Hi m 1 6 DYING MONARCH 1 HARLAN CONFIRMED IN THE LEGBLATUR The Long Reign of Queen turia Scaring the L:nd. ' ic" By the Senate as Attorney General The Work of Lawmaking Under ROYALTY ABANDONS HOPE. Life May Be Spared Until Thurs day Morning. HER REMARKABLE CONSTITUTION The Qnrrn'n Wonderful Hull) From tli- Shadow llt'tilli ft on I ulaetl No tur Mora Than Hit Phyalelana. Hit Rlilcul Daughter, (he llonnurr EmprffM f Germany, Prevented lr llrr Own Critical lllnrai Prom Hastening la the Bedside of Her Dying Mother, Cowi . Isle nf WiRht,. Tan. 22. Anoth er daj i" iIip Victoria era, now so rap idly drawing to a close, passed without any ip-i change in the condition of Queen Victoria. The slight Improve nu bo frequently mentioned in the Official bulletins merely Indicates R p- tponement of the Inevitable, The ei it ni ly be n matter of days or onlj of hours, but the members of the royul fnmilj who are now dragging out a wear) I al Osborne House know f ; 1 ti.p i. nth of her majesty is merely a qui I li n of a short time. 'I he niosl noticeable feature of ye ten::i was the satisfactory portion t! tin . ii spent In consciousness, which fIm- ret mned early in the afternoon and still retained at 10 p. m. At that 1 v'-a AOS'' ... mm V r OSS "I A ' w v- - hi hi lam, wil It 9 QUEEN VICTOR! . h i nol s ' "M Emperor Wlll- l rumors to the contrary not ing, i; v alty ai Osborne thu i hi ' a chance to recuperate from the t' Ic ordi 'l undergone during the ! irs of Monday. Tho press cor i id .i i w i re informed that the i of the royal family were p!ii"i to a room adjoining the Queen's bi (chamber no less than four tl.ooa y4 rdny morning and were kept In mtflfientar)xpectation of being nun moned to witness the end up to 5:30 p. m. llor majesty's physicians then had only a vestige of hope that they would i" aide to keep the queen's fee ble life In exisltence until the I'rincs of Wales arrived. siii ire t!'i:s result i' iy resorted to the frequent use of brandy am', champ igne, 'I hese Btimulants. used to an i emeri CP' I, BI tl 11 I which only the greatest em y j istifl "I, worked their p ro il ml when Mm Prince of Wales nu WW ''ni entered the ces ium) I a trifle bcl m., they four than had bee Monday ty ic, llv will not i ernte remedies employed morning to enable her majes R until her eldest son's arrival Le used agnln to the sumo ex- 4 ; m -.1 wi " i ; Rheumatism. immense rocker sale; of Porto Rico. Way on Capitol Hill. CHANDLER AND HAWLEY AT ODDS REGARDING SECOND CLASS CITIES Slrlt'tl Controversy Ilrtrveen (he Ke?V HarapSMtre un.1 Connecticut Bettntorfl OtCI nn Kvrnt Connected With the lluye.-Tllden Contest. Washington, Jan. 22. The senate In ; executive session yesterday confirmed the nomination of James S. Harlan, son of the supreme court Justice, to be attorney general of Porto Rico. The final vole was reached after a discus sion of more than two hours' duralon, and when announced stood 43 to 21 In favor of confirmation. All the Repub licans cast their votes in the affirma tive and two or three Democrats voted With them. The session was characterized by a spirited colloquy between Senators Chandler and Hawley, in which bitter personal language was used. The con troversy between them grew out of a letter written by Senator Chandler in 1S77, and which was read by Senator Pettlgrew, concerning the controversy over the Hayes-Tilden election, in which reference was made to the part taken by Senator Hawley and Justice Harlan (neither then occupying his present place) in the settlement of the Louisiana controversy of that time. In that letter Mr, Chandler stated that a commission of which those two gen tlement were members bud been sent to Louisiana by President Hayes to de stroy the Packard state government. This having been accomplished, Mr. Chandler said the president then nn dertook to "recognize" the members of the committee, giving Hen. Harlan the appointment f an associate Jus tice ami offering Oen. Hawley the place of ilnei lor of the Paris exposi tion, which the latter had declined, Mr. Chandler said, because of the In adequacy of the salary. When this point In the article was reached Mr. Hawley Interrupted in a somewhat excited manner to denounce the statement as false, which he did In very emidi.it ic and plain language. Mr. Chttndl r re lied i:. a like manner, saying that Hie article bad been pre pared by him 23 years ago; that it bud never before been contradicted, and that be still stood by it. He added that the whoh Bubjecl was ancient his tory and announced his intention to vote for Mr, Harlan's confirmation. Senators Spootler, Mason and Lind say made brief speeches, Mr. Maaon spoke of Mr. Harlan's qualifications as a lawyer, and said that he did not think any the less of Justice Harlan because of his attachment for his fam ily, Mr. Bpooner said there appeared to he no opposition except that of 8en- ni r Ptftttgrew. Referring to Sen r Bp oner's remarksMr Pettlgrew quoted ex racts from editorials In a num ber of newspapers in reprobation oi Mr. Harlan's nomination, He said be had no purpose to delay a vote, and when he com luded the- ballot W;.ss taken. The house yesterday, after devotinc some time to District of Columbia business, passed a number of bills un der suspension of the rules. They were to provide a home for aged and Infirm colored people out of the fund now In the treasury to thns credit ol deceased colored soldiers, amounting to about $230 000; to establish a branch soldiers' horns at Johnson city. Wash ington countv. Tenn., and to lncrenst the salary of the commissioner f ed ucation of Porto Rico from 3,000 to $4,000. A bill to give citizens of for eign countries the right to sue in the conn of claims for indemnity for al leged injuries, which bad been recom mended by Hi" state department, was disasl rously beaten. Tried Iii Phlladelphli las, aged 2(i y in a lunch cuf ider, Then Stilchfedb Jan. 22. Clara Nlc!-! ars, a waitress empb : ei a on Chestnut si reel. v. U shot and wounded last evening by Ralph Helms, a kitchen helper, aged 23 years, who afterwards committed suicide by shooting. The girl has been employed at the place about, seven years, and Helms, who came then ago, became enamored Ol pt( d bis attentions until ! he offendi d her and ged bis attentions there- i laid In wait lu a small t the cafe, and when she d Lie two bh u. The girl about a yeai her. She n i , recently, v h she discoura , after. Helm st n el back 1 : appeared fire . will recover. I. WALES. i. ai iui mat 1 PltlNCE or ir ihi doctors are i almost worse o b. Th ti ust to pro- v a moderate application i miblned with as much I i i,i be assimilated, llcnts us were employed dur in lag are not consid- i ri My astonished no one hi r phj slclans, and when at ; luck yesterday afternoon they i. ii her ask fur chicken broth their an ment almost equaled their de- . . y, however, they build no hopes upon these fading signs of v.i has been one of tho strongest constitutions with which a woman was ever endowed. Despite the favorable afternoon the docti rs drended greatly the period be- i a 0 o'clock and midnight. When iirt was safely passed they teemed hopeful of her majesty living ot least through arethor day, although the memory of the previous night's relapse kept their anxiety at high tension. A bulletin issued at 5 o'clock this morning Bays: "The queen Is expect ed to live until Thursday morning, un less unexpected complications occur.'' The news of the death when it ocrurs is likely to be publicly announced In London before It Is nnnounced here, as, according to the present arrangements, the Drat telegram is to be sent to the lord mayor of London. There is a tremendous telegraphic staff at Cowes. and additional facilities Were Installed yesterday at Osborne. Already the villagers are bewailing the fate that Is likely to befall Cowee, Mrs Wichita, Kan. Lease yesterday from Charles I,. court of Si d l Dlvnre i 1 1. Jan. 22.- Mary E filed suit for divorce Lease in the district k county. The peti tion charges the defendant wi;h "be- Ing guilty of gross neglect of duty, in that the defendant has failed in neglect for more than 12 years past to support the plaintiff and her family and to sup ply them with the ordinary and necrs-, sary convenii nces of life, such as the defendant, as an able bodied man, wai competent and capable of supplying and furnishing." The couple were mar ried In 1837, and there are four chil dren. Sells Att-ntnst the Salt Trimt. Cleveland, Jan. 22. The big packing companies are endeavoring to force the salt trust to live up to alleged con tracts for the delivery of salt to them. Several days ago the Omaha Packing company began suit against the United Salt company (the trust) for $;w,ouu damages, and yesterday a similar suit was Instituted by Nelson Morris & Co., of Chicago, damages being placed at $1)0,1)00. it is claimed that the salt company entered into n contract to furnish sail for a year at. a certain price, and It is alleged that the term of the contract has been violated. Murder In the Second Decree. Paterson, N. J., Jan. 19.-Valter C. MeAlister, Andrew J. Campbell ad William A. Heath, three of the four persons indicted for the death of Jen nie BoBSchieter, a mill girl, who was murdered on the night of Oct. 18 last, .vere last night adjudged guilty of mur ler in the second degree. According to the New Jersey law the maximum penalty for the prisoners is 30 years' im A Hill Which Will ;ivc the governor I'owcr to Appoint Mayors lor Pittsburgh Allegheny and Seranton. to Serve I ntll IIMKI. Harrlsburg, Jan. 21. After the elec tion of M. S. Quay to the national sen ate on Tuesday of last week, followed by denunciatory statements from the anti-Quay Republicans and the action of the Democrats In reading out of the party those Democrats who had sup ported the Quayites in the organiza tion of the house the legislature set-1 tied down to the work of lawmaking. Among bills Introduced in the senate, Tuesday nnd Wpdnpsday were: To prohibit foreign corporations from do-1 lng any business in Pennsylvania with out having at least one known place of business and one authorized agent; to regulate, establish and make uniforrh 1 the fees of notaries public; to Increase the number of courts of common pleas In Philadelphia, establishing a district and separate court of common pleas, and providing for the election and ap pointment of three judges for said court: permitting corporations to In crease their capital stock or indebted-1 ness to such an amount as they shall deem necessary to accomplish and car-, ry on their business. The latter bill is designed to enable the Pennsylvania Railroad company to increase Its cap- i ltal stock to Jioo.uoo. uoo. A concurrent resolution was adopted favoring the passage by congress of tho pending 1 ship subsidy bill. Among the lulls introduced Ibiirsday were: Appropriating $50,000 for the erection of a monument lu the national cemetery at Andersonvjlte, Qa to "commemorate the heroism, sacrifice and patriotism" of the Pennsylvania soldii is who died In Ander eniville prison during the civil war: appropri ating $180,000 to the Hahnemann hos pital, Philadelphia; appropriating $334,730 to the Medlco-Chirurgiral hos pital, Philadelphia; to provide ; ir tho burial of honorably discharged sol diers, Bailors or marines who die in almshouses and like Institutions; au thorizing water companfes to condemn property and rights for the purpose of obtaining and supplying water or water power. The senate on Thursday adjoumod unlit this evening and the bouse until Wednesday evening. The senate met tonight at '.) o'clock. The desk of Senator Francis A. Os hourn, of Philadelphia, who died y i terday, was draped in black. A be-, a tlful Bbral offering relieved tbe sc.i brenesa of the decoration. The etu.p lain devoted Ida entire prayer to a feeling expression of sympathy for I'm dead senator's family. Hiila were introduced as follows; Providing tor 'i new charter for s c ond clans cities i within 30 days after the approval of the bill the governor I shall till the office of mayor in each of the jieoond class cities, and the BUOr COSSOrs shall be chosen at th? regular municipal election in 1908); providing; for the creation or' the nlfiee of military i officer for school boards or dist ricts; ap- propriatlng $2,000 for the erection of t, monument at Gettysburg to the mem ory of John Huriw. of Gettysburg, for 1 conspicuous bravery vhile Berving in1 the lion brigade; appropriating $16r ooo for tlie Butler oounty general bos-, pital; to regulate the acknowledgement of deeds, mortgages and other instru ments of writing by corporations, the form of certificates thereof, and cone firming those heretofore made. RcsoDitions wera adopted as follows: That the number of members of th ; 'liata, standing committees shall re main the same as heretofore, and that tile president pro USUI, shall be a mem ber ex-offlclo of aaeh; that (,000 BPr portionment maps of Pennsylvania be printed showing tbe population of each county, and the vote of each po litical pariy at the last general i ec tlon to each county; also ct.m) pam phlets showing the vote by wards or townships In ail cities bavins a popu lation of 100 000 ir over. A number of bills were rot.d'the rlrsl time, and several other bills passed econ I reading. Among the bitter was. the bill provliltig for a neiy common pleas-court in Philadelphia,, and tho uill regulating Hie fee system of couaiy officers. Several amendments weio made to the latter bill and accented The bill provides that "Whenever the total compensation or commissions which are allowed or paid by this com monwealth to any county oillcec for services in "cting as agent for the commonweattil shall exceed $5,000 dur ing any one year any excess compen sation or commission in excess of that sum shall belong to Uio county of which be Is an officer and shall be paid into the treasury t tareof." Senator lira.dy, or Philaileiph.a, tlien announced the death of Senator Os bourn aud paid a blgfe tribute to the deceased, lie offered a resolution, which was adopted, that the senate at tend the funeral In a body oa Wednes day at Philadelphia, A committee of eight was appointed to dn.U suitable resolutions on the death of Senator Osliourn and present them at a special I meeting of the senate at 3 p. m. on Jan. 30. It was also ordered that the Benntc be draped for a period of 30 i days, and that the desk of Senator Os- bourn remain lu mourning until the vacancy In the Third Philadelphia dis . trict Is filled. Among the officials elected at last night's session of the senate were: Journal cieiK, jonn m. uuey. Cumberland county; message clerk. Harry Bender, Philadelphia; sergeant-at-arms, Oliver C. Moltar, Heaver; transcribing clerk, Arthur Wlngate, Westmoreland; transcribing clerk, John V. Miller, Union; assistant ser-geant-at-arms, D. Z. Witmer, Lancas ter; postmaster, W. B. Adams, Jeffer son; doorkeeper, James C. Kirk, Wash ington; assistant doorkeepers, James H. Crossley, Wayne, and E. Stanton Kitchen, Bucks; messenger, Willie A. Rodgers, Philadelphia; asslsta,: messenger, A. Z. Collins. Crawford. Nobody knows all about it uul nothing, now known, wil ilways cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emu1 (ion of Coil Liver Oil, whe hey think it is caused by ir. erfect digestion of focn rou can do the same. It may or may not be cause y the failure of stomach ant their work. 1 owels to do t is, vou will vou will do no cure it; if not harm. The way, to cure a diseast is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. W hen Scott's Emulsion of Call to AT - - BHIPMAN'S FURNITURE STOR 439 Market t, SUNBURY, PA., 1 t8 Bop lU see tliem. X Great, Great Sacrifices i t Cod Liver Oil cures; when it It cure. does that, it don't, it don't never does harm. $lf,000 of Stock of Gents' and Hoys' Clothing will he sacrified at Wolff . reedman's (Loch's old Prici s as follows: 'j 0 XJ ndorwoar The genuine has this picture on it, taku no other. If you have not tried it, scud '"or free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, t inn Pearl St.. "". V. and $i.uo ; all druggists. stand), Market Street, $20 Hernials Inr $11 1 I vercoat8 for I 10 Overcoats i'r .i ( Ivercoats fur ,8 up g op B RUBBERS ' ,.,,. r'. RMI Ronta II J? . ii ' Rubber Boot J Inn'n Hubhcr Mlioen ....... ; Womai'li Rubber Hboes XL'liild'a Kubber Shoer .. yc i i '.i iii n X Men's wr "P 0 H ors'Wow !, ImUi Shoea "P ii U k. ONM( I A I. BBOE BMP , Sunbury, I ., Jj tfiCXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ' 111 II.' VIII II i f !'.;"(! 5.50 2.90 SIN Suit for sin 1 I Suit Kir lo ! Suit for 7." Men's Overalls minced i. 25c. Boys' Suits $10 Suii for 7.50 J Suit for 1.10 2.50 Suit for .7"i s Overooats ( K' rcoat8 for 80 0 Overcoats for 4.50 3.50 ( Overcoats for 1.50 J Ivercoats for .99 it lo t tips lur 35o 55c ( 'a for 1 9o :. Suit for 2 2 Suit for 1.25 Children's Underwear for It) Mcn'8 Panta .-. I'autf for $-3.50 3.50 Pants for 2.40 2.50 Pants for .50 810 IVIoTa's Shoes IA Slmcs for 82.2 J.."0 Shoes for 1.50 j L.75 Shoes i;,r .99 O lovoa I 82 Gloves for $1.5W 1 ..l) (doves for 1 1 (Moves fir ..r() ,50 (doves for ,2o 3NTccli.tios 0c and 7,"ic Neckties for 39c 9c Neckties for 19c. st A "14 v X Hi- rcaaon why we HRciifjce is on iiccoutit of the mild climate. :ih wi lire hound to id uke room for the summer stook. Our sales lOmmo'iced Jim. 7. Come to see Us. Onnlitv tells nnVna ull ... - - - , . . . . . , 111 ,r: i rJUlUliUUU m 3 P 3i wh lead :i r t n y o ti that W Bellin Golden Onk BEDROOn Suits At $15,75 FOR Wolff Frecdnian, sunbury, K. J ' i Frank S, Risgle, 7,50 ' DEALER IU 1 PIANOS. IGfflS ' . : ,:. -- p.rw I7'.-' be ixild you how we are a to do this it would not jo surprising, but let it sufficient that we are liuif them at THIS PRICE worry about how wi Bee our O i I t I 4 wimmi : ... . . ,', ; i -AND- Sewing Machine; rliddlcb&rr, pa. I - ' .'I RneDlsplayof ) 6 T III S f f 1 C C S Fancy Rockers E'..S.Weimdr&;Co. Purniture Dealers anil Funaral Directors 4ih St., SUNBURY, l.. 9 X i 8 f ;-x-w:!-h-h-!:-::-:-:-h- HORSE COLLARS lj! I have reduced prices as j! j- lid lows: Scott's Collars from 82.25 to 2.00 and another grade from 4 to T 85 cents. X J. M. Maurer, 1 8m. Kitr. im ii, pa. T JL MlDBLEBURGH MARKET. Butter. 24 Ems 20 Onions 00 Lard 8 Tallow 4 Chickens G Turkeys 8 Shoulder 8 Ham 12. Wheat 70 Rye 45 Corn 45 Oats 30 Potatoes 50 Bran per 100. 90 Middlings "1.00 Chop 1.10 Read f his ! Read This ! EIY P2ESEHT STOCK OF CARPETS Is larger than ever before ; my PMC 'S LOWER than OTH ERS for 1 1 e SAM E GOODS. My prices on 45 rolls of carpet I wish to efose out will suit tho pocket book of many and Bave others money. Do not think of buying your fall carpets until you give m.v stock of ciirpets your attention and get the prices of some of my baagains 1 am offering. itnir . t m lit hill lull llll VI UU1LUIUUI UUllUll Prices just right on these goods. One Word About Pictures. I am offering my present stock of pictures at cost, LESS THAN COST and some tor the price of the glass in the flames. Don't miss this sale. ! I have some prettv things to offer in Furniture, all new,: Later will surprise you in Styles and Prices. UNDERTAKING ! UNDERTAKING ! I In this branch of my business I am prepared to give thf public the best serbioe that can be secured by money, time ancsi personal attention. My equippatre in this branch of business hi. one of the finest in the state. HEARSES, CARRIAGES anc UNDElvTAKINu PAttLOKS are up to date. Onn word nbont report that mv attention has bo called to lately In mypricex. I OUAKAX'PKK tofnrnlHh the name ffoods at LKSS MONEY than ai house Id tho county. 1 OU AKANTBE to give you easier PAYMENT than all omen First-Class Livery Connected with Undertaking Department W. H. FELIX, Telephone Connection. LEWISTOWN, J prisonment. Flourperbbl4 00 300000000000QOOOOOOOOOOOOC I. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers