I 'fe' I (a In n.un.ip.i. j l. Z - ' The Cure that Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Incipient Consumption, Is olios Tti German remedy' Pa to Hooking t r ! I r I 'K. Ins . . r n ess ! t hn x kl U: ittOH Krncss Oil fji ? rse a l Chance! ti inr ii - rv in- -wifh PODOX 594 wlK HARRISDURG.PA all Drink and Drug Addictions . FURNISHED Ntw Manai iNI lr.ni Uf "Sftk RESTORES VI I ; (TV IIS V-;J ,.."7v prwlnrr f i" above results ln30 day r-- erf illyandq iti Itly. Cures whsnsUotl V-viuffmn will f'-Kam thi ir lost njanlio.. bii n sill recover tli- ir youthful visor b ; vivo. It quickly an '. i i.-l 'Toetom ' lii.i. 1x.t Vitality. Impel' ney. Nightly 1 . Ir., Power, Fall I ig Ui tnory, Waiting Ma ill ir eta nt i oil abuo er m -anil Indli '.. iinflts one for study, business or inai nti ily cure by starting at tho seat ol tli isagri it nerve tonlo and blood bolldi . r back tip- pint, aiotv to polo cheek t ; t'. tire nf vninti. It wards ill It art r- rail 'lu old ' -rvuua-tiaaloog I ' . ami . lion re. f bu' -Vd'rt lusat it) l . Oi ni : iU 1 M (iind r. l Consumptinn, innist oa baring Kiev - It bo can-lvd la vest ro k"t. BUOO n 'rbfutf , or alt (or SS.oo. wit Of c written Rt:irrin',o to tro or kaomonoy Circular (roe, Addi Koyc! Medicine Co,,!..'' foi-mlc In MuhUrbunh, I'. WIDDLhlil mill I) HUG ' 6.m On i ir rettirnetl if v.r i i.l, Atiy otn iketch nud description of any ittveii i . ill i pToini'tly receive our opinion free run .he patentability if s.'ump. "How t Patent " .cnt upon recptest, Patent? UtroflRh n- advertised t'r Hale at out Patenta taken out throtich un :- i nuj- ivlthi "it charge, in Tub 1 a i in Illustrated and widely circular I I, torn :u.t i by M ittfm Itirers ami luve r RLE. A I J. TVANS A CO. r eat Mtotacys,) E"'" 1 ' .. WASH I INGTC O. at m ' ar1 lljtlH H rt v IfJ vi.;irC AS y i . Tf,',TV,i; .'; Buchanan, Mich., M ly 22 B Pure Foo 1 (' I, ' I V. :x :-Mv inii'. mi . Kot-t - . coffee drinker an f iuuil it crj injurious, ll . used sovetit packages of ui UK.UN-O, I no drink that takes tin ice of coffee, she found it much H tier for herself and for uscbll I rut nr.. She has giyen up coffee Iriu king; entirely. W uso u pack cvory w. ek, I am ten vetvs old Itespecl fully yours. Fan mi: Wii.i mm 5 Cents "Wbal is the price of Dobbins' Blectrio Soap.'" "Five cents a bar. full size, jusi re,; ii e ', from ten and your choice d 189 J cent books sent free, for each wrappers, and 7 ccuts for postage Hasn't been loss than 10 cents foi ye irs. "Why that'.-- the price of common brown soap. I can't afford to buy i ikeatrioharneiMt and tha ' vk hut makin lha 1 V r 1 ' W 9 long 7A . . ,. ! 'I . u. ila4 bj ll V , ( STANDARD ,7) 4. ustco- I' I " V',, .V PfcJJ Ma 'a a !,.... "' T mcraaae our roraata ourts baye a combined area ot acres. Hp la far more extensive than ginnniiiiiiHniiinwiiiiittniiHiiiuqniimiuwwiiiiHiiuniiiuiMuinnTiminmTniitmiminnnminirnim ; li'1llllllllllllilllllllllllll!!IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIU)llMIMII!;ilinilllllllllllllillllll!!l!ll II I MALCOM KIRK. j A Talc of Moral Heroisnfjln Overcoming the World. j j BY CHARLES M. SHELDON, Author of "In Hi Steps," "Crucifixion of Philip Btron," "Bobsrt 5 Hardy's Sovan Days." COPTIUOITt, 1900, ST TBS IUuitnUkrru liy inn .... .IliiUilllllllll CIIAPTBR XX. II 1 It AXltlVEBAABT TWHSTV- AT CO!,- BAD. Su tin- winter quickly imissiI. ami BprlDR molted Into gunimer, ami then a growing nlnn developed In Faith's min i. Sin- liml not been nblo to crowd it out of ber "heart thoughts," as she called any Ideas that kept making her lliluk of other people. Even ber rapltl l developing artistic power .iiill Dot pn vent the silent Increasing, power' ml pressure of an Idea that she bad :iUn a iiiis;.in to perform for gooil ni eople in ;i certain peculiar way. "l shall have in go borne and talk It over iili father before 1 can settle, it right," .'-in' kept saying in herself nil siiiunnor, ami when tall was ushered In ami i-hr COllhl sic the flnsty tnomlngS ii Hie prairie ami call up in memory the sound of the prairie chickens out in tlic cornfields ami Bee tin great stretch of Bky that was never possible in (lie Btnoky city, iiii its ugly piles of buildings thai shul oul sun ami air. then Fnltb grew really lonesome and homesick, ami one day she resolutely tnlii Mis Vnrney that she must go home fur a little v isit. I don't blame you, my dear. Qo out home ami breathe some fnsh prairie air and photograph Borne Kansas Ideas uuil come bnek with them, and we will make our fortune." "l don't know about getting photo graphs of Kansas ideas," replied Faith, "bul I ih know about the prairie air, Ami I'm going in get some." Sn Faith ran oul to the Fultons', sold Iby in tiii in and Francis Kulelgh :,t the same time and stnrted fur borne 11 at i lay. she had written home, telling of her coming, and when she reached Conrad 'here were father nud mother and the boys at the station and a little back of that eager group a stalwart, manly me. siniooni Ntnniey, lion come in quite suddenly the day before from New Mexico It is nut exactly certain how he knew thai Faith was coming home or. Itul l. if he knew anything nboul ii. hot it is very certain that he Wlis there at that time uml that Mai roin and Horotliy hnd given liliu n hearty welcome. "You're just In time to help our church celebrate our twenty-flfth an niversary," Mnlcom had said to him. Mis church was planning in a quiet way for such an anniversary, ami it pleased him much to think that Faith was to he :it home In time ami also that Stanley could he with them, Thai was a wonderful homecom ing fur Faith. The experiences she had were rehearsed in the family clr ile. and there never had been mi much hearty, pure laughter in the parsonage since It was Imilt. In the frosty even Ings they sat around the one open lire in the parlor, nnd evcu MaJcoin shut up his sitidy and Joined the group early, talking ovi r matters with Faith and entering Into all her new plans uiili the enthusiasm of a hoy. Doro thy smiled often through happy tears as she looked at her children and saw them growing up into sturdy, useful lives, ami in her heart she thanked the ilreat Father continually for st: Ii treasures, worth more to her and her husband than all the gold and silver :w the wni id. "1 wnnl the boys to go to Phillips acadi my next fail.'' Faith said, with .:a air of iic po ssed of untold riches. "That's where father gradu ated, ami It v.!!! he a I'm" thing for them to follow him there." "Splendid!" exclaimed Malcora. "I've nlway ill 11 in . I lire 1 1 v. uld be so." "'Art i "' in I'm ig,' " ' continued Faith, I can w in some of the best photographic Ideas eastern papers. If the apiece, they could enter prises for ti e offered by tin boys had 10(l the school and earn their own way for the most part, couldn't tiny, father?" "tif course they could," replied Mai- 00111, nud he tohl of some of Ills own experiences as a boy in academy and ollege life. "It seems to me. Mr. Kirk, that you :ive done a our lifetime,' ho sat in t In in tic ot everything in said Malconi Stanley, : family circle and some- i how Boomed quite like one of them, "Everything except looking out for himself," said Faith quietly. "Tiie Lord has blessed us very much," said Malcoin, looking at Faith tenderly, "I'm afraid your poor old father has had to fight a good many hard battles against selfishness that he hasn't told you about. Your mother 1 might tell you how bad 1 am If she ! wanted to." "1 don't feel like doing it now," re- 1 plied Dorothy us her eyes rested nil' Malcom's plain, loving face, and her ; love for blm was stronger than ever. , "Hut about my plan, father," said I Faith after they had all been silent i In-fore the lite. "What do you think ' nf it? Can I do anything that way?" "It Is worth trying," said Malcoin very thoughtfully. "It will taken good deal of wisdom. Io you think you can do It and enrry on your art studies too?" "I don't know." Fnlth spoke softly. "But now Just think of It. Here Is the fact: Thousands of families nil over the world are dependent for their phys ical and mental and moral comfort upon the kind of service they have In "ir bltrhons mid homes. Now, if this we may see on the extreme right tue ADVA HOI pubusikko CO. firman Tteytr. where n lrl who goes out to work may feel that she Is doing a really noble thing in helping to keep a whole family In the comfort of body nnd peace of mind that will innke the family more happy and more useful In the world? That Is 'the hired girl' problem In one sentence. My plan is to start wph Christian families and with Christian girls and get each side to realize what Tiu rr h i re Uit hi r nnd ntofni boyt ni Urn utiitiim. household service can be made to do 1 believe ;i eirele of BUCb people call be formed ill such a way that gradually the homes and tiie girls will be organ I Issed into a mutun helpfulness, nud it I w ill be more honorable und bettei linnm . ally nnd morally I'm' a girl to go 'nut to service than to go Into a store or an otlice even, at lea si fur a time fur it really takes more brains to be mi cliieleul i and housekeeper than lo stand behind a counter tin. I sell no tions." Faith paused as If she suddenly ft It that Malcom Stanley w as looking a i her with the greatest Interest, as. in deed, he wits. And if he really bogtlU to love Faith right then and there more truly than he yet had done It was owing to the sudden glimpse he bad caught of a young soul on lire to be and do for the good of others. Hut Faith's plan led to a discussion t!iiit was long and continued through to many days that we cannot follow It In detail here. It Is enough to say that w hen Faith went back to Chicago she carried with her a definite plan which BUC was able sooner than she expected to put into working practice. Conrad will never forget the anni versary week held In honor of Malconi Kirk and his church, ll was a week of surprises to him and Iiorothy. The town waked up In sudden, hearty, western fashion, and before be knew it Malcom was the recipient of a whole town's holier. Sunday the church had appropriate exercises to celebrate their years' existence. There Was a great sermon lu the morning by Mnlcom and papers by old settlers and charter members In the afternoon. Irt the evening the young people crowded Hie church with their meeting, ami when they adjourn ed they Wenl out in front of the par sonage ami sanu' a hymn that one of their own men. hers bad composed In praise of the church. The only sad feature of the day to Malcom was the presence of Mrs. Bar ton tit the morning .service. It was a sadness relieved by one great burst of Joy. "Oh, Mr. Kirk," said the old woman, bowed now with years ami sorrow, "if I'hll had only been saved! Thank Cod, 1 owe my other son to you!" She went on to speak of Malcom's efforts w hich had made the saloon outlaw in Conrad those many years and pointed with pride to her remaining son, who was a member of the church and one of Mal com's great friends. "He'd gone the way of I'hll and his father if the sa loon was here," she said and wrung Malcom's hand and went oul. but Mal coin knew her heart was still hungry for her firstborn. Next day the citizens held a meeting In Hie courthouse, at which the mayoi presided. Malcom was present us the gUCSt of honor, lie had tried to pre vent any such expression toward him self. Hut when he found himself pew erleSS he seized the occasion to glorify the cause of Cod's kingdom. His speech was a splendid tribute to the power of righteousness. Throughout it till his modesty and unselfishness had never been more forcibly or beau t i fully Illustrated to his townspeople. The citizens of Conrad remembered that address long years after countless political speeches had faded out of their memories. It was perhaps Significant of the pe culiar esteem 111 which Malconi Kirk nnd Iiorothy wore hold In Conrad that j no attempt was made that week to present them with a gold watch or a tea set, or auy physical token. The church nt a business Bcsslon voted to increase Malcom's salary, and there wore very many flowers scut to the parsonage, but the people seemed to know that what would be most accept able to Malcom Kirk and his wife on ' 1 r mi' tin that annlversnry would be the love of were golug out to fight the same good . . .0. j,M flJK-iit..lbit of " faith, to battle for the loggia are uiv uiu.u so much to them. One incident of that anniversary week Illustrated Uatcom's character better than auy other. The picture that Stanley hail brought to Kirk had been placed in the parson age, but It was almost ridiculously large for the small room. Dorothy and Malcoin both felt that it was out of place, inn the gift meant so BOCh that they were in doubt what was best to do with It. The day after Malcom's address lu the courthouse one of the managers of the orphans' home that Malconi had been largely Instrumental in organis ing was calling on Dorothy. She saw the picture and Instantly said: "If we only had that lu the hall of the homer" "Just the place for It, too.'' said Mal coin when Dorothy told him of It. Without delay and with Stanley's hearty assistance the picture was tak en to the home and hung up lu a con spicuous place lu a large hallway. It had a remarkable effect on visitors, line ranchman, who was never known to give anything to any cause, visited the place shortly afterward, and the iu'ht of the picture moved blm to give $25 to the home. "The sight of that baby in Mr. Kirk's arms Just hypnotised the money out if my pocket," he said afterward. "That is the suit ni' hypnotism we believe In," said the mat roll of the home, and Conrad echoed the sent! meat. When the eventful week was gone. Faith made her preparations m return. Malcom Stanley also nuin unci i his return to the New Mexico i i'he night before he departed he word luto Malcom's study and. with some em barrassmeut told him whni unicorn hail seen already, for he ; . had not heell able t; uci ; irotby i each other the fact that the you . man had grown to have a . for Faith's coni a' j . "it seems like a she;: t Kirk, but I love Fnitl . nv i jour consent to be her suitor. "I should think her it nt worth more to you," said Male w ith a Hash of his old wit, not the slightest .. .1 ! Mr wan could he .a Kirk, ilcli had i levity Malcom But h Ktanle had g. and ft! Wll t BU was from far fi loa the Hons, that Faith same feeling. "Then I may Malcom Stanley. In r a way from f ssii.n Indeed vi e will accompli sepnratt ly." "1 believe It." lint bet wan t il to CI her pi r lieu her pi if I i us oi win I " said with a Malcom grtve smile. "My dl realize what 1 girl problem' Uld he ail'h'd fellow. I bopi Vnll means to have a 'hit take care of." "1 will gladly assume that," said Stanley, nud he went back to Ills sol Itary work In Ne w Mexico with gn at enthusiasm. It seems entirely possible that he even found courage to sny something to Faith before lu- went, fo Faith and Dorothy had a confidence talk that evening, and Dorothy had li'iirs mi her face when ii was ended, and Faith's face ; lows w hen a ct rtaln letter with a queer postmark comes Into the studio til Kenw I, w here .sin Is making her mark us an artist and brooding over In r plans for the good of the world, Into which plans she now Includes a tall, manly figure out west. When Stanley and Faith had gone at the close of thai week, Malcom went over to the church one evening to gel his Bible, which he had left on the pulpit. The new church was lighted with electricity, ami Malcom turned on the light near the desk, and after find ing the Bible he stood on the platform n moment. While be was there Dorothy came In to get u pot of flowers which had been taken Into the church during the an niversary exercises. She came up to the platform nnd Stood there with her liUSbllll I, They were botli reminded of that first night when they had gone Into the little church uml had made their prom ise. "Ii Is not like the old room, Malcom. Is it ?" Iiorothy said It with a feeling as if a Presence was In the church that was not human or earthly. "No. my dear. Cod has been very good to us all these years." Iiorothy crept nearer to him, and Malcom put his arm nboul her, and Dorothy crept nearcf fo htm, nnd Mid- COf7l put )ih arm about heT. they looked out lno the dimly lighted church together. The battle III Conrad was still going in. There wns still the rum power to moot In one form and another; there were still ugly forms of evil, selfishness In many shapes, to face, but Cod bad gloriously used these two disciples for the building of Ills king dom on the eartb. Their children also tasasrli s lo The HIP f vff 1 ll 1 IffS right, to relieve distress and overcome the world. It seemed almost certain that as they stood there an angel of light noted their lives and breathed over the town a benediction of peace, and Malcom and Iiorothy passed out of the church and luto their home with Cod's blessing In their hearts. It was not by any ehauce Hint Malconi chose for his text as he took his Bible and went up Into his study that night the words in the book of the Revelation: "To him that overcometh will i give to eat of the tree of life, which Is in the midst of the paradise of God," the END. Depth u( C clone. From the study of clouds Professor F. 11. BlgelOW of the United States weather bureau concludes that the or dinary cyclones which traverse our country from west to cast are not more than two or three miles In depth, al though their diameter Is many hun dreds of miles. In other words, their million does not affect the upper re gions of the atmosphere, in the case of hurricanes Professor Begelow limls that the depth Is greater, amounting to as much as live or six miles. But hlgh ir currents blow directly across the cyclonic nud tint Icy clonic areas which produce slorfus and fair weather at the surface ul the earth. Borne of I'm fissor Blgelow's conclusions upset fur mer Ideas c tioorniug the circulation of the atmosphere. I i'f'llIM I llellt riiiei II VVnlll.i il Si 'III.-.. Vice, unite. Pro'. I; xt Ty r, of Chicago, resid tit lil nnis Woman's All ii speaking of (Jhainberlaiu's Cough en e ly, sn: " I suffered with s . re cold tins winter which threat ii d to i mi into pneumoniii, 1 t ion li!' ti nt remedies bul I -' nied tt row Morseand the medicine upset i si ituaeh. frieud advised me t i v Chamberlain's Oougb k iuo.h i i I found it tin pleasant t"t;iki u ! i ts i" ed ui' at i nee, i mi, i .v en It n ly recovered, sa ml s loctor's bill, time nil 1 ufferiuir,ani nil nevi i he without this splei doi 'i "ii i I If III 11. Fi re. by .1 ublll': Drug S Ills "Did Hunter with big game' "Why, yes. from a black 1 Bxpi rlence. have any experienci he! t a wai e."- Puck. 11 Her. you always Ion He V 1 .l! s.s.-lUllllC ll 111 OO amine i ny lue ltevenge? .lack Because you are .so sweet. TOW U Toi ieu. Ilia Serine of Prld "Henrietta," said Mr. Mei kton "there is one request which like to make of you." "What is it?" 1 shouh "It I get to act ing a bearing don't notice it. don't hold it up against little At me. bit over any rate You see. every once in awhile I get to thinking of the fact t hnt nun Henrietta Meek ton's husband, und I can't help feeling jus't a mite naughty,"- Washington Star. , it llel lee till Pi M troubl oil wiiii u wink digestioti .. g. suul i-1 ,i act., in il you ml luiui on. g, uy Chamber- s Slo h it, il Lliet Tatilols. , 25 cent. !s mplesiree at the '' Store, 2k- xnijjv t,A-y Born to Serve A stroug. dramatic, Miriiling w serial story by thu world's most popular writt r, Gharies M. Sheldon AntU ir of " In Uii St is," oto. On "the Seryaat-Sirl Omstioii," u'i ha storyj deals with the serv ml gh 1 In hci botue. church, ami society re atious. it uboundn In striking situation . and teaches powerfully axittie fffeatlyl noeded lessotiSgj PUBLISHID EXCLUSIVELY IN The Christian lindeavor World Beginning December Subscription Price, 1 a year i w Ntibnfirlbcni Receive the llcr llie Jtesl ol moo Fiti:i;. Btibscrlbe n w an I get the whole of tlii ie niark ible storyj also the autobiography of Wil liatn V. teil, tin fain cm linti-ti .reformer; an Maclarens series mi,,' I'he Homely '.r tuot" ; Joseph ' k on Qroal ,0rttors; Ir. t'uy let an I Joseph Parker's lirilliant Jarticlt , And scores of attra live feature. The Christian Endeavor World 603 Tremont rem pie, Boston t Hasp. 159 lt Salle Street, Chicago, ill. Jello, Hi.- cw IVeMHa pleases all the family. Four Flavors Lomon,oranKe,rasDberry uml Btraw I erry At your xrocer'a. 10 cents. Try it. tu-day. YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone tending a nketrh and dencrlptlnn ronr quleklr aseertatn our opinion free whether 1111 tnveutlnn in prohably patentable. Cnnimunlrn. tlriunntrlctljediitldeiitlal. Handbook on Patent sent free. ObleHt aiteney- for HcruriiipfpateutH. rateuta taken through Munu & Co. receive t il notice, without charue, in the Scientific Jlmericatt. A handaomelr lllnitrated weekly. I JUTreet cir culation of any aclenttflo lourtuu. Term., S3 a year : four montba, f L Sold by all newedealera. Patent uecorrl ' Q0 w'aaaBm A Spotless Skin And a clear complexion are desired by every woman and admired by every man. fcruptions, pim- fles and similar lemishes are caused by an im pure condition of the blood. These I skin blemishes are permanently ! removed by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical I liscovery which thoroughly puri ties the blood and V cures the cause of I the disease. '-l-'i.r nlmnl nnp year ami a h.ilf my Xy face was badly V J Miss v.UlK ' .V U w... . I 1 of ill. West Main St., IsauiccmK, m ten. " I apenl a great deal of money with doc tor! and for different kinds ol tin. Heine, i .nt received no bene fit. At last I read one of your adver tisements In a ::jier. and obtained a bottle of Doctor I'ieree'a Golden Medical Discovery. Before I had taken one bottle of this medicine I noticed a change, and alter taking thru- tiottlts 1 was entirely cured Free. Tito Common Sense Medical Adviser nmS pages, is sent free on re ceipt of stamps to cover expense of mail ing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for paper covered book, or 31 stamps for cloth binding. Address, Doctor R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. l loil - hull lie Hi.. for DsweriT 'i'oe question ni ise III I In- I'lllllllv vet viin. Let us answer it to-day. fiy .Ii 11 0, a delicious dessert Pre ''led ;u two minutes. No bakinsr. Id ii"t water and set to cool. Fla i -: Lemou, oiuuge, rasbeiry und 1 11 when v. 1 Dili peratioiifl r inject tons, no pn'n ordls- mi 1 fort 111 any way.no stool iprintrs or iron ruttiufl, no wooden, ivy "r hard ruhlwr balli up, punches or plugs utted, Not the leitM trfcor niinwyanftf l 'in outfit for the mi of rnptiir' or licr in la niiide of line soft mate rial n4 iiueh H felt , nlvet, ctuintoifl pklni and clastic webs It flt in a ffo'Q Blid uii harm you no nmre. ll iiolitM your intestines back In 1 heir natural po ition nud the wound t HI licnl like any Otbai wound w lien it has n chance. 'Die onl.v way oil r Ih to hold the Intestines InoroMk aTl f the tunc until the wound becomes grown to gather. Your rupture win not beenrcNlli ty other way. We have had 35 years constant ml bard experience in treating riinircM am iiw on (lii la the result. Men. women am lilrcn made roiiilorlnlilr hv using tin ittit. Pi ivi s reasonaole and In accordance with ie. 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For all Kidney, Dltdder and Urinary Trouble., I June Br a,HertDlaat,Sk11 DlMue, IUeumauam, nea vrmn, etc Unfailing in FenuUeWetdmett. Fydaalara.IIo.alaa by mai . ftcuTredoBlajrr. wm 1 1 si iwii ni r 1L