Ry. Seldoi) Ir)teresbir)6 Story, Fta Brother s Keener will Le6ii) February 14. mi I 1 'f Co. ('oll''"io,,vr,' m I I LvOL. XXXVII 93 lL24k LAC().N lOg orae laboring nun lost o buck skin ten in town which he cun get by Inn at tlif Central Hotel. p' anted. Three grown girls to work In fitting room. Apply at once at of- lee. Mainbhokuo., Limited. Good Business Opportunity. leneral tore for Bale b'or particulars Iddress, N. It. 82, Post Printing office, Middleburg, Pa. The Republican Standing 'ommlttee L meet in this plane Saturday to set ic for the holding of the Republican hary election. lunty Treasurer Smith had a fam- imioii :ii bis home in this place Inlay. All his brothers and Bisters present. Benneville gave them dinner. IS not miss the special bargain sale lv. A. Arbogasl of Sellnsgrove. lit v cents pays for a dollar's worth kmIs. See special auuouuccmeul bis page. i to A. E. Soles for a smooth easv nor up-to-date hair cut ami head iist'ii witii u refreshing shampoo or BruiT removed with liis tonic. A i towel to each patron. Parlor in building, ono door east of Post- Satisfaction guaranteed, tf. le Post can till its columns with i plate matter at a cost of sixty a page, hilt the most excellent lings of Chas. M. Sheldon consist of 8s of literature that has been trans- Into fourteen dllfereut dialects jamong newspapermen is consider- tpeusive, rhe Post has an Intel- It class of readers who will an- late the difference between nheaii j. ilan matter ami the high class .stories that alwavs have a moral and leave n iul impression on the readers. The POST has been asked annlbn to be a copy of the rules adopted ly the lepuDtcan standing! ommltteeinJan jOSthal this week we re-uublish the ktlre proceedings as published In the OST at that time. We advise the leaders of the Post to cut this out and Ireserve it lor future reference. llTlie "Mission Band" of HiiMniichnnnn fniversity will be In Middleburg Feb, ami 10. The meetings will be as fol- lows: Slittlrilnv OVOtlltlff ntul K.ltirlntf fternoon in the Reformed church and PUndaV mornllior and pvonlno iii Hi,. o o - - - .utherau church. Everybody will be nine at the meetings, remarkable popularity of the cs of Rev. Sheldon ahead v nub ia In the Post under an exclusive Ihlse, has led the publisher t m- ' tile exclusive use of another Sheldon's popular stories. It Kin shortly in the columns of ipcr. This storv. like the others i'l' publishei., has heeu co v- laml the Post has again obtaiu Ixcluslve right to publish this ' in Snyder ( 'ounty. The Republicans of the borough nninated the following candidates It' tile si, rim. I i I ii.l, r.. I I I Wersox: nsnectors. W. H. Outellns nd George Clelan; Justices of the c, M. Z. Stelninger and .lames m. I1 amlt' Sebool Hi i 1 1 irs I Y billllcl iiml 1 a mtliil" Tnuili I'., on. Adam Showers, I). A. Kern, A. E. M E. K. Prey man; Overseer, C. E, Pluinger: Assessor, Howard Polk: ll'litlir. I', Kiln I ,, ,,. m. 1 I i.rlt '..,. Ible, H. u. Blckhart. Republican nominations in Franklin pnwnip Judge of Election, Samuel "P, inspectors, Isaiah Bnwcrsox. Ihn Shannon: School Directors. How- Nk. Bohambacb, Barry H. Attlg; Ppervisors, Aiiiinon Walter; William I "iv WVerscer of 1 lie I'n.ir William E W alter; Assessor. John W. Waller: Auditor, Millard K. Hsjtlnger. Dem- praUQ nominal inns . in Ion nf Rl lion, I Walter L. Grayhili; School Director, H....1. t . r-v" a. Herman; Supervisor, Philip DFuuni ill i In, !...,. 1 I. Venrich; Assessor, John W.Walter; ruiior, Millard K. Haaslnger. Bargains at Gorman's Peter Garman, Mt. Pleasant ills is offering a new line of ladies wand millinery goods. Men's to 26 cents and Queenswarc at 3 w piece. ll-22-3m (H R SHOE PACTORY. If there's any thing that's dear loan American citissen, it's the right office speech! The grand reason Is that every I human being has a right to the public car. If a man can u.it speak, others can not hear. The right of free speech 1 is the priceless jreui of the human soul, I and a man that don't allow another man the rlghl to talk i- a barbarian. j If these facts are true and 1 am positive they arc, does it nut cause us all to say, I behold our Shoe Factory which w i speechless ami m i;- i nfaney. In order to stimulate a laudable rivalry among I the employes of this Pactory and to se cure greater efficiency and clarify the service in this institution we must In j troduce a system of promotion-, which I I believe may prove successful if pm I perly applied. If we award those em ployes whether male or female, w ho are deserving them and then only will we realize the value of emulation. Some idea of the accurate memory, and of the quickness of thought, ijulck uess of hand and fisit by all employes required, may be gained by careful study. I prefer to do tliin im, not to tnlk only, and yet when occasion requires, we must he ready to speak. If there is any person in this factory, who thinks he has reached ! he limit ofpcr'cctl he ought to retire. W hat i- wanted is, persons who propose and expeel to do better to-morrow than they are doing to-day. ',. must call conferences of Inspectors and superintendents, we iniisi solicit the critii Ism ol $ I able bodied men, we must e.v - ry part of our own liodies, for t his system can not be reformed until we II ml oul what Is the matter with it, and w here Is the leak. We ought to run this factory a if there were another factory across the street competing with us, and we were trying to all the buslm We have no secret to withhold from the public for perhaps nearly all may know that this factory was not self-supporting dui lug the year 1900. This factory is not a set of public buildings, and a hook of regulations, but it is the bruins, hearts and money of sixty or seventy of our men and women and its goodness is measured by the Intelligence and d votion of the silent, Btendy every-day workers, such as you whostandal your office cases or tread the streets from door to door, with your heavy burdens of care. I do uol think that any one man knows it all. Each of us may learn from the highest to the lowest. Weare a very foolish people if we shut our cars and eyes to w hat ot hers arc doing. I often pick up things from strangers, We positively need and must have the public sentiment In our favor to suc ceed. You must help. You 1 1 1 11 t give us your wit and wisdom and not tell your girls and boys that they must have more wages; for that would h ad from had to worse; hut tell them they iimsi nun oui more peneci wora 101 the wages they are getting. Weare! ever on the alert for new and good in- formation and weare busv nrenarluu' to use it. We should never give up con tests upon which we enter and we should never be satisfied at the close of the day unless something has beeu ac complished. Let us all work in harmony, let us go forward inviting others to accompany us, ami Id us inspire conildencc in t hose w ith whom we are associated, to such an extent that success is w ritten on whatever we undertake from the very start Onkokthe Managers. SPECIAL SALE. One Dollar's Worth of Goodi for No cents. A reduction of 20 per cent will he given on all purchases of goods off 1.00 and over ut W. A. A rbogust's general store, Sellnsgrove, Pa., such us Dress (hsids, Calicoes, Dress Ginghams, Lin ings, Muslins, etc., Underwear, Hosery, Laces, Shirts, Overalls, etc., Shoes and Bixits. Remember you can buy a 11.00 shoe for 80c; ( for cash only ). Also a full and complete line of (iueenswarc. Sale to commence on Saturday, Feb. 2nd and continue until Saturday, Feb. 9, 1901. Come early and derive the keneflt of 1st bargains. W. A. Arbooast, Sellnsgrove, Pa. A Family Journal, Devoted in News, Science, An, Political EconOni) and Current Literature. M IDDLEBUEGH SNYDEB COUNTY PENNA. JANUARY GOING 01 T OF BUSINESS. The undersigned offers his entire stock of General Merchandise at a re duction of 20 to .HI per cent discount, commencini; Jan. 17tii. I'.mi, and eon- llg lllltil the entile Stock Is -old. DKV UOODM. Dress GimhIs including Silk-, Velvets, Henriettas, Serge's, Mohair, cloths, etc, at rcihiet ion ot l'o r cent discount. Dress Linings, Uutmg f lannels r lauiielctts, Cotton Pianiiels, shirt lugs, Table ( 'loth-; etc. at a reducl ion of -0 per cent. I'KU'Ks. Prints, 6e. H'iue Brown Muslin, tie, Ginghams, Tie Applet on "A" 7c. Dress ( liugliams, ', H and 10c, NOTIONS. Ladles' Pnilcrwear, - to Itlc; (iauze Vests, ilc up; Pascluators, UOe up; Sax ony uril, lie hank. OENTS' h'UKXISIIlMI (KKIDS, Suspenders, 10; Admiral Sus l' ic; President Suspenders, o,-; shirts, 'Sw, former price .Mic; I 'nluumlried; 10c a n d Ifle; l.auiiillicd, 7 ic and H.")c; Men cutlers, ; Mi n s White White 'm Over L0c up. ed now alls, c to tiOc; Hoys ( ivcrall Mi x's I NDintU KAII 50c Klccced now 10c; Pic Kle SlIOKS, Some Ii ss than one half former price; Hoy-' ihsits as low usi25e; Rubbers as low as.ric per pair. (iltOCKUIKK. Granulated Suirar, tie per lb., 17 li-. for (11.00; Soda, He per lb; Arl kle ( 'otl'ee, 12c; lolden Blend lotlee, i' lbs. lor 24c; Oyster Crackers, fie mid other goods in proportion. CLOTHING. Boys' Suit- ' price; Men'-, Roys' and children's Overcoats, l'o to fit) per cent, mkn'h suits. $10.50 kind now (i8.50; $8.00 kind now $0.fi0; $7.fi() kind now 10.00 and other suits as low as isj.."iii. No goods sold except for ( ASM or PRODUCE. W. W. VVl I I ! N M N Kit, The Credit System bj Kunkle Walter. We sincerely believe that the credit system i- our worst enemy in this wide world. It Keep- capital tied Up without remuneration, vastly increases the risks of the luisiii. ss, causes failures, raises prices and makes a lo- in profits. Every cent's worth of stock sold on credit represents t hat amount of money without interest. And hotv often do we receive iii return curses, abuses, disasters, lian'-knocks, delay- and ile feats. Outstanding accounts on which no money could he realized u hen need ed have caused more failure-than lack of capital in this vocation, I'ncollect idle accounts render ii absolutely m- cessary t tint casii ouyersor those wim pay for their gisids, make up the lo-s, conse(Uently causing higher prices for the buyer, and smaller profits for the merchant. I- it any wonder that RunklotSi Wallet turn the cold should er to the credit system '.' " is far better and safer to ,,. sii,. 000 worth of goods and ge-l the cash for them, than to dispose of $15,000 worth .and lose a third of the crcdil given, j ' ur dear rendi rs, i- it any wonder thai ' r our enure siock ui a uiscouiuig of 20 percent, and much of II at 50 peri.. I cent, discount for spot cash or produce. And believing and tru-tin i will never turn I k to the that w e redll sys- tciii again, we wish to announce to the public that we are positively determin ed to close out our entire stock of gen eral merchandise at a discount of 20 per cent, and some at 50 per cent, dur ing the next 00 days, and we want everybody to know it; and kindly in vite ali w ho owe, to come and settle their account with cash or note. 1-21-21. Pi n k 1. 1: & WALTER! m Select Your Date. Persons who propose to make sale this coming spring should select their date as early as possible and have it in serted In the Post's sale register. The notice w ill he inserted free- in our sale register if the hills are printed at this office. Committee MeetinK. The members of the Republican County Committee are hereby notified to meet at Middleburg, Saturday, Feb. 2, 1901, at 1 o'clock P. M. for the pur pose of fixing the date for the holding of Primary Election, and transacting other important business. A full turn out Is requested. By order of Ed. Caarles, J. A. Luhbard, Secretary. Chairman. 1 jg j. J, W. Stelver, of Kremont, was a cal ler at the Pi ST prilltilU! olliec Saturday to order sale hills. harlcs a. Mciscr, meiH'hant of M'nnnpsontowii, a- in Middleburg over Bunuay visiting menus, Mi-s Maggie Holeiidcr, Assistant , Postmistress, attended a fashionable '. hall at Sellnsgrove la-t week. Last Friday it a- ix years since I the fatal and distressing accident oc curred at the Railroad crossing at Kre ', mer. Mi cs Libbie Duiikclbcrger and Lll j Han Btetler have been spending some I time at M lllcrsburg, the quests of M rs, H. II Rowc, nee Gertrude Kreeircr. Joseph Ihlhklc, Hellefonte's leading ladies' man, was in Ibis village the past week visiting In- uncles and ex ercising hi- line art on the w eaker por tion of the lace in this iMirough. V. II. and Jerome lloruhcrircr of Meiscrvllle, were In town last Thurs day, on their way to Lew istowu to pur chase a stallion v, ii. Ilorulicrger is a successful horse trainer and i- a Well know n master in the ail of training viciou- horse-. Smith Knnillj lie-union, Saturday was Smith day in Middlc Iturg. The county treasurer, llcune vllle Smith, in honor of his aged moth er, called together his brothers and sis ters and nullities as follow s : Robert Smith ami wife, Adamsburg; Catharine (Smith, and Lewis Mau heck, McClure; Susanna (Smith) and J. V. Keller, Adanishiirg; June (Smith) Erdley, S'ortliumberland; Win, smith ami wife, Troxelvillc; Joseph Smith and wife, Montague, Mich.; Adam Smith, Berwick; Benneville Smith, the host, and the mother, llauilll Smith nee Bubb, widow of John I), Smith who died II year- ago, and iii that long period of time the entire family was not together at one lime until Saturday. others present, W, I. Keller, Philu.; I ''d will ('harlcs Mud wife and Bessie Smith, the latter two Isiillg daughters of Benneville Smith, Ihc ' Charles children and Mrs. II. V. Charles of Port Treverton. Immediately after dinner, t he whole party was weigl cd and Benneville dis covered that he had almost a Ion and a half of III. man llesll in the house'. The family i one ol tl Iilesl in the county, having taken up laud ill Bea ver townsliip with the pioneers and the farm now in possession of the Smith family has heeu in their hands for live generations. Mother Smith has !I0 grandchildren and 2ilgreal grandchil dren. TKEXLEH'S STOKE ;m. Market Street, Sunbary, I'ennii. Low prices on Muslins, Ginghams Shirtings, Tickings, Prints, Dresi i Is, Blankets, 'oinforts. Bales Unbleached Muslins, Ij Unbleached Muslin, - b Ojc. i', Oe o (juaes Lancaster Gingham, 6000 Yards Men'- stripped ie per yu ihirtings 8c, h'c per yd. 3500 Yards Dress Gingham 250 Pairs Grey Blankets, ic per yd. 49e pair oil Pieces Outing Flannel Shirtings, 5c per yd. To Pieces Indigo Blue Prints, 5c yd. 125 Comforts, Toe, $1.00, $1.25. ",0 Pairs Horse Blankets, 00c, Tic $1.00 I Ton Carpet Chain. 10c, 18c, 22c lo Box Cotton Baits, 5c, 8c1 10c rool, Spool ( lottoll, 2c Spool. :!" Pieces Wool Dress (loo. Is, I He yd. VI Pieces New Spring Dress Ginghams, Tie, .He, Kle. "iii Pieces Brussels Carpet, 46c, 50c, 0c, 76c. 2" Pieces Velvet Brussels Carpet, 76, B0C 50 Pieces Hoy Carpet, 2"c, S6c, 40c, 50c. 60 Pieces China Matting, Be, 10c, 12c up 40 Pieces Floor Oil Cloth, 250, 86c, 50c. 100 Pieces Table Oil Cloth, Hie, 18c, 20c Arbuokle and LionCoflee, 12Je, Granulated Sugar, 5Jc, Pure Sugar Syrup, 8c, 10c. Ladies' Suits, $2.75, $;t.50, $5.00 up. Ladies' Furs, J price. Ladies' Coats marked down j. Watch this bulletin for low prices. Trexler's Store, l-31-4t- Sunbury, Pa. L001 XEW Rl LES GoveraiaR the Kciuhllcan I'nrtj .it Snydei County. Rikpul.ll.heil by tunny -i- f , c.-i tftll 90, IS;h, At the meetlnu of the Keiiuhlleiiii County Cm It tee, held ill Middle burgh, Sept. 27, isn;, ti. following re solution a- adopted : . .. lit:.-.. i. vi i., That the Chairman up- c, ntueman to give the list lo the point a committee,.!' three Republicans election Ismrd, and votes east lor any to compile a fall iiH ofr n governing candidates other than tl,,.- saidof- the Republlcoii party of SnyderC - ttolnl list shall nol becounteil, with the M 1 clciluite w ay of holding exception nf Standing Coniinittci man. the Primary Elect ion. , . , . I'.. It on nny luillol more name-are The County Chairman appointed votwl than there are pei-on- lo he Geo W Wagenscller, T. A. Wagner nominated, or, If for any reason it is and I!. V. Arlsigast a eoininitU to inisissible to determine the voter's present suitalil' rule-to cover the re- choice for any office such hallol shall iiilremiMits of the iM'casion. (in Sat- not be counted for such office, unlay, Jan. I .th, Isns, the following j .. , wis do it'ip official ballots provided tor ly the above rules sliall state how many . . . ,,. ,, . ,. candidates to be voted for, for each of- I. 1 1 rgani.al n.n oi the Itcpuhh- ,. 1 lice. can party of Snyder ( ounly shall con sist ufa County Committee, of whom K v"l, s n"' K,w" 1 each election district -hall eleel two Person for the satui office on any bal- 1111 iiiIkts, said C mittee to annually j '"' ! Hfsttl(l I .:t 1 1 lie eoimt- eleel a ( ilttil'lIIUII, Seer, liny and Trca , ' un'i". 10. Eiieh voter's name shall lie put 2. I Ic ( mittee of each district will sec that the election hoard is proc rly organieil U, c sing a Judge, Inspector, and 'lerk, of elect I ho, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, sliall severally take, ami subscrils', on blanks to be prepared bi the sveretnry of this committee for the purpose, the oath oraffirmatiou pre- scribed by law. Ii. The primary election shall he held at such times, a- shall he designed by the ( 'ounly t 'ommlttee, eighteen mem bers of which shall constitute a quorum to transact business, I. All known lU'puhlieans qualified lo vote at the ensuing general election shall he permitted to vote at the pri mary eleel ion. 5, In case of a vacancy in the com mittee can I by death, resignation, removalorothcrwisc, it -hall lie the duty of the remaining committeeman from -aid district to appoint hi- sue' cess or, subject to the approval of the ( 'ounly I 'oniuiittec '.. The primary election -hall be held on Saturday from one o'clock un til seven o'clock p. In. 7. Any pei-on oflel'lllg hi- vote at the primary elect ion may he challenged by any one entitled to vote al the same elect Ion. s. In ease any person is so ehalleng- ell the election hoard -hall not receive hi- vote until lie has established his right to vote. II. It -hall be the (lllty of the elcf- tiou officers to challenge the vote of any ami all persons oll'crinjj to vote as a lore said, of whose qualifications to vote the -aid election board, or any of them, may have a doubt. 10. The ( 'ounty 'oinmi tee -hall ti -proximate the expenses of -aid Prim ary Elections and tiBscshcach candidate hi- proportionate share a; tin' Commit tee sliall de, ni fair in consideration of the term and emoluments of the office for which the several candidate- pre sent their name-. ll. ThCounty Committee tntisurer hall he i., o-ed to presenl to the County Committee al the first meeting follow iicr the prhunry election, an item ized ai unl of the receipt-, and ex- nenditures of the primary. 12. All ballot- shall contain the names of candidates for ( 'ounty, Dis trict, or other olli. e-' or propositions to he voted on by the Republicans of the County at the Primary Election and shall he prepared by the Printing Com mit tee and each ballot shall bear their signatures. lit. Each of said ballots shall contain the names of all the candidates ; the nan ics of said candidates sliall he group ed together ill alphabetical order under the title of the office for which they are respectively running. 14. The Printing Committee sliall have printed on while paper of such ballots not less than double the num ber of votes cast for the Republican can didate for President at the last preced ing Presidential election, and they shall distribute to one member of the County Committee In each election dis trict, not less than double the number of ballots cast for the Republican Pres idential candidate in said district, and Rates: One Dollai I'ei Annum, in Advance. NUMKEK D t ike a receipt for -aid ballots from -aid i Iiultteeiuall. In addition the ettll- delates may procure from tin printer I live days eforc the time llxcil for holding the primary election. ;i- many ,,ffieiul ballots as the iw de ircal the ... cost oi printing. I . lo. I he Count v Committee is to fur. nish at least one county committee man in each disl rlet a li-t of candidates w ho have liecii dulv reeisleii d. said ii I he -licet or Voters names and ' " ."',v'1 ""' H'rk, and ,,,,- lH"""K numiNT nc utll on I lie Hallol, Iiy the Inspector, w lei -h ill place the hallol- in i he hox a- reeeh cd. 20, It -hall he lIledlltN of he elec tion board to make public proclama- 11 Immediately after counting the ballots, of the number of voles east for each candidate tor each particular of fice ; and it -hall he he further duty ol the return judge to return, under the certificate of the election hoard, there turn sheet, oaths, poll list, Mild tally- sheet to the meeting of the r. turn judges. 21. The return judges are to meel at the ..in i House in Middleburg, Penn sylvania, ihc Monday following the primary election, ut ..nc o'clock p. ui. 22. The Printing Committee shall consist ..f on,, p. rsoii for each Itcpiibll can new spa per of the county, of which the County Committee treasurer -hall I hail loan "ex-officio." - 'I hc chairman shall call the com mittee together when in his judgment the business of iii, committee requires it , or he may be required to do Upon Ihc written request of live or n ion nmiit- teemeii representing at leasl . dillerenl districts, Tile retiring chairman -hall call the new committee together for pen i ia i lent orgauixatioii, within .'todays after their elect ion. 24. These rules can not l... changed except the eoncurieuce ol two-thirds of the members of the committee at a re gularly called meeting and uol then unless thirty days' notice has been giv en of t he proposed change. 25. The foregoing rulesgoiuto eflbc from till- date. c. w. Waiiensem.er, T. A. Wacinku, 11. F. AitnociAST. Middlcburgh, Pa., Jan, 15, isus. KOUIIEKs i low . I.a-t Wednesday night sneak thieves entered the residences of I larherSimon t Wilson Wlney, C. II. Dtmkellierg- er and David Wetzelon the Franklin side of this city. At S. Barber Simon- Ion's they secured II watch and two dollars in money, Al Wlncy's they secured $1.50 m money and at Duilkel berger's they took luncheon. At all of these places their d. prada lions were undiscovered, except al Simonton's, Barber heard the move ment of the latch on the door a- the robber was entering his sleeping room. Barber asked the intruder w ith a dark lantern w hat he w anted and he politely and decisively told Barberto keepqulet or he would puncture his anatomy w ith a bullet. The midnight mechanic grasped Barber's trousers and vest and disappeared from the room. Unfor tunately Mr. Si ii ion ton was unprepared to meet the robber with the kind of reception to which he was entitled. On the preceding night robbers were at Selinsgrove and ransacked a number 0 f dwellings securing considerable booty. Jello, 111.' rw lies... I. pleases all the family. Four Flavors Lemon, orange, rasoberry ftud straw berry At your grocers. 10 cents ' Try it to-day.