LEGAL ADVLRTISING. Dee. Court Advertising. Cm Proclamation. W'HEKKas the n.,n. Harold M. MoClan ' rrrmilt'iit JikIk "' Hie Juilirial IMntncl. BOMpoSed ul tin- fi.iiiitlf id SiiytitT, And Union ml Peter F, Rlegle sml '.. T. On borliiitf. Bsqs., Ajsuelata .1 uf in mill liirSny iler I'liunly, have Issnod their pteeept, tieitrlnp data the ' ttli iluy 111 oil. A. H., Ham. tu uu directed lov uie holding nin iriiini' Court, h oaart ol Cannon Pleas, oourt oiOyor and T.r miner aad Oanara Court nf Uaaftar flaaaliuii al tliel'iwe, at Middleburah, for the ouunty al snyiliT. on the aanond Uunday, (iming the 10th dv i'l I'm'. Hi), anil to eontlnw ime week. Notice I therefore hereby Ktven to the Cormi er, Jaetleoeortho Pesos and Uoustablei In ami lorthe riuinty ol Snyder, to appeartfl thii iroper periion wiili thrir rolN. records, ln.(iiil Uons, aaanlnattoni and other renettbranoai to do those things which ul tnelr ones, and la their behalf pertain to ba dona and vrltnsssoi Md persons prossenttng In behall ol the rum DMnwaalth against enj parson or parsons are re qolred to be than aad there attending and da parting without laaTa at their peril, Jostlee are requested to he pnftotaal In llielr atteiulancr ai the appointed time sgf bly to notice. (liven under my hart! Bestel the Sherltr OlBes in Mid. Mel inch, the loth day ol Not. A- II., one thousand nine hundred. ti. w ROW, Bnerlft. t-iin' APPH VISEMKN rs. Notice is here ' b) given tbal the following Widows' Ap Dfataeinenta under tho $3110 law, nave been Dion with the Clerk nl iheOriani' rmiri of Hnydei count tor confirmation Dec loth, laoo. Anprauetncni ' Sylvia satzman, widow ol Isaac Saltsman, late ol sprim; township, de ceased, elected to bu tukan under t lit f:n cx empUoo law. Appraisement of Amanda Young, widow ol Israel Young, Into ol Weal Beaver township, de ceased, elected to be taken under the IS00 ei emptlon law. Appraisement "f Savllla Brdley, widow oi Theodore Krdley, late of franklin township, de ceased, elected in bo taken under the 1900 ex emption law, Appraisement ol Catharine K rouse, widow ol Lewie Krouge, late ul Mlddlecreek township, de. ceased, elected tobe laueu under the f'lo ex emption law. Appraisement of Amanda Brunner widow of Hamuel Brunner, late of centre township, elect ed to i.o taken ubder the Moo exemption law. Appraisement of Hnrah Martin. dauputet1 and nndonli in-.r oi Jacob Martin, late or Weal Perry township, deceased, eleadeil to bt t.ik.'u under the Slutl f.i nipllon law. ti M. BtllNUKL, Ulurk, Mlddleburg, Pa,, Nov. luth, 1900. KEillSTKH'S NOTICES, -Notice is bereb) Kit. en that the following named persons hart Bled their Administrators', Quradlan, and E eoutor' accounts Intne Register's onl if Sny der roiiiitv, and the same win he presented lot confirmation and allowum e at the court llousi in Ulddleburgb, Monday, nee loth, ItfoO, First ami llnal aeooitnt of Isaae Drive, ex ecutor of Solomon Wagner, late of West Beavei townahlp, Bnyder County, Penna., deceased, First and Bnsl account of w. s. Miller, a' u- tor of S imiiel It Slumpir, late of West Heaver township, Bnyder County, Peon t. deceased. Firm and final BCOOUnl of Henry w. Ilartman, administrator of i he estate ol Amos Romberger, late of Adams township, Bnyder County, 1'a. deceased. First and llnal Recount of Moses Bills, execu tor of Cbarlea Bins, late of Perry township, Snyder county, Henna., decease ft. F'.rsi and final account of Mary M Henry H and Geo me W, Waller, administrators of flu estate Ol Samuel It Walter, late of Frunklli township, Bnyder County, Penna., iWeeaaed. .1. II. WILLIS, Register. November Mtb, 1B00, December Court Trial List. Efchetilierger A Wolf vx. Aucker a Knlglite. John U. Mrrks ve. U. F. Blessing. ". er k Co. TS- N- J. Livingstone. Albert K. Hunter vs. Elijah Kouah. John U. Hunter ve. Geo - Pontius. l)r. .! F. KaiUtwall vs. Batafa of II. K. Sanders H, O, Plea, Uuardlan, vs. Jiuncs a. Young and A. BllenStlne, ATTOHNKVS NOTICE. Notice Is In ret given that nowerol attorney-in-fact upon the estate of Bphralm Waiter, late of Center township, Bnyder county, fa., dee'd, lias been given bj the heirs of said estate to the under signed, to whom ail Indebted to said er-taM Bhoul l inaki Immediate pal menl and those bav imr claims agnu should present tbem duly autbentlcated for settlement. ; 1 I. WALTER. Mlddli iHirgh. ph. Ativruey-ln-fact, Nov. t. I 0 6L ADMIN1STHATORS' NOTICE Lei tt-rs f Administration in th estate of Catharine Bronse, late of Penn twp Snyder county, Pa., dee d, having been grant, ' in the undersigned, ail persons knowing them selves in lei ted to said estate are requested t make Immediate payment, while those bavin c'aims w ill present them duly authenticated l. the undersigned, iht. A. BNVDKR, Salem, Pa., J. l FISHER, Belinsgrove. Pa. Oct, in, 1900 Administrators ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. L ters of Administration in thee tate oi Ttieodore Brdley, late of Franklin tw Snyder 00., Pa., dee'd., having been gran' ed lo the undersigned, nil persons knowin themselves indebted tosuiri estate are requests to make immediate payment, while those havtn claims win present them duiv autbentlcated t the undersigned, 8AV1LLA ERDLEY, Administratrix, M. I. POtTEB, Att'y. PaxoinviUn, p. Mldaleburgb, Pa., Oct. l, won. i Toll's NOTICE Notice Is bereb - J given that letters testamentary upon tie estate of Thomas Wise, late of renin Township. Snyder County, I'a , deceased, hav. been Issued in due form of law to the under signed, to wbom all Indebted to said -i.o- should make immediate aymcnt and tltos hnviug elaims against it should present then lulv authenticated for settlement. BAMUKL II. sTlioi'lt, Executor, Pennscreek, Pa.. Oct, II, woo. PXBCUTKIX'8 NOTICE. Notice is beribj given that letters tostamentary upon the es late of Samuel Brunner, late of Centre Twp Snyder County, i'a., deceased, have been Issued in illie form of law to the undersigned, to wlimi all indented to said estate should make iinme diate pavment and those having elaims agains It should present them lulv authenticated foi settli nt. BLI AS BRUNNER, Kieeutor. Pennscreek, Pa., tut. U, won. EXKlTTOK'S NOTICB.-Notico is herei given that letters U'StamenUiry upontlic e tale of Samuel Arlsigast, dee'd, of Perry twp Snyder ecniuty. I'a , deceased have been issue io due form of law to the undersigned, lo who all indented to said estate should make Inuti diate payment and those having claims again It eiiouh) present them duly authenticated f, settlement. QBO. F. BRORII s, Kxeeutor Mt. Pleasant Mills. I'a.. Oct. II. 1000, Shcritl"s Sale of JEHDVTi "ESTATE, By virtue of certain writs of aliss fieri facia issued out of the Court of Common Picas ol Hnyder County. Pa., and to ine directed I will expose to puhlii sale at ha Court House in Mid dlcburgh. Pa., on Saturday, December S 10 at 12:30 o'clock, the folk , j ostawtowit: TRAIT No. 1. A pertain ram or mcssuag! of land situated In West Iteaver township Sn dercoun'y. I'a., adjoining lands of .1. O Wag ner 'on the cost, south by lands of Allen H'agnei and Bnoob Uaker on tbe west by lands ol Knocli Baker, Jacob Ner hood and Michael Wei and and on the north by lands of Jeremiah Kneppand Michael W eland, containing nlnetv nve MS) acres more or lees, wliereon are 'e ItWKLLINO HOI HS sod a large BANK BARN and all other necessary buildings, summer kit chon, spring house, slaughter house, ice house blacksmith shop, a two story hall, ehlckeii houee, pig stahle. wagon shed, corn crib and smokehouse. This tract has three (ft wells of good water, one near the bouse, one at the barn yard and one at the hall. A good spring linear tbe house, also three streams of running water on this tract Tbe Mlddlecreek and a brook un through tbe farm, an apple orchard con ahout hundred ( 1001 trees, a lot of pear trees This tract ha four t acres of timlscr and the balance is under cultivation. Tit At T NO J. Containing twenty (30) acres mure or less, u hereof ten lo a re are cleared and the Istlaiice with young timher adjoining lauds of Praokliu liiibcrt on the east and Umct No. I on the south hy lands of William Krlck. on the west hy the ame and on the north hy lands of Stanch baker ami statOSMV Maurer. TKACT N". S. Containing four acres (t) acres more or lees, nil ct with young timber, bound ed on the north hy lam's of Frank. in Hubert. on the eat by the same, on the woiith hy lands , oT V illiaiu Krlck mid on the west hy tract CO. 3 Seized, taken into execution and to he sold as the property of ai.-x.a. itotuig. O. W. ROW. Sheriff, sheriff- Ofttaa, M iddletmrg, Pa.. Nov. IS, woo. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order Issued out of the Orph-1 uur Court oi snyder county, the undersigned I sdmlDLMrators ol the estate of Charles ooodllng, late of perry lowoshlp, Bnyder fount y, I'a., de- ! ceased, will sell on I lit- premises RATI KltAV. DMilUHKR S, 100(1 The following described real estate, to wit : All that tract of land situate In the to vnshlp .if Perry, county of Bnyder, state of Pennsylva uia, bounded and described as follows: on the north hy lands of S. s, ReltX, on the east by Ma- hantonEO i reek, on the south by Mababtongxi creek and hinds of John OOtntOTt Sod on the west by land- or James Shcafer. oontalnlng ISO acres, more or less, whereon are erected a two , story dwelling bouse, bank barn and oilier out building, I springs and flowing water at the imuse. About ss ucres is in good timber, of white pine, v, bite oak asd chest nul oak. sale lo commence al lo o'clock a. m., when j erraa win be made known hy QgOHO K iool LISO. SAAI' OlKII LISO, J. Harby SHOTTsnxBoxa, Auc, Admln'rs, i. o, Waissa, Attorney, Jcilo i he (few Iteaerf, pietist s nil tbe family. Four Flavors Lemon, oraiifte,rasr)berry and Btraw-1 berry At your ttroeer s, nt cents. Try it to-day. rm l I g af RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man 4 Ma a. Ul mce prodacas the above reanlts ln'30 days. II aetl powerfully ana quietly, cures ween so omen ul lonng men will regsln tbelr last msnbood.andohf men will recover their youthful visor by uslnf REV I vo. It quickly and auraly rentoree Herroua neu. Lost Vitality, Impoteoev, Nlshtly Emissions, Lost Power. Fslllna Ifemorr. Wsetins Diseases, sod all effects of self. abuse or exceeeand lndUeretloo, which unfile one for study, business or marrlsgs. not only cures by starting at the test of disease, but las great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the Are of youth. It wsrds off Inssnlty sad Consumption. Insist en having RE VI VO, up etber. It can be carried In veet pocket. By Del, 1.0O per peck me, or six for fi.Ofl, with m post live written graarant to core or re fund the money. Circular tree. Address Royal Medicine Co., SSSSSTuSt for tale in Middltburqh. MIDDUkBbRQH K No morphine or opium In Dr. Miles' Pats Vnxa. Cms A ll Pain. "One cent a dose." Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervous prostration- Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them. THET Si A V, FOR A1AWE KNOW. "Ho all turkeys have wishbones, nurse f' "Yes, dearie." "I wonder why they don't wish that there irouldn't be any Ttksmhgfiv : . N. Y. Truth. His Fine g Worehlp. Puritanical Kataar Jf con, this is Thanksgiving day as the injunction te us is that we each repair tS eur place of wor ship. I hope you wffl MB heed , my son! Son (not exactly putttsnieal) That is just what I am going to do, tether repair to my slace of worship. I am going to spend the day at Clara Lovegood's house. Tuck. Near. "You are perfection!" he whis pered. She shook her head sadly. "Alae, no!" she sighed. "I fear no man could come so near perfection as this!" In point of fart, not so much as a sofa cushion intervened between them as she spoke. Detroit Journal. 5 Cents "What is the price of Dobbins' Electric Soap?' 1 "Five cents a bar. full size, just reduced from ten and your choice of 13'.) 36 cent books sent free, for each 1 wrappers, and 7 cents for postage Hasn't been less than 10 cents for 33 yearp. "Why that's the price of common brown soap. I can't afford to buy any other soap after this. Send me box of Dobbins' Electric." GREAT ABOUT SOILING CROPS. A Inblert Tbat Is lleing StwdleSOIaae i Jast Hew br All Prugreaa Ive Dsirrsies, An old adne hath it that elosing the barn door er the theft Of the horse is not the best method of pre venting burglary. Yet it is held to be worth while as a discourager of further pilfering. The dairyman who this past summer has seen his caws shrinking, feels inclined to shut tht barn door. How may he do this best? if he has planted soiling crops like pens and oats, Hungarian millet, and the like, and haa been supple menting the dying pastures with jnven feed, in the barn or yard, he: has closed the door before rather than lifter the theft. Moreover, the necessity for the summer feeding of grain is greatly lvseened. If he has no recourse to soiling crops, nothing but buying grain can lessen the shrinkage. The Vermont experiment Station hss for many years experi mented with Boiling crope, and recom mends to rkiirymea the large use ol summer ensilage and of oats and pens . sown at weekly intervals, anil fed during July and August. Ensilage is probably the cheaper food; oats and peas somewhat the better. If the former is contemplated as a steady summer diet for yeurs, it would be well to consider Ihe erection of a spe sial summer silo, preferably round, with a small diameter and a relative ly greater depth. Ensilage spread over a larpe surfare in summer spoilv rapidly and loses largely in fiedinj; value. If oals and peaa be chosen they should be sowp in succesaiie lots at weekly intervals, the two sown separately, the peas first rather deep ly anil harrowed in; the oats two or three days Inter and bushed in. A brter catch is likely to be aecured in tttia way than if sown together. The crop may he either fed green, hnyed 1 or put in the silo. Let those whose July nnd August njilk yields prove disappointing try ensilage or oats and : peas uext yenr. Country Gentleman. WATERING MADE EASY. A Device Which, AJthensrh Rffrctlvr Is So Easily Made Thnt Every body Can Introdnee It. In cold, windy weather watering the live stock is often hard, diaagreeable work. Where the pump is within a rea sonable distance of the barn a plat form nay be built over the well and tho pump carred upoa It. An open wood trough or metal pipe may be WINTER WATERING DEVICE. used, as illustrated, for conveying wn ter from well to nnimals. Water will thus run downhill much easier than it can be carried during winter. If a trough runs lengthwise of the feed sJied, whether fur catble, horses, sheep or swine, the water may be pumped over the troughs directly into Uie drinking tank or trough. Pack the out side of pump to prevent freezing. Farm and Home. Stay by Tear Speelnlty. A ereamery patron, who milks cows when butter fat is high and beef low, but turns his attention to beef when butter fat la low, says: "Profits scarcely visible to the naked eye. What shall we do to be saved?" Hreed ing for milk one yesr and beef the next is a suicidal policy that no en terprising breeder would dare prac tice. By this haphazard method, the above patron realized for butter ft $19.63 per cow per annum. The Kan sas Agricultural college scrub herd, pushed along dairy lines, brought an average of $37.74 per cow per annum. This difference of $18.12 per cow is what SPMld hare been visible to the aaksi eye, had bJs cows been handled as the eollege cows were handled. "What shall we do to be saved?" Set tle upon some definite line of work, study the business in aU the details, find out. what others are doing in the same lines, make your business a hobby, and. above all, etick to It! D. H. Otis, in Country Gentleman. Valoe of Good Pasfnrea. The editor of the Journal of Agricul ture. Montreal, makes an estimate of the value of good pastures. He claims to be well acquainted with some of the finest pastures in England; from which the well-known "Gloster" cheese is made. They have been in grass from time immemorial, and the tenants pay at least ten dollars an acre as annual rent for them. It takes three acres to pasture a cow a year, and the cows av erage 448 pounds of cheese, worth $4, a calf worth $15, and the whey is worth sbout $15 to feed the pigs. This, then, gives as the income from three acres, and the labor asd use of the cow, about $67, or $23.33 per acre. Low Temperature for Apple. The most important condition is storing apples is the temperature. The storage room should be kept very near freezing point, ranging preferably from 33 to 34 degrees Fahrenheit. Even a degree or two below freezing wi.l ordinarily do no damage. Tem peraturea which will ruin potatoes and other vegetables are entirely fa vorable to annles: and. oonvernalv temperatures whisk are suitable is I Be Knew She Didn't. A mountain farmer of New Hamp shire, whose wife had died from ep ilepsy, received a visit of condolence from a neighbor, an eminent physi cian, who had a summer home in the vicinity. After sympathizing with him on the death of his spouse, the doctor asked regarding the symptoms, concluding with the question: "Hid you ever notice, Mr. Z.. wheth er your wife ground her teeth in Sleep?" "No, no," responded- the mountnin eer, "I don't think she ever slept in them." N. Y. Tribune. One Mic Appreelnted. "I don't think much of the sdages people are forever quoting, do you?" itsked Mr. Linger of Miss Kosdick. "Well," replied the girl, with a glance Bl the clock, which indicated 11:30, "there is one T recall now which has a good deal of sound sense." "Which is thnt?" "Early to bed nnd early to rise makes a man hn!thy, wealthy nnd wise." Harlem Life. It Still llnlile lined, "They Bay," said the old man, "that it is an exploded theory that fish is food for the brain." "Don't you believe it," replied his grandson, who had succeeded in get ting half way through college before tiny expelled him for basing. "Don't you believe it. I've always ei bits of lish, and look at met" Chicago Times Herald. KeRleetful or Hie Oppnrt unities. " They say he's rather dull," suggest ed Ihe girl in blue. "Oli, dull is no name for it," replied the girl in white. "Why, nfter 1 bad Incidentally mentioned to him that there wasn't n soul within hearing he actually refrained from kissing me lie cause I said I would scream if he did." Chicago Post. A Modern Wlanrd, Mr. Crlmsonbeak Did you notice that new bonnet Mrs. Yeast had on to-day? Mrs. Crimsonbeak How do you know it was a new one? "Beenuso Yeast contemplated get ting a new hat, nnd 1 see he's wearing tjie same old one." Yonkers Stutea man. An Artist's Candor. "I suppose you would rather play Hamlet than eat," said the admiring young woman, wh is given to eol loquialisms. "Well," answered Mr. Rtormingtoa Harms. "I never put it in just that way. Hut your remark suggests the alternative that usually presents it self." Washington Star. B-revesge. "No, Maudie," the elderly baeheler said when next he met her, "yea can't exactly be a 'sister to me,' aa you prom ised the other day, because yoa are go ing to Vt a stepdaughter to mv. If you are a good, obedient girl, however, we shall get along all right." Chicago Tribune. Males Only Get Over It. Mrs. Crimsonbeak Did you ever no tice that babies always want to get their hands into your hair? Mr. Crimsonbeak Oh, yes; and I've noticed that when they grow up the males usually get over the habit. Yonkers Statesman. The Rahy. Only s tiny bundle of Inve Tlist the worthiest impulses waken A mile that the fairies brought from above, Hut, pee! what a nolss It makes! Chicago Inter Ocean. HAPPY AMERICA, Cholly Oh, Hirdie! I'm glad we don't live in a country where girla' fathers wear shoes like those! Chi cago Dally News. Her Frrrnsrntlve. She was a woman and denied The right to murmur what she thought; But she could sit there dreamy-eyed And utter sighs that told a Ut. Chicago Times-Herald. All Plnr. "You musicians ought to l.-nd a very happy life," said Teuspot to a cornet ist. "I don't see why?" "Don't you? Why, even your work is play." Detroit Free Press. Clrennulnncea Alter Cases. "Jones' wife left him because he stole a kiss." "She must be particular." "She is. He stole it from the cook." Cleveland Press. What Did She MennT Cora What wonld you do If you had a voice like mine? Dora I should be very careful sot io overwork it. Harlem Life. The First Inspreaslon, "Papa, what is culture?" "My son, it's what some people have before you know them." Brooklyn Life. la Reply. Sapplngton Your sister looks sweet enough to eat Little Rodney 6be does est Judge. Nerves Wear Out And grow weak and exhausted when net properly nour ished, just as an engine loses its power when the fuel runs low. The loss of nervous power is seen in the failing health and the wasting form. It is felt in the aching head, the throbbing heart, the irritability, indigestion, restlessness and loss of sleep. Re. build the worn-out nerves, rest the tired brain and add new fuel to the vital fires with the best of all tonics, Dr. Miles' Nervine. "I never anything do me se much rood as Dr Miles' Nervine. I had been suffering frem blind piles for some time and had lost so much blood thst my nerves were In a very bad condition. I bought a buttle ef the Kervlne on trial sad it did mc so much good that I have since taken '.wo merf. Tbe result is my health has been wonderfully improved aed 1 arc very thankful that I gave it a trial." J. B. Hkkslkc. Rli-ygold, 6ft. D. Miles9 Nervine Is food for tie worn-out nerves and the weary brain. Is a food for the over-tand and wea's eMj cities, nourishes, fortules aid tatraahas tftc wve ntuv. POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPULAR PRICES THE -NEW-YORK WEEKLY haa for nearly sixty years been recvgnlzt'd at the PtoptVt Na tional Family Newtmpt.-r, fur (armera anl villagers. lu aplendi'l Agricultural 1 'opart imnt, its reliable market re port?, recognised authclty tlir.'Utrhnut the country; Its fashion niitrs, its Science and Mechanics department, 1 ta Caact Bating hort toiita etc., etc. render It Indisperwahle in every family. Kruular nuh- TRIBUNE m ripiiun price, $1.00 per enr In connection with The Tribune wo nfTir lllusualvd weeklies unl agricultural Journals, Korth Amorlrnn Ilrvlrw, New York City. . . . llnriivr'a Mniinilin. Nrvi York City Hiirppr' lln nr. .New lork t'lly Harper' Weekly. Raw York City Century Mnicuxine, eiv York City St. MeholOH Much I no. New lurk City itlfClure'H MnKustne. New York City Krniik I.CNlie'M Monthly. New York City.... tuneey'a Mnumlnr, Neiv York City .iiieeeM, New York City t.eduer Monthly, New York City i'urk. Nasf York City Juilnr. New York City l.eitlle'a W eekly, New York City Itevien of IteviewN, New York City Seribner's Mssuilne, New York City American Au;rlciiltnrlnt, New York City.... Itural New Yorker, New York City CoNmopolltan Masrnaliie. Irvlnvton, N. Y... Country Ucntlemnn, Alhnny, V Y I 11 rm Jonrnnl, I'hiladelphin, Penn I.llipincott'n Msasilsr, I'hiladelphin, Penn. Youth's Companion, llnnton. Mnas Farm und Home, Springfield. Mas New Knnrlnnd Homeatead, Springfield. Msu, tiood Housekeeping, Springfield. Mnxa Farm, Field and Flrealde. Chicago, III (Irnnne Jndd Farmer. Chicago. Ill FpltomlKt. Indinnnpolls, Ind Ohio Farmer. Cleveland, Ohio Michigan Farmer, Detroit. Mich Fnrm nnd Firealde. Sprlngfleld, Ohio Farm News. Springfield, Ohio Home nnd Farm, l.ouierllle, Ky The Farmer. St. Panl. Minn Trlhune Almanac. 1001 I'leaee send cash with order. Thoee wishing to subscribe for more than one of the above publications In connection u The Tribune may remit at publishers' regular prlcee. Address TUB TimilNE. New-York City. The New-York Tribune The LEADING NATIONAL REPUBICAN NEWSPAPER, thoroughly upto date, 1111.I always a stauch advocate and supporter of Republican prin ciples, will contain the most reliable news of THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. including dim-UHsioiin, correspondence and speeches of the al lent political leaders, brilliant tditorialn, reports from all sections of the land showing progress of thf work, etc., etc., and will commend itself to the careful perusal ot every thoughtful, intelligent voters woo ba the true interest of hit country at heart. Mfiw ViirV Publlshsd Monday, Wednaa riun lull day and Friday in in reality a ijini UlciHv Una, trash, stary-other-oay llrnl'l&lj Dally, giving the latest news on Tribuuu naya 01 iioiue, aim covering new nl the other three. It contain all iimmrtant forelirn wnr nml other calile new which appears in THE DAILY TKIIU'NK of Mime dale, aluo Domestic anil Kiiroiic" orrenponclence. Short Stories. Klrgaut Half tone llliiatrations. Humorous Items, In dimtrinl Infiirmalion, Kaahion Notes, Agricul tural Mntters and Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market reortH. Kegular subscription price, 81. V) per year. We lurnish It with the POST for $1.15 per year. Send all orders to the 'Tost ', Middleburgh- Fa. Liberal Adjustments- REMEMBER H. HARVEY CHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY FA. Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Eire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819, Assets $11,055,513.88 " Home M 1 " 3853 " 9,853,628.54 " American " u u 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronase Solicited. All That Was Lacking. Maude Ferdinand haa all tbe quali ties that go to make a good husband but one. Ella What ia that? He won't proposer Judge. Works Both Wars. "Liquer makes men talk, doesn't it 7" aid ths citizen. "Yea; and sometimes it's the means ot hutting them up," said the policeman. Tonksfg Statesman. All Thnt Stopped Hlns. Mrs. Farmer Do you know how to handle an ax? Weary Wraggv If I did, lady, X wouldn't dk a ting to dat biscuit t Pack. It It NEW- YORK published on Monday, VYedntv day and Friday, is a compl,-.. up ta date daily MWtpaper, three daya In the week, With all Important newi of the oth. r four days. Trofusoly illus trated, and filled with Inter..---Ing reading for all who with ' -keen in close touch with r.- -..- TDIDIIUC ' ,ne nation and wnr: !. I nlDUnC ! ' a ti Imp iihtrrl price, 91.10 per 'ur. to those who desire to gin-ure the beHt maBazin the following splendid lniluceimnts: Wlih Reiril ir With Weakly Tr Price TrlbuBS, - V New VfifV Published on Thursday nd IttW 11)11 known for nearly Sixty yean in every ,.iut or the t niteii Minm se it National Family Newsl "I" of the highest class for fun" ' ami Tillagers, It eontains l the most imtmrtant gensrsj Tritone new of THH DAILY TRIBUNE up to hour ol going to press, has entertnining reeulinit l,r every member of the family, old and youafi Market lleports wliiehareaeecpted SgSUtborhl by farmers ami c ountry nu n hauls ami ie clean, up to date, interesting nnd Instructive , I Regular subscritlon prkc, 11.00 per year. We furnish It with the Pott for ILL'S per year Prompt Payments 60 YEARS'. 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