The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 13, 1900, Image 5

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Vse..U' VI-" m. HI . EA'
SSI i&fP.E fill? SMWnM MllllMTW
Miss Lizzie Ilaekenhurg, of Mit
Hinburjr, came lionie last week to
jH'iui some Mine with her parents.
B. r. Heiinbech, win and Mrs
f our people are
Cai tner is being
Banks Dreese, of Look Haven, I Quite i niiuibci
pen! Sunday with his family. : tending i rt.
Mrs. Clayton Heiinbaoh, who has Mrs. Hodman ne
been spend mg several weeks with the e itertatnud by ti n mis.
Annie Erdley, of New Berlin, visit-i family of Reuben Dreeae, has left for Ardell Doebler and family who
til Mrs. Mary Howell last Tuesday, j Altoona. speM a week plea-tint ly with his
n Human, nf MMiHokiiiwh in I Ed. Manheck and wife moved parents, H. J. Doebler and wif- le-
very busily engaged at this place in their household effects t Harris
attending the siek. I burg, where he will engage in the
Two more deaths occurred in ! Rrowry business.
town this week again. Mrs. J
BrUlier and Mrs. Michael Hacken-ied from a recent visit to While Deer.
InTfr, making a total of three deaths Harry Dreese, of Phi la., who had
in our town within a week. been staying with his parents for
Friday morniug Engine No. 245 ume time, returned to Phila.
had an axle broken, about half a Mrs. .las. Dreeae is spending sev-
mile west of town, which was the jeral weeks in Phi la., tin
muse of the trams being late that friends.
was seen ou our streets rrulay.
Mrs. Lizzie Hontz, of Loganton
13 a isiim Ml Prof. 1 Imit.'s resi
Jos. Haines aud wife have return- mK to the win
hein deft etivt!
urned home on 1 hursday last.
Mr. Kurtz and wife, of Shiniiens
burg, - j t -i 1 1 a few hoiitsin townow-l
wall at the bridge
day. Wreck train was called from
LewistoWU to assist in getting the
engine away.
Win. Bruner, of Pittsburg, Grant
and .lames Bruner, of ('animal, and
Jerome Bruner, of Ohio, cane home
to atteml theii mother's funeral.
i rant had ntit tu'en home for four
years, ami Jerome left tor Ohio 15
years ago, and had not been here
Mrs. Daniel tjackenburgand Mr.-.
Dallas Middles warth, ofTruxelville,
were in town Saturdav.
Mias Mollie Mitchell, w ho is em
ployed in Uie shirt factory at Beaver
town, speat Sunday m-ith her par-
Samuel WeitlenniiMcr, Jr., wife
and son and Miss Ala Howell were
visiting here a few days.
Mrs. Theodore Erdley moved 'her
household goods away from here and
is now staying with her sister, Mrs.
Amnion Kline.
Harry Stuck, wife and child were
I visitors in town Saturday.
L. K. Derr made a business trip
to Adamsbuig Saturday.
Samuel Week and Charles Camp,
bf Bear.ertown were in town Satur-
Calvin Derr and wife visited their
liter, Mrs. 1). Yrintecs, at
s'ew Berlin over Sundav.
For Infants and Children.
he Kind You Have Always Bought
I ainter niesiine spent n wt e
in ( Jentt r county isiting his parents.
Mrs. Howard Klingler died sud
denly Friday afternoon of heart
guest of trouble. She wasagedabout 10 years.
. W. i ittenmver. of vour town.
Prof. F. C. Bowersox visited the
schools in this district and reports
them In he in a flourishing condition.
MissMvrn Kotnig, agraduateof uehc
Keller's Businss College Lewisburg. Mrs, Reltet
has accepted i position as stenogra- 's being entcrtaiuet
uber for the Milton Iron Co.
I'leaa-nt Street.
li w it t t .
a atcrs, oi .Mi linn.
y her brothel
ilaughter Mrs,
A cantata entitled " Unspeakable
Gifts," will be rendered by the Lu
theran S. S. on the evi of Dec. '1 1.
The Luth. ('. E. elected tlte fol
lowing otheers for the ensuing year:
Pres., EsteJIa M. Romig; V. P.,
Isaac Felker; Secretary, Mrs. J. A.
Wagner; Trias.. Mrs. 1. P. Zimmer
man; Cor. Sec'v., Clymer Romig;
Organist, Estella Romig,
Bears the
ISiguature of
Quite a number of our citizens
are attending court this week.
Miss Martha Hniuwel Is housed
up with neuralgia.
Mrs. Samuel Strouh had the mis
fortune of falling and breaking one
of her ribs.
t 'has. Stetler had the accident of
spraining his arm, owing to a fall
from a wagon. i
Harvey Moyeris working in Sun
bury at his trade as plasterer.
Mrs. Rebecca Wagenseller. of Se
linsgrave, spent Sunday at Samueil
Floyd Sassaman and Misses Ma
mie Young and Oiiv and Lottie
Sassaman spent Sunday with friend
at Sh miner.
Miss Martha Schoch returned
home alter spending a week pleas
intlv at Liverpool and McKees 1
P. S. Albert, so is hi
H v. Fiisohl.
Ed. Heffel linger, the tailor, is very
much pleased at the arrival of a la
by boy at his place.
Mrs. Newton J arret t left Satur
day to goto her husband at Minne
apolis, Minn., being his headquarters,
as he is employed by a railroad t
look after building of bridges and
of the rolling siek.
Rev, 8. N. Carpenter, of Pitts
burg, (a former student of S. IT.)
spent some tioK Friday among
Thursday morning .vord was
noised around that the wing wall of
the R. R. bridge at the east end had
given away and thai tiainscouki not
pass over. Tle wreck train came
dawn and went t work and by even
ing they had it secure aud trains
were running. Passengers and Iwg
gage were transferred, and on Fri
day the mail train east was nearly
iUvo hours lute owing la an axle
"Wreaking on the engine.
Misses and Katie Trutt spent z.
1UND0B. tew days at Morthumberlann.
'Stiuirc Seuhrist got lumber in I Jaodb Stahland wife, ofVerdilla,
town to erect a model poultry house, j spent Sunday at .Samuel Stroub's.
Cieurge Long is hauling ties for Since our last writing James Kess-
r . .. ... it i . v .i ii.
ter nas moved to iwtnumDenaiM,
Meiser tfc Weaver.
Our merchant is selling jsMubo
uunas at 12c IH.T dor.
John P. Wise, wlw has hnpn nr.k.
pg for some time iu the car shon at f onamoKW, were welcome visitors
Berwick, came home to oaaama. M-. M. XtJlta 1 hnrsday.
and Mr. Moll, of Kratzerville,
copied bis house.
(illicit Hidshne and family,
Jacob Kessler, wife and son, of
Utohering and has now concluded
stay all the sausages are out of I Sliamokm Dam, were tle guests of
Andrew 1 rutt '8 Sunday.
Mrs. Samuel Bower scent part of
J. A. Farlev, of Lewisburir. scll-
nK dry gtMxIs' for a Philadelphia I ,ast week with her sister, Mrs. Shat
ter, near inneia.
Luther Krdman, of Haxinos, and
Coleman Mover of Miserville, were
the guests of Bailey 15ms. Sundav.
Vm, found it agreeable to stay iu
own over night and put up at
f teosoerance house where tile
aveling public find the lest of SO
Geo. A. Wentzel made a trip to
unuury on business.
A. E. Witmer sold his coal flat
John C. Hoover.
J- P. Wagner is convalescent.
wagner. Stauffer and Hoot are
uliiitr lime from John Siuunrh.r's
Jolui W. Witmer, who spent a
nays in the lumber regions, has
urued home and reports too much
ow to carry ou the business.
Longacre, the eminent auc-
er, was in town.
ac Seiler, of Selinscrrove. was
Mown offering groceries and had a
skin along ready for the tan-
an is a sure sign that he was
tnere were deer.
John Kise, of Philadelphia,
'served with distinction durincr
,Qvil war, and who has been on
1 mad for the last thirty years sell-
i groceries, has just recovered
spell of severe sickness, and
ost his wife, was in town on
Revere Ycrger, who is working
for Peter Klingler, is spending a
Week with his parents near Aline.
Frank Walter, of Buffalo Valley,
returned home after spending a few
weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Frank
Two tlittings took place in this
vicinity last week. Freedman Reed
er moved to Shamokin, aud Henry
Trutt moved to Shamokin Dam.
Mrs. Frank Thomas, of Sunbury,
visited M. E. Erdley's last week.
B. W. Yoder and sister, Mrs.
Hottenstcin, of Middleburg, spent
Sunday with J. F. Walter's.
An apparently mad dog was runn
ing about iu this vicinity last week,
snapping at everything it came in
contact with. Fortunately no one
was bitten. Chas. Meek ley shot the
The communion services at Globe
Mills were well attended. Rev.
Suable delivered an excellent ser
mon. Eighteen catechumens joined
the church.
Protracted meeting is in progress
in the Evangelical church.
James Steely is still adding more
improvments to his home by putting
up new cliiatueys to the main build
ing. W. Y. Mctilaughliu and family
dined with W. H. Knepp Sundav.
The hill of fare was rabbit roasted,
stewed and fried.
John II. Herbster started to Blair
OOUnty, Tuesday, with a force of
bands to run a stave mill for Joseph
John B. Shellenberger and Wm.
Wagner are spending tlieir spare
time at night coon hunting iu which
they have been quite successful.
I suppose the doctor found it
easier to amputate the leg of an iron
kettle than it would be of some of
bis patients.
John Botdorf and James Haines
were in Neitz valley Sunday.
Christopher Haines' were visiting
James Haines Sunday.
The Christmas entertainment at
Ebeneser Church will lie on the ev
ening of Dec. 24, 1900.
Anion, son of P. J. Mover, who
had a severe attack of rheumatism
is slowly improving. .
J. Haines is sawing shingles for
G. A. Botdorf.
William Lanch's, of Newport,
were visiting friends at this place a
few days last week.
W. A. Scbnee was to Freeburg
last Monday to transact business.
P. A. Stuck will move to Seven
Points, Northumberland County.
John Apple and Augustus Gar
man were to Herndon and various
other places last week.
Some of our people attended the
funeral of Edward Snyder of near
Aline Sunday forenoon at 10 o'clock.
Owi Cold
The West Beaver School board
met Saturday to compensate the
The Evangelical Congregation
have remodeled their obnrch.
Mrs. R. E.Stinulv, of Tht
town, visited her sick sister, Miss ing this week among relatives at thi
Mertie Dreese. plate.
Prof. Chas. Lambert, of Susque-' Will John Brisbin returned homo
hanua Universety, spent Sunday at last week, after spending s few weeks
Isaac Dreese's. I with Grandpa Shirey.
The St. Matthew Sunday Sejioo!
will hold a Christmas entertainment
Monday evening Dec. 24.
W. M. Brattou sold bis house awl
lot to Henry Knepp, f PeuusyW
vania Furnace.
Mrs. Dr. 1). R. Rothrock ami
Are you frequently hoarse?
Do you have that annoying
tickling in your throat? Would
you feel relieved if ycu could
raise something? Does your
cough annoy you at night, and
do you raise more mucus in
the morning?
Then you should always keep
on hand a bottle of
flyer's I
DEPARTMENT STORE. We will have a Clearing Suh
of General Merchandise. As we want to reduce our
stoek $5000 iii eleven days. To make this sale in this ttini
II g Is CHEAPER than they were ever sold U-
wc wit
fore in Ricbfiel
our cut priet s,
to Dec. :'lst,
I CMiva par yd
Illeaolied Mtinlln, HUI
"Appleton A' Muslin ...
Lancaster Gingham
i Turkey Hod 1'uumnk
And Im-I.
w voi i mi
ill I a lew of
20th and lust
I .mite
I a-t Rlaek lloae ..
rnderweari i.t suit
. lla
. It)
Lndtea' fine slm
Molt' fine Shot
Men'aCi :tr.- Sh
11.10 r..r
. S"k-
If you have a weak
throat you cannot be too
careful. You cannot begin
treatment too early. Each
cold makes you more liable
to another, and the last
one is always harder to
cure than the one before it.
r. Atr '$ Cltrrg Pectoral Plaster
Meets tic loss iron nils.
Help at Hand.
If yon have any complaint
whatever and desire the best
medical advice you ran poa
aibly obtain, write the doctor
freely. Yott will receive
prompt reply.
Addreaa, DR. J. C. AVER.
Lowell, Mas,
Arbuek le Coffee,
, lb, Hot link t iik Soda
l Oake Chocolate Jo
:i pka Coritatarch.. Hv
Koya Ovrreoata, 4 yean up $1 ft.
Muli'a Overeoata II.6S
Mena Sulta II.BB
lliiv Knee 1'ihiIh 2t)c
i it. iiiuKs Pitcher Hi-
Dttttter Plaice, Qlnutieit flu
Handled Cupeattd Haucera xif
Tin tin cl Oranito
Itql Tin Paila 10c
It qt. Uranlte Dlalt Pant Sic
:t 'fin Cups for Ac
r Tim Spoona.... Hi
Wemcmbfr these
am onlv
onlv from Dt
prices arc c;o'
and lor cash antl PRODUCE onlv.
All we ash is. t 'all I anil exaniint
ew of the Bargains and these
20th to Pee. 31st, E9UCH
our gtiods iiniT
whether you wish to purchase or not.
Every purchaser coming to our store on Dee. -'2nd
receive a present. Store will lie closed on Christmas, IV
Graybill and Garman
Look: Here and see
Tit Crreat SixlT Dais' Clearini-ont Sale
At 6. H. Custer's General Store Swinefool Penna.
From December 10, 1900. to Februar y 9, 1901.
Below ;r' soma of the many Bargains.
We have a foil of Queenswarc anp Agate Ware
ti Cups and 5 8aucor8 15c, Agate Wasli Basins 10c
2 lv...l(l. n Blend Coffee
Arhaokle and J.inii Coffee
I Ck"
I it. Baking Beda
1 it. Itt:r lliiliu'
1 ll. Ojrater !raekera
6 ll. out Heal
A StiKur
Oronulaie u:.r
Light Brawn Sugar
Ooal oil. per pal
I.'-UI"ll., M'f ftnE
i v I siiiHn tc.H.t iumI below
triiiiil M sIhm' -(
MiHM'n' SIiiii-h .0e lot (Xf
i win ,' Bboea oa low un BOotolSa
Bofa' Bhoea Mo to "iv
Men'. Bhoea too to 1.88
Man'a Boo la $1.00 to SUM
Child'! Bubbera 10c
Klaaea1 Bubbari 'c
Wunirn'f HjiIiIhth 2.Y
To j pine Droaa Oooda reduced to
.13o f Ancoator Uingltan
..fc i Bed print
Applelon A Mii-iin
Hie Bleached Muelln.
. fie Bleached Muilin
,.6o . . .
fwuny i ai ii, per hank
Men'a Underwear
Hen'i i lcit Underwear.,
Bnya1 Cups us low us
Mrn's Oapaoa low its
Mfn'i. Qlovoa
. ,5c
v .
. ..7o
Cotton tape, per IN
21 aheeta Pool'a Cap Paper
A full
. ..SOc
... fie
and n
iseortment of Holiday Goods
"nil line of Decorated Glasa-
The above named articles are only a few of
the BARGAINS. Wo reduced our entire
stock to COST, and BELOW COST. Wo
Lave a line stock to select from. Remem
ber the Bargains. Prices are only good
from December 10, 1900, to February J),
1901, and only for CASH or PRODUCE.
Call and examine the Stock whether you
buy or not. We will give a present to
every enstomes that purchases 25c worth of
goods or upwards on the 22nd day of Dec
ember. Do not miss the Bargains.
jj Overloaded