The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 20, 1900, Image 1
r ,roinsir. I197' Have ppn eecn our ur latest Stales latest Creations in of fine Hrt IKaknfrare tot 1901 y A Postal will (etch you a Salesman letter Deaoa? Envelope? ZEbeg'te j(m buns IF" A postal will fetch you Specimen Geo. W. Wageneeller, Rdlter and Proprietor. Kites: Oae Dollar Per Annan, in Advance. VOL. XXXVII MIDDLEliUHCill SXYDEK CO XUMBEB 50 1 our Xatcst stvlcd 'MVW t. W saUKa BT t - L A F.nnih Jomil, oud to News, SclfflArt, Hlltfcsl ItW? and CaiTeat Uteratars. (TSTT PSNNA. DECEMBER 20.1900 Then will be no paper next week. Tin" hunting neudn cloeed lust Satur day. A nice variety f ralnyday skirin at I Wwi'. ll-29-4ti Young America is "tit on the loe en joying the skating. The public schools will close Friday fur a week's vacation. The (hoe factory will close Saturday for a short holiday mtermisson. The lucky bunny who escaped the hunter this year must have bad the bind foot f rabbit about him. We still have a lurge varity of ladies am Children coats ana capes si uov torn prices. B. Wkis. Belinsgtove, ia. 11-2941 An elegant artistic calendar, neatly printed by skilled workmen, is just the thing. Bee samples nt the office of the The regular semi-annual meeting of the Main Shoe Company, Limited, will take place Monday evening, Jan. 14, 1901. Bend in your orders for neat artistic printing, envelopes, letter heads, pro grams, pamphlets, sale bills, books and cards. Abraham Koons, of Centre township was at the county seat Saturday and lucune a new cash-in-advance subscri ber to the Post. Tim Christmas programme of the United Brethren Sunday School will be rendered on Tuesday evening, Dec. 25, 1900. The public la cordially Invited. The ClUlstlrtM fruit cake ha bam mada Home of it to like the Atchison .jUlobe's plum pudding, and "stays in the same place In the stomach rrom fall until late in the spring." A most acceptable Christmas present for your distant friend would be a year's subscription to the Middleburg Post. One dollar sent in now will do the work and you will get the Farm Journal four years. Do not forget that after Dec. Slut, our Farm Journal offer expires. Those who have ordered the Journal will get it for the time for which it is contracted, but all orders for it must reach us till Dec. 81, 1100. WANTED General Agent in this county to handle our line of watches and appoint local agents. An energet ic man can make big money easily, rapidly and honorably. Write to-day. National Watch Co., Beading, l'a. An etl'ort will be made at the next session of the Legislature to have a law passed authorizing trolley companies to carry freight, in whloh event the trol ley in all parts of Pennsylvania will compete very strongly with railroads for trallle. Notice ! We will pay the fare Imth ways to customers from Adamsburg, Beavertown, Middleburg and inter mediate stations to purchase goods at our store ten times the amount of the fare or over. This oiler will be good till January 1, 1901. H. Wkis, Kclins grove, Pa. ll-29-4t After Dec. 10th, 1900, I will have on sale of my own manufacture whiskey, all rye white for (1.75 gallon. Come and get a gallon. Other grades from 12.25 to i gallon, by the quart from "k to $1.50. J. L. Mahks, 12-8-8t. Middleburgh, Pa. Go to A. E. Holes for a smooth easy shave or up-to-date hair cut and head deanted with a refreshing shampoo or dandruff removed with his tonic. A clean towel to each patron. Parlor in bank building, one door- east of Post ofliee. Satisfaction guaranteed, tf. A correspondent of Printers'1 Ink gives this advice to merchants : "Write a let ter to some distant friend, telling him al oiH your store, your goods, prices, etc. After writing the letter, change your mind and have It printed as a news paper advertisement instead. You will be surprised at the result" Here is something with which to "tart an argument : Two citizens were talking, when one said : "Smith was called upon the other day to decide a Ut between Brown and Jones as to when the twentieth century begins, and he decided unfairly In favor of Jones." !Why, what, what did Jones say?" "He said 1900 and won." If you read this to your friends nine out f ten will say the decision was proper. Oorrespndenta will please observe that we desire no OOmmunloctionS next WlH'k Four Montgomery county hcIhkiI districts, Tuesday, began proceedings in the Dauphin County court to en force payment of the State appropria tion on the basis ol 15,500,000 a year. Hi accordance with our usual custom j ... . . giving tue employees a well-earned vacation, there Will be no paper iSBUed from this office next week. The office, however, will be open everyday except Christmas for t be reccpl Ion of subscrip tions and orders for the neatestjob work in the market. Despondent over rassmenl covering a Innnclal embar period of several years, Mayor Adam t ltetnoehl,post- master of Lancaster, aprominent law yer ami politician and distinguished soldier, committed Bulcide Thursday night by inhaling illuminating gas in his law office. He was aged 00 years. No one can reasonably hope for good health Utiles Ills bowels move once each ihtv, When this is not at tended to, disorders of the si oruncb arise, biliousness, headache dyspep sin aud piles si on follow. If you wish to avoid these ailments keep youi bowel regulai l taking Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when ri quired They are so casv to take and mild and gentle in effect For sale at tho Middleburg Drug Store. Porl K ill the Bht yal Is to have a new industry, ipe of a large steam sawmill which has removed to thai ice from University Station, North Carolina. The owners, Whitman Brolhors, have purchased a piece of ground at the western end of Wilson's lane and w ill locate the mill at that point. They think they can get euough limber in the country about there to keep the mill running several years. fl.l . ... ml I he till. il u.r of l.rom I ...... I i It .'... lu .iff . t - Sunbury that are beingUrged for posi master of that burg, is perhaps only exceeded by the number of prominent citizens of the county who are urging themselves to be candidates for sheriff this fall. This "urging" business is a great fad. We have been a looker-on in politics for thirty-live years, and we have never yet seen a man have the but tons pulled oil' his clothes by an admir ing constituency in their determination to make him run for office. Milton Standard. The Liverpool Sun is authority for the information that the grave of Ad am Coodling, who Was shot at his home near Oriental several months ago, was recently opened and a number of shot taken from his head, to be used in evi dence at the trial of Absolom M. Burn er, accused for the murder of Goodliug. The partition in the house where he was killed, which ie'iddled with shot, has been taken ogt' ami put together again to he used in' court. A peach tree about eight feet In height, which stood close to, the" window, behind which the assassin ti red the fatal shot, lias also been taken 'o Mifflin to aid in the presccusiou. Snow Pell From a Hoar Sky. A ipiarterof an inch of,snow fell at Williiinisport during Saturday night, while the sky was not obscured by a single cloud. Dm m the ' Hurry the sky was filled with stars, which could be plainly seen. The strange phenomena occasioned much surprise. Watch Your Poultry. It would be well at this time to cau tion our residents to a strict watch on their poultry pen until after the holi days. Every year just about this time the newspapers chronicle the deprepa tions by poultry thieves and the latter are especially active ut this time of the the year. Keep your shot gun handy and aim good when tltc time comes. Calendars lor 19m. Those who wish to gel out a nice calendar for 1!K)1 should eall ut the Post printing ofliee to see the mngni fieient line of most handsome culen dars. No more beautiful calendars wer ever exhibited in this county. Give your patrons a neat calendar; they will hang it in their homes and stand as an advertisement of your business during the whole year. Place your orderearly. Bargains at Carman's Peter Garman, Mt. Pleasant Mills is offering a new line of ladies hats and millinery goods. Men's bats 25 cents and Queenswarc at 3 cents a piece. ll-22-3in NOT AX "AD." I 0 Borne ten years ago l was madei ware I y a Stinging sensation that mole was appearing on my left chc under in v eve ami Heart lie nose. paid no attention to it. ami only at It intervals did it attract my attention A small lump Bppeared,but it was iiiML'iiifiraiit that it ilil not alarm mi un) .,,,, thVl, V(..1v IIKOtwu.n be. - ,,, ...... , u.,s,.oa. tlnunllv nuttinc mv linger on it. One da.v I 1 1 ii lie.' 1 1 1 I would do ill. Ibing up and put -I niie -l rung iodine on it. That opened it up and it seemed determined. not in ben I, I ii it w hen it 1 1 id il had a vi cious appearance an id showed its real, everal remedies unl character. I trie. :i "specialist," and it "got no Letter fast." My mother had been ahiicteaV Ibr years with caucer,and I wrote her and she (old me to use the rcmedfl w hleh I give you below, saying that shl believed that if she had used it before she bail become thoroughly diseased bfl every pari It would have cured her. Win n I noted in the papers that 'J was afflicted, many hundred symj thetic letters came into me record! mending this and that r. im dy, and lllis one of the "-.inv!" W;i- recom mended by nine mil of . -bowing1 that it had been I ried and mi e cry instance had been cure. One friend said thtll he had cured thirty eases w ith it (free) and not one had ever ral turned. It has now been two years since I treated myself w ith this meth od, ami as far as I can tell, I am w ell Take the common ': -I u i . sorrel'' which grows in your yard, and w hich children like to eat because ofitssonii ness; mush it up into a pulp in some vessel that w ill save all the juice Hint would otherwise he lost; then put it ill to a hag and sipleee out all the juice onto a pewter plate to get some of the acid from the metal; then put this out '.." .11. rn.l. .til' Ill ,U 1 ..111.. lli"'MV - !..(.. il... .....1 I.. . ii.l... ill UU,M J.,,.w - k. - ., .-., , ,:Ut 1,,,,' Mo raw M.t , imi i.t x.i iiiti i" . . - tie; ii iiie skiii is not nroKen, put a drop of chloride of potash or lye on it to break the skin and then apply the ::sorrel" on the cancer, just covering it with thin coal If the "sorrel" gets too thick, a little water will make it so that it can be handled. The pain will be severe, but it Is otherwise harmless. It will stop hurt ing in a few hours. Keep up these ap plications; one every day, until the cancer can be lifted out without any pain. It took four days in my case- The "sorrel " will cook the cancer, hut does not eat as it does the flesh, hence it eats all the flesh away and lets the cancer loose. When you see the cancer put " sorrel on it and not onthe flesh. When the cancer is out, heal the sore with any kind of healing ointment. As I have been free to give you this Without money and without price, be you kind enough to give it likewise to any sufferer whom you know of. Ev ery and kind act you do ele vates you and develops the divine principle that makes us different from the brute. Hoping that this will bring you a re lict, and that it will not cost you nvi cents, I am Yours fraternally, J, A. W A VI, A Ml, Glrard, Kan.. Sept., 20, liHin. Church Re-dedlcatlon. Sunday, Dec 16, 1900, was a happy day for the pastor and people of the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bern vertown. The joyous occasion was the re-opening of their new beautiful and comfortable church building. This people have repaired and beau tified their place of worship so that both the outward ami inward appearance is very pleasing, and now they have a good substantial church building. The pastor, Uev. , P. Zimmerman, has been faithful in his work, and his people have stood by him thnt does credit to a congregation. After the morning sermon the pastor made a financial statement, which showed fifty-five dollars not provided for. The congregation was then asked to make up their deficiency and in a short time there was more than enougli given The church whs then rededicated by the iastor. This church is a part of the Beaver Springs pastorate, the other churcli being at Adamsburg, which was extensively repaired during the last year. With botJf church buildings modern- ized and beautified and no debt and a naunla united and disposed to stand by their efficient and energetic pastor, we i C . el.iu uliurmi a itrrMarmmilu mt lire, iney nave a wine suepueni - . i t and he a faithful flock. mi ar ar r in Miss LlUto Buck, who is working at Sunbury, spent Sunday at home. Alfred Hetmbach, of Franklin town ship was ut the county seat Saturday. Mrs, Gross and son, Philip, of New Berlin, are visiting ut G. A. Schoch's. Mrs. F. S. Kiegel and Mrs. Howard Folk and children are visiting in Sun bury. Mrs. David Helchley, of Fennscreek is visiting ber many friends In town this week. John T. Moyer, of Freeburg, came to Middleburg last Friday to become a cash-in-advance subscriber to the Post. Aaron J. Crosgrove reports that some one bus borrowed his wall scraper aud authorizes us to say that the jierson who borrowed it shall return It at once and never ask for it again. W. J. Campbell, agent for the Tus eurora Fertilizer Compauy of Port ltoy al, wus in town Inst week and dropped in to see the Post's complete printing establishment. His company was or ganized four years ago in opposition to the trust. The llrst year they sold 4 tons of fertiliser, and this year they sold 2000 tons. They own u building 410 feet long, built ut a cost of i20,000. George W. Heaver of this place has lieen appointed their local agent. This indus try nurtured in our neighboring county ought to be liberally patronized, i 1 '.f!lr " Announcements. Preaching at Witmer's next Sunday morning at 10 a. m.; Port Treyepton u 8 p. in. A hearty welcome to all. " Kevival meetings at Daniel's every night during Dec. Intercut excellent. j. ii. 'Vj!jlwt'' A birthdav party was given at the residence of J. C. Schoch Saturday night in honor of their grand daughter, Grace. A pleasant time was spent. . a m Select Vour Date. Persons w ho propose to make sale his coming spring should select their late us early as possible and have it in serted in the Post's sale register. The notice will be inserted free in our sale register if the bills are printed at this office. THOUGHT THE PREACHER PERSONAL Because a w oman thougl the preach er was making personal remarks about her. a woman in the Mcnnouite church at .Mt. Carmel arose from her seal and would have done the preacher bodily harm. She was quieted down howev er but when she reached home her husband prayed foi her salvation ami she broke out ailcW. The llUsbuml brought her into submission aud the matter ended. MARRIED. Dec. II, at Centreville, by Rev. S. Aumnd, Elmer I. Bailey and Miss Emma J. Pontius. Dec 0, at the home of the bride's par ents, by Rev. H. M. Troutman, John H. Kerstetter to Cora A. Marks, both of Knousetown. Dec. llth, at Middleburg, by Rev. J. Sbambaeb, G. A. Bowersox of New ton, Kansas, and Miss Mary Horner, of Paxtonvllle. Dec 15, by Rev. K. E. Gilbert, Henry E. Troup, of c.'itaw issa, to Catharine L. Early, of Hyer, Neb. Dec. 18, by Rev. Win, II. Boyer, Win. E. Hummel and Gertrude E. Gift, both of Franklin twp., by Hey- E. F. Ott, Vernon J. Gross and Katie M. Ilackenburg, both of Middlecreek. Dec. 0, by Rev. J. I. Ktoneychlcr. George Mitchell, of White Springs, to Jennie A. Henry, of lVnnsereek. A Pleasant Visit. For tho Middleburg Post. Saturday, Dec. 15, u number of the members of the Grace United Evange lical church concluded t o have a good time. So they took by surprise their pastor, who is holding re vival services at their church, and brought a lot of good things to cat and went to Centreville to the parsonage and took possession of the kitchen. They had a sumptuous dinner which we oil enjoyed, but especially Mrs. Aumnd who is an invalid and can not go away from home. After a social time and prayer, they left for home, but left a good time supply to keep soul and body together. Many thanks. I In IP RATA 111 o i S. At'HANU. ORGAN CONTEST CLOSED. The Vailed Evangelical Church of Penncreek Gets the Prixe. The handsome Weaver chap 1 organ offered by the Post to the church, Sun day school or public school in Snyder, County tnat would receive the largest vote in a contest, has been won by thy I'nitcd Evangelical church of Centre ville. The congregation and their friends worked In harmony faithfully from the beginning to the last. Kor a few counts at the beginning Hie Ebansr Bar church of Washington township was iu the lead, hut the fates changed In favor of Centreville and they main tained the lead to the last. , The Post wishes to thank the friends of the United Brethren hiurch ut Freemont, Church of Wash ington township, Trinity Church of Mc Kee's Hulf Fulls, us w ell us the ma ny friends of the successsul compel it- or for the interest they have Uiken In this matter. We regret that we do not have an organ to present to each one ol phase congregations; but us we have only oue to offer, we must award the same to the congregation having the largest number of .votes. Hence we name The United Evangelical iiurch of Penh's Creek as the w inner. The oi gun is now ami has been all throng the contest at the music rooms of !'. S. Kie gel in this place. This Weaver organ Is one of the best if not the best chapel organs on the market. 1 1 has an excel lent action a sweet loneaud a handsome case. It is a prize well w orth every mo ment of the time spent to secure it ami is a credit to the maiiufacurers, the Weav er Piano and Organ Company ol York, and their local agant, Mr. KS. nlegle of tins place. THE RESULT. The vote on the 26th and last count stands as follows ; U. Evan. Creek : hiireh, Perm's Newspaper coupons, 1". Premium couMnes, 008 The total and liual result of the test is summed up below : ns:; coll Evan, church, P. ( reek, ision 2(M 18 C. It. church, Prcmout, Ebciiezer I '. It. . hurch, Trinity church, M'KecsJ Pulls, I! is Total. 22,248 It will be seen from the above that the winners have a clear It plurality ol 4h:;() votes. The Post congratulates the winners and Wishes tllUIH much Joy and hap piness in singing praises to Him who kuoweth all things. thai Us W allers. New Berlin Reporter. Charles Wallers, one of our oldest residents, died rather unexpectedly at the home of his son, James, on Front Street Thursday morning, Dec. ii. Mr. Walters bad been sick only n short time w ilb an aihiicul w hich was not considered serious, but a gloom Wat east iivir the borough on Ihursilay morning when Unvnews wa abroad that Challes Walter was heralded rB bad closed his eyes to the world and was no more. His death was entirely unexpected and without premonition. The subject of this sketch was born in Jackson twp., Snyder county, Aug. 14. 1824. He was married to Mis- .Martha Ann Harrison, a daughter ol James Harrison who years ago was the editor of a newspaper in tills place. This union was blessed w ith four chil dren, three daughters and one son, three of whom are living. E a ('., the first-born, died at the age of seven months. Those living are Mrs. Charles Orwig, Hurtleton; Mrs. Jones, Mai a hoy City; and James, of this place, with whom the father had his home. His wife died nearly four years ago. The deceased has always been all in dustrious, hard-working man and a good and useful citizen. He was held in high esteem by all who knew him. The funeral took place last Saturday, Rev. Bhultl of the Evangelical church offlelatlna. His remains were laid to rest in the New Berlin cemetery, there to await the summons of Him who said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth on me though he lie dead, yet shall live." TIIK BKMT PIiANTKK. n A niece of flannel dampened with hamberlain s cam mmiana Douna to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest, crive it a trial and you are cer tain to be more than pleased with the nrnmnt relief which it affords. Pain Ral m also cures rheumatism. One application gives relief. For sale at the Middleburg JJrug oiore. A DENIAL. Whkkeas there appears in the Mid dleburg Post under date of Dec. 18, 11)00, in the sixth column on first page, an article headed "Retraction " where in the undersigned is reputed to have retracted certain utterances said to have Ih-cii circulated by him in reference to "H. G. Hornbcrger and his wife hav ing attempted to extort money , from certain sheep buyers iu a fiaudulent manner, etc." This is to say that the undersigned, whose name appeal at the foot of saiu" article, never authorized any person to publish the same for htnu Dee. 18, 11HJ0. JokK.H. 8Kir.RU. David Citv, leb.v April 1. 19(10 Genesee Pure Food Cd Le ftoy. N. 1,1 Gentlemen: I must say in regard to GRAIN O that there is nothing better or healthier. We have used it for years. My brother was a great coffee drinker. He was taken sick and the doctor said coftee was the cause of it, and told us to uso GRAIN O. We got a package bub did not like it at first, but now would hot be without it. Mv broth er has been well ever since be stnrt ed to use it. .Yours truly, LlI.LIE SCHOR. Cii.irette Smokers Hrw.ire. A cigarette fiend a t Msryijville, Kansas, has broken out all' over witli little yellow spots, and (heMBrfdsof his Angers and toes are sore. Ho is afraid lie caught the leprosy from the detes able cigarette. There were two cases of the dreaded disease in Chicago, sup posed to have been contracted from cigarettes. It is though! the paper, which mostly comes from China, has been at some time bandied by a leper. It is awful to think about, yet every day we see boys and men going around with these bad smelling little things between their lips. The law prnhlbP tng the sale of cigarettes to children under sixteen years ofage appears to be a dead Id ter in 1 1 is community, In the state of lowiv the sale of cigarettes has been uhsolutely abolished ny the legislature which has been upheld by the supreme court. Aimiisii Stamp l axes. It Is easy enough to spend money : il is difficult to practice economy : but In the face of suota figures the people are showing a disposition to ask their Representatives to out down a little, and especially to abolish some of the w ar taxes, which ore notonly unnecessarily onerous, hu! which in themselves are a constant luconvcnicc and iu some re spects a general nuisance. This is es pecially true of the stamp taxes the taxes on checks, public documents and postal orders, if the present Congress should abolish a few of these, or all of them, it would deserve n better epitaph than the average national legislature receives after it ceases btlsiUCSS on the fourth of Mar. -Saturday Evtninit Post. Marriage Licenses, i Wm. B. Hummel, i Gertrude E. Gift, i Edward K. Price, t Kid le M. Weidenmyi i Henry E. Troup, i ( 'nthurlnc L. Parly, Middleburg, Klsstmmee. Lew is town, McClure. 'atuwissa, llyer, Neb. As to the Senson, Winter astronomically begin- on the 21st of December and lasts 811 duys and oT minutes. The afternoons are now the shortest ol the year To day they begin to lengthen w hile the mornings will continue to grow shorter unt ill Jan. 8th. The shortest day from sunrise tosunsel occurs December -1st. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being constitutional di- e a 8 e, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall S Catarrh euro is taken internolly, acting directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tne foundation cf the disease, and giv ing the patient strength by buiidiug up the constitution and assisting nature iu doing its work. The pro prietors have so mucn laun us in curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of tes timonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O . Bold by druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best.