i ? I 4 to GEO. W. WAGENSELLER, Editor and Proprietor at the Pout omm M Ml.lcll.-bur, Ha., a accoml claan mail matter. ' History. Established in 144 its the Union Demokrat, at New Merlin, a(it-r-autu Whig paper, ChaiiKctl name to the Post In IKHl. Oldest Republican ewttpaper in Hnyder County. j MB 55 sirisefl i when vou read that we are scllinK Golden, 0ak BEDROOn Suits -At- $15.75 l-OR $7.50 If we told you how we are able to do this it would not be so surprising, but let it hi- sufficient that we arc BelltDff tlieni at THIS PRICE Don't worry about bow we doit. ( Sail and see our Fine DIsplayof Fancy Rockers E.S.Wcimor&Co Furniture Dealers and I'unvral 01riCtO.fl 4th St., SUNBURY, PA. fv.oo?x;cxxxoooooooooooooocx 8 n I AMI DL.HIN l JEWELS AND Ol'TK'IAN ' ' 1t h M Neon M il I by .Jwii.i li tve waited our q Ottoman -t n tllltt wl heee the Itriast isteatioa in UieeKy mi 1 Ibfl priest are wtthl i the roach of all w9 Ml we osn wy in, 00HB and lo k ixir stock over an I vt QUI 9 in buy, Our good tfrcon vincho y u. ur enough 1 b&vi twloa 'oil ten doll AN r till MUlfl ar th I .tO '; w "V Wo 'l.i u t ;i I anil ot ler 'h e ticle. O ir j U nr." nil tn irko.l in plnin (Igurei.Wtj tm eh mp- ei tha'i any one ol. Bfl It rflMt with nirel ve, Tli, Hiking yon all for puit pit- trOflftfa Md vrtfhing yon all A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND j A HAPPY NEW YEAR H. N. BLANK 240 market St., SUNBURY, PA. xX.XXXXXXX)OO0O0OOOO000O0O A. iVoce eitory Born lo Serve A strong, dramatic .hrillinir Xserial storv by tho world's most popular writer, Charles M. Sheldon Author of " In Hh Stsps," ste,TT" On "the SbTFaat-SHrl Qaestioi." The atoryi doali with the, STVSnt ;ir In linr hne. ohnreh, and society relations. It eSoSnda InatrikiaKsttoationa, and tenches powerfully fnincRrcatly iiim'c1m1 Icnson. PUBLISHED EXCLUSIVELY IN The Christian Endeavor World BsCianltlg December B. Balwcription Price, fljayear Xe StilMtrribera Iteeelve the) I'np' r theJKeat of moo PHKi:. Subaerlbe now and gel the whole of thin re mrkiible Ury',: also th autobiography of .1 tiam T. 3tcad, tlia ftmoui Engliahrefornier; tan J slarsn'a ;rle on ;" The Homely Vir lues" '.liepli ook on UrealKOratora; pr, Ctryler's and JoMph Parker's brilliant articles, awl core of attrac 've features. The Christian Endeavor World 002 Tremont Temple, Boston, 183 Ij Salle Street, Chicago, III. Kb It I a eomtnor; thing t man being propi i :y poor Am Eubiruiuirnl a kino 1 1 1 V i hat im.'t he .u. f Rlrhra. toon e qukIi. bi there is a man in Pittsbm. . accord iag to the News of that c If, who it postage atamp poor. He diiln't know there really were bo many stumps la exiatence until he camp into his stock and now he is eager to dispose of tht lot cheap, for he needs the money. About a year ago he loaned his broth er $800 V start up in a small buaineu with a large mail-order department. Under the mistaken idea that stampa are legal tender, with a deposit of bul lion behind them in the national treas ury, the debtor recently paid hli brother the $200 in atamp. That amount of money in one-dollar billi makes a rather bulky roll, a anyone who ever nati that much at once can testify, but $200 in one-cent and two cent stamps would till a large waste basket. The Pittsburgh brother takes the debtor'B word for the correctness of the count, for lie cannot afford to hire on auditor, and his own time ii too valuable. The stamps ore not even yi sheets. They came in little strips of from three to ten, while sev erul thousand were sent singly, lit has stocked up nil his friends with enough to last them for months, but he still has enough left to begin at the other end of on endless chain-letter scheme and work it backward. In the Boston Journal the fashion able ladles' tailor relates the tragic story of "J he Trousseau." The Story of a Trona- lady lived in the country. Periodically she came to town and ordered gowns without both ering about the price. "Finally one day she came to town oh she was n fine woman as well as a fine customer and she said 'I'm going to be married soon. I should like os good a trousseau ok you can make.' She knew whut that would meanin the way of expense, but ;he nev, 7 'd a question about pi ices; .iii.a rartc blanche order. vou see. ,118'. we went to work nnd impnrlt-df "e of the best goods silks and ntiiy' V'd laces that could be found in iiris. You may be sure that it was a trousseau we were proud of. In round figures the cost was $2,0(M). It was nil ready a week liefore the data set for her marriage, and we were just about to ship it, when what do you thing? we got word that she was dead. She hod been killed accidentally In her own house. No, we didn't lose our money. We put in our claim against her estate. It was a tragic bill wasn't it'? 'Trousseauv $2,000.' " - A lady resident of Mexico, Mo., has just won a curious lawsuit brought against her by a Connecticut firm which manufactures bronze monu i msnts. Some time uco she ord tired from the plaintiffs u $384 bronze mon ument to be erected on the grave other parents, with this inscription: "The Lord Is my shepherd, I shall not want." The engraver made it read "fear" in stead of "want," nnd Mrs, Doty re fused to pay the bill. The lawsuit fol lowed. The judge instructed the jury that if they considered tfce inscription to be a material variance from the words of the psalmist they should lind. for the defendant, and they did so. Many humorous features were de veloped in the taking of the ceusua of 1900. One quesfion wns indicated by the remark "length of residence," which was expected to show how long the people living in various localities at the time of the census had beea there. 'When the reports came in H wns found that many of these queries were answereu in figures in this way: 20x 40, 15x30, etc The enumerators had gone around with a foot rule and had measured the length of the resi dences of the people they counted. Rest rooms for farmers' wives are lieing established in some towns in the west. They are located in the business center and are made cozy anil comfortable with easy chairs, lounges, books and magnzincs. Some offer tea, at the nominal price of three cents a cup. These rooms are sus tained by women's clubs in the cities, or the merchants of the cities contrib ute to them, with the idea that they help to draw trade. The death of Levi McLaughlin, a citizen of Wichita, Kan., brings out a story of his remarkable fondness for children. lie had 12 of his own, of whom 11 are now living, but at dif ferent times he adopted a round dozen more.including five orphans of one family. The pair of new corduroy trousers offered for the best country fiddler at a Kansas street fair was awarded to a pretty ranch girl, who blushingly ac cepted the gift with the remark that if .-hion continued to drift in its p sent direction she would be able t wear 'em by and by. Up to the end of September 33,804, 000 ticket to the Paris exposition had been sold. The figures indicate that it baa been considerable of a show after all. A scientist says a sigh It due to worry, but that a deeper cans U . lnck of oxygen. Novelists have a in to introduce new effects in Bent 'U- Bhr v i on. Dolly was out for a wslk sad met SB frw nd of her graudfather. "And how old are you, little oneT ...-ked the old gentleman. liut Dolly was indignant. "I'm hardly old at all; I'm nearly new," she answered, tossing her head Cincinnati Enquirer. Wails Btllen Hla Stories, He had come home late the previous night and was telling bow it happened. "You really ought to ha married that little Miss Jonas instead of bbs," she said, at last. "Why?" ha demanded. "Oh, she's such a creduleas amis thing." Chicago Poet. la Eiperlaaa. Mia I don't llks the eold formality of some fashionable women. They ought to put more warmth in their manners. Liz Well, you marry one of them, and you'll find out she can make it hot enough for you. Detroit Free Press. Am Vihiowi Qaaatltr. Mrs. WhliHetree So your son Rube has finally graduated as an M. D.7 la he any good? Mrs. Swamproot We don't jewt know yetl None o' my neighbors' children has been took sick yet, and pop won't risk letting him practice on the cowal Puck. Two Mm with Oh Hope. "My boy telle me he is getting much valuable information at college," said the proud father; "I hope he won't for get everything when he comes home." "I hope not, sir," ssid the profeseoei "he's borrowed $35 from me already." Yonkaaa Statesman. Met Be Straase. "Plane music by the pound." Exclaimed th music buyer. "O! well, we never can, I've fouaa, Expect It by tht choir." Philadelphia Press. WHY HH LOST THH IAUL Miss Oldham I want a birthday caks sent up to the house to-morrow with "eight oairKeii ou it. ' linker (slightly deaf) Did yon say M candles?--Chicago Chronicle. The Prudent Lover. I'd serenade you, love, but 'tweuM not do; Uood sleep I'd have to lose and so wuuld you. Chicago Record. A D1k Beat. "Women beat the world!" said the unmarried man, reading of some new exploit in the suffrage line. "And men beat the carpet," added the married man, bitterly. Chicugo Daily News. What She Would Do. "When we're married, dear, you won't be always threatening to go home to your mother, will you?" "No; I'll threaten to have mother some and live with us." Chicago Rec ord. THE For qufrjk reading Children's Gloves 25c to 75c Hoys' OveordutB $1.25 to $12 len's Fancy Ev; in Trousers $1 to $6 Fancy and $2. . waters . . i Wren's ' in U rwear 26c to ! . 00c to $3 0c to $1.25 II r f ?1 ra -51 :: you am DodacTnem Did you ever try to dodge the rain-drops? Did not succeed very well, did you? It's Just as useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption. You can't do It. They are about us on every hand and we are con stantly taking them Into our lungs. Then why don't we all have this disease? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot hold In a strong throat and lungs. It' when these are weak that the germs master. The body must be well supplied with fat. The danger comes when the blood is poor and the body Is thin. If your cough does not yield, and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore, you should not delay-another day. Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites at once. It will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen ties GB well. The digestion becomes stronger, the appetite better and the weight increases. The whole body be comes well fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. It's this nourishing, sustain ing and strengthening power of SCOTT'S EMULSION that has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting diseases. $c. nd $i.oo, ft! druggists. SCOTT & llUWNt, Chemists, Ntw York. 0C3OOCKX)0OCXVVy.v'vr.':vxv"X)rv Kl llltl KS Vj Parmer's Fell Boots.a STclj "en's Rubber Boots t'.Tii r Men's Rabbet Shoes 2soup Womenf Rubber Shoes 38c up Child's Rubber Shoes . up I.I I in it Men's Slinm Wr up K Hoys' Btloaa TO up ' I jmII"".' Simon He an KCONOMCIAI. SHOK BMP . PUBburjr, It OTjOOOCOOOCXX)OCKXXXXXX0000 At'lil HT FLOW IX". '"It is a nirpriBing fact." says Prof. Hou.ton. "tliut in niy travels in all parts of tlie world, for the Inst ten years. I Imv int more' people hav ing used (ireen's '"AtlgOtt Flower" than any other remedy, for dyspe psia, tleiangetl liver and stomach, mil for constipation. I And for tourists and lalwrasit, or for persons tilling office positions, where head aches a (1 Keneritl bad feelings from irre til haliits exist, that Green's "Angus Flower" is grand remedy. It does not injure the system by fre quent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs ami indigestion." Sample bottles free at the Middleburg Drug Store. Sold by dealers in civilized coun tries. Get Green's Prize Aim nnnc. Greatest Store TO BUY PRESENTS Tbe Most Elaborate Displays in the town Beautiful As sortments of Good Sorts of Holiday Gifts for Men and Boys.C Tn every nook and corner of this great store can be fmml the rarest kinds of pretty and useful Xinas presents come and see or better still make this store your headquarters while in oui city: You will soon see in a minute why we say this is the most reliable Clothing House in Sunbury. we submit a few of Men's Umbrellas 50c to $8 Muffetts $1 to $1.50 Cardigan Jackets $1 to $3 Mackintoshes $2.25 to $10 Ladies' Umbrellas. . .75c to $8.50 Fancy Shirts 50c to $3 Woolen Gloves 25c to 75c Men's Suits $2.50 to $25 BROSIOUS Really the moat ralUible Oaaee mt Hla Sorrow. Jodge Yon are charged with break ing a chair over your wife's head. What excuse have you to offer foi such an act? Prisoner I'm very sorry, your honor, but I did it in a moment of anger. Judge And you now regret your hasty action, I suppose. Prisoner I do, Indeed, judge. That chair cost me seven dollars. Cb'cugo Daily News. V r IMMENSE 1 4 '. i J Call to AAA AV A AA S I :-,! J L ---- Ja 1 i i . I i . otii'ii t. i.,t. opened B store sasaVBlaaeiaav mm Worth Clothing, Hats aud Men's nishing Goods lias eonie here to stay. i i HI Overcoats for CI a 1 XT1I convinced liable nlace . miles to fee inc. Ou saies one way lor 1(1 miles, and on each additional $10 sale, the fare for ten miles will be allowed. We quote a few pricsU Men's Overcoats for $2.i0 to $20; Men's Suits from $2.90 $18; Boys' 2 niece Suits from 70c up: Youths' Suits fronl $2.60 up. Cur Prices are warm weather. We also wear. Hats. Cans. Trunks 7 i, ceiving Holiday Goods daily plete line in the city. Wolf Friedman, - lal - l - I - I - I - lH - I - the many choice things to be found SuitCases $1.48 to $10 Telescopes 50c to $1.25 Club Bags 75c to $8 Men's Hats ....50c to $2 Bath Robes $2.98 to $7.50 Flannel Night Robes. .59c to $1.25 All kinds of Ties 5c to $1 Trunks $2 to "RROTHERft JL-F Clothlf Store in Sunbury K, aa u Butter 24 Eggs 28 Onions. 00 Lard 8 Tallow 4 t 'hit-kens 6 Turkeys 8 Shoulder 8 Ham 12 Wheat Rye. Corn Oats Potatoes Bruit er 100. Middliugs" 1 Chop 1. Flour per bbl - ROCKER $ SHIPMAN'S 43) Vlircst St, SUNBURY, PA, 111 see them. A.X V ' sag sgafll m 1 1 1 1 n m m t n 1 1 m tL out FUTURE STORE Began SopOE Know The old :iih1 reliabe WOLF FRIEDMAN, merly of Mifflinburg and Lewisbunr, Pa.. ..... el... .... . ... ... I I I at 81 Market Street, (Ixeb'8 Stand) Bunburfi with a new and large line Men and Boys; Suits oi'the rfl , 1. 1 New York TRICES. An invitation is extendeded to all to call that this is the chetv is .most to buy your Grjods. ' . ..... j j off 10 carfare will be allowed greatly reduced on account of thJ carry a full hue of Shoes, Undern and full Dress Cases. We are and will carry the most Up-to-date C Loeb's Old SUNBU lIM - I - I - IIHI - l - I - I - H in sun BUR' Silk Suspenders. Silk Mufflers Bear-skin Gloves. Seal-skin Gloves. Otter-skin Gloves. Fine Kid Gloves 50o $12 re; 4 1 1 :5a ...... $ 4o tal