0. W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science. Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. VOL. XXXVII. LUCID LOCAL LACONICS KW -rnr A nession of argument court WU in Lpjmi last rriouy. protracted meeting will commence 1 . 141. n( 7 tii Iti Kulem Avpniuer uw 1,1 r Lurch. All we invited. winnv Brother! linve a lot of applet Lr ale vot. 'nil at W. B. Winey's of- n near the depot. I A n elegant artistic calendar, neatly tinted ly Wiled workmen, is just the king. See Nmplea at the office of the nr. The court appointed Dr. J. W. Orwig l deliver the senatorial returns Rom I . x x a..v .,,! a It Eek to deliver the congressional re- l to Lewistown. lo newspaper coupons or premium lupous issued by the IVstIii the Wea- Irobapel organ contest will be good it Dee. 15, UHX). Contest closes at o Im. of said day. Wantkd: In the country, a good I - . iij . t n...l put' lor a cniiu, uutu rivwawiui nuu Ltholic. Will pay $1.50 per Week ldress Children's Aid bociety, 82J luth 12th St., Philada. ll-l-lt. Kov. W. H. plover closed the series meetings Sunday evening at Jlum- 11 church and begin a meeting at tn'g. Three persons had presented twelves at the altar during the for- t meeting. Girls Wanted. Several bright is of Middleburg or vicinity are tated at once at this office to learn I sotting. If applicants are bright pt, good wages can be command- retv tea Weeks. AaalS once. i rtnTVL. B.Coopei'i'fJeorge ifliittaTSU Ffvnk Wlthlngton, of nertown, passed through our town breday on their way to McClure, Her county, to look over a big Iber tract" to to A. E. Boles for a smooth easy Ive or up-to-date hair cut and head bused with a refreshing shampoo or fcdmff removed with hi tonic. A i towel to each patron. Parlor in kk building, one door east of Post lee. Satisfaction guaranteed, tf. he Director of the Census, William Herriam, has made the official an- kneement that the total population he United States for 1900 is 76,295,- a gain of 13,225,464 in the last ten tt. Pennsylvania has a population 1,601,305, a gain of 1,043,351 since i Post is exhibiting a handsome ly of calendars for 1001 In the flows of the editorial office. Every Bess man should have a supply Wed with his business card and prea- or,e to every customer at the be lling of the year. Place your order It is none too early. A House and Two Lots for Sale. Ituate on Main Street Franklin. fruit. For further particulars Ion and address, Geo. H. Steininoer, Middleburgh, Pa. Musical Entertainment I Rogers-Grilley Co. will give a 1 entertainment at the Court at the Teachers' Institute, Wed- J, Nov. 27th. Read the following "comment : Rogers-Grilley Recital at the 'House last night was an alto- ' delightful aflair, and we doubt ! was one of the large audience t who was not charmed with the ter of the entertainment. Ash- I na seldom, if ever, been favored 'wo more delightful entertainers 'Messrs. Rogers and Grilley, and pill be cheerfully welcomed again. nd (Pa.) Evening Telegram. W. I. SWOOPE. W. I. Swoope wilt lecture at the Institute Tuesday evening. We elve a few testimonials : I. Swoope is a remarkably and eloquent young man, and lire few speakers who are his rTSE Aixentown (Pa.) Lead- Bwoope made an eloquent and dress, and was applauded to Lebanon (PA.) Daily Free, Free for All. Swart. & Graybll will give a present to each customer who will buy 50c and upwards worth of goods either for cash or produce during their special sale days commencing Monday, Nov. Ill, and to continue for one week. We oiler a new lot of Blue Dishes again. Come and get what you want. We will sell Rubbers at reduced prices, Children's as low as hi cents a pair. We will sell Men's Good Underweai for 2c. if you need any goods, we will save money. Come and see what we have. We invite you. Thanking you past patronage, we remain, Yours re8ectfully, Swaktz dcGRAYBILL. Official Vote for Senator. Fooht 225( 20(14 7704 12Uf4 Brown 1544 2043 8021 110US Snyder, Union, Northumberland, Totals, Fouht's majority, 470 Vote for Congress. Mahon Heddiugs Snyder, 2lll 1840 Union, 2480 1385 Mifflin, 2472 1IHJ0 Huntingdon, 4460 2104 Juniata, 1861 1720 Franklin, 0215 4756 Fulton, 1021 1200 Totals, 20750 1 1474 Mahon's majority, 6276 DIED. Jonathan B Hilbert, of near Oriental, Pa , died Nov. 3, 1000, aged 67 years, 11 months and 21 days. He ber oft the United huWvyp !atb:and earnest worker In the Sunday school and a kind and beloved friend and neighbor. His remains were laid to rest in St. Thomas' cemetery tc await the final summons. Catharine Troup, daughter of Peter W. and Julia Swartz, of near Knouse town, Pa., died Nov. 4, 1900, aged 37 years, 6 months and 13 days. She died of that dreaded disease, consumption. She was a great sufferer .'or over a year. She had been married to Heury Troup, who preceded her over a year ago. De ceased leaves three children and many relatives and friends to mourn her de parture. All that was mortal of her was laid to rest in burial plot of Nei man's church. KAII.K0AI) HUMOUS. Some Interesting Railroad Talk at Lewis town. According to the Lewiltown Gazette the following interesting railroad ru mors are in circulation in that vicinity which are giving their local trainmen considerable concern : The entering in the Register and Re corder's ofheeof a$12,0(X),000 mortgage, given by the Schuylkill AJuniati Hall road to John P. Green and John C. Simms, trustees, is responsible for the rumors. This is the final step in the consolidation of the Schuylkill Valley, Sunbury & Lewistown, the Nescopeck, the North and West Rranch, the Sun bury, Hazelton and Wilksbarre branch es of the Pennsylvania Railroad which used to be operated as separate divisi ons, each with its own set of officials. Under the consolidation the whole five divisions will be operated as one, thus effecting a large saving in salaries. Samuel Rea, one of the vice presidents of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, has leen chosen president of the Schuylkill & Juniata Railroad Com pany, and it is rumored that Victor Weirman, formerly of the Lewistown division, has been selected as superin tendent. The uncertainty of where the superintendent maybe located is what concerns local railroad men, as they fear should it be elsewhere than here the crews will be located there also. Calendars for 1901. Those who wish to get out a nice calendar for 1901 should call at the Post printing office to see the magni ffcient line of most handsome calen dare. No more beautiful calendars wer ever exhibited in this county. Give your patrons a neat calendar; they will hang it in their homes and stand as an advertisement of your business during the whole year. Place your orderearly. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA. NOVEMBER 15, 11)00- LSaPERTINENT PERSONALS f?W II John W. Farnsworth, of Danville, spent Monday night in town. Dr. J. C. Amig and wife, of Lewis town, are visiting their parents iu Franklin. MIns Laura Smith, of Klizabethville, paid a visit to her parents in this place last week. Dr. A. J. Herman was culled to Fre mont Monday to assist in a BUrgloal operation. Mrs. Catherine Spaid and daughter, Lilla, are spending a week with friends at Adamsburg, We regret to note that James Ayers has been confined to his bed with a spell of sickness. Leroy Stetlerand George Moats, stud ents of Susquehanna University, spent Sunday at home. 8. P. Warner and wife, of Milroy, spent last week as the guests of A. G. Bashour and wife. Dr. J, W. Orwig and wife spent sev eral days of the past week with H. 11. Barter ami family at Sunbury. Mrs. C. K. Bolig, of Winfleld, is spending the week in town with her brother and sister, R. W. Yoder and Mrs. Annie Hottenstine. Dr. A. M. Smith, of Reaver Springs, Dr. J. F. Kanawel and Peter Hartman, of Pcnnscrcek, where in town Monday evening attending Masonic Lodge. Mrs. John M. Steiiiinger left Satur day for a three weeks visit to Editor Thomas H. Hurter and wife at Bclle fonte. Me inwhlle Ju wjll keep F-Jdertcv Gu . v at flcliilgrovt?, has voted for sixteen Republican Presi dents, the first one was W. H. Harri son in 1836. To his recollection he has not missed a single election and is now 88 years old. COl'RT HOUSE CHIPS. Deeds Entered for Record. M. M. Noeckerand Annie, his wife, to Sallie E. Noecker, tract of land in Chapman township, containing 615 acres for $005. Nelson Ryers, et. al., to Mrs. Mar garet R. Moyer, lot in Sellnagrove, for $825. Perry Ulrloh to Mary E. Ludwlg, house and lot in Sellnagrove, for $ii. Geo. A. Boyer and wife to Lewis Fisher, hotel stand in Freeburg known as the Empire House, for$3400. S.T. Hilbish and wile to Mary Mit chell, lot In Smithgrove, Middlcereek twp., for $90. Mrs. Mary A. Mitchell and husband to Mrs. Harriet Aurand, house and lot in Smithgrove, for $840. H. H. Little to RolandUB Hartman, et. al., II acres and 124 perches in Spring township, for $325. C. M. Showers, Kx'r., to Daniel Her man, 31 acres and 79 perches in Centre twp., for $40. Lewis Riesslerand wife to Ida Kem erer, 10 acres and 100 perches in Perry twp., for $100. Letters Granted. Letters of administration were grant ed to Mrs. Mossie Long in the estate of Geo. W. Long, Esq., late of Selins grove, Pa., deceased. Marriage Licenses, f Daniel H. Gaugler, Shamokin Dam, Dillie M. Newman, " ( Milton H. Dean, Troxelville, Rhoda A. Hoar, Milroy. ( Calvin H. Klingler, New Berlin, I Minerva S. Knouse, Kreamer. Big Coat and Cape Sale. There will ls a big coat and cape sale at my store for three days only, from Thursday to Saturday of this week. There will be great bargains. Capes, coats, jackets, tailor-made suits, reefers, etc. Come to see them. Mrs. E. C. Aurand, Middleburgh, Pa. "I hare used Chamberlain's Colic. Obolera and Diarrhoea Remedy ana find it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E. S. Phipps, of Poteau, 4rk, "It cured me of bloody flux, I can not speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opin ion, if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even Id the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere For sale by the Middleburg Drug Co. The Post's Prize Weaver Chapel Organ. Juftfl I I ' I rjfiH vaU Tne contest for the Weaver Chapel at 5 p. 111. Only four weeks more remain. The prize now lies between the United Kvnngelical church Pennscreek and the United Brethren church of Fremont. Scud your coupons in before it is too late. BENNY BEATS THEM ALL. The "Lait Page Ad." Was Worked for All in It Kron Uie Ml. Cumol ar.Nov. , '.UO. the tmmt lntfosttaig igureln Penn sylvania, ycsValfuurt national politic, to-day b Benjamin R. Focht, State Senator-elect from the 27th District. Tile official count shows his majority to be four hundred and seventy-six. The fact of his election in the face of such apparently overwhelming influ ences is highly creditable, and the si.e of the majority makes the accomplish ment the more remarkable. The vic tory of Mr. Focht is the most unique and distinct Imaginable and will even tually place him in a position of such Influence as to reflect honor ou the dis trict he will represent. The enormity of his campaign work can be appreciated from the fact that the press of Philadelphia was united against him, and all the influence and money that John Wanamaker and his allies could command and expand were employed. The candidate could only combat it with his own personality and the latter won. He was open, honest, fearless. No one labored under any misapprehension as to where Ren Focht stood. The alteram! h of the campaign would till columns in detail ing the expenditure of vast sums of money to defeat him. Ti e coal region got its share, but Focht left Northum berland county with honors easy with his running mates. Looking al Mt. L'armel majorities it is seen that Focht's was but 16 less than McKinley's out of a vole of 18K2. It is a known fact that at least $I5(K) was dis tributed in Mt. Carmel alone to defeat the man; so that those Ki votes repres ent about $100 each. Against these prevailing prices Fochl won. In conclusion, was the press of Phila delphia honest and sincere m their utterances against Mr. Focht'.' Didn't that "last page ad." have a great deal to do with it ? UARKIBD. Nov. G, by Rev. II. R. I'ortner, Dan iel H. Gaugler and Dillie M. Newman, both of Shamokin Dam, I 'a. A Village niiM-kNinlth Nnvcrt II U .ltll Noii'n Life. Mr. H. II. Black, the well-known village at Grabauisville, Sullivun Co., N. Y., says: "Our little son, five years old, has alwaj H been subject to croup, and so bad have the at tacks been that we have feared many times that he would die. We have had the doctor and used many med icines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve the touirh mucus and by giving frequeut doses when the croup symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured befoie it gets settled." There is no danger in giviDg this romedy for it contains no opium or other in jurious drug and may be given as 3 Organ closes Saturday, December 15, 1000, Pennsylvania Congressmen Elected. At-large jg LggS First jtt. H. Btnghanw H Second.,.; Robert Adamt, Jr., R Third Hi . Burk, Jr., R Fourth j. R. Young, R Fifth Rdward Morrell, R Hlth Thomas S. Rutler, R Seventh Irving P. Wagner, R Eighth Howard Mutchler, D Ninth Henry 1). Green, 1) Tenth Marrlot Rrosius, R Eleventh William Council, R 'twelfth Henry W. Palmer, R Ihirteenth f). R. Patterson, R Fourteenth M. E. Olmsted, R Fifteenth Charles F Wrlghth, R Sixteenth Ellas Deemer, R Seventeenth RufusK. Polk, D Eighteenth Thad. M. Mahon, R Nineteenth R. J. Lewis, R Twentieth Alvin M. Kvans, R Twenty-flrst Summers M. Ja"k, R Twenty-w id John Dabsell, R Twenty-third Win, H.Graham, R Twenty-fourth K. F. Aoheson, R Twenty-sixth Arthur L Rates, R twenty-seventh. ..Joseph ('. Sibley. R Twenty-eighth (in doubt) Mary Snyder's Will Probated, The objections died against probating the last will and testament of Miss Mary K. Snyder have been withdrawn and letters testamentary were issued Wednesday of this week to Howard I). SehneeandJ. Harvey Schoch. The will was probated, but the contents are Still guarded with an eagle's eye. From all appearances the matter is not yet set tled and a lengthy legal coldest may ensue. It is understood that the de ceased devised most of her wealth to the Episcopal church ami her sisters will probably make an effort to upset the document. STATE NEWS Oveicome by escaping coal gas, the wife of School Director John D. Pelts, of Lower PottsgTOVe, near Pottstown, is in a critical condition. At Allentown live new cases were re ported of the epidemic of typhoid fevsr yesterday. There were three deaths ince Monday night. Thcpublicschools have been closed. Three hundred bridges on the Penn sylvania division of the New York Cen tral are hi be replaced by heavier slruc tures. Span diagrams are now being prepared to that end, Michael Murphy has charge of the of the gas tank at the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Rending Company. Yester day the escaping gas became ignited I and enveloped him in flames. He shut off the pressure and called for help i,.p,ow-workmen extinguished the fire I p probably recover. Rates: One Dollar ftc Annum, iu Advance. NUMBER 45. County ilnstitntc. The annual Teachers' lounty Insti tute will be held in Middleburg the wo k beginning November 20th. An excellent array of talent has been procured, among which are the follow Ing distinguished personages: Dr. W. M. Deatrich, professor of psychology, Kutctown Normal School ; Dr. F. R. Nobs, California Normal School: Dr. J. Q. Stewart, Ivputy state Superin tendent or Public Instruction and Dr. C. W. Heisler, president Susquehanna University. Monday evening, November 26th, lecture by Dr. Heisler; Tuesday even ing, November 27th, lecture by Hon. W. 1. Swope, Wednesday evening, Nov ember 1Mb, musical entertainment by Rod gem and Grilley, Thursday even ing, November 29th, lecture by Dr. homas W. Dinsmore, Prof. P. C. Bowcrsox Superintendent of the Public Schools of Snyder County. j 1' ' . i Dlrcc.. . TV.j w"l be observed as usual Thursday afternoon, NovenfMf 20th. The majority of persons who shall appear at these Institutes have been heard by me, and consequently our selection could and was made in the full light of intelligence. We tlrmly believe thai they will satisfy our high est expectations in point of interest, In struction and entertainment. Let all our people encourage our teaching force by attending this intel lectual feast and join with them in the celebration of Thanksgiving week at the county institute. Faithfully yours F, ('. BoWERSOX, County Supt. A Chance to Hear llyfon W. King. Byron W. King, the famous enter tainer and specialist In elocution, will give an entertainment in the Sellna grove Opera House, Friday evening, j November 16, r.HX). pror. King is well 1 known to many of our people as a man if a high order of ability and all who an should go to hear him next Friday veiling in Selinsgrove. He had irrcat natural abilities to lie -in with, and he has trained these and leveloped them, until his work is all I masterly. The Reporter, Professor King remained over Sunday and In the afternoon gave a Bible Read- bur at the Friends' churc h. The read ing was something wonderful and gave He- the idea that the selections were something never b.'fore heard or read. -Richmond I Ind.) Daily PaUadivm, The king of lecturers and entertain ers. St, Joe Gazette. Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the part nership Heretofore existing between liner Zechman and Levi B. Matter, trading as Zechman A Co., has been Ussolved. All debts will be paid by, and all accounts due the said firm are payable to, the undersigned. 11-15-St Elmer Zrchmaw. Whan vmi feel that life is hardly ,.rtb iii namlle tke a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, ton" up your liver and re gulate your bowels making you feel like a new man. For sale by the Middleburg Drug L-o. The strike of the Malthy mine of the ehirrh Valley Coal Company contin ues. It is a battle between the com pany and the Union Mine Workers. The old hands say they will not return to work until the company removes from the pay roll the names of non-union men. It -7i ' '1 ll ..- '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers