LITERARY XOTES. wKiin unurv at nit It this Walch It i iuun nunc i dhuk .5 r,Prnti. 111 1 1 1 illicit Every Thursday Morning GEO W WAGENHKIiER A M BDITOR AND OWNER RKVIEW OK KKYIKWS The late Marcus Daly, the Montana copper king, is the Hlhjwit of a brit-f character sketch in the De eerulKT Review of Reviews, by Samuel E. Motlett. The picturesque side of this Western "empire build er's strenuous career is aptly set forth. Mr. Taleott " iM'r yi'r " ix'i'1 1 iwivinu'e- B14M irr yr it not Williams contributes some pertinent observations on in .iilviinco. ...: pie. Five Ceiita. , . , , ... , , . . ! the making of the novels of the day, and the inaten- AtfvMPtlatag Kiii-. M cental per line, nnnnnrrii MMMra- al rewards to author and publisher. lie 1 1 1 fer lirwt liumrtjofc and 111 ti'iitft Jer line for ea'h muI,-. - qiMnt i tirrtioti . tlOPPICE.- Near the County Court House, 1 beiwr-en the First Nntionp.1 llnnk ami the Oiimty Jail. SCKIHNFIl's SUBSCRIPTION H ATKS. anlecairrVN fur 1H1 in ZJp kt "w ar nu rears. Ji Pent ii P7 IP We tell Irurcd jeweled Brvs or H'ait- Voi XXXVII. Pjsc. in, 1900. NOMBEB 48. CURRENT CUM M EXT. Catherine Anderson, ofLvons, N. Y., is the la- Tiik Christmas XumU-r of Scribner's Magazine shows three iliHcrtiit kinds of color-printing. The cover is an elaborate design by Maxtield l'arrish, which it has taken nine printings to reproduce. The frontispiece is a delicate reproduction in color of a painting ot a mother ami clulil hy Jessie illcox test party to become distinguished by uokinir holes smith, and, in the body of the nuunudne. In a verv through the window of a railroad coach in order UlumlnaUng article by the distinguished art critic, t ... I wi ' .It in ii I.a Fargo, on " I'UVU do ( liavamies," are six to get rresn air. one was arrested. full-page picturt of some famous decorative paint ings I iv I uvis. Ilieseliave heen most taithfully re- Corporat.oiis sometitnes rummage about and liml a soul, for some particular occasion. Rail roads did a million dollars worth of free trans portation for the Galveston sufferers. Six thousand dogs at the show of the London Ladies' Kennel Association were considered worth gh icg $50,1 II l in prizes. This shows that poor Tray was in pretty good company thai week. Photographs have been made with light from the plane! Venus, instead of from the sun : show ing that planet-rays, although weaker, are of the same nature as are those of the great luminary. It is announced that the regular armv will probably be increased to 100,000 men, and the mere suggestion has thrown the Bryan organs in to spasms flip, ci v 0f "imoerialism" will be heard louder than ever. Experiments in forestry are being carried on in California, the idea being to determine as Dear as possible the value ot' timber to a watershed. The rainfall in the lands which have been set a part f r the experiments is accurately measured, and the relative amount of run-off is carefully es timated, The experiments tire being conducted on a very extensive scale, so they will undoubtedly prove of great value. A CHINESE banknote, issued during the Ming Dynasty, about A. I). 1390, has been placed in the British Museum, among the specimens of early printing (nun Inn UP-TO-DATE JOURNALISM f I "HE Snyder County AVir in its last issue car. is blind enough to Ixwst of its up-to-date ideas in everything from (rod to the devil. newsiaper ever ottered a worse insult to the in telligence of its readers. If the .Virx readers can swallow that and enjoy good digeston, the Aetna has rightly judged in presuming that they don't know what is modern. We are positive, however, that the Snyder county people can read- ilv detect tnedinerence. In the issue ot the .cw. mane, couches. DoOa Easy chairs. Fountain t i , n .i ....... . Pens Games, Graphuphones, Orcwerles. Hand. JUiy it. I i'uu. me .unitllctiurir .Markets were itercniers, anives. Lamps. m timers, musioiu in- sTrmn.nm. Pl'rif-S" published as follows : Batter 14 Eggs is Lard 7 Tallow ; SALE REGISTER Notices of tales will l e Inserted Ire under till, heading when ihe bills are printed at it,,, on ... Whan tbe bills are not printed at t ofliee 51'CenU will becanre.1. Pro.. Mull, ham Movement, In m. ' K to have Mile should select a date ai d iia.- genuine uoianueaoaaB. inseriei in inn column. K,N.-:;?1? nw VtvK ! Tl KS,DY- . Aline. J. P. We will est things In reUable ' Z. vwetj, are HH by us , TUESDAY, March S. 1000. one-lialf ml?e west of wv.wn avwM - ... vnurcu 111 1 CllirC lowMliln I vrn. Marks will sell 6 horses, 2 cows and fairiiu.c Impleiuents. price. HOLIDAY SUGatSTlOHS. Artlsui Materials, Bi cycles, llookcases. Buf fets, Cabinets, Candy, Cblna. China Closets. VnH rinse, wt.vs cigars, iioczs, com Pedestals, Pictures. Pipes, Purses, rs, sewinn Machines, snortlnir 'ooas. Table Sllverw.irp, Toys, Umbrellas, WrttlDg Ham Shoulder. moon . . . . ( talons. . . produced in the colors of the originals. Rare and Fine GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS The largest collection of Precious Gems, Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Leather Goods, Cut Glass, Clocks, Umbrellas, Art Vases, Et cetera, in Central Pennsylvania. . . GRAIN MA ItKKTS. New Wheat 70 Old Wheat 7" Rye fid Corn 40 iOata 28 Special Watch Prices we will Offer During the Month of December : Ladjes' Silver Watdh at $5.00 Ladies' Gold Filled Walch al . . . . 7.50 flic stiriace ot the note is With American Movements. All Warranted. black with age, though the characters upon the Ladies' Gold Filled Watches, with Elgin face of it are quite d isceriiahle. rI his is supposed r Waltham Movements, at . . $10 to $18 to Ik- the earliest gpeuimen extant of a hank note Ladies' Solid I4K $15 to $85 issued from any country, and is about 300 years Cents' Gold Filled 91 $10 to $45 anterior to the issue of the first note in Europe, ! With E1&in or Waltham Movements i1 . -. ill irom orocKiioiin. A dispatch says Jerry Simpson has moved in to Missouri. Now bleeding Kansas bleeds as she never bled before and the folks are wearing weeds on the wild Neosho shore. They wail in ( )sawat oniic, they weep in Pottawatomie, the sighing and the sobbing drown the Crooked's awful roar. There is rending ojUpcka, for Ijje Sockless packs his sivcs and will 'nve in poor old Kansas no more, alas, no more! We shall nevermore be merry, for we have lost our Jerry, and thrice fortunate Missouri will never restore our Sock less Socrates wherefore with tears and these poor sorrow songs our Jerry we ever shall deplore. In a recent issue the Pot deplored the fact that Snyher County was decreasing in population. This decrease was shown to be due to emigration and emigration is forced upon those who can not obtain employment here. There must be more in dustrial development, more manufacturing plants' and knitting establishments. Selinsgrove started a shoe factory, and hosiery mill, Middlehurg, a shoe, factory, Beavertown, a shirt factory, and the Ad amsbnrg Soap Company should manufacture their soap at home, then Adamsburg would come in line with a soap factor) . Now what do the other towns of the county have to say for themselves? There arc Met 'lure, Troxelville, Centerville, I Krcamer, Frecburg, Port Treverton, Mt Pleasant Mills, Shamokin Dam, Paxtonville and other towns in the county. Why don't they have sonic Gent's Solid 14K at $27 to $125 Boys' Watches at $2, In Niekel ; $5.50, In Solid Silver; $3 jn Gold Filled. . . . t All We would be pleased to see you goods as repressnted. A specialty of fine Umbrellas for little mojiey. , FISHER THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN SUNBURY ur Unccs Commanb Rbmiratfon mb m nooMft at 4rc mute H0toni0bmetst ; Look here. Are you in need of DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS Ulnbcrwcar NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS BOOTS, SHOES, m 4 Flour per lb.. -4.00 jjj For 22 successive weeks the News (?) gave its up-to-date market reports and even last week yet had not changed a type. Kvery week since last July, that up-to-date journal has liecn telling its readers that eggs were worth is. The Post is unable to decipher the meaning of is, l but the presumption is that it is one shilling, re ferring (utile up-to-date designation of money us ed by the pioneers when they settled the forests of Pennsylvania. The readers of the Post know that this occuired between two and three een tunes ago, but who could stomach the presump tion that an up-to-date newspaper will publish the same market quotations for six months. This is not all. There is no telling how many more weeks the News (?) would have published the same market reports. They can look this week for a change and give the Post credit for help ing them to get the correct markets. Is this the only time they have U'cn dilatory ? Let us see Only one change was made in the Ncicm (?) market rexrts from March 29th to July 12th. Right in the face of this, our would- 1 lie (ireeleyite is either trying to throw sand into the eyes of his readers, to stultify their observa tion or else is exhibiting unpardonable and culp able stupidity right in his own office and at his own desk. "May the Holy Saints protect us." . o feiks, are a few of ilia thousands of suiublo . . 1- nrtlclos we soil for Christmas presents. In addl u t Ion, we are Iiead-to-f not outtlttrs for Men, Wo- O inon and Children, sell Everything- to Eat, and 7 i to t'se. All Information Is contained In our No. ' W Illustrated i-atal(igim,eacli copj weighing Ik "0 lbs. as an evidence of Interest, send usioc. to ' help pay postage. Theso 10a, top Dinrct from yocr riBSToamts of $1. It quotes wholesale prices to consumers. rulLOVIIGClTiU)CCI!i P.". Dmt OoeUt stetMaM tmmolto from 15c. to SJ 50 M pay transportation, ii . Madi-tordir Man's Clothtnq Cataloqvowlth samplts " ivepav f xpmsigt and guurantct to fit. Uthoqraphtd HI I cataloguo of Carotts, fiugn, Drapnrlns, ate, jfcourng ' aaadxln (saw real aalaM. HMl Ban trjLiht and sum Cat- Cllol) 95 MtfJVsf ' Whv nav refill nrlrrqf Which Cfttnlntmo da ou wani7 auress mis war : LIUS HIKES & SON. BALTIMORE. MD.. Of Dt. 909 Potatoes Bran per LOO. Middlings , First National Bark E'ectienlNotice. Tha annual meeting of Um lmk lo'd. rn , I the Klrst National I'link t.f M :.!' l.i.tKl, fur h lection ot aevrn tlireclors for the enduing fx ar will be held In the banklnK house Hit Blrj Tuesday of Jainisry, ben k.'bi uaiy 1Mb, ., between the hours of r'AT'lM- and 12 M.V-V ss fmrm- r- J, Jf, TWoUfOS, Cashier M MMdlebiirg.ira.. 1'e. . io, )ion. s- , . 1MI; I'lM I 1. AM I K Apiece of flamel daxnpfned with Ghamwrlain'a l'aiti Balm and booed to the offteied psriB is riiperior to utiy rlat-ter. When tnubled with lauic back or pmns in tie side or cLesl. give it a triid and vou are eer tain to te nioietliHii ph ased with the prompt relief which it a fiords. Pain BhIui also com rheumatism. Oiie application gives relief. For sale at the Middlehurg Drug Store. ... i t THAT Christmas Turkey i t Till: COMMERCIAL DITCH AND- manufacturing plant in their town? Population will continue to decrease until employment is pro- And KmMJCT 0000, vided. All tvhowant work around Middlehurg can j As weu as get it. What is most needed is houses so that ad-! ditional families can move into town. The shoe, HARDWARK lactory is over run witii orders and skilled labor can readily get employment If the Selinsgrove and Middlehurg shoe factories had not been cstah lisded, the falling oil in population would have been greater than it has been. The Post has named nine towns in this county who should have some industry. Which of the nine will lie the first to act? It remains to be seen which town has the most enterprising citizens. e. t GROCERIES You want the best goods for the money. We are prepared to furnish them to you on short notice. COME and investigate for yourselves. Thanking you for past patronage, you can rest assured that we will appreciate a continuance of the same, no matter how small your purchase. Coun try Droduce a SDecialtv. Our mnttn HnnpQt OinHc T looks very much as if tbe Nicaragua Ca- Moderate Prices, Honorable Competition. Square Dai will tie a nxea tact betore many years. J he 1 Dealing. Yours for business, negotiations giving the United States the rights and privileges have been signed by Secretary Hay and the representative of Nicaragua, in Washing ton, and Congress will now have an oportunity to carry out the good work. The fact that the Panama Canal people have been in Washington trying to sell out to the government is of no con sequence whatever. The Panama Canal route has been rejected time and time again by the best en gineers in the United States, and we do not want it. Another and more potent reason why this coun try does not want the Panama Canal is that what has been accomplished on that ditch was through the money of the French people, and it is quite likely that in purchasing we would buy into a law suit, and that is not pleasant. The great mass of intelligent, thinking people of the United States Want the Xiearaguan route, and that means that We will control it absolutely from the outset. S. C. DUND0RE, PENNS CREEK, PA, J3T'We have a large assortment of SUcrwarc 3ewclr Wlatcbcd Cloche ant) ilMislcal Instruments 5yThe best way to convince you of our bargains Is for you to call and Inspect lb. HeUinni 8 Sunburg HE LEARNED DOCTOR and botanist Rudolf, Jacob Cartierarius, professor at Tubingen, was the first to discover the sexuality in plants. He had succeeded in separating two feminine types of the nuptial mercury from a group of plants of the annual mercury from a group of plants of the same kind, and remarked that they bad hollow seeds. His report on this subject, published in the "Kpb emertdes" of the Leopoldine Academy, is dated De cember 28, 1(881. Camerarlua demonstrated that plants arc reproduced, like animals, by means of sexual organs, ami published tbe fact in bis memoir, "De Sexu I'lantaruni Kpistola." The thought, like many Other great discoveries that arc not appreciated i at the time, was too remote from current ideas to be accepted, and was completely overlooked. Again, 'in IW&, a school-master, the regent Christian Don rad sprcnuel, of Bpandau, published a book on the (question Of the sexuality of plants, showing with rare penetration what were the functions of the or- I gans of the flower, and chiefly of the colored petals. The facts he disclosed, and whieh are now part of the incontestable patrimony of science, appearing so surprising that he entitled his book "The Mystery I of Nature Unveiled in the Structure and Fecunda tion of Plants." He also advised the botanist of ills time to study plants in vivo, in nature, instead of contenting themselves with the examination in ' their studies of dried and withered specimens in an herbarium. Incredible as it may appear, it is never theless true that his Ingenious work, so important to the scientific explanation of the different floral or gans, remained unknown till 1802, when Charles Darwin, being occupied witu the same question, found it and made it known. GREAT REDUCTION We have reduced our stock of Men's, Boys, Children's Suits and Overcoats from one-fourth to one-third off in price. If you 9eed ai)y elorjljir, iov is vour biii)e to buy. All our $5 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $3.50 All our $7.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $5.00 All our $10 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $7.50 Men's $3 good all lined corduroy Pants reduced to $2 Boys' $3 Overoats reduced to $2.50 Boys' $2 Overcoats reduced to $1.50 We have a large line of GENTS' on hand for the HOLIDAYS which every one should see A large assortment of LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS at 5 cents each H. KATZ, CLOTHIER, MIDDLEBURG. PENNA. Will be much nicer if you carve it. with a Nice Nuw Carving Knife and folk, I can furnifh you with Imitation Bone .uiiidle at !"e per set to genuine Stag at 1 4.00 per set. f have them m all styles and fin ishes. My stock of Enterprise Rusage Sniffers und Uriud ers is not yet entirely cleared out. Fifty Pound Lard Cans, very heavy Tin, 30c each. W. H. Helm, Hardware r 415 E. Market St. SUNBURY, PA. CHRISTMAS It's not too early to consider the Christinas question. You ouht to know by this time what the children want. We are reasonably confident we can supply it, but to make sure you had better call and see. We have lots of things for older people, too. C. S. BIG0NY & CO. 323 Market St. SUNBURY, PA. M.I..n..M.M-t-l"l"l"l"M"l"l"I'l"M-l"H"l'll"l"l"l Useful Christmas Gifts Never so large a line to select from. Suitable tor everybody. Useful gifts arc the most appreciated SLEDS, SKATES, CHILDREN'S BANKS, 1TKSKS for all; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Pock et Books, (inns and Target Rifles, Tool Chests for Boys, Carpenter's Chests and Tools for Men. A large assortment of Pocket Knives from 5 cents to 2.00 each. Talbe Knives and Forks, Carvers. Tea and Table Spoons ; Scissors, and Shears. Carpet Sweepers and Toy Sweepers, Clothes Washers, Clothes wringers, Tea and Coffee Pots, Tea Kettles, and numerous other articles in Granite, Deft, and Nick-el-copper Wares J Crumb Trays, Nut Picks and Cracks, Baskets, Razor Straps and Razors. HFO W HACKETT 325 Market Street 4-H-l I .M-;-H-K-W-W-K-H- 444IH44444IW44444H H-H-H-i at..TaaTa.TTa.aTa. l i i i rn A RARE CHANCE ?.? T ?' '.TT T M I T I TO BUY A GOOD GUN CHEAP AT ACTUAL COST Will close my entire stock of GUNS out at ACTUAL COST. Must have the room for my IMMENSE HOLIDAY STOCK. A Lot of Good Guns at Sacrifice Prices 7.00 Guns now at $5.00 $ 8.00 Guns now at $ 6.00 12.00 " " 9.00 14.00 " 15.00; $25.00 Guns now at $21. It will pay you to come many miles to get these Guns at; prices that I now otler. r3v:V Furman's Cash Fair sit market bt. auHaiCBT, ran - m in 1 1 1 1 1 1 mm m i n i mini i iinimiiiiniiH