The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 15, 1900, Image 4

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    Published Every Thursday Morning
(1RO. W. WAQENSELLBR, Editor and Owner.
srBsrKUTioN katfx.
91. OO per yrar if paM in ailvancs. SI. -VI prr Tear if not paid
in advance. Single copies. Kiv Cents.
Advertising Kle. 13 rents per line, nonpareil massuri--inetil,
for Aral 'in.ertinl.snil 10 cent per line for each subse
quenl Inaertlon. Ht'OKKIOB. Nearthe County Court House,
lieiween the Kirat National llank and the OonntyJail.
Nov. 15, WOO.
Nl'MHKR 4.r).
' Did Charity prevail, the PNM would prove
K vcliirlr nf Virtue, Truth and Love." Cowpkb.
AlX ia not lost. The Detnoonta have carried
Arizona. The territorial delegate is named Smith.
EdITOB LuMBaRD was so happy last week
over the result of the election that he forgot to
take the list of candidates from the Tribune's
The Republican victories made even the
wheat look better anil the landslide has taken
the stones and cherry seeds off the public roads
of Snyder county.
THE stay-at-home Republican vote in Snyder
county was a great deal larger last Tuesday than
it should have been. The Dumber of persons
both Democrats and Republicans who failed to
vote in Snyder county reached 687.
Snyder county Republicans swallowed their
cherries last Tuesday, worms and all. The
Lewisburg people got the cherries and Snyder
county people got their money. That is all
they wanted. What is the difference? Now
let's all shake the cherry tree.
A CONVKNANT was signed at Washington,
whereby Spain cedes the islands of Cagayan and
Sibutu to the United States for the sum of $100,
000. These were Spain's last possession in )cean
ica. The islands are of the Philippine group, lut
Were unintentionally left outside the line drawn by
the Treaty of Paris.
Tin: advocates of " and- imperialism," who set
great store, politically, by the act of participation
in their behalf of Carl Schtirz, Gamaliel Bradford
and Samuel Bowles, profess much discouragment
over the result of the balloting on the Presidency,
and appear generally to have come to the reluctant
conclusion that the flag must fly.
Tin: last disappering political rainbows fell be
hind the Osage Hills in Arkansas and disclosed
James K. Jones still reluctant to admit the de
feat of candidate Bryan, whose campaign he was
described as "managing "as chairman of the Dem
ocratic National Committee. The term of Senator
Jones m the United States Senate does DO texpire
intill the 4th of "'. ' 1903.
It is understood in Washington that the Ad
minstration accepts the results of the elections as
an endorsement of its policy with regard to the
Philippines, and that accordingly st'ps will he
taken at once to inaugurate a vigorous campaign
against the insurgents. General MeArthur, it is
said, has been ordered to concentrate his troops for
a hard ami telling blow against the rebel-;.
Heavy lighting took place near Bothvillein
the Transvaal, resulting in the complete rout of
the Boers, who look to fight after loosing 23 killed,
30 wounded and 100 taken prisoner. Seven of
their guns were also captured. The British lost
three officers and four men killed. Lord Roberts
also reports an engagement south of Dalamutha,
which resulted in the Boers being routed.
TlIE cheapness of living in Australia is pro
verbial ; it is a veritable poor man's paradise. In
the butchers' shops you see two-penny and four
penny tickets on the meat, and provisions of lo
cal productions are equally inexpensive. In the
eating houses or coffee shops a great feature of
town life there you can get a Square meal, con
sisting of a steak or chop, bread, butter and tea,
for sixpence. There are no tips for waiters in the
Antipodes. The ( 'olonials are enormous tea drink
ers, and on an average partake; of the cheering
herb seven times a day. Boarding honses an
other prominent feature are rendered almost es
sential in a land where the domestic servants com
mand a wage of a pound a week, with every eve
ning out and leave to practice the piano and keep
a bicycle.
POR NEARLY two months past the Post
has made additions to its look and job de
partment in the shape of new material, and on
Tuesday last an order was placed with the Key
stone Type Foundry, of Philadelphia, for enough
new goods to equip a first-class book and job of
fice in any city ; this leing in addition to the no
mean stock already on hand.
These supplementary additions embrace large
fonts of body and display type of the latest and
most fashionable creations faces that cannot fail
to attract and please the coiinisseur in brochure,
folder, book, booklet and magazine printing, and
the Post's typographic artists have the rare gift
of assembling and arranging them so as obtain
the best effects known to the art of printerdom.
Our preparations for both plain and colored
embossing are about completed, and within a few
days we will be enabled to display specimens infe
rior to none produced in this country. We pro
pose to turn out all the better grades of commer
cial printing that has heretofore found its way to
to the larger cities. No job is too large or too
small to claim our prompt and beat attention.
Specimens and estimates for the asking.
I HE last toot of the recent election has not
yet wholly diet! out and the election for
Judge a year hence is beginning to make the
tongues wag. It is none too early to discuss the
situation, though it is too early to presage the
lay of the field. We observe that Hon. S. H.
Orwig of Lewisburg has announced himself a
candidate for re-election.
Snyder county has a loyal Republican son
whose name has often been mentioned in connec
tion with this position. We refer to A. W. Pot
ter, Esq., of Selinsgrove. The Republicans of
Snyder county seem to be a unit for this legal
light from Snyder's metropolis. There is noth
ing against the present incumleiit, hut it is soon
time for Snyder county to get a judge and the
way to do it is to demand it.
IT IS INTERESTING to make comparisons.
Hence we give Inflow the vote cast in each
district of Snyder county for McKinley and Bry
an in 1896 and 1900.
McKinley. Bbyan.
1896 1900 1896 1900
Adams 107 103 33 41
Beaver 17.") 101 28 29
Beaver, West 213 191 30 34
Centre 20S 180 39 38
Chapman 64 50 134 142
Franklin 181 211 64 61
Jackson 100 93 68 73
Middleburg 85 95 49 43
Middlecreek 101 106 OS 70
Monroe 168 141 111 121
Penn 202 212 91 98
! Perry 119 117 105 112
Perry, West, 83 88 7b 64
Selinsgrove 232 235 73 88
Spring 202 188 77 59
Union 162 161 77 92
Washington 185 1 T 105 145
Collated and Arranged Expressly for The Post
for I
10 '
With the bigoted sectarian and the modern ma
terialist, the universal and unqualified Brotherhood
of Man is a dead totter, for the tintt believes that only
hlmt-elf and a few chosen associates can be saved.
For the second, the materialist, the recognition of
the Supreme Architect of the Universe as the Prin
ciple nf Principles, and belief in the Immortality of
the Soul, will prove an equal stumbling block. For
tunately, the number of bigoted sectarians and the
otit-nnd-out materialists is few.
The rapentruoture known as Christianity has, it
Is true, many historical phases; of dogmas the most
contradictory; of doctrines promulgated in one age,
and enforced with viee-regal authority, and severe
penalties for denial and disbelief, only to be den let!
and repudiated as "damnable heresy" in another age.
In the meantime, the origin of these doctrines and
the personality Of the Man of Sorrows around which
these traditions cluster receive no adequate support
from authentic history. What, then, shall we con
elude regarding the real genius of ( 'lirislianity ? Is It
it all a fable, put forth and kept alive by designing
men, to support their pretensions to authority? Are
historical (acts and personal biography alone entitled
to credit ? while everlasting principles, Divine Be
nlfloenoe, and thelaylngdown of one's life for anoth
er are of no account? Is that Which has inspired the
hope and brightened the lives of the downtrodden
and despairing forages a mere fancy, a designing lie?
Tear every shred of history from the life of the
Christ! today, and prove, beyond all controversy that
he never existed, and Humanity, from its heart of
lusiuwjswoau rjgim or I au
ham Movement, In a
genuine Oold filled ease,
guaranteed for 10 Tears.
Nearly 100 styles of
Watches and all the lat
est things In reliable
Jewelry, are sold by us
at 43 below retail
Artists Materials, Bi
cycles, Hook cases. Buf
fets, Cabinets, Candy,
China, China Closets,
cigars, iiocra, com.
OHM rut. 17. M
modes. Couches, Dolls, Kaiy Chairs, Fountain
Pens Games, Grashaphones, Groceries. Band,
kerchiefs. Knives, Lamps, Mufflers, Musical In-
Desks, are a few of the thousands of suitable
articles wo sell for Christmas presents. In addi
tion, we are head-to-foot outfitters for Men, Wo
men and Children, sell Everything to Eat, and
vu uav. Ail iniurmaiiuu la contained in our no.
9t Illustrated catalogue, each oodt weurhinr a
lbs. as an evidence of Interest, send usioc. to
help pay postage. These 10c. too Dinner from
too a n as t order or 11. It quotes wholesale
prices to consumers.
FoiiownociTiLocrisnin, DrutOoodiBtoMotmtth
mpiu from lot. to V SO w say tnntporittltm.
Madrto-ordtr Man's Clothlna Catalowewith tamplu
a say xprotiage ana autrant to ft. Lithograph
cataltqin of CarDttt. Ruq. Oraptrtt: ate, inowlng
ooodt In thoir roal colon. W pay Mi aft Mat Oar-
air i
Why pay retail prices T Which catalogue do
jwu nsuvr auumiH way :
Juuut mines ion. Baltimore, mo.. Dept. 90
A Jury at Harrisburg, Pa., found a
vtrdlot of murder in the first de
gree against Klmer E. Barner, who
killed his brother-in-law, Isnac Mil
ler, Before taking a vote on the
prisoner's guilt or innocence one of
ths Jury offered up prayer, after
which a hymn was sung. Then, hav
ing worked themselves into a pious
frame of mind, they unanimously
Toted the accused guilty.
Notice of Application for Ckart.r
Notice la l,Mhv viv.n D. a. ..
will be made to the Governor of the (.or?
maun hi : t'iinwvanla on Thursday v
ber and, 1900. by J. V. Helfsnstein. V. ?
enaeller, A. O. Scboll. K. H. Lefler. Carl v f
penschade and A. W. Hotter, under the I
Assembly of the Commonwealth of rv SI
vailia entitled. "An ,,n 1.1.
corporation and reflation of certain uSl
,io"i'.JPprOVe.d AV.r" nd "" Sal
.una, approved ipril w, hj,4 Rn, ,
mi-ii to 1 I 1,, f... tt... 'l . . . :
conx, ration to aVUTCC ,"'.'''.
quehamia Telephone Company," the i
and Mast of which la to purchase lea
r .--. m upt-nir 1 1 lira or r.. ... ,
n the counties of Cumberland Dauphin 99
lln, Fulton. Huntingdon, Juniata, Min i, S
thumberlaml, terry and Snyder and lor i'l
purposes to have .possess, and enjoy
rlKhl iH-neflts and privilege of the aa.u A,
---"J "UV4 uuuiDuienui. W
q . W POTT Kit
Rclinairrove. Pa 8olt.
October ISth, 1900. Ic
A TTOHNKY'8 NOT10K.-Notlce isS"
given that power of attorney-in.,lciT3
i ownshlp. Hnyder county. Ha., dee'd
iflven by the heirs of said estate ffthtJH
signed, to whom all Indebted to saiii
should make Immediate payment and thak&f
imr claims again-1 It should present SSM
autneutlcated for settlement ""math
M.ddleburgh.Pa. "jg&j
Nov. i, 19J0. t. fc,"va
n. ters of Admlulstration in T
tate of Catharine lirouse, late f f '" M
Snyder county, P... dec'dvln, bi, "
to the underilgned. all person. BoWlataS
el ve. Indebted to said c.Ute are reo timSt
make Immcllate payment, while tttOM C&J
1' alma n 1 uroa.-nt 1 h...., .....
me unucralKned. SJ
GhO. A. SNYDFR, S,.1M r,
J.I. F1SHRK s.1 ......' 1 i'
ortl".'9 Adml'
W'' MB Active man. of ood ch,.,.u
an old ratahllHlied nianufacturinf WbotaaS
ban experience. 1 eq'ulred. Our refttanM.'kfl
bank in thecitv. En.l.ii n..j'. '2
1 , : . ' ; . -wuunaaafl aw
I M Uearbon street Chlcaao. i-lj-ll?'
iv . a? a ..
- -j 1 i .it n
.......l : w, 41.. t i
1 .. aruiltOBJ
Ill llll- VUUUVT,
the Christ, would be none the less real, beoifloeot and
1 Eternal, with all of Its human and dramatic episodes,
Explain as you will, it can never lie explained away,
the character remains and, whether Historical or
Ideal, it Ifl'REALand
1289 1319
Totals, 2567
Majorities, 1278
It will le oliserved that McKinley's majority
is 80 Votes less this year than four years ago. I
This is due mostly tostay-at-heme Republicans.
The total vote polled is 20 less than in 1898.
There were 4,523 voters registered on the poll
hooks and only 3,836 votes east.
The iHist and mart ft'Hy illustrated account 6f
the voyajre 01 the Duke oi' Ahruzzi, who !
just returned to Italy idler having exceeded
Nansen's "Farthest North," is to be found in
the November Magazine Number of the Out
look. (S3 a year. The Outlook Company,
New York.)
"The Political Beginnings in Porto Rico" is
the subject of an article in the November He
view of Reviews by Dr. John Finley, the New
professor of politics at Princeton. Dr. Finley
traveled marly !i(0 miles through the island
last summer me greatest pan oi me way on Lttjn(W to benefit their emnluyci
ins conclusions regarding the possibiiitiec
Whose hurl wing anaweri not Iht will
Still ImiitM tin- uir in uaelosi Htrivintr,
A li.l ilyiny; ; with -lrim t:'.lin- holdlllB Tel
llrr lianl Won prey,
While, with wide hungry beaks, her far n(T
Wail, vainly calling ;
Or a nK'iil swimmer
Breasting angry wavei to Maw a life,
With dying eyoa Qst on the resoulng imat,
Anil, knowing it all too late,
Makes ftill bis Strokes, grown feebler
With i iii h laboring bioath yleltli not
The life lie i;uiv his own In aave:
Thin '. no ' :imo ;
Nor lilnl no m Immer glTssUp purpose.
Look. Iouk, oenturies
One walked the earth, in life
A seeming failure ;
Pyiin;. he nave the world a kM
' will outlast eternities'
Hetty Green, perhaps the richest woman in
the world, says, in the Ladies' Homt Journal:
"The trouble with young men, who work on sala
ries, is, that they don'! i nter Into their work with
the right spirit. To be appreciated they must do ex
tra work which they are not paid foi -and think of
loot, ins conclusions regnruing ine possiuuities
oi the rorto Kicans are encouraging.
"I thought it about time for somebody to
start a new magazine," remarked a famous A
merican author when he was told of a new
monthly to he launched October 20th by Don
bleday, Page it Co., of New York. The fact is,
though, "The World's Work" as its name indi
cates, is radically different from the ephemeral
ventures so plentiful of late years, it is found
ed on an idea and one that appeals to every man
and woman who works, while the men were for
four years editing and managing in various ca
pacities several of the most successful magazines
of the day. Now they are to see if they cannot
make as good a magazine for themselves as they
have helped in the past to make for other people.
"The World's Work is a first-hand magazine
of human progress, dealing with the vital ques
tions of contemporaneous interest in a thought
ful yet frank and incisive way. It considers
conditions not theories, facts, not fancies, believ
ing that our OWD time and country are good to
live in, and that "the best is yet to be." Ic is a
necessary magazine for the men who do things.
The great Trans-Siberian Railway, described
by Henry Norman in his series on "Russia of
To-day," leads the November number of Scr?6
ner,8 Magazine. This railway is the commercial
and political key to the Far East and Mr. Nor
man traveled its entire length so far as complet
ed, to Lake Baikal and beyond. He describes
the wonderful industrial possibilities of the coun
try through which he passed and gives an en
tirely new idea of Siberia. Instead of a desert
it promises to be the leading wheat-producing
country in the world, and the railway opens up
immense mineral possibilities. Mr. Norman
says that since the great wall of China the world
has seen no one material undertaking of equal
magnitude. The cost of this railway will be
about $500,000,000 and its total length 5,486
miles. Illustrated throughout with the author's
Pennsylvania ought to fly pretty high in
the next Congress. A delegation of twenty
seven Republican Congressmen can ask for pret
ty much anything without fear of being refustd.
Have ! hed klndneM shown!
Pah it on.
'T was nut done tot you alum-
I'uhm it on
Let it wipe another's toafa
it it travel down lh yeara.
Till in Heaven it appeara
l'anx it on '
Ye arc Mot bound I Tin' Smil of Things li sweet,
The Heart uf Being ii celestial rent ;
Similiter Mian woe in will ; that which was (looU
Dutii linns to Hitter Ilest.
I'm Michael Met'nrty, ! Stun' up for the hrutes,
So hale anil so hearty An' the biriln, you galoots,
I work iv'ry ilay In the year; I An' chickens im' turkeynlonc,
The horses all know nic, I'or (foil made then all,
The cattle all show me An' they come at his call.
They know they've nothing to An' he Kiive 'em to IBM tor his
fear. own.
We shnulilu't abuse them.
Nor cruelly use them
iieRotrai t know I am right!
An' before ye shnll do It,
I'll have ye to know it,
'Tis Michael Mcl'arty ye'll fight.
De cheerful Idiot popped In un axed, "Will de Clerman Gen
eral Waldenee what Thnddeua of Warsaw? " Nig funeral,
No, Miss Eglenteen, ' wouldn't hank anything on do man In
de moon still bein single. Kit miiy he, dough, dat (ley allows er
man up dar to have more dan one wife, lakdey did in good Ole
Bolomun's time, Dis Is de most incouragement I kin gW vo at
de present writln, lessen yo try Utah.
De man whut doant kno de dlfTunce twist a lemon en a mu
d's ear, 'doutsmellln em, lialnt flttin to make lemondc, no how.
Bf prayin takes folks to Hewing and cussin takes em to Ilel-ee-na.
dar halnt even standin room In either place, an sum uv us
has got to take to de woods, Miss Isolde.
No, Miss Esmeralda, lilt halnt safe fur a outsider to mix in,
whar a man en wife ar undcrtakin to settle a dilTerkulty shovel
an tongs, lessen he's ahlo to thrash cm hole, right den an dar, In
a fa'r fight. Speerunce teeches me dat much.
Hit doant pay to nose er-roun in other folks bltncss. Even
et I'm gulne erlong de road, en I sees a snaik in a hoel, I gently
b'ars off to de let an say to myself, " dat ar hoel herlongs to dat
ar snaik." Nay, nay, Pauleen, not on yo Klondyke.
Yes, dear Sistah Owsley, wld yo Meffodlst church North, an
yo Meffodlst church Sojtli, on yo Prlshyterean church North,
en yo Prisbyterean church South, an de Babtlas here an Camel
ites yonder, hit do look lak sum folks wuz a Sxin to settle on de
north side uv HevTen, an sum onde South side, while de others
ar lookin for special water privclcgos up dar.
Oar bf it to acch. or thing cz a per cent, uv profit In de drug, ?r hit most Ingtnncrally run cl'ar out uv per cent, Into
gran' larceny Balnt its wful, Miss LoSe'ti? An' spelt wrong,
toot ';;. own Corker,
4-j-tr-Ml-l..t..l.ll.,i..i,.i!..t.t..t-tH-t-;-j-t..I-t..t II It I 1 I 1. 1. 1 t I 1 -I -a.-! Z
. . .... I 1 . . . . l-i-i-Tf
There arc no machines that will do the work so well. You know
wliiit the t.y 1 hKNtlSK arc. You should know that you
can buy them at the VERY LOWEST PRICES at mj
store. Also maiy of the repairs always kept on hand.
fifty pound t . ard c a mss "
- I- " v'-' xixyj
iii'tn h fun finct it'imfoii l .i
i i n.-.t,y hum lor tne price, ami
I. riMul I i i i i . I 1 . .
1 111 1 I n-,
Batchers ( leavers, ( leaver Knives, Butchers' Scales, Scale
I. ...... II . -
ovum, nog ocrapers, OKimmers and Ladles, lroii Kettles,
and Everything for Butchering time.
325 Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.
gjgl mmm jr "j "Xs sJj -X
Ladies' Coais and Haf
4 &ml
Ladies' Fine Tailor Made
Suits at Remarkably Low
TiUdifis'. ATiaanft' AM) Will A i'i Hi J I
, .a.-.s, VUliuirjus
$2.50 and up
Ready-to-wear Felts a n d
Velvet Head-wear for Wo
men and Children.
Our Stock is enormous and
our PRICES are correct and
popular, as usual, lower than
jj sir .is m fisii sts.s;
""! OI It i.auiji: tll
t "T fl "T" "T "T T "T "T T" "T" T" T T' "T"
Kantz, Pa.
no's Headquarters
Guns, Ammunition and Sporting flaterial.
Single Breech Loading Guns
with Blue Steel liar
rels, Nickle Frame
and Mountings, Case
Hardened, Reinfon1
ed Breech, Rebound
ing Locks, Oiled
Walnut Stock, Pis
tol Grip, Patent Fore
End, Faney Rubber
Butt Plate,' Choked
Bore, Worth J7.00-
Our Price $5.50.
Breech Loainjr Double Guns
Top Snap Twist Barrels. Rebounding Locks, Exteuslou Rib, Pistol
Grip, Patent Fore End, Case Hardened Mountings, Advertising in all
sporting journals at uur race,
l)..., Sllw .1 nmio Pnrlur Tufmrar nrA TrnlinO. Hafll
Ullllllli ittj'itiiiu !!. ..i.i..-. . t.inv., a.v iv i ..ii.. . ...... - .
merless: Hunting Coate from 75c to $4.00; Shell Vests. Belts "(,"
kinds of Loaded Shells. My 30 years of experience In the line and the
fondness for the sport enables me to know the wants of the sportsmen
Give us a call. We can please you.
Lea er oi low prices.
317 Harket St., Sunbury, Pa.