Rat Vm te Bat. "0, the disTace of it all," wept the unhappy wife of the defaulting bank "Alas! Aiaal ' moaned her iriends. "0, the disgrace! continued the sor- i it ,u:i. u 1 .. liL mo ma t- 1 I.. ae ia taking all the way from a hun dred thousand to a million." Now, when it waa too late, she real ised her mistake in marrying an old fashioned man. Baltimore American. la lyateaa. The Young One Dad, give me a point er about married life. How do you get in so well with mother? The Old One Easy enough, my boy. First, I have cultivated a habit of never understanding her. Second, I am a good listener. And third, I never allow her to have anything she doesn't want. Brooklyn Life. iwini, Share with others what makes you emll But carry your griefs alone: Nine out ot ten will listen awhile, And then act bored to the bone. -Chicago Record. Hit ETIQr KTTB. Mrs. De Mon I gave you my card jesieruuj , nuj uiu you iioi cult lor the clothing I promised you? Procrastination Bill Beg pardon, uiu inn, u u i jniciunjr v u monuuy on.! - -A an M - A V. ...... Tk.... days." LoulsTille Courier-Journal, Reconciliation.. Man loves his life with ardor crest; He soon forests each transient pain. We have our fallings out with Fate And then we make It up again. Washington Star. Causes the Goat. Rich Patient What is the cause of Doctor Excessive eating and drink ing will nrrtmi4A Bnni unnti, ........ o a on inna ,T Patlent-My, my! Well, I must tin TV 1 1 r r l I ri it nur m f a w i a a- i i-. , ant ana drinking. .. y. Weekly. alt Trnc, Uultr Tract Wslkiner I.ndv Mat (nr r.l.. ,-.. U . - - r haven't all been waiting for me? Manager (icily) My dear Chalmers, incompetence is the f heaven; but attention to buslines- be cultivated. Cleveln nit n Dealer. His Dlaajaosl. at r liui in mm i 1 1 1 nil nno little sister and one-fourth to utile brother, what would you youraell? iiiht v a 1 1 I miasaa i"f tna K or something- so s I wouldn't much like eating! Puck. No Two Alike. Sargent (knowint-lv) It Is that the Lord never made two pn iub D "J I -' VUUIDC 1IC juu wuuiu never near of a Zettlntr married twine llurUm CoBTeraatlaa ana Talk. ee, he said reflectively, "conver- a . .1 l ( . ...... mm u iur mra. vvnv. VCju ught to hear us at our whist club." ioaiu ui conversation, he mn "a.. . 1 1 ,, . . Dafavtaaale laterraatlaa II m niM, I aaknlr a Ik. -1. I 1 o vjrwaaw , w HM kUIUIMI, ! advised ma thai T .hnM k --- - TU uc guwv some Idiotic ti-e t ,.r,. , a -a)YUn, - wiku ujc iu ace vuu. - Halcyon Dsn. , are the halcvon davs?" II v. a. Al a ea a a hw VU a 1T1IUW ItJIlKR w with plctuurc bccaiut he has a-vwgu IUVH U( WHS IU1V- , UlVOjfU 1 I 111 C B -1 1 C T .1- an. a la HllKa 'PI . - a uw (V I DC p iar man in tkil Tillaire. O-- ' V IUE I I (J 11 IMP WIT n mos' Rube Wal. he nnn t fan and ha aiui't a - V. I i i, " - W umiu l UCK. Eanlalaed j, nui a statu J Mpf I - a j u.. . v. a lay dOWn an' are .!; Vl aHa.la.Lt- a- .... i . ,wi lu American. What u. nu . ... tuncu me a liar YorLret. laj ... I. . .ii, - - - - - U 1 U J UU I i ncln, io vne xunerai. T a., a 11 Told kv a r. .j. - - wung a person i ror- he told by card?" . I can tell that anybody must , ,ii v-arua are printed ln l eagravd."-43tray Stories. Are KaaaDtlaa. a ' v Now, as a general rule, worn- li BIBlBIBP'aaaaTarsna arfr a-- a j " " H-llB-l-lll-B-lllfe BHSill " ii r i i inaat r J. a a I aal v.MlJkia SSaaitBBkaaVaaaVasjSaasaa K ii 1 1 mi m i hi n'ranuASfZ'in PROdRtSS ON ELtCTRlOTT riACHINERTTRAN5P0RTATION BUILDING S rrton rnoTOCinAPn taa&n Aug i isoo. jfl -Pain-Airiepican. Ex position - Buffato- THE PROPYLAEA for Infants and Children. Castorln ia a liurinli'ss Hubstitute for Cnstor Oil, Pare goric, Drops aud Sootliiiic Syrups, It ia lMeatiuiit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays I'Yverislinoss. It cures Oiarrhtea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Si X aaamanaSSSi In Use For Over 30 Years. it. ii REAL QRAPHOPHOF'rt i I ' Ml k. ' li I - aj ii m n:conPO as P ALL GT;. D A ;3 B3 TALKING Hi MACHINES. I MAKE I iw The pleasure of a Gr:i!. ,. jjtj your own records V l. J" liruplm '. ii ui'tedOn ;)h- i ; t mrrh.ti- M I meet 'm dc- .ul ;lm 1 ni Ii I'.is . ..! . 'i ri: i ; . I . . . H Oi CVi .-, 1 HI. -''llii.. U '. P COLUMBIA PHPt" .!i IHIsmiii us, 145 A 1156-1169 Broadway, N. V. City Restore lfitiiiti Lost Vigor and Manhood . PILLS 5C CYS. NERVi f SHIS ur '-fcpotc-JCy, Nijfht Emlssioos. Lost of Memory, a' 7.stinR dis eases, alietlects o' jelt-aDuse or ecess arm rn uaciauon. A nerve tonic and v-d builder. Brlnga the pink plow to pale c . - a restores the fire jf youth. By meil 50c. per ccx, 6 doics for $1.50, wiih our bank able guarantee te cur- or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. NERVITA TABLETS (TILLOW LaXBal Positively guaranteed cure for Loss o! Power, Varicocele. Undeveloped or Shrunken . . ... v. Tl . U..a..;. 171 la InBonitw Organs, raresis, laocomotor Aiaxia, nervous i imu.uuu, ija.u.., Paralysis and the Resnlts of Excessive Use of Tobacco. Opium or Liquor. By mall ; ni.. n.,1,1.. ai.no a box 6 for S.oo with our bankable euarantee bond to cure In 30 daya or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY 1 i.t,.. stMAta CHI04CO. ILLINOIS -eld by MIDDLEBL'RGH DRUG CO., niDDLEBURGM, PA. 1 sill psiaY a a aa Warn .-jT aaaava-- 1 r.TT'.'i 1 1 r t n if TRY Ihe Ideal trench Tonic all a. "-alll" ... t"" rrii nnnv ami hhain filac IA63, Badorted ty Medical Faculty In-mediate lasting efficacious agreeable R IPAN S Doctors find A Good Prescription for maitkiitd Trn (or It, nita.it DractiMs. Orsctn, KatUsrsaav IMsasa, Nm4ul, Gcsiral Siotm snd Bar ban Bkeas. Thar baal.h pain, induce ilrap, and pralMf Ilia. Oae 1tss rtllafl Na malltr whal'a tha BUUaf, aaa IU ae Ma food. T. aaaiplaa sod aos laoaaaad sms 5?!a? ,"' "'l1 '? OS rrcalpl ai arloa. aflaa.lassCatsilcal C., M.Spruca St., NtwYsrtXlt Acr-.' ' r'-. v m a wr dot. vavera la na nl for women. Brooklyn 22aaata5aaalalaaleBal aBa J