7- -..--VI J ' Published Every Thursday ftloralag Q I W WAOBN81LLIR. A M Editor and owner SUBSCRIPTION RATES, tl.Ofl per year tf i til In advanca. IIM pet mar if not la advanca Binxta coptaa Ftvt Cants. Act nisin- Knim, J) centa per line, nonpareil maanure ineiii f-r first tnaartlnu and 10 rents par line fr each ttbM quenl liwt-i tmn- f f oKKH K Nmr Hit oiinty .mrt Houee, between lue Hirst National I tank and the bounty fail. Vol.. VI I Jan. 1901. NUM BEH 4. " lii Cliartty prevail, the Press would prove eehicts .f Virtue, Truth and Lore. Co a n it. WOMEN AS TEACHERS IN address before a Teachers' Confernce held In iv York State, Prof. DeUarnio, oi Cornell University, made the followiug State mi mi- : "If the public schools of the country are tn i nmintalnetl tit their present liiuh stumlurd. the prevailing vital defeel i" women holding nearly every teacher's l .. -: i i 1 1 1 niii-i be remedied, even if it is uet'eHKiiry for the National Government ! inti rfere and coniel the school boards of eities and towns to appoint a proKr t ion of nude teachers : tn compel the wo men teachers to undergo proper prepara tion and stricter examinations ; ami in ii lilntalu adequate salaries. Th en trance of women into the profe slon Iim Iui salaries so alow that no self-respect-inc man 1 1 1 nttemnl to found or pre--i rve u family n the pittance he re ceives." This statement is remarkable a- emanating from so intelligent a man as the eminent Pro fessor. If our school system laeksaught, it mure, not less, womanly influence injected into it- methods. o( only in school teaching, bill in hool government, An equal representation of men and women on our school boards; on i school economy demands the mother element in conjunction with the latin rh I ton preponderant at present in our local boards of control. It is nut clear u twin what basis the Professor arrive- at his premise that men are better pre pared for teaching. Statistics show more girls than Ixiys graduated from our public schools, In Pennsylvania the proportion is two to one. The report of the National Commissioner of Educa tiotl gives 3361 males and 12i7 females who are students in Pedagogy in Co-educational Institu tions. In Pennsylvania Normal Schools, the list of graduates who intend to teach number 1177 females and 547 males. Other states about the same proportion. The National Government need feel no cause to interfere to "compel stricter examinations." In the Normal School course of preparation, and in all examinations for teachers, men and women applicants undergo the same public test and stand upon the same educational plane. No Normal issues differentiating certificates for male and female students. Too frequently young men enter the teaching prole. ion as a means to an end, a stepping If Milt Witch h Ml ai raprtMMM. I XIVKRSAL BB JTHKRHOOO PATH, JAN. 1901 YQUR jVQKrY B1CK TlIE I nnrrml Brotherhood rath (Theoso- Cimr- P '.t iiM )r We .ell v amevd i J . oo "Jllf I the Terr nhiivil I 'nli ( I'niiit I .11111:1 ('ilifW.ir.Iiimi-ii tor CBLl 1 " V"u best 7- , , . , , J 1(l enters upon the New Year with a tine readable J"3- number. TheoflOphy, which formerly was con sidered to be something a bit ruse, understandable only by the student, is shown in this magazine to U' a philosophy of the common every-day life. The current issue opens with a New Century stone financially, while preparing for other vooa- Greeting, "To the Children of the Master," from tions. Woman is the natural educator; man Katherine Tine-lev, the leader and oflicial head tnfxi.s, Comiies. nniKE.iay chairs, Fo n ' ' ivrw HimM. GrADhaononea. Orooerles. lacks the instinctive knowledge of child-nature . of the Universal Brotherhood irgamzation. ; S&SuSn w ' L " . - . - - -r-r - npfu rtrr. ft?.-1 c-seutial in the mental training of the young. In primary grades especially, men rarely achieve success. The modern Profe sor is out of place in the child-garden, and seeks the domain of the higher grades where salaries loom in mis-placed proportion. The entrance of women into the profession has not lesse ed the income of male teachers, since there is no record of t lie latter having received greater average remuneration than now. In 1893 the average monthly pay for male teachers was !? 1 1.76; in 1899 it has increased to $45.25. In untl Jeweled Brim Wail. A.im Movement i ine uoici uiiea caae. en irautecd for 10 years. Nearly law styles ot WMtelMSWM all the lat est things Id reliable Jewelry, "re gold by us at 45 f below retail price. untintv c, ifne MiM Artltits Materials. Ill- ! cycles. Hookcases, Buf lets. Cabinets, Candy. China, China Closets, Clgalfj ciocks, eom- huuniam Hand- Musical In- l'ursog, WANTED ! tl Bdkble nmn for MniMtsf R&2 BranchOfBce e hh to open of in this vicinity. If your record is (). K. here is an Opportunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. The A T- Ferris Chotaalo Heme, CINCINNATI. OHIO. Illustrated catalogue -I cts l-17-12t. stamps. To the suggestion that the National Govern- that between the divine and I I Administrator's: S.I.. . C V.I... LI- l'r. ti. . Nan ! clt, who is dom such fine Table Silverware, Tiys, Umbrellas, Writing i'rr" , Desks, aro a few of the thousands of suitable : f fii "T T TT' Volunteer Work ai ' tile cliildleli as Slioerill- urti.-les wes-ll forci.i.stmas presents. In addl. "J,-Cl 1 tlon. weare head-tafoot oulfllterafor Men, Wo- ' virtue of an order of -nle lamed OOiofUM temlelit of the International Children's Lotus i"n nnl Children, sell Kverythlnn to Eat, and Orphan. Court of Snyder ( nty. n. ,1(irr. tuwiiuuuuai vi.iioiin. uoin- lorile AllmrormaiinnlscnntalnedlnourNo. ! iKnrd.ndMm,ni.troftli.-...tun. of Willlsm Home, at Point Lorua, contributes a fine article P. SaydtrOa, on "Perseverance in Spiritual Effort." 8hesays: SgSSSSBk W& oWSSKSS Monday, Febrnaiy 18, 1901 v .1 -.i ii prices to consumers. ... ., . ".Nothing Cither it or Small COIIlCS to mail rO'-LOWtSGCATALOCt'ISHir. OrtuGood8wkletmHH 1 t"' !'ve '"l1'' ""Hit ou ihr r,ntl . i nmpln from 75c. to H 50-u- pay traniportatlon. "'.f,'i 1 I'revertou. In wid Without perseverance, I he wheel o tlllC ID Uade-to-oriterMtn sClcthlroCntalngutwithtttinplu- "?,?'', ". ' '"' " "" ' "'c folloMinu de- r i j . . i. k.j " ii ii o rt hi ,"l:ili' ill mi I tli,. I . It'll Pfiv cxprmswage una mrailOT loy'l. fWinuymnmnf r ' dttrht aifain oil C irth a cataloou of Carptli, Ruqn, Draperlt: tte.. thomlnq TBAOT No. I, A trail of attea ami fl ucr- eoods h their real colors. Wl aof ValfM IM Oar I chMntuat In wld towmhlp of Cbapm'aad iftinl Ciree ivliinh i ,.,.rt un felt fni. jn'nllif lanrtaof Levi A. bbaffer Qnm a iai lorci Mliutl IS certain Hry par retail prteeat WhlcU OStakgW do Shaffer, Peter Knlghta, Benjamin Mow aid . ..,,.,1, ,1 I U you want ? Address tli's way : owera. , .' I ! JULIUS HINESi iON, B.iLIIMORE. NIO.. Peot.poe. r the gn at unrest there is in The struggle is no less than its revolution- h mighty stream of to Stir up every h This is the reason the wol Id to-day. DMIM-TK A H'irs NOTICE I.hi incut "comne -clloo tern or Administration in the itn of Wm yder count i . l . i ,ti . i i ,, . i , , in i ii'- tinner-ii uunnio uiuiaimaiuuuniunu! iit uic eieincni- oi me lower, personal nature- telvea Indetted to said estate are requested t 1 1 1 f 1 1 : 1 1 1 in man . eatnteofnm. Leach, late ol baptnan twp.. Snyder county, Pa., tier ,i. baylna been aranted lo the underaljrnad, all persona knowing lhen i , . . I ' j I i .i , I niHK, i ii I nil ' i i;i, , j ,t iiicin. iiur inii-e runim salaries, we arc in hearty accord. And iii the ot men and nations have united toeetherlfor self- a'aima win preient them duly authenticated to ' III. iT.otlri he higher, and it is only he 1 POTTER, n Attoriiev I. who -hall, see the liirht " , Mlddleburgb, Pa., r r . i . , i i .atioiiai uovernmem lies tiie remedy teaching as in every occupation, a d class is helpkss and a menancc. Let the bailot accompany the diploma, and the salaries of teach ers, and all wage-earners like equipped, will speedily rise to the high plane where skill and skill and ability command recognition irrespec tive of sex. Dr. N. ('. Schaefter, Stipt. Public Instruction, Pennsylvania, (than whom there is no higher authority) displays much acumen and liberality in his report which says : "The schools are largely taught by wo men, ami unfortunately they are not us well paid lor their work as men. From the days in which a band of pious wo men lingered last around the cross and cume first to the open sepulchre ou the morning of the resurrection, woman has Keen doing missionary work, seldom get tlngequaipay for equal work nlonirside of her stronger brother. May the present agitation in her favor produce uhuiuhint resulis iii better pay." The noble tribute and unselfish praise of oce of our Ijest of teachers. IliA PoRTEB BOYEB, In seli,il ..!. ii uminpl '. i.inciiiscii wiio ciniui e- to ti ic end News and Opinions ; r !:; k i.kacii, Adminlatrator, J'J. 1901. OF National I mportance The Sun. ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Paily, by mail, - - - $6 a year Daily andSunday, by mai),f)8a year Tin: whole world weeps to-day on the death f England's greatest Queen. The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail, (2 a year Add. Bfl THE SUN, New Yoi k. A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Wednaaday, .inu. in. Cailois at West Point hissed a con pressional investigator for spfminR to Question a cadet's veractiy. .iniin llnnii was formally inauini rated us governor of Delaware at the county court bouse at Dover yesterday. Samuel A. McNeal, the fugitive x dislrirt attorney of AHoona. Pa., has been taken to that city from the Nor folk (Va.) jail. Jiiinrs A. Mount, Indiana's ex-governor, just returned from a walk at In dianapolis, was Btrlcken with heart fail ure and died. aRril rs. A Convention fur tlie purpose of urK- Three men, two women and a hoy are held by the coroner's Jury at Phila delphia for the murder of Father KicKel by knockout drops. Tour sus pects are at large, Monday, Jnn. 21. There are over a hundred eases of prip In the New Jersey state prison. Indications aie that there will lie no change In Nebraska's senatorial dead lock for several days. Ex-Congressman John Lelsenrlng, well known mine owner, died at Phil adelphia, of pneumonia, aped '47. John Sheridan, in charge of the money older department of the Ha vana postoffice, was arrested yesterday and confessed stealing $1,;IU0. George W. McGlnnes, a wealthy re tired merchant of Princeton, N. J was Ayer's 'Florida mot Jlatropolltan i.imitni" BY TIIE si: AltO A ICO A 1 11 mm; HIM. WAV 'Florida ami Weal India Mum Line' TO T.HE Winter Rraorta 01 ih- Bonlh. Thj c nly Lire Operating Daily Trams to Florida. Ing upon congress the passage of an ' found frozen to death In the garden of act providing lor statehood will be held his h"n"' yesterday morning, at Guthrie, t). T Jan. no. Albeit Miller, a waiter, and George Rose, a Visiting friend from his old Thnradari Jnn. 17. The river and harbor appropriation bill was passed yesterday by the house. B. R. Tillman was yesterday elected United States senator from South Car- ! ollna, to BUcceed himself, W. A. Clark was yesterday elected United States senator from Montana 1 to succeed Senator Carter. The Tennessee legislature elected K. W. Carmack United states senutor for the term beginning March 4. C. A. Alvurd. who stole $19,000 from ' the First National bank, of New York, was sentenced to 13 years in Sinn Sim;. On his return to the national senate today M. S. Quay was greeted with an ovation and a remarkable lloral spec tacle. Fred Alexander, a negro, was burn ed at the stake by a mob at Leaven worth, Kan. He was suspected of as saulting and lulling a while girl. Frlda) . Jnn, 18. All opposition to Senator OuMom. of Illinois, lias disappeared, and his re election is assured. Marvin Kuhns, esraped life convict from the Ohio penitentiary, was recap tured at Green Hill, Ind. John W. Orlggs, t'nited States attor ney general, was elected a director of the Trust Company of America yester day. Miss Alta Rockefeller, daughter of the Standard Oil magnate, was married in New York to E. P. Prentice, a young Chicago lawyer. The president yesterday signed the bill makln?; an apportionment of repre sentatives In congress from the sev eral states under the twelfth census. The owners of the Lucas oil geyser at Beaumont, Tex., which hus been Shooting oil 50 feet high since last Thursday, have succeeded In controll- ry. MM3c ing the well. Nntnnlny, Jan. 111. Senator Hanna announces his de termination to push the ship subsidy bill to a speedy vote. An operator's error caused a wreck on the Grand Trunk road near Norway, Me., which resulted la Are deaths. Adelina Pattl (Uaroness Cederstrom) denies the report that she is negotiat ing for a concert tour In the United States. The national senate disposed of the army reorganization Mil by agreeing to the iatfi amendn The meas- ho'ne In Indiana, were accidentally as phyxiated by gas In the former's room at Washington. Tiiratlnr, Jnn. At Kewankee, Ills., fire yesterday de stroyed the Commercial House aud caused the death of three men. Cleveland has been decided upon as the place to hold the next annual en campment of the Grand Army of the Republic, In the Indiana legislature a motion that the method of executing criminals lie changed from hanging lo adminis tering morphine was tabled. Signor Verdi, the composer, was taken ill at Milan shortly after his re turn from a drive, and was found in his room unconscious. His condition Is critical. C. L, Hreidenstein, former paymaster of Baltimore's city engineer's office, pleaded guilty yesterday of stealing $L'.TM. and was sentenced to four years' imprisonment. GENERAL MARKETS. Philadelphia, Jan. 21. Fimir weak; win ter auperflne, t2.3662.60; Pennsylvania roller, clear, 2363.20; city mills, extra, t2.G562.90, Rye Hour alow nt $.i fur choice Pennsylvania, Wheat firm! No. 2 red, spot. 74744c. Corn tlrtn; No. 2 mixed, spot. tJ'dl.l'c; new No. 2 yellow. for local trade, tte. outs quiet and steady; No, 2 white, clipped, B2Hc; lower grades. 290820. Hay tirm: choice timothy. HT.fiii for large hales. Beet steady; beef hafhs, 217.60618. Pork steady; family. 816.26616.76. l,ri dull; western steamed, 87.70, Live poultry quoted at SWOVc. for hens, SMc. for old roosters. S'o'.io. for apring chick ens, IKill'ae. for vpring ducks. 9c. for turkeys and Ulilftc. for geese. Dressed poultry at inc. for choice western fowls. 6'ii7e. for old roosters, 11Ti12i for choice and fancy nearhy chickens. lO'-jli ll'ic for fancy nearhy spring turkeys, 11612c. for choice to fancy western ducks and TfiSc. tor western geese. Hutler ste.nly; cream- factory, nolle.; June cream ery, I5'ijiic; imitation creamery. VI', 'a 17' c. ; New York dairy, 14621c; fancy Pennsylvania prints Johhlng at 84627c; ilo. wholesale, 22628c Cheese firm; fancy large fall made. HVtftll'sr.; fancy small rlo.. lliii 12c. Kggs linrely steady; New York and Pennsylvania. 221 23c. ; western, averaged packed, at mark, HQUytc; Western, loss off, 23c. Potatoes quiet; Jerseys, tl.2661-76; New York, 8L60O1.87H; Long Island, ll.75i2; Jersey sweets, 11.75 ii-l. Knrt Liberty, Pa.. Jan. 21 Cuttle slow and lower; extra. 6.4065.60; prime. $"i.l(K(i C.25: common, 83(i3.75. Hogs active and higher: prime medluma and hest York ers. l5.fiOW5.6R; haavy hogs. 15.607 6.88; pigs, as to quality. 86. 4015.60: roughs. 23.75M6. Sheep steady, choice wethers, I4.5i''4.C5; SALE REGISTER Notice f mile will be inserted free und ttiiM heading when die billi are printed at thin office. tVhen the bill are not printed t thli office 50 1 fiit- will be carged Personi eipect liiv to have tale should nelecta date and nave it Inserted in this column. SATURDAY, Feb. 16, three irUei nortlvwett of Mlddlehurg, on the homestead farm of Enoch UiiiKaman, Holoma Kuhns will sell 2 hornes, ? head f cattle and farming Imple ments. THURSDAY, Feb, 21. 2 miles north-west ot Kuii'ii M, Mrs. Amamjla Herald will hcII i horse, 4 cows, young cattle and farming Implements. FBI IAV, March 1, 1900, one-half mile west of (Salem church in Centre towimhtp, Annie Martti will Mil 6 horses, - oowi and furmuiK Implements SATURDAY, March 2, one and one half miles north of Mlddleburg, James Ueekara will .ell 2 horses, 2 cows, A head of young t-at-tle and farming Implements, TUESDAY, March 5, at Aline. J. P, NangTe wll ell horses, cows, heifers und fanninK iui plementsi MONDAY, March It, one-fourth mil west of Mlddleburg, Reno Walter will sell horses, iows unit farming ImplementSi WEDNESDAY, March 18, three mtlei sonth went of Midd1ewarth, John W. Kline will Hell ;i hofSes, - mules, cattle ami f,iinniiK implements. FRIDAY, March 1". one and em-half miles west of Aline, F. J. Trutt will Hell horses, OOWI und furmintc implements. TUESDAY, March 19. one mile south-east of Mtddleourgj A. K. smith will sell 'J horses, atOOWSi cattle and furiniiitf iinpIeineiitK THURSDAY, March 21, one ami one-fourth miles south east of Ml. I'lear-ant Mills, F, K. Walter will sell 4 horses, 10 head of cattle and farming implements. FRIDAY. March M, two miles north-weal of of Mlddleburg', Ambrose lnx will sell 4 horses, 7 head cattle and faimlng Implc- ments. T RA 'T NO, '2. A trait of nacre-and 110 per ches situate i n said 'ownship ofOhanman, ad Joining lands of Philip Mayer's estate Stephen B. Arnold, H. njamtn Moyer, Catharins Arnold r.evi a Shaffer and others. Both these tract-arc In a good state of cul tivation and are desirably located. Sale to begin at in o'clock A, M. of said day when terms and conditions Will be made known hy QKORGE LEACH 1. 8. LONGACRE, Administrator. Auctioneer, itru Wtatf decs U do? a ssbbs ts sa sjssds is tat stti sjsesass m o r c ibdrsoft one of the great causes of baldness. It makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out. II Prevents and li Cures Baldness Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there is any life remain ing in the hair bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. If yon 1" not obtain all the h.nflta you flinecieu irom me til. oi the Vigor writ the Dix-tor about It. Rre-tivo Jan. i it it. tu. s,,,,i, Air LI e Railway, ilift.uu Hue oi Hug dully limited trains t Florida win put mi its imiiniiliceut new tralu "Florida und M tropclitau Limited Hol'.d from New ik un Philadel phia, Baliiimire, Washinirton to Rich uiond, Italeleh, Columbia, 8avannaba Jacksonville ami St. A.ngustine. Con neoiions at Jdaksouviila for Tampn and all Florida pointM, ami at Bt. An RUrtUH for the Ka.-t Coast. Tills tra D also carries Drawing Kootu Sleepiiiu car New York to Atlanta. Leaves Boston r.':(:i a in., New York 18:85 p. in. , (from 38rd Street Station Penn sylvania Railroad). Philadelphia 8 2!) p. in , Baltimere 6:45 p. in., WaahiuK' ton 0:55 p. m Hrrivinfi at (southern Pluer, N. c. 5:50 a. m., Columbia, 8. C, 10.00a.m., Savannah, Ga., 12:86 a. in , Jacksonville ;t:.V) p. st Au- Kustus 5:00 p. iu Tampa 8:80 a.m. Charlotte 0:51 a. iu , Atlanta 4.;t" p! III. COOneOtloilh are iiu.ile In ill ..i Bargains st Carman's Peter German, Mt. Pleasant MilN is offering a new line of ladies lints und milliuerv goods. Men's hats 25 wnts ami Queensware at 3 cents a piece. 1 l-22-3in I TjlOR SALE-A flr.t-clBi 28 Imrrel roller mill ' with tfn nl H;.lrr nnwur. i.t h t.i.rL.ni.. imrtlrulitr- lniilir, i Kt'lly I'rus. koatla, I' f 1. H. KA t en 6 BWO., I-IMV "Florida Faal Malt1 HY THE BA880ABD Allt LIKE HAILWAT. ' I'loriila aim West India Short l.iiu- TO THE Winter Reaorut i tin s i. The Only Line Operating Daily Trains to Florida. The "Florida Fast Mall," another of the Seaboard Air Line Railway's splendidly equipped trains, leaves New York daily at 18:80 a. in., L'3rd street Station, Pennsylvania Rail road, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car and Day Coaches to Raleigh, Southern Fines, Oolumbia, Savannah. Jacksonville, where con nections are made for St. Augustine, I'ainpa aud all Florida points. This train connects nt JSew York with train Bostan 7:00 p. 01, Leaves Phila- lelphla 8;50 a, in., Baltimore 0:22 a. in., Washington 10:88 a. in., Rich, mond 8:40 p. m., arriving Southern Pines ):3r p. in , Coluiuijia 1:40 a. in.. Savannah o:(HI a. in., Jacksonville' '.Mil a. in., St. Augustine 11.10 a. in.. Tampa 6.80 p. m, Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleaper New York to Jacksonville. Through Vestibular Passenger Coaches aud perfect ser vice. For information call on or write tc all Pennsylvania Railroad offices, or Seaboard Air Line Railway represen-a ,..tu,.u n . ana tir....i.i r. C - y i.Li's, nt. iruu ,t ReBuiUKion otreer, Hot-ton. Mass.; 1200 and al Broad wnv, New York; HO South Third St., Philadelphia; 207 East German St., Baltimore; 14U4 New York Avenue, Washington, or to K. E L. Bunch, General Pat Sanger A'eut, Ports' mouth, Vh. j 27.3t; MARRIED. Jan. 14, by Dr. J. B. Focht, John If. Hannes of Phlla, to I va Miller of Sellns grove. Jnn. 13. Iy J. Kohler Peck, J. P., Edward T. Shaffer of Oriental to Eni ma Martin of Aline. Great Reduction Sale G. M. Showers' Store, Gentreville FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. Til nriliH t ritlitu mi 1 i Miami ot, ti... 1...:, r;;.. ; . . w v aim HI.IKC ruuiu ior new Tampa on the Vest Coast for KeV goods I will make a special reduction for io dnv on W-ati and Havana. The "Florida and fchn fnllawiiio-. ' and Metropolitan Limited" is ltuuri-! l,K ,0110 1,ln ously equipped in every respect, with HUBBER GOODS i iiiimii urnnillLMtnimilnr r ,,n ! i- in,, ..- .... . . .... ... . . , w ii ii ii' i i.ii mura vfuitn aim i 1 1 1 M....J.. IP- i, it " v.. .uvw i .men f iov nuooen ouo Misses' iinil Children's Rubbers, $2.60 Boots now $2.00 20c to :j(lt: mtiiirt uienivar wit Ii Drawing Rooms and f-tate Rooms, Observation Car, thro' Day Coaches ami unexcelled Pullman 1 lining I 'ar service. Addr.M. DR. J. C. A VFR Lowell, Hut Washington, D. C QeneRsee iure Food Co., Lcroy, N. Y.: "Gentlemen: Our family realize so much from the use of (iRAIN-0 that I feel I must say a word to in duce others to use it. If people are interested in their health and the welfare of their children they will use no other beverage. Ihavensed them all, but GRAIN O I have found superior to any. for the reason that Wl i -a a. m i it m .. ... common. 11.50j12.5u; choic intnim. !vwi is Bona grain, xours ior Health, I.7S; common to good. HftG.jO; v.'ai oUVML II.W.I.III, C. P. Mrras- For further information, call on or I wi Ite to all Pennsylvania Railroad of Uees, or repaesentatives of the (Sea board Air Line Railway at 3H(i Wash ington Street, Boston, Mass.; 1900 ami ''ii Broadway, New York; :Ki South Th o street, Philadelphia; an; Fast German street, Baltimore; 14:14 New York Ave., Washington, or to R. E. ii. bunch, tteneral Passenger agent. Portsmouth, Va. 1 178t. a i 1. 1 s r FLOWEB, 'It is a surDrisins fact." aava Pnf HoutoD, 'that in my travels in all parts of the worltl, for the last ten I years, I have met more' people hav-, iii,. iib... I i i. '. A . I"i f ....... .iiiu-i riower than any other remedy, for dyspe psia, deranged liver and itomaeb, and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons tilling office positions, where bead- tones and general bad feelings from irr nlar habits exist, that Green's "August Flower" is a prand remedy. It oes not injure the system by fre quent use, and is excellent, for sour stomachs and indigestion." Sample bottles free at the Middleburg l)ruir 8tore. " Hold by dealers in civilized countries. Get Gretn's Prize Almanac. , No morphine or opium In Dr. Miles' Pais VruA (Juki All Pain. "One cent a dosa." Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervous prostration.-. Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them. Felt BootsandOvers reduced to $2 LEATHER GOODS Boots, "i()c to 7i"e less than before Men's Slitx's, 50c to $1.00 less than before. 15oys' Shoes, oOe less than before. Women's and Misses' Shoes at greatly reduced prices. CLOTHING Men's $8 Suits reduced to $6.60 Men's S(i Suits reduced to $4.50 Men's $4.60 Suits reduced to 83.50 Men's Corduroy Pants, 50c to 75c less than before. Boys' Suits at greatly rcdu'd prices. DRESS GOODS ..12c .. 7c 25c Henriettas 10c Delaines Dress Linings away down UNDBHWBAR 12c Flannelettes 9c 10c Flannelettes 8c Ladies' 25c Underwear 19c Men's 50c Underwear 38c Boys' 2Sc Underwear 20c COFFEE Arbuokle, Lion, Golden Blend, Levering Coffee 12c My store is filled with choico seasonable goods and the above list includes only a small proportion upon which we have reduced the prices. Remember the date from January 24th, for 30 days only. No goods sold except for cash or produce. C. At. SHOWERS, PENNSCREEK, PENNA. i on l - - rank of captain. Kwataa. V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers