The Delicious Fragrance SCHOOL DlItCTOtS. ADAMS TOWNSHIP C. F. Fetterolf, John lUmer, C. P. Flss. J. E. Fetterolf, Htnry H. Thomas, C. O. Bingaman, Troxelvllle TroxelviHe Troxelvllle TroxelviHe Troxelvllle Middles waxth from a hot Royal Baking Powder biscuit whets the appetite. The taste of such a biscuit sweet, creamy, delicate and crispy is a joy to the most fastidious. ROYAL Baking Powder improves the flavor and adds to the healthful ness of all risen flour foods. It renders the biscuit, bread and cake more digestible and nutritious. Royal Baking Pow der makes hot breads wholesome. Food raised with Royal will not distress persons of delicate or enfeebled digestion, though eaten warm and fresh. Imitation baking powders almost invariably con tain alum. Alum makes the iood unwholesome. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. HEAVER TOWNSHIP Daniel Hasslngcr, Beavertown Isune Dreewe, Beavertown F. E. Specht, Beavertown James M. Kline, Beavertown Jacob Hettrick, Beavertown John D. Herbster, Beavertown WEST BEAVER TOWNSHIP Woh H. Heeter. Bannerville i H. H. Herbster, Bannerville Amos Howell, McClure E. K. Middlewarth, McClure William Miller, Crossgrove Thomas Herbster, Lowell CENTRE TOWNBHII John C Grubb, Penns Creek Joshua F. Biugaman, 1 Vims Creek J. H. Hartman, lVnns Creek W. F. Handera, l'enns Creek Nathaniel Jordan, lVnns Creek Phares Shambucli, Middleburg CHAPMAN T0W1WHIP Levi Bhaeflfer, HoflVr Henry S warts, Hoflbr George B, Bhaeffer, Hotter John Tests, Meiserville John S. Hine, McKees A Falls W. P. Moyer, McKees Fulls even pale, (Independent District) William Gingrich, Evendale Joseph Sellers, Evcndale S.J. Shirk, Bvendale Fred. Fisher, Evendale William H. Shelley, Richfield Wm. If. Shellenberger, Richfield Franklin township Amnion Bwhonr, Middleburg John Sluimliach, Middleburg Robinson Walter, Middleburg ;. w. DiebJ, Middleburg sane L. Brunner, Paxtonvtlle rvin Qraybill, Paxtonville JACKSON township Bbreinef 8ellnaxrove Bhamokln Dam QEO. V. WAG ENSELLER, I'.dllor untl l"r(trl'tor. H uteri I :it Ilia t'oal Office at Middleburg, !'., n neeond rlii.- nintl matter. Histohv. Established in 1844 as the Union Di'iuokrut, ut New Berlin, a Ger man Whig n)H'r. 'hanged name to the Ptwi in istil. Oldest Itepublicau newspaper in Snyder County. How the Organ Con The twenty-second result as follows : I'. Kvnn. ehurch, Peun'a In ek : N vvspapor coupons, Premium coupoues, Total, V. B. 'hurch, Fremont, Premium coupons, Total, st Slands. init allows the 229 Still n rhanre for Htm. "So you reject me!" the young law yer said, rather bitterly. "1 wonder if it would do any pood to appeal the ease to your father?" She shook her head, "There is no appeal from my rievi sioti," she replied. "I am what you call the court of ktst resort." "But I cannot pive up the ease ill this way!" he exclaimed. She dug the sand with the point of her parasol, "Mr. Braxton," she said, softly, "inijrht von not ask for a new trial?" Chicago Tribune. Charles J. Beaver, J, (i. li roil so, Thomas Leitxel, Benjamin Kline, Paul w. Benfer, i Solomon Kline, New Berlin New Berlin New Berlin Krnt.erville KratserviUe Kratzervllle fcUDDLRBUBG BOROTJOH Geo. H. Btelninger, Jacob filbert, ( larbon Beebold, w. w. Wlttenmyer, E. K. Freymnn, Aaron Btahlnecker, Middleburg Middleburg Middleburg Middleburg Middleburg Middleburg UIDDLECRKER Township A Allen S. Row, C. M.St nil il, James Roush, J, R, Delmer, John S. Meiser, L. F. Hummel, Ii74 4 TOTAL VOTE OAST t Evan, church, P. Creek, 0882 U. B. church, Fremont, T2X XU IT. B. . hurch, 2668 Trinity church, M'Kees 1 Fulls, ins Total. 20,003 ! A Vlllavt Blaeksmltli Naved IIU Little Hou'm f.tre, Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known villape at Grahanisvill , Sullivan Co., j N. Y., says: "Our little son, rive vein h old, has always been subject to croup, iind so bad have the at tacks been that we have feared ninny times that be would die. We have had the doctor an i usi d many med icines, but Chamberlain's Couch Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve the touch mucus! Mta by giving frequent doses when 1 the croup symptoms appear wo have found that the dreaded croup is I cured before it gets settled," There j is no danger in giving this remedy 1 for it contains no opium or other in jurioua drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by the Middleburg Drug Co. I'ntlirtlr Apitenl. There is nothing gained by being too bashful; anil the b.serter of the . ..i. ....l .. ft. .t -. to be told so: OBOB "A poor student requests some gen-! iSjijj erous and noble-minded person to ad Vance' him a sum of money fir the purchase of a btcyole, with a view to reducing his embonpoint. Address A. V., at the otlice of this paper." N Y. World. Wi ' Kreamer K reamer Kreamer Kreamer Globe Mills Globe Mills MOOTkOE TOWYSHIP B. F. Hummel, Nelson A pp. Hiram Jeremiah Hummel, Bhamokln Dam 0. Ed. Fisher, Hummel Wharf T. P. Hummel, Hummels Wharf I'KSS TOWNSHIP BeUn Herner, K raUervll le Howard Row, Balem Isaac Row, Selinsgrove Chas. Miller, Jr., Hellnsgrove 1. N. Jarret. Selinsgrove F. P. Custer, KanU PERRY TOWNSHIP D. Woomer, Mt. Pleasant Mills Albert Bchnee, Mt. Pleasant Mills Irvin Boyer, Mt. Pleasant Mills Jacob D. Shaffer, Oriental Samuel Spotts, Meiserville J. P. Wendt, Meiserville WEST PERRY TOWNSHIP J. W. Qarman, Richfield J. G. Hornberger, Richfield H. W.8nyder, Richfield Jacob Foltz, Richfield John Whitely, Richfield D. W. Haas, Mt. Pleasant Mills SEI.INSOROVE BOROVOH H. L. Philllw, Helinsgrove A. R. Pottiger, Selinsgrove I). S. Hhollev, Selinsgrove M. O. Snyder, Selinsgrove Geo. W. Long, Selinsgrove A. A. Conrad. Selinsgrove Kl'KINO TOWNSHIP Harrison Shrader, TroxelviHe W. A. T. Ulan, MMulecreek A. M. Auimnd, Beaver Springs Moses Benfer, Beaver Springs Elmer Shannon, Beaver Sjirings Abe Kauflman, Benfer DNION TOWNSHIP J. N. Houser, Port Treverton John S. Rice. Port Treverton Ellas Herrold, Port Treverton John 11. Hrubaker, Port Treverton Qeo, Wentsel. Dundore John H. Kiegle Yerdilla w ASHINOT0 N T( IWN8HIP J. H. Hendricks, Freeburg John Strayer, Freeburg Chas. W. Dreese, Freeburg Crawford Why do you always stay oat so late? Crabshaw My wife said ah weald have me help her tt up a cosy corner the first titns I earn home early. Pock. A BTr! Cnr. Juvene I hare been suffering from Insomnia lately, though I hare tried all the patent remedies. 6enex Have you tried going to church. Town Topics. Retort Coorlfom. Mrs. Bicker There you go again I You always were a fault-finder. Mr. Bicker Sure. And I'll never for eet the day I found you. Chicago Daily Butter... Eggs.... Onions.. Lard.... Tallow. Turkeys Ham . MMuri 80 Wheat 24 Bje....IT 50 Oorn.... Oats 1 4 Potatoes .... 7 Bran per Kj Middlings I 8 Chop... .... . 15 Flourperbbl When you feel that life is worth the candle take a do Chamberlain's Stomach and Tablets. They will cleans.1 stomach, tone up your liver tgJ guiate your bowels making von like a new man. For sale bi Mirdlepurg Drug Co. IMMENSE John liickle, H. s. Bchnee, Prank Speclu, Freeburg Freeburg Freeburg CHIUHtSlER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS I i i is i j i m I I Mi PI R? H Witt 1 911 ROCKER Si AT SHIPMAN' Mil ,,,;;i. lit", iin t 3 FURNITDRE STO 1 tS ft 6 439 Market St., SUNBURY, PA, . i. .j .vT nnntt ititit ii i i b Call to see tliem. V'N. N.N N N N N N N N1N N N NWTX NIN.N VI j. .t--;-;.i,.i..t..i-i-H-H-SH-S-H-H"l"l"l-r'!"I-I-H-H" How He Got It. "Did yp-u ever get religion?" asked the revivalist. "Well, I should say so 138 pounds of it," replied the man. "A hundred arid thirty-eight pounds of religion! "cried the revivulist. "How did you get that?" "The only way that a good many men ever ,'ct reli'gion," was the reply. "I married it." Chicago Post. ruh and full. Politieinn My boy. the door to every successful business is labeled "Push." Thoughtful Youth Isn't your busi ness a successful one, sir? Politician Well. ves. 1 tint t r myself that it is very successful. Why do J'Oll ask that? Thoughtful Youth "Because, sir, 1 see your door Is labeled "Pull." Tit-Bits" B Htktt. Alwuvt Nllsblf, fciMllen. ISk rmprlt ft" li I HHMTU H KX.1.IMH iii Red aud Wold in. mm. - h. '!.. Maloil with blue rlbbun. Tahr no other. KefUHe dangrroui aulMtl lul Ion nnd ImliiMlon. Buy of your Dnik'Klnt, 01 wnit lo. In Ktnmp tor Hartlrulan, Testl monlnl nii'l " Kellef for l.ndle.' In Utttr, liv return Mmll. I0.0OU '1'ealiuiuiiiHlt. bold by ail UntrrlKtn. CHICRESTRS CHEMICAL OO. 4100 9iad!oii ISqnare, rlHI.A.. PA, G.S, Bigony&Co., MARKET ST., MJNBURY, PA. guns rnimm Sporting Goods, Phonographs and Records. NEW STORE, . . EOW PRICES. in Til itiv stud I hate bt -un busineia in Loeb's Old Stan Sunburv. niii jik my fair and square dealin t Is known to Siw yder County people, I I them all to come to W nore Toexaini: and note the low price.' HERE ARE C PRICES: Men's Suits froio $2 M auA upwards Youth's " " Boys' " . 65c l " Men's. Shoes as lowlitft8fe J FARE PAIDej Stinb We know that we can please you, and we vast jSu not to T to oonie to see us and as a special inducement, we win T fare one way from Midfllebtirg or intermediate stations to if yon buy ?10 worth of goixls. Up-to-date Cfcrtbfet. Loeb's Old Stand,! SUNBURY, 4-H-4-H-!-!-I-;-H-W-H-H"l"!"I-I-I"I-l--M'H 1 1 1 H--r M-M-M-H W Wolf Friedman, The organ contest will close Dec, 16, 1900, .ii live o'clock P. M. CUT THIS OUT. IVot-Srlf-Conjiolnaa. "I will say," remarked the young woman, "that he is not afflicted with tlmt self-consciousness which marks the person of deficient culture." "No." answered Miss Cayenne, l'he isn't nt nil self-conscious. He will be tiresome by the hour without being-in the leust aware of it." Washington Star. a 10. 30. If. 29. This coupon entitles the holder to one vote for the handsome WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN M..1. hvthe Wearer Orjrn Vmi Co. of York, !'n..f,ndfio1l by K.S. Klegel. Mld dlebHCft Pn. ) tu be Kiren to nome Church, HundAjr Behnol or rtl6Uo School in Snyder 'tMMity, by the I'oht, Midtlleburfch. J'ft. This vote is cast for : i MM To PATENT Good Mm may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, tiulncrlpMom to The Talent record rJOpsrssBtm A 'aate of Knrrsr, "Xo," said the stullorii citien. "I never confess that I am in the wrong." "Why not?" "There is no use of it. If a man makes s hsistake in this life there aro thousans of people ready to take hold and advertise it, without his lifting lO his voice to swell the clamor. Washington Star. Hla Dying Rrqneat. "And now," said the Fiji chief to the Boston missionary, "have you anything to request before we proceed with the ceremony?" "Only this," replied the missionary, "please put a few benns iu the pot with me." Harlem Life. Borrowing Trouble Miss Million (of uncertain age) The only thing that worries me is the wedding tour. It will be perfect ly horrible to hare people know" Miss Itosebud (viciously) Oh, don't worry. They'll think you're hla moth er. Tit-Bit. oooooof;oooof)oa)oo o noa)oaooooooooocooaoooooo3eooootoooooooooooco A TREMENDOUS SALE OF IMen's. Youth' and Children's Suit To begin Saturday, December 1st at 1 BBOSIOTJS BIROTIHIIEIRS O '. ' " NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH oeoeoeoeoeoeooooeooo (Jelling Kren. "I'll have to quit sending Dolphus Daubo my poems." "Does he criticise them?" "Well, he hasn't said anything; but ' every time I send him a poem he 5 sends me one of his most atrocious paintings." Detroit Free Press. On the Otner Side. Aggressive Temperance Man (at ta ble d'hote) Pass the weter. The Other Mart I always do. It doesn't agree with me. Ally Sloper. ir . s O 4-. 1 111 i ' f I j f o i y OF The best SUITS for Men, Youths and Children still on our tables and racks just twice as much as we should bare at this season. ' ' J l CUT PIRCES MUST MOVE THEM AND AWAY THEY REGARDLESS OF COST NO FAKE SALE But a perfectly fair, and lowest clearing of the finest Clothing in in Sunbury All the Men's six and seven dollar Suits reduced to $4.98 All the Youth's three and four dollar Suits reduced to $2.98 All the Children's dollai fifty and two dollar Vestee Suits reduced to $1.29 All the Children's three and four dollar Suits reduced to $2.89 ooooooooogoa)ooa)oo Every nmn, youth or child who is looking to save his dollars and still wear the best Suits sold in this city should take advantage of the GREAT SALE. The above prices will give yon an idea of how prices have been cut all through the suit stocks from the cheapest to the best. Brosious Brothers The Most Reliable Clothing House in Sunbury, Pem 0000000000000000000000OtO000000SO0QOtO000040000000 s;l. . L