The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 20, 1900, Image 4

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    , M
I'uMUhrd Even- Thursday Morn inn
l.Ott St year If paid In advance. SI. SO per year if not paid
in advance. Minnie copies, r ive Cents.
Advertising Kalra. IS tenia per liar, nonpareil maasure
meni, for first iniwrtlo:. and 10 renla per line for each subse
quent inarrtlon. ICOKFICK. Neartne I'ounly Court House,
between the Kirst National Hank and tbs Omnty Jail.
"Vol.. XXXVII.
Dk M, ihoo.
Nl'MIIKK ."iO.
With this issue of the Post, it closes tlie
37th volatue since tint name was (assumed
in 1861. I'lie origin of this paper dates
back really farther than that, as the Post is the
offspring of the Union Dmokrol, a German whig
paper founded in the forties in the town of New
Berlin. In l s; l when the paper changed to Eng
lish, the name whs changed. This will be the last
is5iic of the POST in the nineteenth century. The
first issue in the twentieth century will appear
Jan. 3, 1901 and will he the first number of Vol.
38. We wish to thank the many friends of the
Post for the substantial appreciation of an hon
est effort to give them a modern newspaper ai a
low juice.
The News (?) Changed Its Markets.
If the Post accomplished no more, it at least
helped the readers of the JVetM to a change in
the market reports last week. Six months with
out a change and there is no telling how much
longer it would have continued without achangt
had not the Post given the News a pointer, if
the readers of thereto sold their butttrand egg
since July 12, at the same old rates quoted they
have lost a great deal of money. In a recent issue
of the Newt there was taken from the Post a list
of words of which the Nncs editor did not know
the meaning and he was too tired to look them up
in his dictionarv. After enumerating the list
of words, th" New concludes that the editor of
the Post is "gi eviously possessed of the devil in
his darkest hue." What kind of logic is this?
The News must think its readers are a set of ig
norant fools to aoept such incongruous deduct ions
from the premises given. It is a very easy matter
tor typographical errors to creep into a newspaper
and a the Post has enough of its own to weed
out, it must ask the pardon of its readers for such
as may occur from time to time and we will
cheerfully accord the same mercy for other un
fortunate quill pushers. Such errors are pardon
able, hut this would be np-to-date journal around
the corner has been running a heading "Ixveal
Kiplets" in large type since Oct. 2f, 18'.9. As
that contemporary has shown its willinging to
chance its markets at our suggestion, even
though they had not been changed for six morths,
ira wnnld anmrest that thev nut another " P" in
"Ripplcts," even though the other way of spil
ing has been running for 14 long months. Typo
graphical errors can le pardoned, hut the P081
can not see that this is a lypographiod error. I
the Newt wants any more jointers, the Post
will lx! fraternal enough to help its neighbor out
of the mud. Oversights can lie jwrdoned and even
iirnorance can be excused in persons who appre
ciate their unfortunate condition, hut there can
be no excuse for such glaring errors by jiersons
who set themselves upas an authority on the Eng
lish language.
The Posi extends to its many friends and read
ers a Merry Christina." and a Happy Ne Year,
and may they all enjoy life to its fullest extent.
The Grand Jury of Bradford county in its re
cent report recommended that the act of the last
Legislature with reference to the employment of
male prisoners in the jail be put into operation iu
that county. The act makes it lawful to require
that every male prisoner within a jail or work
house perforin eight hours of manual labor each
day of his imprisonment. This is to be doue
under the direction of a prison board composed
of the judge, sheriff and commissioners of the
Snydkr County might profit hy the road
law as some other counties are now doing.
Rare and Fine
The largest collection of Precious Gems,
Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Leather Goods,
Cut Glass, Clocks, Umbrellas, Art Vases,
Et cetera, in Central Pennsylvania. . .
Special Watch Prices we will Offer During the
Month of December :
Lad)es' Silver Watdh at $5.00
Ladles' Gold Filled Watch at .... 7.50
With American Movements. All Warranted.
Ladies' Cold Filled Watches, with Elgin
or Waltham Movements, at . . $10 to $18
Ladles' Solid I4K $15 to $85
Cents' Cold Filled at $10 to $45
With Elgin or Waltham Movements.
Cent's Solid 14K at $27 to $125
Boys' Watches at $2, In Nlekal ; $5.50,
in Solid Silver; $8 jn Cold Filled. . . .
rWe would be pleased to see you. All
goods as represented.
A specialty of fine Umbrellas for little
FISHER , . ;
f- 'We have a large assortment of
"SUcrwarc 3cwelr
Watcbcs CIocrs
HDustcal Instruments
jyThe best way to convince you of our
bargains Is for you to call and inspect
below retail
Artist Materials, Bt
cycles, Bookcases, Buf
fets, Cabinets, Candy.
cnina, enma uioseu.
'"TO the Readers of the Post:
JL Tho Midill.'l ,iinr ii irrpsm null nt to tlu 10
e, - r years.
r reeburg Courier last week says : " 1 he President
Judge question is receiv ing considerable attention
just now as the various candidates are coming
out into the daylight and declaring themselves.
Some prominent people for a time had given their
sympathies to A. W. Potter, Esq., of Selins-
grove, but the concensus of opinion is now turn- sWEBkMI
iug toward the re-election of Judge McClure, his .SX
, , . ... .. .1 strumenta. Pedeatala, Pictures. Pipes, purses,
old supporters not caring to desert him tor the Rockers, Sewing Machines, sporting Goods,
.. . , ... i.i I Table Silverware, Toys, Umbrellas, Writing
parties who were at rani to make the running a- Desks, are a few of mo thousands of suitable
i ,, , , , . i, ' articles wo sell for Christmas presents. lnaddl.
irainst Judire Blicher rvlien their loyalltv was tlon. we aw head-tooot outfitters for Men, we-
' " ' inen and Children, sell Everything to Bat, and
afllv MMatJ to Use. All information is contained In our Ho.
umm" 90 lllustrau-d catalogue, each copy weighing 18
.... .... ,. .i . lbs.-as an evidence of Interest, send us 10c. to
I hn sJwism rainnino w i . ir, , t itwnlt In Air. hpln nnv noftt.Aire. These 10c TOO DinrcT raOMT
1 1 H . toi'r rinsTORMtR or $1. It quote wholesale
Potter. I have nothing to criticise concerning Snaf
Judge McClure, but he has l.a.l the for ten '?J,Z .Vuk&'SSSS
VI ''IT fir vt II kflva mt tlio ,.viii-:itioii of his term. ? t'P'f'W ml ooarantu to fit. Uthi'a
7- - "-"i carafoaiM or varum, m
For the nnst thirty vcars u awards of 1150.000
, , ... . i . i i . it Why pay retail prKvot Wnlcn catalogue do
R this Wttck Is H Ml 8EG1STEB
as reprtseated. mm
imt i . rm n i- We sell Notice, of sales will lie inserted free uml
"ioo 71 1 I I the Tsry nl hradina when Ike bills are printed at thla
best 7. "fnoe. lien ihe lulls are not printed at thin
Insured Jeweled Elgm or Walt' o0tcr S"""'" will be eawaed Persons eipect
H ham Morement, In a inc to have sale shoulri vlnit date and have
eonulnooold tilled case. ' inserted In Ihin column.
crenulne Gold Oiled case.
niiarantaarl F i n I fl :' .
-Tgja'jarjacra SATVRUAY. Feb. IS. three iriles north-went of
wSS!SRSSS Mlddlehur,. on the homestead farm ,
i iiTi in i.hi tnocn niKanian, -,.ium . nuhns will sell :
Knoch binaanian. oloin. Kuhnswill
iHwalrr are sold bT US norws, . nsau ui came ann r.rminn lllipit-
oi p
Clears. Clocks, com
modes. Couches, Dolls- Easy Chairs, Fountain
has been Carried in judicial salaries to Union Co
Prior to that, Mitllin Co. had the Judge.andupto
this lime Snyder county has not had a single sol
itary judge. All this vast sum of money went to
Mifflin and Union counties while Snyder count y
did not get a cent.
As a practitioner, Mr. Potter always has from
two to three cases at our courts and has had al
most from the very beginning of his practice, ex
cept during his sickness. I simply want to cor
rect the false statement, and 1 trust 1 owe no
apology for my desire to be just.
Fair Play.
you nam ? A'ldrens llns way :
Tl'KMiAY. Mart h , at Aline. J. P. Naule will
sell horses, rows, hellers and farming id.
TCESPA Y, March 1M0, one-half mile west ol
Salrro clmreb in t entre townMitp, Cyrn.
Marks will sell t horses, 3 oows and farmn .k-imleroenta.
First National Bank Election Notice.
The annual meetlns; f the tock holders of
Ihe First National Hai.k of Sliddlebiirab for Ux
lection 01 seven directors for the ensuing year
will be held in Ihe hanking house the third
Tuesday of January, lieing January 18th, 1901,
between the houra of 10 A. M- and 12 M.
J. N. TiionrfioN, Cashier,
Mlddlrbura-. Pa., Pc . 10, 1M0.
If you would hnve an arpetitc like
a bear and a relish for your meals
take Chtimbi Hain't Stomnch and
Liver Tablets. They correct disorders
f the ptoniach and regulate the liv
er and bowels. Price, li.'i cents. Sam.
pies free, at Midrileburg drug store
The Middlcbtirg Shoe factory is over stocked
with orders. This industry has been the means
of utilizing the services of every person who de- j
sires employment. For the first year it was run
at a heavy loss, but now its success seems assured.
We have reduced our stock of Men's, Boys,
Children's Suits and Overcoats from one-fourth to
one-third off In price.
you, recd ary cloklpipd, rov
is your tirrje to buy.
All our 15 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $3.50
All our $7.50 Suits and Overcoats' reduced to $5.00
All our $10 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $7.50
Men's $3 good all lined corduroy Pants reduced to $2
Boys' $3 Overoats reduced to $2.50
Boys' $2 Overcoats reduced to $1.50
We have a large line of
FURNIS r nas
on hand for the
which every one should see
A large assortment of
at 5 cents each
P5L Jt Bflrssw. jAwSBiSBBfl9wis9QKuL nR9lsrsnsBTwnB
fa sp& OHr VtSsB 3K? sPX? SSmSkXsr
f y vtrv rsri M W fn tfl ''11 11 IH I Ik ssssssT.sQbsHlB Hflrlllll mC&B i flA M
Christmas Turkey
Will be much nicer if you
carve it witu a Nice New
Carving Knife and Folk,
I can fumh h you with
imitation 13oi e aandle at
! ")e per set to genuine Stilt;
et 1 4,00 pei set. I have
them iu all styles and liu
Ithes. My stock of Enterprise
Smape Bluffers and Urind
era is not yei entirely
cleared out. Fifty Pound Lard Cans, very heavy Tin. 30c each.
W. H. Helm, Hardware
415 E. Market St. SUNBURY, PA. J
It's not too early to consider the Christmas question,
You ought to kuow by this time what the children want.
We are reasonably confident we can supply it, hut to
make sure you had better call and see.
We have lots of things for plder people, too.
323 Market St. SUNBURY, FA,
useiui cnrisrmas uius
Never so large a line to select from. Suitable for T
everybody. Useful gifts are the most appreciated v
PURSES for all ; Ladies' aud Gentlemen's Pock
et Rooks, Guns and Target Rifles, Tool Chests for
Roys, Carpenter's Chests and Tools for Meu. A
large assortment of Pocket Knives from 5 cents to
$2.00 each.
Talbe Knives and Forks, Carvers. Tea and Table
Spoons ; Scissors and Shears. Carpet Sweepers
and Toy Sweepers, Clothes Washers, Clothes
wringers, Tea and Coffee Pots, Tea Kettles, and
numerous other articles in Granite, Deft, and Nickel-copper
Wares; Crumb Trays, Nut Picks and
Cracks, Raskets, Razor Straps and Razors.
i-M 11111 1 1 n 1 h mi mm I'M1 111111111 M4H i i i h-
H-M-l-H-I-M-M"!1 1 1 I 'M-l-l-I-t-I-I-M-I-I-I-t-H-I-I-l-l-H-H-H-I-H-W-:-
lines Va
I a day :
lag his I
fr, to hut
urg to si
pier, Mrs
1 C L. (
K. Mill
leliihia tr,
h Daren
Sunday s
M enter
i Deo, 2,'
Kern ii
Aro coming. Onr way for Holiday buying i
made easy at our Store.
We were never better prepared to meet the wants of our the (Jual
customers promptly and well.
I Our Store full of Beautiful Christ
mas Gifts for the Old and Young
THE SORT you can allord to buy.
THE KIND your friends will appreciate.
MADE LOW iu PRICES by our large purchases.
Dolls, Toys, Faries, Rooks and Games.
Fancy China, Rric-a-Rrac, Stationery, Lamps, Bohettuj
and Austrian Glassware, Silver and Nickel ware.
The Greatest Line of Fancy China and l)in
and Toilet ware in Central Pennsylvania.
DOLLARS within a radius of 100 miles.
1-1 i Leader of
rurman s casn jrair, lowww
i 317 Market Street, SUNBURY,
irvin am
s reriia
Geo. E.
Sa.'em Su
) Iiihrer.
Part of Jas
Wohn, anc
Mollie 1
week 1
Mrs. M,
John Rfip
ne big b
Ward, n
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