The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 15, 1900, Image 7

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    The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.
Instances Thai Illnatrate llrlllirri
atlun wllb Which They -dinc-llmri
An amusing incident, which shov.
that nnimals are subject to feelh
very like those which occasionally n.
flo the bosoms of men, occurred so;:
little time api at the .1 aril in ties Platiti
in Paris, says Youth' Companion,
A large elephant, formerly the c
ter of attraction, found himself su
planted in public favor b J a new axrivu
-a young camel. The camel was iti
latest acquisition, and vr natural;
engaged t he attention of visitors.
The elephant for a long time ihowe
signs of dissatisfaction, and at last it
jealousy reached a point where it mui
And expression. When the usual crowi
gathered about the camel, theelephai
prepared for action. It filled its t run water, and with deliberate all
discharged the water all over the pei
nle who stood looking at the bab'
tt Diicoverer of Swamp-Root st Work In
Els Laboratory.
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
icr apoplexy are often the result of kidney
disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to Ad
vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack camrl.
the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves' This method of throwing cold watei
break down and waste away cell by cell. upon the admirers of a rival brought n
Then the richness of the blood-the albumen: ,,,,, pvrn frorn t victims.
eaks out and the sufferer has Bright s r- ,1 : . ... ,, , .
' .1. . , , .. , ,6, Fiiuullv wise in making its caU-u.a
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. .,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new db t,ona WUii u cM at chose a peculiai
covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder , Pt r,ir " bed- Comfort was thecal'
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands j object, and the chosen sj"t did not
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other ' seem tc be calculated to afford it. Tin
efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent ' eat was found fast asleep In a larq.
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free j shipbuilding yard, lying on w hir
by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- gt.,.mc(1 t() ). H very muddy path.
Root and its wonderfu cures. Address r, , , , " '.,..,
KtSmi o r Di l,. , v j " Nv;l found, however, that the gpc
Dr. Kilmer ac Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and i , ., ' . . 1
..nKthinm i chosen by the eat for it k couch Wit
III-"'"-" aSfn
Suubury & Lowistown Division.
Iu effoct May 28, 19;)0.
r A M A M I' M- I
jut Bo7 Himlmry ' !i 'JO Mio
IU in1" Sellnigrove Junction: : notij iwM
j 19 in in Mllnssrrove I tnui 4 ir
I a . io ai j Pawnng .vi ISB
j:u ;iom K reamer s i tat
23i i J7 llsisar I 48 J t-js
aiii 10:1.1 Middlaburg H4u 4W
i ir, iom Benfer I h hi 4 if 1
iv 1014' Banvertown j tew 4 rr .
joo to m Adamsburs siin 4 01
s:n lost i;uih Mills 1 1.1 3:11
111 inn McUlure hot .140'
8. 111:1 Wagner : 7 57 889 1
at; 11 if- Bhtndle 7 H :i
tan II Hi Pnlntervltts 149 5i
i 11 17 Maitlanal 743 814
sis 11. Lewistows I 73.1' Sir
147 It 17 tswistnwn (Main Btrwt. j 88 111
)50 mi Lewlstown JanoHoa. ! 7 10 810
Train leaves Suubury 5 25 p m, ar-
riws at Sehusgrove 5 46 p m
the point at which a lot of steam pi 1
passed under the road, no that the mui
was baked into a warm, dry day, whirl
made not only a clean but an artificial!,'
heated "ping place.
Jury Lilst.
Ad lies
it.' IV. T
-1 i' rrj
i irry
is 'aver
centre I
m mroe 1
11. aver
Trains leave Lewistown .) unction :
4 SI ;i m, 10 l;i 11 in. 1 to n m.tsn.n m 5 n 1 m, 7fi?
11 .IS pin tor Alumna, tittnliiir sod the West.
For Hi.liiinure aii'l Wafhinirtiin 93.111m 1 .':
IU 488.810pm for PbllaasluhM and New
York 1M 8 Ha m, I .is ; :m i 3. and lilt iu Vm
Hiirrl-liurx 8 10
Philadelphia & Erie R R division.
Trala 1' avoi S lUMSrore 'Jrinctlon dtllr lot-
SUiiliiy aii(l West,
i.'im, l2 5p m, s so p m. Sunday 9 as a n,
1 p Dl.
r ins leave Siinbiirv dally eicopt Sunday:
wainioru uiuo, ijhb ai'ii,ann.iij)(U.
riitn ...rlt l'.l.,.i.,. K.7iui 1 ',,,,.,.
jtjLnj tJflZolt Haven', Tyrone and the West.
I hi p ra ror noiieionto Kane Tyrone and t:nn.r,-
5 45pm ler lienovoin.l Klralra
In p iu ni Wllllamsport
Sunday 5 10am for Krle ami ORnnndalKiia
Htun forliSk Havon an,l 8 63pm lor WU
llaiBUp'irt C N a m, r5 a m 2 TO and i 43 p m lor WilfcF.n
barri' and Itnelton
6 45 a 111, in 111 a 111, ; (15 p in. I 45 p iu lor Shaica-
Kin aim mount laratai
Sun lay a ss a m Inr Wllkenbarre
Trains leave Sollnsurovo Junction
10 0C u in. daily amvinir at l,lill,.li.ol.l.i
3 IT p in New York r. r,3 p ui Baltimore 8 llp'm
4 10 p ill
531 n m dally arrivlnn ivr Philadelphia
i02o . in New York 8 ',,'i a m. Baltlmara a IM m
WiwIltllLtoll III ."li ) Ui.
" 1. 1. i... uallv arriving at PhUadalnhli
Usoam, New York T?4 am, Balttmora ZS0 a ei
waswagson 1 m
1 raMis slag leav Sunhury :
1 ' am ilallv arriving at Molailnl.thla n yi u in
Haltimnro 6 35 a m v, .i.ut.Kt- n 744 am New
York 3.! a in Weekday a, 10 SS am Sundays,
' ''' a in week dav arriving' at Plilluil. inliiu
1148 am, New York 1 13 p DL lialtluicre Urj
m, Waabington 1 00 p in.
155 pin, week daya urrlvlnir at Philadelphia
23 11 in. New York 30 D m, Baltimore 6 00 n in
wiSMnsinn 7 isn m
Triilnn also leave Siinbiirv at 9 50 a m and ck i
jnii n a; p m, inr HarrtatiurK, hailadolphla and
1. K. Will III. c. ,.'l p,... A .
U.B. HtlTCllINSON (en'l Manaa-nr.
We jrive below soiue clubl)iiir
oomunations with the Post. The
rates ytiotwl are very low-
The Farm Journal, monthly, for
almost five years and the Mlddleborg
t out orjeyear, paid in advance, $1 .00
The Farm Journal la one of the best
agricultural papers published. It eon.
tains from 32 to 40 puces each month
nil treat of every aubject of interest to
the farmer, laborer and working man.
The NeW York Tri-Weeklv Tri
bune and the Middleburg Post, one
year, paid in advance, only $1.75.
The Trl-Weeklv la ntihllabed Mniwlav
Wedneaday and Friday, reaches a lare
jiroporlion of HUbaeritierN on date of
MBUa, am) each edition la a thoroughly
up-to-date daily family newspaper for
busy people.
The New York Weekly Tribune
ukI the Middleburg Post, one year,
I smat I 1 i a. iw
f'u in advance, only l.Zb
The Weekly Tribune la published on
Thursday, and aires all Important news
"f nation ami world, the most reliable
rnarket reports, unexcelled aurlcultural
'I' partnieiit, reliable freneral Informa
tion and cliolce and entertaining mis
cellany. It is the "people's paper" for
the entire United States, a national fam
ily paper for farmers and villagers.
The New York Tri- Weekly World
IU the Middleburg Post, one year,
liJ in advance, only $1.65.
The Tri-Weekly World comes three
times a week, is filled with the latest
news of the country and la well worth
lie price asked for It.
Tlie Practical Farmer, one year.
"Kl the Middleburg I'osTjone year,
Pd in advance, $1.50. Both of
P above papers and the Practical
itner Year Bock and Agricul-
Ural Almanac for 1900, paid in
"vance, only $1.G5.
The Practical Parmer Is one of the best
'arm rutners niibllshAfl Imhiu 1, wm'rlv. year. The year bo. k con tins
Over half a century of it
is one of the reasons why
goods stamped
Rogers Bros."
the ; roduct of this knig
experience archest. They
are sold by leading deal
ers. For catalogue N . 191
explaining points of in
terest to buyers, address
the makers
Iii(t'riiatloii,i SUver Oaaaaaay,
llt rlili-ii, I nun.
LBHIaWEH k i, - '
A $7. 0
a To each person Inter-
eitaH in ubscrlbiiiR
to the Kuaooe Rich
Monuinent Bouvetitr
a Pynd. Subacrlbe nny
atnounl desired, nli-
aeription a low ui tfl
uitl entitle donor to
tins dainty artistic
a valumo.
-I' ll id Flowers"
U loth bound "(ll) 111
u certificate of sub
a mi riptnoi to fun. I. 1 he
t I,.
tlltlil II- u "i te
THE Baok
uit i y
Hon of Klelii's best
am I most repreaento.
live works and Is rea.J
dy for d. 'livery.
if tin' 9 i'.lit for tin' noble eon j
bund- tr 1 b u 1 1 o n of the!
IIIUS" a world s irreatesl urt
tr;nrl bv tlnr isK Ibis 1 1; i I.I
iv ti-1 of tin. not have boon maun
Vorl.'.'s OnaMt factured fir less i han
est Artists. 17.01
The l i.nd credited is divided Squally I"
tween the farrllyof the late Buaene field
and the Fund for tin; bulldina oi a monu
ment to the memory a! the beloved poet of
cbiidbood- Address
List of Orand Jurors drawn for the Coort of
Ojer and Tenniiier nnd Oeostal Jail delivery
iiutcouri ol Quarter SeastOM of the Peace of
Micr counti held at ine. Term, ooaunenolrui
'.iniluy. Dec. 10. lW.
N.mie. OeeupsUoti,
A bogast, Barrsy , PanwCi
A.iiaiiid.i.H M'.nu
ti nfer. Mot .
loweraox, I'lmres, carpenter,
rtteoki r, PhUip, 0 wchmaker,
I'lss Qeorge, Geulleraan,
rettsroii j.iie. a., Parmer,
haaden, ylTW t,
aackenbarg, Harrlaon, '
Kessler, Jostaii. Bn riacer,
K-' irus, John, (' "u hinili ''.
Lona, Samuel i:.. carpeni r,
iltterlluCi Abriham, Former,
Miller. Charles Jr
Mnsscr, jatnei o., L ibort r,
Rice, John, I'urnirr.
IWIeheBbaeh, Thomas, "
-swuriiUiinU r. Bmnnuel. Farmer,
s . i ier. Kredertck, Laborer,
smith, Jacob,
si nek. PhiliPi Furmer,
ioproyer, Imyd, Teacher.
BpttDgler, Wui , Laborer,
iTBKih. ttoubeu, Photographer,
i.wnrivtit Juror" drn ler the Cpurt ol
Common Plena, courl olOutirtci 8ctloii I the
Peace conn ol over and Termliiei anddi iiernl
i iii heiiverv ol Btivder Comity, Pit held iw
' I . 'i'. ,,., enmmenelnB 1 1-. W0
Nniiie. occupation,
Attlg, Hurry, Qentli tmiii,
Arbogast, Howard. Undertaker,
Arbogast. Bltnon, Fanner,
Beaver, Franklin, U'
Berge. Henry, Gentleman,
Dover. It nrv. Farmur,
Blekel, Samuel,
Folk, Michael.
Foils, Peter,
Qarman, n inlel (;., F irmer,
i OauRler. Franklin, Hnesmaan
j Gemberllng, Ira, Laborer,
Grnyblll, Jacob O,, "
I doss, Joseph, Oentlemaa,
i Belssr, Daniel s., LaiM)rer,
j Bllhtsu. Frtderlok K. Farmer,
II lines, Geo. A Mnolilnlst,
I Bans, Harry, Landlord,
Herman, Newton, v. nun r,
II. i. kenburg. Mu imei, I tbori r,
Krensier, u trvey, Carpenter,
Kline, ismie. Further,
Kewler, Samuel 0., Fanner,
laTpiey, Oeorge,
Mengie, Oust.,
Moyer, Henry,
Mengie, Philip,
Pi t. is, Heurj .1 .
I'm' line, JacobO., Oetttloin in,
Paige, ThntnoH, Juntlco ol ibi IT
Bow, Fred, Oarpeuu r,
(. i, Ft k, Ageut,
lt"n h. Philip, Merchant .
Bounce, Amnion P.. t ni lemiui,
Bpechi, Charles, Clei k,
Bhaffer, Ueurj", Laborer,
Buulter, John, Farmer
snyder. John a . Printer.
Bpauglor, Jerry . Farmer,
Snyder, William c. Livi ryinnn,
Sbruwder, Willis, Farmer,
Wetzel, Dallas,
w iiier, Franklin B "
Wagner, Uenry y Jnstloool tae Pi ace, Jat k ion
Weiand, Isaac, Farmer, Went Beaver
Wsland, Jobq, Beaver
wiKsiiiug, wiiiiam l, Laborer, Bprlng
wroy. wuilam, Farmer, Franklin
A Pannsylvania man has patented n
form df jug thai allows its contents
to How out quietly, without any sound
of gurgling, The handle Is hollow unci i
so, it may he remarked, Is the idea.
The gurgle of n can teen just, filled
with spring water is certainly music
al, 'Hie word "purple" Itself is really
descriptive and pleasiug, Somebody !
will he trying next to patent noise
less breezes and put rubber tires on
the chariot of the winds. Pro.
the brooks and the jugs gurgli
pood apothecary.
(&'tJiil jH i'jfi& flfflHrll i..
Time was warn Cancer was considered as incnraWe as leprosy.
rliysiotaiis ami Inriuls coulil ptvc little relict or encouragement to
one aiBicted with this trrrilile disease. Even now doctors know of no rented v for this fearful malady ; while admitting it to
a blood disease, they still insist that there is no hots; outside of a surgical operation, and advise von to have the Canci i CUl ou
but at the same time cannot assure VOU that it will not return. You may cut or draw out the sure, but another will rotne
its place, for the disease is iu the blood is deep-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon's krtl
caustic, llcsli-destroying plasters. The blood must be purified and Rireutliened, the system relieved of all poison us,
matter before the Cancer sore will heal.
S. S. S is the only medicine that can overcome thia powerful and Contaminating poison and force it out of t!ie bl 0
builds up and invigorates the old, and supplies new, rich, life-giving blood. S. S. S. is purely vegetable retni dy ; no ui
can be found iu it; the roots and hertu, ftont which it is made contain powerful purifvins properties that directli
the blood system and make a safe and permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured thousands, whv not von?
Cancer is not always inherited ; your family may he free from any taint, yet your blood may become s.. polluted that a seven
mj and stubborn f"rm of the dil
PixTpure Btecta Invites Disease. tZ'zur::,.
r he.rt, a li'tlc pimple on the eyetii
or nose, a small lump ou the jaw or hreast, a harmless looking wart or mole, nnd other causes so inaignificailt a - lo ul
Utile or no attention, it you nave an oosnnaie soie, cton t tely uixin salves or lununetus to cure tl beem situ ,
Mlddiecm k
Ch inn n
' "" .,..... unit ..'..,,, MmJ .! MvMnl lb.. (,.,,., ,,f 11
v a hit ' . ,
Mrs K shirrr. La TUla. Mo . writer : " A smalt piiulilr enme on inv jaw aliont one inch below the
HOlinagro 1 rar on the left side of my fsce At tiit it save ine no itOIIDle, and I did not think 11 was anything seri. .us
Penh until the law began to swell and became much Inflamed. At the same tune the oie began to spread and
Pfrn ea! into Ine Sesh, and gave mc Intense pain I tried everything I coul 1 b.-si of, but nothing did rac any
'S'ikI I then began the use Of 8 R. S. and after taking several boitlen the Caneer hraled. and there
Rl'UnSgrOVt U UOW no Sign ol the disease. This was two years aB", and 1 utn still Injoyisg pel feel health "
1 '"" Scud for our special book on Cancer ; it contains much information that will interest
' "" , you ; it is free.
rite our plr. sicians auOUl vour cse, ami tor anv advice or information wanted ; thev
have made a life study of Cancer aud all blood diseases. We make no charge what
ever for tins
V,-Ss V",&, V ' S
v ,. Nit: . ' i
i it. aver
i 'nepman
s illnsgTove
. st perry
Weal Beaver
Pi unklln
Middled reck
Washln ;"ii
Wi si Iti aver I
Head This I Head This! I
EliX i
w 1Mb i
Ottll i
. Hi in . ,. i 1 . ii : my I UK' s LOWEll 11 i OTH- O
i tti SAME (3001)8. R'y inicos on l". mils ofcmpol I
i lo'.-c oul will riuit ilm lioekt'i l k of niatij mui save
1 . 1). hi i Ihiuk oi buyinc your fall enrpcta until y
e ij:.v atc'ck (if ctiiuets j''''ir ui U olititi uud not ill" prices S
df Bouifi ui tuv baimaiua 1 am oflVrini;.
S?e fviy BisDlay of Mis, Mi Pois&Krfiu
'i ices iual righl on these Ltmuls.
One W ord About Pictures.
I nm offering my present stock of pieturcit nl cist, LESS 8
THAN COST uii'l Mouie for tbe price of tin d:i m tbe ftuineB, o
Don't miss i his sule. y
I hnve fionio prettv thmtrt to offer in Furniture,
Ln'ei will Kuipriae you in Styles ami Prices,
new .
In tl.:-- brnucli
iblic tbe b"8 cerl
pel uiiul iittoutinn,
of t Ii" i. ti i i'
i. my rUKin
"i - . qtiipp .
he si,,;,..
an' i" epni'i tti I",-. .
1 inn i by inouoy, trtu
in tiiu i 'I'uncli i if biintiiii
up ' ibtte,
i 1 1' my iitlentli n !i
1 I tllAN TKK I '. II n II"' s.llln' UU
i -. ii ly, I UPAIiANTKH lo clve you e
S Hi I.I
lICI l'l
il l it "tv In I'
I UN I' Mum ul
Livery Connected with Untlci'takiinr lU'iuirtinent.
. ; wcooooetXjOOocx'OfX'!;
; Bcoesa r'xtu MoNOKaara Bouvknih Fdnd,
I (Also nt li.uik stnrea.) 1H0 Motirofl St.
I OntcAoo,
If you wish to send poataas, enclose ioo.
Mayor Smith, of Mocon. fin., hnv-n t
in motion a bright plan for the sys
tematic planting' of trees In that city.
the midHo of licise Btree.ts are adorned
with parks. The city Bets tree for
every person who contributes 85 cents,
uod protects ii with an iron box In
which Is east uu name desired bv
donor. Thesa are the cheapest and
most UMting monumenta yet devised.
S I,, .'"A
ai i . r i' ii" .(i i i .( 1 - i. : i i
u iccivek I NDEHT ' Kiv; I'A 11 foil'- m
i'1 rrj o ( 'v . 1 1- mv mtc
Uoaver o "'" i iL'AUANTKk nii'ineah thu
.. . ' o " '' I "I' UiANTKK
; , Kil-St-ClM
M ddlelmni J O
Middli bifg
Woal Pern ! S
Peiin I ulep lone, C o in 'wi
' Y- .VVV '
w iWMaWsWafrl'fi - -?Ma)
m mar ' ''" .bbbbI ssarvesagssi igsggi gu , r-ra, - i,ci'-.
1' 'Vr ICBV'l
V Psttnt Uather Shoe
in Wont Drsak Thro'
1.., i aaaai
let, .
No ni.iiter how hsndsomi the .ittlr?, the stvlij'i appearanc
can lie suuil.M Dy a pair u iiioes that are not in kcerin,-' wil!i the
No shoe on earth, at whatever price, can equal a MONARCH
rv I , tne only patent leather shoe made is guaranteed tu t tc
'lir.-'il I ii,i" Uri . r .
iy pay oo (""ran patent
"' 0a. ...a'a
When you can buy from almost any dealer a pair of MONARCH
rormucniess? If your dealer doesn't keep them wo will
gladly send a Simple pair, yuursue, prepaid, f.rS.;,. Address
TO DEALERS: MONARCH PATS are strictly l.ich r-rrtde rf
leafJaer iltoe the only guaranteed patent leather shoes made.
They always please (J,e Wcaref an j wir j vou
nor patticulirs to-day.
w Mm
In which there is a and a ' in-
on that Is useful to the ttt uer.
0 ol mis DooS alone it on centa.
Tear Book for only 11.63.
Is the one Important magazine in the world giving In its pictures,
its text, In its contributed articles, editorials and departments, a
comprehensive, timely record of the world's current history. Not
the enumeration of mere bare tacts, but a comprehensive picture
of the month, its activities, its notable personalities, and notable
utterances. The best Informed men and women In the world find it
indispensable. iaratsrsn
IKS There are many readers in your locality who have yet to
learn of Its usefulness. We wish to establish active agents In every
city and township in the country. We will pay liberally for ener
getic effort In the subscription field. Leisure moments can be utilized
with substantial Increase of Income. Make a list of the persons in
your locality who should have the "Review of Reviews," and send
to us for agent's terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then
solicit their subscriptions. It is a compliment to approach a person
with a subscription proposition for the "Review of Reviews," and
consequently orders are easily secured. This Is (he active subscrip
tion season. Make application at once, naming your references.
Price, 25 conts a number. $2.50 cv year.
13 Astor Place. s,ow York City.
Frank S. Riegle,
Middleburg, Pa.
Inquire for . .
Prices and Terms.
UUHr.S WhLilt ALL Hit
Boat louKh Syrup. Tastes Oood
1 1
jixki. rjso gi
Consult or communicate wltli tho Editor
Wi wUd will (lva all OSStttd 'V?
3nlqa.ii Tribute ol SoiilUvrn I ml
Protestants to Uvud
On the -.Ti-st ot .i (jrnceful hlli
Clark co anty, hid., ihe ultc ol ihc
cat E.v atnffalicitl or I'rotesttinl ' ul
hoit'fj" j,, iniliitnn, the other 1 , 1
tnlicrs of i he Silver I rc( k
tcrinl nssociul ion (jatlierfd i"
the beautiful nunuiil eustotn "i k i
Iti preen in tho memories ol the pi
pic of sun: hei li Inrliatia the
the gallant p! wtio lie bin
the little .' "
"meeting 1 1 . use." M u C -' '
decades ngo t silver ( ' '
terlnl nssoclntlnn wns formed '
dents nf t'lm u nm adjoining ' '
ties. The olijw t (if I lie
wa i to it1
i.' wa I
inculcate In the mi. ids of the i
(III.1 tin1 r.'ii l Bet I lorn i i ! l!is
I tndlnnn, i
ic (
.-.I Iii
It visited one v
meeting, and n i
, ! It iii pnip f
urdny l md
;! 'I .iii!. Nowhere
rU.iir . I.-, ''.is bemil
:"' f th
in i!'
. i tin i
. 1
in t'li- United
ful custom mnri
regul.u .y . Iwerved, nnd nowhere ow
there I f . 1 1 - trt ter revert'nci
among t he yout ; r ' e v. :i . .
'.he way for cb '!: 11 in in t'i dnrl
ays of bn'!
: in tin f wit (
'TO which emit
meterv. The
lire now hero Hi"; i
d, Seldom Is the
oi painter COii
OOuld lie ITI
than tin- 1 1 i
thin church nnd
tlci of na tun
Unglv p.'". ft.;. I'd Sold
silence stirrou ilii i !,i
spot disturbed, nnd no mi'' cut
pronch without n !' i ling of
tlon. The primitlvi church, tin
remarkably well preserved, t nl
inlnil bach unci m I'tnuslj to the
(luys. It is ensj to Imnglnc thru
yeitrs have rolled hnck, nnd i i
prlwj vcdiilil 1 ti ii si I i houl '
casual obacrver stepj Ing fw
hlmt n till I free ;i linrd.i piniieer,
rylng bis long rifle i" protccl
from tlio re! kin . ns hn cnttl'
approaches the old Ii isc of wo
mio attendance (IiIh yenr crm'
be lnro;e. Ni, , itnr Heed go I
ns the good wives nf the mem
bring baskets well laden with
f, led
icrry p
5 Cenfs
t in -ii
Everj'body !
RLE! Tl;ic
world, nnd fin
t he higlicxl iri
eciils, same
Bars full si.c nnd (in
i ir-
v i nrs it hits si
sntnu a
88 years. Order of your grot r.
oholceof l.'iil :. - in liooks
each 8 wrnpjx r nml cents for i
- last
"( iti r
r for
Daviii ( i , v. .'v. i' . ie il I
QeneBeo Fun t'ood ( ' , ti
N. V .:
Gentlemen:- I nm-i mi i.
to QUA IN O ' iii linn
better r heiJ Iimt, V hnvi
it lor yearn, My in I ei u
great eoffi e drinki r. He ( a - keu
sick nnd (be id cl or sniii ci ..i ,ua
the cause of ii, .. ! Ii Id u .,:
GRAIN 0. v '. hiii
did not like il . i t-rsl, lul dow
would not be w'tliot'l ,t. Mv hroth
er bai been w II i ct gin 1 !
cd to use il. V.' ii - t: uly,
Lutli .S.ii ti a
WSssaaWat 's u
SSBsm 1
.tvtni Veil
I o TinifT AS I-
HNY Ol DP' 1