The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 08, 1900, Image 5

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    SyjWTBsSSBSSSST- m-,. arr-c
i Mil lii snrprisfiil
Josiah Covert, one of our bridge
builders, was home to vote.
M. Bohiiore ia home to cast
his first vote tor a president.
Mrs. J. H. Barb, of Hugheeville,
is visiting relatives and friends in
Miss Landers, who has sjK-nt sev
eral weeks in this place, returned
to her Maryland home Monday.
The mass meeting Monday even-
.. T ,. ' ..
mi: was wen auemico noin various
Lotions f the count v.
Before this reaches the public
through your paper, William Mo-
b .1 ' .
Kinlev will have lam re-elected
, ... i -
Vl. XIXIIICI, ..III nil., .in..., vi
. . . i
this place, went io I'anvine io spend
.. ad I tin with Ii'mv Humor II-
, . .
Major Rohbach, wife and daugh
ter, returned last Tuesday from
their trip to Indianapolis on a visit
to their son and brother.
The following came from U. P.
at Philadelphia to east their votes
for the William McKinley and the
whole Republican ticket: Wilfred
Foeht, B. M. Wagenseller, John
and George Schoch.
An old folks' party was given at
II. D. Schnure's in honor ol Miss
Landers of Thurmont, Md. The
ladies were all dressed in ancieut
costume. Refreshments were served
and a good time was had.
The Susquehanna football team
went to Philadelphia Saturdav last
to play the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A.,
but it rained there most ot the day
an I the grounds were unfit, so the
game was called off. The boys re
port having had a good time at the
courteous hands of the Y. M. C.
A. The sub-team went to North
"iimlierland to play there and wer
lxmten 6 to 0. "
The "Wamrmnker Hippedronie"
made its appearance Friday after
noon on schedule time. It was cer
tainly in the hands of the Demo
crats. Curiousity to see and hear
prompted many to go. From what
your correspondent can learn he
neither pleased the Democrats nor
disgruntled Republicans. I have
not heard of a single vote he made ;
he kept jumping from one thing to
another, not finishing any point he
wanted to make. Most of them fell
John Hackenburg, of Riedsville,
spent a few days with his parents.
Miss Annie Howell, of Heaver
town, visited her grandmother Sun
day. Miss Esta Shorties, of Heaver
town, was the guest of William
Mitchell's over Sunday.
Philip Herbster, one of Heaver
town's oldest citizens, was in town
one day last week.
- A number of our young people
attended the surprise party given
Miss Eva Rothrock last week.
Miss Kate Blet, of Lewistown, is
spending a few days in town visit
ing her sister, Mrs. John Ernest.
Miss Amy Mitchell, after spend
ing two weeks with her aunt at
Aline, returned home and is now
going to school.
John Harner, of Denison, Ohio,
whose name was mentioned last
week in these items, seems to lie the
champion fisherman at tliis place at
present. Last week he caught four
weighing U, 11, 1 and 38 pounds
respectively. The heaviest one
measuring 25 inches in length
He was Ashing about an hour.
The teachers of Franklin town
ship held their fourth institute at
bin 8 school house Friday evening.
The meeting was very interesting.
The next institute will be held at
Hassinger's school house Friday ev
ening a week. The question for
debate is, "Resolved, that the cor
porations and trusts are injurious to
the people financially." The af
firmative debaters are William F.
Howell and L. C. Bachman. Neg
ative, W. E. Zimmerman and Chas.
Miss Kate Noll returned home.
Harry Knights was home Tucs-
i (Jay.
! O. K. Rioe returned from the
woods last week.
Charles Keller and Mr. Kamer
were in town Sunday.
J.O. Nipple and son, of Sunbury,
formerly of this plaoe, were in town
Satur lay,
' Th.? most successful hunter of the!
; mum. ((.Tlmmio" v.i.
i b "
, found a dear.
The Republican mass noting
which was held Friday nigh! was
- ii .. i i
we" wnuw.
I. Neitzand mother,! barles
Shall r and wife enjoyed a drive to
i oaiu.siav.
W. J. Neitz and Richard Folia
are making ties for Reuben Meisei
., , . i . .
i o!i me i muaore iraei.
, ,.
Tin' Republican ma
which was hold at the National Ho
tel was a grand success.
, . . . ... i .
Edwin Arnold, ot ashmgton,
l. ( ., came home on Sunday to see
lis mother and many friends.
Charles Neitz and family, who
j will reside in Sunbury
lis winter,
wore n town atirinir uio ween.
Mi -. Mary Gipheny, of Perry
county, is Bpendillg several weeks
with her mother, Mrs. Sarah ShafJ
fer. Harry Lenig, who had boon
working at Milton, returned homo
Saturday to start out with the canal
Owing to the tact that the Detllo-
cralic inspector has gone to Akron
to work, Calvin Arnold has taken
his place.
Chester Nipple, of Sunbury, vis -
itedhisold home durinsr the week
und enjoyed a day's hunting with
some ol his friends.
A W An.L-r iw,t.d aura.
sor, and Brosious Brothers' most act
ive and enterprising clerk, was home
to attend the election,
Mrs. H. F. Charles, alter spend
ing several weeks in Sunbury hus
returned home and reports that her
niece has street v improved from
ber attack of typhoid lever.
.). Rl. Au rand and wile were to
Lewisburg Saturday.
H. A. Gemberline was to North-
umberland Satttidav.
George and Cora Pontius, ofMif-
flintown, visited Lewis Pontius and
family Friday.
Andrew Kecfer and wife, of Mil-
lersburg, are Bpending several weeks
in this vicinity visiting relatives.
( me of Salem's young ladies, Miss
Agnes C. Klingler, was wedded
Sunday evening to Calvin Dinius.
of near New Berlin,
Charles II. Woodrufl came home
to see his dear, dear, dear, well
say, mother and friends and also to
cast his vote for McKinley.
Mrs. Thomas Krdlcy and chil
dren, Mel lie and Henry, of Vicks
burg, Saturday and Sunday were
entertained by Miss Maln-l K lister.
Reformation services were held
at this place Sunday morning. Very
good and suitable addresses were
made by Rev. Warner, Prof. Hat.
E. Fisher and Prof. J. L Woodruff,
art of Susquehanna University.
Mrs Elizabeth Woodrufl had as
callers Sunday afternoon Prof.
Woodruff, wife and children, Ralph
and Mary, and Mrs. Newton .Tar-
rett and (laughter, Katie, of Selins-
grove, and Peter Klingler and wife
of Hummel's Wharf.
Notice of Application for Charter.
Notice la hereby vlven llisl an application
will be made lo the Governor of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania on Thursday, Novem
ber 38nd, 1900, by J. H. Helfonttein, K . I . Wai;-
f..ifli'llr A J M..I...I1 K II llll..r f ..! W U.
penncliade and A. W. Potter, under the Act of i
Amemlily of the Commonweatth of Pcnnayl-
vanla entitled, "An Act to provide for the in
corporation and regulation of certain corpora
tions," approved April 29, 1HT1, and the supple
ments thereto, for the Charter of an intended
corporation to be called' "The Juniata and .Sus
quehanna Telephone Company," the character
and object of which is to purchase, lease, con
struct, maintain and operate lines of Telcphono
In the counties of f .umtierland Oauphin, Frank
lin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata. Mifflin. Nor
thumberland, Perry and Snyder, and lor these
purposes to have, possess, and enjoy all the
rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of
Assembly and Its supplements.
Selinsgrove. Pa Solicitor.
October 1-th, 1M0.
Our formers have finished husk
ing corn.
the Mint valley school visited
toe Nelti valley school Friday,
Christopher Haines and S. 1).
Straub were visiting J. Haines' Sun-
Mr& Cameron Maud
Mttrtini 1,1 Neita valley, were in
,,," vicinity.
. h is pwtl thai the Menno-
uites will preach lor us at litbenezer
a... i v i n ionn
, Sunday, November 1 1 1 ! N 10.
.W. Mover, of Rivereide and
C; O. barman, ol Al toonu, are vis-
itincr rnpir nnronis n tins n am.
r- - i
i nere win ne a Biiooiing inaicn
atT. C Landis' Saturday, Novem
ber 10th. No. 8 ."-In it to be used
All marksmen are cordially invited.
When you feel thai life is hardly-
worth tlu candle take n done ol
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They will cleanse your
stomach, tone up your liver ami re
, gulate vour bowels making you feel
l l:l c . .... i . i ... . i. .
Ilhl 11 Ill'W lllllll. 1 Ol s,m' ll I III'
MkMleburg Drug Co
Milton Hoffman i
pending a va-
cation :il home.
Singing school al Grubb's church
next Sunday evening.
Miss Cora Heiiitzelnian has re
turned homo for a lew days.
The funeral of Mrs. Sliarl al Par
adise church was largely attended.
The heavy rain we had Tuesday
of last week gave the late sowed full
seeding new vigor.
j 1 woods and ti.M- are lull ol
hunting parties, looking for rabbits
d birds but finding few.
1 Luther Kidman, from Paxinos,
11,1(1 ColP 11 Meiser, from Meiser-
I ville, siion. Sunday at Hai ley's.
Allien Heim, WO" orks at Mil-
I lersbunr for the ! Coal Com-
pan-, was home over i indav.
Ellas Heintzelman is re-weMther-boarding
his house. Carpenter
Prank Martin is doing the work.
Lev. Francis, of the U. B. church
at Paradise, has been returned to
that charge, lie is a popular lum
ISter and will lie liked.
Klsworth Troup and lady friend,
from llowellvillc, enjoyed them
selves under the parental roof over
John Straub, of Herndon and
Henry Straub, of Mt. Carmel, are
spending the hunting season at their
fi,thcr'8 l,,:"v "' 'lUl of birds.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
find it to be a great medicine, says
Mr, E, S. Thipps, of Poteau. 4rk.
"It cured me ol bloody flux, J can
not speak too highly of it." This
remedy always wius the good opin
ion, if not praise, of those who ate
it The quick cures which it effects
even ia the most severe cuses make
it a favorite everywhere For sale
by the Middleburg Drug Co.
Many of our farmers have sick
Our farmers are hauling lime at
a lively rati;.
Ed. Stahl and Philip Shafer were
in town.
Isaac Campbell did some painting
for our merchant last week.
Many of our farmers have not
Sufficient water tor their stock.
The telephone is getting very
popular along the river.
A. E. itmcr is hauling his win
ter coal from Port Trevorton.
H. H. Sechrist and John Foltz
passed through
II. D. Schnure, of Selinsgrove,
was seen on our streets.
The Susquehanna is still low and
our coal diggers are disappointed.
J. R. Riegel passed through town
Oil llis Way to meet tile School boai d.
Minnie E. Eyer, of Selinsgrove,
visited her sister, Maria W. Dun
dore. Everybody was out hunting last
week, but no accidents are reported
so far.
James M. Rambo and son have
been doing carpenter work for F.
F. Neitz.
Daniel Kid s is on the sick list,
J, . VV'itmer intends to start
shortly for Johnstown to work on a!
i timber tract.
John Hunts, of Freeburg, atop
lied in town with a load of "shoe
Charles Ulrich, of Selinsgrove,
passed through town on his way to
i Wt Trevorton,
Meiser and Weaver have a num
ber of meu at work making ties in I
Dliudorc's timber tract.
George A. Wolf received u large
lot of trees that he ordered from a
nursery in New Jersey.
Luther Wagcnseller, of Seliuc
grove, a stout Republican and a suc
cessful salesman, was in tow n.
A first-class tenant farmer can!
hear ol a nod farm to rent lv in
quiriug at the posl office.
Bryan's platform is like Joseph's
coat a crazy
(llilt to gel ,1 Vote. !
Interested in oulv
one tliiiiLr hi'1
wants to be President.
Tiny young is on the sick list.
Hunting on the cat al i- brisk and
tin strike is over.
Peter Klingler an I wifi isited
Mrs. Woodruil id Salem Sunday.
Some of the hunters of this place
succeeded in tting a few rabbits.
Charles S;i- n nan, of m ar N'orth
umberland, visited his parents Sun
day. Andrew Kecfer an I wife, i.i'
WoodsideSl iiiou, incul :: few d.ivs
al Samuel Trutt's.
Lci Dressier wears a broad smile
because anotlu r little filmier came
lo Ins In insc to slav
' 1
John Long and sons, of Penn
township, will siMin have Ed'. Iluuc
mel's new barn under roof.
Daniel S'csholtz. wife and little
daughter, of Sunbury, spent a few
days last week in this place.
Mr-. Amanda Noll and Mi
Minnie and Katie Trutl siwiil a few
davs last week at Shamokin and
Ml. 'annel.
Frank Krdlev's child, who liml
been severely burned wimc time airo
i i . , .
") CXplos ,1 a lamp, IS get-
ting n long Nicely.
Harry Davis, of Sunbury, i- im
proving the buildings on his f irm
which he purchased from Harry
1 1 iimmcl recently.
P. L. Jarrett, a former teacher of
this place, but now a student of
Dickinson College, Carlisle, spent a
few days with his parents,
The Republican meeting at Sha
mokin Dam Saturdav evening was
well attended, and also at Selins
grove Monday evening.
Since our last writing Irvin Mill-
loll moved into Andrew Trutt'sling room and bllffel aleenlnn cars from Nsii
tenant house and Irvin Walter hai
moved to Ins latlier-in-law, I
Lincoln Jarrett is home from Car
lisle on a visit.
Mrs. Emma Walbron is learning
the millinery trade.
Allen Keyser has a sick horse.
Shreiner stands for McKinley,
Jesse Hummel moved to Milton,
lie is working in a machine factory.
Wednesday evening brought the
revival meeting of Shreiner's Evan
gelical church to a close. It will
be continued at Kratzcrville for
some time.
David Hoover is busy
shingles for John Schnee.
A. F. and Absalom Schnee were
to Sunbury last Monday.
Henry HArding was to Selins
grove Monday.
David Hoover is busy hauling
shingles to Middleburgh to load a
W. A. Schnee and (J rover were
to Kanlz Inst Saturday.
The Lord's Supper was celebra
ted in the St. John's church last
Sunday morning.
How is this?
Perhaps sleepless nights
caused it, or grief, oa sick
ness, or perhaps it wBcare.
No matter what the cause,
you cannot wish to look old
at thirty.
Cray hair is starved hair.
The hair bulbs have been
deprived of proper food or
proper nerve force.
Increases the circulation In
the scalp, Rives mere power
to the nerves, supplies miss
Ins elements to the hair
Used nccorJing to direc
tions, r;ray hair begins to
show color in a few days.
Soon It has all the softness
and richness of youth and
the color of early life returns.
VC'ould you like our bonk
on the Hair? Wo will gladly
end it i you.
VMto us
If you do not obtain all the
benefits you expected from
the Vigor, write the doctor
about it. He may be able lo
suggest soon thing of value
to you. AJJress, Dr. J. C.
Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
ur Inra
; corn.
J. L. (
I ave finished
o per
n pairing In
ling hou i,
on Zion II
i; is in pr irei
Our sportsmen are busy bringing
1 in game.
William nickel led Lis ps rental
home Monday nil I moved his house
hold g(Mi Is t i ,M iz (diu, I fnion ( !o.
S ii'iv. ,l .,H I , , t,,n ... . i .,r-
lil.- mi. I Wi ! I nil in sjiorl l.lno."N " ' .
Illvrly Ihr l?nri i Hmnr In Kiivnii.
nnh, Jnrktioiivlllr, Til in nil mill nil
PlorlrtM Poliim
h al,v s' rv''''' ""' I'uiimiui
drawlna room and bulTel tleeplnu cars tnun
s, vork, Phlla, la, Ilaltltnoro, WuhUIiik
ion and lllclimond. Round irlp winter tour
im oxcuraion uekeiH are now on wile ul .ill nrln-
cipni points to Jacksonville, Tampa anil Florida
I points, Tralim arrive and depart at pennaylVB'
I nla Railroad stations, for further Infurtiiii Ion
I call mi or address w. c, Bhoemakcr, General
, Baa tern paaaentror Agent. I MM Broadway, New
Vork; iU L hongRdorf, KewHCogland Pasaiii ger
1 Agent, .'I'f. Woablngton strcoi, it. n, M ih.
W. M. Mri inn oi. Ueneral Agent, IW4 New York
Avenue, Woablngton, u. U , r the ueneral
I Passenger Agent, I'ortauiouUi, Vo,
; K. St. Jons,
I. s. ALLEN,
Oen. I'aaaAgt,
The route of the 'Atlanta Special" l-ulu the
Seaboard Air l.lno Railway, "Florida and Wosi
tOdla SIliU'l l.llli'. - Wlt.ll Itimil.'h Pllltnnn Hraw
i rorg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington ami
I RiehiiioiHl lo Alliens ami Atlanta, where direct
Ulip connections are made in union Depot rnr Mont
gomery, Macon, New Orleans and all points
Smith and Southwest. .Trains arrive and depart
at Pennsylvania Railroad Stations. fun her
I information call on or address W.C. Shoemaker,
I Ueneral ICasrern Passenger Agent, MM Broad
way, New .irk; o L, Loagsdorf, New England
Passenger Agent, dm Washington street, Bos
ton Hasii.W. m. HeConnel, General Ageni
h:ii New Vork avenue, Washington, Of u., or
the general Passenger Agontai Portsmoath.Va
V. P. & (i. II, lien. Pass, Ak't
Very cold drinks, as n rule, Increase
the feverish condition of the mouth
ami' stomach, and 10 create thirst. Ex
perience shows it to be a fact that
hot drinks relieve thirst anil "cool off
the body when it is in an a'bnorma'.lv
heated condition better than lee-cold
The widow of Hi!! Anthony, hero of
the battleship Maine, prays the New
Vork newspapers to desist in raising
funds fnr her. She says that she can
make her own way.
T. W. Williams, of Decatur. Ala., Is
said to own the largest hop in the
world. It wcifrbs 1 ,.i24 pounds, is ten
feet two inches in length and 4i feet
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Wl' I'M. I yon I
uble fo d i this
Ii" so surprisim
! sufficient !
Fine Display of
Fancy Rockers
t E, S.Weimer& Oo,
J Furniture Dealers and
Funeral Directors
4th St.. SUNBURN , PA.
Tbr.iu;rli thi
of Kunwui, id
kindness of Mr. Curtis,
counlrj la offered uu
i scape from further
controversy about
the cuding of the
ii: Li i n Inl i OthiCI d in
ii Vn hinjrtoii corre
e St. boills ' llollC-1 i I : Its
the inatler. Ii lixi the
i r i luil "inn years muk
Itinlnu w nh
: he j ear ili Ipnnted by
1 1 hut i nl urj and closv
i day nT the j i ur ilesig
iiiiialioti i I ; be t wi
linecl ii 'ii with this so
il ! urj problem t he nu
- ii. i ru n, nsks con
lawful to iim' ihroiigh
luli'S wluil he cuill "the
i nl ; stent of ohro
a. n'a Christian i'hn
ia! oi the Icgiatai Ion fo
::s in Be i.i th( set H i
"thl ! for the pur ose
oraiii y mid tr.el hod in
; h and t rnuBncl i ins
rtmentM of tin United
, noloj Ibei
i Mr. Cm
d set
which provit'i
ol securing m
all govern i nl
i '
i , ' irei
ii'i scries
.en's Table
A. !..' ' ni.
tployes with copies of Cru
of charts, Including 'Cru
Vi nr of Time, C. W. nud
n'a Circular Time I '!;ni i . a
I'l rpei mil Cnlendnr,' and 'Crtien's AnJ
gulur Time ('hurt, n Perpetual Calen
dar,' and iii the computation ol nine
the foregoing chart so supplici shall
be flnul nud supreme," Mr, Cruzen's
bill will reach t lie stnireof prlntinirund
i In u repose pi ii pigconlu le i.i ! !;i room
of the com in it ice on judiciary.
An American consul has been dis
ciisiiiT the reasons Americans hove
f jr going abroad so frequently mnl
in the numbers ihej do. lie thinks
they an- principally Ibree; Hrst, t!,c
ilrsirc lo ediieui their children In
Europe; second, the great r cheap
ness in the en i of liiin. :n '. thirdly,
a growing dislike of the American j el"
low press and its methods, The hist
la do doubt a factor in the case, for
its tendency to vulgarize everything
is very offensive to those who aim
nt refinement and the enjoyment of
life. This apart, however, it is nat
ural fur sueli Vmerlcans ;i ran n T ird
it ti seek chnnge of atmosphere and
surroundings in the older forma of
An expert in financial statist lea
says thai the losses by business fail
ures in the last ten years in the
United states amount to $1,800,000,000,
which is more than twice the amount
of the country's circulating medium.
Ill the same time there was n loss of
11,300,000,000 by (ires, against, which
there was an Insurance of $s(hi,
leaving n net loss of $500,000,000. The
excess of liabilities ou r assets In the
failures of the ten years represented
a dead loss of 11,300,000 to 150,000,000
creditors. Bad information and mal
administration, were responsible for
this tremendous loss.
Among the features of the St. Louis
exposition, to be held in 1003, W ill be a
mommothfWStch, which will lie flat on
its back. It is to have a polished metal
case just like, that of the ordinary I
watch, and will be so large anil roomy
inside that people will be able to walk
around in it among the moving whet Is.
The diameter of the mammoth time.-
pleee will be T5 feet, and1 its height or
thickness in feet. The buhiine wheel?
will Weigh a ton, and what is called this
"hairspring" In small watohi will be
us thick as a man's wrist. The length
of the mainspring will be ::oo feet.
) Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervous
i prostration". Ur. Mile' Nervine cures th - m.