The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 22, 1900, Image 2
LEGAL ADVhRTISING. Eec, Court Advertising. Court Proclamation. WIltKKAS the Hon. tUiold M. MeOlSN Preftdaat JudltS ' Juill.-ial DUtriCt. Composed Dl (I untlei l Suyiler, an. I Union mi.i prim K. Rieglc ami Z. T. (Jem , berllne, Enql., A.-.-"' lata JurtgM In sfid lorSny. dsr county, bsre Itiued thnlr pisotpt, bearing dale the ' 4th day 01 Oct. A. itKi, to mi directed for the hold I on olan irphana' court, n OOnrt ..I 'itiitiii.n Pirns, I'uurt i.l l.'yer ami Ter. miner and ' leneral lourt "i ttasrtsf Bnstloai ..i the Peace, al Mlddleburah, lor 'he county ol BBder, on the ieoood3Ionday, (being tin 10th day ! Dee, 1900), sod to oontlnus one w...k. ivotlceli therefore hereby given to the Ooron er, Jttitlcoa of the Peace and Uonetablei it. and lor th.' ooonty Ol Snyder, to appear In their proper person wnii their rolls, reoorda, in.juiHi-limi.-., xamlnatloai and othei Teiueuit.raiieei to do thote thltiKi wineii ol their once and In their l.eluili l artaln to he .lone an. I witnesses and peraons proeecutlng In behatl ol llie Com Bonwealth agalnal an) person or persons are re quired to tie then ulM there mleii.lln,; and de parting without leava at tbetrperll. jQttlcea are requested to be punotnal In tuelrettsndsnofl al the iippulnte.l time agreeably to notice. Olven under my heml Real al the SberlfTi offlce hi Hlddleburgh, the 10th day of Not. A. li., one thousand nine hundred. i. l ItoW. Sheriff. APPRAI8KMKNT8. Notice w here ' bj siren thai the following Widows' Ap praisements under the $soo law, have been Mod with the clerk ..t tin-or nms' noun of Snyder county for conflrmatlon Dec, loth, ihoo. Appraisement ol Sylvia satztnsn, widow of aauc Saltzman, lute of Spring township, de ceased, elected to be taken under the atw ex emption law. Appraisement nf ami in. 1. 1 Voting, widow ol Israel voting, latum .-i itoaver townsnip, ne ceased, elected to be taken under the MM ex emption law. Appraisement of Havtiia Brdley, widow ol Theodore Krdley, late of Krauklln township, de ceased, elected in betaken under the 1800 ex ruipi Ion law. Appraisement of Catharine K rouse, widow ol Lewis Kious". late ol Mlddlecreek township, de ceased, elected to be tskou under the fsni ox emption law. Appraisement ol Amanda lirunner, widow of Baniuci m unner, late oi rent reiownBuip, eieci cd i" bo i .ikon under I In- SHOO exemption btw. Api'vil . in. -tit ol Sarah Martin, daughter and Hinl oil, In'ir ol .iiiioii i . 1 1 1 in. I.',- oi ii Pen ', township, d ased, etooted 10 M tak.'n in. -I t luetmoexi million law. u m siiiMiia,, Olerk Mlddli burg, Pa,, Nov. lntb, itwo, n EtilS'l KK'S NOTlt'ES, Nollre Ishereby glvi x en i hal the following numed persoM have filed thotr Administrators', (lurndlan, and E - eoutors' accounts iutbe KogMter'sUlilceol 8ny der Count) and tbe same win be presented lor eonflrtnailou ami allowance nl the oouti llouse In Ulddleburgb, Monday, Deo loth, 1U0O. First and final account of Isaac rrreene, ex ecutor ol Solomon Wagner, lateol Wesl Beaver township, mi. lor coin. t.s , penna,, deceased. Kiist and final ai uni iii w. s. Miller, execu tor of Bamuel K. BtumplT, into ot West Beaver township, snider lounly, penn l, deceased. First and lit. nl account or Henry W. Hart man, administrator "t h stale ol Amos Komberger, letenl Adams township, Snyder county, l'o., dcci asod. First and final account ol Moses B tts, execu ti r nl charlos Boits, late nl perry township, sir. lercouniy, Penna., deceased, i ir ' and Hnalaccpuiil ol Mary M., Henry II. and tt'tfirgc W, Waller, administrators of the Samuel n Waller, lute ol Franklin towi . i. Snyder County, Penna., deceased, j. h. willis, Register. November una, 1M0. Dei embef Court Trial List. Blchenberger at Wolf vs. Auoker A Knicftni. John 1). Mt-rks vs. II. F. mowing. Weimer Jc l'o. vs N'.T. l.i'vlngst inc. AT " K. Hunter v " ,li ICoosh. Jon. iu , i. Pontiu. I Dr. J- F. Kniiawell vs. KnUte of II. K. Sanders. R. C. Flss. tluardtan, vs. James A. Young and A. KllellStllie. abent bandred (1091 tree, a lot of ar trees Tln tract has four it . Sana of timber and the lialunce is under cultivation. TItACT NO. 2. Containing twenty () acres inure or less, w hereof tan (10) acres are cleared and the latlance with young timtier adjoining; lauds of Franklin Hubert on the east and tract No. I, on the south hy landi ol William Krlck. on the west by the same and on the north by lands ol Knocb baker and Solomon Maurer. TItACT NO. S. OontMlning four acre (4) aires more or less, all set with yi. unit timber, bound ed on the north hy Ian 'a of Franklin Dubcrt, on the eust by the name, on the south by lands of N illiain Krick and on the west hy tract No. 2 Set.rd, taken into eiecution and to be sold as the property of Alex- A. Bomlg. (I. W. BOW, Sberill. BberlfTi tXBoe, Mlddlaborg, Pa-, Nov-13, 1900. k5tock. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order lsRiied out of the orph litis' Court of Snyder county, the Undersigned administrator! ol the estate of Charles Boodllng, late of Perry township, Sii) der county. Pa., de ceased, will sell on the premises HATVfSDAY, DECEMMW h. iuoo The following described real estate, to wit i All that Irnot of land situate In Ibc township of Perry, COUOty of Snyder, state of Pennsylva nia, hounded and described as follows: On the north by hinds of S. S, ttcltz, on the by Ma bantongo creek, on the nouili by Mohabtongc creek and lands of John fjomfort and on the west by lands of James Bbesler, containing MO ucn s, more or less, whereon are erected a two Story dwelling house, bank ham and ol her out buildings, l springs mid Bowing water at the house. About so acres Is In good timber, of white pine, white oak ar.d chestnul mik. s.iio to commence at 10 o'clock a. m., wht n cutis will be made known b) OXOSOI GOODLIXO, 1-aai' liOODMXO. j. IIarbt snoTTiBiRaxR, Auc Admln'ra. j. ti. Wei skb. Attorney, JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE. It Will Thrive and Produce Aboa Oantlr on Soils Too Poor for Many Other Cropa, The Jerusalem artichoke (Ilolian thua tuberosus) is a yellow-flowereii jierenninl plant, reaching a lieiplu ol eight to ten feet and clooel resem- ) tiling' a wiW sunflower. One writer says that the term Jerusalem, as ap plied to this plant, is a corruption ol the Italian name for the sunflower ginisole and the uame artichoke w applied to it becnuse of the similarity of flavor of the tuber to that of the true artichoke known as the giobe oi French artichoke (Cynara Soolymtjl), which is a thistle-like plant in no way resembling the Jerusalem artichoke. Of the globe artichoke the flower buds are the edible portion, while the ,leru ssJem artichoke is grown nlmost ex clusively for the underground tubers ATTORNEY'S NOTIOK. Notice is hereby given that oowerol attorney-in-fact upon the estate oi Bpbralm Waiter, late of Center township, Snyder couuty, Pa., dee'd, has beeii given by the ItetrS Of said estate to the under signed, to whom nil Indebted to said estate should make immediate pas meni and those ha ing claims again-t ii should present themdyii) autnenllcuted tot settlement. I U WALTER, atlddli t.nri-ii. Pa. Att'.'rney-ln-fartt, Nov. It, 1000. 61. ADMINISTRATORS1 NOT1Q.E Let tots of Ailiiiitiistnitii.n in the estate of Catharine llrouse, late of t'enn tup., Snyder county, Pa., dee'd, havl ng lieen granted t, the undersigned, all per. .us kuiiwing tbem selves indebtod to said estate nra requested to make liumeillste payment, while hav i uu claims v ill present t hem duly Authenticated to the uudi rslgned. abO. sn li '.:. Kalem, Pn , J. I. FISHRR, Hellnsgrove. Pa. et. 10,11100 Adinlnlstrators, ADJIINISTRATHIX NOTICE. Let ters of Ailiniiiisti'iifii.ii In flit' os fate oi t . .. lore Brdley, late ol Franklin iwn Bnyder t;o., Pa., ditc'd., having I n grant ed to the undersigned, nil persons knowing Uiemselvns Indel tea to said esluto are requcsteo lo make Immediate niiymout, while those having claims mil presetil them duiv authenticated to (ho undei - Igned, SAVIM, ERDLEV, AdmlnlstrHtnx, M. I. I hi rElt, Vtt'y, Paxil UVIllo, Pa. Midi lebttrgb, Pa Oct, I, igon, l,'l.. I 1'iiU's NOTH'l Notice Is hereby Ji liii.n that letter testamentary upon the estate of Thomas Wise, late ol Centre Tow n-hip. Hnyder County. Pa , deceased, have been leaned in due form of law to the under signed, to whom nil indebted to said istate should make Immediate payment and thus, having claims against it should present them duly authenticated bo settlement. MAMUKL H. STltOI II, Kxeeutor, Pennscreok, l'o., Oct. ll. 1000 PXKCI'THIX'H NOTK K.-Notirc is hereby X- rlven thai Ii iter- teataiucntary upon the es tats of Samuel lirunner, late of Centre Twp, Hnydei I ty. Pa . dew aaed, have been Issued in due f.o in of law to the undersigned, to whom all Indebti .1 to said estate should make Imme diate pavmenl and those having claims againat It should present them duly authenticated for settlement. KI.IAS HIll'NNEU, Executor. Pennscreek, Pa., Oct, H, I9M. pXKCt'TOR'ri NOTICR. Notice is hereby gl'cn that letters testamentary upon tl s- tale ,f sun I Arbngast, dee'd, of Pelt) twp. Snyder county Pa , deceased have been Issued in dm lor in .,f law to the undersigned, to whom II Indebted to said estate should make Imme diate pa monl and those having claims agalnal It should present them duly authenticated for settle,. . nt GEO, F. BRORIUS, Bxeeutor, Ml Pit nsanl Mills, Pa.. Oct. II, 1900, Sheriff's Sale of By virtue of certain writs of alias fieri facias Issueo out of the Court ! Common Pleas of Dnyoor coniiiy. ra , iiu.i to 'i, In,, led I will expose t.i publli s da al the i uurl llouse in Mid dleburgli, i'a., on Saturday, December 8, 1!)00 nt 1340 o'clock, the following described real estate to wit : TH AI IT No. 1. Aeet iain farm or mesauan of land sltU I ted ill est I leaver township, -ny- deroounty I'a,, adjohtltig lands of J. o v.'.iir ner on the i ast, south by iands of Allen Wagner and Knoch linker, on the weal by lands of Bnpeh Baker, .inch Nerhood and Miehael Wei nd and on the north by land, of Jeremiah Kneppand Michael Weland. oontalnltag ninety, live (901 acres more or less, w hereon are a DVTELI.INa llol SK and a large U.S NK HA K.N nd a i other noceaeary buildings, summer kit- chOn, spi Inn house.islaiiKhtcr house, ice house blacUoiitfa shop, n kwo-story ball, obhtken boos . pin stable, wagon shed, earn crib ami amoks house This tract has three (8). wells ol good Water, one near the house, one at the ham yard mid ono ul the hall. A (food sprinu is near the house, also three strums of running water on this tra t. The Yliddiecreok nud a hrook - mi through the farm, an apple orchard of Notice of Application forartcr. Notice is hereby given that an application will he made to the l.overnor of the CotnniOO wealth .f Pennsylvania on Thursday. Novem ber 2tnd, 1900, by .1. P, Helfenstein, F. I. Wag enseller, A. O. Scholl, R. II, Lefller Carl F. Ks-pen-cliade and A. W. Potter, under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania entitled. "An Act t.. provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corpora tions," approved April 89, is, 1, and the supple menta thereto, for the chatter of an intended corporation to he called "The Juniata and Sus quehanna Telephone t 'oinpany," the character and object of which is to purchase, lease, con struct, maintain and operate lines of Telephone iii the counties of Cumberland I ktuphin. Frank lin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata. Milllin. Nor thumberland, I erry and Snyder and lor these purpose, to have, posses., and enjoy all the rights benefits and privileges of tho said Actof and its supplements, a. W POTT Kit Belinsgrove, Pa., Solicitor o, tober 1-th. 1900. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets euro biliousness, constipa tion ami beadaehe. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect, For sal,- by th.- Middleburg Drug Co. The oppoilte of rest is not work, ft. Is restleM-ne;(i, and one of the popu lar "quick-lunch counters" is its ex xinent. The modern tinic-Buviujjf young; man, hits a keen satirist, gives his order before removing; hat or coat, thus economising; 15 seconds. When his order arrives, b o;eM his fork into it as it anpearn over his shoulder, mid cleans the plate before the aMice ap pears, which thus has to be eaten by itself. Cups of ooflea go down in two WallOWB, Little piles of cakes are cut iu quarters ami disappear in four mouthfulR; and the really accom plished luncher assimilates his last quarter of cakes, wipples into bla coat and pays his check at the desk at the hatire moment. The next he is half it block away in pursuit of a receding trolley. "I have uM'il Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy timl litnl it to be n great mndicine," savs Mr. E, S. Pbipps, of Poteau, irk, "It cured meoi bloody flux, I cau not speak too highly of it.'" This remedy always wins the Rood opin ion, if not praise, of those who us it The quick oures which it effects even i i the most severe cases tuiilie it a favorite everywhere For salt by the Middleburg Drug Co, The St. I.oul WorleVa Fair. It fmnet itnes happens, says the St. Mis Globe-Democrat, that men sent to congress furget that their mission is to represent the srriple, but their judgment is more .'uan ordinarily at fault when they undertake to defeat the wishes of the country in regard to holding a great national celebration. It is conceded that the Louisiana purchase is one of the supremely important events in the history of the United States. With that addition to our territory opened the future of the republic as a con tinental power. The centennial of a new era might be allowed to pass without notice, or be observed in acme skimped way that would be worse. Hut the great mass of Ameri cana want it celebrated broadly and generously and favor an international exposition of the highest order, which will attract the attention of the world and be a landmark in our annals. A few congressmen obstruct, thia patri otic movement and find themselves in an Unenviable position. They r-till have u ufeauu to make it uuanimous. "What is the price of Dobbins' Electric Soap?' ' "Five cents a bar. full size, just reduced from ten and your choice of 180 35 cent books seat free, for each i wrappers, and 7 cents for postage Hasn't been less than 10 cents for 'J3 years. "Why that's tho price of common brown soap. I can't afford to buy any other soap after this. Suud me box of Dobbins' Electric." NKUKALOIA cured bv Dr. Miles Pais 1'iuji. "Ono coot iidosc..'" At all drtuiKlate The story of the Alabama bicyclist who found over the door of a rural church the cheerful text: "This is the Gate of Heaven,'' with the modifying postscript some distance below: "This Door Closed in Winter Time," recalls a sosnewhat similar story which Cardinal Manning used to tell of his publishers. He was a man who did not keep his own books in any great numbers on his private shelves a Tare bird among authors and so one day found it necessary to go to his publishers for a copy of his volume "Confidence in fiod." To his surprise this conversation took place in the loudest voices between the front and back offices, the men calling to each other at the top of their lungs: "Say, you, send tip some of Manning's 'Con ftdencf In iod. Can't do it. Man ning's 'Confidence in fiod' is all gone.". 71 Sssuil Lfsfl LffBtvl flliMslMsttSj! Wwm Columbia Salad fork (ill w w I i J Much homage is being paid to Miss Nina Beach, the pretty and plucky Texas girl who shamed scores of men by coming to Galveston from Houston the day after the storm, when they said it was impossible. She had to swim and wade across the whole dis tance and was the first woman to en- i tor the stricken city. A sick sister in , St. Mary's Infirmary there was the lodestone that drew Miss Beach to' , make the perilous trip. Miss Beach '. modest 1) tells of her experience: "1 i am a good swimmer. Why shouldn't, ' 1 be? I was born and reared here in Galveston, and thousands of times 1 I have swam nut beyond the lift lines on the beach yonder." Articles not alone beautiful, but useful and durable, make the WOStunsihle rjjft These poet feature-, ti2c'Ui-r wiji a aodentio price, rajke the .enuine "1847 Rogers Bros." SPOONS, K N! ES, rORKS, CTC. t.i i''ci! I: '.r,y ;; They ate rr.a.'e in a peat variety of abspet, -:ics and dc::pn, hmisomely ptci l:a lav : cases, and vary iu price from 25c. lo $3.50 Yjut dealer can turply you. A: k for "1847" ;' -1 Writs M for cur handsome catalogue No.11 to m i you in making sc'.ectijns. P'TFltS ITldNAI. SII.VCR CO., to K3BUMR1 BK1TA.NMA, to., Merldcu, Coea. r-t TCHKItStlF JERfSAl.EM AHTK'HOKE. i that it produces, These tubers Hre, as a rule, pear-shaped and somewhat flattened, resembling potatoes to some I extent, but not so smooth. There are white, yellow, red and purple varie ties. The white and red llraziliau va rieties have generally given best re sults. The tubers were formerly used to a considerable extent as a veg etable, especially before potatoes were so extensively grown, but they are now grown iu this country principal ly for stock food, particularly for hogs. In Europe, however, the tubers are eaten as a vegetable, fed to all kinds of stock, and used for the manufac ture of alcohol. The green leaves and stems have been used to some ex tent, also, as n coarsw fodder, and the dried stalks for fuel. The plant will grow on almost any well-drained soil. It will thrive and produce abun dantly on light, sandy or jrravelly soila too poor for many other crops. The mnin requirement seems to be n dry soil. If the soil is wet the tu bers rot. It Is drought reei'tant, and, as a rule, remarkably free from fun gous diseases and insect pests, al though there are a number of dis eases that have been known to attack It, and in some cases to do seriously injury. The plant, propagated like the potato, by menna of tubers, re quires more space than the potato. Farmers' Keview. The first greeting the tenderfoot re- oeived from a citizen of Bald Butte, Mont., to whose guild graces he had Iseoii commended, look his breath away. "Pity you didn't come three weeks soiincr," said the prominent j citizen, genially. "Then you'll have been in time for the hanging! Beauti ful hanging! Hanged two! The first one went to the gallows with a firm i step, brave as a mountain lion; but the second one, he was a le-e-e-e-sa-tle ! back'ard." Though separated by the storm and washed in different directions, all the members of the Stllbbs family at Gal veston were rescued, rather, mother ami two children were on a floating roof that hroke In pieces. The fa ther, with one child, went, one way. The mother went another, uud the remaining children went in still a third direction. The other evening all four were reunited. WATER FOR ANIMALS. I'tllcMie II la M.soli it.lj Pure IMsoimo la Sure lo Iumdr the Herd or Kloek. There is a county in Kansas where there are no physicians, and drug store keepers do not make a llvini'. For more thun a year there aa not been a sick mun in the entire county that has not been cared for and re stored to health by "herbs" and other household remedies. We feel thr.t we cannot mention this subject too often or write too strong ly on it, says the American Cultivator. The pond of slungnaut water or the sluggish brook draining from a swamp full of decaying vegetable mat ter or even decomposing animals, or the more rapid stream which reoeivus the wash of the hillsides where fer tilizer is spread or the cattle nre pas tured. Is not clean enough at its best for either man or boast, but it is often much worse thun appears from the above description. It may be con taminated by disease from unimals that have access to It. The hog chol era has been known to follow the course of a stream downward from the lield where it first appeared to Infect every herd for miles below that had access to it and through them to other herds near by. The contamination of water by horses that have the glanders is well known, and there is little doubt but that tuberculosis germs may be convey eii in the same way. It is also known that fever germs are thus Carried in the water mipply to the human race, and it is claimed that they may be taken up by the cow ami transmit ted in her milk possibly without seri ously affecting the health of the ani mal through which they pass. A deep-driven well or a pure spring to which no animals can go, with the water conveyed by pipes to a trough which has an overflow at the top to carry off such impurities, usually lighter than the water, are the best safeguards, and even then the trough should be occasionally emptied and cleaned out. A Texas Wotnnn'a Invention. Harriet R. FenJey, of Dallas, Tex., has invented what horsemen all the world over have long sought- a nailless horseshoe. According to the Scientific American a tread-plate isemployed, pro vided with a superposed hood, both bi sectedat theirfront. Thetread sections are hinged together. Upon the tread plate a wear plate, comprising two side plates and a 1oe-late, Is secured. The hood is fitted on the exterior of the an imal's hoof so that the tread plate is drawn against the bottom when the hood is in place. All injury is avoided to an animal thus shod. Contemplated so-called internation al expositions are becoming so nu merous that they clash as to dates, .lust now Kansas and Seattle are de bating, thus far in a courteous man ner, ivliieh of them will have an ex position in 1D01. Mrs. Pinkham's Medicine Made a New Woman of Mrs, Kuhn. LSTTBS To VII, IMNKHAU NO. 64,491 " DKAB MBS. PlNKBAH I think it is my duty to write to you expressing my sincere gratitude for the wonder ful relief I have experienced by the use of Lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, 1 tried different doctors, ulso different kinds of medicine. I would feel bitter at times, then would be as bad as ever. " For eight years I wasn great suf ferer. 1 had falling of the womb and was in such misery at my monthly periods I could not work but a little bo foie I would have to lie down. Your medicine lias made a new woman of me. I can now work nil day and not get tired. I thank you for what you have done for me. I shall always praise your medicine to all suffering women." Mrs, K. B. Kuhn., Ohio. "I have taken eight bottles of Lydls E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and used two packages of your Sana tive Wash, also some of tho Liver Pills, and I can say that your remedies will do all that you claim for them. Before taking your remedies I was very bad with womb trouble, was nervous, had no ambition, could not sleep, and my food seemed to do me no gooiL Now I am well, and your medicine has cured me. 1 will gladly recommend your med icine to every one wherever I go." Mas. M. L. JSiikaks, Qua Maumj. Mica. Goshen, If.r, Gleni so,- Pure Food do.. T,peor N Y. bi .UK iia.t. BinM t. package oi your QRAIN-0 prppunt tions wus left at my otlice. I took it, home and gave it a trial, nml I have to nuy I was vtry much pIoitstd with it, its a substitute for coffee. We have always used the Java anil Moca in our family, but I am free to say I like the GRAIN-0 as well as tho tost of coflfee 1 ever drank. Respectfully, A. C- Jackson, M. D . A No matter how handsome tha attire, the stylish appear.ince jJfl can be spoiled by a pair of shoes that are not in keeping with the HI dothing. HBV No shoe on earth, at whatever price, can equal a MONARCH I PAT, the only patent leather shoe made that is guaranteed not to I "break thro". Why pay (s.oo for an inferior patent leather shoe I when you can buy from almost any dealer a pair i f MONARCH I PATS for much less? If your dealer doesn't keep them we will HBVJ gladly send a sample pair, your aire, prepaid, for f). 75. Address J MONARCH SHOE CO., " 137 DUANE ST., NEW YORK. II TO DEALERS: MONARCH PATS are strictly high grade patent II leather shoes the only guaranteed patent leather shoes made, t They always please the wearer and wiU do you good. Write H.'or particulars to-dajM ' - V - '-'.- The New-York Tribune The LEADING NATIONAL RE PUBIC AN NEWSPAPER, thoroujhl upto ditto, and always a stanch advocate and supporter of Republican pri ciples, will contain the most reliable news of THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. including discussions, correspondence and speeches of the ablest politis! lenders, brilliant t.-ditoiiitls, reports from all sections of the laud showii progress of th work, etc., etc., and will commend itself to the call perusal ot every thoughtful, Intelligent voters woo ha the true lutere of bis country nt bean. Tribuiw MpW VflpV PublUhwd Monday, Wednfttv Nun Iulll Any and Friday ii In reality a dnOi r r t' n h, every oineiKiay Daily, giving the lateat nawi n dayi ' f latue, unl covering newt nf the other thre6 it contains all iiniMtrtiuit foreign war uinl other ruble new whi-h appeari In THE DAILY TRIBUNE of aama date, aim) Domeetlo and Foreign 1 orretpondencci Short Btoriea Elegant Half tone NliiHtmtioiiH, Humoroill Items, In dnitrial information, Faahton Notes, Agricul tural Muttera and Comprehensive and Bailable Kinuneiiil ami Market reports Regular obaoription price, 1180 ier year We furnish it with the Post tw l.tS per year. New York I'ni.ii-iii'.i on Thnrtdsjf known for nearly nlxty yes 11 f.r Hit every of tho I'liit.-il If bi HI as a National Family NewiM OTnlhiiHn of the hiaheHt ehu.8 fur fiw 11 I U ll tl b nml villnKcrH. It contajM t h a most Important K'"1 nawi of THE DAILY TRIBUNE up lo li"J ki.iiik lo pretM, Ma. entertaining rsaaiBfl every memneror the ranUly, old ami i'1" Miirkct KenorlH u Inch .'ir e a, i, .nl,., I ii :,iltl)0f l.y farmerH anil eountrv merchants Clean, up to date, intercntim; and InatfUCBS Begnlai Hubacription priee, f 1.00 per year We it with tho l'o: T for l - pat ; Jpllo, the Sew Itcaert. . pleases nil the family. Four Flavors LcHioi),orange,ra8Dberry and straw berry At vour grocer's. 10 cents. IV it, to-day. Send all orders to the "Post", Middleburgh Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments . REMEMBER H. HhRVEY CHQCH. GENERAL iNStJRANGE AGENCY SCILXNBCrROTEIa FAi Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, .Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments. No Premium Notes, llie Aetiiii Founded A. D., 1819' Assets $11,055,513.88 M Home 44 4 44 3853 44 9,853,628.54 " American 4( 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited Give tke lambs a very littl ftisp of fine clover hay to bite at. They may soon be educated in the way they should go by very little training. i . I I ii'lifip The II I k h I Word. She The BrOW&SS culled on us last week, you know. n Yes. "Don't yon ttiink it isobout time we should retaliate ?" Iridiitiiapolls Tress. ChlcsKO Conierrallam. "You should be able to support a wifa on your income." "Yes, but I couldn't afford alimony.'' Town Topics. Woll River, Bumblebee Lan. kev Rid l'o. Northern LiirhU Tille and Idle Hour are communi" in Doniphan county, Kan. Tke fall of the circuit court is 1 saa City, Mo., opened last week 300 suits for divorce on the dc GrlD brines weakness, esbaastio prostration Dr. stiles' Nervine cur