Hi lot lf( bit lit to try tt' ui i Id cr.i hen 'son and Tip :ity, H, m -public able! to the true an Tb nearlj "5 ,f tlx- M ,1 Fsmltrl get CIS"! n. ii Imp"" TjNBtI tuitiMlH nv old 1 ..'.lAxI" i MlMcW no liiiJ 1 l'f.ll."'rI 3 CO. IpOISON IN CELLARS. Vraetablra U Frail. Pro- L ( arboala Oat, a Daadlr Dlaraae Breeder. L. J. H. Gregory, the well-known Ln and vegetable grower: A tj be more valuable tban the htch atanda on it when the has learned juet how to control Iperature and dryneae for the I 4 hi. untiMH " ppinfr ui ' ts have generally Deen ionnn io Iolthy. Vegetable are rrequent aw to rot. While rotlinjr, car- Lid gas is formed. This gas ia than common air. and Kettles lottom of the cellar. It is very hv, and people when entering ar are liable to breathe It. If itlv pure and breathed alone it loon cause death. In a section ferted with a malignant fever I mind that in every case where r prevailed there waa a cellar. he house where there wer ts were generally exempt. cellar are tliua used a cov Lin of proper size leading out- m the bottom of the cellar constructed. The construc- tld be such that the drain can I and closed at pleasure. By erasionally the foul air can 1 off. It is, however, believed letter plan will be to abandon r altogether. A house of prop- an be constructed with a or and double walla from feet apart. Fill between with sawdust or fine earth, ora should be constructed. ler end, say. 5x2 feet. The r may be constructed to slidf . nsiruoien as bdovc gave en action and were free from Tious effect of carbonic acid kn Tyson, in Farm and Home. IING APPLE TREES. pt Are riaeed In Geometric the Orchard Never Pre- i a Wood Appearaaee. out a young orchard it ia tant that the treea be set I geometric order, exactly in ich other in two directions, presents a much more at- bpearance if care is exercised fection, and the look of an love to be an Important fac ie comas when it ia deaired to nard. cann treea in a rxr- ightlng along the Una of Ly are set out. The top ob- riew, and when the row ia ne trees will be found much Bit1-. -V. IP .. I IFOR SETTINQ TREKS Setting out .take, before- bt answer, sluca each atake rn up In order to dig a hole. plan is shown in tha ana. Ill atakea in th exact apot ire is to atand. Make a aa ia shown in the cut. and weight, arranireri aa I th tripod over the atake weignt at the end of th I exaetlr over tha .1.1. the stake and dig the hole I wjinout moving th tri- iree so that when the pwered it will tana. v.. Ihis way every tree will in th exact noaitlnn of fcakes flrat set out Am .r. Jurist. Paw IILD PERSIMMON. rrall Whoa. Imnro,.. 'aaj r rjfed by loath. ortLoltarlata. re of value t, ..... receive more attention "n aa in the past. w'kl perimmon has tnown and Ulked and no systematic at de to develop it. 1 of Janana ul v- piia.un- l Simulated interest hsi li . , ... I iu an nrai. fted bv th. T 'Vn aa tA ti, - rCu ..... uaaiuiii- wth th foreign and The tw.,-.! fcrowth. It ia Z "mo, a well aa In Jo grows at least m New v..i. I - wia. BUT. ST?? K -IBM iron Flor- xne tree ia hardy iWn the last two r.appear Mil - uui iii- r' now in k. ..Li 'Hnral aocla.M. n at . ' l. "mi or our wt in I t. n t.- LANDING DOCK ON THE. EARTH OF THE. ARIEL NAVIGATION C(T for Infants and Children. Castorta is a hannlotw aubstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Plcattant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. It destroys Worms and allays FeverishneMH. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth Infr Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, frlvinir healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In TMC CKMT Use For Over 30 Years. ! iHHHHIIfiHiftfH: Ml A REAL QRAPH0PHW3 BUI r'd& lor. IbW ,Y. ',a. REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. i . ...i - nc wKh ilmpU rneclian. m n.ii-'c to meet tlie dc- ij at a luw price, H H ism 11 mand for a rmt-clasi I ;, machine ETiTxmxxTixxxrxr?txxxxxxxx MAKE YOUR OVm EEQQm I The pleasure of a Graphophone is larcely increased bv niakine and I your own records. We furnish this machine with recorder for 17.50. I r.nkinhan.1 uf .v.r, d.u rl m I ... f'.ll ..It.. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. it 14a, 140 A 1160.1100 Broadwsy, V. Y. City 1 l 1 reprodui insi sh m Restore Viuiiff Lost Vigor and Manhood.,, PILLS ISO crs. NERVifft FILLS Ca 'tcpotcaejr, JJight Emissions, Loss of Memory, aft wasting dis eases, all eBects of self-abuse or excess ana indiscretion. A nervo tonic and o-xl builder. Beings tbe pink glow to pale cVe1' 'd restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c. per bcx. 6 boxes for $1.50, with our bank able guarantee to euro or refund the money paid. Sand for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. NERVIWTABLETS (TUXOW L1BIK) ESaatitaatai aaMaaaaaadl rnn Inr 1 na. nf Pnf Varirorele. Ufldevelorirxl or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mall in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guarantee bond to cure In 30 daya or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY and Jackson Streets CHICAGO. ILLINOIS old by MIDDLfcBURGH DRUG CO., HIDDLLBURUH, PA. ijiimj- BaBaaaaaaaaav--. . M a I The Meal French Tonic mA"'" rnn nnnY AMfT RRAIN I VII WW ajSaaT "-" aV Bloc M6S. Badorsed by Medical Faculty H immediate lasting efficacious agreeable . H'IPA-N-S bute& Doctors find A Good Prescription for mankind . I na f.'Si1 i ' T for Stj taja.al Drarrlit.. Greaws, Rwtaorula. Mm Kewaayad., Gr.l Siena d Barbara 0 ffrai MHI N. suiter what'. I hi .law, aM 1U (Mtst Ta aunplat iod so. thmuua tnd- muij t aull 10 nr tdrfrtu ea rraipi .f aHn. f tat Mpasa 6le.l Co., 1. Sprue. St., N.w Vark W coamiSMT iroaatntt raN-AMcaicAN txaojiTiON ce 'Revie-y. 1 1 -mmmmmmmmmmm0 ajaaaajBta