The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 10, 1901, Image 1

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    Wave sou seen
i ei
Have $ou seen onr
wr latest Stales
Unraf (Trpatitsna in
of fine Hrt
Ikalenbavs for 1901
yA Postal will fetch you a Salesman
Geo. W. Wagensellcr, Kdilor and Proprietor.
Henry It. Tobias whs elected Court
boUW janitor fur the year 1901.
James ltutikU' of this place will take
possession of the Center Hull hotel in
three weeks.
WanTKP. 1 want to purchase Hock
Oak and White 6ak, Pine and White
Pine Umber at favorable prices. A I -dress
"H," The Post, Mlddleburg, Pa.
" ' l-:t-3t.
QtTBBBLY Maukif.I). (M-pngo ImmiU
gent free with our magazine sis months
for only 12 cents in stamps,
I toss S. KBLLIBH,
Box 416, Kansas City, Mo.
Prom Jan. 1 to Feb. loth, I will Ml
all stoves, heaters and ranges at di--countoflO
per cent. A ft1' stove will
be sold for W. Other g Is will be
dIi1 correspondingly low.
i-,vjt. ;. w. Hassimoer.
Fob Sale oh Rent. Country store
without stock Room will be vacant
by Kch. l Good place for country pro
duce, Nine room dwelling. Reason
for soiling, sickness. Terms easy.
' Geo. W. Himmklreich,
!-:;-!(. ( lowan, Pa.
An unsigned letter dated al Selins
grove' reached thlsoftlco MoDdny. We
cannot agree to publish unsigned article-.
The name slioiibl lie sinned, nut
necessarily for publication but for our
WANTED. "ill girls to learn the work
in the shirt factory. Liberal wages
from the start. This trade, when Iearn-
ed, pays from six to fifteen dollars per
week. Apply by letter or in,, person lb
the Keystone Shirt M'fg Co., Beaver
town, Pa.
(io to a. K. Soles for a smooth easy
shave or up-to-date hair cut and head
cleansed with a refreshing shampoo or
dandruff removed with hLs tonic, a
clean towel to each patron. Parlor in
bank building, one door east of Post
uHice. Satisfaction g.iaratlteed. tf.
Otif regular annual mark down sale
Lurries' nrd Children's ('oats, Capes
and Skirts is tsikiivir place. As usual
we are cuttiiifitlio prices jilim-t in half.
Ladies' Coats from .sin tof6.50.
Ladies' Coats from 18 to $5.
Lad'es' ( 'oats from Sl to $4.
And all others in nrODortion.
The county
inissioners ami
Selinsgrove, Pa.
auditors, county coni
'.urv commtssionera arc
la session this week. The auditors are
making the annual settlement and the
jury commissioners are filling the jury
wheel and drawing a jury for February
The United states Recruiting
Station, at 242 Pine street, Williams
port, Pa., is now open to receive appli
cants for enlistment. Applicants nutst
be of .good character Nihd habits, able
bodied, free front disease, able to speak,
read and write the English language,
md must ba between the ages of eigh
teen and thirty-iive years. Enlistments
are to be made for Infantry, Cavalry
and Artillery. Any further informat
ion ruquired will be cheerfully furnish
ed by S unit Mediums, who is in
'large of this station. .
Shoe Contapoy Meeting,
.Trie-regular, semi-ahniial meeting of
the stock holders of the Main Shoe Co.,
Limited, will be held nt the factory of
fice Monday evening, January 1 1, 1901,
t 7 o'clock. An election will be held
' r managers and auditors and reports
ror t he hist six months will be submit
ted. All are requested to be present,
fi. Alfred Schooh,
0. M. SitiNnix, President.
New Millinery Store in Selinsgrove.
I Vbruary 1st, I will open a millinery
More hi Selinsgrove in the Glover
wore l(H,m opposite Hower's law of
i,' I will carry a full line of the
ittest styles of millinery goods, notions
ani fancy goods and wilt be prepared
0 meet the wants of all.
Kate A. Waoknskij.kk.
"''' Out or nn Increase of Ills Pension.
A Mexican war veteran and prom
inent editor writes: "Seeing the
?averti8ement of Chamberlain's Col
lp. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
( am reminded that as a soldier in
UexiCO in '47 an1 Uli T .,... t.l
1 . - -1 mmv 1 wuviaubou
I l. . a diarrhoea and this remedy
Kept me from getting an in
Me inmy pension for on every
newel a dose of it restores me."
V Unsniiallnr) mm nniolr
UTboe and is pleasant and safe
fek. For sale by the Uiddlebnrg
The various organizations of Snyder
comity have elected new officers for the
ensuing year. We give below list as
far as we have learned them. Our
readers will oblige its by sending us a
list of those we do not have.
Supt., Chan. P. Piss; Asst. But., W.
Hi tlermau; Secretary, J. E. Fetterolf.
Teachers : Miss 8. Delilah Troxel, W.
II. Herman, D. .1. Bingaman, .1. G. II
Mover, A. W. Gill, C, P. Fiss, Elon
Snook, .lames Wagner, Louisa 1 lacken
burg, Eddie Lepley, Mary M. Swartz
and Howard Sw art..
W. M.
Miles ().
Itos c. North; S. NY
w., Foster c.
Wets; Secretary,
tot;, l,.. leorge
Fisher; Treasurer, S
II. E. Mill. r. .It . : Re
E. Fisher.
S'0.6I9, F
A. M.
W. M., Albert M. Smith; S. W., C.
Morris Showers;.!. W.,John F.Stetler;
Treasurer, .1. Calvin Seboch; Secretary,
II. Harris Bower; I;, to d. L., John II.
Willis; s. I)., ( Ico. M. Shlndel; .1. D.,
Jas, II. Dlenter; S. M. of c. John s.
Melser; .1. M. ofC, Dr. W. W. Long
acre; Pursuivant, S. H. Slmonton;
chaplain, Rev. Win. II. Boyer; Tyler,
( larbon Scebold.
Supt., Nathan Freed; Asst., Abel
Wiuey; Secretary, Win. Freed; Asst.
Secretary, Edgar Horbster; Librarian,
Harry Freed; Treasurer, J. Heaver;
Organist, Ivy Herbster; Asst. Organist,
( larrle Bowersox.
I". (i. s. OF A. CAMP,
P. President, (J. A.
dent, C. E. Shirk; Ve
Keller; M. of f'., C.
hlveleyj Presi
Pi'i ' lent, Ira
i Secre-
tary, c. Weiel; Treasurer, v. Aig-
ler; Con., Fred BingjtiTUin; Inspector,
Geo. Feese; G., John A. Wetzel; Flu.
Secretary, I.. I. Freed; Trlifitee, .1. U.
Supt., K. C. Walter; Assl . Ueo. W.
Bassinger; Secretary, L. Stetler;
Asst., W. W. Ripka; President, d. ii.
Steiningor; Organist, I 'ilia Grimm;
Asst., Lula Smith; Librarian, Edwin
Charles; Fust Asst., Rosa Behoeh; 2nd
Asst., Sue Leaver; Chorister, John F.
Stetler; Asst., .1. A. Snyder; Supt. oi
Primary Department, Lottie C rouse.
Supt.,. I. II. Willi-; Asst. Supt... I. II.
Clelan; Secretary, John N. Broslus;
Asst., Harry Uackenburg; Treasurer,
David Ocker; Librarian, Bertha Erd
ley; Organist, Mollie Bolender.
Superintendent, F. C. Bowersox;
Assistant, John A. Snyder; Secretary,
Thomas Shambach; Assistant, E. S.
Stroup; Treasurer, Mrs. Jacob Gllbertr
Librarian, Lank Hare; Organist, A.
R, Gilbert; Assistant, Mrs F. '. Bow
ersox. I' o. s. OF A. MIDDLEBITKG, PA.
Pres., .. J. ( !rosgrove; V Pr.'s., A. W.
Aurand; M. of F., M. .. Steiulnger;
Ree. Sec., J A. Suyder; Trcas., J. W.
Swart.; Fin. Sec, H. S. Reuninger;
Con., II. R. Riegle; Ins., M. I. Potter;
Guard, W. F. Feese; Trustee, A.J.
Crosj; rove.
uanbEk's s. s., bfrinq twp,
Supt., w. 1. Bilgerj AsstSupt., Miss
Victoria Manbeclr See., Miss Victoria
Manbcck; Asst. Sv., J Ewlng; Libra
rian, Mi-s Maggie; Shook; Treas., J. J'.
Ewlng; Organists, Mi-s Amelia Man
beck, Vcrdie Manbeck and Mis. A. ( ).
M. B. S. S. SirAM'oKIN DAM.
Supt., E. K. Bowes; Asst., Charles
Farleman; Sec., D. H. Gaugler; Organ
ist, Miss Ldna Bowes; Librarian, Miss
Dollie tiottensteln; Trcas.; Mrs. Sadie
Renn; Primary Supt., Mrs. Sadie Renn.
c. B. SOCIETY, si t amok in DAM.
Pres., Miss Annie Fiss; Vice Pres.,
Cyrus Shipe; Sec, Miss Maud Slear;
Asst. See , W. P. Snyder; Treas., ('has.
Supt., Charles Swcnglc; Asst. Supt.,
Charles Dobson; Sec, Lottie (iift; Tre
as., Harvey Mitchell; Organist, Maud
Uift; Librarians, lhi.el Kepler, Annie
Mitchell. Teachers, L. K. Derr. I. 11.
Dershani, William Zimmerman, R. K.
Gift, H. I. Mitchell, H. H. Attig, Wil
son Gift, Maud Gift, Isaiah Bowersox,
Sallie Bowersox, Mary Uowersox, Til
lie Mitchell.
Supt., Chas. Arbogast; Asst. Supf,
Miss Anna Fiss; Sec, Miss Minnie Fiss;
Asst Sec, Ammon Fry ml re; Organist,
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science.
stein; Librarian-, Miss Maud Slear and
Miss Minnie Kuhn;Treas., Frank Fish
er; Primary Supt., Miss Anna M. FLss.
BALE.M Sf NUAV school.
Snpts., II. A. (letnberling and Prof
'I.' I' k'Dnir' Cur .... f I., lf.tirilir'
Recording Sec , Jacob Bow; Librarian,
Katherine Winner; Oruani-ts, Anglic
Gemberling and Delia Moyer.
Deeds Entered ti Record.
David A. Steiiiingcr, adininistratOr
of Jacob II. Steiningt r, deceased, to A
Milton, lotl acres In Frunkllii
township, for sjjno.
.1. M. Woods, executor, to Horace J.
1 1 lulberston, trustw for Albert II. Long,
two tracts in Wesl Heaver township,
for one dollar, etc
Alfred Speeht, Sherill', to T. I'. Mc
Coy, two tract-in Wesl Beaver twp.,
containing !l and Man - respeetlveb
for $220,
.1. t 'alvln Wagner and wife to P liiip
Warier, trad in Wesl Beaver twp.,
N'er li. Mlddleswarth and i e and
II. L'ulvlll Ulsll and wile to M. i . Mit
chell, lot of ground in Met line, lot
Charles Boyer and wife to . osepjb
Bruuner, one acre and "o perches in
Franklin twp., for s:''""1-
l.ivie L. Howell, ttdinlnistratrlx, U
Lew is W. Manbeck, several lots in Alt
l.'lure, for $1663,
Is iac C. Sprenkle to Robert It '"i ry,
108 pep-he- lu Pen ii township l' 660,
o-o. . Martin and u ife U) I ulieUt
rharp, 20 acres in Washington town-
gblp for Tl-l'i.
Joseph Schwann i" 11. H. H lekeu
berg, 26 acres lu lentre twp for I wo.
Wills Polluted.
The last will and testametil ofSani'l
'. cienglor wis probated Dec 20th.
His widow, Barbara F. Dengior, t
named as sole heir and executrix
The last ill and testament of Pern
I'lrich, late of Selinsgrove, was probat
ed Dec. 24th. .b'lin J. I'lrich and J. A.
Ludwig arc the executor-. The widow
and children ale the heirs.
Letters Granted.
Letters of administration in .lie es
tate of John J. Steely late of Wesl Boa
,ver were granted to Sarah E. m ly.
Motrlage Licenses,
i Edgar I. Derr, Sbamokln Dam
i Haran jane nnipe,
is. II. Hackenburg,
t Laura E. Riegle,
i Chas. W. Helnibach,
( lertrutle J. Fall,
i Franklin .Neil,
i Lydia Hulsizer,
I Henry I. Bhawver,
i Ella H. Musser,
i William H. Hoffman,
I Amelia E. Wagner,
i soar F Knarr,
I Emma J. Aucker,
(JamesF.. (Tlsh.
Bi a e. town,
Mlltoi .
Mi.'d burg
M lure.
Su ibury,
Mid i oroek,
, Lottie M. Kline,
I Frank B. Su Ineford, Porl
or. on.
i Ruth Stroll,
James W. Walter, Mi Id cburg.
(Cora E. Matter,
Fdwnrd T. Shaffer.
, Emma Martin, Aline
Post Always elcome.
Akron, Ohio, Jan. 7, 1900.
( ico. w. Wagensoller.
Dear Sib :
I enclose (2.60 an.'l i !' mj
subscription to the Post- from Jan. 1,
IBOOtoJun. I, 1902, L year arrears $1.60,
1 year in advance cd.00.
The Post always keep- green the
memories of our native town, it oomes
into our home and lakes u back to our
birthplace where we spent OUT b yhood
days among the wooded hill aud the
singing brooks. It often namei those
who were our companion-, and thus
week by week we recall the scenes of
earlier days. The Post Is always wel
come. Yours resp't.,
n. s. Stetler,
Great Clearing Sale of General Mdse.
Below we give a very, very faint idea
of the many bargains we offer, beginn
ing Jan. It), 1901.
Phosphoric Coffee , 5c
Arbuokle Coffee i2e
Corn Starch 4c
Baking Soda : 3c
1 Bar Soap It
Oyster Crackers 5c
(inundated and Soft A Sugar 6c
C Sugar 6c
Coal Oil, per gal 8j
All goods must be paid for with cash
or produce at time of purchase. A great
mark down In all linen at the store of
Runkle e Walter,
An, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Miss Lula Smith Is visiting In Mlf
fllnburg. n. M. Freetl, of Freeburg, dropped in
to see us Saturday.
Riley Kepler, of Sch nee, was at the
county Beat Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Bousum, of Patterson,
Pa., was visiting her sister, Mrs, M. I.
Potter last Week.
John W. Kline, of Troxelville, called
Monday to have a notice of his side put
in oursale register.
J. F. Stcinlligcr, of Franklin lu p.,
called last week and enrolled his name
as a subscriber to the Post.
Joseph s. Smith, of Montague, Mich
igan, has I n visiting bis brother,
County Treasurer Benneville Smith.
Editor Albeit siniih and wlfeof Ellz-
abethville and Mrs. fill Hu MHlntrt.r
Visited their parents, J. P. Smith and
Wife jast Week.
Samuel Wltlenmyer, Jr., w as elect
ed clerk 111 the Flrsl National Bank at
Ibis place. He luisjiisl returned from
a pleasant trip to Xew Vrk.
MARRIED. I . c. 7, in Decatur tu p.,
VlilHlu county, Pa., by Win, J. Treas
tor, J. P., Sim. .it Knepp, ..t Banner
ville, and Deliial. . Weaver, of tim
D.e. ii, by II a. Hummer, J. P.
Cliarles, O, Ienig and Currle E, Hum
mel, both of Krcaiiior.
D. e 80, by Rev, F. K Gilliert, Win.
Good of Perry n.w uship to Susan Her
rol.l of ( 'haptuaii tow nship,
Dec LI, by B. v. VV. II. Boyer, W. F.
Hummel and lertrude G. (oft, both of
Franklin t n p.
Dec I I, by Amos Dowel, J. P. Edw
K. Price of Lewlstown to Katie M,
Weiaenmyer of McUlure,
Dec. I"., by Rev. E, E. Gilbert, Hem
ry F. Troup of Catawlssn to Catherine
I.. Farley of Dyer, Neb.
-' by Rev, J. R, Din l i.,
Edgar I. Derr and Sarah Jan. ship.,
both of Shamokiii Dam.
Dec. 27, b.v Rev. F. E. Sieger, ( has.
Helnibach and Gertrude J. Fall both
of Bcavertown.
!' 28 by Thomas Paige, Franklin
Self, of Hoffer and Lydiu Hulslzer of
Dec. 2H, by Geo. M. Shlndel Clerk, 0,
' "' icy I. ShawvcrofMitldliwwartli
" ' Musser of Mlddleburg.
"''' 2, by Lev. F. K. sj,.,,. U m
H. Hollman and Amelia E. Wairner
both of McCIure.
.. ''.v Rev, W. E. Brllibart,
brank R. Hw Inefonl and limb Stroh
imth oi Port revertou.
Dec. 80, by T. J. Nichols J, P., Isaac
F. Knarr of Sunbury to Emma J. Auc
ker, of perry township,
Jan. n. by B. v. K. F. Ott, .lame- F.
Clsh and Lottie Kline both ..f Mlddle
oreek. Select oui Dote.
Persons who piopo-e to make sale
this coming spring should select their
date as early as possible and have it In.
serted in the Post's sale register. The
notice will he Inserted free in our sale
register If the bills are primed at this
t i
The Judicial Bee.
' toramunlcatod.
The returns of the election last Nov.
were hardly counted until the "Judici
al Bee" began to buss, and its hum has
raduaily increased until now. at tins
early stage of the game, an intense in
terest is manifested.
Many people are very Conservative,
which is the proper course. I for Iheru
will be developments that w ill not onlv
astonish them, but cans.. Ihnm In
hange their minds and actions mnnh
from what (hey are at present.
I Here are others w ho are ,oiiiso,,k..ii
and who will very likely regret their
course alter the judicial contest is a
stern reality,
Is it not true that no one is able to
form an intelligent omnlon until the
contest is fully developed ; and is it not
unwise to take a nosition to-dnv tt.,.t
you must be ashamed of to-niorrow ?
Bargains at Garman's
Peter (lurman, Mt. Pleasant
Mills is offering a new line of ladies
hats and millinery goods. Men's
bats 25 cents and Queens ware at 3
AMta tear
1 1!)
Interesting Information Sen! I) Mis. Komlg
from the Orange Fields.
Ft. Myers, Florida, I 25, IHOO.
Editoh M huh. cm no Post:
As many of my friends asked me
to write to them, I will comply Indi
rectly by penning yon a brief sketeli of
my experience since leaving Kant in
Octolier. We stopped about n week in
Washing) D.e., with my brother-in-law,
B, A. Kant., and Mr. Bureh.
After gratifying my curiosities and be
ing so pleasantly entertained, we pro
ceeded to another brother-in-law, Mr.
Blrkhead, hi Virginia where we passed
a week very pleasantly. Wc then start
ed for Tampa, Florida, where wespenl
ten days in that nourishing and (row
ing city, being royally entertained b,
( !ol, Peter ( . Knight, who was born in
Freeburg in old Snyder county, Pa.
I le is .me of I he most successful law
yets in that city. He Isjusl completing
one of the ntosl muguillceiil residences
of Tampa, which mean- his probable
permanent location there Alter ten
days there, wc started for Barlow, till
county seal of Polk county, distant
about lu miles w here we visited relative-
of m aunt, Mrs. G. W. Hendry,
who was accompanying inc. After a
short stop there, we won! to Fort Mi tide,
12 miles south, ami visited Mrs, F. B.
Harless, who spent several months
with me in Pennsylvania lasl year.
Aft.-r a I. rief stop then, we left for tbi
place. Fori Myers in Lee county, arriv
ing h.reon the L'llh of Nov., when
we arc pleasantly located In the cent re ol
the tow n having about 950 popuhition
It is convenient to church and Sunday!
s hool and amid the orange tr. es Indetj
with rip.-fruit. Besides there are grape
fruit, guanas, bananas aud other tropi
leal fruits. This Is Christmas Day;
the foliage of both trees and vegetation
is as green as midsummer, with no
signsofcold, having bad iielther led
nor frost up to the present. Touinloesj
cucumbers together w ith other vege
tables arc growing luxuriantly. The
i hern et. r stood (1(1 yesterday, buf
a little cooler to-day, but has not been
below 40 this season. We had about
three inches of rainfall niybt before last
on the order of what we .all a "laud
rain." The Caloosahatehel Riyer i
nbouf 1' miles wide here, where fishing
Is good most of the time, However,
here like every w he'e else, flsll do Hot
biteat all th lies jusl forn miiKMlation,
but in mosl of the -mall tribtitaries
they Lite any time. Here we gel sheep
heads, snapper- and jat'kftsh J -alt-water
which bile at bait, but tin
principal nsh Is the still water mullet
whi.h go in shoals by 'be thousands.
They are caught witn Bclne or net as
tin y live by suction and arc a line lisll
and shipped by the hundrisls of bar
r I- from Puiita iorda a n d other
points, We had our usual Christmas
turkey, not a wild one, but wild one
can be bad plentifully by going out
away from the settlements We aim
to visit my uncle, D. C Kant, to-nior-
row. lie lives s miles above lieiv. Mj
other uncle, Ed. P. Kant, lives hen
in Fort Myers. Both are tea. bine
school now lu this county and both an
from Snyder county. By the way I
omitted to say that here I did my first
Ashing and one cau imagine my sut
prise at hanging a sand shark, 21 feel
long, ainoiiL' my first hauls. The sharks
together with the catfish are very an
noying as they steal the bail and an
not eaten here except channel caf an
relished by some. I caughl my liist
red snapper nearly 1". inches long.
Ouce I get my hand in. von may ex
pect some yarns (hat w ill soUntl Ashy.
My experience m far ha- been Interest
ing to me, but quite a tax 011 my pati
ence at times.
We have a good new boat at oui
command and ant icipate some plcasun
in boat rowing. Wc have daily steam
ers from Punta Gorda where they con
nect w ith the B, B. Two steamers ply
the river as far up as Fort Thompson,
thirty miles by land, that brings tin
OnngeS from above where they are
loaded on steamers to Punta Gorda,
The most of the fruit is yet on the trees
in this county, those sold brought about
per box or crate. There are many
thousands more to ship. The grape
fruit sells for about $o )cr box. As
much as (150 has been realised from
oue tree. The owner received flKSl
from 110 liearing orange trees, about
$17 per tree. Another owner sold the
fruit from one acre for $12G4 on the trees
and those figures are about an average
yield for a foil grown seedling trees.
The business promisee to beonc of great
tude. Some growers are putting
letter toeaos? Envelope?
J 'A postal will fetch you Specimens
Hates: One Dollar Pei Annum, la Advance,
But I am making my sketch t
long. My health has 1 n good since
arriving in Florida. I think, however,
(here is more malaria in Florida than
in Pennsylvania, buf sickness general
ly of a milder type and yields more
readily to t reatmellt.
Wishing all my loved 'm- lu old
Snyder county n Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year, 1 remain with
true allegiance to the home of my nu
tlvlty. Lydia a. Rom to.
. . v
A quief wedding took plan uf the
home of Rev. Brilhart at Port Trevor
toll, Pa., Sunday u The contract
ing parties being Miss Ruth V Stroh,
the beautiful young daughter of Susan
stroh, and Frank Swiueford, the bright
yoUngsouof Aiuandus S ineford, both
of Port 'I revolt. hi. Vfti i th. wedding
ceremony w as performed the bride and
groom proceeded to the groom's home
where an elega ul dinner was awaiting
their arrival,
They partook of a wedding - upper nt
the bride's home which wn ., .:o!y a
elaborate as th. dinner.
Notices of palea will I Initorttil U- nn I
tilil Ilea. link' wIlM. ! Iiflln liri il III.'. I I IliU
unico. M lian tUo bill aru ...a iiriuted at lie
iiAlu. All . i-.iis wm ,e eargisl. I'itsuiiii s i.-.-t
iiiK to hnvu Milvslioiilil nvloot a dut. and nave
1 1..-. 'iit'.i in iitui , uiuuiii.
iATUKDAY. Pob, IH,thrf n nortli w.-t ,.r
MidUlelmr, on Ihu lioi.u -i , turni of
Kiiovli, oloin Kni. n- tvi i -. II j
In ii ; head i.l . attlo mm f.. riiiuiK linilo
nianta rt'ESUAV, , a) Mine. J p. I ou- , I
si ll horM'ii, t'uwa, l.u.i- and luiiiiinu nn
KIUOAY, March s,inon,onr.hnlfn. IV wmt of
sal. in church In i cntrc tnwn lit . i oi.-
MiirkB win s,.u o horaca, J i own Inriittna
I inplcmauta, 1,'Jnv. March 2, one anil .m . Imtt mllca
north 'of MldUluhiirtc, .lamcn l ccitnra w ilt
.aall '2 horaca,-3 cnwai R head oi young
il.. and fariniNu iiuidcnn i
WEnSBSIiAY. Mnreh I i, three mllna Mtuth
vrt uf Middlcmararth, John W, line will
sell I botaos, J iuulea, aaMIe .m l fariulng
yOUBsDAY, March U, one-fo. ul. n il .. -t
of Ulddleburx, lleno Waltvr vUIhcII boraaa,
towa and farining iinpleuiciihi,
Pill KSOAY, March HI, one and nne fourth
mile aouth-eaul ..f Ml. I Irafanl Mill-. I . V.
W n ier will sell 4 horaca, 10 head ol cottlo
ui.ii faruifnn iinilciiiciilii,
i a t in
Davjd City, Ni b., April I. i ind
Genesee Pure Food C, Le Roy,
Gentlemen: I nm t Bay in regard
to GRAIN U that there is nothing
better 01 bealtbier. have used
it for years. .My brother, was a
great coffee drinker, He was taken
-ick and the doctor Baid coftee was
the cause .f ii, and told us to use
GRAIN 0. We gol a package but
lul not like it at first, but now
would no! be without it. My broth
er has been Well ever since l.e statt
c.l to use B. Yours 1 1 uly,
Lillie Soonoa.
Ararat now kb.
s'it i a surprising fact." says Prof.
Ronton, "that in my travels in all
parts of the world, for the last ten
years, 1 have nn't more, people hav
ing used linen's "'August liower"
ban any Other remedy, for dyspe
psia, deranged liver and idomach,
nn I for constipation. I find for
tourists and salesmen, or for persons
illinir office position-, where head
idics and general bad feelings from
ire nb,r habits exist, that Green's
'August Flower" is a grand remedy.
1 1 does not Injure the system by frs
pient use, and i- excellent f r sour
tomacbs nnd luilie?tion." .-ample
ott le free at t lie M !. 1. 1 le I in r- 1 'rug
Sold by dealers in civillzaU coun
Qet Grei n - P 'lie Aim anao.
.Mi-s Lillie Amig, "i Swimfordj
was a visitor in town last week.
Palmer Huckenberg and family
iFMiiBiubiirg, sisite.1 Mr. Ilucken
s'l'g's parents oxer Sunday.
Mrs. Lincoln Erdley BUtl .laugh
ter, Florence of New Berlin, visited
Mrs. Erdley'a mother, Suuday.
Irvin Graybill made a trip L
Harrisburg last week.
Miss Edith Horner, who has been
employed at Bloomsburg, for sever-
il years aireaay, is Bpenaing n ww
dlivs at liotne.
M. C. Harrier and Miss Elda
Ghraybill are leaving to-day for New
Berlin to attend college the oornbsg
season. Mr. Ilarner lias hceii :i
student there for several years.
Miss Eva Roth rook ofSwiuclortl,
nut Sunday with Miss Elda Gray
bill. Miss Mollie Mitchell, of Beaver
town shirt factory spent, Sunday
. - .. 4)4BSt luenu mat