Dangerous Kidney Diseases. Celery King hu eared me of kidney dis ease. The doctor fenred Wright's disease, and tried many remedial that gave me no help. Celory King had made me M wall aa ever In my life, and It seem nlmoat aa though a miracle had been wrought In my caae. Jen nie O. Relebard, Hprlr.gtown, Pa. Celery King cure Count 1 nation and Nerve, 'Vomach, Liver uuU Kidney diseases. 4 bore end poor look- '. vm Ing harness u the A wont kind of a com- g Eureka Harness OilT not only make the harness and the f.m bone loo brtui, but make tbe ojsa leather oftnml pliable, puis It In cob- tl . . , dltlun to last-twice at long IU VMUKtli aa It ordinarily would. IWL JjuELtli SM ""iu" ' "" '"iMarn Horse a mW Chance! igp MT HARRISBUR&.PA. .S CuOiS ALL DDINK ANO DPOfc AoDICTlOaHJ Newly FuonismEO New M anaoewewT, kW REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Matte a Well Man of Me. TgTVI BUT rroduce tbe aborn result! In'SO day. Itaett powerfully and quickly. Cure when all others fall Vousgmen will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover tbelr youthful vigor by aatng HEVIVO. It quickly and surely restore! Hereon, oeas. Lot Vitality, Impotency. Nightly amissions, Xoat Power. Falling Memory, Waiting PHnm.anJ all effect of self-abuse or enenand Indiscretion, wbl .1 unflu one for rtudy, business or marriage. " Bot only curei by start 'ng at tho seat of dlaeaM.bat ll a great nerve tonlo d blood bnUder, bring ing book the pink glow -o pale chaeka and ra ftering the Bra of yont h. It wardi off Inianltj and Consumption. Inilit on having KE VIVO, no other. It can be carried In vee: pocket. By mall, l.OO per package, or Hi for M.OO, with poet tlva written guarantee to core or refund tha money. Circular free, Address tor sale in Middteburgh, fa,, by M1DDLLB (jRGH DRUG CO. Our fee returned if we ail Any one lending aketch r.nd description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of lame. " How to Obtain a Patent" lent upon request. Patent! secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special malice, without charee. in The 1'atknt Rkcoro. .an illustrated and wi.lrlv circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors, Send for samule copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. t-inteat Attorneys,) EansBul! g, WASHINGTON, . e. IF OLD RI "WFAR TWICE 44.1 aCSSaW "a-ANY.QTI1 Buchanan, Mich., Hay 22. GenesHeo 1'uie Food Co., L Hoy. N. Y. knti,emek : My maiuma hap been it great colT"e ilrinker ami ban found it very injurious. Having uhp'1 Hnveritl pifkiiffeH of youi GRUNT 0, Hie drink that takes th. place of coffee, slio found it much better for herself and for us children to drink. She hus eiven up coffee driiikinvr entirely. Wo use a pack age every ve'k, I am tn vetrs old ii fi'i RespeotfuJly yours, r annie Williams ayi as- taw 15 pfim us w :k u v a- j I CFNTSfl DOBBINS' ELECTRIC I SOAP t Just Reduced from Ten Cents Your choice of 217 twenty-five cen books sent free, for each three wrappers arm o ceura tor pontage. WkW1 ft V .eSsVfc. 1 at: m -mm ., m m m , wall iinnmniniiiiiiififiiiiifiiiiiiHiiinTifitiininfuiiiiiiiiiiuiiniTOiimmm jPllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN j MALCOM KIRK. A Tale of Moral Herotemfln Overcoming tbe World. 1 1 fi BY CHARLES M. SHELDON, Athor of "la Hia Stopa," "OraeUzira of Philip Strom L Baiav. Im. Taawav s oupfsiugg, 1900, bt rmm irura tvwumam as, 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiinniiiiitiii nMtvnrMaw. iiiiimniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiinii 1 !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii!iiiii!ii!ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiniinn CHAPTER XIX. FAITH FINDS A MORE CONGENIAL POSI TION. That was the most remarkable com pany dinner that Mrs. Fulton ever knew In her house. Faith Insisted on going to work as If nothing unusual bad happened. By T o'clock every thing was ready, and tbe company sat down. Mn loom Stanley rubbed his eyes several times as Faith came In and removed tbe various courses and served with a quiet dignity that made Its impression on every side. Mrs. Ful ton wns visibly embarrassed by the fact tlint the girl who was In her kitchen, her "help," wns the daughter of Mnlcnui Kirk, who was the author of such stories In the newspapers. Roy had discovered his authorship at once by asking him a lending ques tion, and Malcom bad not been able to conceal his Identity. There was an unusual respect In the young gentle man's attitude toward the Kansas preacher, a respect, which, however, did not prevent him from eating the larger part of a dish of preserves un observed during the general excite ment of conversation. Malcom Kirk looked proudly at Faith every time she came Into the room, and the fact that she was there serving In household work did not disturb him or give him any false feeling of shame. Even Mrs. Fulton had a vague dawn ing of the fact of nobility In service that bad been an unknown thing to her, although she could not help feel ing astonished whenever she looked around the table and realised who her guests were. After dinner wns over Alice Insisted on going out to help Faith. Her moth er did not rebuke her, and Faith grate fully accepted her aid. When the work was all done, Mrs. Fulton came Into the kitchen. She was struggling with an unusual emotion, and It was not easy for her to say what she bad prepared. "Faith Miss Kirk, of course you must come Into tbe parlor with us this evening. You ought to have told me who you were. I I perhaps, I have not treated you Just right I did not know" "Don't say anything about that ma'am." said Faith. "This experience has been worth a good deal to me. I'm afraid I've had some un-Cbrlstlan thoughts about you." "You do not need to say anything about that," said Mrs. Fulton hastily. Then she ndded In a tone that made Faith feel that she had been thinking good deal of Faith's efficient service: "We shall not know how to get ninny without you. You have quite spoiled us for tbe average help." "I'm glad If you've been pleased," re plied Faith, and that was all that was said then, bat the atmosphere between her and Mrs. Fulton clenrcd up won derfully. That evening wns not soon forgotter by the Fultons. The three guests bad s good deal to say. All of them had seen a good deal of the world, and each, from his own point of view, was a fascinating talker. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton sat silent and Intensely Inter ested. Mr. Fulton quite forgot his business Interests for awhile. Alice and Faith sat near together and listened breathlessly to one or two stories Mal com Stanley told very modestly about some genuine sdventures In the min ing districts of the African Transvaal. Roy, who was Just beginning to de vour books In much the same manner as he devoured pie, leaned his chin on his bands and his elbows on bis knees. "Vou ought to have told me who you were." looking up nt tbe three men who rep resented so much that was heroic to 1 blm. But perhaps the one person who Im pressed the whole company most deep ly was Malcom Kirk. There was something so modest yet so manly, so winsome in Its genuine Christian sympathy In his whole man ner, that even Mrs. Fulton was pro foundly moved by It. "I like that Mr. Kirk," she said to her husband that evening. And that meant a good deal for her. Malcom and Stanley remained that nlgbt at the Fultons' at their urgent re quest, and In tbe morning after break fast, while Mr. Fulton and Stanley ," "Bobert were talking business In the library. Faith and her father held a conference In the parlor. "I bad planned to take yon back home with me. my dear," said Malcom. "Bat Raleigh told me last night or bis niece. Miss Vsrney, and said there was no doubt of your being able, with his recommendation, to secure s good position there. We waat to do what Is best In every way. Your mother Is homesick for you too." "Well, father. I feel as If I ought to stay In tbe city If 1 can really become a breadwinner. Let me try It awhile at the studio, and If 1 fall tben I'll come home and spend tbe rest of my days cooking for you and the boys" "How about your work here. Faith? Are you under promise to Mrs. Fulton to stay any length of time?" "No. father. But I think It would be no more than fair for me to stay three or four weeks until Mrs. Fulton has time to work In some one else." "1 think so, too," replied Malcom, who In all his relations to others was always guided by the strictest sense of fairness and honor. "Do what Is light In the matter. Better talk frankly with Mrs. Fulton about your plans, and let her feel that you are willing to stay as long as It Is tight." When Mrs. Fulton came In. Malcom and Faith bad a talk with her. The result of It was that Faith promised to remain with Mrs. Fulton another month. Meanwhile she was to see Miss Varney. and If arrangements could be made she wss to enter tbe studio at the end of tbe time of her service at the Fultons'. Mrs. Fulton was considerably surprised snd s good deal pleased with the arrangement It was a good deal more than she had supposed Malcom Kirk or his daugh ter would agree to do. but she did not know either of them as well as she did afterward. Malcom Kirk spent a Sunday In Chi cago, and Faith had the great delight of hearing blm preach In the church where she. had gone to the evening service that eventful Sunday before They took tea with the pastor that evening, and tbe next day Malcom started back to Conrad. Malcom Stanley went with htm. There was. If tbe truth must be told, a secret disappointment In the heart of tbe young Englishman that Faith was not going home too. But the two men said good by cheerily to Faith and were whirled out Into the west while Faith went back to her work with a brave heart, lu spite of a little feeling of homesickness that crept over her al the sight of the two stalwnrt Ugurep on the platform of the receding train. Her relations with the Fultons were decidedly different now. She was enre ful not to presume In the k-nst on the rhange In their thought of her, nnd ahen Mrs. Fulton asked her Hint day If she would not sit down nt the table with them she said she preferred not to, which was entirely true, for Faith believed thnt If she was to serve Ihe family as she ought at mealtimes she must be ready to do so In the most ef fective manner. And she knew she could not do so If she ate with the rest. Mrs. Fulton was much relieved at Faith's action lu thnt particular. It seemed to Faith, however, that when Sunday morning came and Alice asked per to come Into the family circle to prayers she ought to go. aud she did so ;qu!etly nnd enjoyed It. When evening came. Alice wanted to go to church with her. nnd Mrs. Fulton did not say anything. The new order of things wns unheard of, but a girl rbose family frlenda Included men tike Francis Italeign and Malcom Stan ley was not an ordinary hired girl. Mrs. Fulton reasoned with cordlngly. But before that Sunday and the CwtteB tad gone te see eta f xnous lady ptetograptar, who had tak en a liking to Paltb at the beginning. She readily agreed to take Faith oa trial at the end of the month, and Faith went back to her kitchen quite ex ultant at the prospect. "If I could only seud $10 or even $5 a week home, I'd be the proudest girl In this city," she said as she prepared the dinner that evening. "And then, in time, perhaps I can have a studio of my own like Miss Varney's. I know I have plenty of artistic Ideas, and may be one or two of them are original." So she sang light hearted as she worked, overcoming the world of her selfishness and her trials, for it was not all heaven on earth always even In that well appointed kitchen, and there were many things to light without and within. But when the time of her stay with the Fultons was out she parted from them with genuine regret It Is very certain that Mrs Fulton dreaded ex ceedingly to "break In" the new girl and at the last she even urged Faith to remain another month. "We will give you $5 a week If yon will only stay," she said anxiously. "And you can play the piano If you want to," she added, with a short laugh and a little embarrassment "I'm sorry, really sorry, to lesve you, Mrs. Fulton. You have been very good to me. But I feel as if the Lord meant me to do something else. Per haps" Faith said It a little vaguely, but she had brooded over it a great deal while at work In the kitchen "perhaps I may be able thing 16 make American girls willing to go out to service." "I wish you could. Really you' have no Idea what I have suffered from my help In tbe lust 20 years," sighed Mrs. Fulton. Roy was Inconsolable. He wanted Faith to bake up 100 or 200 apple pies and leave them In a cold storage plant nearby, so he could have something to eat between meals. 'Tell you what I'll do." be said a week before Faith's time was up. "If you will bake a pie every day and send It over from the studio. I'll give yon my kodak. It's new, but I'm tired of It snyhow." Faith laughed, but declined the offer. 'Then I'll give you the kodak any way." said Roy, and he Insisted on Fslth taking It. and his offer was so pressing that she had not the strength to refuse. At tbe earliest opportunity she sent him s photograph of a street urchin eating a pie, holding It In both bauds, and Roy delightedly framed It and hung It up In his own room after his mother had refused to let It adorn the top of the sideboard iu the dining room. But Faith experienced the slneerest regret In parting from Alice. The two girls entered Into what proved to be a really genuine friendship. There was not a particle of pride or Jealousy In Alice's nature and not the least feeling of social enste. She wanted Faith to show her how a certain finger exercise on tbe piano was best done and more than once expressed the greatest ad miration for Faith's accomplishments. The friendship thus- begun has lasted to the present moment. Then there began a new life for Faith. Slie seem ed nt last to have found her place In the world. Miss Varney was more than delighted with her. "That girl.' she said to Francis Raleigh, who called at ber studio a month after Faith had been there, "has brought more new Ideas Into my work than all my other assistants. She will make her mark In the profession." Faith was In the next room and could not help heating what wns said, unknown to the artist She trembled with pleasure, and when she wrote home that night she gnve her mother a glowing account of her work and Its hope for future success. It was with the keenest pleasure that she was able to Inclose In this same letter $10, which she had saved from ber earnings In the studio. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. AronnK the tens of tlftiMatirln who have used (JhamberlianV Cough Rem edy for colds Bud tbesrripduri e the past few yearB, to our knowledge, not a single case lias resulted in pneumonia. Tbos. Whitfield & Co , 240 Wabash avenue. Chicago, one of the most prominent retail druggists iu that city, in speakine of thir, ny: " vVe recommend Chamhei Iain's Cough Remed v for la grippe in man v cases, aeitnt t only gives prompt ai d complete reeoverv, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to re sult in rneumonia." For sale at Ihe Middleburg Drug Store. WHAT Srt'ItRRD HIM ON. "TTay! I thought the doctor had for bidden your beer drinking!" "Yes, so he thought. But he didn't know the kind ef a man he was dealing with. Opposition brings out all my latent determination." Meggensdor far Blsetter. Thla to Traa. Some have no respect for truth. And frequently abuae It; While others have all due respect. But very seldom use It. Chicago Dally News. A Qaestloa of Degree. Mr. Broadway Then you are a widow. Mrs. Gay-Wabash Why do you think so? Mr. Broadway You spoke just now or your "late husband." Mrs. Gay-Wabash O, you are mis taken. I spoke of my latest husband. Harlem Life. Brevity. "Why Is brevity eoasidered the soul ef wit?" asked the man who asks fool ish questions. "Because," answered the man who makes foolish answers, "when a man it short he is much more likely to be acute. Nothing stimulates mental so tlvity like needing the money." Wash ington Star. By Guml "Hal ha!" chuckled the great de tective. "I am on the trail of my fait prisoner at last." "But how do you know she occupied this room 7" inquired the assistant. "How do I know? Why, just loos at those lumps of gum sticking around the wall." Chicago Daily News. Catloa of the Day. "Adele," said the fond mVther, "is reacliing the age whers a gitl natural ly thinks of marriage." True," said the father, regretfully, "but do you think we can afford a son-in-law?" Chicago Post. PROUD OF HIS WORK. Involution of the Young Men's Christian Association. fir Gee rare Wllliaava, Fonader at the aeletr, Talka A.oit Ita Social, Kdaeatlaaal and Spiritual Advantaea. Writing of the evolution of the Y. i If. C. A., Sir George Williams, ita founder, says in the Chicago Tribune j that the association begun in a small I way in fact, with only 12 men; that j was 56 years ago, now it is repre ' acnted by more than half a million ' members, divided into mime 7,000 dif ferent centers, scattered all over the 1 world. These are organized into na tional unions, and these again into one comprehensive international union. Its inception may be snid to date from June 6. 1S44, when some of i my fellow workers met together at i the close of one of our weekly prayer , meetings to consider the Importance and practicability of establishing a society for improving the spiritual condition of young men engaged in the drapery and other trades. Our j first headquarters consisted of a small . room in a coffee-house, for which we i pnid half a crown a week rent. Soon, when this accommodation was found 1 too small for the increasing number of members, we removed to Kadley's i hotel, Blaekfriars, where we had the use of a good room. Two years after Ita foundation branch associations were established In Piccadilly, Isling ton, Pimlico, Southwark and White chapel, and at Manchester, Liverpool, Taunton, Exeter and Leeds. In 1R48 we were obliged to make another move, this time to rooms in Oreshsm street, where we were able to found a library. The association gradually increased its influence year by year, and in 18S0 we were in a position to purchase the freehold of Kxeter hall (for 2a.O00). The first social departure of the association may be snid to have be gun at the end of 1S45. when the committee adopted a new form of popularizing inst ruction nnd informa tion by giving a course of weekly lec tures on useful and entertaining sub jects. At the present time the social and SIR GEOROK WILLIAMS. (Founder of the Young Men's Chrlstlar Association.) educational advantages to be obtained from the association at its various branches are many, and besides lec tures nnd libraries may be mentioned debating societies, language classes, chess clubs, restaurants, gymnasia and all sorts of athletic clubs. Some idea of the vastness of the association may be gathered from the following figures, which are taken from the last annual report. In Great and Greater Britain there are 1,654 centers and 1,585 auxiliary associa tions, with something like 130,000 members, while in foreign countries (not British possessions) there are over 3,000 centers, snd nearly as many auxiliary ansocint'ofta, with a mem bership of close oniinjlf a million; nor must one forget that had it not been for the Young Men's Christian asso ciation that cafell' nt sister society, the Young Unix's Christian asso ciation, woumt prcbably never have come into eNlBtencp. In America the movement has taken even stronger foothold, and since 1851, both in Canada aud the United States, systematic effort has resulted in a large organization. Amongst the many agencies which have had their rigin in American association, may be mentioned the Wow well-known Society for the Suppression of Vice. Needless to say, the American asso ciation, like its prototype in Eng land, has for its main object the im provement of the spiritual, mental, social and physical condition of young men. "The youth of a nation are the trustees of its posterity," nnd the In calculable services the association has rendered to young men in teaching them to keep their minds and bodies pure and healthy, and helping them to lead higher, nobler lives, earn for it the gratitude of all right-thinking men and women. Slaves Dined oa Terrapin. Judge Page, of Maryland, comment ing on a paragraph in the New York Press to the effect that in colonial times lessees of slaves were obliged Tjy law in feed the negroes on ter rapin at last twice a week, states that this was no studied compliment to the black men, for in those days the finest diamond backs were regarded as food fit only for slaves and hogs. In feeding them to the latter the ter rapins were chopped up with a spade and served raw. Japoneae Auctions Are Tasae. At Japanese auctions bidders write tlelr offer on a slip of paper and drop it into a box. When all the bids are in the box is opened snd the highest bidder named. Headache may be called a woman's ailment. Some men suffer from it. But almost all women have to endure its pain with each recurring month. This fact points at once to tbe intimate relation between the health of the delicate womanly organs, and the general health of the whole body. Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription banishes headache by banishing its cause. It cures the dis esses which irritate tbe delicate womanly organs, fret the nerves and waste the strength. It increases the vitality and builds up the nervous system. " Favorite Prescription" contains no opium, cocaine or other narcotic. I want to praise your medicine," writes Mrs. Sarah J. Burney, of Crescnt City, Putnam Co. Pla. M have been sick for twenty years, anil have been almost la bed five years, and now I am able to work all day. I have taken eight bottlei of ' Favorite Prescription ' and four of 'Coldea Medical Discovery ' and one vial of Pellets.' I praise your medicine to all. I hail the headache but it ia gone. My throat is well and cough gone, and all my ofd troubles are better. I tried many other fcindi of medicine and four doctors " MANES WEAK WOMEN STRONG AND SICK WOMEN WELL. What Shall We Have for DeaerIT The question arises iu 1 lie family every iIhv. Let us answer it to day. Try Jell-o, a delicious dessert. Pre piled iu two minutes. No baking. Add hot water and set to cool. Fla vors: Lemon, oiauge, rasberry and straw berry. or Hernia No operations or injections, no pa'n ordi--comfort In any way.no steel springs or iron frnmes. no wooden, ivy or hunt ruliher balls, cups, punches or plugs uxed. Not the lenM llMlrrMr annuyinrr. Our outfit for the enre of ruptnrc or her. nln is made of flue soft materials, audi as frit, velvet, chamois skins and elastic webs It tit liki a glove and an harm you no more. It hnlfla your Intestines back In Ihelr natural po sition and the wound will heal llk- any other wound when it haa a t hanre. The only way to cure is to hold the intestines In or bark nil of the time until the wound becomes grown to gether. Your rupture ran not bernretlin any other way. We have had 28 years constunt and hard experience in treating rnptlirea and this oulHl la the mult. Men, women ami children made romlorlnble by using this outfit. Prist reasonable end in accordance with tin case. If interested, please write for parti culars; which we will mall you free. MOHAWK CATARRH CURE Cheapest and Best. Curei Catarrh n from 8 to in days. Cures Cold In the Head, S to IK minutes. tires lleadactie. 1 to 9 minutes. Securelv packed with full instructions !bv ma' roNTPAin. star. 1 rv it and vou will lie more 1 1 inn mltVi the investment Your money back if you arc dissatisfied. iStamps taken ) A0HAWK RENEDY CO . Rorr.e, H. Y. I- -I-l-I-l-I-l-l-l- l-I-l-I-I-I Hrjsfa) MIFFLINBURG MARBLE WORKS. R. H. LANCE, ? Dealer In Warble and heoteh tJrnnlte . . . MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES A CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired, f Prices as Low as the Lowest. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 3 A .TmJlTTWR 1st Crossfijove, Pa. n 1 1 1 1 im I'liiii 1111111 11 1 TOAKTKD Active msn, of good character, to " deliver and collect, In Pennsylvania, for an old established manufacturing wholsesale house. $900 a year, sure pay. honesty, more than experience, required. Our reference, any bank in the city. Enclose self-addressed and stamped envelop. Manufacturers, Third Floor, 334 Dearbon Street Chicago. o-liMdi JAB. i. CROU8E, ATTORltKY AT LAW, MlDDLKBTJRv, PA. All basis. entrusted to his care will receive nroturit attention. K. . Pottiege. VeterjNARY sUrgeoN. StLINSOROVI. PA. All professional business entrusted to my oare will receive prompt and careful attention. How to tore ( roup. Mr. B. Gray, who lives near Amen in Duchess count y.N.Y., says: " Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine I have ever used It is a tine children's remedy for croup ana never fails to cure " When given as soon as the child becomes hoare.or even after tbe croupv cough has de veloped, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and s bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant uee as soon as these svmptms appear. For sale by the Middlebnrg Drue Store. Dr. Fmner't KIDNEY "Backache Cure. Tor all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Troables, Lame Back.Hart DiasasaMla Dlsras. rusamltuai. nea "stung, 1 fry anal . Worreaeata.SV