$500 REW
We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation
or Costiveness we cannot cure with
Liverita, The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill
They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction.
25c boxes contain 100 Pills, JOc boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c
boxes contain J 5 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations,
Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co., Corner
Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, Illinois. Sold by
Si-id byMlUDLhBURQrl DRUG Co.. fllDDLEUl RGH, PA.
-va'V'2 A Au JM
Ideal Frmrh Tonij
A,0 BRAIfi
61dc 1863, Endorsed by ltedleal Futulty
immediate fasting efficacious agreeabld
Doctors find
A Good
for mankind
I? h,tZi . Drurftm. Croeen, Retunraak,
fjlooM, Newt-Sudi, Utorral Store, ud Birbenl -
"P; Thee buUh palo, iudurt eleep, ud eraloaf Ue.
yMsJSHrelkll No Duller wlui't the aallM. aae IU ' ")rj
if sood. Tt umplee end one ihooeud leen. .
I MaUa seal be Bull lo in, 'eddrea oe reerlM ml orke. ''
rO-.alii..Cb,,icilC0..SpiucSl.,N.Va -f
I N . I H
I I Trf"