The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 06, 1900, Image 1

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    (jo. Commissioners, 1
Wave pou seen
Wave vou ecen our
ur latest Stales
latest Creations in
of ftne Hrt
Ikalenbars for 190t
jy-A Postal will (etch you a Salesman
letter fccaos? Envelope?
Zbcy'vc jtm buns
jyA postal will fetch you Specimens
Geo. W. Wagcaiwlltr, Miter aa Proprietor.
A family Journal, Devoted to Ntwn, Science. Art, falitkal Economy and Current Literature.
Kates: One Dollar Per Annum. In Advance.
vol. xxxvii . 52r
We till have a large varlty of ladies
iintl ChUdlMl cont Btitl capSS at lst
toni price. 8. WSM. Selinsgrovc, Pa.
Att elegant artistic calendar, neatly
printed by skilled workmen, is just the
thing. BtB samples at the ottlce of the
I wish to take this means to thank
the many Mud friends and nelghbon
for the numerous favors shown (hiring
the illness ami the funeral of my moth
er. Jambs Bowkrsox.
It is reported that Editor Smith, of
the ElhtabethvUle Ed, is to he mar
ried to ?.tiss Marv, daughter of John
sheet., of Carson vllle, on Dec. loth at
.. i e I. ., 1 ... .1...
WANTED General Agent in this
... I... ,..11.. ..Ill- till., ill' VV'll t l'l I. S
ill appoint local agents. An energet-
luau ran iuhiu; mi; iin'm i eu-.ii,,,
. 131. 1 I .l.l.. ll-.ll.. I..l....
A TIIINAI. AH II ' ", ncuuoii;, ii.
...... .'.. I HM ,1..
Notice ! We will pay the tare both
Im t., oust, nil, .fv frutii A rlAftiatill nr
filiate stations to purchase gooils at
ir store ten tunes t ie amount 01 i ue
I ,i,i.!.. JBL Ill I... 1
II (II t I I I . - (Mill 11 111 1 '1 . ... . i
11 I ., ,,,,,, .t 1 'Id X l.-ls S,. Ills.
II lllllllllll t I,,,'-... I,....', . V
IIH , I II. ..-.-.
Oo to A. E, Soles for a smooth easy
. .1..... i i. i i i
1VK 111 11- 11-llillC 1 .111 I III .11114 111.111
Banned with a refreshing shampoo or
linrun rcninvcii wuu ins mine. .
l ... 1 -..11. 1. ! . . ! . I
mi towel to eaeh natron. Parlor in
..1. L..MJI 1..... ,.f DUI
ice. nuiisiaeiniii iiuuiitnieeu. u.
No one can n asonably hope for
oa lieu I til UniPHI Din no wets move
be eachdav. When this in not at
. a . 3 . iL . a L
1.111 L 1 i l. l
Hi. UlrJUIUVlS UI mw niuiumu
K( III illlsl U'NH. (If lit HI I' 1 VMIIHI1
i . . 1 niUu a. mi f it as If Vrtu urifih
AIIU pilOJI OVUU I UIIU " . J "low
avoid these ailments keep your
web regular bv taking Chamber
a otuuinuu aiiu uitci iauiuin
required They are ho eaHV to
sale at the Miduleburg Drug
Harfiains at Qarman'l
Peter Garman, Mt. Pleasant
Is is iitlerniir a new line id ladies'
ts and milliuerv irotx's. Men s
25 cuts anil Queenswarc at I!
IS H I 111 '11' I I -..III
Diece of flannel dampened with
auiberlain's Paia Balm and bound
the affected parts is superior to
plaster. When troubled with
e back or pains in tbo Mile or
. , . . i
to be more than pleased with the
nipt relief which it anorus. 1 am
m also cures rheumatism. One
I! i ! HI I A
ucation gives renei. r or sate ui
MtddlHburg Drug Store.
Calendars for igot.
lOSG who wish to gel out u nice
in ar or s ion n run at ine
r printing office to see the niagni-
. ... . . i i
No more beautiful calendars wcr
exhibited in this county. Give
patrons a neat calendar; they w ill
it in their Homes ana stanu as an
Hole year, riaee your oruereariv.
'.'1 llltltll'fl flf K.V.'I tll'l'l it .'1
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. A
siTvices at Daniel's are well at-
and interest on increase. A
y welcome. J. L. Hoyeb,
- Jb
!. .1.1 .1 il
piurniirr-T iin nnnnr u uiwn iiim
as follows :
church, Penn's
pcr coupons, a6
lllll i, il 1 1 u ill isi Tin I
Church. Fremont.
x 1
Church. P. Creek.
hurch. Fremont.
church, M'Kees i Falls,
ve o'clock P. M.
Teachers in Session.
( Cinllnued from last week )
The evening lecture was given by
Hon. W. I. Kwoope, abject, "The
Right to Kick."
The opening exereises were conduct
ed hy Rev. Bhambach. After tin
pointment of various committees.
. . . . ,,
Deatrtek again gave a talk 0C Cram-'
., . , ...
mar. Many new and interesting things
. .. , . T
were said that the teachers may use in
their work.
Prof. Francis Lybarger, of die
Netl'Sehool of Elocution, Philadelphia,
was introduced, He spoke on the sub
ject, "Intelligence vs. Educatlou."
The third talk was given by Dr. Dea
triek on the Physical Nature of the
The forenoon session was closed by a
talk hy Prof. Lybargeron Intelligence.
Dr. George O. Groff, of Bucknell I'n
Iverslty, Lewiaburg, Pa., gave an In
structive talk mi the boundaries of
Dr. Deatrick gave a practical talk on
Recitation hy Miss Lanibcrsou on
"Among t he Catacombs."
Prof, Lybarger continued his talk mi
Recitation by Prof. Dunlavy entitled
"The Harvard Boat Race."
Dr. Iroff was again given the Boor
and gave many Interesting things con
cerning Porto Rico. The doctor has
spent two years on the Island study
ing them and helping the people there.
The entertainment of the evening
was given by Rodgers and Grlllcy. It
was a decided SUOCess,
Opening exercises were conducted by
Rev. Mi-Lain.
After reports of committees Prof. Ly
barger discussed Education without
Dr. Deatrick gitve the second talk on
on Grammar.
Prof. Lybarger then continued his
talk on Education without Hooks.
Dr. Deatrick again spoke on the sul
ject of Psychology.
This being the Directors' Day, a good
ly number of them were present.
Hon. .1. (J. Stewart, Deputy Supt. of
Public Instruction, Harrlsburg, Pa.,
addressed the audience.
Dr. J. F. Barton, of Shlppensburg
Normal, was introduced. He gave an
Interesting talk to the directors,
The afternoon session was closed by
an address by Prof. Lybarger,
The lecture of the evening w as given
by Dr, Thomas H. Dinsniore, Jr., Sy
racuse, N. Y. His subject was, "A
Wonderffil Structure." The theme
was the human body. The experi
ments made the lecture interesting as
well as Instructive.
Opening exercises were conducted by
Rev, Bhambach.
The talks were given by Dr. Barton
and l'rnf. Sybarger.
After reportw of committees Supt.
Bowersox made some closing remarks
after which the forty-third annual
teachers' institute of Snyder county ad
The teachers wish to express their
thanks to Supt. Bowersox for the suc
cess of the institute. It was through
jUair worthy county superintemient
that such able instructors and enter
tainers were secured. May thissessii.ii
of old Snyder's teachers long be remem
bered, and be the means of inspiring the
teachers and allothoas interested in the
work to enter the work with renewed
energy. I. J. H.
MARRIED Dec. 2nd, at Middleburg,
by Rev, J. Sbambach, H. M. Burns, ot
Dry Valley Cmss Roads, Union Co., to
Miss Olive ('. Kline, of Kratzerville.
Nov. 28th, hy Rev. W. A. Haas,
Miles Kantz and Maggie K. Hoffman,
both of Freeburg.
Dec. 2, by G. A. Aurand, J. P., Elmer
C. Mitchell and Cora A. Nerhood, both
of Troxelvllle.
A nice variety of rainyday skirts at
Wiufj'. ll-2f)-U
The regular term of court will be in
session next week. Most of our sub
scribers have been prompt in the pay
ment of their bills, but there are some
who should examine the date after
their name on this paper, and if any
arrearages appear, bring It or send it in
next week during court.
V Major Dill Student Association.
The students of Major Win. ir. 1)111,
who are now in the profession ofteaeh
Idg in the county of Snyder, met dur
ing Institute week at M nldlehurg, Pa.,
and organized themsi'lves into a per
manent association, the object of which
is to renew old acquaintances and to
revere the memory of the luilch-cstccm-
...I ...! ...... I i I r . ll I
... . I I I 1 I ... I'M! 11 1 jl ll . I III' IlllltlW IIIU
, . T
officers were elected: President, Prof,
, ... ... .. ... ., . ,
Geo. W. Walborn; Vice President. J.
,. .- ,. a .. ,, , , '
K Kellerj Secretarj-, Ida G. StahL
i Alter Hue neiioeration, tin- assocla-
tloll dee ded to hold a meeting on the
last Saturday in February (Feb. 28,
1901 i, in the Preeburg Academy at
I which time the following programme
I will he rendered : Frof. F. ('. Bowersox.
"Maj. Diliasa Superintendent," Prof.
Geo. W. Walborn, "Maj. Dill as a
Teacher," Mr. .1. F. Keller, "Maj. Dill
as a Soldier," and all the teachers are
kindly and earnestly requested to res
pond. The above programme will be
Interspersed with vocal and instru
mental music,
The active members of the assoclatit n
al present are : ( let. Aliraud, '. I .
Wetzel, Jacob Algler, E. E. Shantbach,
Jerome Krdley, D. F. Ban, Ida (i.
stahl. W. D. .1 arret i, T. !. Arlmgast,
A. M. Garman, J. F. Keller, Edward
Shaffer, David S. Hen-old, Geo. W.
Walborn, .1.
Eiscnhaucr, Jos, ('.
All IlL students
not now teaching
in Snyder
a r e renar
d as
honorary members.
At the same time a dinner will be
given by the association, to which
all the members and their families are
cordially invited.
A I I persons expecting to attend
should notify the committee on ar
rangements, Prof. Geo. W. Walborn
and J. F. Kisenhaucr, not later than
Feb. 15, 1901. Ida G. Si. hi..
Court next week.
Christmas oomes next Tuesday two
The POST will visit its subscribers
only twice before Christmas. If you
have not paid for your paper yet, do so
at once. The editor has been working
hard to give you a good new spaper and
he appreciates prompt payment.
Alter Dec. loth, 1000, I will have on
sale of my own manufacture whiskey,
all rye white for $1.75 gallon. Conic
and net a gallon. Other grades from
$2.25 to $0 gallon, by the quart from
75c to $1.60. .1. I.. M uiKs,
l2-6-3t. Mlddleburgh, Pa.
This week we begin a lew Christmas
advertisements and several large reduc
tion sales. If our subscriber- will take
advantage of only a lew of these offers,
they will save money enough to pay
another year's subscription to the Post
and have two or three dollars left. The
advertisements are those of reputable
business houses who recognize in the
readers of the Post the most intelligent
people of Snyder county.
Pedis Enured for Record.
Luoinda Bowen toCurtln Bowersox
acres of land in Franklin township,
lor sjn").
J. C. Schocti, et. id. to t in-tin Bow
ersox, Doming woras premises! i acre
in the borough of Middleburg, for $200
Win. Boyer, wife, et, al., to J, .
Hackenburg, 86 acres of land in Perry
township, for $20,
MennnS. GraybtU and wife toJohn
H Bine, one half Interest in mansion
farm in West Perry township, 88 acres
and ") perches for $2825,
Charles Hoover to Caroline Jane
Hoover, 1 acre and IW perches in Chap
man township, for $200.
Mary K. Keller, ex. of the last will
and testament of Geo, W. Keller to
Annie Fisher, house and "lot on the
ale of Que in Belinsgrove, Pa.,
MiirrinKe IJccnses.
I Harry Bums, Kratzerville,
Olive Kline,
t B. F. Long, Selinsgrove,
Augusta c. Breimeler, "
Among the tens of thousands who
have used (Jharaberlian'a Cough Kenn
edy for colds and the grip dun ig the
oast few years, to our knowledge,
not a single case has resulted in
pneumonia. Thos. Whitlield & Co .
240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of
the most prominent retail druggists
in that city, in soeakine of this, save:
" vVe rn common d Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for la grippe in many
cases, as it not only gives prompt and
complete recovery, out also counter
acts any tendency of la trnnpe to re
suit in pneumonia." For Sale at the
Middleburg Drug Store.
T. BvMcWilliams, of McVeytown,
was in town Tuesday.
Lee Francis Lybarger, Fsip, of Mif
tlinbiug, dropped In to see us last week
Murray W'ittetiinyer, of Miftlinhurg,
was otjeaerved in town during the past
J. A. Stahhuvker and w ile Tuesday
left I'oravislttotbeirehil.ll'eii in Cleve
land, Ohio.
Miss JqRnic Charles, of Port Tivver
ton, i- visiting her brother, F.dwin, in
this pUce.
Mr. Stees, of Mitllinburg, was the
guest ot Hon. (i. Allied Si In nil anil
wife Sunday.
m. Ifc Htahllieckcr and wile, of
I'leaVerSnfelnKS, Were ill llli- nlaee vis-
Ith Potter and Bexsie Clrich,
Ve, were the guests of .Miss
lender 1 1 - nasi week.
anibacb Is erecting a new
mother's lot into which
ill move in the spiinir.
e Hlllmever, i.l ashiliu'-
notoiir ( 'mint v, i s i h,.
t of Miss Lillian Sti ller.
ter and family last week
of her mother, Mrs. J.
, ami attending Instl-
Ira lemberling, of Seliin-
ired the Inisi. ilalil v of At
G. Grouse's I'amilv last
rt and Mr. Parker, of
were in this place last
week mi butlness and pleasure, mostly
the latter.
Miss Elsie Riegle, the daughter ol
Ex-Treasurer Riegle, of Adanisburg,
spent a few days very pleasantly with
friends ut this place last Week.
Isaac A. Moyer, of New Berlin, and
M D. Hiissinger, of Mt. Pleasant Mills,
called Monday and joined the vast
army of subscribers of the Post.
Mrs. Amanda lemberling, of Selins
grove, has been spending a few weeks
as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. N.
. Bowes, on the French flats.
L. 1'f. Bunch, who recently resigned
the position of traveling auditor of the
West Virginia Central li. It. with
headquarters at Elklns, w. Va , made
us a pleasant call Tuesday.
Mrs. Philip Scholl, of Shamnkin,
lost her pocket book Tuesday between
the Middleburg depot and K.S. Stroub's
residence. The finder will be rcward-
l by handing same to Mr. stroui.
Charles Moyer an I wile, of MitHln
burg, Sunday were the ins.ts of Lt. D.
P. Itboads and wife in this place Mrs.
Mover formerly lived in this place and
was better known as Kate Swim-ford.
John Soles and wife, ot Lcwistown,
last week were the guests of Barber A.
E. Soles at this place. The former is
i brother and assisted tin- latter
luring the rush occasioned by Teach
ers' Institute.
Jy P. Naugle, of Aline, and his son,
Hehry, Of Price, Kansas, were callers
al this office on Thanksgiving Day.
I'be elder Natigle will make sale in the
ipring and has placed his notice in our
Mile register. The younger Natigle is
infatuated with the west and will re
turn again to the great corn state.
Wail for Di-vclonments.
Krum the Sunbury EvciiIiik Item.
We notice James Crotist , one of Sny-
der county's leading attorneys here
on professional business, it is rumor
ed that he Is a prospective candidate for
Presiddcnt Judge in the 17th Judicial
District. Mr. Crouse figured largely in
the Bucher-McClure fight nine years
ago. n be enters the light In earnest,
it will make things Interesting. Wait
for developments.
Humors of the (.'ensue.
One census question was Indicated
by the remark, "Length of residence."
When the reports came in, it was found
that many of these queries were an
swered in figures in this way : 20x40,
15x30, etc. The enumerators had gone
around with a foot rule and had meas
ured the length of the residences of the
people they counted.
r,irKU,w,n,i..iiiu mii.i .. ..
send their news Monday.
The organ contest closes Saturday of
next week. All coupons must be sent
to this office in good time.
Mis. Sue C Shelly.
The people of Middleburg will re
member Miss Sue C. Shelly, the elocu
tion teacher, who stayed at James G.
( 'rouse's residence last summer a year
ago. The daily papers publish the fol
lowing notice concerning her:
Miss Susn Shelly, the you ng woman
who has been doing various wonderful
performances in her ambition to acquire
fame ami experience, turns out to be
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Shelly, of York Springs. She is 21
years o d and is represented as pretty
ami accomplished! Several dispatches
from Indianapolis ami other points dur
ing the last ten days have told how a
yoUllg girl, who gave I he name of Shel
ly, and said she was from Pennsyl
vania, had I ii arrested fur wearing
men's clothing, playing bubo and hold
ing up a train near lUchuioild, I ml.,
on the night of November II. All dis
patches Indicate that t In- police officers
of the various towns were lioil-plussed
by t In- young woman.
Ib-r tlldolltity could not be ascertain
ed and it remained lor Ex-Mayor Kby,
of Harrlsburg, the agent for the S. P.
t '. ( '., to u ii ravel I In- pee ii I ar si ring of
circumstances ami locate the parents of
the girl, He has been in communica
tion with the Western authorities and
by t he close of t he Week hopes lo have
the girl at home. In a letter to her
sister, Miss Blielly writes that at iu
lime has she forgotten that she was a
woman nor lost her self-respect.
It appears that this Is her second es
capade of this character, her purpose
being to write a book of experiences as
a tramp ami a railroad hold-up.
Mr. Shelly is a retired farmer and hie
daughter was given a good education.
She last disappeared from home in
October. Mr. Kby had a call from a
sister of the girl, who thanked him In
behalf of her parents for his Interest in
the matter. They are anxious to have
their daughter return.
The Freeburg Courier has this to say :
The subject "I' the "liiii Tramp"
sketch on our llrsl page is well known
here. The writer of this remembers her
as a student at the Musical College
when litt le more than a child. Years
elapsed, when, after taking a thorough
literary course in the New York Col
lege of Oratory and Music, she returned
ben- ami taught elocution she had
grown into early womaillinou. iter
idea of life seemed centered on activity
doing something or preparing for
some llelinile WolK. I mil she wolllil
be capable of filling the limit of the per
haps overdrawn sketch, the writer ful
ly believes. Her instincts seem lobe
that of u I""'11 Bohemian, and writing
her controlling passion, tier literary
training, and her independent spirll
may have prompted her to do things
that weaker women would shrink
from. Her uttercotitenipl for conven
tional society and it emptiness causes
her a little concern for its opinions
Iter's lsan intense, active personality,
ami she is a i.-iuv wiin.u. nne inav
some day become famous as a descrip
tive writer, and when she writes she
will know of what she w rites by per
sonal exjierlence or thorough Investiga
tion. Her escapedos may cause her
some unpleasant nuwirieiy, uut sue will
care little If the cud in view is gained.
David City, Neb.. April I. lOoO
Genesee Pure Food Co, Lo Boy.
N. Y.:
Gentlemen: I must say in regard
to GRAIN 0 that there is nothing
better or healthier. We have used
1 1 m ! I il
lt. tor years. .iy unit net was a
great coffee
Irinker. He was taken
sick and the doctor said coffee was
the cause of it, and told us to use
GRAIN O. We got a package but
did not like it at tirst, but now
would not be without it. My broth
er has been well ever since he start
cd to use it. Yours truly,
I .u i 1 1. Sociion.
AUGUST l l ow I it
' It is a surprising fact." says Prof.
Boutoii. "that in my travels in all
parts of the world, for the Inst ten
years, i nave mei more people nav
ing used Green's '"August Flower"
than any other remedy, for dyspe
psia, ilerangeu liver and stomach,
and for constipation. I find f o
tourists and salesmen, or for persons
tilling omce positions, where head
aches and general bad feelinirs from
Irregular habits exist, that Oreeu's
"August r lower" ga grand remedy.
It does not injure ttie system by fre
ouent use, and is excellent for Hour
stomachs and indigestion." Sample
Kss. Ua fr-aa at tin M l 1 1 i 1 1 nr llrn
ooiuiri iivv mimiuino im
Sold by dealers in civilized coun
Get Oreen's Prize Almanac
Important lo Stock Hreeders.
The program of the annual meeting
of the Penn'a Livestock Breeder's As
sociation, to be held at Harrisbiirg,
Deo. 12-13, bristles with good things for
breeders. Dr. c. D. Sniead, the well
known authority, will discuss "Abor
tion in Cattle" and "Stomach Worms
III Sheep," two troubll s that have cost
Pennsylvania breeders thousand of dol
lars. )r. Leonard Pearson, the able
n n d popular State Veterinarian of
Pennsylvania, will talk about "Milk
Fever," another costly disease. Prof.
J. Fremont Hickman, who has helped
to place thoOl i Exierlment Station
III the front rank, will discuss "Calf
liaising," ami "The Silo." Prof. W.
H. Caldwell, a breeder of dairy cattle
ami Secretary of the American Guern
sey ( 'at tie Club, will discuss the "Breed
ing of a Dairy Herd." Then. F. .lager,
Secretary of the Waterfowl Club of Am
erica, will look after tin-poultry end o t
the program, w hile Hon. W. C Powell,
the well-known horse breeder, w ill dis
cuss horsebroeding, Swine interests
will In- in the hands of competent men.
A discussion, "Live Slock at Fairs,"
w ill interest fair managers, who are es
pecially invited to take part in il.
Special rail and hotel rales have been
secured, l-or further information ap
ply at once to Secrct iry E. S. Bayard
Fast End, Pittsburgh, Pa.
W sllIV
F.....I . .
r IS
I), c
. iroy,
i ienosse
N. V :
O ui I men: 1 II'
so in. id. from t'ie u.-.
I lllll 1 fl el llltlril n
dllC I ot In i .i 1 1. II -e It.
in ily ri nlize
. i . K.YIN' ()
. rtord to in-
i I peoplo al o
interested I" Hi. II' lie 1 1 1 1, and the
wi Hare ui t heir children i hey w ill
use mi other hfvertifii. I have used
tin-in all, but i 1 4 A j N I have found
superior to any, for the reason that
itis sulid grain, fours for health,
Mrs. Wesley MertMod,
My ttiu faxtiinvilli- tirriHniiilmit.
Mrs. Sophia, wile of Wesley Ner
hood, died Saturday at her home in
Paxtonville The cause of her death
w as rheumatism, She had been linger
ing about three years and it intervals
fluttered with great agony.
The deceased was born Sept.H, 18111,
in Perry county, Pa., and was the
daughter of Win. and Barbara Briggs.
She had one brother ami three sisters,
The brotlu r and two sisters had prt
ceded her to the spirit world. 'I'lic sis
ter who survives Iter, i- Mis. H. II.
Attlg, of Paxtonville.
The deceased was married August I,
I88H, at her home about three miles
north-cast of Paxtonville, to Wesley
Nerhood, hy Bev. Noah Young. The
union was not blessed with any chil
dren! 'I'be parents of the deceased have
leeii dead lor a nuiuuer oi years.
Her remains were interred in the
'axtonville Cemetery and the funeral
services Were lielil III the hvahu'elleal
bun h. itevs. Shaiiibach ami Iranilcy
lie became a member of the Evan
gelical church al Paxtonville, in iss,
iml was an ardent christian since her
on version to t he Christ ian faith. She
was a ipuet ami peaceful woman, al
ways advocating the doctrine that
truth ami app'iicss reign supreme."
he won for herself the respect and ad
miration of the entire coiniutlllil v and
he i could I -peak iii more eulogist li
ter n is by saying i hat i be om- w ho
tasjust crossed the river ami is resting
under the shade of the trees is being
mourned for not onlv by her stirvlna
husband and sister, but also by the en
tire community.
l'he text for her funeral sermon w as
selected by herself some timo ago, and
is found in Numbers, 23 chapter ami
the latter pari of the Kith verse.
$100 Reward, $100
Tlin rnnilnt'H of tbiu lintinr will bo
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disotso that science uas
been able to euro in all its stages
xnd that is Catarrli. Hall s 1 atari n
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional ui
s e a s e, requires a constitutional
treatment, nan s atari u cure is'. in int. i'ii, ill v iLptimr iloeetlv 110-
. U V ' .. .111. ......... , . - - " n - - - . - tr 1"
on the blood aud mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation cf the disease, and giv
ing the patient strength by building
up the constitution and assisting
nature iu doing its work, ine pro
prietors have so much t tilth its in
curative powers, that they offer Oue
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