The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 22, 1900, Image 1
f, Wagenstller, Editor snd Proprietor. A Faulty Journal, Dtvttcd tn News, Sclcoct, Art. Political Bconom) and Current Literature. Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance. XXXVII. MlDDLEHUIMSir, SNYDKi! ( 'or NTT, PEN N A. NOVEMBER 22, 1900 NTJMBEB Hi. j IwiD LOCAL LACONICS imnksgiving dinner will in- served W I, ,Mk .. t 1 1 .'J.I IlllllT, .OVCIUOCl '. i ' ' the benefll of tin- Church. win k's Halifax OtuetU says : Hums ami .lames Bleoker, who fcployed in the Halifax shoe fac- ipent Sunday with their parents linsgmve. itaid that not a drop of rain fell United states on election ihey. I link that this is a sure Indication he weather elerk was on the side Republicans. IntkI) : In the country, u good I for a ehilil, both Protestant ami pile. Will pay 11.60 per week ha Children'! Aid Society, 821 12th St., Philada. ll-l-4t. pption was given at Lewistown muraday evening by Mr. ami Mrs. ti Greene to their son, Edward M . It and his bride, who just rclutn- Im their wedding trip. Christian Endeavor Society of litheran church held anniversary ises commemorating the 10th year existence. A literary and rclig- fagram was rendered. line of Fur Collarettes, Scarfs Muffs in Electric Seal, Marten Kriinmer,, and other furs I bought for much less than fig- I other stores. L. DCNKEIJIKKGKU. Harm Journal offer will expire 11, WOO. Ifanv of our renders kieufd be getting it or not, they .notify us ui'e cannot '-ders forihe Farm Journal the present offer after this year. I trustees of the Lutheran church lurchased a stone from the quarry 'town. 27 ft. long and ft ft. wide in. thick for the crossing at the Stones these dimensions are around here. fiAL OFFER, Those who send fcr the Post for 1!K)1 will receive 1st for the remainder of I'.mhi mid the Farm Journal for more our years. The sooner you send fcllar, the more copies of the OQ will get free. The Farm .1 offer will expire Dee. :tl, !!). kvere shown a check amounting 188.81, drawn to the order of Ira- inch Treasurer of Susquehanna sity, being a bequest olitaincd lb Rev. Stephen D.Owen, D. D., lerstown, Md. It woubl be a good " r the University if it hud many bob faithful sons as Dr. ( hven has himself to lie. Tribune. lakes us smile to see the happy Iad the glad hand that Is ex ten d y customer who leaves our mil- store. L. DUNKELBEROKB. k' not have your checks and stubs prod? The Post's up-to-date job liiient is supplied v"th a large I Automatic Nuiuliei" Machine till mimlier checks, stirrs, orders, l, etc., in red, blue or any other When you order vour check cave an order for numbering. rice Is only half of the city prices. Pntr the illustrations in that ex- : work, the Horse Hook, written ''Ke Higgle, is General George IBgton's stable at Mt. Vernon. hapteron stables contains many tl hints, and has the plans and I'm of nn attractive village stable. ficc Is 50 cents, by mail ; address 1 'Ushers, WOmer. Atkinson Co., Mpliia. fe still receiving millinery goods Idle eastern cities almost every Our styles are nlways up-to-date F" Ksitively the lowest. L. DrXKKt.BKROEIl. "Blah Lyons, Judge of the Courts st District, composed of the I of Juniata and Perry, fell dearl Nadclphla Wednesday of Inst Cerebral hemorrhage is given wuse. Judge Lvona was born county. Pa., in 1839 ; taught 1 Mifilintown ; read law with 11 8. Doty, Esq.; admitted to rn 1863 ; elected Judge in 1891. ' Republican in politics and an it judge, whose decisions ota reversed by the Supreme Thursday of next week is Thanks giving day. The hank will ho dosed. I j We extend a cordial invitation to one ; and nil to visit our store and see the splendid bargains we are offering this week. L. DtTMRBLBEKQEB. An eleganl artistic calendar, neatly printed by skilled workmen, is just the thing. See samples at the office of the Post. No newspaper coupons or premium coupons issued by tbeP sr In theWea I ver chapel organ contest will he good niter Dee. 15, 1900. Contest closes at " P. M. of said dsW. In order to have plenty of lime to gel I nil newspaper coupons collected none will be printed after next week, but premium coupons willbeissuedupto t he close ol the contest. I ! Gikls Wanted. Several bright girls of Middleburg or vicinity are wanted at once al this office to learn ; type setting, tf applicants are lu ig ' i uiul apt, good wages can be command ed In a very few weeks. Apply at once. The Teachers' Institute next wee!; , promises to be even better than any of its predecessors. An excellent array talent luu been secured not only for In structors, but also for lectures and en- i tertaiuments. Goods reduce I Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 22 to 21. Ribbons at half value Umbrellas. Underwear, gloves, Double mittens, Petticoats : Holsery, Lace curtains, Doilies, Flosses, Laces, Elm broideries, Handkerchief! Stationery, Silkoline, etc. L. DUNKKLBKBOEB. Tin-Post from now till Jnnunry 1, 1902 and the Farm Journal from now to January 1, lOOo for only Gne Dol lar. Tiew ner tin-money is received the longer time you will get the papers. The Farm Journal offer will expin December 81 H'Oti. Place vour order at once. The shoe factory has orders now for 8$00 worth of shoes. It appears as though our initial industry is moving on In the commercial world. Five of the lusters walk id out of the factory In the midst of the rush and I he managers seem to have collie to the conclusion that it is better not to depend upon tin home lusters. The Win field correspondent of tin New Berlin Iteporter last week says "li. . x oder. one of Mludlcuunrs en terprising young men, passed throtigl our town Saturday en route to BlUl Hill, where he transacted business rel attve to getting a mistress to manage i telephone which he contemplates put ting in his house in the near future He returned on Sunday. Wo cannot vouch lis to his success." Rpert'inext ni - JaTsSS Mi-s Kats, of Georgetown, is visiting her brother, Haymond (Cats. Supt F. C. Bowersox and wife, spent Sunday with friends at Mlllmont. M L. Wagenseller of Selinsgrove, made us a pleasant call lasl week. Rev. Goodllng, of Lewistown, was the guest of Rev. Shambach, Saturday. t 'arbondale, -i week ill i amer, spent il t his place Lucy Bowersox. Mrs. David Bowersox died at th home of her son, James, in this borough Monday morning, aged 7.' years, 7 months and 2H days. Tin cause of death was dropsy ot the heart She was a highly respected Christian lady and is survived by a husband, six sons and two daughters. Funeral takes place Thursday at 12 o'clock. Inter ment at ( lentreville. Nut .i Meeting During the Presidential Campaign Supt. Bowersox fiinde n great many political speeches and he became so tlc- customed to opening his speeches with "My Fellow citizens" that when he made an address at the dedication of the Sniithgrove church, be addressed the congregation with "My Fellow Citizens." Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given thai the part nership Heretofore existing between Elmer Zechman and Levi B, Matter, trading as Zechman & Co., has bean dissolved. All debts will be paid by, and all accounts due the said firm are payable to, the undersigned. 11-15-3L Elmkb Zkciiman. Marriage License Dr. C. F. Keiter, Elizabethville, Laura A. Smith, Middleburg. Go to A. E. Holes for a smooth eas shave or up-to-date hair cut and head cleansed with a refreshing shampoo or dandruff removed with his tonic. A clean towel to each patron. Parlor In bank building, one door east of Post- office. Satisfaction guaranteed, tf. musas ami as, were in . N wmnn having a 'isquchanna itll his par te Suubury uployed ns Claude It. Smith of spent several days of the town. Mi-s F.rnia Magee, of K several days with relilth i last week. Bruce Burkharl of Selinsgrove, spent Sunday with 1 Ion. ;. Alfred Bchooh and wife. Michael Shainhuehei Adam Bowers , of Iva tow ii Saturday. J. H. ( lelun and W. had ihe misfortune of m fa I porker die for them. Lloyd V. Walter, of Unlvcrsily, sjienl Sunday cuts in Franklin townshi Miss Maliel ( Irhlllll wei Tuesday, where she i- clcrk in C. C. Seehold's in isle store. John Kline, n native of Reavertown, but who for a number of years has re sided in Kansas, visited his. sister, Mrs, Horn, during the last week. Alfred Clelan, James Bowersox and Lawrence Stetler, who are working at Buruham, spent Sunday at home In this place. Jay (!. Weiser of this place and Hon, K. M. TTiorm-t unit II. D.'Slftintnc of of Selinsgrove were in the ityof Broth erly Love last week. Cashier J, N. Thompson spent sev eral days during the n week visiting his parents and attending the funeral of his uncle, Judge Jeremiah Lyons. Mrs. George McElhany, of Ifarris burg and Miss Jennie Keiter, of Wll liamstown, were among th guests who attended the Keiter-Sn h wedding last Thursday. I. L. Walter of Franklin township, has been given power of attorney for the heirs of Ephriam Walter, and is advertising for sale the personal i rop- erty of the -aid estate. Rev. D, E, Mi Lain, Misses Sue and Mastic Beaver are attend; c the State hrlstian Kndeavor I Philadelphia this week goes as the delegate for t ! his church. S.o. Dengler.of Cassapolls, Mich., who was called home to attend the fu neral of his father, m company with his brother, John, of Hoffer, pnid usa business call Monday. T icformerhas returned to Ids western home. Alvln Schroyer, of Globe Mills, has begun theart of printing in the Post printing office. Wo can use another apprentice, male or fenui t, if applica tion is made soon. A pllcnul must reside near enough to Mi ldleburgh to hoard at home. Now i- Ihe opportu nity for another young person to learn the art of printing thoroughly as we have in our employ a man of 35 years experience, wnowtil tench the appren tices. Apply at once. Announcement--Preaching at the follow iug nppoint- ments over next Saturday and Sun- lay. Hoover's, on Saturday night at f p. m. Witmer'son Sundae morning at 10 a. in. Port Treverton, Sunday at ii. m. Revival meet mi.'-- will htcn at Daniel's on Sunday night and to con tinue Indefinitely. All are invited. .1. I.. BOYEB. Pastor, ven lion in I lie former oeiel v from A Happy Event One of the social events of the season was the marriage al high noon Thurs day, November 15, of Miss Laura Smith, Hie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A Brilliant Reception Lewistown Bentlnel I he generous. hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Greene was enjoyed by a congenial assemblage of guests at their The hi K. Hickiioni Almanac Whatever may be said of the scien tific causes upon which the Rev. Irl R. Hicks hascs bis yearly forecasts ifstorm ami weather,' it is a remarkable fact that specific warnings of every great t'jrrti, flood, cold wave ml drouth. have been plainly printed In bis now famous A Inmiiac for many years. The latest siarlling paajuf of ibis fact was the destruction orOalveston, Texas, on the very day named by Prof. Hicks in his puKi Almanac, as one of disaster by storm along the'gulf coasts. Tlio 1901 Almanac, by far ihe finest, mosl com plete and beautiful yet published, is now ready. This remarkable book of near two hundred pages, splendidly il lustrated with charts and half-tone en gravings, goes as a premium to every subscriber who pays one dollar a year for Prof. Hicks' journal, Woitn and Wohkh. The Almanac alone i sent prepaid for only 25c. Order from Wonn ami Wokkn Publishing Company, 2201 Loctlsl Street, St. Iouls, Mo. : party county r have lie in Hunting Part) The Snyder I 'ouilty lllllltill i- in the Mountains of M itll ft and rumor ha- il that three re been shot. Among the parly following. Hon. H. M. Met lure, Lewishtirg, Pa. George Lettier, Slianiokin Dam. Frank Fisher, " " E. Aurand, " " i ir. v, j. w agenseller, Isaac Keller, ( leorgc Spaid, !' rank Miller, J. F. Stetler, Curttn Bowersox, John Duck, P. Scott Kilter, J. M. Baker, Esq. W. E. Btahlnecker, Robert Middleswarth, It. F. Herman, H. A. Herman. return of i heir son Edward M. Greci , . : is Lvbarirer and E. F. I tun- lavy. Monday evening, November 20, 1000, Dr. C. W. Holster u ill deliver his ex- Ingdon county, Middleburg and other Lellcnl lecture, entitled: "Uncle Sam places. The social entertainment of Lnd the Twentieth r...,.inr n I'le have Icar I to know that the Doc- ne V III :,:.,y it.... i 1 1 ui..., I . ii,. ... i', .mi, .ui, i i i - nnu ins onae irom tneir eastern wed- Fran ding trip, I here was a large attend ance of Lewi-town people and a nuiii her of friends from Philadelphia, 1 1 tint - P -vi,, itl, l i , K'..;i t i i.. .ii. snaeliios ;nnl . I. ,m l.., ,n I i .. .. ........ ,., i.i in i i r.u.aoei ii- I -i ' ' " mm tollow ir ; ville. The ceremony was performed "treet on Thursday evening, the occa- ny nev. j. enamaacn, fastor or the """s r piion given upon mo w. W. IX-al I nited Evangelical church of Middle burg, In the parlor of the bride's par cuts which Was tastefully decorated with Chrysanthemums. The bride received sonic very beauti ful and valuable presents. Among those present, we re-call the following: Elizabethville, Miss :iies Dnna wita, Alhert Smith, editor of the Ell zabethvllh Echo, Williamstowu, Mi-s Keiter, Harrisburg, Mrs. McElhenuy, Johnsonburg, Pa., Clemenl Smith, Middleburg, Prank Reiglc, wife and daughter, E. C. Graybill and wife Her man Hassingeraud wife, Mrs, Joseph Clelan, Mrs. Jacob Gilbert and son, Francis, Miss Gertrude Duukolberger, Miss Claire Graybill, and Mrs. Rev. Shambach. After the couple was pro noun 1 husband and wife, the hearty congratulations and hcsl wishes ol their friendswerc showered upon them, the guests were then ushered into the din ing room to partake of t he tempi lug re past set before them which was pre pared by ladles skilled in the arl of preparing feasts for such occasions. Al 1:80, Dr. and Mrs, Keiter took their de parture foi Elizabethville, which will he their future home. A GPEST. Teachers' lastitute The forty-third annual teachers insti tute will meet in the court room, Mid dleburg, Pa., at 1 1 o'clock a. m. The implete li-i of day Instructors are the Heisler, k: Ceo. Then. It. Noss ti. Groff. Ihui. the occasion wasenhaiiccd with choice music, and the refreshments, served by a Philadelphia caterer, w ere of unsur passed excellence. In all it was the most brilliant social evenl Lewistown has known for year- and again c-tah-lished Mr. and Mrs. Greene and their daughters as entertainers par excellence. Musical Euicrtiilniuent. The Rogers-t ii llley Co. will musical entertainment at tin I louse at the Teachers' Instituh give a ! i 'ourl i , We lie-day, Nov. 27th. Head Ihe following press common) : The Ihigo's Grilley Recital al Hie Opera House lasl ulghl wa- an albi gether delightful affair, and we doubl If there was one of the large audience present who was not chnrmetl w ith the character of ihe entertainment Ash land has seldom, if ever, been favored w iih two more delightful entertainers than Messrs. Rogers and Grilley, and they will he cheerfully welcomed again. A"hland (Pu.) Evening Telegram. W. I. Swoopc. Hon. W. LSwoope will lecture at the Teachers' Institute Tuesday evening. Below we'gVve a few N.-.;'buoniuls : Mr. W. I. HwTinpc is a remarkably brilliant ami eloquent young man, and there are few speakers who are bis equal. -Tim-: A i.i.i.niown (Pa.) LkaD BB. Mr. Swoop,' made nn eloquent and witty address, and was applauded to the New Luiianon i Pa, i Daily Calendars fur iqoi, Those who wish to get out a nice calendar for IIK)1 should call at the Ptisr printing office hi see the nmgni Hcieul line of mosl linndsome ealen ilars. No tuorc beautiful calendars wer ever exhibited in Ibis county. Give your pal tun- a neat calendar; they will hang it in their home- and stand as an advertisement of your business during the whole year. Place your orderearlv tor is oni nqlient l( enjoyable c.iectetl. Tuesday Hon. W. I on- leetur has hei n Sw ope Otl say thai h tun; i Wei Messi if the most polished and el-tincr- iii the state, lienct an and profitable time can bo evening, Novemlier27, 1000, Sw ope w ill deliver his fam '. ' The Right to Kick." Ii my pleasure to hear Mr. iiml sr of occasions and to alw ay- entertained I- lint- very mildly. in-day evening, Noveinlier 2S, . Rislgers it (irlllev U ill dellirht u1 1 pie ill of I heir unique en- rUUmueuts, Our ncighlHirhig town, im ii, mii-t enjoy them else they Milllinh Would II Institute two Thursday 1000, Dr. TI pear liefore the .Inn iVeeks in suecessioll. CVellillg, NoVelnher Unas II. Dilisuiore, a ta ,i r, , ell- will deliver bis delightful lectun titled : "A Wonderful Structure." I heard Dr. Din-mi, re deliver this lecture liefore the Dauphin 'ounty Teachers' Institute lasl w inter and was so much delighted With il thai I engaged him at once for our I ustitute, MUSIC Jieirlcy's School Songs will he used in the lnstitide. '!' 'ers who -bpplled should unt ...n to vniM with them to Institute. The Middleburg Orchestra w ill fur nish music for the evening entertain ments. Directors' Day will be observed on Thanksgiving Day, November20, p, ta. Il Is earnestly hoped Dial each hoard will al leasl -end a u I representation to the In Monday i free In tin Tuesdii' hi thi- vening ihe l general public, evening the in occasion, tin dure will l,e Personal! Conducted Tours v.min Itn i I road via I Y n n -o I liii-L'rov Salem Middleburg Beaver springs Kratzervl HARRIBD. Married at Salem Nov. 11th by Rev. II. G. Suable, Calvin H. Klinglerand Minerva Knatise, both from Kreamer. Rev. H. G. Suable will administer Holy Communion next Sunday morn ing November, 2r)th. A House and Two Lots for Sale. Situate on Main Street Franklin. Choice fruit. For further particulars call on and address, Geo. H. Steininokr, Middleburgh, Pa. Smllb'Keltor Wedding, BlUabetbvllle Boboi Yesterday mornlmral Il:30o'clock, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1'. Smith, at Middleburg, Pa., occured (he marriage of their daughter Laura, to Dr. Clinton F. Keiter, both of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Joshua Schambach, pastor of the Evan gello church, Middleburg, in the pres ence of only the immediate families and A few invited friends. MissClaireGray biff, of Middleburg, played the wedding march, and Miss Mildred Smith was flower girl. After the congratulations a wedding dinner was served. The pres ents were numerous and handsome. The couple will make their home at Elizabethville and will commence housekeeping in the near future. Next week Is Teachers' Institute. Si: son ui I'.hki 100 The Pennsylvania Railroad 'ompnny announces the following Personally t 'on, ha ted Tours for the season of 1000 1001 i California. A thirty-five-day tour w ill lease New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburg February 1 1. The party will travel over the en tire route by the "Golden Gate Spec ial," the finesl train thai crosses the continent. Florida. -Three tours to Jacksonville will leave New York and Philadelphia February fi and 10, and March The first two of these admit of a sojourn of two weeks in the "Flowery state." Tickets for the third tour will lie good to return by regular trains until May 81, 1001. Tickets for the above lours will be sold from all principal points on the Pennsylvania Railroad. For detailed itineraries, giving rales and full infor mation, address Thos. E. Watt, Pas senger Agent Western District, Pitts burg; B. Courlaender, Jr., Passenger Agent Baltimore; C. Studds, Passen ger Agent Southeastern District, Wash ington; or Geo. W Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadel phia. al -urn of twenty-live L'eiits per ticket will be he charged. Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the regular price ; ' uts for reserved seals an, 35 cents for general admission ticket. Season t leket orile al t he ( 'omtilissioueli - can be proetin ' Office for T ie. Snyder Losses The figures on the census of Snyder ounty were given out Monday at Washington and they show a decrease of :',47, as the following figures show : Population, 1WKI 17,W1 I'.HK) Loss, 17,:i04 M7 Samuel V. Denujef Samuel Y. Dengler, one of the pro gressive fanners and for 5 terms Super visor of Chapman township, was born in Montgomery Co., Pa. Octolwr, us, ls.!7 and died m ar Holler, (Ills County Monday, November II.'. 1000. aged 03 years and 14 days. He was the son ol Samuel Dengler, horn February 0, ITim and died May 24, IK7 : aged ;.; years, 3 months and ll days ami his wif Mary, horn April 17. IHOU and died July SO, Ivvl, aged ;,; years, mouths and 0 days, When il years of age, the deceased, with his father, the elder Dengler, removed from Montgomery Count v to near Holler, where his en tire life w as spent. The deceased was married to Rarbarn Yerger, daughter ofEphraim and Elizabeth (Stmup) Yerger. The union wa- blessed witli the following named children; I. George I., horn August 7, Ism;, married April 14, 180(1 to Maggie Heck art. Resident HoU'erand have two i children: Russel and Einedce. I 2. Mary Minerva, born September 0, i 1807, married June 0, 1889 to W illiam I J. W ildi. Reside al Holler. Have i three children: Norman, Jessie, ami Pearl. 3. Samuel O., born June 10, Win, married November l", 1893 to , resides at Cassopolis, Mich, and have one daughter, lora Eklith. 4. Harvey, horn November 23, 1S72, died Deoember8, 1888, aged 10 years, and 16 days. 5. John E., horn February 17, 1S78, resides at home. 0. Charles E., died at the age oi one year. Deceased was buried at Grubb's church cemetery, Rev. C. C. Miller of-liciating. Sunday was an ideal autumn day. Samuel M. Flowers, the baker, liegaii house keeping this week.