Wave pou seen A -9 Af3 i T Wave vc" r coiwloucr; V Our latest Stales latest Creations in 01 of fine art Italenbatg for 1901 J 7"-A Postal will fetch you a Salesman letter feeate? envelope? Cbeg'te jnn bung Zf"A postal will feu-!i you Specimsns Geo. W. WafMMlltr, Kditor'and I'roprietor. A Family Joiiin.ii. Devoted to News, science. Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. MIDDLEBURG 1 1 SNYDER COUNTY PHNXA. JANUARY 2-1 1901 RatCK One Dollar I'er Annum, in Advance. VOL. XXX VI II NUMBER 17 fi&&ta . Attn 1 B mln IH LUCID LOCAL LACONICS 1 ays arc lh-t t itin longer. The snow hM OOtne tnd gone. Push along all needed Improvements, Washington's birthday will soon be here. Born, January 22, 1001, to George W. Wagenteller and wife, si daughter. s. Weia Is Mire to please you and rave you money If you take advantage of the New Century sale advertised on the 6th pageof this week's Post. Good Business Opvobtcnitv. General store for sale For particulars address, N. l'- '-, Post Printing office, Mlddleburg, Pa. The managersofthe Main Shoe tom :niy, Limited, mel last week and or ganized by electing Hon. O. Alfred gchoch, President; K. C. Walter, Sec retary; W. . Garman, Treasurer. The attention of the readers of the Post is called to the remarkable ofTcr made ly B. Wels. Scllnsgrove In the columns of this paper. This i- n new rwntnrv sal.- tocel'brnle the "-" ili year of Mr. Wels' business. Fob Bale oh Rent. Country store without stock Room will 1' vacant by Feb. 1 Good place for country pro duce. Nine room dwelling. Reason for sclliiiL'. sicknes-'. Terms easy, Geo. V. HisiMKiiBEtcii, 1 -,'!-lt . Cowan, Pa. f the readers of the Post take ad vantage of only a small portion of the many bargains offered to them In the columns of the Post, they will save enougli money to pay for the Post tor ten or twenty years. Ii always pays to subscribe for the Post. Go to A. E. Soles for a Btnooth easy shave or up-to-date hair cut and bead cleansed with a refreshing shampoo or dandruff removed with bis tonic. A clean towel to each patron. Parlor in bank building, one door cast of Post office, Satisfaction guaranteed, tf. The various merchants of this town and Franklin are taking turns at offer ing bargains. Enterprises of this char acter will make this town a commer cial center and will keep the local store rooms from filling with old ami unsale able goods. When a newspaper has no chance to reflect the enterprising spirit of its business men, the town is classed as a back number and rightfully too. The .Juniata Tribum says: We have been reliably informed that the Mifflin town public Bchool library consists of only one volume, "UncleTom's Cabin,' and that only one is now loaned out. The Centre Hall Itepmter last week says: Franklin Bowersox of Rock Springs, accompanied by his good wife, attended the sessions of the fanners' institute last week, and did not fail to call at this office In order t drop a dol lar in the slot. Mr. Bowersox believes in lime, as will lie Been by reading the report of the institute in this issue. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. The republican caucus of the borough of Mlddleburg was held In the Com missioners' office on Saturday evt nlng and orgnised by electing Edwin Char les, President and Win Romig, Secre tary, The follow Ing nominations were made: Justice of the Peace, two to be elected, M. Z. Bteininger, James Van Zandt and G. c. Qutelius, Assessor, Henry It- Tobias, James Bowersox and Howard Folk. Town Council, Uveitis, 2 to be elected, Adam Showers, I. . Kern, Charles E, Ntclnluger and Al fred Clelan. Town Council, 2 years, one to lie elected, A. E. Boles and James K rd Icy. Council, one year, one to be elected, E. K. Freyman and David Ocker. Auditor, John N. Bmshih ami Edwin Charles, Bclusd Directors, Dr. J, V. Bhiudel, J. N. Thompson, G. W. Hassinger, P. s. RltterandG. E. Has siuger, two to be i led. Overseer ol the Poor, one to be i Ii cted, ( '. E. Stein ingerand Wm K.Crouse. High Con stable, Henry R. liickhtirt. Judge of election, Aaron Rennlnger, I. II Bow ersox, Adam How i ll ami Frank sp.-cl.t. Inspectors, two to be clectetl, Win. II. Qutelius and George Clelan. The Prim ary election for the uomiunt ion of party candidates will take place next Satur day afternoon bet wo i I he Ii ui ol one and si o cl ck. FLORIDA, Pn utinn I Ij 'ow : i - . ;ir .' nylvMiita lalli nil The flrsl Jacksonvill tour ol the sett- SfJ ''EIINLXT PERSONALS g sou V la I he I V nil all In . .: lowlnB tWO Week- III Flol I ml, til leaves Wash- lary o. railwa nmoda- Itc on New York. Philad. Iphiii, and Ington by specln I train Fel r Excursion tick Is, I transportation, Pull tions i one berth , mi . . in Imtli direction m the Special train, W ili be sold til Iho fol lowing rates s New York, $50; Buffalo, 25; Rochester, J54; Ehuira, 841.45; Erie, $54.85; WiUlamsport, $50; WU kesbarre, $50.86; and at proportionate rates from other point-. Fortlckete, itineraries, and full In formation apply to ticket i ;ents; I!. P, Fraser, Passenger Agenl lltiHalo Dl trict, :iu7 Main Street, Ellicotl Kpmre, Huffalo, N. Y.; F. Pahnateer, City Ticket Agent; 20 State Street, comer Corinthian, Rochester, N. E. S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Wil liamsport, Pa.; or address tleo, W. Boyd, Assistant General Pas Agent, Broad street Station, I'biladel- GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. The undersigned offers his entire stock of General Merchandise ul ti re duction of 20 to 50 per cent discount, commencing Jan. 17tn, 1901, and con-1 tluulng until tlx entire stock Issold. IU1S UOODSt Dress Goods including Silks, Velvet,' Henriettas, Serges, Mohair, !.'lis, etc. at reduction of2() per cent discount I Dress Linings, outii.g Flannels, Flanucletts, ( 'otton Flannels, Shii lings, j Table Cloths; etc. al a reduction ol 20 j county seal Monday. per cent. I'UU i:s. Prints, 5o. Fine Drown Muslin, Gc, Ginghams, 5c Appleton "A" Tc Dress Ginghams, 5, Sand loo, NOTIOXS. Ladies' Underwear, 20c i lauze Vests, 5c up; Fasciuatois, 20c up Sax nny Yarn, Gc bank. UENTH' KUUXlHlllNtl QOODS. Suspenders, 10; Admiral Suspi inters, 25e; President Suspenders, 40c; Men's Shirts, 25e, former price 50c; hlte Dulauudried; 10c ti n d I5cj White Lauitdried, 75c and S5c; Men's Over alls, 25e to 00c; Boys' Overalls, 20u u;. MEN'S I SDKItW EAH 50c Fleeced now 10c; 15c I'Meeccd new KKIKMis OF Til K I'OST. J. I!. Snyder, A. V. Sliamiiaugh, Leoora Shauibaugh, I larvey Bowiirsox, tX-c. Dee. Dec I ec, 15 HenryS. Mctxger of Pallas was in town Mondav . Mrs. S. It. 81 nton visited relatives at Bern ick l:-t week. Hon. H. M Met hue was in Middle burg one day last week. J. K. Magee of Krcanter was at the J. A. Orhnni of Fret burg wits at the County seat Friday of last week. Miss Sal He Itoush of Ffceliurtr, Is vis- Tlie Following Persona H oc Paid Their Nnl scriptions t the Post t" tbc Datea Oppoaltc Their Names, Bhould any mistakes occur in these Mrs. K. M. Bowersox, Dec, 15 credits or on your paper, please notify Asapli lioWcrnox, Keb. 1, W tn. II. liowcr.sox, Keb. I . Oct. 1,1000 Calvin 8. Walter, Dec. 1", Juue 1, 1001 K. Hoyt Walt, r, Apr. I, ( . t. 1, 1001 Ifutah Walter, Mar. I, Oct. 1, l001Jolm W. Wagner, Jan. l, Sept. 1, 1001 Oliver IViwersox, Jan. 2, Jan. I. 1002 U. Seller, M ir. I, Us at once. David I loover, P. K. 1 lolsani.lt 17-2t. Deedi Entered fur Record. Executor- of John M. Rincto Sarah Snyder, 121 acres and 111,' perches sit uated in Beaver twp. for $6500. Slime to same, 81 acres and 120 perches in Beaver twp. for $8000. James K. Davis and w ife to Ceo. S. Davis, lut in Bellnsgrovo for $300. Harvey Pontius and wife to David I". Row, 20 acres aud l t"i perches in Wash ington twp. for .s;'-no. Letter Granted. Letters of administration in the es tate of Samuel J. Paw ling, late of Sclins grove, were granted to the widow, Mrs. Harriet Pawling, .Ian. bitb- ills Probated. The lust will and testament of Co. Etsler, late of Beavertown was probat ed Jan, 16th, Hon. S. A. Wetsel and James H. Bingaman arc named as ex ecutors. His nephews and nieces are the heirs. Marriage Licenses. ) C. W. (1. Markle, Sarah E. Brcon, ( George Ewig, Mary Krebs, J F Edward doodling, Ellle M. Btohler, Pennsoreek. Troxel villa Mciservillc Mahontongo. ISonlincn Will Protest. A movement is on foot in some parts of Perry and Juniata counties to petition the legislature against the ahandon ment of the Pennsylvania canal, should such a bill be presented during this ses sion. A large number of boat men re side at Liverpool, Duncan noti and Newport and they claim that a great deal of traffic could be obtained if given proper encouragement ... CALIFORNIA. Thiriy-fivj Days' Tour via Pennsylvania Railroad, The Pennsylvania Itailroad Company has arranged for n special personally conducted tour through California, to leave New York and Philadelphia Oil February 1 1, by the " loldi u late Special," composed exclusively of Pull man parlor-smoking, d i n i n g-room sleeping, compartment, and observa tion cars, returning by March 20. This special train w ill he run ov.-r the entire route The best hotels will be used where extended slops ale made, hill liie train will be at the constant command of the party. Round-trip tickets, covering all ne cessary expenses, $450 from all points on tne Pennsylvania Railroad except Pittsburg, from which point the rate will be $446. For further informat ion apply to tick et agents; ourist Agent, HOG Broad way, New York; 1 Court Street, Brook lyn; 780 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.j B. Couriaender, Jr., Passenger A eiit Baltimore District, Baltimore, Md.; Colin Studds, Passenger Agent South eastern District, Washington, D. C; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Ageut West ern District, Pittsburg, Pa.; or address Geo, W. Boyd, Assistant General Pass enger Agent, Philadalphia. 1-1 T-U t . ScLct Your Date. Persons who propose to make Bale tlliscolllillL' SOlilH' Ulinllld seleet their date as early as possible and have il in sert, d in the Post's sale register. The notice will be inserted free in our sale register if the hills are printed al this office. ' -XI - Committee Meeting. The members of the Republican County Committee are hereby notified to meet al Mlddleburg, Saturday, Feb. 2, 1001, nt 1 o'clock P. M. for the pur pose of llxing the date for the holding of Primary Election, and transacting other important husiness. A full turn out is retpiestetl. By order of Ed. Caaklkm, J. A. LtTJCBAlU), Secretary. Chairnmn. SlIOKS, Seine 1. - than one half former juice; linys' nisitsaslow us 25c; ! lubbers as low lis 5c per pair. CIROI 'Kill Kit. i iniuulated Sugar, Oc x r lb., Ii -i.nu; Soda, Sc per lb; Arbucklc I V; lolden Blend 'otl'ee, 2 lbs Oyster (trackers, 5c aud other j proportion. .I.i tin I Ml. Boys Suits J price; Men's, Bo children's Overcoats, 20 to 60 j MKX s si ITS. -I 1.50 kind now $8.50; $H.00 kind now 1.50; $7.50 kind UOW $0.00 and other suits as low as $2.60, No goods sold except for CASH or PRODUCE. W. W. Wn 1K.N.M v.ik. . is. ;or Collie, .r24c; ids in l ami I i cut, sister, Mr Rii daughter-iii Selmsirrove, was ut I in 1.1 a iting her t hi- place. Mrs. Arlington Row, a law of Sheriff Bow, from i- visiting in town. s. B. Iclh.ctl of Mciservillc the county seal Monday and Visit to tills cilice, Born to Dr, and Mrs. R. B. Oaugler of Dayton, Ohio, formerly of Snydei county, ii sun. S, K. Fagcly manager ..f the ! Flouring Mills, called Friday to place Ills order for up-to-date stationery. John P. Biehter and daughter Mrs, S.J. Pawling, of Scllnsgrove were at Ihc county seat one day last week. A. W. Potter, Esti., of Belli ,'rov. Wednesday of bis candidacy The Credit System b) Kunlile & Waller. We sincerely believe that tin credit Bystem i- our worst enemy in this wide world. It keeps capital lied up without remuneration, vastly Increases the risks of the liusiiirss, causes failures, rai-e- pi lees and make- a loss in rollts, Every cent's worth of stock sold on credit represents that amount of money without Interest. Ami how ofti ii do we receive in return curst s, itbuscs, disasters, hard-knocks, delays and dc leal-. Outstanding accounts Oil w hich no money could be realized w hen need ed have caused more failures than lack of capital in this vocation. Uncollect ible accounts render Ii ithsohitcly ne cessary that cash buyer- or tints ho pay for their goods, j on ki up i ie loss, last for . w as large Lead ita in M Iddlcbur week looking uj Judge. Win. Bcclstld of New Berlin, oiu the Post's trouipl Miying stibscril made hi- tin until visit to this o Saturday. ( '. Morris Showers of Peimscreel in town Monday, tie is having a reduction salt of merchandise. his advertisement in I In Post. Can't. O. M. Frazier, of a Chicago de tective ageucy, was in Bunbury last week, looking for Pal Crowe, one of the abdw 'ors of Fcddie Cudahy ot Omaha. Mrs, Henry Erdley, of Northumbci land, is paying a visit to her brother, County Treasurer Bcntieville Smith, Her brother, Joseph Sniith, was sent for to come from the west end of the county to join the family re-uiilou, Prothonotar I M. Bhiudel, Su; -erlntendeul F. C. Bowersox, Lnndlortl Ctirlsin Scehold, Begistcr A Reeonler John H, Willis ii nt S, B, Simonton w.-rc to BliMXiisbtirg last Thursday ami Friday nttcudina, n masonic Consistory meeting of32 Masons, IMoN C01 Ml I'HIMAHV. consetpK ntly causing higher price- for the buyer, and -mailer pro tits for the merchant, i- il any wonder that Runkle & Walter turn th Id should er to the credit system ? It i- far better and safer to - II $10, OOO worth of good- and gel the cash for them, than to dispose of 15,00 I worth ami lose a third of the credit given, Our dear reader.-, i- il any wonder thai wo oiler our entire stock at a discount of 20 per eeiii. and much of it tit 50 per cent, .lis -.111111 for Bpot ci-h or produce. publican Pari v .ini oeiioviug auo iniHiing mat we will never turn back to the credit Bys tem again, we wish to announce to the public that we are positively determin ed to elose out our entire stock Of gell eral merchandise at a discount of iM per cent, and somo at 50 percent, dur ing the next 'i.i days, ami we want everybody to know It; and kindly iu vlte all who owe, to come ami settle their account with cash or note, i-.i-.t. Ri inkle A Walter. Date Fixed foi M uch ird, igoi, Ai n meeting of the Union ( 'ounty Itcpuhlicaii Committee, held al the Cameron House, Lcwishurg, Pu., on Saturday, January Huh, the following resolutions ami rule- were Ullllllliliously adopted : RESoiA'ED, That the follow lug -U'-pleiueutary rule- relating to the nomi nation of candidates for the office ol President Judge of this the 1 7l.li Judi cial I listrict, be adopted : 28. For the olllco of President Judge the p. r-iiu receiving the highest num ber of votes in the whole Judicial Dis trict shall he the nominee of the Ite- 'alviu l'orrv, Eil. S. Arnold, l S. liicgel, Kstlicr 1 liirtling Win. Wincy, Oct. ( too, A. K line, Jan. John A. ( icurliart, ( let. A. W. Ilohrer, July N . T. 1 hinilorc, Jan. I. K. lioust, Aug. I-'. A. Ileiser, June l.-aac Hun-!,, June P. P. Kaneli 1 ec. ; II. ('. Helm! Jan. t '. V.. 1 1 cud ricks, .Ian. S.-A. Wetzel, Deo. L. V. lirtuise, Sept. ' Nora I long, ( id. S. S. Waller, Apr. 13. W. Iteicheiiliacli, Peii. 1 A lex. N . I lotiser, .1 line l. (i. Unci,. Jim. l Jus. M. Van Zimlt, Oct. I ! W. P. Daclo, Aiuil Isaac smith. Be (J. II. Diiukelliergor, Jan. 1, !co. A. Snytler, ( let. 15, J. I. Fisher, Oct. 15, K. ( '. Mus elman, O t. 10, W. It, 0 irtloii, Apr. I, J. P. Klinglcr, Oct. 1. P. 1 . Bonier, let. 1, Hivcr llowersox, Jan. 1 , Mi-- i 'arric Woll'e, A. S. Ilassiiiger, I ra I i. iser, . J, Borduer, 0. E. Corkins. S. 15. Botigliter, B. 11. Custer, Wm. Ho;ilz, Wm. A. Arlsignst, J. K. Arnoltl, Aaron lb. well. Win. L Witlner, II. S. Mcrtz, Jonas K. Ki lter, i iu-ta us liertch, I K. K reincr, I avil liart lev, Harry Smith, Knos Muurer, John Smith, (iiilJen Anniversary, The Return Judges of Union County at their meeting following the Primary Election shall deputy tun of their number to meet a like number of Return Judges of Snyder County, at the Court House, at Mlddleburg, on Wednesday following the Primary Election, who shall compute tin- total votes cast for the office of President Judge in the two couutii -. and e rtlfy the r.s-ult to the proper authorities. Phese supplementary rule- to go I, 1001 I, 1001 I 1 00 i I, 1001 I, L002 I, 1001 I, 1001 I, 1001 I, 1000 I, 1001 I, 1001 1, 1001 I, 1 00 1 1, 1 00 1 i , isoo I , I 80(i I, 1001 :;, l '.ii 1 1 i, 1 000 it. I, 1001 1001 1 001 1 001 1 00 1 1 01 iJ 1001 1001 1001 )ct. "J'J, 1000 June 15, 100J June 1, 1001 ( let 25, 1900 May I, 1899 Jan. 1, 1901 Nov. 1, 1901 J uiie 5, J urn' I , Nov. I, Sept. 15, N'..v. I, Dec. 15, Dec. I, ( let. 1. Jan. 1. Nov. 1, J lllle 'J, June I, 1001 J. II. S il.-r, Wm, P. Stimetv, James A vers, . W. ittwling, Miss Kllu l.awv. r. II. J. Uplcv, P. J.Sclioch, State Librarv, Suvilln Erdley, Ivolsi'rt Itotlicriuel, J. . Iteiiningcr, i. 4. Schooli, J. J. Sliratler, D. A. Wentael, Mrs. S. A. Howcrsi i 1.1 lici t ( i.i--, Harry llowersox, J. A. El tliiunn, .lam.- 1 Icckurtl, Prank Itow, II. J, Bailey, I Ian i-. .ii Bail) v, Emanuel cl zt-l, Solomon Brubakt ;, I ru I Itickeiiliiirg, A. Ii. Manlier, V I -.!. -Ill I 1 1. 1 1' I, I. V. Kiester, John M. Miiier. Jus. It, Hassinger, James Butlver, Jonathan Steffen, J. E. Stciuingcr, Mrs. C'lias. Snyder, Fred Stimely, A. 8, Sechrist, It i ley Kepler. EtUH'h Kiiiins, H. M. Flee,!, Win. L Waller, Abraham Lawver, U.S. Stctler, Iteiio Walter, W, S. HerroW, E. E. Mover, inn. Nov. I Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 0, I An all. 1001 1 00 1 1 001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 I s'-'7 1001 I '.'I 2 1 001 I ' a 12 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1 002 1 902 I 102 1 002 I '. u c! ' I I yoo 1001 I 002 i let. Jt.lv .11. I, 1001 PJOI 1001 1001 1001 I S! I! 1 1001 1 '.Il II I 1001 I.I. i. Kc-I. r, I in 1 1 1001 i !eo. V, Trcw it, Adam SortloU, B. P. Ht imlnich, irl ii ill Seel ii 8. . Denglcr, I enry I Hnius, -Iii-i phat Walter, I. II. Shaller, J. C. Beck, M.I. Potter, John W. Snoke, 8. H. Uniybill, Augustus Spriiiginuti, I rial. Bailev, E. II. Shratier. Nov. Apr. .Ian. June Dec. Jan. June Nov. June ( let. Dec Apr. Jan. I, 1901 M. L. Walter, 1. 1001 1, 1902 2, 1002 I, 15)02 I. 1902 I. 1001 L, L000 1, 1902 1, 1001 '. H )2 Jan. !, 1902 U.l. 1001 Feb. L, 1001 Jan. 1. 1002 Jan. 1. 1902 Jan. Jan. Jan. 2 J iitic Juu. Jan. Die. Jan. Jan. J one J Jan. Jan. 30. Into effect and govern the coming Prim- One of the most nlcnaant and Rm.lnl aiy l.lecuon pmv liny lie conclirr- events of the season took place at the'!,'1 ''-v the standing Committee of home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oldt 8nyder Couuty, before the last day for Wednesday evening Jan. 18th, it being the regiatratlon of candidate- in this the fiftieth anniversary of their mnrri-! ( and so certified by our Chair- iil'i'. l-.ar V 111 t lie eveiiinc Manila iii.ui. neighbors to the number of about seven ty gathered at the oldt home. The ev ening was one that will long be remem bered by all present owing to the very- It is further Resolved, Thai a copy of these rules he furnished the standing Com mittee of Snyder County, with there pleasant time spent together. Many I quest that they adopt like rules, and valuable presents were received, The that they tlx the same day, March 23, bounteous refreshments which were 1 1001, the time made by us, for holding served would have done honor to any j the Primaries, in order that an oppor- iii-i eiass weuumg. i ne .poiio ureli-1 tunny oc lurnislie.1 the people to select their candidate by direct vote for this inilKtrtnnt office. J. P. Brooke, Chairman. Attest: 1). H. Okitz, Secretary. January 19th, 1001. est ra discoursed excellent music for the occasion. New Hkui.in Rkpokter. The Democrats of Franklin Town ship will bold their Primary election in the olllce of Franklin Milling Co., on Monday, January 28th, 1001, be tween four and Ave o'clock, P. M. Adjourned Court was in session Monday. John It. Troup, Amanda ieinlx rlini l.-aac A. Miiier, M. D. Hassiiiger, J. A. Stahlnccker, ( 'alviu Sutler, H. P. Charles, Heury Suook, Jr., Peter lliegel, J. E. Bibightttis, Alfred Sjiecht, J. K. Stuck, Philip Will, W. W. Mice, A. S. Brubukcr, Sylvester Flamlcrs, Bruce II. ( 'rouse, Fred Shrader, ra J. Smith, Tims. ( i. A i bogast, James P. Hoover, D. J. Manbeck, Theo. Row, We-Iev I erman, D. D.Neitz, A. A. Killian, W. II. Itiegel, lteno Kink a id, Chas. Mitchell, Dr. J. W. Mitchell, Peroival Garman, G. D. Meogle, Frank Beaver, John T. Mover, LtoOOU Ziebei, Abrahiitn Koous, .Ii 1901 John II. Shambai 1002 A. II. Ulsh, 1901 Philip Hoot, 1901 S. II. Brubukcr, 1 J02 Jacob B. Muurer, 1 Jl '1 Elmer ( Ireiner, 1900 D.S. Miller, 1901 Win. I. Bilgcr, 1 91 '1 Joseph Kerr, I 900 J. A. iriinin, 1001 Delilah Troxel, 1902 Wm. Sccbold, 1901 Sn-an Walter, I '. H 12 1 m 12 1001 1001 1002 ' 002 i 1 1902 1001 1001 1901 1 902 1 902 .0. 12, 1 002 Ian I. Jan. 1, Jan. !. Jan. I. Jan. 1, June 1. Jan. i, Jan. , Jlllle I, ''01 I !!, .ml 1001 1901 ' J line 1 D.c 1 Doe. I l'.l i. 1 Dec. 1 Jan. 1 Nov. 2. May 11, 1901 Dec. 1. 1900 May I. 1901 Jan. 1. 1902 Jan. 1. 1901 Mar. 1. 1901 Jan. 1, 1899 Feb. I 1900 Mar. 10. 1! Mil June 1, 1001 D.c 11. 1901 Jan. 1, 1002 D.c 11. 1001 Jan. 1, 1002 Jan. 1, 1001 Jan. 1, 1001 Dec. 11, 1001 Aug. 1. looi iry S. M tsi 8. B. (ielnett, 1900 M.-. W. 1.. : 1900 Dr. It. 8. Uutigl 1901 i William Mover, Amanda Noll, Join. 1'. Pishi A. S. Fisher, .1. P. Pisher, I',, Jun dan. i. . Mar. 20, Jan. 22. 1 902 1 902 L902 I OOf 1901 1902J 1901 1901 1901 I ! 1 14 l "hi 1 2 '.'.'02 .'Ol 902 A Beautiful And Artistic i Icndar. We have received from i: Bon ner's Son-, publish, rs of the 1 !t-r Monthly, their beautiful calendar tor pill, which they arc -. tiding to a. Bubscribers to their luagasine for the current year. This calendar is most arti-tie in its arrangement, beautifully designed, and attractively printed in twelve colors. It Is in the form of three panels, the .-enter pau.-l representing the picture of an old man in his bam, husking corn. This reproduction is from a painting entitled ''Memories of the Itcd Knr,'' by the famous artist, J, Jan. 1, 1902 O. Drown, of the National Academy. Dec. 12, 1001 I The panel on the right is a reprodue- Dec 12 1 001 "on trom me . nayseeu, represent- " t ' I . -..i ... ..... i :.. .... .... Dig a young gin, eioinen in uie UUU1C ly garb of the hiiylicld, with a wisp of bay between her lips, accenting the beauty and roguishucssof her exquisite face. The panel on the letl is a jmrtrait of "A Holland Delle'' in her .plaint. Dutch costume, and is from the brush i of the sanous artist, Carle hleuiier. Jan. 1, 1001 Jan. 1, 1002 Aug. 1, 1899 Apr. 1, 1001 Pec. 14, 1901 Jan. 1, 1002 Dec. 16, 1901
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers