The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 17, 1901, Image 1

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i aaaaaaaai
Wave von eecn our
latest Creations in
letter Deaotj? envelope?
HlxYrc jnn buns
Zt 'A postal will fetch y u Speciaiens
A Family Journal, DtVStttt lo Newa, Science, Art, Political IcNMj ami Current Literature.
Kates: One Per Annum, in Advaact.
tM l'WlBMlir, Editorand Proprietor.
. 1 1 ' JV-
' JiMrtaftttaraEm) Florida.
,"'Blly.fnliirHHlTonr via Prnn
ajliiiln Railroad.
The first Jacksonville tour 0t tin sea
son via the Pennsylvania Railroad, ill
lowing two weeks in Florida, fovea
New York, Philadelphia, and Wnsh-
I'liiiina n nooosiinodav
tioiiH (one berth i, and meal en route
I in both direettona while traveling on
j the special train, will be sold at the lbl
I lowing rales: New York, ISO; Buffalo,
m 25; Rochester, "l: Elniira, $41. 1".;
Brie, 154.85; yYllllarusport, 150; W'il
keebarre, 850.8ft! ud at proportionate
rates from other points.
For ticket, Itineraries, and full In
formation apply to ticket agents; I!. P.
Fraser, Passenger .m-n t Bufltlo Dis
trict, .'to; Main Street, Ellleott Square,
Buffalo, N. V.: P. Palnmteer, City
Ticket Agent; 20 State Street, corner
Corinthian, Rochester, N. Y.: B. 8.
i lunar, Division Ticket Agent, Wil
liamsport, Pa,; or address Geo, v.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel
phia. I-1T-Jt.
' let) Monday night.
1 Institute will ho held in
. ! a i .... ...
TT . TT . nuieiiui.rrr uiiiiouiiecs nun ingion ny special tram f eliruary .
hlr going out of htwine. I Excursion tickets, Including railway
A' fcw 'ethaiifresaiul Heveral additions transportation
. have beeh made in our sale register.
A parbt was given by Mr-. Howard
s'ouik last Friday evening to Mime
. fheshiie factory starlet in with a
fWsuppienimit o'f hands. Monday
The nfeahbers of the Reformed church
of this place celebrated the Lord's Sup
perUtnday evening.
.'flBiVANTKD. A girl wanted for
general house work, (iood wanes.
A. N.Waknkk, Selinsgrove, I'n.
ReYiW. ii. Boycr, of the tnitedi
Brethren church, is holding revival j
meetings at New Berlin.
Mis Kate A. Wagensellcr, an experi-
tmccd milliner, will open a millinery
store Ju Selinsgrove in the ti lover i
building Feb. 1st.
Next week we will publish the "lie ill
of Honor.'" If you have not yet paid
your paper, send in your emit lance so
we can credit it with that issue.
The Krul.erviilo Lutheran elaireh,
which was built a century ago, will he
torn down, the cnurch council having
iifuuetl to creel a new numiing at a
cost of $8,000.
County Treasurer Benneville Smith
says he received another consignment
ot'tish. This may sound "lisliv" as he
failed to show it. But Ben. is' honest
or he could not be County Treasurer.
Pennslvania will have three legal
holidays next month, as follows: Tucs-
"Iny, Feliruary 12th, Lincoln's hirtlrVttiy;
Tuesday, February l'.Hh, election day,
and Friday, February 2Jd, Washing
Ion's birthday.
Fob Bale ob Rent. Country store
without stock. Room will be vacant
by Feb. 1. Good place for country pro
duce. Nine room dwelling. Reason
lor selling, sickness. Terms easy.
Geo. W. Himmelreich,
Kl-lt. Cowan, Pa.
The Republican nomination lor of
ficers of Franklin twp. will b.1 held
at the usual pi ice on Saturday, Jan.
looi, iii the afternoon. The names
of candidates should he handed to the
committeeman till Monday, Jan. 21st.
o to A. B. Soles for a smooth easy
shave or up-to-date hair cut and head
cleansed with a refreshing shampoo or
dandruff removed with his tonic, a
clean towel to each patron. Parlor iu
bank building, one door cast of Post
office, Satis (action guaranteed, tf.
The supreme court in Philadelphia,
recently sustained the judgment of the
superior court, that no estate, real or
personal, can lie bequeathed to any per
son in trust for rel glous or charitable
Uses, except the same he done by deed
or will at least one calendar month be
fore the death of the testator.
"or regular annual mark down -ale
Ladles' and Children's Coats, ( apes
Mini Skirts is taking place. As usual
We are cutting the prices almost in half.
Ladies' Coats from slo to 10.60.
Ladies' Coats from 88 to $5,
Ladies' Coats from -ii to l.
And all others In proportion.
s. Weih,
'"'t. Belinsgrov
trrTyTrrT.) goodlincs head mu eu off,
yilgXT';KRS0NA I ffll ! .have Reported to rlen Onenei
&i-XtitA; Mj$yJukb I Victim's Head Secured as Evltlc
Tluriy-f ive Day1-' Tour via Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania llailroad Company
lias arranged for n special personally
conducted tour through California, to
leave New York and Phlli !i Iphia on
February 1 1, by the "( den late
special," com po-ed exclusively of Pull
man parlor-smoking, d I n in g-room
sleeping, coniparttlieut, and observa
tion ours, returning by March 20. This
special train will be run r the entire
route. The best hotels used
whore extended stops are nut li , but the
train will beat the constant command
of the party.
Round-trip tickets, covering all ne
cessary expenses, $450 from all points
on tne Pennsylvania Kail road except
Pittsburg, from which p iiul the rate
will be $445,
For further information apply to tick
et agents; ourist A l; 1 1 1 . 1 1 . ; Broad
way, New York; I Court Street, Brook
lyn; 780 Broad Street, Ne war li, N. J.;
B. Courlaendcr, Jr., I'assenger Agent
Baltimore District, Baltimore, Mil.;
Colin Stiulds, Passenger Agent South
eastern District, Washington, D.
TIiob. B. Watt, Passenger Agent West
ern District, Pittsburg, Pa.; or address
Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pass
enger Agent, Philadalphia. 1-17-l'i.
-- -
President of Susquehanna University
Sbunsgrove, Pa.
i- entire
:il a re
li (count,
mil i mi
is sold.
( loths,
I- lauuels,
th I rt iugs,
1 20
New Millinery Store in SeUSSgroVC.
February 1st, I will open a millinery
in Selinsgrove in the Glover
Room oniiosito I lower's law of-
Boe. I will carry u full line of the
latest styles of millinery goods, notions
M"d fancy goods and will be prepared
to meet the wants of all.
The ntock holders of the Main Shoe
Limited, met at the factory office
Moachvy evening and elected the fol
lowing pecaona managen for the enau
year : Hon. G. Alfred Schoch; K.
' Walter, Win. H. Hampton, A. G,
hou, W. L German, John M.
elnlnger, I). A. Kern, W. V. Wit
nniyer and W. B. Winey.
Bank Directors.
The First National Bank of this
Pkce Tuesday elected the following
Persons to serve as directors for the eu
5fng year : Hon. Geo. Alfred Schoch,
W. W. Wlttepmyer, Aaariah Kreeger,
rMUlner, W. C. Pomeroy, J.N.
paon, James G. Thompson. The
.CO. 1,
I ' uion
I, lot in
Deeds Entered for Record.
Bliaa and Elizabeth Wolf to
Wolf, I acres ami ; perches in
township for $1 10. Pi.
John I', Kearns and wife to
Blckel, lot in Beavcrtown, for
leo. Btzlcr to Wilmer Bicki
Beavcrtown, for
John W. Aigler and W. A.
two acres in Beaver twp., for i
George EUler to Wilmer A. Blckel,
lot iii Beavcrtown, for rioo.
Sadie Garl tiger, George Garluger,
Mary ( '. Smith, Foster Smith and wife
to Isaac M. Smith, j of 100 acres in
Adam- twp., for $7212.25.
Heirs of Jacob BlllgUIUaU to Isaac M.
Smith, lot iu Troxelvillc, for -1 100.
Amos Benfer and wife to Alvllda
Koinig, house and lot in Adamsburg,
for $800.
Letters Grained.
Letters of administration In the es
tates of Adam and Mary A. Baumgurd
GOING ill 1 OF lit MM."
The tmdersigiiod offers h
stock of General Merchandise
dilution of 20 In i ' per cent
comtmmciug Jan. ITtti, 1001
tiltuiug until ih. entire stock
lin tiiMiiM.
Dress t Itxtds including Silks,
Henriettas, Sergi Mohair,
etc, at rcihlct ioi, o 20 per ci III
Dress Inittgs, i luting
Flauuelett , ottou Flannels, 1
Table t loths; etc. al a u duciioit
per ceir..
I'Kil I.S.
Prints, 5e. Fine Brown Muslin,
( iinghains, oc Applotoll "A" "i
Dress linghums, 5, K and II c.
I .adlcs I tide rt r, 20c to li ; t i
Vcsis, 5o up; Fascinators, 20c up;
ony Varn, 0c hank.
oexts' i l l: i-ii ixo Hi i i.
siuspciulcrs, (); Ailmlra
- ; President Suspendon
Shh t-, 25c, for n ii r pi lei
Culauudrled; Wc I
I .UUlllll ii d. T ie mill t e;
alls, "ic to lilK'J Bo l Iveiall
50c Fleeced n 10c; 15c Fleeced now
5I lc;
Dr. J. W. Orwig sjienl last Friday in
NerM. Middleswarth, of Troxclvllle,
was in tow li Monday.
N. I', lluni'iiel, of K reamer, ua at
the county seal last Thursday.
Mrs. F. C. Stahl, of Beading, is vis
iting her parents InSvviueford.
Dr. I. (J, Barber, of Dam life, was at
MiddlebUrg one day last week.
Mrs. Daniel Bolcndcr has gone to Ak
ton, t)hio, to visit friends inn) relatives.
Mrs. Theodore Walter of Akron, O.,
formerly of this place, is seeing the
sights iu i ill in.
Fx-Otttninissionor Isaac Sisitts, of
Meiservllle, n;h al the county -cat
; Monday.
M. L, Waller, one of Franklin tow ii-
' S!U s ItcplllulC.'lll eon 1 1 1 1 1 ( I ; 'el I ell , Was
' a caller Bttttirdnv.
Mrs. Dr. Keller, of Flijiliethvillc, is
visiting her parents, .lames p, Smith
and wife at I In- place.
I'.. P, Heilllhaell, of New Berlin, drop
ped ill lo paj his le-peeis and hi- sub
scription (Saturday.
M. MlUlier of Ivant . at thecouti
ty seat Tuesday ami was re-elccleil a
director oi ihc bank.
Miss Bhoiia Bachmaii, ol I'uxton
wile, visited her father in lln- place
during lln pasl week.
Geo. W. Trow it, and Adam Gordon,
of Alt. licasaui Mill-, were callers al
this office Saturday.
i . i'.. uoi Km- ami lainiiy, m .-sun-
bury, Sunday wore the guests ufSnm'l
Spitlerund family iu Swineford.
John R. Kreeger is now at loswt.ll,
Now Mexico. His many frleuds hero
Iiojk' the climate may restore his health.
I hid Burgess John F. Stetler and
Coal Merchant Geo. II. Wtciiiingcr
Week ill li.'llll-
M ti '
!0e in
A. N. Warner
1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 -1 1 1 secre-
a University, was
II business TlllirS-
Ctirl Seebold,
I Howard Fotllk
if the week at tin
. t r
iff o,
I- in
ys' and
or cent,
BltoEH. ntime lc-, than one
former pi ice; Boys' Hoots as low in
Rubbers as low as 5c per pair.
1 1 UOI Kit I Kit.
Granulated Sugar, 0c pet U., '.7 IU
$1.00; Soda, 8c per lb; Arbtlekle '.
l.'e; Golden Blend Coffee, J lbs. In
( lystcr ( 'rackers, 5c and other goi
;.oi UNO.
Boys' Suits J price; Men'-,
children's I vercoats, - I to
UEN's 8U1TM.
id 1.50 kind now $K.5U; S.CH
$0,60; $7,50 kind now . Ii.01)
suits us low as $2.o0.
No goods sold except lor ('ASH or
W. W. Wn ii SMVEIt.
" l lttrt.l t I'a. i Mall."
NEAnOAKII AIR mm: railway
'Florllaaiiil IVesi luUla Hhorfl Lin
TO I'll.-:
Winter Res irl ol tin N uith,
no oi Kreaiuer - mer
le county -I at Wiilues-
uppiy ot stationery
uid .
it her
' tary of
, al the
M. I. PotllT. all Seebold. .1
' N. Brosills an
the early pari '
.1 B. Mag. e,
chants, w a- at
day to older a new
i ll'oin t lie l'i 1ST,
Francis B. Buyer, of Mt. Pleasant
Mills, called Monday to soon red a nice
lot of neatly printed stationery execut
l d al Ibis office.
Mis. HatticSmlth, aftei liaviugspcul
I several xv e, l.s w ith friends in this place
returui d to her home in New Ivcllsiug
i ton,
s. ii. LTlrlch, the Globe Mill- merch
ant dioppeii iii lo see a- I uesilay w hue
, he vvtts in tow n. Oliver Is doing a lin e
business and ; ulwaj s bappy-
i John 11. Shiiinbach, of Klssimmce,
uutieil nis name naturaay loom- iaig
I list of subscribers. He knows it goo
1 thing when ho sees it.
it .mil iiu
Burner, the man accused of the mur
der of Adam GiMstllng, near l.iverpiMil,
on the night of OctoU-r 2, will have a
ghastly piece of evidence to confront
when he is called before the court for
Some time ago it was atinnuncctl that
I ho grave of i iood ling had been opened
and -hoi extractc I from I he dead man's
head to he used in the trial. The prose
cution ha- "one a -top fai l her than this
and has secured the entire head of the
dead man.
One dark night not long ago two well
know n . h si. hiiis of Mittlill, political
CnClllicS, Went til the lower end of the
county and 1iiel a will known char
acter of Midillehttrg, They hin d a car
ring tin pretext thai they wanted
to hold a consultation over a typhoid
fever pattern in the country and then
drove over the hills ami hack to I he old
graveyard where the remains of Adam
( loodling wore laid to rest ii day after
he was foul Iii murdered, supposedly by
t he man who stands charged with Ho
Mil IIIINUI and I he sky w lis
Ideal high) lor secret uH'f
purty arrived at thcccmc
itftci' midnight and al oner
lltillU I he glUVC of I lie llllll -
There w as
overcast, all
lltiollS. lie
lery ultortli
set about lo,
den d man.
resilient pit I
I his found, the Middli hurt!
Illced pi 'k and sboV el and
wein to work, his only light lieing tic
few rays -le d from a imillled dark Ian
lorn in t he hand- of of t he physi
cians. While the work went on tin
other tloetor sat on the edge of a tomb
stone and tried lo whistle a cheerful
The grave Was UOI opened save at the
hcid. When t he colli ii lid was struck
the upper pan was removed with a
-bolt axe a nd the M Iddlcburg man was
handed a short m , W ith this he cul
completely otitic bead of the dead man
and when the gruesome operation was
complete handed it up io tin' waiting
doctor, who placed it in a suck which
bad been brought along for the purpose,
Then the grave was refilled and tin
physicians drove hack to town whill,
tin- Middleburg man went home
Tin took the inol'llitlg train back to
Milllitl and now Adam I Ilillg's head
is jarred and stowed away in the stable
of one of 1 he physicians to he produced,
al tie trial.
The prosecution has lutil living ti
keep the tail that lie N will pltslUCC tin
shattered skull iiiiel by circulating tin
u pon mat only -hot wa- taken lioin
the hodv and that no p ut Wilsl'olllovi
Mi-s Nellie Stephens, ,,f LcWlstoWll,
was ;i passenger on the earlj train
Monday luoriilug for Stllibury. When
the train reached a point near Beavcr
town Miss Ktephens accltlentally left
her purse fall out an oN'll car w IlldoW,
The conductor was uotitlcil ami tele
graphed io Ikitvortown where the track
men were ordered to make a diligent
search for the ss'kel hook. Lad r the
purse wa- found by a track hand and
with its em i ten I - ui id i-t ui hid it w as re
turned to Us grateful ow uer.
l ui VI) I VI W ALLET,
Conductor Hmkle Pick-d Up $4300.
Passenger Conductor William Itiukle
who riiustlntaigli SlltiDttiy on the Pen
nsylvania railroad, a i. days ago jilck-
cd "I' a pcM'kei i i, coiiiainiug 1801),
which a careli - pnssengi r had dr ipped
on the seat of one of the coaches.
While passing through the train just
before reaching Northumberland, the
i o uluetor noticed a fat kel Isiok !y-
ng on one oi lie seats, ricKlllg it
he started to Hud tin- ow nei .
"ii-U 'cessiui. I Here was not'.,
tic piii-s,. by , Inch Its owilol
found. hen he rcachi il llari
'ondiictor I link le walked Into ;
liee o the l oiiipaiiy III I arn , ,
Wallet. There he loill'llt'll thill ill
or tliscovercil Ills I..-- ahoiil a lial
lifter IlltV i 1 1 .: the lain ai '
and had telegraphed an hiiplil .
ii. An answer a- sen! thai lln
lilt' w a- -ale and next da il w a
ed to is nw Her,
I was
ml be
le of-
I' the
hour low II,
e-t, if.
Will I I
Is I I Iv
I I I II ,11,1
tint henilinir when the blllmiri. prlnli il at Uil
llii.'. W In mi tlir liili- .io- n. ,1 nl il,i.
ill- III I,.', O, I . - ui', t-
IIIU In lillVe -Hli' hIiUIIIiI MllCHll
ii iittMtrtocI iii tula I'l.luiiiii
ii ii. in .ii. a iiuvc
' n lira nortleweat f
Ittitni -I, ntl fitrin of
,.i . K II In i I -ell J
ami l riulnu , , iU-
itirtli-wcal nf
.1 wih aril I
unit tAriuiaa
,i o v
IIMl lit
d'e iv i l
inn mi
llllll ml!, west of
luu-ii-liti, Annie
. - ..i : a uiltlg
from the grave. I h
through a stranger
and demanding an t
The prosecution
strong case against
pel ise is being save
story leak.
Ilndhifj ilc
xpla nation
m out
for it
claims to have
Burner and no i
to convict him.
I'KIMAin I.I.U lii:s.
Penns) ' tnniuil Moetini!
The annual meeting of t lc I
van iii llailroad company, whicl
take piaeo on March I-', in llol'tl
ml Hall, Philadelphia, promises
one of i he most important in t Ii
Tliey MiinI lie livid Soi Later TI
i ebruur 1st.
l''lectlolls for ward, borough ami
1 he Un;y Line Uwrn:mg uaily I rains township officers for regular term of of-
tj FioriJa I flee are held on the ihird I uesilay ol
I February. Certificates of nomination
uer, late of West Beaver, were granted
to T. A. Wagner.
W ills Probated.
The last will and testament of Mis.
Margaret Spahr w as probated Thurs
day. Hiram P. .1 arret t Is Ihe executor
and her daughter, Evat, is tin-sole heir.
Marriage Licenses.
Tiie ''Florida Fast M til," another
of the Seaboard Air Line Ivallway s
splendidly equipped i rains, leaves
New Vork daily at 12:30 a. in., '.' lid
Street Station, Pennsylvania Rail
road, with I 'n 1 1 man Drawing Room
Sleeping Car and Day Cinches to
Italeigh, South. mu Pinjjs, Columbia,
Savannah, Jacksonville, where eon-
i,.,ntln. u fa 1 Trim Uf 4 llfVlluf l.A
.1,1 . . .. . . nil I mil., tin inline i. ... ..... .
1 EdgarK MeLmn, Liven I. T , nii r.,i,i illt. nhl
" "i - . - - ---
tram conioi ts at cw ) orK with
t Annie M. Burner,
i .John It. I laim
tva Miller,
Select VoUf Dale.
Persons who propose to make sale
this coming spring should select their
date as early as possible and have it In
serted in the l'o si's sale register. The
notice w ill bo Inserted free in our sale
register if the bills are printed at this
Ha i K.i ins at Carman's
Peter Carman, Mt. Pleasant
Mills ia offering a new line of ladies
hats and millinery goods. Men's
bats 25 cents and Queenswarc at 3
Phila., j train Bostan 7:uo p. in. Leaves Phila
Selinsgrove. I jelphia 2;50 a, tu,, Baltimore :--I3 a.
m., Washington 10:00 a. tn., Rieb
lUOnd 9.40 p. iu., arriving Southern
Fines 0:80 p. ni , Columbia 1:46 a. in..
ISavaunah &:00 ti. ni., Jacksonville
9.10 a. ni., St, Augustine 11. lo a. ui..
Tampa 0.80 p. in. Through Pullman
Drawing Kooin Sleeper New York to
Jacksonville. Through Vestibuled
Passentjer Couches and perfect ser
vice. For informal ion cull on or write to
nil Pennsylvania Railroad offices, or
8eaboard Air Line Railway represen
tatives, at 30(1 Washington Street,
Hoi-ton, Mass.; 1200 and 371 Broad
way, New York; 30 Sooth Tblrd St.,
Philadelphia: 207 East German St,
Baltimore; 1434 New York Avenue,
WashinKton, or to R. E. L. Hunch,
General Passeusrer Accent. Forts.
ami nomination papers lor camhilates
for township and borough officers, elec
tion officers ami school directors in the
same, must he tiled Willi the county
commissioners at least eighteen to fif
teen days respectively before the day
of election, the day upon which the act
U done, paper filed or notice given to
be excluded from ami the day of elec
tion to be Included in the calculation
or reckoning. As the third Tuesday
ol February next w ill fall on the 10th,
nominations for borough and township
officers must be made eighteen days be
fore the day of election, or not later
than Friday, February 1st.
MARRIED. Jan. , at the Lutheran
parsonage, by Rev. J. N. Wet.ler, Ph.
I). )., Win. H. Brubakcr, of Sunhury,
and Miss Catharine Charles, of Port
Treverton, Pa.
Jan. 12, hy Rev. M. E. McLinn,
Edgar S. McLtnn and Annie M.
Burner, both of Liverpool, Pa.
Jan. 6, by Rev. D. B. Me Lain, James
W. Walter and Cora E. Matter, both
h will
tory o the company. Besides the con
sideration of the annual report, which
w ill -how ihe marvelous growth of tin
company iu Its many departments, tin
constitution will I Herod for accept
ance; also the plan for the increase of
I In-capital stock. I he pasl year has
licell a pllenonieliallV pro-pe,ils one
for the company, and it starts out on
the new century with a most roseate
hue before il. The annual report of the
company will be given to stock-holders,
ami tickets of admission issued to i hem
for the annual meeting, on ami after
March 6, at the secretary's office. Broad
street station Philadelphia,
A number of young hoys in the Flrsl
ward wore arrested for writing an ob
scene letter to a young girl in Northum
berland. The letter gol into the pos
session ot tin- girl s tat i, or w ho hail a
warrant issued for the boys, ami they
wore taken to Northumberland where
the case was Battled by (he payment of
a line and costs amounting to about
eleven dollars each. It is to be hoped
that this will be a warning to the boys
and an eye-opener to their parents, and
that they will naver Indulge in such a
questionable proceeding again, MiUon
HATtftlDAY, I'. li. In, Hit
Mitluieliuriii on Hie
Knocli UltiKnttiatti
In 'i tea, : I ..... I "I . ,n
rill'ltSUAY, Kelt, -.'I 'J nulls
Kh'ltflelil, Vi-. Amanita II. n
hiirana, I .mis. jituni; tiittlu
ltiitmn uis
Tuesday. Mn ii t vin
-i II In. I- eowa, In ilt r
Kit IU V. Msreli 1. IM0, ni
S.lll'IU l lllllt'll IN I l-ntl
Mnrka will aollA Iturafa,
1 liljilrni'litt
-ATtMIOAY, Msreh 'J. one ami
ti. -tt Ii tif Mill. Hi Mui:. .latum
hr 1 llnlsi . s :i In Mil
tli- in 1. 1 farinina intiilviiiLiilM
tt I iN.sia . Mnrelt I :. Hirer i
weal ol Miilillrawsrtlt, .Inlni A .
ell a Itoraea, .' Itiulva, cattle
ltllll. III. III-.
OSlAV. Mnreli II, one fmirlli in I weal
nl Mltlilleluiru, Iteini IViiliri ill ., borsea,
nuts anil faruilnii ltiiileinenta
FUIDAY, Marclt A, in,,, ami anr-ltalf miles
wratnf Allnr, K. J Trntl will ,i luraaf,
t . .mil fHrnttttn ltuili iin'nis.
rilKSDAY, March IS inllr a..iifli-enal
MidtllebnrK. A, K. Smith II sell ! Iioreoa,
-i'.iws entile unit fttritiiiiii liniilrmetits,
nil icsit.vv. March l'i ami fourth
unit's auuth ,'.ii .. Mt. I h .i-iti.i Mtlla, I.I.
Waiter will aell 4 hutara, IU lienil el cattle
iiinl farmiuji iiiiileiuetila.
I ,'t
lilt milt's
i will
mug cot-
.- -until-
.1 .' Will
I lore is a eh
llllll from the
i ho Wayside,"
imiA : ''Nine
marrlagesarc t
1'iilves being ul
ace tut
in the
io result
owed U
if honn ly w is
if "Jottings by
Mifflinbimi lib
it the unhappy
iifgn n. human
tlli V
ran a I.
Ihe society pastures without any
on i hem. Tin y marr.v ami hn
dreii la-fore they bavemotistachi
ue fathers of twins i. fore they :
proprietors oi two ; nil's of pai I
he little girls they in.. I rv a,
HCII before tin y are 20.
Hie of these goslinu in..: : i
re (ho
. ami
I wo--i
s turns
ease of
. "ling
Coon ButoraM oi'i'ouTiNiTv.
Qeneral store for sale. For part iculars
nit all right, but it is a el
luck. If there wa- a law nmill
louts sparking and marrying fore
they have cut all their teeth, we suiv
pose Ihe liltle CtlSSCS Would evade it in
some way. but there ought ; be a
sentiment agalnsl it. I: i- time enough
for these bantams to think "i finding
a pullet when they have raised money
enough to buy a bundle of laths I"
build a lieu boils,., lint they see a girl
who looks cunning ami tin y are afraid
there w ill mil be enough to en around
ami then tiny begin lo get in their
work real apry; before they are aware
of ihe sanctity of the marriage relation
they are hitched for life and before they
own a cook stove or bedstead tin y have
to gel up ill the night and go alter a
doctor, so frightened that they run
themselves OUt of breath and abuse the
doctor because he don't run ttst, then
when be gets there ho can't find linen
enough iu the house lo wrap up a doll
- - .
The Republican primary election for
the borough of Middleburg w ill be held
in the Commissioners' office Saturday,
Jan. 96, 1001. The caucus w ill he held
Saturday evening, Jan. I nth.