The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 20, 1900, Image 6

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has for Dearly mr years been
rrcugnlsed u Uit l'op les Na
tional Family Newipaper, (or
farmers and vlllara IU
splendid Agricultural Depart
ment, in reliable market re
port!, racognlaed authority
throughout the country; Ita
fashion note. Its Science and
Mechanics Department, 1 1 a
fa?-lnatlng shnrt etorlei, etc.
etc.. render It Indispensable la
TDIDIlUr "err family. Ren-alar sab
I nlDURC acriptloa pHee. 1.0O
per year.
published on Monday,
day and Friday, Is a
up to data daily newspaper,
three days In the weak, with
all Important sews of tha other
four days. Profusely Illus
trated, and filled with Interest
ing reading for all who wish to
kaap la close touch with news
TDIDIIIIC r n",nn nJ v,rM
I nlDURC Re g Isr subscription
yrsea, fidw per wear.
a la the laleraatlaaal Series for
Deoewsber 23. ltMO-Paraale
f the Pssaii.
In connection with The Tribune ws offer to those wh0 desire to secure the best magasinsa,
illustrated weeklies and agricultural Journals. Us following splendid Inducements:
.. . One Tear.
rt aierica Review, new lorn i-iiy SO.OO
With Weekly TTI-Weekly
Tribune. TTI Duns,
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Harper's linear. Kew York Cltr
Ilaruer'a Wrek r. Row York Cltr. . .
Century Masraaine. New York City.
."i. urnom laaar
aaraalao. Row York City.
Mil lure's Mssatlae. New York Cltr.
Frank Leslie's: Monthly. New York City.
ussey's Maprnslne. New York Cltr
'rn'm, New York Cltr
Ledger Monthly. New York City
I'sek, New York Cltr
Judge. New York Cltr
Leslie's Weekly. New York Cltr
Itetlew of It r views, New York Cltr....
Brrlbaer's Mngsilne, New York Cltr
Amrr ran Aarr
lineal New Yorker, New York Cltr I.H
New York City. .
Cosmopolitan Mssailne. Irvlnartoa. N.
i onniry i.eniirman. liinny, is. i
I'urm Journal, Philadelphia, Pean
I.llipliirott's Mitaraalne, Philadelphia, Penn.
Youth's Companion, lloston. Mass
Far in and Home, Springfield, Mass
New Knarland Homestead, Sprlnsrflrld, Mass.
i;iod Housekeeping, Springfield, Mans
I n rin. Field and Fireside, Chicago. Ill
Orange Judd Farmer. Clilrago, 111
I'.rtltomlNt, Indlanapnlla, Ind
Ohio Farmer, Cleveland. Ohio
Mlchlgnn Farmer, Unroll, Mich
I-ii rni and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio
Furui r. Springfield, Ohio
Home and Farm, l.onlsvlllr, Ky
Tin- Fnrmrr. St. Pnnl. Minn
Tribune- I inn line. 1IM11
I'l-'ase send cash with nrder.
Those wishing to subscribe f.r mire than cme nf tho above publications In connection
me. iiiuuiiu utu itum at iiii..:aiiiTS rcKuiur jim-en.
Addrcui THE THIUCNK. New.Yorlt Cltr.
One Year.
One Year.
People la the Tropics Don't Indole
Much la Frosea Water Not
Kaseatlal to Comfort.
According to the consular report
more ice is consumed in Chicago during-
hours of hot weather than Is con
sumed Uy all the Latin American states
except Mexico in 12 months. In Chi
cago ice is considered a necessity all
the year round, and in the Latin states
it is considered in bum places a luxury
in veil; hot weather, but not an over
deairablc luxury. There are meiUcal
men. says the Chicago Chronicle, who
attribute the longevity of life In the
tropics to the absence of Ice-cold wa
ter and beverages, which force an un
natural and hurtful temperature of the
fltomoch and open the system to dis
ease attacks with little or no power of
resistance. This is especially true,
they say. of those who are subjected to
much physicul exercise, for cold drinks
greatly chock the system without ma
terially quenching thirst.
The nights in the tropics are nearly
always cool, which enables butchers to
prepare meat in the evening for the
next day's consumption without fear
of it spoiling mesttwhile. As for fruits
and vegetables, i are so plentiful all
the year round j cheap that it
does not pay lo? the expense of
erecting cold storage houses or keep
ing refrigerators to preserve them. So
while nat m elius not provided the Lat
in American states with Ice-making
weather, it has provided them with a
climate and ground productions' whleh
make ice not an absolute necessity.
The laws of nature always conserve
man's best interests.
Most of the principal cities in the
Central and South American etatea
have one or more small lee factories,
but none of them can find a market for
the production. This comes in part
from the inability of the people to pay
the price, which runs all the way from
one cent to eight or more cents a
pound, in part from no pressing; desire
to have ice and In part from a supersti
tion that ice, especially manufactured
ice, Is not healthy. It may be said that
family ice consumption is conflneden- j
tircly to the wealthy and those in fair
circumstances, and they buy it in quart
titles merely sufficient to serve ice wa
ter and cool wines at mealtime. It is
believed, however, that if the factories
would introduce improved machinery
so as to reduce the cost of production
and then manufacture the article in
large quantities at low prices to con
sumers the people would in time give
them support.
The New Orleans and QaLveston ice
factories are trying to build up a trade
In Central and norlhernSouth America,
but the waste by melting is so great
that there ia little if any profit in the
business. It is said an American com
pany ia talking of constructing a num
ber of ice plants, which they
popoae to move from coast town to
coast town ns occasion and demand
may seem to justify. Hut it is clearly
to be seen by the consular reports that
two things will have to be done before
the ice trade in the Latin states will
amount to much. The cost of ice must
be reduced so as to meet the ability of
the people to pay and the people must
.be educated into looking upon it as a
necessity rather than an expensive and
unimportant luxury.
Hut American money and enterprise
is at work anil if possible ice will be
made a popular commercial commod
ity in the tropics.
What It Was.
"What is your age?" asked the law
yer. "Must I answer that?" Inquired the
feminine witness.
"You must," said the judge.
, "Truthfully?"
, "Yes, truthfully."
"Oh, well, if I must I must," she said,
resignedly. "My age is secret."
Chicago Post.
Whore Me MM Them.
Mr. Eaisem Tea, we get good
prices for our eabbagea, but we have
to haul them so far there is no money
in it.
Mr. Quizxit But I thought you
were within a square of the market.
Mr. Raise m The market? Oh, yea.
But the tobacco factory Is two miles
away. Baltimore American.
Jello, the New Desert.
plfHs-'s an tiiH family, Four Flavors
Fj'iiion,'rHiigv "MihciTv HtirJ traw
berry At your grocer. 11) cents.
Try it t.iluy.
Copyrights 4 a
.Anyone sending s ssetrh and description ma
,'ili'klr ascertain our opinion free whether i
MTpnOnn is probably patentable, Commui
ions strictly ronndentlal. Handbook on Pali ill
out free, (ndest agenry for securing patent .
Patents tusen through Munn A Co. raci.
ptctal notice, without charge, In the
Scientific American
handsomely It hut rated weekly. largest elf
nl, in. u of any scientific journal. Terms, t i
eiir; four months, ft Bold by all newsdealer
Branch Ulrica. M F St, Washington, D. ft
All Over.
Their moment of parting was now
close at hand. They had loved each
c, her with alt the fervor of two weeki
at the Virginia Hot Springs, and now
as they stood at the etation platform
he with his dress-suit ease at his side
and she v. it h u tear in her eye. it seemed
almost more than she could bear.
"Never mind, dear!" he said, afters
r-hort pause. "The time will soon puss
and I shall no doubt see you in town."
"But you mustn't I" she exclaimed,
Impulsively. "If we should happen tc
meet by chance you mustn't notice me.
you know .
He looked at her dtimfoiu:
not?" he asked.
"Because it would never do." she re
plied, earnestly, "Why, yon have nr
ideu how particular pupa and ir amine
are aboul the people with whom I as
eociate." TOWS Topics.
The t.ond Time In the Morning;.
No use w. . pin' w en ds sun don't shine;
Keep all de mo'ners hi 4a hopeful line;
Good time comln' on da rend we gwln'.
Good time comln' In do mawnln'.
No us In wcppln' on de rosky way;
Black sky showln' er de rainbow ray,
Light Is a-brenkin'; hit' 11 soon be day
Good time comln' In de mawnln'.
-Atlanta Constitution.
Bis Oplaloa,
"Do you think that It ia a man'i
duty to acknowledge always he is ii
the wrong when he has a differenct
'of opinion with hie wife?"
I "Well," answered Mr. Meekton, re
flectively, "better late than never
'But it really seems to me he ought U
have had sufficient perception to know
that he waa In the wrong before thert
was any discussion of the mattei
whatever." Washington Star.
"I lore you almost better than I dt
my life!" he declared.
"That," aha replied, "isn't saying
much, considering tha way you're
been wasting it."
Then he threw his golf sticks away
and told his papa he was ready tc
go to work in almost any capacity.
Chicago Times-Herald.
The tiasj of Lowe.
,H stood where the staid had stood-besld
The beautiful, blushing rose
And he loving ly heart has head and sighed,
And he burled his mouth and nose
Among the petals ee sweet and rare
That the fair maid's Use had pressed
And a bumble bee that waa resting there
i Proceeded to do the rest
-Town Toploa. , .
Prepared by H. C. Lenlngtor. 1
(Luke lMl-n.)
It And se they heard these thins. He
added and spake a parable, because lie
etas nigh to Jerusalem, and because they
thought that tbe kingdom of God should
Immediately appear.
12. He said therefore: A certain noble
esan went Into a far country to receive for
himself a kingdom, and to return.
It. And he called his ten servants, and
delivered them ten pounds, and said unto
(hem: Occupy till I come.
14. But hie clllsens hated him. and sent
a message after him, saying: We will
aot have this man to reign over us.
16. And It came to pass, that when he
was returned, having received the king
dom, then he commanded these servants
te be called unto him, to whom be had
given the money, that he might know how
much every man had gained by trading.
M. Then came the flrat, ssylng: Lord,
thy pound hath gained ten pounds.
IT. And he said unto him: Well, thou
good servant, because thou hast been faith
ful In a very little, have thou authority
over ten cities.
11 And the second csme, ssylng: Lord,
thy pound hath gained Ave pounds.
It. And he said Ukawlse to him: Be thou
also over five cities.
to. And another came, aaylng: Lord, be
hold, here Is thy pound, which 1 have kept
laid up In a napkin:
21. For I feared thee, because thou ai t
an austere man: thou takest up that thou
layest not down, and rtapsst that thou
didst not sow.
22. And he said unto him: Out of thine
own mouth will I Judge thee, thou wicked
servant. Thou knewest that I was an
austere man, taking up that I laid not
down, and reaping that I did not sow:
23. Wherefore then gavest not thou my
money Into the bank, that at my coming
I might have required mine own with
24. And he said unto them that stood by:
Take from him the pound, and give It to
him that hath ten pounds.
25. (And they said unto him: Lord, he
hath ten pounds.)
26. For I say unto yen: Ttat unto every
one which hath shall be given; und from
him that hath not. even that he hath shall
be taken away from him.
27. But those mine enemies, which would
not that I should reign over them, bring
hither, and slay them before me.
GOLDEN TEXT Every one of aa
shall stive account of himself to God.
Horn. 14il3.
This lesson in circumstance and sur
roundings as well as In our (lospel rec
ord immediately follows tJie last.
Jesus was speaking ;o the same people
as at the house of Zaccheua murmured
that He had gone to be a guest with a
sinner, but He was also speaking to a
great multitude who had accepted Him
as the Messiah and were expecting
"that the kingdom of God should imme
diately appear." He was traveling to
ward Jerusalem, was only IS or 20 miles
from that city, and the multitude ex
pected Jesus was there, and there to
establish Ills earthly reign. The para
ble was a warning to them. Jesus, like
the nobleman, waa to receive His king
dom, indeed, but, also like the noble
man. He would have to go away to re
ceive it; that is, He waa to die. The
nobleman, we are to understand, was
not to receive some distant kingdom,
but was to go to some distant place
where the chief authority resided in or
der to be made king over his home prov
ince, where he would reign. The object
of tbe parable was to show those who
expected Jesus to immediately found
an earthly kingdom how to wait in
faithful, pa tint service for the coming
of the kingdom.
The Nobleman and His Kingdom. ..Vs. 11-12
The Ten Pounds V. U
The Accounting Vs. l!i -:'ii
The Rebellious Citizens Vs. 14-:'7
The Nobleman and His Kingdom.
As explained in the introductory para
graph, the nobleman w as to be king not
over a distant kingdom, but over the
province which he was leaving for a
time. The length of his absence was
for an indefinite period.
The Ten Hounds. Ortain of his
cares had to be shouldered by others
during this absence. Like a wise man.
be did not entrust the whole to any one
servant, but divided the work share and
share alike among ten servants. There
is one interesting point about this para
ble that is not brought out in the sim
ilar parable where one servant was
given five pounds, another two, and a
third only one pound. Here every mau
bad only one pound. Different men of
different abilities used this pound. No
complaint was made that the pound
waa not enough for the abilities of the
servant, but the greater ability was so
used to make more of the pound which
was entrusted to his care.
One man did not put his pound to anj
use at all. He kept it and returned it.
As far as mere honesty was concerned,
no fault could be found. Hut he had
not done that which be had been left
to do. The nobleman had said: "Oc
cupy till I come." He meant that it
should be used and invested. The no
bleman iaad not said' anything about
how much should be returned. He was
merely to make the best possible use
of it. Had be lost itin a legitimate way
no fault could have been found, but he
had not obeyed his master. He had
made no use whatever of bis talent.
The Kebellious Citizen. The refer
ence to the citizens who did not want
the nobleman to be king and who had
protested against his authority was
meant as a warning to the enemies of
tbe kingdom Jesus come to establish.
Jesus' kingdom was aurely to come on
earth. Some time right will ultimately
triumph. Tbe entire deatruction of the
forces of evil is the only logical out
come. Wheat aad ChaST.
The grasping hand cannot grasp
Qod's hand.
Salt in the sermon may smart, but
it will heal.
It is easier far to sow ain seeds
than to uproot them.
Success is not in what you have, but
in what you are.
A Bible ia of little value till it is
the worse for wear.
People who clear away new paths
will be bruised by tho thorns.
The perpetual protest of Christian
tty is the only thing that saves this
world from ruin. Barn's Horn.
Lessen la tha lateraatleaal Series fr
Masher SO, 1UOO -Review.
Prepared by H- C. Lenlngton.l
(Prepared by H. C. Lenlngton.
GOLDEN TEXT. Thou crow neat the
year with thy caodaoaa. Poa. 5ill.
In tho ftrst place we are to recall
that Jeaua waa tbe Son of God. This
gives authority to Hia teachings. Hia
coming waa heralded by the angels,
His star waa aeen by the wise men of
the east, and other signs showed that
He waa no ordinary man, but the
promised Messiah sent to redeem His
people, and having in Himself the es
sence of the Divine nature.
He wee the Son of Man, being a
lineal deacendant of David, king of
Israel, and having for His mother
the Virgin Mary. Being the Son of
Man, "He was tempted in all points
like as we are, yet without sin." This
gives us affinity with Jesus Christ and
furnishes the promise that through
Him, the God-Man, we may rise above
our lower and meaner selves and come
into fellowship with all that is divine.
Keeall the opportunities of the time
1 of Jesus' coming. This was no acci
dent, but a part of the divine plan.
There has been no other period in all
j history when all the nations of the
; known civilized world were included
In one great empire, and this under
' Itoman rule. This meant universal
peace, that there was one language
that could be generally understood,
and easy access to all parts. The
Jews had gone into every land,
and, being an essentially religious
people, carried with them the Old Tes
tament writings as we know them.
Becall the childhood and youth of
Jesus and Ills probable surroundings.
advantageous and otherwise. Itcmem
I ber that all Jewish children had abun-
dant opportunity to become familiar
! .-ith (he Scriptures, and thit :it
Nazareth. His childhood home and a
scrt of International crossroads, lie
would come into contact with all
types -jf people. Into the midst of all
this place the picture of the boy
Jesus at the age of 12, seeking to
learn of the Jewish rabbis, and the
purpose of His life which was thus
early brought out by the question:
"Wist ye not that I must be ulioui
my Father's business?"
Then comes the introduction to Hil
public ministry. The first event was
the preaching of John the Haptist
then the baptism of Jesus; third),
the descent of the Holy Spirit, and
last, His temptation in the wilder
ness. For 40 days He thought and
prayed and fasted. Here with His
life before Him He was met by the
three greatest temptations that could
come to a man of His human tempera
ment and capacities. The first was
the temptation to command the stones
to become bread. This may be in
terpreted aa the temptation to put
physical and' matet'al things above
that which la spiritual. The second
was to cast Himself from a pinnacle
into the crowded court of the temple.
This would have gained him immedi
ate recognition, but not so could He
become the redeemer of the world.
Tho last temptation was to become
the recognized ruler of all the king
doms of the earth. This was a subtle
temptation, for He had come to es
tablish His kingdom on earth. It
was the temptation of power and in
volved the putting of Satan in the
place of Ood. We are not to suppose
that the temptations of Jesus were
not genuine. He was human as well
as dlvino, and these temptations were
the battles between the two natures
for supremacy, and the divine tri
umphed. Jesus' ministry extended over parts
of at least three years. The first
year was the year of beginnings. At
Cana of Galilee He performed His
first miracle. At Jerusalem He ac
complished His first reform by driv
ing out of the temple the money
changers. His first recorded discourse
was contained In th conversation
with Nicodemus. His first great min
istry was iD Judea. It was during
this year that He began gathering
about Him a body of disciples. It
was from among these disciples that
He afterwards chose 12 to be apostles.
The second year was the year in
which He laid down the great funda
mental principles of the kingdom of
Heaven. These are contained mninly
in the Sermon on the Mount. Very
briefly in the Heatitudes Jesus points
out those who will come into the
The third year was one of many
notable events, ond early in it there
began to show signs of gathering op
position. It was during this year that
John the Baptist was beheaded. Then
we have the rejection of Jesus at
Nazareth, the sending forth of the
Twelve and the feeding of the five
thousand. The main discourses of this
year were: On the Sabbath, on hu
mility, on welcoming sinners, to the
rich young ruler and the talk at the
home of Zaccheus. The notable para
bles uttered included that of vthe
great aupper, the lost sheep, the lost
coin, the prodigal son, the unjust
steward, tbe rich man and Lazarus,
and tho pounds. It was in this year
that His transfiguration occurred.
Blta of Troth.
When you open your heart to lust,
love will leave your life.
Fidelity to old truths demands hos
pitality to new ones.
It takes more than a high price to
make a thing highly precious.
A man'a wealth may be measured
by his capacities, not by his coin.
There is only ona single step from
tha level rock over tha precipice of
If men put more sense into their
sacred service tha world would put
more faith ia their sanctity. Ram's
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