i nsgll 8-1 lUtfsl itr.-l alfi? to r.ilcfl lookei ? is- tit lame? moklnM Chica .1 mil happla han in deed i with ta o be th ever P" videi I RG IKS. tad J' TERY ISURI Repain .owest. deed. we. ra. FA. justed to' ,1 atteDt Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Jl -f Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dls- murages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon (or a child to be bor E? afflicted with weakki neys. 1' i child uriu ates i rften. if the trine scalds the flesh "r hen the child letches an ape ".lin should be able to control the poaage, it Is yet afflicted with itd-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of ht difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first I step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant I trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as post people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis- I eratle with kidney and bladder trouble, ad both need the same ereat remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of ISwamp-Koot Is soon realized. It Is sold ly druggists. In flfty leent and one dollar s:er. You may have a Isimple bottle by mail Ilret. also pamphlet tell- Hem of Swamp. Root, lag all about it. Including many of the jiousanas 01 testimonial letters received om sufferers cured. In wrltine Dr. Kilmer i Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and ntion this paper. mm. m i SENSIBLE BEE TALK. Vhea. Property Managed th. M.lnr; Fai aw Fair a I'roni aa Any Other farm Induilrj . AN INSECT BREEDER. A la.fnl CentrlTaaee Wlm Chick, sta Hava ta Kept eeaataat lr la Small Qaartere. . Here la for chickens in amall quarters. a rack four feet square, as in illustra tion, the aides being' mada of narrow alata nailed to the frame, sis or eight worth of honey inches apart. In thia frame ylace a honey would have been '-N .'Sy, MH HAIL )V. Banbury & Lewistowu Diviaion, Iu olf.iol rl iv 2, 19011. VTUAKI). STaTIOKS, KAItTWAIllr SAM I A Ml P H B .v Bunbury ii 800 13 in 7 Sellnsgrove Junction 909 too U eelinsirrove , "J tM Ml S 10 Hi 1'awllng -.) 4 .' t ifli (Creamer III i n It In Meieer I 4 10 4 js !UU MMilli lmrK H I"' 4 46 10 M Henfer - :M 4 10 ii io io Raavertown s -is. 4 07 m in il AUaunabura btSJ I 17 1ST Haulm Mills II '3 :i gf. II li n Mei'lure sn7 ;i"rr B Ilia Warner T "7 3119 A 11 16 Kbindle 784 BSD I ii ill I'aintervllle I 19 9 90 t u .'7 Maltland 7 ti :t J4 S I'M Lewistown "S-i sir, I 11 a7 .' ewtitown ( Main "treat. 7.-0 3 1 1 0 ii io Lewlntown Junction 7 m :i io It eosta some 40 to 50 cents hive, ro use full sheets of foundation iu all the frames, and about the Mine for rach auper in the .action boxes. What Is the gain? There will be lit t ' . or no (rone comb. The useless dron k in a hv will consume more th a 50 cents' worth of sugar In a . ;ison. The more drones reared, t h less ' worker bees there will be to store grub and worm-breeder honey, saye the American Cull witor. Build The workers which would ,vnuv - -1 j the space that the drone con i tills might store 50 cents' or a i ' ir'a in a season Much used lit) in making the comb for which thr foun dation is a substitute. We th, k we speak within bounds when we I that every half dollar's worth of f inda tion used in a good colony 1 add from one to three dollars to t'n value of honey gathered in a seasu. and when one is working for ex! noted honey no that he can put the inptjl combs back, the jrain may be it ore. In this connection we would pent the advice given before allow drone comb only in the best colonies, those that are pentle and good honej nh erers, that these qualities iii be transmitted through the male parent of the workers as well as throu Ii ;hi queen. There has been little itten tion paid to this by even the be I bee keepers, but we think it Is Imp rtnnt, and if it has not been proven s i, il is time some one did prove it. Do not allow the bees to be crowded for mom to work In and store their honey Whi n a super is from one-half I i ivoT thirds full, raise ii up and pul an other under it that they may v irlc In both. By the time tin top nn is capped over, It will be i me to put a third one underneath it Wit I plen ty Of room there will be 'ess t, Yncy u late (warming. oan -ill I I fi franttrt , 11 I I II I S AN INSECT BRBEDER. layer of two or three inches manure, then a layer of earth or rich loam, nnd next a layer of mill sweepings, shorts or bran, each layer the same thickness. Repeat until the rack Is filled. (Jrubs and worms will breed in abundance, nnd. seeking the edge of the rack, will become the prey of the fowls. Orange Judd Farmer. IS EASILY CURED. Feallirr-Eatlna: llrni Are Sol Virions lut Victims f a IHat-nae Thai Yields Iu Simple Treatment. The New York Experiment station recently published a bulletin on "feather eating" amonjr fowls. The ; report makes a number of observa tions on this bablt, suggesting- that.lt is the result of a lack of nitrogenous matter in the feed and citing expert j ments where fresh cut llone, lean meat, etc., were fed, "The tloe." the report snys, "is very uncommon . among fowls that have 'exercise ami ; a variety, of, food, a.'nd; it, is mOst'ecp j nomtcal to prevent if s nppeajance by careful feeding, but lis the surencT is IUII rarna. e'en under a rntibn whiet-dAes leavtR Htiiib'try ft 36 p m, " lit SfllUHirfi ve 0 4") p III i ic.ive. Le wlhMlWU JuuOt lull ! It iu, in 13 .i to, l io 1 1 in,M9 i) in r n i. m, 117 , lor Alumna, PutciHirtf .111.1 tin: wet. Itimure ait'l Wsihinaton oslaui 1 u9 481 I 10 11 111 For I'liila.lcii.hiK kiiiI . Irkfisi" rriii iu. 1 11: 1 m 4 aa and 11 K 't tsirs -10 i in Philadelphia A Erie H R Divisi.m:- aKI) hi t SO THIillN CNTKAI. liA'lyW.iV ..iiik.. II' . L 'I',. - ( I . T I ' "''""' ...Ljlnt nrlnunil uhm .. mmmt n I,., s 11 ,;iov junoMon oauv fdt,f'slJSr J" V "T" vuTciuAxm, me vice enouiu lie Ptampeil. dul by the death or removal of the first offender."?.'.; ri.CntVi The' editor of the Farm and Dairy, So-utTr WnTCS, cairs- arfenlidn td TfTTfacl of Tie failure to mention fht tcue-caaaei ot 'leather "atinif." "It A MOVABLE HEN HOI'. !. Skin Diseases When the eacreterv organs fail to carry off the waste material front the system, there is an abnor saal a cumulation of effete matter which poisons and clogs the Mood, and it becomes aour and aoid. Thia poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body, and upon reaching the akin surface there is a redness and erwptioa, and by certain peculiarities we recognize Enema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Bryiipelas aad masiy ether sain troubles, more or less severe. While the akia ia the seat ef irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions and powders may allay the itching aad baraiag, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully continued, ana toe condition is often aggravated aad skin pemistiently injured by ttaeir use. The disease is more than skin deep; the entire circulation is poisoned. The many preparations ef arsenic, snercary, potash, etc., not only do not care skin diseases, but soon ruiu the digestion aad break down the constitution. 8. S. 8., nature's ewa remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, of greet purifying end tonkal properties, quickly and effectually cures blood and akin troubles, because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores normal, heaUhv action to the different organs, cleanses snd enriches the blood, snd thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions. 8. S. e. cures permanently because it leavea none of the original poison to refennent in the blood and cause a fresh attack. Healthy blood is necessary to preserve that clear, smooth skin and beautiful com plexion so much desired by all. S. S. S. can be relied upon with certainty U keep the blood in perfect order. It has been curing blood and skin diseases for hslf a ecu tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. , S 8. S. contain ao coiaonoua minerals is pure'y vegetable and harmless. Our medical department is in charge of physicians of large experience in treating blood and skin diseases, who will take pleasure in aidiug by their advice and direction all who desire it. Write fully and freelv'about roar, case; your letters are held in strictest confidence. We make no chlflN whatever for Un service. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases will be sent free upon application. " ' ' THR SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA. sss I An t:erllent I hi pi 11 for I nrno Belley,e Thai a Penso , u rimi) Barned, ' V Ii o Is .,) Mill Wei., , . , run, -'M p in, ft a; RaH!lM in. MT In. Kile p -I ' ;a;ia'iij:iiu 1 . '. ..h Ki!iiewjrt4tiin'iMmTi?!ft''r'fc' 1 I'll' ii.V.H.. Ar. .ill . 1 1. fctr r .i 1'i'tt. l.irite Fa 1? Tyrone 11ml CTaa omtnsia. .. . h lur Kennvn and Elinlrs pklor WlUktsuanrl f i drijoi ' Kll'!.2kijlaV4w! nie.C is now a wellsknown fact,'.' jsays tha PfWnpro at QHV.'laiai "tluVt feather eSti (sarco which feed at the roots of the feath SktlaitVanriisUavlnr ruraukj ergj-lhuslirritnting thAbicAand caus- TOiI.f.,.-a.'i5i:'u.. aa4 P'k nviiini uartnul .umia. nurn- iiuiiri ajnaBnnvu 11 IS m lor WIIkebarre i dilt'lSV tit her birdt it I' At&fn the ' ' prewtnoa . of Hoe, fotJ&hTcSMhev arc EASTWAKI). lk& tMnnferore .' 11 1 I i arrlplnu 11 in So VurMMV ia ..iiumiti'ii 11 p inif The? .prevention s in! rawtjd v . sayi te.lMfiL i-,,M.I,,.,fl i IMeditor, are sirtpl.aa theiis ip M YorkKai a uT.'iii-iinurv t , mj ease it contagious. Isolation cf theiJ K,",!".llfP:,.,, . ..,,.,.,..,..' ' -te.l bird is Ae'firat sfcb.. eWiaM If ' hiiMtiinMlTttT. f.M,i i,ir,i i. .xv:..iJti. inn ually arrlvln ai i'iiii.i,iBivi.u 1 ' " K A BiNkn V libliaa n. Balthaora 28U J if it bo a cock.- -fhe mi tea vie Id read Unt.. I lit. . ... "S .. , rrainailainlaa Rnnhum "f "f" F" pmjully srrlylntrst I'tiliu.ltiilhlslMa m I sote to 20 iiarta of lard or vti l3!.l III - tn-iv. ok d arrmna.at PUIadcinliia I iitinMHi i s Husinrtpniaoo u 1111 1 1' III. Weill Hayi iKi4v m. Mew V MOVINO THB: Prtfl.TTiy HOt'feBt1 "' large enritiffh to hecomrr oda'te "iio to 75 chirkeae. ' ThlV blrdh are put m tli'o' hoube and, .drawn 'to the fluid., th n' fed oncfr or y-i,ce tf nvoustoin thuui kqilt, ihey are supplied with plenty ot tffh,l water and changed to new ground as often as they have plckid uo (111 iho d I L . ..11 1 T- J , BUZZlNGS FROM l':RD0 T. I of oteo-A r,ood mscliaeiTAl.. t... . m W.islil utiin ata Maa rM,n ..i.t..j :.. v a uSHal" MrtsVs.104jgaiD Su,,'tiii-. ' auecieo pti,.f swees. Uie arriyiug at Piuiacuini 1 ReaJ Xfrkm 13 '-p d 'If iiiiavit Tl 5 lrfaVft l:rf.Mynh'r ' '' ' 7 1 u.wiii.i, pairWVrtffv, I n. s. ,.. a.... .- nkhba' am ai.i inn i- inl'iirv -it M :.(! ;i in an 1 -1 3ft Ml' u.. I. r biirrnbura, fttlatlslphta .1 , , orci ., -i 1. n. W'i llrHen'l'l'aiAeni rTf'iiiisiJ jijur'i Hyfindl; r 1 in luc llnura la Ontai, iiia n Cull (sl. 1 V ,flbM rve how the lien feed's wherftiit on the rangp. rf:;fWfitat n blade of s or leaf of e!n It tna tn fliwt itftir of it Ticket, pras COMBINATION WITH THE POii reivc''.,Mf'ii'fi'l,. Initio!' !Me roV a lilialwnltJl.-lMk. ltiU II IfcUI.- ? JMataW 'WMl"' 1 .a .i. . , 1 uirr.s it hou k km hi ill. .1 .LI! aaWl . taf-k .Ml Ik .... I 1 I . ' t ' 1 ; I t I : 1 I - lvweawj swy-euw 'Bhe"bnt:ves worth ititeatienf inc- nnd prass aces' Far ; 1 She ntw dis-. t,(ie KoM;hlMi arm Journal. niliU . ior setM 1tiw(-k with which nature li h aA , 1,11 u jif i 1 which nature has given her ft Iveeareari(ltiteM)ddlebiirly m nn( . . i y.pa Iwii uar.jaiJiliiidmijt'Sl.llj IMizJj- w-ejMheajll in if p loe r ir in Jourrinl in nut' of Hip best ' MTh'e' fffoR fo'',shaWeJf down a e iiiminir tools her with Ive vcni-s 11111I ilif Miililli'l)iifHllai?4. s 'a-ijC-L. a .. 1 .: t-.. . r. pa:rt,- path a ml a few m iStW Wi4l. Hv--:- j-th reeoi4Wa Jh-Hsrtiwn-nwnr ajaai ....i. ...... ..f iai ... . friim liiis rcoakt bv another i?rntK- I Urmi fur m. neirlinf th.. r'iin-r. lanoreriinil wtirlcini; tiiiiti. l. . ..... .. ,. 1 .1.... .. : .. : 111. 1)11,1. ..It'll n II IIIL'n I 1111 II III lllll l pvirlHt'TrtWkyTr Vrnr'Vhnf,:fldwri 'ft'ej- . iu"U'. 'oft W MMlUlMelUB PjlF,lpne save-Aiipeeai tmmAtm dash mossucculVy.,''' ,XK rrk,WLLIi O J "V8, Rraphjprler lw-jM, fttej didn't i.p.s axe .wporUnl. ,t , j vii I . Mas ami i'riilav. r. che u lanie H' ' M" n,lm u,lul"er mover lent or clover perHectiVv . U M lu i a .1 me. 1U1 important, for it win addon nw ayjofi of subseri'ierH on 'lut nil iMii-li aatlioa is a tiioruiiirhlv Sfttt' ilailv fiitnilv newsnaner fa. la,.,.i. " " ' - r- 'i-iw. Legci jROEOf h.J tobJl ttcntio; If r RAM. 'ius the hen feeds a ifn j at. h tiaiek njid consuming hours m omfrininir ti frill meal, it seems PeW York Weekly 1'rjBuDe UII JMpW 1W8 Ae thia every day Mi.Uilijliuri' 1'osT, Oiitj vear. """" ,'" V , """" ! -r a,Ti, r I measure of ajMlnd corn on a hare spot i8-not the -proper way to feed th hens. And those who do this will reuve canclnstVf aroof -tTlafci there is HidmlffhinpV wroaWr rWlth fcearieedinir during the time of year when the heM hall'no chtrSee of food.'bUt thiiit live on what la given her by the owner. Slaw . '" '' '"s Dlar Baaceaa vrtk aas.. Every little while we come across accounts of men, who. in a amall way, hava mafl apleodld money out of atLMfU 1Ol Of theatest la that" of an,'- Ht rras poaiPOJpaorrie L-otswold ewes 6 yeara ajf at $3 per head. He kept hem until they raiaed two crops of amha Jor,hm Jini sold Aheia.tor 14.25 Lpleoe. The Unit year their fleeces av eraged 11 P4. the yead veajr ljL One crop of latoDa DrOutt ?S.(TO pet 100 pounds, the Other M.S0. AL'. tha owMr did to fatten them, waa to give them 'eorn'Wie ana tlmdthy hay and tat . ithem ram lev aha yatrdiarherahe -ae fair lU tailvtint, ujil't iJi PjeekM Tribune Is published on U . nml frivep all luil-rtii' uwi nand world, tin- lno)rliaile r mrla, unexcelled BeBaanHaif cut, reliable iri-nerul Informa- liniui .and entertalnlnir nlt 'Ufa IBS 'aoiIK oalMr" 'for " United fltates, a national (am '! ttot farmers spd vllaajff.. York Ti i Weekly World Mitklloburig ViWT, m yr, varies miU', I kjPQj, f WcekVv -Worla-jiieilhre. . 'vied, le filled with the latest ' the oauatnraad ia weii wortir- i;UcaJ jiarnier, one yi ifnebuVjr' p'Po8T,one yi e papers and Hie Practical Yw Book m1 AgriculK o for 1900. .paidiin only $1.65. leal Farmer Is one tf the beat walahibareUa aad a' in. I that la aaa nil la Iha Saaaaa. LwaaMaaoeaioaaiese or) sttthblH fields thf 1s preat d"al of food WMteC wliit-l be Qtlllzed if the fowj.s coujl! ducSd to forape. for it. In Borne the -'young and growing fow housed 111 small. IiVlr'tlv fonV builflingsi ipteoed on nliet ls wi. V are w a tntiM HIr jea, ire jj .illitri fi '" li'iiiu ii "i "I ' fill ii win . . . ""in . 4 Joi iA i M i,l : 4t aV f V awTTfaK "v . - ' JK. II M.v ill .f aim m I a i Hfjam . j iriC- ii i iii iil 'V J I : " ll Read This! Read This! MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS I. lRTpr thim vrr befora j tnv I'lUC LWfVEtt than OT! EH8 for .i v SAME GOOD. My prioaa on tSuyolifl of loavpet I w is,!) tn clow oul will suit t Lit pocket book of mapy and Rjive tilhers iimiicy. Di' bot think 6i luiyitifr vmir full carpets tnittl you give in y Block of eui'iet .vour iitttnitioii tuid get tbjQ phcaa of Home of iii v baagaitiB I am oflft riug. riff tt nifnliTT nf Onntniiii .in. 11 UHIlUi Pi ices iut riiibi i'ti tbene giloai One Word About Pictures. iff i -in if ni in 'pxn'ril slock of rtWliirAM it diMf. l.F.S.S f, THA'N')OWT atiil aouie lor the priite of. tliiMflaaatiu Lhe Fiatiiem 0 Don't, minx. Uii HUlo, I have Mtmio prettv ttiinga to ini' in Funiilure', all tietv, Ln'er will so i inia on in rilvlt's u.iil! i'i kii:ii ., i UNDERTAKING! U-DSRTAElNGf ! In tbia branch of my bhnfii"ih I uJK pVi'pn'reH to mve tht x public llie oohI aW,bi) thut v,hi be Roeiirad, iv tjioney,,. tiav mn ?; personiil attbritioD, My equippage in Mia branch of bui-rtieBH i 9 odp of aih 'fiii. si in ihe atat. MKA'KsKS; lAKHIAtSKS ami ,g UNDiSinVKINOJ'AIIL! HS .u.- up, io.atcf , . )( ft Qna word, sbont i report' that my attention lia I iiliea to mletv ti r-i.ir. to 0 ' mvpneiw'. 1 'iM'aiuN'I'KH tQJiiirrtijIi H mm an1i .. i,K".,Mo,i;v t'lui- a.i yt hotlsaaUieAOUiity, 1 tlUAItANTKE -njrK, uu i.n'-i PA YMKNT lhau all otnelu. , l,,u'bt-C.last.iJiiv'erv',('.(iiiitvli wifii1 Dihlet'liikintr De'pWrtnlelit. V V. - II. I I vl .1 . I. i(iilli .ii. i"iii 'i' w w'jfirvi. i u -ti .trr nmmiri -r.j .ym ri ' ig 'IVrthiMltf nM4i4ant' - "''.' - l'.IOWi'I.STtVNKL. Might II of Vain.. "No," he said decidedly, "woman tnoufd not have the ballot." "Why not?" she demanded. T.i-ause of her uscU-smicish in casn of a conflict. The one who voles i-hou'd also be of service when it conies to fighting." "1 should think," she returned th'oupitfuny, "that woman might be of Viiltic In puttll.g pateht's on the scat uf war." Thua again was womnn'a resource Atlnesa In argument demonstrated. Chioflgo iPoat. In Glass Jura. "it a ruiijineii iiint the pure food cranks are after I lie Chicago peck ers." ahid the flral Tefan steer, "to have them put l heir beef np In plana instead o tins, hereafter' "Wi'ir."' ri MKirlird the seennd steer, IMflfTeH'htty. "VValL wouldn't tluit l:ir von?" J Catholic Standard ami Times. , . A0eelaliy n. 1 Though he asks ht'r: "Wilt tfrnu be my wtraf ii" . ' 'i'ii And not aaol her thine. This dainsei hemi a'r.iT haws as If 8h webrm ak.i fu liftt,, Detroit Jo,urnal. ' k, , i viiii-'! -t 'iiiiiifi il n-n i I '; j m I. .- i i II II I till I . I I I I I II HID K III Mill I Hi I m yiini.j "ii- " "yfi v vff 'wi ' ii ' m V"-" 1 r 'aW I I All 1. I irjll jf : Mi I fl if- rliMa.sf iJ. a)lf, II iVaMVkjl iThat Won't Break Thro' results In queen reajii ' 'ari)', xpected only Wftan .thij' cpj- : ony is stronff enough t.u swain , and,J w hen honey comea in freely fn( n the L . fleldja every day, ior Athen the Ire 'per I feeds his bees' freely. ' -I' l'.ecs tlo not use older larV..'- Ifli younger be presiiit. Sometimes a swarm ill enter i" ' wrong hive an'd'lie rey. ; ... n!1' .'lit,! but this seldom happen, (TT i. '"rally J the int ruder n,re kilied ,uy th" pos- sessOrs of the inuiii Im e.K Sftrrn t tion swiirtna, which ent.i fahajiite hivefe. lire ilitiinl-tv Uitle4 m i.t -1'l -., i J i -1 . i, ..i. , alj ai..aii i .1 , inies iirrier.ro mil n i ton ceer comb. Thej'-t)iiia dbVvnMird ii g.injii-1 erence to 'sidewse. ., S -s-J 'xperts, ,iiiaate th,sl, jnn if -cW.'1 ' oackwhi-.it lui bjoom iii yi-,7 ;Sj ; . irlAuails of, huaey lj day.o 4 -3 ! rench npiarlats use tu;i.issrrrTt'"gl'y,"l or ftdiipue meaaurei, of sever pat-' net!' P-frfU'"-" th.lr M.-'o' 1m ,lA". MLl I I fleSw'wwi 'i ''rlfc iiiafWf 'Hov hahdMHWIhe-atttfe, the styliih, appearance ' Jfcxj can bepo1ie4bylpair Of jftbeVthat are not in keeping with tha clothing. " " 11 ' "' - " KCshotonMifK, af-wntevef p7ife, can cqualaMWARf H "PAT, the only HiHnl Itafhcf shot made that1 ra'Wbrtfnl -e.l. Hot torn ' f.' break, tluo". , ' Vi'ljy ppy 4,5, oi? firati" inferior jjMU'iit'' KcMlber l':oiB " V lrwheny mem 1 :v Iran mjiiobt any dealer put ot MON ARC PATS ror.-'nii-n la-;-.? If yeur-dealer doesn't 'k9' 'tHerti wo Avjll JlaUly icnd u'satt'Dle prii:, your llie,' prepaid, frif).7s. Address TI0NARCH 4a'iJ0w 137 Dl'ANr: ST., KEV V0RK. - aficau.tj Of 'a-fllicatfo Dai ttUAAMliM IT f H Ii TO DLAti;kS;,lCNA'ftC;) PTS';'ax(.,',ri4ly h''i'aVfSIi'Bn'l liaUief siioiim-vlie uy jjiyrauteed patent I catlicr allocs in. nil Tticy HW.-fyi please the Roarer and wiirdo you good. tH Kio..in-:rhny 'say wlie'dfove her husband to drtink? 1 i in Mabel She wouldn't have to use a whip! Ally Sloper, Jnf i f 1 ' i i JiibI rteenune. A Umnan mny lIk Until she Is slek. In a in.uim.r. to gals, quite a rut lion; ran' t Jul a Ji a with a brick, net if'-eral cunntrurlloa. illy News. 1 lie .Never Knew. I First Tramp- Laia-iiiffbt. I dreituied I foiled a pock'thOk with a lot of mom in rt. " BcTond Ti axnt)-Tji'l vmi Know' it wu ' 'a'rir.am? iTu'TrT' ' r:,,nr N": ,J .ii'opp.-'i dead t jjfu iin. mi ni - iu lhye was money In 1 1 'itJ.--.iow ii Topics. v' r 17 IIN, rtji I ii I . . ' r 'It is a Rubene, is Itrnoi 1 tjbV'pajiiculifsny.' : i4 the VitcWjirir'T''' (l viaiioev tui nfng fn7nT uii ttupeolian Oil' ' Of Hie piintinsjof Uie hqfDMDk My huabahu a 111111104' tv''! ,t Cittvktil. with cut I imr dtsf ifietiiess. fvT lr U! 1 1 1 - .. I . 1. .rtl j. J 'if . T hi. a 'j 1 1 1 in I in ... 1 ii 1 , 1 11 1 Hit riirni. t.noiurn. uo W ",! r'tHfid $7,' o for it'." Chumtr.) trihilne. ' , -.aaajBBBj r' t.i nil) 11 .il " repjioit Mrs, i'stinctnesa. "fc ' ' ?TsT iiii Mil is important, top It wii addnu Maw pvvinau source of Itne hOney to IWe list l!(iLber"b8 Vriay 11 be"'fflugri .Vvlth'; carlialic aclfl. 'This ''ac.l'.l Ifaa ait' od5 krepi:;sive to oees. a ln.tiuri. ui .11 In water sprinkled at. .the. cntjcn iiu.of a hitfe, will prevent the jqbb,ern . f,rom, entering, while the oacupenita .tat aha. hive'Vill pasa it otf their vfaj. iu Uud f ' out.fN. Y. F.rrfcV; ZJtoXf nr-vi' t X 5l?S Hi . null II an I W 'IllillliltUU. u riiALElV IK-' ! 0 "" '".'" 'V'.u i-t i.u.mpa'.'WJt'.-a),' rTT? I If I Jll Mil M 1 ill .' 1 1 - . I 1 1 1. 1 1 1 , -ill ' ' , Ml i,ftfl.l id In) iiioino 1. wjjj jb'i M ifr-r iiifito-'i-iHi r Sitters and liia-lllm. u-t-,. K. r'it 'UlUt 'l . .i.,t. liens- is to lurnisn a supp-y 01 c-s the ;. inveterate,. .,1,, ' M,!, llrahmas, Lohins, I'Jym. nth ; ,rka d l.angsbans, should lie inu.ie, to rk for nearly all Uioy reeifi v. if gi only are -wanted, -i" i w. 11 to ve the non-silting vari-ttea, wntcoy saves h irreat deal of labor. Fa: more peoplt prefer tha,cfn-sl(te'rs, tf're present tohiU MUV tMrlfr hornv Miporcaa. Haul burgs , and' Houdna..4ra,,Jfpt, vary large!,, aa thay .are non-sitters. There is one difficulty or drawbaca with the non aitterii, which ia Uui.tay Ur.iKhU eggs, which are not iwef erred in aame.i markhta; but in other tlaoea aba whita-ea-ea ara'adeejtad'.l'Tehdiiv -a' are, ttoae thafir. dk.arV'aijrl, rfcVmiCC lot 'imni,! tmflT I ii v. ii- .' i-i -ii iui 041 mi. primal Kliaoo 'twil ilrv iv lasun 11. a ..I uiivia 1 ml : -n: tf . . , ..... .... i'7IWrf t -V - nuture with ln'm." la, - " . SewiiWacbiiies Pa. 1 r MtddleWjak, n 1 wsj 1 I rati ',p "ninl Inquire ftr Kim. Oil Bl lallfcUl jaM' 'i ir 11.1 aVPty-V- 'fw-7 .,.,. .... Vf'sS JaVW Ll m i!a5.4as-;.-..: .:-.--:.t.-.--wfi-- jMua iinta 1.'. .,lla-ijtlj'U'l .4 (gWg " all 1 . a "al ' '"No," i-ffswervd Frratvr Rnrirhimi. hc doesn'l have to think. It has got to he second Wiishineton' SI -u'' nit 11 iT i.saA. r "Intra- r . I . - eSwattcrs I saW-ii tnatl dog' iVe-,, ' ' ter luv. , - "-'alJ 1 III . 1 i'fOTWltfyra Haw do yon- know aA. i wa amad . ..... 1 ntmrain '"MAI ajasMiaVl aiifla" Nnrilonle. M He anys he wouldn't think ol ae ling taautey for hra ipdlirtaeah influ- epif ia iilcSwatt-fs-Wnnlrrn't;"toa 'h- aiid "'- 'X jiu were 11 tlog ano: homeriotlj' lied to your tail? Kyrac'iiso Herald. - ' I j Hab) Laved Pap., Friffi'l - l su.pose the baby ia fond . 1 i au7r.l1 L":-.. u- ua; j.-a ma mi-' .. rajpa ronn 01 me f, vny, ne SJcejaj (. I way whe Fin not ot home,, aal vii arr alnys awake all night Just. "torn joy my society! Tttiillta. ) " 1 " i Pablle Spirit, . "Jfr: TiigHleaon ia quite a philan thropist, isn't he?" "' in ., "'Yes. Ue always draw., tip, the sub scription papers other. , pec pi are asked to wgti.'- Cliieai' Timea-iler. ' aid. I.'I'T! il J.ndtTe-4arxlsi'r,fT' I V.: e kpw. Htwile;,;: s4 laaafl. Id! erimaiyotl Prison 'arivi'tnit. aawa . - wou-jreaZiAa n u ni.k iii'iii.iii iii. 1 t'liiiiuit njiry iii; ipuajwij hiM l; ISJ IUII tr y.lffJ"'!"' litii-'-'irliiMi wi I .'III i:j'jw luuii'intu riuna '11 .i-".-!.! : iifi'i "Vina 4 ii'i.' '