PShttthctl Eviry Thurhc!.i Morniag OKO W WAOENSBLLKK A M EDITOR AND OWNER BCB80BJPT10N KATES. ; legation, and his full views a to the policies which should prevail in the settle- , inent of the difficult nuetttiona which had arisen. On ! the 17th of October, flr Robert's London representa tive cabled that he had sent an important article of I 1.5,000 words, and thin appears in the Cosmopolitan 1 for December. Thd in a ninh compliment to a rep IWlhltlve American MaKinv, and a valuable con tribution to the world' history is given publicity. 81. OO m r year if jwtil in n-K.i SI..10 r yctr if not pid ill MfMM Suiptle copies. Five Cento. Aflvrrllolnic ICmi.s. II Mali r lino, nonpareil masaure llirnt for lirst In rttop ami Hi . t- pcr llnr for each subae U(. Dl itiMTtion- C "OHKU'K. Nt-arlhe County Court House, b-iween tlit First Natitmal Hank and the County Jail. Vol.. XXXVII Dkc. ii, 1900. LAPIKS' HOMK COMPANION Th wwomltty of IBHwhrth, Qmmtl of Houmania lK'ttcr known as Carmen Sylva is the nubjeet of t lie Opening article in the IJecemlier Woman's Home ( 'ompanion. This article gives many intercHting de tails of the surroundings, mode of living and method lt. .fir a f .11 ..ill liiLi'iiii.i.iii U-ll,t li.iu vi rit , I vi ivma in vassal uwivaa auu iws-vwc ... nun v- :t vs. ,(I1 KWn stories for the Companion for 1901. In " Hie Art Treasures ot the lute House " Vi anion put charity prarall, ti' Pna vroaM prove Kawcett tells of the valuaitle bric-a-brac anil furniture 1 collected by the Presidents, ant) in her third travel pa- nnan'gm .... -.- I lK'r I.illan'Bell descriU's Siilhiirgaiid a visit to asall- CUKKENT COMMENT. I mine. "Hoi day Week at an Army Post," 'Novel I Ideas for Cozy Comers" two full pages of illustra WlTH her increased prosperity and the advent ttons and several article giving hints Mr the holi- of a manufacturing era, it is small wonder that daX.,!l8?n re thr teture of interaiA. FiveChrlst , . . .. ., 1 1 raafl stones, and the conclusion of Francis Lvnde h the South Ls euflenniT froin a peroid ot personal nove "The Plutocrats," tnake the number a Btrons shame at having indorsed the IK'inocratic pro pa- one in the matter fiction. Published by The Crowed I 1 & Kirkpatriek Co., Rpringfleld, Ohio; one dollar a ! year; t-i i cents a copy; sample copy free, The Xirx, witli its " has did" and " shootist " 1 - rag PRISTINE THOUGHTSSs3 Q SELECTED GEMS EM jdBSjks CtllaUtl tad Arranged Eiprmly for The Poij tflPS record, is now setting itself up as an authority on D.n tj amfi TTtmt? the 'possessive (use. If St. Paul owns nochurch- IvAKHAlNU TllNli GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS es lie could The " better help Moses out of tht! bullrushes.. l" will always he on top. Now conies tin- announcement that Attorney James (J. Crouse will lie a candidate for Presi dent Judge. Mr. ('rouse has always been a loyal Republican, true to his party, and hails from that line of Crouse and Gutelius ancestry whose loyaltv to the Republican and Whig prin ciples .vas never questioned. Mr. Crouse has many friends who would like to see him elevated to the Judicial toga. From private sources The Post learns thai many of the interior teachers of public schools have never yet been made formally acquainted with their new duties as co-operators with the lo cal boards of health "The first intimation," says one of them, "that such a duty devolved upon me Wiis when I read of it in THE Post." We suppose that if tve were to recommend the send ing of a copy of the law to every teacher there would instantly he a chorus of howls against "the latest fob," and, in point of fact such a course, while desirable in every way. is not actually nec essary. The county and city superintendents can take oooasieo to instruct the teachers themselves and thus avoid that expense. Meantime the edu cational department is nut without responsibility and opportunity in the premises. It should at least stir up the superintendents. ECLAIKCISSAMEXT The largest collection of Precious Gems, Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Leather Goods, Cut Gloss, Clocks, Umbrellas, Art Vases, Et cetera, in Central Pennsylvania. . . EUGENE FIELD Vp In the attie where 1 slept When I was a boy A little boy ! In through the lattiee the moonlight erept; Riia(inc a tide of dream that swept Over the low red trundle lied, RiOiIng the tangled curly head. While moonbeam! played ut hide and e.-k With the dimples on each iunbrowned eheek When I waa a hoy a little boy! And, oh, the dream" - the dr trw I dreamed When I wr. a boy - n little hoy ! l'or the grare that through the lattice streamed over mv folded eyelid eeented To have the gift of prophecy. And to bring ate glimpneN of times to ho Where manhood's clnrion iMemcd to enll. Ah, that was t'te wBeiejei dream of ail When 1 wax a boy a little boy! I'd like to flleep where I u-.ed to itcfjp When I wa a hoy a little bOJTl ror in at the lattice the moon would peep TtrtnirJng her tide of dreamt to sweep The cronne and griefn of the yearx away Prom the heart that i weary and faint to-dav. And tboNe dreaiiM ihouM give me hack ag tin The peace I have never known fine, then When I wan a hoy - a little Imy ! THE MASTER AND THE MACICIAN VMID UflMCV DIPr " H aot luuu muriLi Bftuix Mpat A! $7.25 'ti'u'redifcwdjd. Elgin or H'aU- mau. n .i m Movement, in a genuine uoia nuea case, gu.iranieeU fnrlOyears. Nearly 1'JOO styles of and all the lat est things In reliable Jewelry, ure sold by us at if below retail price. HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS. Art lata Materials, HI cycles, ttookcuses. Buf fets, Cabinets, Canity, China. Cblna Closets. OftN tMX. $7.28 Cigars, Clocks, Com modes, Couches, Oolla, Xsay Chairs, Fountain rens uamea, urapaapnones, uroceries. iiauu Table silverware. Toys, Umbrellus, Writing Ieiks, are a tew of the thousands ot suitable art k les we sell for Christmas presents. In add! t Ion, we are bead-to-foot outfitters tor Men, Wo men and Children, sell Everything to Eat , and to Use. All information Is contained In our No. M Illustrated catalogue, each cony weighing IX lbs. as an evidence of Interest, send nsiOc. to help pay postage. These luc. toc didcct fbom voi r riasToaniR of $1. It quotes wholesale ji rices wu consumers. rauovno cinLocuB nrt Dmi axft Btokitmith Mme'et from 15c. to H SO at Da traimortailon. Made to-ordtr Men s Clathlma Catalucutmith mamtln le pan tjsJSJMMj anrf usrairtM to fit. Uthooraghti catalotv of Carotlt. Rug. Drattrlti, tc, txouilng oood$ In tholr tool colon. Wo pay frolaht and torn Cat mtofroo. Why pay retail prices T Wbtcb catalogue do you want 7 aaaress tins way : Julius hines son. Baltimore, mo.. oot. so IMITATION is thesinoerest Hattery, mdonly ai tides of merit and value are ever counter feited. The al)orti ve attetnpUt to aj)e the styles and oxmnUirfeit tin: I'ost'm superior job printing will not deceive even a noviee. Three principal ret uistea are absolutely necessary to produce sueri or book and job printing, and these are superior material, superior facilities and superior artists in the "art preservative." The IVwt has all these. " They come high, but we must have them," in tirder to keep abreast of the times and meet the demand for the recherche art printing that tbe social ami business world has been edu cated up to. The l'osr, in bidding for this class of work, recognizes the absolute necessity of the the three prime factors alluded to alxive, and, with these, and correct business methods, a foun dation is being laitl for one of the best printing plants of its class in Central Pennsylvania. This will embrace, in addition to the usual lines of commercial stationery work, catalogues, booklets, brochures ami magazines for teachers, students, professors, principals and presidents of Universities, Colleges anil Academies throughout the United States. In equipping the Post for this class of print ing, the eclectic idea lias been pursued, ami the choicest products of the leading Type Founders And Printers' Furnishing Warehouses have been added. Among these are American, of Philadel phia and IJoston, the Keystone, of Philadelphia, Conner, Fendeler A Co., antl the Damon Peets Company, of New York, the Holdings of Boston, Bamtiart Brothers Si Spindler, of Chicago, the Inland Type Foundry, tf St. Ixniis, and others. The Post now has in press a Book of Siteci nienB showing the class and varieties of printing and emls)ssing of which it makes specialties, antl displaying its large assortment of new and fash ionable faces of types, Ixmlers, ornaments, cuts and other accessories. This book is designed to fa miliarize bibliophiles and lovers of line art print ing with its tecnique, and it will lie sent free of cost to prospective patrons, when issued. In the meantime, samples will lie furnished, estimates made and orders liookcd for superior printing, ami superior printing only. LITERARY NOTES. L Special Watch Prices we will Offer During the Month of December : Ladjes' Silver Watdh at $5.00 Ladles' Gold Filled Watch at ... . 7.50 With American Movements. All Warranted. Ladies' Cold Filled Watches, with Elgin or Waltham Movements, at . . $10 to $18 Ladles' Solid 14K $15 to $85 Cents' Cold Filled at $10 to $45 With Elgin or Waltham Movements. Cent's Solid 14K at $27 to $125 Boys' Watches at $2, In Nlekel; $5.50, In Solid Silver; $8 jn Cold Filled. ' . ' . . t We would be pleased to see you. AH goods as represanted. A specialty of fine Umbrellas for Jittle money. FISHER THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN SUNBURY YOURS FOR BUSINESS li Look here. Are you in need of DRY GOODS Clothing DRESS GOODS IHnberwear NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS BOOTS, SHOES, THK OUTLOOK An original feature of tin unusual kind is the ex tremely spirited Christmns poem written forThe Out look by Dean Btubbs, of the Cathedral, Knglaml. It is called "Ave Jcttu," and it Iihs been set to music for the Outlook by the organist and choirniaHter of York Cathedral, Mr. T. TertiuH Noble. It is printed with decoration ami illustration. t a year. The Outlook Company, Fourth Avenue, New York. THK COSMoroi.IVAX The world has never known a more dramatic sit uation than that prem'tited by the foreign communi ty within the wbIIm of Pekin, while cutoff from con tnunlcation from their countrymen. During these long, doubtful weeks, the most intereating figure in this international tragedy whs Sir Robert riart, who for more than twenty-five years has been as tar, aa a .European might, the statesman guiding the affaire of the Chinese Empire. Those familiar, in any de gree, with Eastern conditions, hoped, after the relief of Pekin, that Sir Robert would break his long rula of silence and give to the world his story of the event which led to ttie closing of the gates of the British As well as HARDWARE AND GROCERIES You want the best goods for the money. We are prepared to furnish them to you on short notice. COME and Investigate for yourselves. Thanking you for past patronage, you can rest assured that we will appreciate a continuance of the same, no matter how small your purchase. Coun try produce a specialty. Our motto Honest Goods, Moderate Prices, Honorable Competition, Square Dealing. Yours for business, S. C. DUNDORE, PENNS CREEK, PA, Wolfed ooba By"We have a large assortment of I I Silverware 3eweln? gjj TLQatcbee Clocks & ano I H I nDuelcallnatrumenta 3f"The best way to convince you of our bargains Is for you to call and Inspect J. Ibo ftenn g SwmJMing J. D. BUCK, M. D., F. T. S., S. R. 32 'ffHERE in it tfruiul Science known s Manic, and everr real Manter is a Musician. Peared by the ignorant, and ridiculed by tin- " learned," the Divine Science and its Muster have, nevertheless, existed in all ices, and exist to-day. Masonry, in its deeper meaning, and recondite mysteries, constitutes and possesses this Science, and all genuine Initiation con sWs iii an orderly unfolding of the natural powers of the fceophlte, so that he Bhall become the very thing he denlres to jmissi ss. In seeking Magic, he finally become the Majus. All genuine Initiation la, like evolution and regeneration, from within. De void of thi inner meaning and pow r, nil ritual are but foolish jargon, and all . . . ceremonies an empty farce. Even such, the rituals of Masonry have lc- cnnie to many. That the ( hltst-life and the power that made Jean to be called ( Ihrlatos, Master, where by he treated the sick, cast out devils, ami foretold future events, is the same Life revealed and attained by initiation in the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity, is perfectly plain. The disrepute into which the Di vine Science ha fallen ha arisen from its abuse ami degradation. In the middle ages, and, in fact, in every age, there have been dabblers in magic, sorcerers and ne cromancers, who, possessing some of the secrets, and imbued with none of Its benlflcenoe, have used their knowledge and iower for purely personal and selfish ends. 'Hypnotism and Phenomenal Spiritualism are suffleletjt illustrations of the power to which I refer, and tfcejttbuse to which it may In- put. Magic, ier se, la always a Science, and up to a certain point it may be cultivated without regard to its use, or the wall belngofa man; although any abuse of It is fatal to the magician. , -Theopular idea is that education consists largely in the cultivation of the intellectual powers.' An averagi standard of morals is always recommended by educators, and Its outer form is illustrated by re ligious., ceremonies. Hut intellectual cultivation alone; Bo matter to what extent it may be carried and the further it gm-s in this one-sided way the worse for all concerned- -is in t , sense an evolution. Perfect Intellectual development, without spiritual discernment and moral obligation, is the sign-manual of Satan. Intelligence, without goodness, lies athwart the Divine Plan in the evolution of Cosmo. Intellect and Altruism by no mean necessarily go hand In hand. One may haven very clear intel lect, have quick p rceptlons, and he a khmI reasoner, and yet be very wicked. On the other hand, one may lie very dull intellectually, and yet Ik- kind, brotherly and sympathetic to the last degree. A world made up of the former would he a Itad place to live in; if of the latter, a thousand time to lie preferred. Magic contemplates that all-around de velopment which, lilierating the intellect from the dominion of the senses ami illuminating the spirit ual perceptions, places the individual on the lines of least resistance with the inflexible laws of nature, and he becomes nature's co-worker or hand-maid. To all such, Nature makes obeisance, and delegates her powers, and they become Masters. The real master conceals his power and uses it only for the good ofothers. He Works "without the hope of fee or reward. Mystic Masonry, UNCLE EPH-THE PHILOSOPHER NOT COPV-SIOMTEO I ha been young n now I la old, ylt I han never need a pur on whut win real fond uv green perslmmui, MIm Cieraldeen. Now, datde Preaumdenahal eetecllon in nvah. Deacon Show down rlcae to enquare how de Dimrnr Icrattick renalaaane is er- gulne to renaece?. Kh, I'ercey, old boy ? Der am a great many upS rn downs In dls wottd, Miss l on- uello, an bit do look lak dar's mo' downs dan ups-I had Jest got religion w'enayaller nigger plsenedde bea coon daug I hd. Kr white man an a nigger When dc game Is ' vided out, Oo huntin in " ker-hooU " Yo kin bet yo boots, White man use dc nigger's gun De white man gits dc puddin Fer all dc game he shoots An de nigger de ker-hoota, And hit wer evvah duss, Miss. Miss, er-ah Miss Hortense. Nevah make yo preemble longer dan yo rezsolution when ope de question, Mlatah Fitinoodle. Jaytown Corker. CENTREVILLE. J. C. Showers was home from the University on Thanksgiving. t i istiu 1 ai' ut' VTasraty alts asm aataa in town Saturday evening. Frank Seehristof Middleburg was in town last week. C. W. Walter and family, moved into town from New Berllo, on lust I Tuesday, After an absence of three weeks, ' in attendance on the United States I Court, C. N. Showers returnccil to ! his home last Thursday. I ' I Elias Hrunner transacted business at the county seat on Montlary ok last week. O. V Reeohly and his family of Lewishurg spent Tlmnksgiving with friends and relatives here. V, A Napp and wife visited Ed ward Boligand family of Franklin Township Sunday. SALE REGISTER Thvbsdat. Dt kmikb , at Oentrevllle, I. L. Walter.attorncy-in-fact for Ibe heirs of Rphraini Walter, will sell 1 bone, S cows and personal property. Sati'bday, Dctemper It. at the court house in Middleburg, U. W. Row, Sheriff, will sell Un real estate of Alex A. Homig. Satdbdav, Dm km ikk S, In Perry townslilu Ocorge aud Isaac Ooodling, administrators of Charles Ooudling. will sell I'.n acres of land. Tl'KSDAY. Manh S, at Aline. J. P. jVaog'e will sell horses, cuwe, heifers and farming im plements. . ! You'll t3. snrprisefi ! w h e n y o u lead that we a r e selling Golden Oak BEDROOn Suits -At- $15.75 -FOR 7.50 f If we told you how we arc able to do this it would not Ih so surprising, but let it Ik? sufficient that we are sidling them at THIS PRICE Don't worry alxiut how we do it. Call aud see our Fine Display of Fancy Rockers f E.S.Weimer&Co. Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors 4th St., SUNBURY, PA. CHRISTMAS It's not too early to consider the Christmas question. You ought to know by this time what the children want. We are reasonably confident wo can supply it, but to , t, t make sure you had better call and see. c We have lots of things tor older people, too.: "" C. S. BIGONY & CO. 323 Market St. SUNBURY, PA. A PLEA FOR FREEDOM TPRESIDENT KRUQER IN EUROPE nN a SPEECH, on landing at Maraallles, on Tliure- U day last, President Kruger said : " The war waged on us reached the last limits of barlans we having my life I have had to fight many times the savages or the tribes of Africa, but the bar barism we have to fight now are worse than the oth ers. They bum the farms we worked so hard to con struct, and they drove out our women and children, whose husbands 'and brothers they have killed or taken prisoners, leaving them unprotected and roof less, and often without bread to eat. But whatever they may do, we will never surrender. We will fight to the end. Our great, imperishable confidence reposes In the Eternal, in our God. We know our cause Is just, and if the justice of men Is wanting to us, He, the Eternal, will never abandon us. "I assure you that if the the Transvaal and the Orange Free State must lose their independence, it It will be because all the Boer people have been de stroyed with their women and children." ii m i m i m i m 1 1 1 m ii i n m m ii i ii in i m 1 1 h n i f ENTERPRISE MEAT CUTTFRS AND S USAGE STUFFERS I f Thete are no machines that will do the work so well. You know T I I i.l k-rsitia,s.. . . mttm - - wnaittie aVNTttKraiaU are. You should know that you win buy them at the VERY LOWEST PRICES at my store. Also tnaiy of the repairs always kept on hand. FIFTY POUND LARD HANTS t Jioth plain and painted. Good, heavy cans for the price, and goou uaimies. BUTGHFRS' KNTVttS AMD SAWS t Butchers' Cleavers, Cleaver Knives. Butchers,' Sl. S1 T 4. n .... . " - i jieams, nog ocrapers, fekimmers and Ladles, Iron Kettles, f ami iweryuung lor JJutchenng tune. GEO. W. HACKFTT X 325 Market Street, Sunburv. P. iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.Hr M i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii iii iii iii h in ii m 1 1 n n m iMiM-i in A RARE CHANCE TO BUY A GOOD GUN CHEAP AT ACTUAL COST Will close my entire stock of GUNS out at ACTUAL . V COST. Must have rf&" h the room for my'. J IMMENSE :: t i p: HOLIDAY :: H' STOCK.:: r 1 1 A Lot of Good Guns at Sacrifice Prices j; $ 7.00 Guns now at $5.00 $ 8.00 Guns now at 6.00 ;; 12.00 " 9.00 14.00 " " 15.00;: $25.00 Guns now at $21. It will pay you to come many miles to get these Guns at ! ', prices that I now oiler. !! 3i. Furman's Cash Pair ii aw utKn bt. afasvaT, mm. ! f I H'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ii H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers