The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 20, 1900, Image 5

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Mr,;. Galen Goss and sister, of
U Oak Kidge, were visiting at
C. Hackenburg's anil MOM
jfo. Bunt F. C. Bowersox visited last weeK.
1u lahnr that the Evangelkral
Lben did with the pastor, Rev.
kmleVi s nta" 111 vain 118 wus
..-.(.si Tlie Lord miscalled tour I
f,is writing, and we hope He will !
moie to reentaiice lietore IM
mutt are 010MCU
Mw vnuntr Imvs of this I) lace have
, fast smoking their lite away
itadlv t'iirarelt-s. Kortunate-
Ir,,r hem. after all advices have
U the stores took a vote on
Um cigarettes and Cigarette to-
r ml ,..! ) n
ml l lie vine ownm u w vf li
st ami now after their stock is
;d out, there will lie no more
ettea here. The Imys will rc-
i thanks years after this.
timer C. Mitchell and Vernon
have decided to experience
tit makes to roll the ball of life.
former has. for his partner,
a Nerhood, and the latter, Katie
i-kcnhtTtr. It is the wish of the
Eor that they all may sail smooth
own the stream of life.
Lac C. Swartz contemplates paitit-
bis barn, pig pen, hen house
liis newly-erected buggy shed
i "cold water paint, something
. I r u
in this neighborhood. If this
Ires satisfactory, it will lie a death
to linseed oil around here. It
liaranteed not to fade and to be
kind water proof.
rs. Levi B. Treasttr spent Sun-
with some of her Lowell friends.
icob Erb, Jr., has been on the
list for the past week or two.
;m Baumgardner has been quite
for the past week and his re
is doubtful.
es Goss is-'located at Mines,
County. He writes there is
ace like home in Snyder eoun-
wt before going, he built castles
le air.
I oi. l eter moved irom stone
lev to Lowell last week, to his
r-in-law, Adam Baumgardner.
a few of our hucksters attend
iwiatowo markets with picked
lines Wagner, of Troxelville,
a day af Lowell last week,
lag his brother-in-law, Harry
:r, to butcher. .
Louisa Snyder has gone to
purg to spend the winter with
lister, Mrs. J no. K. Moyer.
fttr staying in Milton for some
Xormau Luck returned home.
"8. C. L. Gemberling and Mrs.
Moyer were to Sunbury
Miller has come up from
delnliia to spend the holidays
his parents, Hon. and Mrs.
f Miller.
i Sunday school will have their
nas entertainment Christmas
I Dec. 25.
'1. Kern is spending the holi
Ithe Quaker city.
Irvln and sister, of Mifflin-
Were visiting relatives at this
jover Sundav.
Verna and Daisv Fisher
entertained by Miss Laura
I Saturday and Sunday.
f Geo. E. Fisher and wife
Salem Sunday afternoon.
BS BlIflMT. nf ( 'llilliwn mmiiIw.
O I w .mw IgWiJ
rt of last week with his
f)John, and wife.
! Mollie and Martha Grav-
ot a week with their grand
i Mrs. Marv Gravhill. at
I Grove.
-John Beers made n nlenuinf
Ni friends in Swales.
Graybill audGarman are
Ijorne big bargains now.
f "ard, of Perry county,
t inp to this place Saturday.
A. A. Attig and children, after
spending some time at home with
their parents, returned to their home
in Rennva.
Ira Hackenberg of Bellevne, O.
hio, was here a few days attending
his mother's funeral. He had been
away from home about six years.
John WeidciUiieyer and wite of
McC'lure, were here last week.
Grant Brunner and wife of Gam-
null, and Jerome Brunner of Ohio,
after spending a few days here, left
for there respective homes again.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Specht were to
Adamsburg one day last week.
It. E. Gift made a business trip
to Adamsburg, Wednesday evening.
Wilson Gift spent alout a week
in Sunbury, visiting his sister.
Grant Yoder and wife, visted W.
D. (iil'tV in Middleburg, Sunday. t
Thomas Sheraory and son George
came home from Franklin County,
Saturday, to spend Christmas with us.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Turkeys are bringing 8 J cents a
pound with a good demand for all
on hand.
Albert Troup visited his parents
John Heinteelmao is again at home.
Miss Annie Spangler was the gaest
of Jennie Stranb, Sunday.
Luther Erdman left for his par
ental home in l'axinos having spent
a successful hunting season between
here and Meiservillc.
The people of Grubb's church are
preparing for a grand entertainment
to be held Tuesday evening, Dec. 25.
Simon Strawser, wife and daugh
ter visited Mrs. Bailey's, Sunday.
Miss Nora Teats, who has been on
the sick list for the past two weeks,
is fast recovering, to the delight of
her many friends.
J. F. Zechman, of Troxelville,
made a trip through here last week.
Robert Bickel and W. A.Gilliert
made a business trip to Sunbury
last week.
Harrison Musser and wife, of
Watsontown, visited their relatives
at this place last week.
W. G. Snyder of Beavertown, set
up a new coal stove for S. A. Aurand
W. H. and James Bingaman, who
were employed in the western coun
ties of the state, returned home for a
Mrs. S. Anna Kistner spent Fri
day iu Sunbury with her sister, Mrs.
I. G. Gearhart.
Miss Mattie Dimm expects to take
a trip to Philadelphia for several
Mrs. Bare, of Williamsport spent
several days very pleasantly at the
Nationnl Hotel, as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Hettrick.
A special meeting of the Board of
Directors of Susq. University was
held this week on account of some
matters relative to the school re
quiring attention at this time.
Harry Conrad is having a vaca
tion of 10 days. He is employed
in the Danville Asylum and is doing
good work.
J. E. Forrester and wife have
taken a trip to Montour and North
umberland counties among friends.
Mrs. Guss, who spent several
weeks with her parents, returned to
her home in Aetna near Pittsburg.
P. S. Albert spent Sunday with
his son, Prof. Charles, at Blooms-
Miss Winters, of Lock Haven,
who has been spending some time
with Miss Algie Lamberson, re
turned to ber home Saturday.
Dr. Kiebs, of Port Trcvtrton,
was called to Kant, and op his wav
home Stopped in town to see his
many friends.
Neit.hill, a BUberh of town, has
an artesin well of hot water
There is a good demand lor fat
hogs but the supply is short.
Henry Sweigert, of Turkey val
ley, visited J. K. Wagner ami spent
some time iu town among his many
Our merchant's almanac is a daisv.
H. H, Schrawder, of Port Trever
ton, was in town.
The Penna. Canal is empty, there
was very little boating all summer,
and now we have the emptyUtch all
winter. Why not abandon the canal
and make room for a rail road along
the west bank of the Susquehanna?
Isaac Campbell went on his wheel
to Harrisburg in pursuit of work.
Charles Seehrist moved to Cath,
A ticker's farm and will have charge
of the property for next year.
Annie Witmcr, ot'l lerndon, is vis
iting at her grandpa's and the ice on
the river cut of her retreat.
The cold snap of last Friday night
brought the thermometer down to
S degrees above zero.
Minnie E. Eyer and Mrs. Cooper,
of SellDSgrove, spent part of last
Saturday with Maria W. Dundore.
Shoemaker Witmcr and Carpen
ter Campbell, two enterprising young
men of town, are well patronized by
the community.
The demand for turkeys is increas
ing as Christmas is approaching.
Merchant (in ss, of Shamokin
Dam, called on our farmers for tur
(Too lato for lnii iuue,)
Some of our people are attending
court this week.
The St. John's Sunday School
will hold its Chtistmas exercises
Dec. 24th.
On Sunday, Dec. 18th, the St.
John's Sunday School, will elect of
ficers for the year 1901.
Tillie Yerger, who was working
in theshili factory at Beavertown,
returned home to stay.
T. E. licit, and wife of Beaver
Springs, spent Saturday and Sun
day in this locality.
Some of our people attended the
funeral of Mrs. Thomas Kohler, at
Beavertown, Friday.
Joint Institute of the Perry,
West Perry and Independence dis
tricts, will be held in the Fremont
school house Jan. Itli and oth 1001.
The Fremont school room was
papered, Saturday, which makes a
fine appearance.
The St. John's Sunday School, se
lected the following officers for
1901 :
Supt., P. A. Schnee; Asst. Supt.,
J. A. Schaffer. Sec., H. C. Haas.
Treas., Joseph Lcnicb. Organist,
Con Schnee. Librarians, W. A.
Harding, Annie E. Schnee. Cho
rister, P. A. So'inee.
F. B. Herman and wife, are visit
ing at LewistoWU at present.
The Bailey Bros, were in our
town Saturday taking pictures.
Bert Ki ue made a flying trip to
Freeburg, Saturday evening.
A revival meeting will take place
at the Trinity Church Monday eve
ning Dec. 24, 1900. All are invited
to come and help to make the meet
ing a success.
Albert Moyer, of Bloomsburg,
was transacting business in our town
last week.
A protracted meeting has been
commenced at the Aline church and
will continue for some time.
There will be a Christmas cantata
at the Aline church Christmas ev
ening. When you feel that life is hardly
worth the oandle tko a dose of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They will cleanse your
stomach, tone up your livor and re
gulate your bowels making you feel
like a new man. For sale by the
Middleburg Drug Co.
See a Snow
storm in
We never did ; but we hsve
seen the clothing it this time
of the yesr so covered with
dandruff that it looked as if it
had been out in a regular snow
storm. No need of this snowstorm.
As the summer sun would
melt the falling snow so will
melt these flakes of dandruff In
the scalp. It goes further man
tills: It prevents their formation.
It has still other properties:
It will restore color to grsy hslr
in just tea times out of every
ten cssss.
And It soes even more: It
feeds and nourishes the roots
of the hair. Thin hslr becomes
thick hslr; and short hslr be
comes long hslr.
We havs a book on the Hair
and Scslp. It is yours, for the
It ron Ss mat obtain til the koteSte
Too OSMCted from the Of too Vigor,
writ Ihe doctor oboal It Probibly
tnore M mmo aimcsuy wiw yoorgon
oral i rtlooi which no, bo easily r
DWToa. Aaorm,
OR. 1. C
i sett
II. I. :
HI (V' I
. Imn U i
10 On- M
" sets sttei
(I ISfflSS luc
' i i tots urn
I L- W 1.1 KK.
. i tusy-tswtsot
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured hy
cur ai l Address,
Raltlmnm Hd
'utcrlpllois tu Tbe Pstrnt ..econ " iu per suuu"
W MMlMttNL D. 0
Puod Cu. L'-riny
Out lamuT rt -1 1 j-rt
asurh fross t ueof GRAIN J
mi 1 f el I mum m v a wonl to isv
!( otlnti : line it. If people aw
iitcrtHtet) in tin ii bfavltu and thai
wlfure 'f tbsir ebtltlren tbeywul
uaa au otli-r i-v"ihkp. IhaTettswd
i in in all, t.ut OBAZN 01 have fium l
sapcfiot to any, for the reason tlt
it is nihil grain, Youih for heaMlv
C P, Mvuts.
ilradache and euraloi curud by lbs.
NFi itAiiiA ettrea iy
PiLxa. "Hao ossit p. dose.
Ir. MIIi-m Psi
At all (Iruuicit
DEPARTMENT STORE. We will have a Clearing Sale
of Gbkkral&Mebchandisk, As we want ti reduce nr
, i HttK'k $."0(io in eleven days. To make this sale in this tame
we will sell ools CHEAPER than they were ever Bold be-
fore in Riehfield, I'm. And below you will find :i few of"
our out prices. Bale to commence on Dec. 20th and la.-'
to Dee. 31st, inclusive.
Oslico pec yd
BlesoUd MosIIb, mil.
"ApplsSon A"Mulin...
rpmisbrtei niiiRhim n .
Turkey Hed Dumaok
M Pins ie
aSNssdlss lc
Ladles' Vsst Bleek iiouc l
Men u DndStWSM) r suit Mc
Arbuckle Coffee
I ll. Hesl HokliiK Suds.
1 Cske Cliocolnte
3 ks Cornstareh
.. IBs
Lsdles' Kin.- Bhoel 1.M lr
Mcn'a Kinr Bhosa
Mrn'i Ciiurni' BhoSSi full stool
. . .Bis
Hoys' OVerOOStS, 4 yrurH up
Mon'a Ovsroosts
Hen's SuitH
Hiivh' KlU'e Puut.s
.. .2Ur
Queen -wo,io
1 qt. ilnM Pilcher v
IiiiiniT PlstsSi Inohos v
Bsndlsd Cups snd Bsuosrs 'Jte
Tin and GUvmito
Uqt.Tln Pads 1
tSqliOnilltta IHhIi I'ann 2Jr
3 Tin Cups fur Sr
6 Tea BpoonSto 3k
Remember Hicm! are only a few of the Bargains anil these
prices arc good, only from Dec. 20th to Dec. 31st, WOO,
and for cash and PRODUCE only.
All we ask h, Calll and examine our g-ods and prides,
whether yon wish to purchase or not.
Kvery purehawr ooming to our store on Dec. 22nd, wif
receive a present, ftore will lie closed on Christmas, Dec. '25
Graybilland Garman
Look: Here and see
Tie Grat Sixty Days' Clearinfi-ont Sale
At B. H. Custer's General Store Swineford, Penna,
From December 10, 1900, to February 9, 1901.
Below are soino of the many Bargains.
We have a full line of Queensware anp Agate War
15c, Agale Wash Basins 10c
0 Cups and 6 Saucers
Frcca Hlme si 't Slid below
Child's alines 380
Mlssas' Shoes to000
I.ailles' Sliiies an lw ns SOotolHo
Boys' Shoos.... v)' " 7';t'
Men's Slincs T5col.J8
Men's llimlH
chilli's Bubbtrs ,0t'
Misses' Rubbers
Women's Hubbera v
2 ll. Uolden Blend Coffee. .
Arbuckle and Lion Coffee.
5 Cllksi Sosp
1 lb lUking Sod
I qt. Bottle liuliif
1 lb. Oyster Creekero
i lb. OalMeul
A Suicar
Oranulateil Suifnr
Ugbl Hrown Siiuar
Coal Oil, per pal
lemons, per dOS
Fine Dress Qooda reduced to
lumcusttT Uinghsin
Ilesi Prints
Appleton A Muslin
Blesebed Mnsltn
Bleached Muslin
Saxony Viirn, per bsnk.i
Blen'a Cndsrwesf
M.en's Flelat Undsrwesr.
Hoys' Caps as low as
Men's Caps an low as
Mi ll's Qlovss
Cotton IJips, per lb
?l aheets Pool's Csp Pap
. fc
A full assortment of Holiday (ioods
;iinl ;i full line of Decorated Glass-wear.
The above named articles are only a few of
the BARGAIN'S. We reduced our entire
stock to COST, and BELOW COST. We
have a fine ntock to select from. Remem
ber the Bargains. Prices are only good
from December 10, 1900, to February 0,
1901, and only for GASH or PRODUCE.
Call and examine the Stock whether you
buy or not. We will give a present to
every custoines that purchases 25c worth of
goods or upwards on the 22nd day of Dec
ember. Do not miss the Bargains.
I mm counters I
Swineford J
Ml Overloaded I