! HuuppEHiHGs i mmmmmmW' U&.PREPARBO EXPRESSLY FOR THE FOSTVO-y Lvg .. AX-gif-t -f O" " FORT TBEYKBI'ON. RICHFIELD. SELINSGKOVE. Ed. Mitterling, of Sunbury, made lis bi-weekly visit to town Sunday. S. 5'. Steffen, who is employed at jihamokin, was welcomed home by us wife Saturday. C. VV. Keller, one of Selinsgrove's ju-to-dute butchers, called on his parents Sunday. Miss Elsie O'noil has returned from her two weeks' trip to !' Mrs. M. Herrold, of Lewi liter spending several weeks ul e Rational Hotel, returned to r ihoinc Ihursdav. Mrs. L. D. Swine- ford accompanied her to Sunbury. JerreBoear went to Selinsgrove ito see his wife and young son. E. 1). Bwineford and wife par- ,9 , , ,. , took oi an cicgani niuni r tne nt. fchome of his son-in-law, Win. Fn f Silver Run. .Miss Ix'rie Ringanian accompuni fed her grandmother, Mrs. Hottse- worth, to Milton 1 kursday. Rev. Francis transacted business atl Lewisburg one day last week. N. T. Dundore passed through toivn Thursday. John Schlegel, of Eclipse, was in Frjiday night. VVm. Sehrawder intends to move to Bain Bridge in the near future. Itev. J. L. Boyer is conducting revi val services in the Ev. church and is doing good work for the Masker. iiss Estella Trout man is attend ing ia sick friend at Maeppa. Mrs. George Troutman was to Herhdon on business Thursday, -i vm. Reidle was to Sunbury Fri day and Saturday. There was a "trio'' party held in town one night last week. The pupilsof School No. 1 assi-t-sd Sheir worthy teachers in giving te school rooms a thorough cleans iug Friday. The day was very cold, but this n ale no difference to the pupils, because they take a pride in their school rooms as well as in their teachers. They set a very good ex a.nple for pupils of other schools, and we hope they will prolit by it. CENTREVILLE. P. C. Hartinan was to Middle burg Sunday afternoon. Frank Sechrist, of Middleburgh, visited his parents over Sunday. Mrs. Jno. Rutherford and Miss Rebecca Stover, of Laurelton, visit ed S. G. Biugaman's Sunday. W. W. Wittenmyer and Benne-j sons, Uriah and William, in Beaver ville Smith, of Middleburgh, were;t(w. Friday. O " I in town Sunday. Wesley Wellershamp oi New Rev. Kohler held communion ser- Berlin, spent a few days with his vices in the Reformed church Sun- "Mar, Mrs. Chas. Swengle, last week. day afternoon. B. F. Heimbach and wife visited Dr. J. F. Kanawel was to Blooms- few days here last week. burg Friday evening. J. H. Long, of Crossgrove, was in town one day last week. L. A. Stine transacted business at Sunbury last Friday. Jackson Sechrist, of Shamokin, 1 . 1 . m . i ,i m i iwas uie gwm oi nis oromer, looias, jver Sunday. Our Republican primary f o r jwnship offices will Is1 held next aturday between the hours of one iti ! seven o'clock p. m. MIDDLES WARTH. William Gilbert wears a smile is a girl. U what a wonder, that Saturday , . r nno iul ii-il lo .ul i l: I,,,, it i iur I fltch A.W.Potter, Estp, visited his lolitieal friends last week. John Krouse, of Union County, ras a recent visitor at this place. William Neitz and wife and chil- en, of Austin, Potter Co., are vis- ping her parents. N. H. Bingaman made a business i . . I Hp to Watsontown last week. The rumor is, we can aot vote for man for President Judge who does accommodate us as we were ac- Btomed in preceding nominations. little more snow for our hunters order to demonstrate a ertain wild ynal which makes frecucnt night kut. A. she-wolf for .his locality Jld be astonishing. Colds and grip are common. Many of our people are filling their ice houses. The two mails a day is a marked improvement in every way. Newton Grayliill intends erecting la large stone building on the corner , ut the square. ( food resolutions are like a build ing with a rotten foundation, they require eon-taut propping up. Percy K. Deckard returned to j Philadelphia, alter spt nding a pleas ant vacation with his parents, to re sume his lectures at the Medico Chi. Misses Bessie and Mary Fisher, I ,.r VI v 11: i,., ;il.. ..,,, ,,',,..t- nf n n , ' f ... b s,,.,,,.,,,,,. i . tui'i t . i i t i in i and Sum Snyder. K. Watts and Sam He Th W offer One Hundred Dollars Re w ard tor any case of Catarrh thai an not he cured hv Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY t" 00. Toledo. . We, the undersigned, have known . Clituey for the last 1" years, and believe him perfectly honerablu in ail business transactions und li nanciall? able to carry out any obli gations made by their tinn Wis &Truax, Wholesale Druggists, I'olcdo, O. Waldino, K inn an & Mauvin, Whcle syle Druggists, Toledo, O. Hull's Cuta' rli Cure is taken inter nally, act iug directlj upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the Bystem restimoniaU sent free. Price :. per bottle. Sold by all DruggiBts. Hall's family Pills are best. KAN T. Rev. Brilhartof Port Trevorton, was in our midst last Friday. Miss Lilly Hosterman was spend ing last week on Hoover's Island. A. (i. (ilaee, the merchant of Kantz, made a Hying trip to Sunbury Saturday. Ijevi Herold and wife, William Bailey and Chas. Stetler ofShaniok in Dam were visiting J, 11. Bailey at Millerstown a few days last week. B. F. Dock says any mill ought to have lire in to warm yourself when you get there. PAXTONVILLE R. E. Gift made a business trii fo Wilkes Barre and Scrauton last week. Chas. Boyer, merchant, was to Selinsgrove last Tuesday on business. Mrs. Mary Howell visited her Rev. Remer F. E., of Lewisburg, preached a very interesting sermon in the Evangelical chinch Thursday evening. He had selected for histext John 1:11.12. Adam Bowersox and wife left for Kansas last week. Mrs. Austin Gill went to Sunbury Saturday to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. John Sterner. Mrs. Hettie Howell and son, Joe, ofLewistown are spending a few days with Mrs. Howell's parents. Prof. F. C. Bowersox was a visit or in town, Saturday. The School lioard of Franklin met in the Faxtonvillo Primary school. Saturdav to remunerate the ' A I Mrs. Sarah Bowersox and Mrs. David Haroer. left Monday for Mil- ton, where they will attend their sis ter's funeral, Mrs. Barbara Dillman Rev. Shanibach dosed the series of meetings Kriday evening, which he had been holding here for several weeks, without the conversion of one soul. It surely was not on account p .1 i X. n.l i of the pastor, for he is one of the best preachers who has been here for a number of years, and is always ready to do his duty. Cut this out and take it to the Mid dleburg Drug Store rni get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physio. They also cure disorders of the tomacb, biliousness and headache. I3Y ITS CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Sherifl Rofl makes periodical vis its to tlii- section of the county. Mrs. A. A. Conrad took a trip to Danville to visit her son, Harry. Itev. Harry P. Miller, of Brook lyn, N. Y., spent a few days with his mother. Dr. G. G. Graft, of Lewisburg, spent ti night with Prof. Fisher Fri day lust. President Heisler entertained ihe Faculty and a lew friends Fridav evenme "i last week. Carrol, Luther and Charles llolig have gone to the western part of tin state to work lit their trade. A very pleasant wedding took placeal the home of ('has. Foster (a travelling man for our Bhoe factory). The contracting parties were .1. B. Hannis of Philadelphia and Miss va Miller of Wilmington, 1 tel., Bister of Mrs. Foster, We understand thai Arthur Dro ller, youngest son of W. A. Dreher, has been appointed uighl operator at I'ainterville, N. P. Jarrett, of Minneapolis, spent a -hurt time with his parents on his way from the former place to Philadelphia on business with his company. Mrs. P. It. Wagcnseller has re turned home from a visit to her daughters at ( Carlisle. Commissioner J. P. Wetel and A ilson iney were in town Satur day evening, they having been on the bridge view at Hcrndon. iii-iii om or mi InereMt of him ivnsiiiii. A Mexican war veteran and prom inent editor writes: "Seeing the advertisement of Chamberlain a Col ie. Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that, as a soldier in .Mexico in '17 and '4H, I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept mo from getting an in crease in my pension for on every renewal u dose oflt restores mo." It is unequalled as quick cure for diarrhoea und is pleasant mid safe to take. For sale by the Middleburg Ilriitf Store, SHADEL, 'I lie farmers' institute at I'Yec inonl lat Wednesday and Thursday was well attended, and excellent speeches were delivered on Agricul ture. W. W. Wittenmyer was seen on our streets hist week, with the intent ion of buying a tract of timber. Mr. Witteumyer, we are informed, is go ing out of the mercantile business this spring. F. S. Itiegle of Middleburg was seen on our streets on Saturdav, Prank is always busy 1 1 .in ing orgaus ami -owing niacin nes. II. A. Ebright sold his white pine lumber to Mr. Haines ofSelinsgrove. David City, Neb.. April t. lOnO (ienesee l ure K ootl (jo, le Boy . i Gentlemen: I mist say in regard toGHAIN O that there is uothiliL' R8tier or H-'lt lii-r. e have Used ii lor years. .iy orotuer wivh a great ooffee drinker. He was taken sick ami t he doctor said cofiee was the cause of it, aud told us to use GRAIN 0. We got a package but diil not like it at tirst, but now would not be without it. My broth er has been well ever since he utmt ed to use it. Yours truly, Liu. in Sociioh. UNION TOWNSHIP. William Sechrist of York Pa., is spending this week with his uncle, II. II. Sechrist. Hathaway Kelley and family of ! c....i... : -:k iuuuuuit nicouiriuM nivuviwi t vii I f O Daniel Krebs was to Berwick last week to see his sick son there. I & Both parties have their aomina-ls (ions next Saturday. Candidates fori the various offices are as numerous jx as usual. Sherill Bow was seen in our place $ Monday of last week. I f Saturday morning of last week nt'v 5 o'clock C. E. Auoker s store and dwelling house burned to the ground together with the contents, sonic clothing excepted. C. A. Sechrist, a boarder with Mr. Auoker, was also a loser as be has nothing left except the clothing he wore as he was away to Sun bury. His loss includes a bi cycle, trunk and a lot of clothing. A small insurance was carried on the building and stock. McCLDRtS. Republican primary Saturday af ternoon Jan, 2(5. Isaac Drcese and wife are spend ing a few weeks, in an extended visit. Henry 1 looser went to Philadel phia to undergo a treatment tor his eyesight, Hon. A. W. Putter was noticed on our streets Saturday and Monday looking utter the Judgeship, A. D. Shirey an 1 wife spent Sun day at Lowistou n. . J. Tivaster is engaged in fres eocing the Si. Matthews church. N. I. Middkswarth and wife vis itetl friends al Troxelvillc and i einity last week. Mi-s Sadie Howell and Mrs. S. F. Weidenmyer and son, visited trie nds at Beavertown last we.k. HUM MEL'S WHARF. Dollie Dressier has an attack of scarlet li ver. Miss Martha Hummel is sick with I .a li rippc. Francis Strouh of Red Bank is working for Peter Klingler. Chas. and Win. Sassamun spent a few days in 1 teuville. Miss Kate Fonastuck is visiting her grandparents, Nathaniel Mover and wife ofthis place. Boyd Keiser of Selinsgrove made a trip to our town Sund v afternoon. Levi Matter of near Middleburg WUS seen in this place Saturday. Misses Sue Cross of Muncy, and Bertha Bui iu, spent Thursday with Misses Minnie and Katie Trutt. Mrs. Frank Erdley and children spent a day last week with relatives near Erd ley's church. ('has. Stetler spent part of last week with his grandmother Mrs. J, 11. Bailey, near Newport. .;. . ! 4 . ; ; .....;. -I- S. Weis A I In Honor Co Co A discount of 20 t Vev C('ut- on vey Dollar Purchase of Dress (lot ids Silks Muslins Ginghams Calicos Linings White Goods Embroideries Laces Gloves Etc., etc. 1 3 4 4 14' 1 1 I T i t-THIS GREAT SALE will begin on Saturday morning, January 26th, and end on the following Saturday night, Feb ruary 2nd. The Stock is complete with good, honest, depend able Merchandise S. WEIS, SELINSGROVE, PENNA. T j T - . Chsmlifa e, Mrs. Morris' Letter to EVERY WIFE AND MOTHER. l.KTTIk TO UKS. riNKHAU MO, i ,. ) MI have taken eight bottles ol l.yilia E. l'mkhum's Vegetable Compound with gratifying results. I had been married four yours ami had two chil dren. I was all run down, had falling ut womb with all Its distressing symp toms, I had doctored with a good physician, but I derived rcry little pood from his treatment, After taking a few bottles of your medicine, 1 was able to do my work and nurse my seven-months'-old bai 1 i ommend your medicine to every wife and mot tier. Had I time, 1 could write much more in Its praise. I bid you Cod's speed in your good work." Sins. I.. A. Moiuus, klaiia, Putnam Co., Fla. " Dear Mas. Pinkhasi When I menced the use of your remedies 1 was very bod off. Every two weeks 1 w. troubled with flowtnggpelts which mi me very weak. I had two f the bi doctors, but they did not seem to In Ip me. "They said my trouble was cause 1 from weakness and was nothing t. worry about 1 felt tired all the time; hnd no ambition. 1 wasgrowlng worse all the time until I began the use of Ly din I). Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. lam inw at'le to help n bout the house, and urn much improved in health." Mug. A. Walkkii, Calucoon la. cor, N. V. Miss Minnie Eolkroad of Oriental is spending a few week- with her sister, Mrs. Levi Dressier. J. 1. Wert, a former citizen of this place, passed through our town, lhursday, on his wav to nay a visit to his daughter, Mrs. I (alias Wilt, at Shamokin I am. A party of people In in Shamokin Dam, passed through tliw place V ednestluy evening," nn their wav to Samuel llulic's. Mush r Harry Young is sick list. WEST BBA.VEK. the Daniel H. Treaster had hocn un able to lie out of the house (lie past week on account of sore ihro.it, bill at this writing is improving, Foster Treaster spent part of last Sunday with some ol his Lowell friends. Spencer liomig of Adams! org, was seen on out streets hist Saturday. Glad to hear of him being able to visit this end again. H- t-l-:-l- -I-;-l-i-l-;-l-;-!-; -I- i5 ' CENTURY SALE of the 29th Anniversary of Our Business. INTRODUCTORY Wc begin the New Century with a great Side. A Sale so far reaching in its money saving im portance that it will appeal to the cconomv of our buying public fur miles around. To make this Sale what it pretends to be we shall oiler a discount of lit per cent, on our t ntirc stock. This is to be a SPOT CASH SALE, and every customer who visits our store during the period of this Sale and buvs One Hollar worth of goods and over will be entitled to a discount of 'JO percent. All purchases under One Dollar will be at regular prices. There will be notiling reserved. The cnliiv stock is at your disposal. We believe that this will be the greatest buy ing opportunity ever offered to the people of this section. It' you buy ( )ne Hollar worth of goods you save '20 cents; if you buy 10 worth, von save $2. Make ant your lists nml come prepared in buy liberally ; oWc clianecs do not often come your way. Again we would emphasize that this Sale is strictly for ( oxli and the Discount only on one con tinuous Stile of One Hollar and over. nfudacnr and Keuralgla cured by U James Peter oi Lowi II is ! from hi- n ip through uarl t BI count v, claims there is no place in good old Snyder count, nntl hi? 1 I W lie to tki his COO.il 11 If, ( Seorge I hum of Met lure v guut of I hiniel Treaster. Samuel I taumgarihiei ol . Milllin ( o., spent Slit II I'd . i w itli his lather-in-laM I .. I The majority ol ice h end still remain enipt nights like last Kriday lav thev an all he lille l es ut thf ,en- I' . w morewf and S; tnr- CASTOR 8 A For Infants and CliiM. en. The Kind You Have Always r Ignature of UzP ' . i .i 1 1 ; M 1 1 . 1 Miss i 'earl Smith of 1! visited Maliel Kow this ' John I Irich oi' Kokonu i Ind ia, visited m.- lis uncle, Ante- I lr eh B. I . Koch and Mrs. 11. V nn' wi it spent Thursday f last week Mrs nna I lottensti in in dii- del llll'e . Thomas Deitrich and family, and Mrs. W. S. S'hrover spent Saturday Middleburg. Miss Anna Stetlct friends at Milton. Lewis I'awling ol j was doing business at week' Mrs. S. ( ). I 'Irich, I.. ytsiung Sclinsgn ive his plaei last nh I. II on ler arm lllir- slow I v reeov- ; i lie stove and mimed , iug a fainting spell, i I eriug. illiam Iteigleof Verdillu is vis iting his cousin, Anion Yi rgcr, and other relatives at this place. Tin- Mother's Farorltr, Chamberlain's Cough Hiiucdy is the mother's favorite. It is pleas ant and safe for children to t'lko aud always cures. It is intended especially for coughs' colds, croup ami whooping cough, and is ihe best medicine made for these iis eases, There is not the least dan ger in giving it to children for it contains no opium or otl.er ini'iri OUB drug and may be given as eon tidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by Middleburgh l.: Slore. S. Weis Co 1 1 20 per cent, savd on every dollar Worth of Carpets Oil Cloth Window Shades Underwear Hoisery Jewelry Etc., etc. t A V $ .' I- t suufrrj unit Straw ffc.ii!".'our urocer's. 10 cents. Try it to day .on. Ithv, w in geabury A Johnson, J
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