The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 13, 1900, Image 1

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    Wave vou Men ou.
Our latest Styles
Xatcst Creations in
of fine Hrt
ftolenftars for 1901
Jf'A Postal will fetch you Salesman
Xcttcr fccaos? Envelope?
JEbeE'tc jini buns
Iff Al postal will t?t,-!i yi u Specimens
Gen. W. Wngenseller, Edlter and Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Kates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance.
Wave pou seen
A nioe variety or ralnyday sklrtsat
Whib. UJ-4t
If you have troubles, tell nil your
friettdi about them. They have none
nf tbelr own.
We still have ii large varity f ladiee
and Children coats and capes at bot
tom price. 8. Wma. Sellnsgrove, Pa.
11 -'.Mt
There is some talk of changing the
game laws ut the coming session f the
Next week we will announce the
winner f the Post's Prize Weaver
Chapel Organ.
An elegant artistic calendar, neatly
printed by skilled workmen, isjust the
thing. See samples at the office of the
.What MJddleburg needs is more pro
gressive and energetic citizens nd a lit
tle go-ahead actlvenesa Infused Into
those who are suffering from lethargy.
.Inst received latest style cards which
I am Introducing at very low prices j
ill ring the holidays, I- ivory type pho
t os and one 16x20 crayouide for only $3.
Kmii.k, Photographer,
Mlddleburg, Pa.
WANTED General Agent in this
county to handle our line f watches
and appoint loeal agents. An energet
ic man can make big money easily,
rapidly and honorably. Write to-day.
National Watch Co., Reading, Pa.
Notice ! We will pay the fare both
ways to customers from Adamsburg,
Beavertown, Mlddleburg and inter
mediate stations to purchase goods at
our store ten times the amount of the
fare or over. This offer will be good
till January 1, 1901.' & Wsu, Satlne
grove. Pa. ll-2Mt
! vnraR peruslhg news matter Tn this
ptt'-er, don't forget the advertisements
'our live business men. You can save
yoiirsuhscription many times a yearby
watching the advertisements and tak
ing advantage of the bargains offered.
If you Would have rd appetite like
a bear and a relish for your meals
take Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets, Theyoorrect disorders
of the stomach and regulate the liv
er and bowels. Pric, '-!.r cents. Sam.
pies free at Mlddleburg Drug Store
(io to A. E. Soles for a smooth easy
shave or up-to-date hair cut and head
cleansed with a refreshing shampoo or
dandruff removed with his tonic. A
clean towel to each patron. Parlor in
bank building, one door east of Post
office, Satisfaction guaranteed, tf.
After Dec. 10th, 1900, I will have on
sale of my own manufacture whiskey,
all rye w hite for $1.76 gallon. Come
and get a gallon. Other grades from
-!.i" to 60 gallon, by the quart from
75c to 81.50. J. L. Mabks,
l2-6-8t. Mlddleburgh, Pa.
I)id you notice the pour chap who
stands in the lirst picture in theahnan
tc, w ith the li-h and sheep and scor
pions and hulls and twins, etc., around
him? Did you notice that he Is naked
and has nothing In his stomach t Well,
that fellow used to edit a paper and did
Dot ask pay in advance for suhscrip-
t ions
Calendars lor iqoi.
Those who wish to get out u nice
calendar for 1001 should call at the
1'ost printing office to see the magni
flelehl line of most handsome calen
dais, Xo more heautiful calendars war
ever exhibited in this county. Give
your patrons a neat calendar; they will
hang It in their homes and stand us an,
advertisement of your business during
the whole year. Place your order early.
How the Organ Contest Slands.
The twenty-fourth count shows the
result as follows :
U. Evan, church, Penn's
Creek :
newspaper coupons,
Premium couponcs,
U. B. Churel', Fremont,
I'remlum coupons,
Evan, church, P. Creek,
P. B. church, Fremont,
iiH iiezer U. B. .hurch,
Trinity church, M'Kees Falls,
Total, a
Tha ., -
.- 1 v'"vcv win ciuto uw. io. I
wo, at five o'clock P. M. M"
3 jfll 'W&m 111
Deeds Entered for Record.
J. (i. Herrold and wife to Rev. S. P.
Brown, H acres and 125 perches in
Chapman twp., for .$145.
K. F. Neltz and wife to Elizabeth
Neltz, house and lol In Port Treverton,
Thomas I. Saner and wife to W. A.
And Sarah Keller, two lots in Kreaiuer,
for 'Id"").
Alex Hummel and wife to Isaac c.
Hummel, si) acres in Spring twp., for
(iin. W. Kratzerand wife to Wm. J,
Backenburg, lot in Spring twp., for
J. It. liainesand wife to Win. Drcese
10 acres in Beaver twp., for 1825.
Thomas ami Catharine Mower to
Daniel Shepp, 120 acres in Franklin
twp., for $600.
James 11. Drcese and wife to Joseph
(Joss, lot in McClure, for $50.
Will Entered.
The last will and testament of Wil
liam Kali writer, late of Perry twp., en
tered for record.
Marriage Licenses.
i George Mitchell, White Springs,
I Jeunie A. Henry,
I Elmer J. Bailey,
i Emma Pontius,
( Vernon J. Iross,
1 Kate M. Hackenbun
Kn amer.
( ('has. O. Lenlg,
I Carrie E, Huminel,
f Win. It. McWjlliams,
1 Sallie It. Snyder,
( (i. Adam llowersox, Xewton, Kan.
I Mary Harner, Paxtonyllle.
I Wm. (i(K)d, Perry twp ,
Susan C. Herrold, Chapman.
BaTgaiai at Gnrman'8
Peter Grarmaq, Mt. Pleasant
Mills is offering a new line of ladies
hats and millinery goods. Men's
hats 25 cents and Queenswarc at 3
cents a piece. ll-22-3m
Washington, D. C
Genrssee Pure Food Co.. Leroy,
"Gentlemen: Our family realize
so much from the use of GRAIN O
that I feel I must say a word to in
duce others to use it. If people are
interested in their health and the
welfare of their children they will
use no other beverage. I have used
them all. but ORAIN OIhavn found
n?J i".r nue reason int
superior to any, for the reason that
Ull an ii m-ain Vnnri fi. h. lh
" v m7" '
mm i
Harry I looser of Barberton,Ohio,
wlm husspentu week with his moth
er returned home Friday.
Win. Bruhaker was in town Sun
day. P.G.SIiambnugh is slow ly regain
ing streugth again.
II. Crawford and wife spent Bun
day in town with tlie latler's sick
father, W. A. Shaffer.
Henry Hoover, ofHerndon, was
in town Friday.
Jacob Shatter, who is working in
Sun bury, was home over Sunday,
Harvey Shutter spent Suudayat
Miss liessie WoOtllillg, who litis
been spending four weeks in Wil
liamsport, returneti home Saturday,
very mncli elated over her trip.
W. P. Noll, who is working at
stei Hon, Pa.j came home Saturday.
Gertrude Dunkleberger, of Mid
dleburg, spent a few days of last
Week with her sister Mrs. I. Aueker.
John Sholl, after apeoding ii few
days at home, left again for River
side where he litis a good job.
II. P, Hoot moved on Daniel
Sholly's farm last week.
The various Sunday Schools are
getting ready for the annual Christ
mas entertainments.
W. W. Sholly purchased a new
parlor organ.
S. A. L. Strawser and W. Sholly
spent Friday of last week in Sun
bury seeing the .sights of the city.
I. G. Seiler and Prof. Schroyer,
two of Selinsgrove's crack gunners,
were down here Suturday scaring
our rabbits.
Butcher S. B. Bruhaker found a
darning needle (in a good condition)
in the liver of a fat hog he killed a
lew days ago.
Poultry roosting on fences and
trees should be sheltered now on ac
count of the cold winds and the
K..M. (in'u, of Lewlstown,
Sunday in town.
Mrs. Rev. Bhambach visited her
entsat Bannerville last week.
John I, Kreeger left Wednesday for
New Mexico in search of health.
Henry Snook, Jr., of Penns Creek
dropped i;i tu see us Wednesday of last
W. A. Lutl and wife nf
burg, visited her parents here the past
Court opened on Monday. The full
proceedings will be published next
j eier tvtgei, or. oi MiauiecreeK paui
lis respects n 1 1 1 1- olhce TultrStluV of
last week.
Calvin Bauer of Globe Mills came tn
M ii Ii I !i I " I I I:, I WeeU tn ulllui.fllui fnf
fthe Post.
Prof. A. A. Killlan, of VVutsontown,
was a M kldlcliunc visitor Tuesday
Mrs. Dr, 1.0 Barher, of Danville, i
IvImIiii Mis- Amanda Wlttclimver in
Mrs. Hattie Smith ami Mrs J. '.
Hn-silmiT arc i-itin-i i datives near
H, Miller, Jr. Kstj., of Sellnsgrove
adea business call at thlsofiiceTliurs-
If last w eek.
lSx8horlif Alfred Speehl of Beaver-
town was a MiddlchuiL' visitor Thurs
day of I u cck.
IjH. P. Charles of Port Titevi rton paid
aVi-it to his iin, lalu in, ni this i.lace
last Wednesday.
iMrs. K. C. Walter, Ma-lcr l!av and
Miss Laura Itnnklc, arc siicudimr Iwn
eCks in Philadelphia.
Will M. Buyer, of. Port TrcvoxtouJ
recently liad his pension Increased to
$10 jht month.
Gaprge Ruhn, of Kanta, Snyder Co.
had his pension recently increased to
$io per month.
Mrs. J, .. Lumbard, of Sellnsgrove,
and grand child, of Lowistown, visited
Rev. McLaiu's last week.
Mrs. C. C. Heebold and children Har
ry and Eva and MisS Mabel Grimm, of
Sunbury, spent Sunday in town,
Mis. c. E. Bollg returned to her home
in Wlnficld alter spending a month
With her many friends at this place.
I. II. Bowersox has returned from the
hospital greatly Improved. VVe are
pleased to see him In our midst again,
J. Irvin Bailey of Pallas was a Mld
dleburg visitor last Thursday. While
here he made a pleasant call al thi- of
fice. Lester (i. Smith, formerly ( this
place, who had been the ticket agent al
Elkius, w. Va., was transferred to
Blaine, W. Va.
Charles . Walter and wife, Geo. W.
Basslngorand wife, Howard Folk and
wife attended the funeral of a relative
in New Berlin Saturday.
H. H, Hassinger, w ho bad been as
sistant cashier in the bank a! this place,
hut was some time ago elected cashier
of a new hank started in Ellzahethvillo,
has Kiinc to I he latter place and assumed
the duties of the office.
The Editor acknowledges the receipt
of a card announcing the marriage of
Mary, daughter of John Sheets at Car
sonvillc, Pa. to Albert II. Smith, Ed
itor of the Ellzabethvllle Wo formerly
Of this place. The Post extends frater
nal congratulations.
Samuel WittenmyerSr., of this place
passed his ninety-second birth day Sun
day and received the congratulations of
a large number of friends. He is as hale
and active as most men at seventy,
his eyesight being the only faculty im
paired. Unable to see well, he shaved
himself before daylight with out the
aid of a looking glass. He remarked,
"If I feel as well ut one hundred as 1
do at ninety-two, I eould easily walk
over Shade Mountain;" Then he jocu
larly added, "Wish I eould seen little
bettor, I'd take a rabbit hunt."
No one can reasonably hone for
good health unless bis bowels move
once each dav. When this is not, nt.
tended to. disorders of the stomach
arise, biliousness, headache dvsnen
sia and piles soon follow. If you wi sh
to avoid these ailments keep your
boweb regular by taking Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
when required. They are so easy to
take and mild and senile in effect
For sale at the Middleburg Drug
Mrs. Biles Beaver,
By ilio Globe Mllli Rerfrter.
Mix. Ellen Beaver was horn Sept. 8,
1866, and died Dec. 1000. She was a
daughter of Solomon and Nancy Hum-
met, was married to Asaph Beaver, of
New Berlin, June 21, 18S4. Unto this
union was born - sons and 2 daughters,
Murray B Oscar A., Main ! L. and
A father, mother, one sister,
ami 3 brothers arc all living. 'This is
the first death in the family of seven
children, she being the oldest, aged I fi
I years, muiilh-ami I ilay. nlie was a
I long ami patient sutlcrcr from cancer
In tliM stiiliuich. She was n kind anil
iovlllir .ir .....i mdiiiirpnt mother. Her
ninny friends extend their most heart-
felt sympathy to the bereaved family.
I'mn ral services were held III eihci's
church Dee. lit. I lev. Suable officiated.
Mis. Michael Hnckenburg.
Ily tlic I'uxtouville Hsportor.
Mrs. Mary .lane Hackenberg was
born In franklin township, Snyder
county, Pa., March 0, Ms, middled at
her home in Paxtonville, Friday, 1'ic
7, WOO, aged years, 1) mouths, 1 day.
She was the daughter nf Adam and
Annie Waller, both of whom preceded
ln r to the spirit world a number ol
years ago. She had live brothers and
three sisters, their names lieing as fel
lows : John, Jerry, Adam. I a id, Jesse,
Amelia, Elizabeth and Kate. Adam
and Jesse died some years ngo.
The deceased was married tn Michael
Hackenberg, Feb. -I, lsuv, by Uev.
Sliiudel. The union was blessed with
nine children, two of W liolil 'Led 111 in
fancy, namely Charlie and Alvip.
The name of the remaining seven
children arc Palmer E., of Millliuburg,
Pa.; Ira A., of Bellevue, Ohio: Mrs.
Annie M., niarried to A. A. Attlg, re
siding at Itcnova, Pa.; John E., at
Itcedsvllle, Pa.j Llst'.le E., liissic '.
and Mamie E, living at home.
ySbjagjaaa member of Hie ld Luther
an church. She was sick nine weeks.
Interment took place at Zioli's Monday
amid a large throng of ieople. Rev.
Aurand officiated.
Mrs. Joseph Iti inui.
By Hie I'nxtonvlllo Itoportor.
The community was again shocked
w hen the death of Mrs. Joseph Kroner
was reported last Wednesday evening,
she died after sullcrlug only one day
of illness.
Mrs. Loviua Bruner was born Dec.
L(8th, 183(1, 111 Mlisscr's Valley, I miles
east ofTrovelvllle. she was n,e daugh
ter of Peter and Kate Blngainan. They
both precedi d her to the spirit world a
numher of years ago.
The deceased's parents had nine chil
dren, 7 girls and l! boys, one d'n d 111 in
fancy. They raised BJ children, only
one surviving. Mrs. Daniel Weirieh, ol
Pnxtouvillc, Pa.
Mrs. Bruner received catechetical In
htructiolis 111 the Lutheran church un
der Lev. Slilndel, and became a mem
bar of thd church w hen about 18 years
old. she was married to Joseph Brnnei
Nov. 1(1, I860, by Itcv. Shindcl. She
was the motlier of IH children, 12 of
whom still survive, 0 hoys ami 0 girls;
one boy (Peter) died In infancy. Fol
lowing are the names and residences of
the children : Isaac, living Oil the old
Kern farm, a hall mile west ol faxtoil
ville; Mrs .lames Stout, Paxtonville;
John, whollvesal Shawervllle; Clara
and .lane, residing mar New Berlin;
James and Grant, 'animal, Pa.; Mag
gie, living at Hat Lock, (.: Mrs. Win.
Beachley, llvingat Paxtonville; Mercy,
living at home; William, residing tit
Pittsburg, and Jerome, near Bclleuve,
Ohio. The deceased had 28 grandchil
dren, -4 of whom survive.
The funeral took place at the old
Hassinger'B church Sunday, Dec. 0th.
Uev. Seiner officiated. All the children
were home to attend the funeral except
Mrs. Prank Hassinger of Ohio.
The family has th spmpathy of the
entire community , and may peace re
main with her ashes.
The text for the funeral sermon was
selected from First Corinthians, the
loth chapter, and the 4- and 4:t verses.
lion 10 lire Croup.
Mr. B. Oray, who lives near Amenia
' Duchess countv.N.Y.. says: "Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy is the best
medicine I have ever used It is a
i fine children s remedy for croup and
never fails to cure ' wnen rivod as
soon as the child becomes hoarse. or
oven after the crounv coutrb has do
veloped. it will prevent the attack.
This should be borne in mind and a
bottle of the Couch Remedy kept at
band read v for Instant use as soon as
these symptms appear. For Bale by
The Centre Mall Hotel to be s.iui i j. .
J. W. Bunkle, of Mlddleburg, will
likely become the proprietor of the
Centre Hall Hotel. He and theprest nt
ownVr, Wm. H. Bunkle, Jr., for the
past few Week, Inive I tng in :ir.
er together on terms, and the likelihood
is that they uill finally make n deal.
Landlord Ittmklc this morning,
Thursday, went to Baltimore. His mis
sion Istolisik fora suitable location for
himself if he should si II the hotel prop
erty here. Centre Hall Ke
"-- T
$100 Reward, $100
The readers ol tins p iper will ho
pleased to leai u i hai there is at l :iht
me dreaded disi use I tint seieuce has
been able to eUre in all its stage!
ind that is Catarrh. II ill's Cut hit h
Cure is the ouly positive cure now
Kuown to the medical fiaternity.
Jatarrh being a cotihtitutiouiil di
sease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, actiii) directly no
on the blood and eons s.irlae'es of
the system, thereby ilestroiug the
foundation cf the disease, and :
ing the patient si n iu,'th by buildit e
up the eoustitnl and assislitig'
nature iu doint; it work. The pro
prietors have rtti ii ueh faith its in
uralive i OWoih. Ih .1 th v idler GlIH
Hundred I) .liars fn IXHa t.Ubfc
i fails to oun . s , d f( r list of tes
timonials, All...
Sold by d ru i
', t.
1 1 m1 Emu
Whereas a report has 1 eon lately c -lug
the rounds thai II, (. Hornhci i r
of Aline, Pa., and his v. ifc have attemp
ted to uxtorl money from certain sheep
buyers in a frau tilenl manner, v, hleh
report has been circulated through im
telling the story tn curtain partli and
111:1c 1 iiisciim ... , :i 1 I'M il'ta
were eiitireK- lulun ii.m
best of my knowle ';:e arid ilie-er.W
make this report to the public injustice
to the aggrieved hereby retract all
which I havesa d. John Bkimch,
1 2-13-3 1.
David City, Neb , Api il I, P) 10
Genesee Pure Food Co. Le Jiuv
N. Y.i
Gentlemen: 1 mu I say in regard
to GRAIN U that there is nothing
In tti r 01 healthier. We have usi d
it for years. My brother was a
ureal coffee drinker, lie was taken
sick and the doctor said coflee was
the cause of it, and told US to use
GRAIN 0. We got a package but
did not like it at lirst, but now
would not be without it. My broih-
1 r has been well ever since he tai t
ed to use it. Vours t ruly,
Lti.t.n: Sochob.
. .
A 'I hlng 01 Beauty.
One of the daintiest pictures possible
0 Imagine will lie given free to every
cader of the great "Philadelphia Sun
ay Press" nest Sunday, December 10.
t is entitled "The young Mother," and
-the masterpiece of Miss Maud Stiimm.
It is the second of a series of reproduc-
lonsof irrcat paintings which arelieing
issued by "The Sunday Press," and is
lertain to create a sensation. The
leant v of the subject and 1 h lorillg
ender this picture peculiarly altrae
Ive. 1 1 will he well t 'tier nei "Sun-
lay's Press" to-dav.
Any adult suffering from a cold set
ed on the breast, bronchitis, throat
r Iiiiik troubles of any nature, who
will call at Mlddleburg Drug Store-
11 be presented wth a sample bote
tie of Bosobefc s (ieruian twrnp, ne.
ofenartje. ( inly one Imt t le iven to
nne person, anil none nt cliililcn w it II-
nit order from parents.
No throat or lum; remedy ever had
BUOh a sale as Uoschce 8 tierinau
Syrup iu parts of the world.
t wenty years ao uiillmus ot ooiues
were niveu away and your ilrulstH
will tell you its si ccess was marvel
ous. It is reaitv ttie omy turoatana
Long Remedy generally endorsed by
physicians. One 78o cent bottle will
ciir nr nrove its Value. Sold hy deal
ers in ailolvlllled countries.
Get (Jreen's Prize Almauac.
Wit AM WAtl feel that life is bardlv
worth the oandle take a dose of
Chamberlain s btomacli anil Jiiver
Tablets. They will cleanse your
stomach, tone up your liver and re
ijulate your bowels maains you ieet
like a new man. For sale by the
MiddleburK Drug uo.
Just received from New York and
Philadelphia Tailor-made Suits, Coats,
Capes, Reefers, Collarettes, Hats and a.
new line of Fancy Holiday Goods,
Collars, Cull's, Shirts and Neckwear.
Call and see whether you buy or not.
Mits. K. C. Aukanu.
sleep walkers.
the Mlddleburg Drug Store.