The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 10, 1901, Image 4

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    Publishes1 Every Tliur-l.i Morning
o: o w waoenseller. a. m editor ahdowmr
for January, which has just been issued. In j
fiction, readers will welcome the half-dozen Am
ateur Cracksman stories by K. V. Hormum.
each of w hich is ( ml. tc in itself : hot the in-1 ms
M nsrltli'ilo.s UATKS.
i.i i" r v-nr if pui.i in n h-,n,o ht yenr it not Children's Suits and Overcoats from one-fourth to
m uTMimi .-i nif cupim rivt' I t'llO.
Ail rl I -Inn 11. ii. , S , ,1,11 par lini, iionparril limillll
m.'iit f,,r llrt ilowrlio;. n,l III it-nt ht Una for aACfa wbaa.
qui nl inwrtinn. JfoKI'IrK. Ni ar im-1 i.iintv I 'ourl limine,
hctwiecn tin- Kimt Nntionr.l Hank and' the Ominty Jail.
Vol wvin.
Jan. lo, 1901.
genioiis "BsdBet" and his accomplice, BoBOjr,
We have reduced our stock of Men's, Boys ' tppear in all of the adventures Th- one in thi
uumber is entitled No Sinecure," and it is illus
trated by F. G Yol:n, who will make the pictures
for the whole series. Rallies ha already taken
his place among those distinguished characters
in fiction w hich everybody knows about.
" Dili dimity prevail. 1 1 1- Pri m would prove
vehicle of Virtue, Truth ami Love." cow i'ks.
A Lewistown paper in a recent issue said:
"Th unity commissioners are to be
commended for abolishing the absurd
custom lit' assessing valuations on, the
one-third Imsls. Of course ii will be
their duty to change the mill rate in
proportion. The old system no! only
fulled to give the county a proper valu
ation on its wealth and resources, but
would have prevented Lewlstown from
assuming municlpnl ownership of its
water and light privileges, even it the
i -it i.riis had so desired."
This i :i proposition that should be considered
by the commissioners of Snyder Countv. II the
citizens of Middlcbttrg should decide to put in is extremely doubtful it' they
could do it under municipal ownership, because
tlie total indebtedness ol the borough for the new
school house and water works would probably
make the debt higher than the law would permit
under the present assessment valuation.
I c the borough ol Middleburg should desire to
install water works now, it would have no alter
native, hut to give the contract to a corporation.
It is probable that the citizens generally would
oppose water works if'it were to be given to a
corporation, while they would favor the improve
ment if it could be put in and controlled by the
municipality, fa corporation puts the plant in,
it would certainly expect to charge a profit for
the use I' the water and for that reason it is fair
to presume that the municipality could furnish
water at a lower cost than a corporation.
The same is true in iheborough of Selinsgrove,
should they desire to bond their town for any im
provements in addition to the electric light plant
The idea of giving a false valuation of property
is wrong to begin with and when it works injus
tice in addition, the matter should be speedily
one-third off in price.
If you rjecd arv cloil)ir)6, i)ov
is vour HiT)e to buv.
All our $5 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $3.50
All our $7.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $5.00
All our $10 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $7.50
Men's $3 good all lined corduroy Pants reduced to $2
Boys' $3 Overoats reduced to $2.50
Boys' $2 Overcoats reduced to $1.50
We have a large line of
on hand for the
which every one should see
A large assortment of
at 5 cents each
M this Watch lo Ml
It NprCMDtM.
We BtU
tue Try
I C 1 -
ft u v- u v -
-a or H.'atf-
'-nt. In a
ilErHl-vi.l filled caap,
irlr law (styles of
w:,U'hei and ;illUie lat
est i . .. In rtllablo
OftN FACf, J7.JS
Ji welrr, arc sold by us
at i'.,5 below rvtail
Artists Materials, Bl
cyi lea, Bookcases, Buf
l ' -, Cabinet, Candy.
Cnlnn, China Clost-tp,
yuan, hocks, com-
modes, Couches, Dolls, Easy Chairs, Fountain
Pens flainos, Graphaphoncs, Groceries, Hand-
(ercniers. KniTes, uunps, mumers. Musical in- i
I strumi'nts. Pedestals, Pictures, Pipes, Purses,
A Statist cat 'Volume of Fads' mxt
Figures Containing Over 600 Page
THE Dea mberisBueof the Universal Brother
(lockers, Sewlnif Machines, Sporting (Joodsl
table silverware, lnys, cmoreiuiB, yt ruing
neks, are a few of the thousands of suitable
rttcls we sell for Christmas presents. In MdU
Inn. we nro rteHri-tii-fiHir mil til tita for Men. W.v.
hiunl Path I The Tl nnh.!nal lnl Ruin nen and Children, sell Everything to Kat, and
i (, iiil L ueoeopniOtU rUD. UO., 1 ol II t I oy All lnformai'on Is contained In our No.
OVER 10,000 FACTS.
LOOM, San Diego. Calif.) the monthly publication i tC
il,,, I ..I l ,11 1 i 1 ai 1! ii'Ip pay postage. These 10c. toe MMWI kboh
ol Hie l Dtvemi lirotllciiKMHl ( )rg;ini;itlon, and voi r kibst onnrB or $1. It quotes wholesale
the Thcosopliical Sicicty, opens with a very
strong and well-written article on "The Hygi
enic Aspect of Brotherhood Work," by II. T.
Edge, The article is healthy and vigorous and
:.. .1... i- .11 11 1 you nam. f AMurr-is this wuy :
t.niia.iis u mruug pie.i lor ;m ai.-arUUUU develop- JULIUS HIKES ,. SON, BALTIMORE. MD.. Dcot. VOO.
ment fiir the writer savs ".Mental culture ol I -
every kind has become so prevalent so nun
pant that it has itself become a sensual iadul
r.oesto eoria.-.rr
FrtlLOWrSS ClULDOt lS m?, OmtGoolBelletnh
lamofls from 15c. to 1 1 wt pay transportation.
Made-to-orJcr Mm s Clothing Catalogue with samplt s
i'f pau ,-'? and o-iarartef to fit. L thoqraphed
ratalogut of Carpets. Hug. Draotrlti, tc. thawing
jouds In their mal colon. Wt pay freight and Mm Cur
pete free.
why pay rern'i pnees? Tvr.icD. catalogue ao
ATTOHNKY S NOTICE.-Notice Is hereby
irlvrtl I In, I ri iv i-r uf : 1 1 1 i rn -' - , , r nrwii.
the MlaM nt Bphl.illn Waller, late (il Ceiiter
ownshlp, Soyder county, in., dce'd, has bem
... . 1 I i i i . given Ii) I lie Heirs Ot l-alil elale In 1 In' lihilir-
igeiice; Wllllv, ol) the other hand, physical Vigor Ttlu- I, in wlimu nil Indebted to said eclate
, , , , 1 " i should inaki Imnieaiale pa.MniM anil ihnsehav-
Th,; census of
I9Ca National
and State elec
tion returns.
American ytog
tcss. Political
record of 1900
'convent ions
and platforms).
American ru'ein
the Philippines.
Ne w
ments of Porto Rico and Ha-
waii. Polar exploration in P00.
ing for 77te Saturday Evening Pott a series of
strong articles which will appear in the magazine
during the winter months. Some of these papers
will deal with political affairs, and others with
the personal problems of young men. They will
lie Mr. Cleveland's first utterances in anv maga
zine on the question of the day since be left the
White House. Mr. Cleveland's opening paper,
which is to appear in The Saturday Evening Pout
of December 22, discusses in a masterly manner
a most important phase of our national polities.
jects for the year 1901 and several of the most
important have their beginning in the number
bus so degenerated that men's bodies need reform j JjaKJjS PM oSm duly ' Condu ion 0j lhc Sooth African
as well as their minds. I he world does not now
need any more idealism and philosophical secu- j Nuv-11, mo 6,'J
lation, but it needs to be taught how to live
healthily and cleanly."
war. ran-Amencan tlxpoMtion
f 1901. Ch na Its present con
dition and status among nations.
Roster ol grcneral olfitfrs of the:
Regular U. S. Armv, !7o9 - 00.
It was a notioable fact prim to Christmas thai
the merchant who displayed his wares in the col
umns of a newspaper was the man who bad his
store crowded from morning until evening, and
had very few goods to bold over. It was also
noticeable that the merchant who did not do this
had plenty of time on bis hands. This is natural.
If the public is not informed of what a man lias
to sell bow can he expect the trade to come w hich
he does not invite? The lesson is a simple one
and will likely be more thoroughly .studied by , for our people.
A man without a smiling face
shouldno( open a shop.
The ice houses in thi - country arc
full of ice eight inches thick and as!
clear as a crystal.
Dr. Krebs was in town.
Mciser & Weaver have a number
of teams hauling tiesto market.
J. F. Wagner had use for Henry
K. Boholl, our horse doctor.
Our coal diggers were frozen out
liter having secured a fine lot of coal
A Political Roister.
Fa ti that every patriot
and vot zr ought to know.
I Standarl Amer?"can Annual.
some of our merchants in the future.
The question of selecting a date for holding
the Republican primary election. Sme favor
February or March, while others incline to a
later date. There is another idea afloat that the
primaiy elections in both l iiion and Snyder coun
ties Ik' held mi the same day. There is no abso
lute necessity in doing that.
Wrdnrailny, .Ian. 2.
The starting of the first trolley road
in PortO Riro astonished the natives.
An attempt by Chicago aaarchliti to
Mow up the La Salle street tunnel was
frustrated by detectives.
Lavish preparations are being made
nt Newport fur the marriage of Alfred
O. Vanderbilt to Miss ESlsle French on
Jan. 14.
S. Fred Nixon, of Chautauqua, was
chosen speaker of the New York as
sembly. Senator Thomas F. Grady, of
New York, is leader of the minority.
The joint caucus of Pennsylvania Re
publlcan legislators selected M. s. Quay
as the senatorial candidate, he receiv
ing 1-3 votes, four less than a plurality.
The light Is still on.
The late Lord William Heresford Is
said to have accumulated $600,000,
mainly on the turf, which he bequeaths
to his son. for whom he had als-o In
sured his life for $350,000.
Thuraday, Jan. 3.
Judge Kohlsaat granted a temporary
Injunction restraining Chicago from en
forcing a 7") cent gas ordinance.
It is asserted In Dover that the legis
lature will on Jan. IS elect Col. I)u
Pont and J. Edward Addicks to the
United States senate from Delaware.
The senate committee will report fa
vorably the bill to retire Gen. Shafter
as a major general and Gens. Lee and
Wilson U brigadier generals.
Mrs. Maria Slttser. wife of Hon. John
A. Slttser. ex-president judge of the
Forty-fourth Pennsylvania district,
died at Eureka Springs, Ark., yesterday.
In his final message, retiring Gover
nor Plngree, of Michigan, predicts a
bloody revolution within 2T years un
less present unequal conditions are
Friday, .Inn. I.
' Bishop W. X. Ninde, of the M. B.
church, died in Detroit, aged GS. 1
The striking structural steel work
ers In Pittsburg have resumed work,
having been victorious.
Gen. It. N. Batchelder, former quar
termaster general of the army, died In
Washington, aged 07. He retired in
Two carloads of negroes left Mont
gomery, Ala., last night for the Hiv
walian Islands. They go to take em
ployment on the sugar plantations
there. a.
John Rilikls, a Greek, who stabbed
and killed Peter Glovnnls, a fellow
countryman, on June 10 last, In Phil
adelphia, was sentenced to 18 years in
the Eastern penitentiary.
sntnrdnr, .Ian. II.
i Miss Belle Fremont, prima donna
soprano of the Hostonians, died In Den
ver last night of pneumonia.
According to Consul Llstoe, at Rot
, terdam, there is now a good field open
in Europe for American zinc ore.
Among tho bills Introduced in the
Colorado legislature was one for the
restoration of capital punishment.
All Ferrouh Bey, who was recently
displaced as Turkish minister In Wash
ington In favor of Mustapha Bey, has
been reinstated.
Th navy department yesterday is
.sued tha exnected order announci i
tlie retirement of Bear Admiral a.
Kautz, to take effect Jan. 29.
Monday, .Inn. 7.
Suffocated by smoke In a hotel fire
at Minneapolis, eight men were taken
out dead.
Bishop Wlgger. of the Catholic dio
cese of Newark, died at South Orange,
N. J., aged 49.
John C. Sims, secretary of the Penn
sylvania Railroad company, died yes
terday In Philadelphia.
James Ware Bradbury, United States
senator from Maine in lK-ttl, died at
Augusta. Me., aged 98.
Assistant District Attorney Maurice
B, Biumentbal, at New York, refused to
resign when requested, and was given
notice of dismissal.
Daniel F. Davis, father of Webster
Davis, former assistant secretary of the
Interior, died yesterday at Kansas City,
Mo., of consumption, aged tit years.
Tiivnility, .Inn. s.
Forty new engines have been ordered
from the Pittsburg locomotive works
by the Illinois Central Railroad com
pany. Congressman R. J. Gamble has been
selected as the unanimous choice of
South Dakota's legislature for United
States senator.
Queen Marie Henriette, of Belgium.
Is In an extremely weak condition from
the after results of her recent attack
of pneumonia.
The Spanish government is project
ing the establishment of wireless tele
graphy In Spain, Morocco and Ten
erlffe and the other Canary Islands.
At Denver Judge Butler fined the
members of the board of county com
missioners $"1)0 each for contempt of
court in violating a court order by for
bidding the sheriff to appoint deputies
to guard the polls on election day.
Philadelphia, Jim. 7.-Flnur qnlot: win-ti-r
sut'Tline. I2.3Mi2.60: city mills, extrn,
IS.70OS.t6; Pennsylvania roller, clear,
63.25, Rye timir steady al $8 per barrel
for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat strong;
No. I red, TIMeTftiC, Corn steady; No. 2
mixed, spot. 4;il'u43,c. ; new No. 2 yellow,
for local trade. -H'iMSc. Oats llrm; No. 2
White, clipped. 32Vu32'.jc.; lower grades.
2Mi:tlc. Hay quiet; choice timothy, J17.H0
for lnrg bales. Beef llrm; beef haras,
!17.5(KilS. Pork llrm; family, $15. "rj 16.2.1.
l.ard steady; western steamed, $7.55. Live
poultry quoted ut SOlOc. for hens. 7c. for
old roosters, !Hfi9V4c for spring chickens,
ll'dl2c. for spring ducks. ii'.Tixl0c. for tur
keys nnd UK?, for geese. Dressed poul
try at 10c. for choice western fowls, 6117c.
for old roosters, UOUc, for choice and
fancy nearby chickens, 12c. for fancy
nearby spring turkeys, l(jllc. for good
to fancy western dueks and 7tU9c. for
western geese. Batter weak, but not
quotably lower; creamery, 17T52.V.; fac
tory, 110140.! Juno creamery, 1722c.;
Imitation creamery, llilSc; New York
dairy. 10ii23c. ; fancy Pennsylvania prints
Jobbing at l70JMc.i do. wholesale, 26c.
Cheese firm; fancy large fall made. HVti
llMic; small do., Iltil2c. Kggs steady;
New York and Pennsylvania. 26i2)Sc.;
wetitern, average packing, at mark, 22lj
Kc.; western, loss off, 27c. Potatoes firm;
Jerseys. $1.254il.75; New York. $LI091J7t4j
Long Island, $1.50fc2; Jersey sweets, $1.75
KHSt Liberty. Pa.. Jan. 7. Cattle mar
ket Steady; extra., $5.501i5.70; prime. $5.15
05.36: common, $3i3.75. Hogs active; best
mediums and good Yorkers. $5. 46(85. 50;
heavy hogs. $6.40fe5.45; pigs. $5.35'(i6.40;
roughs. $3.754i5. Sheep hlKher: cholct
wethers. $4 404.50; common, $1. 504.2.50;
choice lambs, $5.75116; common to good,
$44i5.6t; veal calves, $7.267.75.
i m
.We know
of nothing better to tear the
lining of your throat and
lungs. It i better than wet
feel to causo bronchitis and
pneumonia. Only keep It
up long enough and you
will succeed in reducing your
weight, losing your appetite,
bringing on a slow fever ana
making everything exactly
right for the germs of con
sumption. Stop coughing and you
will get well.
ftmr Mai.
Aa mitmmy twugh disap
pear la a ragto night The
racking eamghs of braneiitis
are soon completely mat
tered. And, if not too far
along, the coughs of con
sumption are completely
Ask your druggist for one
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
It will aid the action of the
Cherry Pectoral.
If yon hiT ny f omrltnt Wjba
rer uml deilre the brit Biedlcal
advice you ceo possibly obtain,
write nt freely. Too wlllrecewe
prompt reply that mey be si great
value to Jim. Addrett,
Norton Herdrix, our trapper, lias
a desirable lot of furs on liatid.
Rev. Brlllliart is ootid uuttug ro
licions services in the Witmur U.
K. church.
The proprietor of Hot Springs
went toSunbury on business.
Toe Hill lost none of its busioi ss
Eclipse is changing proprietors.
There is a pol demand lor but-
Mrs. Bradish, of Detroit, Wrote ! tvr W town.
Bananas are cheap at 12c per don.
Many of our young people attend
ed auction at Tort Treverton Satur
day evening.
Our parents do not take the in
terest in our public schools they
ought to,
Maria W. Dundore visited her
sister at Selinsgrove last Saturday.
J. P. Wise is convalescent.
Present indications are that we
will have quite a number of public
gales in March.
Nathan Hackenberg, of Kratzer-
Mrs. Pinkham and Tells the Result.
LITTER TO HIS. riNKVAll NO. 82,310
"About two years ajfo I began to run
down ami soon became almost u wreck.
I lost my appetite and began to lose
flesh; my blond was impoverished and
I had to leave our store.
" The dctora gave me n little tonic,
but I steadily (jrow worse and consulted
another doctor. lit- helped me in some,
ways, bttt my headaches continued, and
I began to hare night sweats and my
rest was I would have
hysteria and would cry and worry over
business matters and my poor health.
"Finally, husband took mc South, hut
with no benefit. This was a year ago !
no one can ever know what a winter of
misery I spent. Would bloat after
eatinp; and was troubled with palpita
tion of heart and whites. Having read
by happy chance of your medicine, 1
bought it and wrote for your advice,
and before having finished the first
bnttloof Lydiu I", l'inkham's Vegetable
Compound, the hysterics nearly stopped
and I slept soundly.
Postpaid to any ad.tress
Patltser B'.jq.. heiv York.
Closing out Sale
Holiday Goods
vill", was in town.
Frank Woodling has a fresh cow
for sale.
The wedding !ells are expected
to ring shortly.
Talk .,), i Q,i mmmm -C IJ i
T used seven or eir-ht bottles with .... " "'"'
I am as healthy as I V BJ ' MvlK
uch benefit that I am as healthy
can ever remember of being. I shall
never cease to sound your praises."
Mrs. K. M. Hiiauish, 179 Dix Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. Tinkham's advice is at the free
disposal of every ailing woman who 1
wishes help. Her address is Lynn, Mass
! Every case is sacredly confidential
News ami Opinions
National Importance
The Sun.
inley carried the United
. AT..
Goods must be sold re
gardless of cost. COME
early and avoid the rush.
Anything you want. This
is your last chance to buy
cheap. All goods warrant
ed to be as represented or
money refunded. Real
Ebony goods, Leather goods,
Silver Novelties, Table Sil
verware, Wood and Gold
Clocks at prices never lie
lore heard of. Fancy Candle
Sticks at $2 a pair. Smok
ing Sets from S5 to $10.
Bracelets at $1.50 to 10,
gold and silver.
Remember goods must be
249 Harket St., SUNBURY, PA.
HTo PATENT Good Idiat
B may be secured he
our aid. Address,
BlWeiara. MiL
8ubtcrlptlon to Tlie Petent ..ecorri r J per emoorv
Daily, by mail, - - - $6 a year
Daily andSimdav, by mail, $8 a year
Washington, D. C
Genessee I'ure Food Go. Ltroy.
N. Y.:
"Gentlemen: Our family realize
so much from the uae of (iRAIN-O
that I feel I must say a word to in
duce others to use it. If people are
interested in their health and the
welfare of their children they will
use no other beverage. I have used
them all, but GRAIN O I have found
superior to any, for the reason that
it is solid grain. Yours for health.
The Sundav Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the world.
Price 5e.a copy. By mail, $2 a year
Address THE HUN, New York.
First National Bank Election Notice.
The annual meeting of the clock lioMrrenf
tho Flret National I lank of MlddleburRh for the
lection ot eeven director" for the emuilng year
will be held in the banking ho uae the third
Tueeday of January, being January 1Mb, 1901,
between the houre of 10 A, M- and 12 M.
J. N. Thompson, Caahier,
Middleburg, Pa , Der. 10, 100.
F you want the news of the
world written and pictured.
the finest art and the best lit
erature, then you must read
America's Foremost
Illustrated Journal
Hall Oaine's latest and greatest novel,'
"The Eternal City," begins soon. , Send
for free copy of the opening chapters.
i ' '..'?';, " W.taV' '