The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 17, 1901, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday Morning
Sl'BHCRHTlON it at KM.
81. OO per yer if paid in ii. lvalue. M..IO pal yenr if not
In advance. Single Maples. Five rrnL.
Aihrritiny Rule. Ifi cents per line, nonpareil raaaanre-
rjMhl for find tntartlm. ami lOpenti ht lint ftr iwh subaie.
que i, i insertion FlY'OFPtCB. Ni-ar the County Court Uouse,
heiwevu the Kirt National llj.nk and the County fail.
Vol,, xxxvin. Jan. 17, 1901. NUMBERS.
' Iiil 'Imrity prevail, the Press would prove
vehicle ol Virtue, Truth and Love.' COWFSS.
Recent occurrences must have reminded the
millionaire foeculntnrs that then is one tliinj;
thai they cannot corner death.
The British government fieems to Ik' finding
it accessary to work un a lii scare at home about
the danger of a Dutch revolt in Cape Colony,
Russia seems to lie looking after its end ofthe
Chinese name itidependentlv as well as through
the concert of powers, nnd to be doing it profit
ably, too.
Gentlemen who arc seeking to reduc the
Congressional representation of a number ol
State- have li vered that they have undertaken
a sizable job.
"(imilt morning! Have you been kidnap
ed?" threatens to become a common form ol
salutationamoiigthose who are always seeking
some form of free advertising.
The Presidential inaugural parade is poi
to be unique in at least one respect ; no band i-e;
to be allowed to play " I lail to the 'hief," while
passing the President's reviewing stand.
CoMiRESSMAN HOPKINS (loill)t less has views
about the ease with which a Littlefield may be
hopped, ami alniut the correctness of the adjective
"Little" being used before field in some eases.
Tin: eouutry could not have been made to be
lieve that ex-Presiden! Harrison had become a
lobbyist, even without liis prompt denial of the
story that he was trying to influence Congres
sional legislation.
Wonder if Joe Jefferson isn't being used by
real estate boomers V In a single week lie i; re
ported to have bought a tract ol Florida land,
to erect a winter hotel, and a block of Chicago
business property. "Old Rip mut have be
come a millionaire.
' I "MIK Xcws in its last issue displays even a
more liijrotetl I i -1 i t i m covered over
with a thick layer of that green-eyed material
than any that has heretofore dominated its nar
row characteristic. The only sensihle tendency
displayed in the whole matter was the author's
shame to display Ids .stupidity on a page where
any one could see it.
The narrow-minded Jargon is so baneful ly
Stupid that he quotes I'rom the Post and states
unequivocally that the words are meatitnoeM.
A paper that can lie about its market reports
when the undisputed evidence of the falsity
is at hand is qualified tor any emergency. The
readers of the POBT are an intelligent class of
people, and we prefer to let them judge whether
the News is right in designating our words as
meaningless. Here is our expression that star
tlers the A i trx :
" The Newe must think that the readers are a
set of ignorant tools to accept such incongruous
deductions from the premises given."
The truth of the matter is that the word
mean too much reality for the scanty cerebellum
about the Aewa office to comprehend.
Another matter which comes to un-nerve hi
scauty htore is the tact that the Post is edited bv
a college man, who has been granted, in course.
the degree of Master of Arts, by a lawfully
chartered institution of high standin .
In this enlightened age the Post did not deem
it necessary to explain the meaning of such a
degree, more especially to a contemporary. The
degree of Master of Arts is nothing to boast of
ami no intelligent person reading the Post will
ever lie able to impute to the PoSTany such mo
tives. The diploma conferring the degree is
signed by all the members of the faculty ofBuck-
nell University, who submitted the writer to
is it $1.25
i II a t.l 1 . .a
leingeni, wno inorougniy unucrstoori the dearth VflllR IMMPY RAP n ws is atl
. . i . ., , , , iwvii muiik. i unwn acr
oi tneir menial capacity, mere woo in he no oc- Gunr
. .i . . " i .. antwd
casion ior me rJn to puousi: tnese lines.
Iast week's etlusion was considered bv its
author a master pieces of grammar, logic, and
pedagogical eminence, hut if the sneers from in
telligent people are any criterion, the morden
Aristolle missed Ins mark by manv miles.
We tell
the very
beat 7.
NdJtWatad Frim or Wall.
Mall, ham Movement, In a
ju i nimeod for lOyeare.
Stalwart Republic in voles iiir
On.. r..r ITnit1 Hl.i Wnr i IVntwvlvnmn SSSSsSSSS. SJSSJSB
Will Probably Take Action to Pro
ven Strike rr Trivial Caaae.
Wllkesbarre, Pa.. Jan. 15. The an
nual convention of the United Mine
Workers of the First anthracite dis
trict la In session at Edwardavllle.
There are nearly 600 delegates in at
tendance, and they represent 60,000
miners, who are employed in the col
lieries between Forest City and Nan-ticoke.
Among the question that will be dls-
.Nr.iriv nun styles of
Watches and all the lat
est things In reliable
Jewelry, i re sold by us
at 45? below retail
Art IMS Materials, Bl-
,- i. . iii,i ... . n...
nt. OaMMtS, candy, "issed by the convenUon are:
I vi- v ii v 1 " "xxles, Couches. Dolls, Easy Chairs, Fountain
I LJ' Pens Gaines, Oraphaphonrg, orocerles. Hand- llon-
C.l.nn.l M lrctilcTs, Knives, Lamps. Mufflers, Musical In- ' tost
v oioiki ag.o, RtriimcntA I'edestals, Pictures, Pipes, Purses, I oi,
Legislature :
In the StateSenate
In the I louse of Representnlives. .
Chtnn, china Closets, compensation should be allowed for
Clgsm Clocta. Com- dead WOrk ehnnma In the rnnatltn.
a uniform Initiation fee and how-
stop premature strikes.
Since the blr strike ended last fall
the leaders have been more or less an
noyed by the actions of some employes.
ovs. Dmlmllal Wntlnir
Pesks, are a lew of th'o thousands of suiuble
o) Uon.wenreh.W,i.toi"o?ouMit" especially breaker boys and drivers.
. ...J( nii'nund C'hildren.seii Everything to Kat.', and who ro out on strikes on the least
104 kriXlZ: , Proration. hV rendering the
lbs. as an endeace or interest, send usioe to mlne 1(llp Hnd throwing a lot of men
help pay postage. These inc. tod BBDrcr raoif out of work. The convention Is ex-
.. 130 WJnsw?3s?f " tlU0te8 wtl0le8al8 Pted to take some decisive action in
. . rswoiwuninnn Dust GoottBaoliltl wit
( om Dined vote against t olonel M. 9 Uniy: tgmmfnm isc.totisowtpti franaxwtofoii.
9J. we pay ipristnao and aunranlm to fif. Lltnaarantml atontltWto Maa-aara Sleep on Snow
In the State Senate
In the House of Representatives
Total . . .
i ca,a'09"' f 'i'w. Hug. Draoerttt. tic. swing Danielson, Conn., Jan. 15. The tribe
CSV2m"mumHW- Pm anaa mt of Magaars whe
i ho landed in Boston some
Why pay refill prfeos? TvTilch catalogue do weeks ago, en route from Russia to the
IIS to wLrXiKalJ. . . southern states, have reached this
11" JULItS MINES, SON. BALTIMORE. 10.. BaaLMSt tn,.-n anA o.i j . ,l .
,u.,,a ui. uuiiiin; cuuaiupru iu liny
Reliable man for Mann
fields, sleeping on the snow covered
ground. They are In the utmost desti
tution and have caused considerable
consternation among householders In
the vicinftv of their enenmnmonr hv
Bger ol their persistent and sometimes threat.
Branch Office we wish to open in enne begging, a child was born to
li ss, tr one ot tne women Sunday evening,
tins vicinity. It your recoru is O.K. and mother and infant spent the night
here is an opportuilit". Kindlv 'i1 opcn fipIds- The, ,ocal suthorl-
. 1 1 ties have ordered the Magaars to leave
gtve good reference when writing, at once.
Ths A T Mcrris Wholssalo Haul, aw7 ,he iui se...
CINC NNAT,. OH.O. . Pekln. Jan. 15.-Prlnce Chlng ht no-
lllnstiated catalojrue 1 cts stamns. titled Senor De Coloean the Rnanlah
Colonel M. S. Quay's majority i ihe Gecei 1
In vote east yesterday, number of votes i ecessary
Vote polled by Colonel Quay more t t
number necessary to elect
But one Democrat voted for Colonel Qnnv fi
rigie examinations, on the Btrcngth of which the I t( t'lt'"t' if Pol,ed in .""int tt"
degree was conferred, The degree, w hile ii is a
crdit and an honor, is nothing of which to boast,
because every rightful possessor of such a degree
knows only too well that there is so much more
to learn, that he can find no occasion to boast.
Hence, no other view can be taken bv anv sen
sible person than that the possessor of the degree
of Master of Arts is one who has truly learned
minister, that the agreement was sign
ed Sunday morning, but that he did
not expect to be able to prent it to
the foreign envoys before tomorrow,
owing to the difficulty of obtaining the
imperial seal, which, he asserted, is
in the forbidden city and In the private
apartments of the emperor, guarded by
the emperor's most trusted servants.
He 8am also that a personal order frcm
the emperor would be required before
those who have the seal In charge
would deliver It even to Prince Chins.
A Statistical 'Uolume of Facts and
An litrenlor I.lhernlly Itewnrtletl.
New York, Jan. 15 The Herald
says: According to the statements of
Michael Idvorsky Pupin, adjunct pro
fessor of mechanics in Columbia uni
versity, the American Bell Telephone
Senator, Representative llliain J. UalVin, 01 Figures Containing Over 600 Pages, and Telegraph company has paid him
Schuvlkill county, whose vote was not necessary
to elect him.
It was too much to expect a session of Con-
OVER ro,ooo PACTS.
how little he knows, f this world only had j gress, even the short one, without hearing the in
more people, no matter how ignorant or how in- dividual noteriety-seeker.
Wrilnriilni, .Inn. fl.
The senate agreed to the house pro
vision abolishing the arm canteen.
A bill passed the national house
which will increase the representation
in th:tt body from 2." to 3S6.
The Carnegie company will erect the
largest pipe and tube manufacturing
plant in the world at Conneaut Har
bor, O.
A collision on a trestle on the rtal-
Aonriay. .Inn. I I.
President McKlnley has almost re
covered from his attack ot la grippe.
Ixird Lionel Cecil, half brother of
the Marquis of Salisbury, died in Ixin
don yesterday.
Mall advices from Madagascar report
the drowning of Ml natives by the cap
sizing of a barge.
Four hundred fishermen nn missing,
and they are supposed to have perished
in a storm Jan. la off the west coast of
I. Y. Paige, for f!x years past clerk
umore and unio man aoove mverson to the comptroller of the currency, died
section, w. va., Killed eight men and 0f pneumonia in Washington yester
wrecked 23 cars
Paymaster Charles P. Thompson, of
the navy, died yesterday at his resi
dence in Washington, He had been an
invalid for several years.
Thursday. Jan. 10.
A movement is on foot to abolish the
Whipping post in Delaware.
day, aged fill
Samuel Lewis, the notorious I.on
don money lender and usurer, who has
be in called the "greatest and meanest
of modern Shylocks," is dead.
TtteadAy, .ln. in.
Admiral Dewey Is confined to his
Washington home by an attack of the
Thirty-one deaths have resulted : grip,
from the Rochester orphan asylum Ore J The bill to increase the salary of
of last Tuesday morning. North Carolina's governor from $11,000
Mls Elizabeth Shifler, a !0-year-old ' to $4,000 passed both houses,
hermit, was burned to death in her , Five hundred coal miners nre on
hut near Kecdysvillc, Mil. strike at Scofleld, Utah. It la the first
Fred Pnterbaugh. aged 12 years, ' mining strike In the history of Utah,
while skating yesterday near Wilkes-1 Andrew Carnegie denies the report
barre. Pa., broke through the Ice and 1 that the J. I'. Morgan syndicate Is to
was drowned.
Frank 0, Clarke, representative In
congre-o fri m the Second New Hamp
shire district, died in Peterboro, N. H.,
aged 60 years.
Experiments In Havana prove that
mo.-qnitoes spread yellow fever, and
that there Is no danger from an in
fected person or Infected clothing.
Frlrinv, .Inn. 1 1.
Admiral Cervera is critically ill at
Puerto Real, Spain.
Rear Admiral Thomas F. Phelps, of
Washington, died in New York of
Mr. Charles R Rarnes, United States
consul at Cologne. Germany, has re
ceived his exequatur.
Commander John W. Qiiackenbush.
U. S. N., retired, died yesterday at his
residence In Washington.
Senator Tillman, of South Carolina,
denies the report of a disagreement be
tween himself and William J. Rryan.
Secretary Wilson has addressed a
letter to the chairman of the senate
committee on agriculture and forestry
in defense of the Qrout oleomargarine
Snturdny, Jan. 12.
purchase the Carnegie Steel company's
works. .
Mrs. Susan L, M. Ward, widow of
Marcus L. Ward, former governor ol
New Jersey, died at her home in New
ark yesterday, aged 86.
The Massachusetts legislature today
re-elected George F. Hoar United
States senator. Democrats votrd for
Richard Olney. ex-secretary of state.
The stale electoral colleges met yes
terday, cast the votes for president
and vice president and appointed mes
sengers to convey the votes to Washington.
Philadelphia, Jan. 14. Flour In Hcht de
mand; winter superfine, $2.3662.(0; Penn
sylvania roller, clear. J3.10fi3.25: city mills
extra, $2.7062.96. Hye Hour steady, but
quiet, at 13 per barrel for choice Penn
sylvania. Wheat quiet and steady; No.
2 red. spot, 7676tyc. Corn tirm; No. 1!
mixed, spot, 4364314c.; new No. 2 yellow,
for local trade. HMfSlC. Oats firm; No. 2
white, (dipped. M'.(jS:ic. ; lower grades, ffl
032C. Hay steady; choice timothy, tlT.ill
for lame hales. Beef steady; beef hams.
$17.60618, l'ork firm; family. ll(j.20'(i 10.75.
mess. 31S.2.iTi M..V). Lard firm; western
steamed. t7.TR. Live poultry quoted at 91i
8'ic. for hens, 6H7c, for old roosters, tfj
Sr. for print chickens, Hliii'-e. tor spring
dncks. 9e. for turkeys and PftlOc. for
At Jackson. Miss., the rainfall In 24 geese. Dressed poultry at 10e. for choice
hours amounted to about four Inches. I western fowls. 867c. for old roosters 114
SY . , . , . , 12c. for choice and fancy nearby ehlck-
M. De Wltte, the Russian minister or enn UHOUc. for spring turkeys. 11613c,
finance, will be created a count at the for choice to fancy western ducks and
Russian new vear T'"S('- f"r WP!,t''rn Reese. Butter steady
UUnsian new jiar. Qt B aacHBe. ,.r,.am,.ry, 1831c.; factory.
According to advices from Rerlln the U614C.; June creamery. 16630c.; Imlta-
health of Dowager Kmpress Frederick Mon creamery. 1414017c.; New York dairy,
1 1 (. 140lVC.i fancy Pennsylvania prints job-
Is again causing anxiety. Kng at 3407c.i do. wholesale, 33633c.
Lawrence Martin, aged 20, of Tatin- Cheese steady; fancy large fall made,
ton Maas hurt in a footbatl eame at UK611H.i 00. small. UllOlfe. Kkk"
' . D firm- N p
Fall River on Christmas day, died yes
terday of his Injuries.
The liabilities of the 1C London stock
exchange firms which recently failed
aggregate 2,000,000, In one case the
figures reaching 900,000.
Judge Henry E. Rurnham will be elect
ed by the New Hampshire legislature
to succeed Senator Chandler. In the
Republican caucus Chandler had only
47 votes.
firm; New York and Pennsylvania, 2K(r
24c; western, average packed, at mark.
I3O3014C.; western, loss off, 21c. Potatoes
firm; Jersey, ll.2Mil.75; New York, 11. 5041
1.8741 Long Island, 11.752; Jersey sweets,
Kast Liberty, Tn., Jan. 14. Cattle low
er; extra. 15.4tKjjr. 6u; prime, $5.15115.30; com
mon. 13413.75. Hogs dull and lower; prime
mediums, 15.25'u5.30; best Yorkers, 35.25;
good mixed. 35.25: heavy hogs. 15.2Vii5.25;
roughs, 33.75ii4.90. Sheep steady; choice
wethers. 34.504.60: common, 31.riOii2.50:
choice lambs, 35.859A: common to good,
$4fe5.76; veal calves, $7.60fe8.
Cure for
When the children $et their
feet wet and take cold give them
a hot foot bath, a bowl of hot
drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and put them to bed.
The chances are they will be
all right in the morning. Con
tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few
days, until all cough has dis
appeared. Old coughs are also cured;
we mean the coughs of bron
chitis, weak throats and irritable
lungs. Even the hard coughs
of consumption are always
made easy and frequently cured
by the continued use of
Every doctor knows that wild
cherry bark is the best remedy
known to medical science for
soothing and healing inflamed
throats and lungs.
Put ono of
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
over your lungs
Thm flaaf Madloml
We now beve lorae of Ike moat em.
ntnt physician In the United State.
Unuanal opportunity and long expert,
ence eminently fit tlietn for (I'lug yu
medical edTlce. Write tree.j all the
particular In yonr r..
Andre, Dr. J. C. AYER.
L4wii, oiaae.
News aSS .Opinions
! National Importance .,
The Sun.
Daily. Iiv muil, - - - $0 ;i year
rccori of 1900
(convent ions
,tnd platforms).
American ru'e'n
the Philippines.
New eovcrn-
ments of Porto Rico and Ha
waii. Polar exploration in f00.
Conclirion of the South African
war. Pan-American Exposition
Th? census of
19C0. National
.ind S'a'.e elec
tion returns.
Fovrcen'urics of
JJ j American rro-
r . i
nearly $500,000 for his recent invention
of a system by which ocean telephony
Is made possible. This is In addition to
the annual royalty of $15,000 a year
during the life of the patents. The
new system will require new cables,
which will Involve an enormous outlay.
Patlerana to Sneered Senator Woleott
Denver, Jan. 15 The Joint caucus
of the fusion members of the legisla
ture last night decided to support
Thomas M. Patterson, of Denver, for
United States senator to succeed Sen
ator E. O. Wolcott. There are 91 4u
sionlsts in the legislature, including
Democrats, Populists and Silver Re
publicans, and of these 87 were In the
caucus. The total vote of the legisla
ture on Joint ballot Is 100. Mr. Pat
terson Is a native of Ireland, 60 years
li Inn in en (n Re Deported.
Enstpoit, Me., Jan. 15 Sam Wah
Kee, of Boston, and a party of six
I mew -v I.. i vmuanwra, wnu were arrestoo at uen-
ct J9UI. China Its present con- j nysville Sunday afternoon charged
dttion and status among nations. with havlnc entered the United States
Daily and Sunday, by muil, $8 0 year Roster of general officers of the ,n violation of the emigrant law re-
Keijular U. 5. Army, 17891900. i ,aunB 10 V',neRP' were laKen 10 Uan-
I ror yesterday. The six emltrrnnts will
! be sent at onre to the Canadian border
! and deported, while Sam Wah Kee will
I probably be held to answer to the
charge of violating the laws.
1 1 ,
The Sunday Sui
is tin1 greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the world.
Price fc n copy, Vy mail, ?'2 a year
Address THE SUN. Nen Yoik.
Brltlah ( ainnitle.
London, Jan. 15. The official list oi
the nrltish casualties in the recent
fighting at Belfast shows 29 killed, 5H
wounded and 72 missing. This does
not account for the British losses at
Wonderfonteln, Nooltgedacht and Wild
fontein, and shows that affairs In that
qu vrter were more serious than Ird
Kitchener reported them to be.
A Political Register.
Facts that every patriot
and voter ought to know.
Standard American Annual.
Postpaid to any addresv
' Pulitzer Btdg.. Netv York,
Rrmovrd lr Hew York's Governor.
Albany, Jan. 15 Governor Odell last
night removed Col. Silas W. Burt,
Democrat, of New York city, from the
office of member of the state civil ser
vice commission, and appointed John
E. Kraft, of Kingston, to All the va
cancy. It Is rumored that the governor
has heard reports questioning the
Democracy of Col. Burt, and that bo
desired an organization Democrat to
fill the office.
WaSBTNaTOii, ) i
Oenessee I'ure Food Co. Lero .
N. Y.:
"Gentle men: 0'ir fnruily real ze
so much from the use of GRAIN (J
that I feel I muHt say a word to in
duce others to use it. If people a e
interested in their health ami i e
welfare of their children they w )
use no other beverage. I haven d
them all, but GRAIN O I have fon d
superior to any, for the reason that
it is solid grain. Youra for health,
G. P. Myers
( Inrk to Siirrreil Curler.
Helena, Mont., Jan. 15. The joint
senatorial caucus last night was at
tended by 37 fnembers, every one of
whom voted for William A. Clark for
the position now held by Thomas H.
Carter. It is confidently believed Clark
will have a majority In both houses.
The Democrats took no action on the
short term senatorship.
Mr. Wliltnej' lire. dlim Form.
Warsaw, Ind., Jan. 15. William C.
Whitney, ex-secretary of the navy, yes
terday purchased 160 acres of land on
the shore of Wawasee lake, which will
be used as winter quarters for his race
horses nnd also as a breeding farm.
Among the Improvements that will be
made at once will be the construction
of a half mile track.
Another Ilnllrond Combine.
Cincinnati, Jan. 14. The Enquirer
nays: Upon the highest authority It
ran be stated that the Cincinnati,
Portsmouth and Virginia railroad has
been sold to the Norfolk and Western
Railway company. Final transfer of
the Cincinnati road to the Norfolk and
Western will occur today.
Cnrllxt. Htlll ABltntlntT.
Madrid, Jan. 14. The Spanish gov
ernment has decided to send warships
to watch the coast of the lower prov
inces In order to prevent the Importa
tion of arms by the Carllsts, who are
Still agitating.
Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervous
prostration.- Or. Miles' Nervine cum them
F you want the "news of the
world writtenand pictured.
the finesCart and the best lit
erature, then you must read
America's Foremost
Illustrated Journal
Hall Oaine's latest and greatest novel,
"The Eternal City," begins soon. Send
for free copy of the opening chapters.
I ibuuiucu tu uw uuwi; M u
" iff------ ' -"ja